If an ESTp says “yes” he means “yes”.
If an ESTp says “no” he means “no”.
If an ESTp says “maybe” he is ENTp.
If an ISFj says “no” he means “maybe”.
If an ISFj says “maybe” he means “yes”.
If an ISFj says “yes” he is very tired.
If an ENTp says “yes” he means “maybe”.
If an ENTp says “maybe” he means “no”.
If an ENTp says “no” he feels himself ESFp.
Tell me who your dual is I shall tell to you who are you.
If an ESTp remains silent for 3 minutes, it means he is numb, if 5 - it means he is dead.
An ENFp helps those who help themselves.
Brief characteristics:
ESTj - reliable, serious, practical.
ESFp - practical, cheerful, unreliable.
It you want to be lost in crowd - pretend to be an ISTp.
An ENTp is always hungry,
An INFj is always ill,
An ESTp is always ESTp. (lol)
An introverted ENTp looks like an INTj, extraverted – like a cock.
Between two ENFps it’s not worth choosing. (
Who does not know typology - does not know himself.
Who does not know himself - does not know anything.
To explain the behaviour of a person it is completely unnecessary to know his type, it is enough to know socionics.
Socionics is not only a science about various types of people, but also an art to bullshit them.
An INTp says that socionics isn’t necessary for him;
An ENFp says that socionics isn’t necessary for anybody;
And an ESTj keeps reading the papers.