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Thread: Expat's socionics type test

  1. #1
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    Default Expat's socionics type test

    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    Supposing that I was forced to live in a place, for example, where I bought an apartment. I would live in a big metropolis with a lot of movement and places where to go. Paris is one of my favourites. I think Tokyo or Sydney are also good eventual options. I would still spend my day being active in some pursuit or another, small jobs, or teaching, something like that. I would cycle a lot and explore everything around; do logic puzzles in order for my mind not to go bonkers, throw a debate here and there - not much else, I think?

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I'd move a lot, between extremes in climate. 2 years in Brazil, 1 year in Norway, 1 year central china, etc.

    I don't think I'd be able to laze about, I'd still be active in some way or another, get to know the people that live in the place, explore, try the games of the people, try to provide them of something that they might need from the previous places I've been, learn their language (IDK if this is as easy as I make it sound). I would like to have zero connection to the "business" world, so to speak.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
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    Comments on FDG's answers --

    The most obvious thing is a concern with mobility, so an extrovert. I get the vibe of a more "impulsive" mobility due to this:

    with a lot of movement and places where to go
    being active in some pursuit or another, small jobs, or teaching, something like that
    I'd still be active in some way or another

    So, all of that sounds like an extrovert irrational, EP rather than EJ.

    Now, this:

    Paris is one of my favourites. I think Tokyo or Sydney are also good eventual options. I would still spend my day being active in some pursuit or another, small jobs, or teaching, something like that. I would cycle a lot and explore everything around
    I'd move a lot, between extremes in climate. 2 years in Brazil, 1 year in Norway, 1 year central china, etc.
    Big cities, cycling, extremes in climate -- not as preference.

    So far, ESTp or ESFp.

    Now, this:

    get to know the people that live in the place, explore, try the games of the people, try to provide them of something that they might need from the previous places I've been, learn their language (IDK if this is as easy as I make it sound). I would like to have zero connection to the "business" world, so to speak

    At face value, this suggests rather than to me.

    do logic puzzles in order for my mind not to go bonkers, throw a debate here and there - not much else, I think?
    But this obviously sounds like .

    So, from this answer, I easily reach Se EP, not clear between ESFp or ESTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #4

    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I'd live in a cottage in the countryside, close to the woods - not too far from town, though. Read books, practice archery, play games. Occasionally I'd meet up with other 'old farts' to remember the 'good old days', discuss what went wrong with the world - things like that. I'd definitely like grandchildren - I'd tell them about all the good things in the world, how they work and how to recognize them, recommend books to read, show them the glory of nature and the benefit of positive outlook to life. The most important lesson I'd teach them, however, is that they, by themselves, are responsible for the lives they lead and things they accomplish.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I suspect my retirement in this case would be almost identical to the one described above. Just substitute the cottage for a manor, add riding, fencing and dancing lessons and lets not forget about a butler and a couple of servants. I'd carefully cultivate the nature of a grumpy old gentleman with a heart of gold...
    ILI, INTp

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    Accommodation wise, as long as I have a roof over my head, that's enough. A place to call home.

    I don't think I can spend my day doing nothing or staying home all day. I'd like to meet friends, over a cuppa coffee or something, and chat(people I feel comfortable with to share ideas & debate about them)?
    I'd most likely also read a lot about things that interest me.

    I'd prefer to still work, when I feel like it. To meet new people, know/learn about them? Anyway, I'd rather die than have nothing to do. I'd be bored to death. lol. I don't really have a plan, nor do I wanna plan what I'm gonna do. That's stifles the possibilities of what I could do. Hmm...

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Heh. Lazing about sounds like a good idea. But lazing about doing nothing? I'd die I'm boredom I think.

    If I retire rich, I'd set up a business. Or maybe I already have one. Well, I'd employ those who aren't earning much, if they aren't that skilled, put them through some program and let them work in my company(anyway, they country I'm from is not a welfare country). Earn more money, and give more money to wherever. However, I don't think there's ever enough to go around.
    I won't play an active role in the business though, probably have someone I can trust to handle stuff. And check on the welfare of the workers time to time, then maybe the business...?
    ^I think that paragraph sounds pretty stupid. But it sounds good to me.

    I'd likely do the same as what I've said in the first question.
    Accommodation - Preferably a cool climate, not humid where the temperature isn't too extreme. A place that is simple, yet accessible to daily necessities, like the grocers.
    That's because I'd be too lazy to go too far to get simple stuff like that.
    I'd like to travel, though not for periods too long, and I'd always go back to my *home*.

    I have no idea what I'd do really, I'm bad at planning for the future. Don't know what's gonna happen, since there are many things that COULD happen and many things that I can do.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Snakeingrass
    I'd live in a cottage in the countryside, close to the woods - not too far from town, though. Read books, practice archery, play games. Occasionally I'd meet up with other 'old farts' to remember the 'good old days', discuss what went wrong with the world - things like that. I'd definitely like grandchildren - I'd tell them about all the good things in the world, how they work and how to recognize them, recommend books to read, show them the glory of nature and the benefit of positive outlook to life. The most important lesson I'd teach them, however, is that they, by themselves, are responsible for the lives they lead and things they accomplish.
    What I get here is Fi and T, more Te but Ti as well. A bit of Se and a bit of Si, neither very important.

    Quote Originally Posted by Snakeingrass
    I suspect my retirement in this case would be almost identical to the one described above. Just substitute the cottage for a manor, add riding, fencing and dancing lessons and lets not forget about a butler and a couple of servants. I'd carefully cultivate the nature of a grumpy old gentleman with a heart of gold...
    Dislike for Si, more emphasis on Se.

    The general impression suggests a low emphasis on mobility, as (for instance) compared to FDG's descriptions. So more likely an introvert than extrovert.

    So far I have Se, Fi, likely Te, introvert ---> Gamma introvert, INTp or ISFj.

    Occasionally I'd meet up with other 'old farts' to remember the 'good old days', discuss what went wrong with the world - things like that. I'd definitely like grandchildren - I'd tell them about all the good things in the world, how they work and how to recognize them, recommend books to read, show them the glory of nature and the benefit of positive outlook to life.
    This seems more focus on and than on .

    So, yeah, I'd have guessed INTp from this. Also, it's remarkably similar to what another INTp said.

    The Se>Si preference wasn't that clear, so as a second choice I'd say ISTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  7. #7

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    Retirement, I dream about it all the time.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I hope to live in a metropolis like NY where there are a lot of things going on. Ideally, I love my profession so I think I'll keep doing it after I retire. I won't put all my time into it, but won't just stop. And, I think I'd like to take courses in universities or community colleges.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    If I end up being very wealthy, I'd definitely try to do something for developing countries. For leisure, I want to spend time in many cool places and understand the culture there. Of course, I have to do space travelling!!!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Accommodation wise, as long as I have a roof over my head, that's enough. A place to call home.

    I don't think I can spend my day doing nothing or staying home all day. I'd like to meet friends, over a cuppa coffee or something, and chat(people I feel comfortable with to share ideas & debate about them)?
    I'd most likely also read a lot about things that interest me.

    I'd prefer to still work, when I feel like it. To meet new people, know/learn about them? Anyway, I'd rather die than have nothing to do. I'd be bored to death. lol. I don't really have a plan, nor do I wanna plan what I'm gonna do. That's stifles the possibilities of what I could do. Hmm...
    What I get most clearly is irrationality, perhaps a bit of extroversion but less clear. Apart from that, perhaps Fi focus. Si or Se aren't clear, they don't seem very important. Probably neither a Si nor Se ego type.

    So so far an XXFp type, perhaps EXFp. If not Se or Si in ego, than some XNFp type. Which the Fi preference and apparent extroversion would make into ENFp.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Heh. Lazing about sounds like a good idea. But lazing about doing nothing? I'd die I'm boredom I think.

    If I retire rich, I'd set up a business. Or maybe I already have one. Well, I'd employ those who aren't earning much, if they aren't that skilled, put them through some program and let them work in my company(anyway, they country I'm from is not a welfare country). Earn more money, and give more money to wherever. However, I don't think there's ever enough to go around.
    Looks like valueing Te, Fi and perhaps Ne (seeing the potential of people rather than their present circumnstances).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    I won't play an active role in the business though, probably have someone I can trust to handle stuff. And check on the welfare of the workers time to time, then maybe the business...?
    ^I think that paragraph sounds pretty stupid. But it sounds good to me.
    Te in the super-id block, perhaps even dual-seeking. You value Te but want someone's help with it. Also, you focus on people above all. Ethical type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    I'd likely do the same as what I've said in the first question.
    Accommodation - Preferably a cool climate, not humid where the temperature isn't too extreme. A place that is simple, yet accessible to daily necessities, like the grocers.
    That's because I'd be too lazy to go too far to get simple stuff like that.
    I'd like to travel, though not for periods too long, and I'd always go back to my *home*.

    I have no idea what I'd do really, I'm bad at planning for the future. Don't know what's gonna happen, since there are many things that COULD happen and many things that I can do.
    The last paragraph is an Ne statement.

    ENFp most likely. With INFj as a not very close second choice.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    Retirement, I dream about it all the time.
    That, at face value, suggests Ni. At least Ni over Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I hope to live in a metropolis like NY where there are a lot of things going on. Ideally, I love my profession so I think I'll keep doing it after I retire. I won't put all my time into it, but won't just stop. And, I think I'd like to take courses in universities or community colleges.
    Not a lot of Si, focus on Te and perhaps Ne? And most likely a logical type.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    If I end up being very wealthy, I'd definitely try to do something for developing countries. For leisure, I want to spend time in many cool places and understand the culture there. Of course, I have to do space travelling!!!
    This suggests Ne, perhaps a bit of Fi.

    So far a logical type seemingly focusing on both Ne and Ni, not much time for Si, perhaps more Fi than Fe.

    INTp > ENTj > ENTp > INTj
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  10. #10
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    Hey me and sara can go live toghether
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I would like to have zero connection to the "business" world, so to speak.
    Why exactly is that?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  12. #12
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I would like to have zero connection to the "business" world, so to speak.
    Why exactly is that?
    Because I have something psychological against it that makes me think it's full of cutthroat, fake, unstrusteable, petty, closed off and unreccomendable people with whom I have generally nothing to share and that like you only for the connections you can provide them. Ok, shallow judgement and all that, but I can recognize that kind of people even now in university forming their cobwebs I try to stay away from.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  13. #13
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions. 1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I want to live in the Arizona desert, and have my many kids visit me and my wifey. I definitely want to continue my involvement with the academic ommunity and research for the rest of my life, so perhaps I will never actually retire. I wouldn't mind having a vacation bungalow somewhere else in the world as well. That would be nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I think I would do the same thing, only upgrade my house a bit. Maybe start a scholarship fund, or find a way to generate more T activities. Ooooh, maybe start my own university.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    1) I would still want to learn new things, and interest, rather than practicality, will be my motivation in learning them. I would be involved in creative pursuits like drawing, painting, gardening, learning to play a musical instrument, web design etc. During my free time, I would go out with my friends and have high tea and do shopping together.

    2) I want to have a round-the-world trip where I can learn about different cultures and festivals, and collect souvenirs from all the countries I have gone to. I would also like to own a private island where I can laze around lying on a hammock or swim in my pool. I would invite my friends there and we can play card games and board games together under the shade beside the pool, and have sumptuous meals of oysters, lobsters, abalone and other seafood.

  15. #15
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    1. I always wanted to be the matriarch that my grandmother is, taking care of the needs of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, seeing that family "runs smoothly"; only I'd be less of a pushover.
    It's what I'd want, I've a'ways admired my grandmother; but I don't think I could put up with everyone.
    Other than that, living quietly; perhaps taking classes somewhere for my own enjoyment, painting and reading during the day.

    2. Same as if I won the lottery now-do all the things I've everwanted to do, go to the places I've always wanted to go and fulfill every dream I've ever had.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Because I have something psychological against it that makes me think it's full of cutthroat, fake, unstrusteable, petty, closed off and unreccomendable people with whom I have generally nothing to share and that like you only for the connections you can provide them. Ok, shallow judgement and all that, but I can recognize that kind of people even now in university forming their cobwebs I try to stay away from.
    That sounds like to me.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    I want to live in the Arizona desert, and have my many kids visit me and my wifey. I definitely want to continue my involvement with the academic ommunity and research for the rest of my life, so perhaps I will never actually retire. I wouldn't mind having a vacation bungalow somewhere else in the world as well. That would be nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    I think I would do the same thing, only upgrade my house a bit. Maybe start a scholarship fund, or find a way to generate more T activities. Ooooh, maybe start my own university.
    Not much information. A bit of Si, Ne, and T generally. Logical type, probably Alpha NT.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  18. #18
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    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I would like to travel. I'm already retired (in a way lol) but I can't travel as much as I'd like to because my husband isn't retired and I have a young child. My husband said we could even actually move different places and I *would* like that but I'll never move that far away from my daughter, unless she moves someplace away from me I guess, but even then I don't think I'd move to a different country or anything. Hmm but I suppose she could move to a different country. In which case maybe we'd move to Australia like my husband wants. I have no idea. I also like doing volunteer work, and I'd have more time to do that if my daughter were older. We have a lot of lakes around here and I'd like to get a place on a lake when we retire. The problem is that with my husband's car hobby, we'd have to get a place on a lake that has enough space for a huge garage. That is possible here but maybe hard to come by on a nicer lake. Well whatever. I suppose it would be for the most part the same as I'm doing now only my husband would be home more.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc
    If I were rich, I'd travel even more! I'd go to all sorts of exciting places and stay in fancy spa resort type places, and go to Broadway shows, and uh. . . I'm sure I could come up with plenty of stuff to do. I'd do like half Marlon and half Richard - laze around for a while, then jet off somewhere exciting, and then laze on my own private tropical island for a while longer while I think of what exciting place I want to go to next.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    1) I would still want to learn new things, and interest, rather than practicality, will be my motivation in learning them. I would be involved in creative pursuits like drawing, painting, gardening, learning to play a musical instrument, web design etc. During my free time, I would go out with my friends and have high tea and do shopping together.
    Ne and Si, perhaps low Te. Probably more ethical than logical.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    2) I want to have a round-the-world trip where I can learn about different cultures and festivals, and collect souvenirs from all the countries I have gone to. I would also like to own a private island where I can laze around lying on a hammock or swim in my pool. I would invite my friends there and we can play card games and board games together under the shade beside the pool, and have sumptuous meals of oysters, lobsters, abalone and other seafood.
    Lots of Si, and again more ethical than logical.

    Ethical Ne and Si. ESFj, ISFp, ENFp, INFj. Ne seems to be more important than Si, so ENFp or INFj are more likely.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
    1. I always wanted to be the matriarch that my grandmother is, taking care of the needs of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, seeing that family "runs smoothly"; only I'd be less of a pushover.
    It's what I'd want, I've a'ways admired my grandmother; but I don't think I could put up with everyone.
    Other than that, living quietly; perhaps taking classes somewhere for my own enjoyment, painting and reading during the day.

    2. Same as if I won the lottery now-do all the things I've everwanted to do, go to the places I've always wanted to go and fulfill every dream I've ever had.
    Not much information. Introvert, Si. Ethical/logical not clear. Alpha or Delta introvert.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  21. #21

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    Anyway, I think the test was pretty good.

    The observations & descriptions too.
    Great idea for new comers who wants to know their type.

    However, not everyone would describe in detail, that might be the only down side I guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    I would like to travel. I'm already retired (in a way lol) but I can't travel as much as I'd like to because my husband isn't retired and I have a young child. My husband said we could even actually move different places and I *would* like that but I'll never move that far away from my daughter, unless she moves someplace away from me I guess, but even then I don't think I'd move to a different country or anything. Hmm but I suppose she could move to a different country. In which case maybe we'd move to Australia like my husband wants. I have no idea. I also like doing volunteer work, and I'd have more time to do that if my daughter were older. We have a lot of lakes around here and I'd like to get a place on a lake when we retire. The problem is that with my husband's car hobby, we'd have to get a place on a lake that has enough space for a huge garage. That is possible here but maybe hard to come by on a nicer lake. Well whatever. I suppose it would be for the most part the same as I'm doing now only my husband would be home more.
    A bit of Si focus, ethical, and I guess static. So EP IJ Si F: ENFp INFj

    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    If I were rich, I'd travel even more! I'd go to all sorts of exciting places and stay in fancy spa resort type places, and go to Broadway shows, and uh. . . I'm sure I could come up with plenty of stuff to do. I'd do like half Marlon and half Richard - laze around for a while, then jet off somewhere exciting, and then laze on my own private tropical island for a while longer while I think of what exciting place I want to go to next.
    Again more Si and confirming the above. I'd guess irrational rather than rational, so ENFp. There is some Ne rather than Ni too, but to my eyes the focus on Si is more obvious.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Sorry it came out so long. I wrote them in notepad to have the answer written down before I start reading the possible interpretations. I didn't realize everyone else wrote shorter texts.

    1.the realistic retirement. By then I have accumulated an adequate standard of living. I share a small house with my husband, who reads a newspaper and smokes a pipe. I have my small comfortable routine with 10am alarm wake-up, noon TV-series, 2 o'clock tea, etc. I participate in some social group that gets together once-twice a week to gossip. My sister lives nearby, we visit each other a lot because my husband has gotten used to saying "yes, dear" and I've grown a bit tired of only blabbing with him. I think I'll be such an expert with my work that I'll still review articles in my field or something like that. I'll have 3-4 kids, but they play minor part in my everyday life. They have a life of their own and I sometimes show pictures of them to my friends because I'm so proud of them.

    2.The perfect retirement. I would own a huge medieval style castle with a butler, maid, the whole works... I'll have my personal physical instructor, cook, day-planner. I won't have to worry about forgetting myself on the couch for month just getting fat. I'll have hired people who make sure I get things done and at the end of the day I'll feel like I have accomplished something. Occasionally I'll invest in some scientific study of my field. I'll probably have somewhat less friends compared to the previous future, because the hired help tires me out and lets me live out some of my talking needs. I think I'll be very good to my closest helpers, basically a friend, but rather distant with the cleaners, etc. My cook consults with my physical instructor about the calories and such and prepares yummy treats accordingly. Mmmm...
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Sorry it came out so long. I wrote them in notepad to have the answer written down before I start reading the possible interpretations. I didn't realize everyone else wrote shorter texts.
    That's fine and good

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    1.the realistic retirement. By then I have accumulated an adequate standard of living. I share a small house with my husband, who reads a newspaper and smokes a pipe. I have my small comfortable routine with 10am alarm wake-up, noon TV-series, 2 o'clock tea, etc. I participate in some social group that gets together once-twice a week to gossip. My sister lives nearby, we visit each other a lot because my husband has gotten used to saying "yes, dear" and I've grown a bit tired of only blabbing with him. I think I'll be such an expert with my work that I'll still review articles in my field or something like that. I'll have 3-4 kids, but they play minor part in my everyday life. They have a life of their own and I sometimes show pictures of them to my friends because I'm so proud of them.
    Lots of Fe, Process-oriented, a bit of T but less than Fe. More Ni than Ne. Si and Se not clear, neither is very important.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    2.The perfect retirement. I would own a huge medieval style castle with a butler, maid, the whole works... I'll have my personal physical instructor, cook, day-planner. I won't have to worry about forgetting myself on the couch for month just getting fat. I'll have hired people who make sure I get things done and at the end of the day I'll feel like I have accomplished something. Occasionally I'll invest in some scientific study of my field. I'll probably have somewhat less friends compared to the previous future, because the hired help tires me out and lets me live out some of my talking needs. I think I'll be very good to my closest helpers, basically a friend, but rather distant with the cleaners, etc. My cook consults with my physical instructor about the calories and such and prepares yummy treats accordingly. Mmmm...
    Again lots of Fe. Se dual-seeking or in superid. A bit of T but not much.

    Fe in ego --> ESFj, ISFp, ENFj, INFp; no Se or Si in ego --->
    ENFj, INFp confirmed by the impression of Ni rather than Ne.

    The main focus was on Fe rather than Ni, so more likely ENFj rather than INFp.

    Process rather than result ---> Confirms ENFj rather than INFp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    By the way, if anyone has alternative interpretations, I'd be interested
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  26. #26
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    I was thinking... Maybe my perfect retirement is so Si-oriented because if I had hired help, I could make them responsible for each and every Si thing in my life, so I wouldn't have to worry.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    1) Hmm, most probably writing and reading books.

    2) I'd most probably intellectually indulge in my money, in essence play with it, try out different things, see what works, what doesn't and so on. Probably fund and actively participate in various research facilities, in essence do the stuff I would write about if I had no money.

    ADD-ON: Having seen what others have written I don't see anybody else with me, no family or anybody else intimate.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I was thinking... Maybe my perfect retirement is so Si-oriented because if I had hired help, I could make them responsible for each and every Si thing in my life, so I wouldn't have to worry.
    You mention Si, but it's not Si-oriented. The main focus was Fe, and your overall picture was Ni. The Si stuff was indeed related to problems to solve.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    1) Hmm, most probably writing and reading books.

    2) I'd most probably intellectually indulge in my money, in essence play with it, try out different things, see what works, what doesn't and so on. Probably fund and actively participate in various research facilities, in essence do the stuff I would write about if I had no money.

    ADD-ON: Having seen what others have written I don't see anybody else with me, no family or anybody else intimate.
    Well at face value, I would see irrationality, logical, Fe>Fi but low focus on both. It seems to suggest strong Ne. Introversion. So INTp would have been my first choice, actually, followed by ENTp although the temperament doesn't seem right.

    The main hint towards a Ni dominance is that the other Ni dominants whom I've asked this so far have all given this image of "quiet solitude", not doing much, etc. Overall the image of Enneagram 5.

    I might think of INFp Ni subtype too but it wouldn't be obvious to me.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Because I have something psychological against it that makes me think it's full of cutthroat, fake, unstrusteable, petty, closed off and unreccomendable people with whom I have generally nothing to share and that like you only for the connections you can provide them. Ok, shallow judgement and all that, but I can recognize that kind of people even now in university forming their cobwebs I try to stay away from.
    That sounds like to me.
    From my sounds like alpha quadra values, stereotypically. Anyway the test is good and is also fun because it's not just about putting crosses but also about describing yourself
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I hope to live in a metropolis like NY where there are a lot of things going on. Ideally, I love my profession so I think I'll keep doing it after I retire. I won't put all my time into it, but won't just stop. And, I think I'd like to take courses in universities or community colleges.
    Not a lot of Si, focus on Te and perhaps Ne? And most likely a logical type.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    If I end up being very wealthy, I'd definitely try to do something for developing countries. For leisure, I want to spend time in many cool places and understand the culture there. Of course, I have to do space travelling!!!
    This suggests Ne, perhaps a bit of Fi.

    So far a logical type seemingly focusing on both Ne and Ni, not much time for Si, perhaps more Fi than Fe.

    INTp > ENTj > ENTp > INTj
    Couldn't some of this be a sign of ("a lot going on," "I love my profession," "spend time in cool places and understand the culture")? I don't see the logical emphasis. Also, why do you see introvert above extravert?

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    1) I would still want to learn new things, and interest, rather than practicality, will be my motivation in learning them. I would be involved in creative pursuits like drawing, painting, gardening, learning to play a musical instrument, web design etc. During my free time, I would go out with my friends and have high tea and do shopping together.
    Ne and Si, perhaps low Te. Probably more ethical than logical.
    Just curious why you see here instead of .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    2.The perfect retirement. I would own a huge medieval style castle with a butler, maid, the whole works... I'll have my personal physical instructor, cook, day-planner. I won't have to worry about forgetting myself on the couch for month just getting fat. I'll have hired people who make sure I get things done and at the end of the day I'll feel like I have accomplished something. Occasionally I'll invest in some scientific study of my field. I'll probably have somewhat less friends compared to the previous future, because the hired help tires me out and lets me live out some of my talking needs. I think I'll be very good to my closest helpers, basically a friend, but rather distant with the cleaners, etc. My cook consults with my physical instructor about the calories and such and prepares yummy treats accordingly. Mmmm...
    I love this ... a whole team of hired slave-drivers (do I sense in the Super Id?...)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    Couldn't some of this be a sign of ("a lot going on," "I love my profession," "spend time in cool places and understand the culture")? I don't see the logical emphasis. Also, why do you see introvert above extravert?
    Hmmm -- it's more about the lack of focus on individual people. "A lot going on" did not seem to me to refer to people in particular, I saw that as referring to cultural life, restaurants, etc, but perhaps my interpretation is incorrect.

    Introvert>extrovert wasn't too obvious for me, so I focused on the functions. I saw Ne and Ni, but also Fi, so I chose INTp over ENTp. I also did not see any concern for Si, I saw a slight preference for Se.

    It was mainly by what she did not mention than by what she did mention.

    But come to think of it, I suppose could also fit: it's just that she was far less focused on friends, for instance, than the other ethical types so far.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    1) I would still want to learn new things, and interest, rather than practicality, will be my motivation in learning them. I would be involved in creative pursuits like drawing, painting, gardening, learning to play a musical instrument, web design etc. During my free time, I would go out with my friends and have high tea and do shopping together.
    Ne and Si, perhaps low Te. Probably more ethical than logical.
    Just curious why you see here instead of .
    I guess it was the image of learning several new different things simultaneously, rather than one more consistent image.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    First and most importantly, still having sound health -- free from pains and degenerative ailments. I want to look and feel stunning and alive. Hopefully there will be no need for me to undergo major surgeries like a heart bypass.

    If it is within my financial means, I will probably secure a quiet and comfortable dwelling in an unpolluted and safe suburb that has everything nearby: a medical centre, a park, a business complex, eateries and a mall that sells everything so that I don't have to travel far. I don't have to own a large house as a single storey bungalow will do. And, it has to have a garden with shady trees and tea roses. There will be a sound-proof room in my house (as to not disturb the neighbours) and this is where I house my baby grand piano and a wonderful sound system. This is the music room. I will install speakers in some corners of my house so that I can listen to music wherever I am. Some cats and maybe a beagle as well will be adopted by me but they will be groomed by someone else . Very cliche.

    Professional-wise, I see myself working among young children and youths, maybe in the field of education (but not the boring high school kind) or rehabilitation. I will, with much hope, have grown a quite sizeable portfolio in order to fund my epicurean and charitable interests.

    I find it odd that I don't picture myself having kids of my own. All that comes back to me in this instant is a blank. I guess I stand some chance of becoming an old lady who stays alone in her cosy sanctuary. A contented one who has her nephews and nieces (and later their own children) coming over to stay at her house during the holidays or when their parents need someone to babysit them.

    What else is there besides music, books, young people, shopping disease... etc etc. Maybe I will refine my cooking skills and continue improving my Italian and Mandarin.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.

    Everything above stands but I will get a second home in another country.

    My to-do list will expand to include funding conservation, medical research and those independent news agencies. A walk-in wardrobe will not kill either .

    And, I want to step into Burj al Arab just to see what all da hype is about! Does the atrocious price justify the experience?

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Only 2) is applicable in my case. I'll be as "retired" at 30 as I'll be at 70. I'll spend my time traveling around to many different areas with Peter (and Travis/any future children, if they're a part of a particular business deal we're going there for or want to see the people we're traveling there to see). Location won't be an issue in spending time with family and friends. Of course, however, we won't fly public airlines. For most of my life I'll have an "upper middle class" house with a large fenced in yard that we'll live in (nothing luxurious), but as time goes by I'll add homes in various "favored" locations of travel. I'll own apartments buildings in all of those areas and turn one or two of the units into a suit that the on site management company will keep up for us in our absence and have ready for us upon our arrival to the area. I anticipate being involved in a couple "causes" to incite change in people's lives. For example, there's a "Future _ of America" club for high schools that I have in mind. I won't know exactly what I'll be doing in that regard until I'm actually there though. I'm hoping to avoid staying out of the public eye as much as possible.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    1) reading some books, playing some games (cards, Role playing games, videogames, sport) and spend some time with my friends.
    Maybe i became musican or writer (thing that i like, even with my "supposed" old age.) I really like my future job, i found it fun. Meet new places, do new things.

    2) Same above but if i have more money, i would spend it to make a bar or something. I always wanted to make a bar/pub. I want to go to another country. Travel its always a constant word in my life. I really enjoy travel to another places, take pictures and do things like that. Anyway, even in my country, a large mount of territory its somewhat expensive to travel. -_-

    But, everythings that i would do with my money would depend of my mood. I tend dream my future, but i dont got it none of them. But at least, there's things that i truly want to do. travel really make me feel good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    2.The perfect retirement. I would own a huge medieval style castle with a butler, maid, the whole works... I'll have my personal physical instructor, cook, day-planner. I won't have to worry about forgetting myself on the couch for month just getting fat. I'll have hired people who make sure I get things done and at the end of the day I'll feel like I have accomplished something. Occasionally I'll invest in some scientific study of my field. I'll probably have somewhat less friends compared to the previous future, because the hired help tires me out and lets me live out some of my talking needs. I think I'll be very good to my closest helpers, basically a friend, but rather distant with the cleaners, etc. My cook consults with my physical instructor about the calories and such and prepares yummy treats accordingly. Mmmm...
    I love this ... a whole team of hired slave-drivers (do I sense in the Super Id?...)
    lol! Yes, I think you're seeing Se in super ID.
    oh, now I see where Expat got the from. I thought it was just because I need someone to tell me to start doing things, otherwise I'll just slack off. ...I know I'm trying to reduce my number of meaningless posts, but I just had to mention that this really made me laugh.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Tricky question, since I don't want to spend too much time dreaming about retirement when I don't even know if I'll marry or if I'm going to live past my 40s.

    But in short, I don't want to stagnate. I want to keep up an active lifestyle for as long as possible -- mentally, geographically, physically. Moving from country to country every 1-2 years, saving people from impending disaster. And in my spare time, continue learning the skills necessary to successfully confront more situations and extricate people from crises. That's essentially what I dream -- or have nightmares -- about. Much like a mercenary in an RPG: accept and embark on new missions, gain EXP, acquire new weapons and party members, restore the peace by defeating monstrous boss, leave in search of another destitute place, repeat until Game Over.

    I also like the idea of being a private tutor.

    I prefer secluded and tranquil surroundings over urban, ideally surrounded by a forests (Sweden, anyone?). But it doesn't matter, since I'll eventually get bored and develop an itch to move elsewhere. Close access to the library and park required.

    Would like to spend the day immersed in reading or working. I enjoy the thrill of being able to work on something for hours without taking breaks, and hope to have someone around to help me begin and maintain that state of concentration so that I can get more things done.

    Even if I turn out to be wealthy, not much would be different. But if I were that wealthy, I'd donate money to research institutions.
    (After reading niffweed's post, which I relate very much to, I think I'll hire someone -- a husband? -- to take care of coma-inducing things like tidying, the laundry, and cooking nutritional meals 3 times a day. And maybe threaten to feed me, since I often "forget" to eat )
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

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