I don't think you did offend me - but my point was I'm imperfect and therefore can't ever be sure of my existence, let alone god's. But, despite the fact I'm imperfect, I can be more sure of my existence than god's (because I already know myself, e.g. 'I think therefore I am').

Hermeneutics is the understanding of the unknown\spiritual matters\god through yourself - like understanding a foreign country by comparing it to your own. It isn't really acceptable - things should stand up on their own (be empirical), not based on something else - the whole hermeneutics thing seems to be 'you can never (fully) know god, because he is greater and better than you', please believe in him, because his understanding of what is good for you is better than your own, despite the fact you can never know this or prove it, because god is unknowable. Believe or burn etc. This text is also completely valid because it was written by a human being who claims his interpretation is better than yours, so believe it and don't ask questions in case you make some other conclusions, you imperfect idiot'. Disclaimer: God denies that creating human beings imperfect in no way invalidates the warranty: Act perfect and believe in him, or burn in hell for all eternity. Love God. This statement was written by a third party and is no guarantee of God's true opinion, or even proof that he exists.