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Thread: INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

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    Default INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

    I edited the machine translated version. I found Filatova's descriptions to be the best ones I've come across. They're concise and focus on patterns of behaviour that are obvious and discernable. I've edited a few other ones so will post them too. anyways if you think you might be INFp than this will definitely help you. I'll include the original below the edited one.


    Consciousness is installed in the leading bloc. The IEI’s principal value in the world: the luxurious gardens of his own imagination. Through this (Ni) it is possible for him to penetrate into the past and future, to feel the surrounding world in its wholeness, to observe the dynamics of present occurrences, and furthermore (Fi) to emotionally inspire people to take charge of activities deemed necessary.

    Descriptions of the activity of the strong functions

    Ni: program function. Introverted intuition, in IEI, dictates that his consciousness is submerged in modeling temporary processes. It sails, it flows, going both forward and backwards in time. His consciousness, in contrast to ILI, is focused on ethics, and therefore focuses less on the problems of the material world and production, preferring the development, in time, of human emotions and relations between people.

    He internally observes that everything is in constant motion: the children run, adults work, behaviours display patterns, rivers flow, the heavenly bodies move in the sky… time contains an identifiable essence about it. A dreamer and romantic, IEI is easily separated from reality and taken away, by his thoughts, into the vastness of his dreams, where he scoops up happiness and ponders the meaning of his existence. He’s drawn towards novels containing fantasy and adventure. Here he participates, together with imaginary heroes, in his adventures. The IEI loves to give himself up, for long periods, dreaming. His dreams, as a rule, focus on something beautiful and elegant: the round-the-world journey aboard the comfortable ocean liner (alongside a refined public), the luxurious cottage with a fireplace and white piano, the excellent love…

    However, IEI also knows how to sense the ripening of events, to catch the barely noticeable fluidity and dynamics of moods within society. He precisely feels the moment, in time, in which he must act; he especially feels the approximation of crisis situations and danger, at which time he becomes visibly disturbed.

    He rather successfully catches on to other people’s characteristics, abilities and potentials. Thus he is sometimes drawn to people with the purpose of using theim. With respect to his own abilities and talents there is an internal, frequently secret, conviction that he exceeds others in his spiritual aristocratism, considering himself as a member of an elite, but as a rule he tries not to demonstrate this conviction.

    Introverted intuition in the leading bloc impedes others from observing the IEI, it is difficult to analyze his behaviour, and he is inclined to justify himself in everything. His tendency to ignore reality, and his difficulty in self-appraisal, can lead him to egocentrism and excessive indulgence in his own imagined world.

    Fe: the function of the implementation of the program. After catching the tendencies of occurrences IEI attempts, emotionally, to influence the surrounding people in order to push them towards the appropriate activity. He knows how to manipulate people through moods, to incite necessary reaction and feelings; IEI does not accomplish this through force but through persuasion; frequently through an emotional surge that signals to others that he will perish as a brittle, delicate entity if help does not arrive and his requests are not fulfilled! He finds difficulty in activities relating to business; therefore he tries to dispose of his work to people nearby. IEI is easily inspired by the favourable climate, but is also very easy to offend: a sufficient negative intonation is all it takes to throw him into a state of despondency for the whole day.

    He is confident in his correctness and if those that surround him fail to follow through with the necessary activities IEI’s indignation and emotionalism can reach such a degree that, for a long period, he cannot be quieted, as he continues, with fervor, to prove his position to all.

    He loves to be the center of attention when in the company of familiar people. Knows how to direct himself towards others – to smile at someone, to support another’s remark, to be civil and conformal.

    If IEI survives the attack of melancholy and disappointment, and such occurs frequently, he will then isolate himself. When the dark period comes to a close he will once again emerge bright and alert, with positive expectations directed towards changes in his life. If he finds himself in a loving and understanding atmosphere his best qualities are revealed: the ability to be anxious and to lend moral support. Understanding the moods of those he cares about he attempts to improve such moods, is ready to manifest warmth and sympathy.

    Possessing high emotionalism, IEI sensitively responds to all forms of art. He especially loves music and poetry, frequently he creates his own. He often attends concerts and develops a natural literary gift.

    Descriptions of the activity of the weak functions:

    (Te) He is focused into the domain of his dreams and dreams help IEI to hide from reality, which sometimes proves to be too rough and severe for his tastes.

    His activity in business is unpredictable, since his fitness depends exclusively on his mood: short flash-assaults alternate with periods of prolonged inaction. As a rule, he possesses a low energy drive, and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. The inherence of asthenia – rapid enervation and low activity – is frequently compensated for by the need for a prolonged night sleep. For this very reason, without the necessary moral support, he frequently finds himself at a lower social position than would correspond with his abilities. Thus IEI is prone to regard energetic people, whom hold a higher social status, with a secret sense of envy, to consider that life has wronged him and, involuntarily trying to justify himself, he seeks those on whom its possible to fault for his own failures. Meanwhile he comforts himself in the fact that his high principles, brittleness and refinement of psyche do not permit him to act by the same methods as others. Thus he justifies his passivity by placing himself morally above those that surround him, thereby psychologically protecting his weak areas. IEI finds it difficult to accept personal responsibility. He prefers to lay responsibility on others, especially if work goes badly. Routine work is rarely assumed in any form and he will try, by all means, to avoid such or to carry it out negligently.

    Si: normative function. In everything concerning health, and his exterior view, IEI tries not to appear worse than others, to adhere to the same standards that exist in society. True, his innate elegance should be noted, his ability to appear refined, to dress with great taste, even should his financial state be modest. The female IEI can be late for work by an hour or two but will appear with an ideally carried out presence, in an elegant dress with thoroughly selected accessories (preferring not bright, but darker tones of clothing).

    IEI finds it difficult to manage finances; he doesn’t take heed of his balance before he purchases beautiful and elegant things. Even if he lacks the utilitarian properties, and his finances do not suffice; it is difficult for him to think about this prose as money, it’s desirable to amuse himself by any means possible.

    IEI is not the leader, but always the slave. Favourable conditions for activity must be, as much as possible, creative. He finds it difficult to manifest initiative, to clash with his environment, thus he often abides by the norms and principles dictated by the society in which he lives.

    IEI at work and in the home:

    Sentimental and indecisive, not loving to take responsibility, not only for others but also for himself, IEI prefers not to occupy offices of leadership. If, nevertheless, fate forces him into such a position he can successfully manage strategic tasks. He gently associates with subordinates and can use emotions as a tool to influence subordinates, with whom he requires delicate relationships. In such situations it is preferable if IEI is charged to lead a small group.

    For IEI love and family have vast value in life. He is capable of feeling deeply for others; for years he may remember and sympathize with his significant other even if relations have soured. Frequently his dreams provide others with romantic qualities, which may not actually exist in reality.

    In family life he finds it difficult to occupy himself with domestic tasks – enemy number one. If you rigidly and scrupulously require the execution of domestic responsibilities from an IEI you will attain little besides embitteredness; in such a state he may even provoke arguments in the domestic sphere. In order to solve this problem, in an acceptable manner, IEI tends to manipulate relatives, demonstrating his helplessness to others aids him in avoiding domestic tasks and shifting responsibility away from himself; for this purpose he easily is able to locate the weak points of other people and to skillfully press him. When this doesn’t succeed the IEI may unexpectedly conduct himself sharply and roughly with close people, although he remains invariably civil and gentle with more distant relations. Only in the exclusive case, whereby IEI experiences the feeling of love towards his significant other, will his internal forces suffice in providing the energy required in order to carry out the burden of domestic concerns on his own volition.

    IEI loves to host guests in his home, to beautifully decorate his surroundings – for him this is more important than food itself, for the celebratory meal is merely viewed as a means of pleasant contact. No matter what he is occupied by, in regards to others, he will introduce the element of fantasy: the reception of guests, instructions, handicraft… But in regards to himself he make the same in an uninteresting manner. IEI, for example, does not generally prepare a fine meal for himself, instead satisfied with a dinner consisting of bread and jam (if such is immediately available in the refrigerator).

    Summary of functions:
    1. Ni: The dreamer and romantic, IEI is easily separated from reality, knows how to sense events, to notice their dynamics. He sees the concealed potential within people, his inner essence, is capable of proposing new ideas in areas of interest.
    2. Fe: Knows how to influence the moods of others, to cause reactions deemed necessary by method of an “emotional surge”, but not by pressure, he readily manifests warmth and participation. Loves to speak about the moral problems, about the norms of behaviour, he calls those near to him to acknowledge his observations.
    3. Te: His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possess low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Organizing, systematization, hierarchy, structure… all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.
    4. Si: He ably feels the beauty, harmony, and commensurability in the world, but badly manages practical tasks; he does not know how to efficiently spend money. Finds it difficult to manifest private venture, is always the slave, never the leader.

    Professional Possibilities:
    The most favourable work for the IEI can be found in the realm of humanitarian activity. This can be work in music, literature, art studies, work in the printed press, journalism, conducting television and radio transmissions and interviews. Sometimes representatives of this type are found successfully working in the field of mathematics. However, it is necessary to remember that an IEI’s behaviour is contrasted by any industrial and economic activity.

    Potentially Favourable:
    SLE (ESTp), SEE (ESFp), ILE (ENTp), LSI (ISTj).
    Potentially Adverse:
    LSE (ESTj), LIE (ENTj), ESE (ESFj), IEE (ENFp).

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    here is the original i worked with:

    Installation of the consciousness of the leading bloc THE IEI: principal value in the world - the luxurious gardens of its own imagination. With their help it is possible to penetrate in the past and the future, to feel the surrounding world in its wholeness, to catch the dynamics of that occurring (BI of — program function) and further — to emotionally inspire people to the necessary activities (CHE of — the implementation of program).

    Description of the activity of the functions of strong canals (leading bloc)

    BI of — program function. [Introvertnost] of intuition IEI speaks, that its consciousness is submerged in modeling of the temporary processes. It will sail, it flows, it flows in the time, easily going away both forward, and ago. But in contrast to ILI (Balzac, [Kritik]) it — of ethics, and him therefore less disturb the problems of the material world and production, and is more development in the time of human emotions and relations between the people.

    Before its internal look everything is in motion itself: the children of — run, adult of — work, complete some behavior, rivers flow, the heavenly bodies of — are moved on the sky… For IEI the time of — a certain essence. It to live — the same as for other to make work. Dreamer and romantic, IEI easily is separated from the reality and is taken away by thought into the country of the dreams, where he scoops happiness, and the meaning of existence. Has predilection to the novels, the fantasy, the adventure literature. Together with the imaginary heroes it participates in all their adventures, itself for a long time loves to give self up to dreams. Dreams of — as a rule, about by something beautiful, elegant: on the round-the-world journey on the comfortable liner with the refined public aboard, about the luxurious cottage with the fireplace and the white piano, about the excellent love…

    However, IEI also it knows how to sense the ripening of events, to catch hardly the noticeable fluids of moods in the society, their dynamics. It very precisely can feel moment of the time, when it came time to act; especially clearly it feels the approximation of crisis situations and danger, it is very disturbed on this occasion (CHE of — strong function).

    It knows how rather well to catch the characteristics of people (CHI), their ability and possibility, it is drawn to such people (sometimes — with the goal to use them). With respect to itself, to its abilities and talents in it there is internal, frequently secret, the conviction, that it exceeds other people in its spiritual aristocratism, considers itself as that belonging to certain you anger humanity, but, as a rule, he tries this its conviction not to demonstrate.

    Introverted the nature of intuition in the leading bloc impedes to it view on itself from the side, to it it is difficult to analyze its behavior, it is inclined to justify itself in everything. The tendency to go away from the reality and the difficulty of self-appraisal they can lead it to the egocentrism, excessive [pogruzhennosti] into their world.

    CHE of — the function of the implementation of program. After catching the tendencies of that occurring, IEI he tries emotionally to influence those surrounding in order to push them to the appropriate activities. It knows how to manipulate by the moods of people, to cause these or other necessary to it reactions and feelings in them, but it makes this not with pressure and pressure, but with persuasion, but it is still more frequent than — by the emotional surge, which signals about the fact that it simply will perish as the brittle, delicate, [ranimoe] entity, if to it here they do not arrive to the help and will not make that, about which it requests! However, very to it business activity is given difficultly (MEMBERS of — KNS); therefore he tries to dispose to the work of those surrounding. IEI easily it is inspired with the favorable climate, but it and it is very easy to offend: it is sufficient intonation, view in order to throw down it into despondency on the whole day.

    But if it is confident in its rightness, and those, who surround it, they do not react to his signals about the necessary activities, — its indignation and emotionalism can reach such degree, that then it for long cannot be quieted and it will continue with the fever to prove to all its position.

    It loves to prove to be in the center of attention, if those surrounding to it are well familiar. Knows how by necessary mode itself the news of — to someone to smile, to in time support whose- that remark, to be civil and conformal.

    If IEI survives the attack of melancholy and disappointment, and such occurs frequently, then it is approached solitude. When dark periods are finished — it again it is in the alert- glad expectation of excellent changes in life. If to it it transported, and it proved to be in the atmosphere of love and understanding of — it is revealed one of its best qualities: the ability to be anxious, to lend moral support. Feeling well the mood of those surrounding, it — being in the light arrangement of the spirit of — it is attempted to improve it, it is ready to manifest heat and sympathy.

    Possessing high emotionalism, IEI sensitively it answers to all forms of art: Especially it loves music and verses, itself frequently has some music, it attends concerts, develops natural literary gift.

    Description of the activity of the functions of the weak canals

    THE MEMBER of — dripped the smallest resistor (KNS). Care into the area of dreams and dreams helps IEI to hide from the reality, which sometimes proves to be for it too rough and severe.

    Its business activity is completely not predicted, since its fitness for work depends exclusively on the mood: short flash- assaults can be alternated by the periods of prolonged inaction. As a rule, it possesses low power engineering, and therefore to it it is difficult to force itself to work. The inherent in it asthenia of — rapid enervation and the low activity of — is frequently compensated by the need for the prolonged night sleep. For this very reason it, without the moral support and the help, frequently proves to be at the lower social step than this would correspond to its abilities. In this case, general with the energetic people, which reached in the life of higher social status, IEI can to them secretly envy, considering that the life to it is wrong and, involuntarily trying to justify itself, it seeks those, on whom it is possible to lay fault for its failures. It comforts itself also by the fact that its high moral principles, brittleness and refinement of psyche do not permit for it to act by the same methods, which can allow themselves others. With this it justifies its passivity, placing itself morally above those, who surround it, psychologically protecting its, thus, painful area. IEI it is very difficult to take upon itself responsibility for all the fact that occurs with it. It prefers it to lay on those surrounding, especially, if works go badly. Routine work IEI assumes not in what form, he tries by all forces it to avoid or it makes negligently.

    BS of — normative function. In everything, concerning health, health, exterior view, IEI tries to be not worse than others, to adhere to the same standards, which exist in the society. True, should be noted its innate elegance, ability to appear refined, to dress with the great taste, even if its financial possibilities are sufficiently modest. To this — it is it's a pity neither time nor forces. WOMAN- IEI it can be late to the work and for the hour, and to two, but it will appear with that ideally carried out makijazhem, in the elegant dress with the thoroughly selected accessories (more giving preference not to the bright, but pastel tones of clothing).

    IEI are difficult to distribute its finances, so that they to everything would suffice; it will not keep balance before the purchase of beautiful and elegant things, even if they do not possess utilitarian properties, and money to the pay will not suffice; to it it is difficult to think about this prose as money, if it is desirable to amuse itself by anything [krasivenkim] and vkusnenkoe.

    IEI not leader, but always slave (CHS of — suggestive function). Favorable conditions for its activity of — the precise regulation of activity, which must be, as far as possible, creative. To it it is difficult to manifest initiative, more frequent he tries not to be allotted from the environment, to correspond to norms and principles of that society, in which it lives.

    IEI on the work and the house

    Sentimental and indecisive, not not loving to take to itself responsibility not only for others, but also for itself, IEI prefers not to occupy the leading offices. If nevertheless fate forces it to be head, IEI it can successfully manage the strategic tasks, it associates with the subordinates softly, it can use emotions as the tool of influence on the subordinates, itself requires to itself delicate relation. It is better, if we charge to it leadership by small collective from several men.

    For IEI the love and family have vast value in the life. It is capable to the deep feeling, it can for years remember about its elect (elected official), even if it manifests to it coldness. Frequently it provides it (it) in its dreams by the romantic qualities, which in the reality are not.

    In the family to be occupied by domestic works to it is not easy, the way of life for it of — enemy number one. If we from IEI rigidly and scrupulously require the execution of domestic responsibilities, then nothing by this you will attain besides embitteredness; in this situation it can even provoke domestic to the scandal. In order by mode acceptable for itself to solve this problem, IEI he frequently manipulates by relatives, demonstrating its helplessness in order to avoid the execution of domestic works and to shift this on others; for this purpose it easily finds the painful points of each and skillfully it presses on them. If this does not succeed — it can unexpectedly conduct itself sharply and roughly with the close people, although it is invariably civil and soft with the more distant familiar. And only in the exclusive cases, if IEI is experienced to its husband (husband) the feeling of love, — to it forces will suffice, and energy in order to carry the burden of domestic concerns on themselves.

    Houses IEI it loves to assume guests, he tries to beautifully cover the desk of — for it this more important than food itself, since celebratory meal it examines, mainly as the way of pleasant contact. No matter by what it not was occupied into everything he tries to introduce the element of the fantasy: the reception of guests, instruction, handicraft… But for itself to it this to make uninterestingly. Living one, IEI it can, for example, not to generally prepare for itself food, but to be satisfied to the dinner by the bank of jam (if it accidentally there is in the cooler) or by the bent back under the hand rich roll.

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    The description sounds very nice to read! "The luxurious garden of imaginations" paints a nice picture!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default Re: INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Summary of functions:
    1. Ni: The dreamer and romantic, IEI is easily separated from reality, knows how to sense events, to notice their dynamics. He sees the concealed potential within people, his inner essence, is capable of proposing new ideas in areas of interest.
    2. Fe: Knows how to influence the moods of others, to cause reactions deemed necessary by method of an “emotional surge”, but not by pressure, he readily manifests warmth and participation. Loves to speak about the moral problems, about the norms of behaviour, he calls those near to him to acknowledge his observations.
    3. Si: His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possess low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Organizing, systematization, hierarchy, structure… all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.
    4. Te: He ably feels the beauty, harmony, and commensurability in the world, but badly manages practical tasks; he does not know how to efficiently spend money. Finds it difficult to manifest private venture, is always the slave, never the leader.
    Thanks so much for translating these. Are you sure you don't have #3 and #4 backwards though? It seems that #3 is summarizing IEI's use of Te, and #4 is summarizing Si.

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    Default Re: INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Summary of functions:
    1. Ni: The dreamer and romantic, IEI is easily separated from reality, knows how to sense events, to notice their dynamics. He sees the concealed potential within people, his inner essence, is capable of proposing new ideas in areas of interest.
    2. Fe: Knows how to influence the moods of others, to cause reactions deemed necessary by method of an “emotional surge”, but not by pressure, he readily manifests warmth and participation. Loves to speak about the moral problems, about the norms of behaviour, he calls those near to him to acknowledge his observations.
    3. Si: His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possess low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Organizing, systematization, hierarchy, structure… all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.
    4. Te: He ably feels the beauty, harmony, and commensurability in the world, but badly manages practical tasks; he does not know how to efficiently spend money. Finds it difficult to manifest private venture, is always the slave, never the leader.
    Thanks so much for translating these. Are you sure you don't have #3 and #4 backwards though? It seems that #3 is summarizing IEI's use of Te, and #4 is summarizing Si.
    lol its totally backward, the description presents the functions in the order Ni, Fe, Te, Si and i'm used to them going Ni, Fe, Si, Te, thanks i'll fix it now

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    Intuitive- ethical introvert tells about itself, and others of — about it

    I am the very suggested man. Especially strongly this was developed in the childhood. I remember the case, when one my friend showed the spoiled small battery me and he stated that this — bomb. I verified.

    When to me it was shch of years and occurred so that I it remained house one, — I was clogged into the angle of sofa, climbing up to it with the legs. It sat and was shaken from the fear. In the head the nightmares appeared. When someone returned home, I, until she was convinced with own eyes, that this someone its, — was not assured that my fears terminated. But I usually felt the arrival of dad. For a few minutes his mode appeared before his appearance in me in the head, and I mentally heard his vote.

    This story illustrates well the activity of program function THE IEI of — of the intuition of time. External event for the girl of — only jolt, so that would earn its own fantasy, arose modes, fears, horrors. Obliging imagination easily converts even small battery into the bomb.

    Even from small years, I remember, I frequently stood in the mirror, scrutinized itself, my clothing and tried to make so as to be pleased by that surrounding. Greatly it feared to put on something original, what still not on anyone it saw, frequently in this case it quarrelled with the mom, if it me persuaded to put on any new thing. Yes even now, if it is necessary to put on something with the elements of eccentricity, — I feel itself neuverenno.

    In this fragment is completely distinctly described the conformity IEI. Apparently, at the foundation of this installation of — suggestive volitional sense, which forces its [obladatelnitsu] to go on to the occasion of community opinion, not in which case not to reveal its own will, to be slave, but ever — of that leading.

    It seems to me that childhood my is past without the particular incidents. Certainly, there are the times, when in me with the parents disagreements appeared. Then I, offended, was clogged into the angle under the desk and thought about that which all my close one would be badly, if I suddenly vanished or died, and as they then lived without me… After this, I left from my refuge, feeling itself by victor.

    But if man offended me very strongly, I simply with it did not talk, considering that to associate with it — is lower than my value.

    I do not remember precisely that it occurred between me and my nurse, but with it I did not talk e of month, moreover she was banal to the armistice of the first, while not 4.

    You will focus attention on the latter paragraph of this fragment: IEI, despite its visible conformity, to be reconciled by the first it will not begin, feeling itself in a certain type with the representative of elite, in contrast to others.

    In the childhood I willingly concurred with the high-order children, but soon they steel to avoid me, since I had a reputation by informer. They offended me frequently, and I, without knowing how to hide offense, everything told relatives. Frequently I used my touchiness as the way of the extortion of — for my application offender to me anything it gave.

    From the school years in me it remained few friends, since they all were [zadiristye], but I did not love fights. And nevertheless I did not remain beside the contemporaries of — I it learned well, and for the fact that he gave to copy, to me carried toys and candies.

    After becoming senior pupil, I, as me it seems, to the end did not come out the childhood: with the entrainment it entered into “the movement of [tolkinistov]”. Many named me madcap, but to me thus far there is no work, is simple this property of my nature of — from its entrainment to make religion.

    In the first paragraph of this story sufficiently is precisely noticed the property of nature THE IEI of — the ability to press on the partner by its helplessness and touchiness.

    To learn in the initial classes of school me was very difficult: was received so that I it did not for some reason hear the questions, which the teacher assigned. She began to shame me, it could hammer by journal. Me it was desirable to fall through the floor… I did not wish to learn in the school. If not mom, it is unknown, by whom I grew. I do not know how to be concentrated now: like I sit and teach algebra, but suddenly catching itself on the thought about the fact that I bought, had i money.

    Never I will forget the first days at the university of — this it seemed me by the intolerable nightmare. What only I did not think over for these several days! My form thus frightened mom, that it forced me to drink different concoctions out of the grasses and some damping tablets.

    This recollection belongs to the girl of the clearly expressed intuitive subphylum. It is deep intro-twirlditchAnna, up to the fact that can not at all see and not hear that occurring all around, being found in the captivity of its intuitive dreams. Low power engineering is also the sufficiently frequently meeting property IEI.

    In the contact with other people I do not try to deposit my point of view: on the contrary, I try not to argue, to outwardly agree with the collocutor, although in the soul I can be and large it is not agreeable. If man does not please himself me, I never will say to it about this discovered, but I try to outwardly relate to it peacefully and it is tolerant. Recently I began to note the ability to foresee conflict situations after itself. Frequently to the ides to the trade-offs in order to stave off conflict.

    Still I noted after itself that, talking with the man, I completely am adjusted slightly under it, and if I do not begin to speak in his vote, then I speak in its manner, immediately reconstruct conversation on the themes, close to my collocutor.

    Conformity is actually frequently characteristic of people of precisely this psycho-type. Apparently, this is determined by suggestive volitional sense IEI. This man not only is not inclined to develop his inherent force of will, but also prefers so that someone another would lead it in everything. This makes it possible IEI not to take picoamperes itself responsibility not only for others, but also for itself.

    I constantly dream. I dream, attending lecture, walking along the street, costing in the queue. Dream I can about which conveniently. Any objective in the field of my view is capable to push my thinking of the most improbable dreams. After throwing view on the beautiful machine, I think: “I in me will be the same!"; passing by beautiful house, I imagine itself by his mistress; after seeing the beautiful dress of — immediately I represent, as I will appear in it in the hall of any of stunning restaurant.

    I never can be removed away from my past. I analyze any situation in connection with the past. Very frequently I remember about the event, which somehow influenced my life. I remember newer and newer details, invent, which would occur, step I otherwise…

    I offend to the people rarely. However, [mamina] the remark (after I it was removed in the apartment): “Who so removes? It did not wash near the plinth, there it was necessary sofa to move aside! Carpet it would be possible and to shake out, and you, as always, it was bridged with vacuum cleaner! And generally, as you will live? Entire life in such a mud?” — can take me away from itself, even if thus far in me was remarkable mood. In me to the eyes the tears heap themselves, I begin to scream out obscure justifications and absurd charges into [mamin] the address: “You never nothing it pleases itself, that I not made, you is arranged only that the fact that you make…”

    And again before us the manifestation of introverted intuition IEI, well described in the first two paragraphs. However, as far as business logic is concerned, this field painful (MEMBERS of — KNS); therefore any criticism of business qualities can cause tears in emotional IEI.

    I do not love many times to make one and the same. Newness is always necessary for me. All my activities are threaded by doubts, I am easy to the ides on to occasion in whom or, because it is not completely confident in itself, although I try this not to show. All my activities are impulsive, and I vary my behavior in connection with the situation, even if this does not be in complete agreement with my earlier plans.

    Frequently I am dispersed: beginning simultaneously many works, I can throw their everything immediately, although in this case in me can sharply fall the mood, which so intermittently varies… On mood depends my fitness for work. I cannot work, when in me the bad mood of — during these minutes all is brought down from the hands

    It is necessary to speak separately on the role of love in my life: once in the works on the English instructor it posed to our group the question (in the English, certainly): “What is, in your opinion, very important from the concepts: profession, god, love, family, friends?” I was simply affected, when he learned, that of the entire group I one supplied love by the most important concept: everything else named — who profession, who god, who family. But that they do mean these words without the love? For me it — the very important in the world, and to that moment I considered this natural for each man…

    In the childhood, being located in the collective of contemporaries, I never was allotted, it was simple the particle of general whole, it participated together with the remaining in all common causes, and this arranged me. The role “of man of its environment” me greatly pleased itself. Any increased attention to my persona threw down me into the uneasiness, made it necessary to redden and to become awkward, moreover only when all all around looked at me. However, in the narrow to the circle of comrades, it is good and long ago familiar, I could be completely flattened. In that period I tried to always make that the fact that is done everything, to enter in the manner that everything, but, trying not to be allotted made of the general mass, I nevertheless it did not lose its individuality…

    When I was class in ' m, parents wanted to translate me into the physico mathematical school. The first conflicts with the parents appeared from this time in me. I on no account did not wish to agree to their sentence. It became somehow not on itself with the thought, which it is necessary to leave my comrades, — even became terribly. Because of this I did not change also into the parallel class, as this proposed to me parents. In no way I could be reconciled with the thought, that around me will prove to be unknown people that it is necessary to anew establish some relations with them…

    In the given above story we meet with the majority of characteristic features IEI. The need for making one and the same (to the routine work much steadier they relate sense) is sufficiently painful work for any it intuit.

    The tendency to go on to occasion in someone is determined by the suggestivity of volitional sense IEI. We already repeatedly noted this property of its nature. But the liberation of love among other concepts, certainly, is characteristic for ethics. At the end narration we find the manifestation of the intro-version of the youth of — a phobia of new contacts.

    Guests had long ago been gathered, clanking by the teeth of — they were starved, indeed to arrive directly from the work, — they glance impatiently to the kitchen, and mistress in this time itself with the imperturbable form know to themselves it lays out “asterisks” in the lettuce…

    My friend T. of — the uncorrectable romantic. With the pleasure it reads fairy tales, fantasy. He knows that must exist “white knighthood” of — people, which always appear, where it is required help. To help and to save — the meaning of their life… Among its friends he greatly wishes to be necessary. Heat- to them relates, feels their mood, they are understood and it awaits itself from the people of heat. Loves female society. In it many girl friends, who entrust to it their small and not small misfortunes, and it, in turn, brings down on them everything what do he has on the soul… In autumn we frequently heard from it words about “bloody January”. It greatly feared this month, this above it [viselo]… At the moments of depression, which to the winter of steel by its practically normal state, this thought pursued it, was not given to it rest.

    Each time, when in T. appear money, it, on its inherent words, persuades themselves these money to spend rationally, only on necessary things. But, as this frequently occurs, the necessity of the things of — work is relative, especially, when there are not. As a result money in it go, for example, to champagne, and, if T. it sees champagne, let us say, for 30 rubles, but he knows that it they elsewhere sell for 20 rubles, — nevertheless it will buy it, without dealing.

    Light [romanizm] of — nondetachable quality IEI, determined by its leading function. The end of story, certainly, testifies about the weak normative sense. But here the reference about the presentiments let us consider in greater detail. Intuitiveness in the socionics does not in any way indicate the ability to precisely forecast events. Introverted intuitiveness, is faster, characterizes isolation from vital [konkretiki], when man it " takes away” in the time, and, respectively, its forecast entirely necessarily it does not happen, although such occurs.

    My husband threw out recurrent number. He went after the products and decided to buy to me flowers (thoughtful, it means). Flowers cost 40 rubles, it extracts two hundreds (it on one it does not be able), immediately is given up one, it awaits flowers and delivery, looking forward, naturally, my happiness. Grandmother- flower girl gave flowers to it, it pushed in hundred into the purse it began to count off the delivery of — procedure simple… However, it, after forgetting, apparently, that my [blagovernyj] it already gave paper, it put off delivery and said: " give your money”, hinting distinctly at second hundred, which my [blagovernyj] for some reason still held in the hand. It began to explain, from the indignation it is patient (generally speaking, it patience is not characterized by), which the stock is large not of law. [Babulja] proved to be firm. Then this latter-day “Esenin” flings flowers and goes away, after saying in this case to vapor of uncomplimentary words in the address of poor grandmother- sclerotic patient…

    As he told entire this history to me, my anger passed, i became already simply ridiculously. God with them, with the money, provided it was quieted, — there, it rushes about on the room… You do see, they thought about it that it meager and dishonest man, moreover that they thought, still and yelled about this for entire “flea market”!

    Everything. It was quieted, glory to god. It was occupied hair-do. This we have serious problem, just as a wrinkle on the jacket, and the [naglazhennye] pants. It loves to [poforsit]! That zh, nature…

    If by it something is incomprehensible during the study (for example, during the session), and remaining this comprehended, then it can irrevocably be upset: “Yes, foolish I, nothing I consider”, — and nearly to the tears, but guilty will feel themselves all, who in this case was. By the way, examinations to yield, after living until the third course, it so did not learn. One of the reasons for — the absolute absence of energetic nature, I even said, a natural for each student feeling of self-preservation. It will not begin to be twisted out at the examination, “to address to lecturer teeth”; to take by impudence or assurance of — it is not capable, even they entreat it: “Girl, well try to solve this task!” there are no — “, no, I this nevertheless will not solve, I nevertheless nothing know, place to me pair…”

    By it it seemed natural and the only possible to live so that we everyone would share its outlooks on life. It was a priori considered that, if it nothing personal from us hides, then it is right to require from us the same. Moreover, it considered that its duty of — to give advice, to add, replacing the thus thoughtful, but absent moms and aunts. I remember the sufficiently severe conversation, theme of which were relations with one our general familiar. By hearsay knowing about it “doubtful reputation”, it was torn to safeguard me from “the errors”, alternating exclamations “that in you with it?” with the noble indignation: “As you can!”

    You will focus attention on the beginning of this story: ability IEI so thinly “to press” psychologically on the painful points of neighbors, that everyone feels itself guilty: “By brittleness yes on the head!” — as expressed itself once one of the witnesses of a similar scene.

    It can be, this will seem by strange, but it always seemed me a little mad, not from the world this. She always thinks about by something, so taken from the reality that I am only given to wonder. Dreams it has of — unrealizable, unreal. First into the fairy tale to fall, then mermaid become… Moreover from the offense, that all this is impossible, it hardly does not cry! This, of course, good, I also dreamed to once find cap- the invisible, but indeed besides such fairy tales in man must be serious dreams, plans about their real future. But they in it cleanly be absent. For example, when we finished 11- 1 class, I once requested it about that, where it it was desirable to act after school. It answered me: “I do not know, yet she did not think”. And this at the end 11- of GO of class! And then, completely seriously looking to me into the eyes, she said: “You know, you — my best friend, where you, there and I”. I was taken aback and first even she did not know that to answer, then said this that I that know, why I wish to learn at the university, but it it seems no. It to me offended and she stated that I no longer wish with it to be friends; therefore it I specially offend. Then it cost me the great labor to convince it of the reverse. It always soared in the clouds. Lesson goes, and it whispers to me: “Give to me layer”. I be surprised, but I give layer to it. It takes it and rapidly it writes something. After lesson it shows song or rhyme to me. Then then entire day will have i question about the theme of lesson, and if it are reproached, then it will say: “Well, that I can make? Me inspiration visited!”

    It has a fellow, it very thoughtful to it relates. Recently I met him on the street, he in me requests: “Listen to, you do not know, where it is possible to find the books from the theme:.?” I recalled that our general friend has these books, and it proposed to it to converge to it, it will for sure select everything which is necessary.

    It began to laugh and said: “Perhaps with it it is possible seriously to talk? It again everything to the joke will reduce. Past time I in it requested one book, it beginning it to seek, but here by it steel to fall its dear books. First that will reach, first this, then it will begin to read verses, so always is past… No already, converge- kiloamperes I better into the library!” — he again ridiculed himself and waved by hand.

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    Default Re: INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

    Quote Originally Posted by misutii

    Consciousness is installed in the leading bloc. The IEI’s principal value in the world: the luxurious gardens of his own imagination. Through this (Ni) it is possible for him to penetrate into the past and future, to feel the surrounding world in its wholeness, to observe the dynamics of present occurrences, and furthermore (Fi) to emotionally inspire people to take charge of activities deemed necessary.
    Just a slight correction...should be "furthermore (Fe)"

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    Default Re: INFp description (Filatova) edited version!

    Just found this. I have to say this description is fabulous! Like eerily accurate too...

    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    With respect to his own abilities and talents there is an internal, frequently secret, conviction that he exceeds others in his spiritual aristocratism, considering himself as a member of an elite, but as a rule he tries not to demonstrate this conviction.
    Looks like somebody found me out... I totally found myself thinking along these lines today... shhh... don't tell anyone.

    If IEI survives the attack of melancholy and disappointment, and such occurs frequently, he will then isolate himself. When the dark period comes to a close he will once again emerge bright and alert, with positive expectations directed towards changes in his life. If he finds himself in a loving and understanding atmosphere his best qualities are revealed: the ability to be anxious and to lend moral support. Understanding the moods of those he cares about he attempts to improve such moods, is ready to manifest warmth and sympathy.
    Totally true. Very sine-wave like moods. Bliss and then eclipse.

    Sentimental and indecisive, not loving to take responsibility, not only for others but also for himself, IEI prefers not to occupy offices of leadership.
    Also true.

    For IEI love and family have vast value in life. He is capable of feeling deeply for others; for years he may remember and sympathize with his significant other even if relations have soured. Frequently his dreams provide others with romantic qualities, which may not actually exist in reality.
    I try to see the hidden "golden" qualities in my beloved others. Jung often posited that the unowned qualities of the shadow include negative traits as well as positive ones (that the individual doesn't believe they're capable of). I like to think I can encourage those.

    Te: His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possess low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Organizing, systematization, hierarchy, structure… all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.
    I often have difficulty with mundane tasks and maintaining focus on menial things. Basically this comes in spurts of focus, followed by periods of dissipation. I believe in entropy. The tendency of the Universe towards disorder. Why fight it so hard?

    Finds it difficult to manifest private venture, is always the slave, never the leader.
    Slave? That's really harsh. How about peon?
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

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    Fuck this shit. This makes me sound like a big stinking vagina. You forgot to say at the end 'BTW, INFps kick ass and their pits are known to smell really bad after working out.'

    I'm frequently the leader in social groups. I am called to lead much of the time. I only prefer to be a 'slave' if I'm being sexual. And even then, I do prefer to be aggressive about 25% of the time. Grr.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Fuck this shit. This makes me sound like a big stinking vagina. You forgot to say at the end 'BTW, INFps kick ass and their pits are known to smell really bad after working out.'

    I'm frequently the leader in social groups. I am called to lead much of the time. I only prefer to be a 'slave' if I'm being sexual. And even then, I do prefer to be aggressive about 25% of the time. Grr.
    i partially support this, i'm hardly ever the slave; it should be clarified that some of us like to be the leader in camouflaged serving position; we command from behind so that we are free from danger, but still are the voice of direction; this should be obvious since we know what we want and what others need to reach what they want, so its not hard to find a point of tendency into the future where all of our "clan members" can head to.

    also, me as the eldest brother am used to having to take action fro the sake of us. This has given me the advantage of knowing using your energy isn't as bad and tiresome.

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    lol I made that comment like....years ago but thanks for quoting me.

    Now I'm more humble. Like there's I don't know, just so much more strength and power in being peaceful and calm then anything else?

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    Hmmm... much of this description is quite accurate, even uncomfortably so. The bit about believing in your own "spiritual aristocracy" but trying not to show it is entirely correct, of me and of other IEIs. The description does make IEIs sound even more spineless than we really are, but hey, if you're going to play up the strong points you should also play up the weak ones, so fine. For the record though, I can be good with money and such when I feel like it. I do have to connect it to the things I really care about though, and if I had my choice in the matter, I wouldn't deal with such issues at all. I wish I could afford to be more carefree and devil-may-care. But I can't, so that's life!
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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