My criteria for an ideal spouse, who doesn't sound ESTp, necessitates a reconsideration of my type. What obscure possibilities -- ENxp, for example -- might I need to consider?

Actually, I'm very curious about what type my ideal husband sounds like:
1. Someone who encourages me to be a better person, which entails:
- Motivating me to do simple stuff that I usually consider a waste of time by providing me with a good example or enforcing a schedule. eg. making my bed every morning, hanging my clothes and putting them where they belong instead of throwing them into boxes, doing the laundry every week instead of monthly, waking up before noon to avoid missing out on dinner, and washing the dishes immediately after eating.
- Laughing off my worries, assuring me that the situation is not as horrible as I imagine it to be, and that there's no need to feel like I have sinned against the world when I have failed to produce my work on time.
- Offering new undertakings, keeping track of my progress and cheering me on while I'm working so that I don't give up mid-way.
- Offering to go to museums/parks or play tennis/the piano together so that I don't spend entire days cooped up in front of the computer.
- Doesn't scold me for asking "Um, where is the rubbish bin?" instead of "Excuse me, where is the rubbish bin?". Provides cues in formal situations so that I don't make such faux pas.
- Reminds me of the right thing to do when I'm unmotivated by patiently talking over the situation instead of attributing everything to laziness.

2. At the same time, someone whom I can be myself around without the risk of condemnation:
- Teases me about how ugly I have my scarf tied and ties it properly for me instead of ranting on what a retard I am.
- Predictably laughs when I respond with put-downs to the constant fishing for compliments. eg. Awww why are you so cruel *nudge, repeat question until a kind remark is extracted*
- Enthusiastically babbles on about mundane things that happened in the day, which spares me from having to talk about my uneventful life. Doesn't take offense when I don't respond to opinion polls or fall silent for minutes.
- Encourages me to let out my silly side.
- Provides distractions and makes an effort to raise my mood when I'm emotionally overwhelmed instead of calling me a weakling for breaking down at something as "trivial".
- Doesn't mind it when I'm controlling and my manners degenerate into coarseness.
- Doesn't stop believing in me when I'm performing below expectations. Won't stop talking to me just because my grades have hit rock-bottom.
- Not offended by dramas with controversial themes like teacher-student relationships.

P.S. If anyone has anything against me, now is the opportunity to provide brutally honest feedback.