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Thread: New features soon for socionicswspherecom webpage

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    Default New features soon for webpage ...

    Here are some things I have planned for the webpage:

    - A new format

    - Accurate socionics typological descriptions of the 16 types written by me and maybe a few other volunteers.

    - A means by which people can submit pictures of themselves and with types for inclusion into the V.I. database.

    - A few new test are being planned - I have a relationship test I am writting and maybe if Hugo wants I will code up his test in some on-line format.

    - I have since realized that I mistyped a few people I know on the "Projected Types" page from way back before I knew socionics well ... I went back and retyped some of the pictures, and added a few more people. That section is now back up for on-line viewing.

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    I went ahead and added the typology description I wrote a few days ago to the forum ...

    I am currently working on ISTj, ISFj, ISFp, and ESTp typology descriptions, which I want to be of the same quality or better.

    If anyone else would like to write a description of a type or their type, pm me and I will put it up with your name and your type if you wish.

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    A new typology description for ISTp can now be found on the website; written specifically by an ISTp on this forum, and edited by me [so you know why it is in my writting style] ...

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    New ISTj description written by me, please comment if you know about ISTjs ...

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    ISFj typological description added ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    A new typology description for ISTp can now be found on the website; written specifically by an ISTp on this forum, and edited by me [so you know why it is in my writting style] ...

    I thought I'd analyze this new profile for how well it fits me like I did for the one I did a few days ago.

    The Mysterious ISTP

    By Cameron Yule [ISTp]
    Edited by Reuben McNew [ENTp]

    At first sight, an ISTp may seem unapproachable to the casual observer; they may unwittingly shun anyone attempting to socialize with him or her. In result, this may lead others to assume that ISTps have no feelings at all. But this is untrue! ISTps actually endure extremely immense emotions, yet lack a natural ability to broadcast their own emotional state to others; they can not leave themselves vulnerable to emotional harm, and will improvise whatever means necessary to protect themselves.

    --> Yes this all fits.

    Because of their defensive nature, ISTps may engender an affinity for pets; they could often be used as a temporal replacement for human love, affection, and interaction.

    --> I've never had much affinity for pets. I don't hate either. I'm just indifferent towards them.

    An ISTp may be bothered by personal rejection if they are close to someone,

    --> Yes

    but not from a stranger; if a relationship is in danger, an ISTp may never attempt to repair it.

    --> It depends. In the past I've broken up with guys at the first site of the relationship going bad. It could have been fixable but now I'll never. At the time I didn't tolerate frustration and conflict in relationships very well. Also I figured I'd rather beat him to the punch. Reject him before he can reject me.

    This results in the fact that an ISTp must feel macho, to engender a masculine persona; even female ISTps may feel a detached feeling to deviate from social norms.

    --> I don't think this really fits. I'm a female and I'm not what people perceive as macho. Yet I'm not girly either. I do have interests in math and science that may be rather atypical of females though. I've always done well on math and spatial reasoning, areas that males tend to do better on than females. Sometimes I feel the need to deviate from social norms, yet I do this secretly and silently. I don't want to attract too much attention and I try to stay out of trouble. For instance, I might drive through a stop sign at 3am when no one else is likely to be watching, but I'd never try to shoplift.

    ISTps rarely deviate from their opinions, and can argue for hours over anything.They are rarely swayed, as they place much faith and emphasis in their own devised logic; they have trouble accepting what others say about anything, especially when it conflicts with their own opinions and values.

    --> I think this may have been more of an issue when I was a child but I'm not really like this now. I don't really like to argue over things. If people disagree with me and I know that convincing them to believe otherwise is difficult, I'd rather just withdraw from them or change the topic. I'm pretty open to other peoples' points of view, and I'm willing to change my mind if their argument is logically convincing enough.

    ISTps have an intoned sense to make practical uses out of about anything; this can be seen in the way that they choose to take care of themselves. For example a male ISTp may maintain short hair to avoid gelling or combing or may not bother to shower when he cannot socialize. However, he may freshen if company should arrive.

    --> Hee, hee. I have this laziness as well. I think its worse for a female because they tend to spend more time on average on their appearance. I've had the same hairstyle for the past five years. It's great because all I have to do is wash and dry it and brush it. I rarely use any hair products other than shampoo, not even hairspray or conditioner unless my hair is particularly frizzy that day. I usually don't bother with make up or perfume unless its a special occassion. I never polish my nails. My jewelry/accessories is pretty simple and minimal. I will admit I have skipped showers when I know I'm going to be home alone all day and if I feel clean enough. But I'd never do that if I knew I was going anywhere. On the other extreme, I can be sensitive to the sensation of feeling dirty and on a hot summer day, I may shower three times in one day.

    Because of their reserved nature and inability to accept the logical conclusions of other in place of their own, they naturally broadcast a subtle sense of self-assurance that often serves to bait and entice others of the opposite sex.

    --> Don't know about this

    However, out of all types, ENFps are the shining moon that makes that ISTp sun glow. Nothing brings the best out of ISTps than their dual ENFp! No other type can make the ISTp feel that special way like the ENFp, and no other type can resist the ENFps charm like the ISTp. An ENFp could spend a lifetime attempting to charm an ISTp, and he or she may never succeed.

    --> I do like ENFps but I also like ESFjs as well. I'm deciding between ISTp and INTj as my type.

    ISTps can have exceptionally addictive personalities, as they love stimuli of all sorts.

    --> Depends on the stimuli. I don't go for things that are potentially harmful like cigarettes, alcohol, or junk food. But there are other types of stimuli I just can't seem to get enough of. If I really like a song, I can listen to it over and over again without getting tired of it.

    Because of their adventurous personality, they may become involved with some somewhat harmless to rather potentially dangerous habits: drugs, alcohol, sex, competitive sports, or any new exciting environment.

    --> I enjoy experiencing what life has to offer but I don't engage in any dangerous habits. I'm very cautious by nature. But I do like to have new experiences of things that aren't harmful. I love traveling, trying new foods, etc.

    An ISTp prone to drinking may drink his or her self broke, unless alcohol runs dry beforehand or would hinder other responsibilities; most ISTps are able to identify and control these tendencies, but some maintain a self-destructive personality that makes this difficult for them.

    --> This isn't me at all.

    When an ISTp feels hurt, he or she may subject his or her self to potentially self-destructive behavior; for example, he or she may neglect to take care of his or her appearance or may drink to excess. In all, in this sense they seek to show others the hurt they feel through a physical manifestation of self-manifestation and pity; they want others to feel what they feel, but are hurt more instead as a result of the fact that they are so hard on themselves for the poor choices of other.

    --> This doesn't fit at all either

    ISTps love to collect informational sources, books, magazines, newspapers; anything that captures their interest.

    --> YES!

    They can becomes obsessed with new learning methods,

    --> Yes

    and absorb as much as they can about their surroundings. However, they rarely favor theoretical methods, and instead seek to engage upon practical usages for what they have learned.

    --> I enjoy both the theory and the practice but probably lean more toward the theory end of it.

    Then tend to collect odd facts, quotes, or anything else compatible with their seemingly detached sense of humor.

    --> Yes, I love doing this. I have a folder I keep full of funny jokes. When I find a funny joke or story online, I print it out and put it in my folder.

    In awkward situations and conversations, an ISTp may engage upon distracting humorous or patronizing comments to avoid the potentially odd moment; this may harm others in ways the ISTp may not have expected or anticipated, and he or she may not become immediately aware of this fact until a later predetermined point in time.

    --> Not sure how well this fits me. Could you give an example?

    Most ISTps have an innate ability to achieve physical feats only dreamed about by others.

    --> I've never been particularly athletic. I've always been slower than average to master sports and the like. I don't particularly enjoy physical exercise either except for leisurely walks and bike rides but I work out regularly because I know its good for me. But oftentimes I have to force myself to do it as I'd much rather be reading or surfing the Internet or visiting the socionics forum.

    But, no matter how athletic they become, they may become increasingly jaded to any future possibility of human love or contact; they may engulf themselves into any various subjective means of distraction: movies, video games, pets.

    --> Yes this has happened many times. Once I get interested in something, it becomes an obsession until I've mastered it or until it gets replaced with another obsession.

    As children, they could readily be seen playing with toy guns, toy munitions, and plastic knives. ISTps can possess a great affinity for weapons and dangerous artifacts.

    --> Not me. I've never liked these kinds of toys.

    Though intelligent, few survive in the conventional classroom;

    --> I managed to do very well in conventional classroom- mostly A's and B's. But I didn't always like it

    they need inspiration to use their unique gifts of objective practicality.

    --> I'm not sure I'm all that practical. Oftentimes, I'm just interested in the theory itself and don't care that much if its useful.

    Nevertheless, ISTps enjoy learning and may even pursue advanced degrees in specialized fields of learning.

    --> I love learning for its own sake.

    ISTps do well at analyzing all sorts of various patterns and data; they can solve systematic problems well, so long as the data presented remains flexibly concrete and non-abstract.

    --> This is very true but I do well with abstract data.

    ISTps can be messy and unorganized.

    --> I used to be this way when I was young. Now I'm almost the opposite, obsessively neat. My office can be rather cluttered because I have several projects going on at once but I know where everything is.

    Much like INTps, they love strategy: Chess, Risk, and strategic video games are common favorites, especially first person shooters. However, INTps and ISTps share a different logic approach when engaging upon the games they love. INTps can more accurately predict the outcomes of battles and situations, and adapt appropriately. Although, ISTps are more likely to ensue various moves of unpredictable measures to fool opponents, much like military generals of older times.

    --> I'm not really into strategy games like you describe. I prefer word games like Scrabble.

    Even with their trademark anti-authoritarian stance, they all seem to need a basic amount of flexible structure to function. In result, many ISTps become drawn to law enforcement and military type occupations.

    --> People don't perceive me as being anti-authoritarian. I usually appear compliant and nonthreatening to others. That doesn't mean I always comply. I will sometimes rebel when no one is looking and if the consequences aren't that great. I like the idea of flexible structure: clear cut goal but how you want to achieve it is up to you. I don't think I could stand to be in law enforcement or the military. I would feel really confined.

    Since ISTps must be told how others feel about them, they may never know otherwise. When pursuing ISTps for relationships, it is important to remain emotionally honest with them.

    --> Yes this is true of me. I don't read what people are really feeling that well. Don't make me guess. Tell me.

    People do not readily understand ISTps; human efforts hardly impress them, and they can appear twisted and detached to others.

    --> Depends on the human effort. I do appear twisted and detached, that's true.

    Most are more likely to feel sympathy for hurt animals than for people.

    --> Not me. I tend to be indifferent towards hurt animals.

    But, in all circumstances most stay calm and collected with a cool level head. Because of their emotional detachment, they can thrive in situations where others cannot; they function best in times of crisis.

    --> I consider myself to be cool in a crisis but I don't think its where I function best. I prefer low stress situations to emergency crisis ones.

    ISTps get along best with ENFps, ESTps, INTps, and ISFps … ISTps get closest to people they have known for a long period of time. ESTps are best with ISTps on one on one situations.

    --> I like ENFps and ISFps. Not sure about ESTp or INTp. Don't know that many.

    So once again, I'm confused as to whether I'm really an ISTp or an INTj instead. Some of the profile really fits, some doesn't apply to me at all.

    Last edited by The Exception; 08-12-2009 at 09:04 AM.

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    Quarter of the description doesn't fit me either. There must be a way to find a description that every indivdual ISTp (or whatever) can relate to almost perfectly.

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    So once again, I'm confused as to whether I'm really an ISTp or an INTj instead. Some of the profile really fits, some doesn't apply to me at all.
    The only parts that didn't seem to fit you were the sexist parts and the extreme sensing parts. I know I've said this before, but some of what you write really doesn't sound INTJ. Actually, you don't really sound like a typical ISTP either but it makes a lot more sense than INTJ, I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this so I don't sound crazy.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I once heard a hypotheses put forth by SFVB that benefactors tend to act at times like their beneficiaries; I wonder if this would hold true for this instance?
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Now that I think about it, that hypotheses is pure bull; have you ever seen an ISTp act like an ISFj?
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    So once again, I'm confused as to whether I'm really an ISTp or an INTj instead. Some of the profile really fits, some doesn't apply to me at all.
    The only parts that didn't seem to fit you were the sexist parts and the extreme sensing parts. I know I've said this before, but some of what you write really doesn't sound INTJ. Actually, you don't really sound like a typical ISTP either but it makes a lot more sense than INTJ, I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this so I don't sound crazy.
    Okay how am I atypical for an ISTp, sexist parts aside?

    Maybe I'm just untypeable.


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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    So once again, I'm confused as to whether I'm really an ISTp or an INTj instead. Some of the profile really fits, some doesn't apply to me at all.
    The only parts that didn't seem to fit you were the sexist parts and the extreme sensing parts. I know I've said this before, but some of what you write really doesn't sound INTJ. Actually, you don't really sound like a typical ISTP either but it makes a lot more sense than INTJ, I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this so I don't sound crazy.
    Okay how am I atypical for an ISTp, sexist parts aside?

    Maybe I'm just untypeable.

    Pretty much just that you are not really a big risk taker and you seem to enjoy theory too much is not in the definition of ISTP... BUT there are reasons an ISTP would do these things and I think type descriptions can be somewhat single-minded at times. If you throw away those little stereotypes you sound much more like an ISTP than any other type.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  14. #14


    I would definitely say that you are not the base type INTJ. But you could possibly be INTJ intuitive subtype ("the researcher")...

    I'll have to go back and look at your previous post to see if you could possibly be another type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    The ESTp description is coming along really well! It should be done soon.
    Excellent, can not wait to see that ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monica
    I would definitely say that you are not the base type INTJ. But you could possibly be INTJ intuitive subtype ("the researcher")...

    I'll have to go back and look at your previous post to see if you could possibly be another type.
    I have always thought it was an odd that Laura would have such a low pronounced , makes me think that there is a possibility she could be INTp.

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