I am wondering what is at play here as far as Socionics goes, so please let me know what you think.

I got a phone call from a friend who needed my help in dealing with a certain situation. He told me what needed to be done and I laid out the plan, called people, arranged for my car to be repaired, etc. The next morning when I needed to run around and take care of things, everything fell apart. Car was not ready, backup ride fell through, money was not available as it should have been, it was a mess.

When that happens, I seem to go into "the zone." I assess all possible avenues, I call people and places, and I never get tired of it until I have it all figured out. But I don't only want to solve the problem, I want to solve it efficiently. I HATE having to take extra steps that are not needed. When they are needed, I am totally fine with them. I'd like to say that I am very very good at handling these situations and exceptionally good at dealing with unforeseen problems along the way. I am actually enjoying it even. It took me all day to handle this situation and at the end it was only partially resolved for reasons beyond my control. I will admit I was very very frustrated because I couldn't do anything else.

I met up with a bunch of friends after all this because I needed a few drinks. I walked in and was all pissed off and bitching and raving about the situation, but they all agreed that I looked energized and as if in "my element." They kept saying that a few times and that got me wondering.

I did realize that I love solving problems like that and I get irritated (within the process) when people don't follow my pace (I don't let them know, of course). And I love for it to be fast-paced. Waiting is not my thing (I had to wait for people to call me back and it drove me nuts).

I was just curious if and how this is type-related and which functions are at play. It made me think that my is really pretty decent because I am good at assessing the progress and development of things in terms of being prepared for what could happen. I don't know, you tell me.