Block EGO * the 1st position * program function * the "ethics of emotions"
Stormy emotions on the strong volitional pressure, "volitional emotionalism" and "emotional will". Representatives this type consider necessary to hide neither their of emotion nor of their desires: both that and, etc. - naturally and it is expressed from the good motive, however, so that in this of poor? Therefore increasingly better and increasingly worse of the fact that occurs with them, it becomes immediate known for that surrounding.
Hugo generously shares both the his happiness and his problems. It panically fears the troubles (indeed life it is created for happiness and pleasures, and it so it is short!). Hugo does not actively and very emotionally desire to himself troubles. It warns itself people, which create to themselves (but it means and to it) problems. Itself renounces to have with them the matter and others it warns, moreover in the very emotional form: "so that by 4 e5- cabbage soups kogd- yes -nibud6 with it it were connected!.." If troubles nevertheless occur, Hugo does not consider it necessary to hide them: indeed it is necessary to somehow draw attention to its problems! Hugo will rather demonstrate his weakness to the completely outside person, than to that, who is the real culprit of his problems. To the negative emotions of that will give output faster than positive: for it it is important to employ all possible means - provided somewhat more rapidly to get rid of the troubles.
It occurs, that insignificant worsening in the conditions of life of Hugo receives as trouble and already is created the situation of panicky, hysterical fuss. This behavior infrequently finding understanding in those surrounding - that which from the side is received as insignificant or unessential, within the framework of the vital values of Hugo it is received precisely as the substantial change to the worse, which in the course of time, possibly, will take the shape of a difficult-to-solve problem. Hugo panically fears some negative tendencies both in his personal life and in its surrounding reality. Therefore he always is socially and politically active. He tries to maximally use his civil liberties, in order to make its life and life of its society of calm and satisfactory.
Hugo is oriented to the most natural vital values: happiness and the health of its children, the prosperity of its close ones, the creative realization of its personal possibilities, the freedom of views and judgments, peace and the prosperity of his surrounding people. And precisely these values, ideas and views Hugo is ready always and to everywhere defend, stinting on either forces or of time, with entire flame and heat of its deeply emotional soul. For Hugo the characteristically stormiest manifestation of emotions. , where it appears by any of the representatives of this type, begins "emotional interchange", the "rotation of emotions in nature".
Hugo does not transfer the state of the lowered emotionalism. The situation, where all suppress its mood, where little they associate, little they speak out, in no way emotionally itself they manifest, it is clear not for it - you will not understand that in people on the mind, you do not know how they live and which disturbs them. ("it me brought to the health resort, yes there and it left! But that to me to there make?! There no one with each other he talks! There only with their they associate!.. It arrived, 4 it I ask: "you where me brought?!! Here no one talked with me! This as so it is possible to rest?!!") Hugo from the morning to the evening can speak about his problems, but it cannot suffer, when someone another complains to it about its life.
Hugo greatly does not love to listen history about the strange troubles, especially, if them tell completely outside to him people, which he little knows and by which by anything soak cannot. But perhaps someone will become more easily, even if in it is spoiled mood? Usually Hugo does not manifest the increased interest in the strange problems: does not desire to spoil to itself mood and he does not want to get involved in into the strange troubles. Then Hugo is always lively interested in the reason for the elevated mood in those surrounding. ("if little whether coma happiness it leaned, then let it will describe, it can and to me it will transport!")
Hugo adores to raise mood by all, who, in his opinion, this requires. He frequently something speaks or he makes only in order to raise mood. For example, it can, after arriving to the work, solemnly to declare, what prepares for all its colleagues gifts - by each it sews aprons to 8 March, and they already even are cut out. This does not completely mean that the colleagues will sometimes see these aprons.
This is in no way compulsorily important another - to create the pleasant elevated mood, to create the atmosphere of the holiday (once already speech it goes about the gifts), to create conditions for good relations, to obtain the general approval, to become at least temporarily the hero of day but most important - this to precisely assign mood, and all then can satisfactorily forget (Hugo it does not love about the aprons, when they resemble to it about the incomplete promises: indeed it far from always promises in order to carry out) Hugo - these are always strong feelings, always vividly emotional nature.
Hugo's feelings rapidly pass into the passion - into the passionate desire or into the passionate hatred. Hugo rarely can be seen with calm and that balanced. Usually it weakens and is calmed only with the contact with its dualom By robesp'erom (when between it and its dualom occurs the "emotional interchange" of the specific nature and quality). The natural emotional state of Hugo - these are slightly the elevated mood, pleasant excitation, with the charge of cheerfulness, optimism and Hugo's confidence in itself - this is always strong and bright temperament. Not by chance the roles, played by actors of this type, this always interesting characters, bright and unforgettable natures.
The episodes, in which they participate by actor- Hugo, adornment of any play and the "raisin" of any film Hugo's emotions frequently are developed at the very rapid rate - this is of its kind the firework of emotions. For this very reason characteristic episode with the clearly expressed drop in the emotions to representatives of this type to play much easier than central role with the gradual emotional development of means. (although central roles many them them they play simply lustrously)
Hugo magnificently sees the nature of man - precisely through the emotions expressed by it. This makes possible for it to be by excellent psychologist to very accurately evaluate the emotional state of man and deeply to it to be anxious the ethical insight of Hugo is wholly built on the skill to understand the motives of behavior of the people through the emotions expressed by them. The nature of the intentions of man of Hugo magnificently is understood according to the expression of his eyes, according to the nature of his smile. Hugo magnificently sees in the man his nature and his ethical potential.
Block EGO * 2-4 Positions * Creative Function * "sensorika Of sensations"
The emotional activity of Hugo finds the most complete and brightest expression in the skill to precisely give happiness to his surrounding close people. In the skill to create by them comfort, cosiness, in the skill to be a guardian them. On the cordiality, on the hospitality, on the skill to accept guests and to organize celebratory meal Hugo does not have equal. The celebratory meal arranged by it always reflects entire flame of its soul, entire its happiness from the contact with the friends.
No one will be compared with Hugo on the skill to create the atmosphere of holiday under the conditions of the most ordinary working days. Hugo can, for example, bring to the work an enormous quantity of diverse food in the saucepans and sudochkakh and arrange for its colleagues "feast to entire peace" - it is simple so, on occasion of a good mood. On the holidays on the work already and to speak something: Hugo from those, who actively organize them, moreover with the pleasure beret to itself the large part of the work. Holiday for Hugo - holy matter.
The best organizer of holidays it is not possible to visualize. Within the shortest period of Hugo it can prepare holiday table to any quantity of guests. (it prepares very rapidly - only manage to bring clean dishes.) It adores to treat its guests. There are no guests - it entertains neighbors. (Hugo greatly it loves to associate, especially at the elderly age, when there are much free time, and frequently it goes on the neighbors with the jar of jam or with the patty of its own production, well and will sit with them after the cup of tea, and it will meet.) Hugo adores to prepare in order someone to treat. Being its guest, it is possible to pronablyudat', as it prepares food and it sentences: "Oy, as this will be tastefully! M-m! Oy, something will now be!.. Oy, this will be something!" And actually it is obtained "something".
All without the exception representatives of this type - splendid culinary specialists independent of the kind of occupations. But already if Hugo - professional culinary specialist, to be his guest - pleasure, which can be memorized for life. Questions of nourishment - theme, which Hugo more willingly anything discusses and which has for it the pervostepenneysheye value, especially the nourishment of his children. If a representative of this type learns, that his child in the school they feed monotonous and unsavoury, it can go to the director and arrange present scandal. Hugo - aesthete from nature.
He about itself this knows and considers it its strong quality. To each person will exceptionally clothing, hair-do and makiyazh, his appropriate appearances and to nature. Even "sensorikam" (not to mention "intuitakh") has sense to listen to the advice to Hugo. Splendid designers are obtained from the representatives of this type. As consultant in Hugo's aesthetics out of the competition: "I asked its colleague (Hugo) soak to me to renew cloakroom. That this was! We after half-hour bypassed five stores. And wherever they appeared - clothing literally began to fly through the salon: "so, give to us here this sweater, now still this sharfik and also here this cap!" And all without the fitting, and everything by rule of thumb! I arrived home, it fitted - everything is noticeable! After half-hour it me dressed from top to bottom!" Its cloakroom of Hugo changes constantly. To it rapidly annoys the fact that it purchased. It eternally something alters, it alters, it peredarivayet.
Hugo constantly something changes in his clothing and hair-do. Before the output to the work it can into the schitannye minutes convert dress into the blouse, it can make to itself hair-cutting or recolor hair, all this only because its yesterday's hair-cutting and yesterday's color of hair do not correspond to its today's mood. Hugo constantly changes interior in his house. Furniture frequently renews, it it constantly moves. It is eternally in it some new cases, portieres, new home-made lampshades. After arriving in guests to the friends or good familiar, Hugo frequently on the private venture begins something to change in the interior their apartments.
Hugo (in contrast to the Dumases), if it sees some aesthetical imperfections, always considers itself as that obliged about this to speak. Moreover, the nearer the relation, the more active it comes out with its observations: "me does not please itself your hair-do!", "this dress must be taken in!", to "this cabinet here not place!". And this is done not because it such rough or unceremonious: simply it is actually very receptive to any manifestation of disharmony, which always so irritates it that it cannot suffer this. Hugo is simply obligated to turn on this attention - even if it about this they do not ask, he cannot keep silent.
Hugo adores to give gifts. He can last money spend on gift, it would seem, completely outside person. He can make a gift apropos and without the occasion. Sometimes - it is simple so, "in the emotional outburst", while sometimes because to it was encountered some thing, which to someone of its close ones greatly will approach: "here, 4 to you it purchased new pomade, and this, orange, reject so that 4 it in you no longer it would see!". Hugo always in the course of the last movements of mode, and although his house is literally covered with the most fashionable catalogs, its own aesthetical style always out of the mode, it is always vividly individual.
It develops the exceptional activity of Hugo, when the matter concerns the health of its close ones. It storms the offices of doctors, it is torn away from the work and runs on the drugstores, it breaks through to the method to the znameniteyshim specialists. All its colleagues, friends and familiar regularly listen summary about the status of the health of its sick relative. Hugo literally attacks disease, since he always fears, that it will tighten itself or will give complication. Its activity begins to weaken only if in the state of patient noticeable improvement begins. To the state of its health of Hugo it pays considerably less attention.
Rarely it complains about the poor health, usually itself manages its own ailments. He tries to be occupied by the preventive maintenance of his health, by sport. It follows the quality of nourishment, it soblyudayet diet. Many women of this type preserve youth and attractiveness to the oldest age.
Block Of superego*e-ya position * normative function * "business logic"
The bright business qualities representatives of this type, unfortunately, are not characterized by, how much they not tried in themselves to develop them. This explains by the fact that behavior of Hugo first of all are subordinated to his mood, his feelings and his desires. Too many money expenditures of Hugo make precisely under the effect of the minute desire and in the emotional outburst. If some fresh and appetizing product is encountered, it buys in the large quantity (little whether, it will be wanted it to eat a little more). It prepares I daily flay food, moreover, in addition in large quantities (little whether, it will be wanted additive).
To the food, prepared the day before, the interest is already lost. Hugo, large specialist for the "renovation of food", what is the object of its special pride: "in me remained yesterday's boiled meat, 4 his bystro-bystro ground and stuffed pancakes. However, well not to eject!" Very many Hugo's purchases make precisely "under the mood": "I saw these tufel'ki and fell in love itself in them, 4 I could not but purchase them!" Then, when "mood" is passed, Hugo will try to return purchase to the store. If this is not obtained, it will attempt to sell it from the hands or to someone to present. Well and if already in no way it is possible to get rid of the unsuccessful purchase, it will alter it into anything "that standing" before finally to reject.
Money in understanding of representatives of this type exist in order to expend them on the pleasures, and precisely to this they first of all are expended. As a result in Hugo an enormous quantity of unpaid calculations and uncovered credits is accumulated. From other side, Hugo attempts to somehow fight with his own impracticality and therefore he attempts herself to be very prudent precisely in questions of money expenditures. (hence and appears that contrast, which seems such strange and difficult to understand in the behavior of representatives of this type - combination of sincere generosity with the meanness and the economy; the combination of extravagance and hairsplitting)
This explains by the fact that with any circumstances of Hugo he tries to conduct his matters in such a way that its desires would be satisfied, and money entire, and even they increased. But how he is succeeded in reconciling this contradiction? - Hugo wonderfully knows how to evaluate the quality of thing even he always knows, where it is possible to make inexpensive, but decent purchase.
Hugo - permanent visitor of the markets, "komissionok" and for cheap sales. Krome.togo, Hugo - large specialist in questions of the price formation: he knows, from what the price is added, he knows, how it it is possible to legally understate. Hugo knows how to force salesman to reduce price, knows how to deal so that in whom will little be sufficient forces, will and nature him to resist. (phenomenon, sufficiently disseminated on some "eastern" markets - salesman drives off a representative of this type from the counter with the cry: "it went hence! It is must to me neither you nor your money!") After visiting into the store, Hugo is interested not only in price, but also in percentage of reduction.
Shaping large purchase, it will try to agree with the salesman about the possibility to somehow "go around" tax to the additional cost, and after this still it can require general reduction to the purchase, and it will sometimes and use the case to intimidate and to reproach salesman "by illegally" designed transaction. Hugo always knows that he is due to it, and which to it is relied: it - great master to defend its consumer rights. The conclusion of business transactions in Hugo frequently begins from the acknowledgement in the sympathy and the confidence, from the proposal of the "cup of coffee", but it frequently concludes with straight volitional pressure, and in certain cases by the threats, which pass into the blackmail.
Being occupied by business, some representatives of this type wonderfully use a system of taxation for their manipulations and for increasing our own incomes. No matter how were high the income taxes, they usually are not reflected in prosperity of firm Hugo. Of course if it does not lose in this case a feeling of measure. (sad lesson of Leon khelmsi - famous millionaire, osuzhdennoy for the concealment of the income taxes, visual to volume an example.) And nevertheless, no matter how tried Hugo reasonable to distribute his personal budget, this in it frequently is obtained according to the principle: "the is dense that emptily". Yesterday - feast by mountain, today - "it is poor as church mouse" and searches for, in whom money to engage.
Occupying money in friends and close ones, Hugo without fail tries to in time return his debt. (since this it concerns his personal interrelations.) But if business relations exceed the scope of ethical, Hugo in the case of financial difficulties it can very quietly leave their debts not paid.
Its business relations of Hugo frequently construct on the basis of its own idea about the "ethical validity" - the unique ethical interpretation of "business" principle "you to me - 4 to you", which consists in the fact that Hugo attempts "podorozhe to sell" his demonstrative magnanimity in the calculation to obtain for this reduction or the concession: "you see that 4 to you by entire soul - so why to us not to try to agree?" Employer- Hugo (especially in the case of financial difficulties) more detains the payment of wage to his employees, the more he demonstrates its passionate love to them. (necessary although to somehow compensate material damage!)
It occurs, that the "love" of Hugo- employer grows to such scales, which becomes even somehow uncomfortable in so hotly loving a person to require its legal wage. Price to its cheap "ethical advances" of Hugo it especially realizes well only if itself occurs in the position of the injured business partner; then it begins "on -robingudovski" to take vengeance upon its offender, using far from most ethical methods. Hugo, just as Robesp'er, considers that the distribution of material goods must be valid. But what to make, if validity - this is not more than abstract notion and unattainable dream? How it is possible to live on the validity on our culpable earth? And perhaps it is possible to find material (money) equivalent to emotional outburst? Hugo wonderfully knows how to manipulate by "business" values, substituting by their ethical, transferring business relations into the ethical, and vice versa.
To the valid distribution of material pulling strings the reasonable distribution of Hugo's budget learns in its duala Of robesp'era. Specifically, in the business partnership with Robesp'erom the "ethical advances" of Hugo obtain the highest prime cost. Hugo and Robesp'er rapidly find mutual understanding in the business relations, since both are oriented to the identical ethical and logical principles. Furthermore, under the action Hugo's Robesp'era becomes more balanced, calmer and by reasonable - is shown beneficial dual influence. And in it no longer appears the needs to suppress their unremitting desires by exorbitant money expenditures. Hugo knows how effectively to work "and to be achieved good results, but its qualification usually he does not overestimate. In the depth of soul frequently it doubts its possibilities, although outwardly it can appear sufficiently to self-confident. For Hugo it is very important to obtain appreciation to its work. It works in the very rapid rate.
Any new matter begins with the enthusiasm, but subsequently it can sufficiently rapidly to it grow cold. (especially, if this is work not on vocation.) It may happen that through the force forces itself to finish work. (if greatly it hurries, it can even ask so that its work would finish colleagues.) Hugo's mood too strongly affects the results of his work: sometimes he not at all is succeeded in on it being concentrated, and then it works so thoughtlessly which subsequently its work is necessary to alter others.
In the matters of business Hugo is oriented very well. Usually in the course of all rules, instructions and orders, which relate to postyanno to the solved by him questions. Therefore a way out from many difficult situations frequently finds, moreover without the special damage for itself. In the business connections although he tries to act effectively, it frequently introduces in them too much fuss. The quality of the work of Hugo is the higher, the more it realizes the significance of its work.
With the fulfillment of work it prefers to use repeatedly checked procedures. The period of the readiness of work for Hugo is determined by the end of his workday. (A sometimes also earlier) to sit too long after work, to remain to Hugo's overtime greatly does not love, especially if little they pay for this. For the fulfillment of separately important work he tries to be prepared in advance, and nevertheless its timely end rarely when succeeds without the "rush work".
Block Of superego*ya-ya position * mobilization function * the "intuition of time"
Some unforeseen matters constantly appear under the effect of the mood in Hugo, the desire to make something such constantly appears, what it did not plan. Being fascinated by some occupation, Hugo frequently ignores time factor - it he is desirable to stop time or to think that it stops at this moment, although he knows that this not so, and greatly it is nervous in regard to this. Hugo constantly experiences the desire to make more than can have time, and, as a consequence of this, a constant fear of overloads, overvoltage, fuss, nervousness and the sensation of fatigue.
Hugo it is very difficult to plan its day: the graph of its matters constantly is shifted and it uplotnyaetsya. Hugo fears the unforeseen expenditure of time. Therefore any overexpenditure of his time irritates. Hugo irritates uninvited guest, and unexpected telephone call, and neproshenyy visitor. The need for altering its work irritates, and it means, to spend on it excess time. Irritate the expectation of transport, plug on the roads, turns in the stores. (you do not envy to that, who before Hugo's nose attempts to rush by without the turn.) Hugo constantly hurries and constantly drive on others. Frequently, when it is in the unbalanced, overexcited state, for it characteristically some feverish impatience with the notes of irritation in the voice.
It is very unpleasant to observe, when Hugo, hardly after having time to arrive in guests, already begin somewhere to hurry. This greatly interfere withs contact with it - it as if drive on the masters: hurrying, it questions all news, rapidly examines all new acquisitions, then is arranged fuss around the celebratory meal, and there already and for the hours casts looks - home time! In its people irritate sluggishness, awkwardness, insufficiently fast responses, insufficiently rapid mental acuity.
Hugo irritates, when in the conversation they return to the theme, which it considers for itself depleted. It irritates, when "pour of the empty into emptier". The insufficient informativeness of conversation irritates - in it the sensation of the waste of time appears. Hugo rarely succeeds himself in selecting time for reading. Therefore representatives of this type, in essence, read in the transport, in the turns, late at night before the sleep or early in the morning before to arise. Hugo does not love the books with the slow development of subject and too detailed an account.
Hugo dreams about that time, when he is able to live without hurrying and to manage to do everything which it wants. But this desire so remains unrealizable dream. Hugo always cannot allow himself quietly to sit after the needelwork - the sensation of the irrationally utilized time constantly torments it. Therefore representatives of this type try to combine all those matters, which can be made simultaneously: if it sits and sews, then in it already simultaneously and washing is twisted, and something is cooked on the plate, and the television set it at this time watches something, on top of that and it manages to answer on the telephone. Constantly living in the regime of increased business activity, Hugo it does not manage (yes and it does not allow for itself)"to make a pause", to analyze situation, to see it in the development and to correct its plans for the future.
It is not capable to economically expend its forces. Very painfully it survives, when they criticize the inopportuneness of its actions. It does not transfer, when they charge it with the unproductive expenditure of time. It is irritated, when they limit it in the time: he so tries it to maximally rationally expend, but if this is not always obtained, then only because Hugo (as any "sensorik") on the private venture beret to itself additional responsibilities. Therefore in it some unforeseen pressing matters constantly appear.
Greatly it does not love to be late. He tries to hide its incapacity to calculate time: for example, if very strongly it is late to some measure, then frequently it prefers completely to not go. It survives, when they criticize it for the insufficient punctuality. It always is nervous, when for it it is necessary to coordinate the time: to it it is very difficult to perceive the course of time, it is difficult to calculate its expenditure (work, connected with the coordination of time to representatives of this type is clearly contrasted). Hugo without fail desires to be up to date in all news and all events, since, as has already been spoken, active civic stand distinguishes it.
The planned social and political prospects always interest it, the new constantly appearing possibility. Constantly it hopes for the changes, which will open new prospects personally for it. It expects with the aid of these changes to solve some its personal problems. Hugo - optimist, it awaits from the life of entire only best. Therefore unforeseen complications and its troubles terribly disappoint. (by Hugo they disappoint even films or books, which unexpectedly badly conclude.) It does not love skeptics, who forecast to it troubles. Even if itself senses danger, it prefers not to be advised those, who see future only in the gloomy light.
Hugo greatly tries to be foresighted and farsighted, what do he has, unfortunately, it is not always obtained. Therefore it receives any criticism in regard to this exceptionally painfully. Position radically changes, when the partner of Hugo becomes his dual. Robesp'er magnificently knows how to plan out time so that it would be created no prerequisites for the overloads and the overvoltage. Robesp'er corrects Hugo's plans, are regulated the rates of its business activity, it creates to it the regime of most optimum vital activity - condition, with which the high productivity of work is combined with the most rational expenditure of time. In the plan of forecasts, Robesp'er it is also more preferable than all other types -"intuitov", since it only, who is subconsiously disposed to the intuitive sensations of Hugo. Furthermore, his forecasts always have logical substantiation, and therefore they seem Hugo by especially convincing, since for Hugo is convincing everything, which is logical.
With the aid of Hugo's Robesp'era economizes the time, necessary for consideration and solution of important problems, since any thought, which Hugo unsuccessfully attempted to consider, to base and to understand, in the account Robesp'era immediately becomes simple, natural and accessible for the understanding. And here we approach the description of the following, "suggested" function of Hugo - to the logic of relationships.
Block OF SUPERID*SHCH-YA Position * Suggestive Function * The "logic Of relationships"
Hugo convinces only that which is logical. It respects people, which know how to discuss logically, that know how to speak out actually, capable it is clear and clear to present its thought itself tries to be reasonable, although he knows that to it this is unusual. Hugo frequently tells about his rash behavior, as if inviting to laugh above his lightness. Studying any object, Hugo tries to see system in it. Is the more systematized instruction, the easier it is mastered by it. Hugo convince the systematized reasons.
Concept "system of views" for Hugo sounds very convincingly. Man with the system of views in Hugo always causes true respect. Especially, if the "system of views" that deserves. Facts for Hugo - most convincing argument. Usually it assembles information on all by channel simultaneously: the book, friends, familiar, radio, television and the like becoming involved in debate. Hugo frequently refers to the facts, known to it from the accessible sources. Moreover, having already referred to some well-known fact.
Hugo rejects to receive any objections or refutations, especially if they are unsystematic, confused and chaotic. In this situation it is capable to listen that only, who will know how to logically, clearly and laconically refute those reasons, which Hugo before considered irrefutable. As a rule, by precisely this opponent occurs his dual Of robesp'er - only, who is capable to gather the chaotically scattered thoughts of Hugo "into one point". Robesp'er not only introduces order in "intellectual chaos" of Hugo - he learns to think of logically it; helps it to be concentrated on some key problems, to build the good running of reasonings. Briefly, it helps Hugo to develop his intellectual potential.
Under the effect of Robesp'era Hugo becomes more assembled, concentrated, reasonable. He no longer makes possible for himself to accomplish rash behavior, which have severe consequences. The regulated thoughts open for Hugo the new understanding of his surrounding phenomena, offer new prospects and new possibilities.
Block SUPERID * the 6th Position * Activation Function * The "intuition Of possibilities"
The new opened possibilities wake up the business activity of Hugo. With the enormous enthusiasm it supports any undertaking, it lights up by new ideas.
It lives in a constant expectation of some improbable event, which in the most unexpected manner will overturn entire its life. It lives in a constant expectation of miracle. Frequently he speaks about his presentiments of changes. Subconsiously it is prepared for these changes. In it appears the unexpected desire to make some purchase from the calculation of possible changes ("here I now I will leave the house and suddenly the encounter of its" prince of "!... By the way, and in what 4 its encounter of?..") Hugo believes in the fate, believes in the changes to the best. Zatevaya some matter, frequently relies on success and luck. "by others it conveys, and than 4 it is worse?"
Lucky people greatly command it. It can to the last money purchase lotereynyy ticket. Frequently is drawn analogy between the life and the lottery: "love - lottery", "fate - lottery". Hugo with the interest listens to any news. Moreover frequently, on the basis of these news, make some its logical and economic calculations. "now they transferred by the radio: from the new year they increase benefit for the mother- lone persons! I calculated - this of one-and-a-half wage! Now- that I finally to smog to itself new furniture to purchase! 4 it exactly from this benefit I will sob!" Hugo much and willingly speaks about his successes, about the possibilities and the abilities. And even, where it feels itself insufficiently confidently, it does not make it possible to doubt its abilities.
From it it is possible to hear saying of the type: "in the light there is nothing impossible" or "it is possible in all to attain, it is necessary only greatly to want". If Hugo feels, that his possibilities nevertheless they doubt, it seemingly immediately starts conversation against some its achievements and successes. Moreover compulsorily it will describe for the larger persuasiveness, how its successes highly were evaluated and what opinions were about its work. Its own successes and possibility - theme, on which Hugo willingly otklikayetsya.
Saying about his abilities, Hugo so actively and so emotionally tries to act on collocutor, as if he fears, which this question someone will raise for doubt. Successes and the ability of its children for Hugo the most timid theme. Children's creation produces to any of the representatives of this type deep impression. For example, listening to children's singing, any of them is moved to the tears, regardless of the fact, his child sings or stranger.
In contrast to Dumas, who is not considered the expenditures for the education of the children, Hugo he tries to his children to give the maximum of formation with the minimum expenditure of resources. For example, if Hugo works in the artistic- ceramic workshop, he can bring clay and paints to its child. ("perhaps it can such be so that anything could not be brought from the work?!") It can entreat authorities to permit it to anneal in the production furnaces of the article of its offset, and when these requests they will begin to reject, it can this make secretly.
For the payment of particular lessons Hugo deals as on the market and it is always glad of the possibility to obtain a little more "trial" free lessons. Hugo frequently sees the root of his problems in the fact that in it steal his rights and, consequently, also the possibilities. Frequently it copies its failures to the injustice, appeared with respect to it. Hugo always actively fights for his rights and for the possibilities, which give these rights him, since it considers in view of a certain limitedness of his intuition that the possibilities are allowed precisely by the rights: "if to you it is not given, then you and take cannot".!? the contrary case is disrupted lawful equality, which in turn can lead to chaos, anarchy and destruction of the reasonable and valid abutments of society.
The inequality of possibilities always causes the censure of Hugo and here it completely converges in the opinion with its dualom By robesp'erom.
Block ID * the 7th Position * Observant Function * The "ethics Of relations"
Hugo considers that the society only then can be called valid, when it gives equal rights and equal possibilities all its citizens. And precisely on this principle is erected the ethical platform of the dyad of Hugo - Robesp'er: the observance of lawful installations with the distribution of possibilities "ethics of validity". The relationship of rights and possibilities is examined of all ethical installations of Hugo first of all, since it considers that the jamming in the rights leads to the limitation of possibilities, and this in turn prevents man from appearing itself in better shape, it prevents it from occupying its deserved place under the sun.
Hugo is very retentive to any manifestation of injustice and considers it ethical and to appropriate about this "in proper time" to resemble. Example: the anniversary evening of gennadi khazanov. All honor celebrant, they come out with the congratulations, its merits note. And here comes out one of the most popular actors, described type representative, and it recollects, that in certain year the respected celebrant not was accepted in the theatrical institute while other actors (from the number of those being present in the hall) were there accepted, because of its connections, although by anything especially by that put outting itself itself in the skill they did not appear.
Of course with respect to the mentioned actors this act it would be possible to consider as unethical, but in that exactly consists the prevailing principle of Hugo's ethics: validity - above in all. If some people incorrectly used their possibilities, it is possible without any pangs of conscience to throw in them stone. Hugo, at least best representatives of this type itself try to follow this ethical principle. Example: participating in the tele-game the "field of miracles", a representative of this type, popular and most favorite actress express the readiness to forego their right for the gain, since answer to the assigned question another participant in the game prompted to it. And only after that leading judged, that it has the right to use this prompt, she calls word and wins game.
Following commandment "tooth for the tooth, an eye for an eye", Hugo sosredotachivayet its attention only in the abstract equation of these concepts: for the good it is necessary to pay by good, for the evil - by evil. But where it is said, that the measures your and of my "good" do coincide? And that the evil, caused to me, is equivalent to the evil, caused to you? The most natural equivalent of their own ethical values for Hugo are always values material. For example, of it by the characteristically very original method to check the limit of the generosity of its partner: "when 4 to ides with the new friend into the restaurant, I order entire itself-m- my better! Itself- my expensive! And everything in enormous quantities - everything! But if it does not pay off, i always have money about the reserve... " If as a result of such checkings by Hugo nevertheless it proved to be in the solitude, in it at least remain pleasant recollections, and certain material compensation: "well and that, that it returned to its wife?! Then all its money remained in me. Everything, such as were, all my!"
Only in the partnership with Robesp'erom in Hugo it appears no doubts apropos of equality about the interrelations. Only in this case he feels, which obtains not less, but even it is more than it gives. Only in the relations with Robesp'erom, whose of merit they have for Hugo especially high significance, and deficiencies seem by completely insignificant, Hugo ceases to check, "how much good he made and than to it for this they paid back". In the contact with the partners of other psychological types of Hugo constantly is experienced the sensation of the injustice of interrelations, it it always seems that it returns much more than it obtains. He constantly feels itself shared unfairly also in it the desire to restore validity in turn appears, moreover it is far from most ethical methods.
Block ID * the eighth Position * Demonstrative Function * "VOLITIONAL SENSORIKA"
Its ethical dissatisfaction of Hugo it usually compensates by priority on volitional sensorike, i.e., he tries to secure power superiority, where, in his opinion, already no and it cannot be ethical equality. For Hugo's this it attempts to concentrate all spheres of influence and all material values of its partner, who by this time already becomes its enemy, in its hands, he tries it to completely be sultry its will and activity.
Under the conditions subjectively of perceptible "ethical inequality" in some representatives of this type is developed the fear that to its native children they relate more badly than to the stepdaughter or the stepson (the "complex Of zolushkinoy step-mother"). In this case Hugo can "restore validity", attaining enormous advantage and explicit preponderance of its interests. Moreover this with this volitional pressure and with such emotional attack makes that more not in whom would arise never the desires to dispute them.
In the partnership with Robesp'erom in Hugo it does not appear ethical prerequisites for this situation, since Robesp'er with the emphasized, most scrupulous pedantry equalizes in rights and responsibilities of all members of its family, making not for whom from them exception. Hugo constantly and everywhere demonstrates the readiness to protect his interests, regardless of the fact, they attempt on them or not. For it it is very important to prove its power superiority as the preventive (preventive) measure of the protection of its interests.
Any form of the personal volitional protection of Hugo considers as necessary reciprocal action on whose- that injustice and someone's arbitrariness, which he tries not to allow, since it fears infringement of its rights, just as other unpleasant consequences. But he tries not to allow Hugo's troubles. Therefore originally it declares about itself as about the man, who no one will allow to suppress himself.
Show of force and will for Hugo - natural state. The manifestation of volitional initiative for it is also natural as the manifestation of the initiative of ethical. Hugo is always free in the manifestation of his feelings and desires, but he always pricks up ears, when this for itself allows someone another. Itself fears to appear pliability, fears, that this will pinch its interests. It prefers so that those would be inferior, who "on other side of barricade", while "its command" must be inflexible and obstinate. Frequently demonstrates its resoluteness, persistence and purposefulness, as if proposing its behavior as the model for the imitation. (Hugo usually it very in detail tells, what obstacles for it made and how it them it overcame, that to it to this they said that it this answered, and so forth and the like.)
Weak (in his opinion) and passive people irritate Hugo. But its duala Of robesp'era it to the same does not add - if man is ready to sacrifice himself into the name of idea, he is already strong. With what his it is only necessary to learn, means it is possible to defend idea without the special damage for itself. Hugo is capable to sufficiently accurately estimate the power preponderance of enemy, furthermore, it is sufficiently farsighted in order not to climb to rozhon. In the alliance with Hugo's Robesp'erom knows how to wait the time, in order by the most rational means to use its volitional qualities and at the most suitable moment to protect its rights with the smallest losses for itself.