I've realized that most people don't understand the diffrent body movements that each type has. I have mentioned this before but people have pretty much had the opinion of, "Well, you haven't really explained this and I don't know what it is". This is my chance to try and explain it. Keep in mind a lot of this information can be found at BrianTypes.com.
First let me try to differentiate between Sensing and Intuitive types. Sensors are more solid and compact (and on the negative side, stiff). Intuitives are more loose, acrobatic and have more of a "stretch" (on the negative side they are disjointed).
Then let's break up the types into four groups; SF, ST, NF, and NT. I will specifically try to explain the diffrent movements within each group.
The SF's are dominant in the gross motor areas. That means they have the best control over the toes, ankle, knee, hip, trunk, and shoulder. The SF types use their whole body when moving. Say if they are throwing something, you will see their arm move with their entire body.
The ST's are dominant in the fine motor areas. Fine motor are the smaller muscle groups as opposed to the large muscle groups. These guys have best control over the elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, neck and eyes. Their movements look somewhat similar to the SF's, except their whole body isn't "connected" as much as the SF, and they finish more with these fine muscles.
The NF's are the next group down the list. Like I said before, they are looser and freer in their movements. They still choose fine over gross movements, but aren't as compact as the ST's. The NF's strongest muscles are in the face, lips, jaw and tongue. Because of this they can be language skilled.
The NT's are the furthest from the motor cortex. The will be the most disjointed of the types. You will be able to see that they rely more heavily on the fine motor movements because they are least gifted in the gross ones. Sometimes, if they are swinging a bat or something, they will fall back onto their back leg for support. They are also good speechers and are abstract thinkers.
A couple more things...
Judging vs. Percieving
Judgers are considered left brain dominant. They have more body control and also have more dexterity. Judgers are more mechanical; their movements seem to be step by step and placed perfectly on purpose. Percievers are considered more right brain dominant. They have more body rythm and are better at positioning. They will have more fluid motions and can seem more bouncy. Percievers have more hollistic movements.
Introversion vs. Extraversion
Introverts are energy conserving and Extraverts are energy expending. An Introvert will try to be conservative with their movements. They also store up energy and are more intense; they let out all their energy when they need it. Extraverts will be constantly using up energy but aren't as focused or intense as the Introverts.
I hope that cleared some stuff up. Comments?