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This post not for rent
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
an original biographical article by
Dr Strangeeyes
Many people constantly are amazed by my claim that I have changed my personality type. I'm going to try to write what I experienced and try to make the connections to personality types. You are free to, if you so wish, to make claims afterward.
The following narrative, though true for the most part, will contain enough lies that I hopefully won't be recognized by anyone whose not supposed to.
That includes you.
When I was a kid, I was heavily introvert, I mostly played with whatever toys I had and watched people. I watched people like a deer in the headlights watches the car. I was a very scared little kid. I was scared of the dark, monkeys, spies, my cousin, aliens, hippies, trolls, onions but most of all I was scared of death. Except that I wasn't afraid of dying per se. I was afraid of things ending. In some way, though my life was rather miserable in all it's being afraidness, I also loved my fears and wouldn't have exchanged my lot for anything.
What's particularly interesting is that I expressed my fears usually that I was afraid of the passing of time. You see, I was a very nice, a very proper child. That's the way I wanted it to be. I wanted to be the best possible child in the world. And somehow I believed that that would lead to good things, and whenever something bad happened, it was bad and whenever something good happened, it was bad too, because I was afraid that that was all the good that was ever going to happen and that now it was over. Thus, I never wanted anything to happen. I was afraid of the passing of time.
By now, it will not come as a surprise to you, that this would be easily recognized as 4th function Ni. When I add to this, the matter that as a child, I was the brainy kid, and not only any old brainy kid, I was the child with perfect self control. I never laughed and rarely had any actual real emotions at all, you'll soon notice that I was an ESTj.
Me being an ESTj was probably not a circumstance of upbringing as my family consisted of parents INTj&ISFj and brother ENTp (who later turned ESTp). So was I born into it? Was ESTj my natural type? Is it still it? Thing is, when Jung originally wrote about natural types he wrote that dysfunction and unhappiness is sometimes caused can be caused by being diverted from one's natural type. Well, my childhood was miserable, and I was miserable being an ESTj. I was also pretty weird and dysfunctional. (heck, I was a delta, and thus a very strong strange personality).
I continued this way for a rather long while. During these years it was quite common for me to change into ESFj in certain situations when I was trying to make proven friends happy but this was short-living and an aberration of the normal circumstances. I was naturally bullied being "smarter" than the rest of the school together as was once proven in a trivia quiz of me vs. school and I was a natural loner anyway (delta)...
Again, I was not happy. I was not happy due to the circumstances but I was also not really happy when I was by myself. I didn't allow myself to be so.
Things came to a breaking point somewhere in the upper classes of school. People like to think that school violence is something like a recent thing, while it of course isn't. There was a person in my school whose tongue was branded by gang members. Another one was bathed in kerosene. Violence seemed a lot more personal and creative in those days. Anyways, I was sufficiently in fear of my life that I decided that I could not keep on living the way I had.
While I had previously been shy and introverted I forced myself to become happy in all situations and make friends of everyone around me. I started wearing purposefully flashy things and started to practice witticisms and social-related skills, like card games and magic tricks. Also I started to concentrate more on play-writing, something I had previously only dabbled in and now formed a theatre group. Pretty soon I had the whole school around my little finger, including people who had bullied me previously. At the same time my earlier earned skills in academic subjects remained above the level of anyone around me.
At this time I moved to another city and started high school.
This would easily be characterized as one of the happiest times in my life. While my persona change was artificial, it didn't feel fake. My persona had always been first and foremost about quality and surpassing others. So why couldn't I turn this interest into the social life. At the same time I started experimenting with feelings. I had become very aware of how odd it was not to have any and was also slightly disturbed by experiencing nightly violent nightmares for 10 straight years. I started trying to push myself into situations that would cause a maximal feeling reaction in myself. I took a role of "school psychiatrist" because I wanted to hear as many sob stories as I could. It also helped the social thing.
Around this time my fear of time passing went away. I thought I just grew out of it.
While I was still the same me, I had socially turned completely different and the change helped me. I not only learned new skills but the overall quality of my life was better.
High school came to an end and university called. The change was dramatic again. I felt that I had been practicing my all life for this stage. This was what I had believed I had kept up my quality standards for. Imagine my surprise when I found out that in the university nobody cared for your quality, least of all the students. The assortment of moneygreedy fools, test-cheating beer-guzzling frat boys and scared-of-everything nerdies was a complete shock.
Therefore I rejected the student body and started charming the faculty. Pretty soon I was involved in a number of research groups and was actively courted by faculty members. But thing is, this was no longer an environment in which tests were set beforehand in such a way that success was possible. The people who succeed in research are no longer the people with the brightest minds, it's the people who are willing to go through every possible path of failure to finally find, if not the correct, at least the best answer. (This is how it is in medicine, in other fields, the situation is undoubtedly different).
Anyway, not being able to succeed in a research project, even if the fault was not personally mine, was again a massive crisis. At that point I thought I started to feel really bad again. I started doing more and more work in a futile effort to keep up the standards of success I had set. I thought I was reverting to the habits of childhood but actually this was very different. As a kid, it was all about me and my success. When I was starting my research career I was afraid of being thought a fake. I was more concerned with avoiding failure than achieving success. I was concerned with appearances. I was environmentally concious and started manipulating it to appear better. I had gone ENFj.
At that time I started doing politics for real. I joined a party and competed for party positions. Due to academic background I started my own policy analysis group and it became rather succesful. I started picking out good guys to help, write speeches for them and so on. I did all of this while being fully cognisant that this was in no way related to my earlier life or career. I did this because I felt that this is what people should do. People should be politically interested and active. People should try to mold the society to become a better place.
It was around this time that I found my soon to be wife an later ex-wife. She was a sociohistorian and politics was a common interest to us. She was an ESTp and I fell in love with her because I thought she looked like an army officer. At that time I was feeling very vulnerable and attracted to strong cold women. In the beginning, our relationship was mutually psychologically negative, but we developed it into something better. During that development I became calm. For financial reasons I had the control of our relationship and this taught me again how to be in control, this time not of myself but my whole environment. My wife started molding more and more to my will and became happier at the same time. While I was becoming an ENTj, she was becoming an ESFp. This was the happiest time in our relationship and was in general a very happy time in my life as well. I continued doing politics but at that time, for the first time ever, my creativity died out. I became unable to write plays. On the other hand my ability to do research soared. I was no longer the academic virtuoso in the group, I just naturally took control of the projects around me. It was strange. I felt I had the least understanding of what I was doing in a concrete way I had ever had, yet I seemed to be trusted in a way I had never before been. I felt like I was riding the biggest wave in the world in a limousine. But you know, a limousine has no business being on a wave in the first place.
I still felt smarter than anyone else around me... Just, for the first time, I simultaneously knew I had no idea what I was doing. Only, I was quite certain neither had anyone else. I started doing stock investments, and did very well. At the same time I was increasingly aware of how there was an asynchrony in how I was living my life and what was my position in life. A medical researcher, no matter how good and succesful he is, is a very minor character in the world. I felt succesful in life, yet I had not actually gained the trappings to validate the feeling. Also, the marriage, while a positive force in my life (now that we'd both left our negativity behind us) was still somehow, inexplicably not fulfilling. I had memories about a series of teen-age sweethearts that all had had a certain undescribable quality that my wife was lacking. (later on I have come to notice that the objects of my interest had all been IJs, first INFjs, later INTjs of a progressively more thinking variety, until I found my wife-to-be. .... Ok, there was an interlude with a couple of INTps which was very confusing as they were actually my conflicting partners at the time...)
I was sort of happy, but static. Actually I was very happy and very static. And then I knew I had to somehow leave behind what I had and try again. But a life is not something that is easily changed. Even if my life's guiding rule had always been that giving in, adapting, is the path to victory, it still wasn't easy. Furthermore, while I had before changed only out of necessity and to a direction that was pointed to me by outside sources, I was now doing it out of a vague sense that it should be done, maybe more out of the habit of changing my persona than anything else. I lacked guide posts.
It was around this time that I returned to my earlier interest of archetypes. And while I was in the process of divorce I happily found socionics. At that time I was an ENTj and thought I had been that way forever. Actually, I had always thought I was INTJ but that was in MBTI and yes, I was an MBTI INTJ while I was a socionics ESFj and a socionics ENFj as well. Funny that.
And with socionics I found understanding of what I had been doing & what needed to be done.
During this year I've been trying to turn into an ESTj. I've left almost all my previous friends behind (they just don't seem that important anymore). I'm leaving behind academic research and planning a return to patients (research was always a group effort and pretty boring at that. I continued it for it's social importance.) I'm falling in love with an INFj. I'm finally taking care of my body better. I'm caring less and less about socionics. I know I'm succeeding in many ways and brought this on myself but at the same time I'm feeling miserable. It's a good miserable, but still I'm feeling miserable. Also, the nightmares are back. And so is the fear of passing time. Funny how life can be...
And in all point of my life, I always felt that this was how I had always been and would probably always be.
Added notes. During the first years of university, when I was still looking to continue my high school life style, I started a private psychology hot-line. I distributed my phone number as someone to call in evening & night time if you felt you needed to talk to someone. This hobby kept me going through my early university studies. I had never had any education on how to speak to mentally disturbed people, and there were a a lot of them, yet these difficult conversations were never taxing to me, they were refreshing.
During the years of low success in the field of research (partly due to a certain ENTp boss who ran his whole lab to the ground), during the years that I was becoming an ENFj that is, I finally found religion. My INTj father was very religious, but his brand of "robespierrian christianity" had always pushed me away. At that time, I suddenly found Zen, and became the devout buddhist witch I am today. Ok, not today, as I haven't really needed religion for years, but in those days it was what kept me going.
There are undoubtedly a few thousand things I'm omitting and about 20% of that is a flat out lie (though not the important stuff), but this is my experience of how my personality has evolved and why I'm where I'm now doing the things I'm doing and have no intention to stay as an ESTj, my "personality type" for the rest of my life. I hope to still have time to have a child or maybe even a couple (as the girl I'm involved with is significantly younger than I am) but even at the risk of losing her and the dual relation, there's no way I could stand being an ESTj forever. (I still have brief episodes of ENTj activity in my life, and get small ESFjish moments but the ENFj in me is, for the moment, gone, dead, in heaven, buried, grilled, done with. At least that's a good thing.)
So, for the next few years at least, it's all about pushing myself, violent dreams and narcisstic drive for personal success.
- Perfection exists only behind the event horizon.
- Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
Last edited by Smilingeyes on Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:05 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Extraverted Feeling
Introverted Intution Extraverted Feeling Subtype: Extraverted Feeling
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:42 am Post subject: Reply with quote
And with socionics I found understanding of what I had been doing I what needed to be done.
I didn't fully understand that, I was wondering if you could explain further.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:07 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Dioklecian wrote:
And with socionics I found understanding of what I had been doing I what needed to be done.
I didn't fully understand that, I was wondering if you could explain further.
A strange typo there.
Should read: And with socionics I found understanding of what I had been doing & what needed to be done.
Meaning of course that I understood that I understood that what was at the time missing from my life was qualities of an ESTj. Socionics gave me a vision of something to strive for, the self-image of an ESTj. Of course I had been it before, but I had forgotten many things about being one. Funny thing is I'm remembering some of those things anew, getting back childhood memories I haven't had for a long time.
- Perfection exists only behind the event horizon.
- Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:42 pm Post subject: Re: How I learned to stop worrying and love personality chan Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
brother ENTp (who later turned ESTp). .
See, my problem with this is basically rooted in the way descriptions are written.
If an ENTP is described as "stretched legs and arms" and "S body" and "clothes badly fitting" and an ESTp is described as "short and flexible", if I were to become an ENTp, would I be forced to stretch my arms and clothes wouldn't fit me any more? Not to be taken literally, but just to get the idea.
ES(T)p, logical subtybe, 7w8
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:17 pm Post subject: Re: How I learned to stop worrying and love personality chan Reply with quote
FDG wrote:
Smilingeyes wrote:
brother ENTp (who later turned ESTp). .
See, my problem with this is basically rooted in the way descriptions are written.
If an ENTP is described as "stretched legs and arms" and "S body" and "clothes badly fitting" and an ESTp is described as "short and flexible", if I were to become an ENTp, would I be forced to stretch my arms and clothes wouldn't fit me any more? Not to be taken literally, but just to get the idea.
I'm running out of ways to ridicule the attempts to connect personality types with bodily and facial anatomy. I have no idea what could make an otherwise reasonable person write something like that in the middle of a personality type description.
The way someone walks, talks, facial movements, sure all of those I've noticed changing in myself and others. Also the way I pick my clothes and the way others seem to clothe themselves I've seen change drastically.
For example in the most recent change I've started using army trousers and camouflage t-shirts. I've also lost a few pounds without really attempting to do so. Facial gestures have for the most part disappeared, as has most of the changes of tone in my voice when I speak. The clothes thing was premeditated. They just feel good at the moment. The other changes were a surprise to me, though I should have remembered them from earlier times. The weight loss was the largest surprise. My ex-wife noticed it way before I did.
As for the changes within some other types. I'm not really sure what kind of things would happen. I haven't experienced them personally in the same way. Would be interesting to hear from others.
I find it possible that it's rare to change with such regularity as I've done. Yet I can't but wonder at how my use of functions and the change in them roughly correlated to the way MBTI guys believe people learn to use their functions. (Though of course the way they divide a person's functions is different).
I have at least one friend who I know has gone through all the possible phases of the EP temperament. My father has been ISTj for one period in his life and is now, after the death of his wife, turning to the other direction and is mostly like an INFj. Yet many other people seem to change very little. My mother was always an ISFj and had been so from childhood or so it seems from the stories she and her sisters told. (Again, there were brief moments of ISTj or INFj behaviour, but apparently no such cataclysmic changes as I've gone through.) The way people change is not something I've kept purposefully track of for years so I'm unfortunately limited to analyzing my closest friends and relations whom I just happen to have known well for a long period of time.
- Perfection exists only behind the event horizon.
- Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:17 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
just because u were afraid of things a lot as a child doesn't mean u r an ESTj... neither does fear of time. fear of time can be caused by tragic circumstances in life or just age... that doesn't make u an ESTJ. neither does being a perfectionist.
why is finding a type or not finding a type significant to u? socionics is just an attempt to structure people in a Ti fashion... and it can't be done simply because environment warps the process.
socionics is just a choice perception. anyway, how can anyone really have intuition in their conscious? wouldn't intuition itself be a subconscious thing?
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:26 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
camouflage? is that a color preference?
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:27 am Post subject: Reply with quote
fever wrote:
just because u were afraid of things a lot as a child doesn't mean u r an ESTj... neither does fear of time. fear of time can be caused by tragic circumstances in life or just age... that doesn't make u an ESTJ. neither does being a perfectionist.
why is finding a type or not finding a type significant to u? socionics is just an attempt to structure people in a Ti fashion... and it can't be done simply because environment warps the process.
socionics is just a choice perception. anyway, how can anyone really have intuition in their conscious? wouldn't intuition itself be a subconscious thing?
I can't describe everything about what I was like as a kid. Being perfect is hidden agenda of ESTj. I also gave you total abscence of Extraverted Feeling, description of Extraverted Thinking and fourth function Introverted Intution. If you want to make a case that I was / am something else than what I claimed to be, do it.
Finding a type is not important to me.
Camouflage as a color scheme fits army trousers in a way that most of the more traditional men's shirts I'm used to wearing do not.
I have no idea what the rest of your message has to do with this thread. If you want to complain about the system of socionics, do it somewhere else. I'm definitely not socionics' main proponent.
- Perfection exists only behind the event horizon.
- Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:14 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Thank you for sharing that Smilex. Its interesting to think of type more as a variable than as a dogma, which is transcended by the course of life itself.
I must admit you are a good writer, as well.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:14 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
I can't describe everything about what I was like as a kid. Being perfect is hidden agenda of ESTj. I also gave you total abscence of Extraverted Feeling , description of Extraverted Thinking and fourth function Introverted Intution . If you want to make a case that I was / am something else than what I claimed to be, do it.
other types can be perfectionist as well even if the so-called HA is different. i know an ESFj that is a perfectionist about certain things but no where to the degree that i have been in the past.
Smilingeyes wrote:
Finding a type is not important to me.
so u write entire pages about yourself on a personality forum for no apparent reason?
Smilingeyes wrote:
I have no idea what the rest of your message has to do with this thread. If you want to complain about the system of socionics, do it somewhere else. I'm definitely not socionics' main proponent.
i'm not really trying to complain about socionics... yeah, i have my doubts about certain aspects just like everyone else, but mainly it is just a fun hobby for me.
in this paragraph...
Smilingeyes wrote:
There are undoubtedly a few thousand things I'm omitting and about 20% of that is a flat out lie (though not the important stuff), but this is my experience of how my personality has evolved and why I'm where I'm now doing the things I'm doing and have no intention to stay as an ESTj, my "personality type" for the rest of my life. I hope to still have time to have a child or maybe even a couple (as the girl I'm involved with is significantly younger than I am) but even at the risk of losing her and the dual relation, there's no way I could stand being an ESTj forever. (I still have brief episodes of ENTj activity in my life, and get small ESFjish moments but the ENFj in me is, for the moment, gone, dead, in heaven, buried, grilled, done with. At least that's a good thing.)
it appears as though u believe that u cannot maintain a relationship with a type unless u act like their dual. that is why it seems as though u r treating this thing like some kind of religion and hence is what the rest of my message was about.
what is the purpose of your post? i'm not sure of which direction it is going in.
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
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Joined: 28 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:24 am Post subject: Reply with quote
fever wrote:
Smilingeyes wrote:
I can't describe everything about what I was like as a kid. Being perfect is hidden agenda of ESTj. I also gave you total abscence of Extraverted Feeling , description of Extraverted Thinking and fourth function Introverted Intution . If you want to make a case that I was / am something else than what I claimed to be, do it.
other types can be perfectionist as well even if the so-called HA is different. i know an ESFj that is a perfectionist about certain things but no where to the degree that i have been in the past.
Well, duh. ESFjs have the same hidden agenda as ESTjs. And since their hidden agenda is your concious dominating function it stands to reason that you are as well. But there are a lot of types that have absolutely no connection to perfectionism.
Smilingeyes wrote:
Finding a type is not important to me.
so u write entire pages about yourself on a personality forum for no apparent reason?
I state my reason in the very beginning. I have experiences that tell me that personality type changes. I can back it up with theoretical knowledge of why it should and even must be so. I constantly run into people who react to my claims with "Nuh-uh, x said that personality type doesn't change so therefore it can't." I get tired of it. Therefore this is a challenge to anyone who wants to claim that personality type doesn't change. This is about a principle, not about my type. I was actually interested in what people have to say about my type, I'd made a thread under "what's my type?", but I'm not, since I believe I understand very well what type I am.
Smilingeyes wrote:
There are undoubtedly a few thousand things I'm omitting and about 20% of that is a flat out lie (though not the important stuff), but this is my experience of how my personality has evolved and why I'm where I'm now doing the things I'm doing and have no intention to stay as an ESTj, my "personality type" for the rest of my life. I hope to still have time to have a child or maybe even a couple (as the girl I'm involved with is significantly younger than I am) but even at the risk of losing her and the dual relation, there's no way I could stand being an ESTj forever. (I still have brief episodes of ENTj activity in my life, and get small ESFjish moments but the ENFj in me is, for the moment, gone, dead, in heaven, buried, grilled, done with. At least that's a good thing.)
it appears as though u believe that u cannot maintain a relationship with a type unless u act like their dual. that is why it seems as though u r treating this thing like some kind of religion and hence is what the rest of my message was about.
what is the purpose of your post? i'm not sure of which direction it is going in.[/quote]
I believe no such thing. One relationship I had, lasted in a sort of strange on/off fashion from the time I was previously ESTj until the time I started acting like ENFj. Our mutual attraction was strong enough to allow it. You picking that as the central message of the post seems to tell a lot more about your than about my ideas.
- Perfection exists only behind the event horizon.
- Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:32 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
I state my reason in the very beginning. I have experiences that tell me that personality type changes. I can back it up with theoretical knowledge of why it should and even must be so. I constantly run into people who react to my claims with "Nuh-uh, x said that personality type doesn't change so therefore it can't." I get tired of it. Therefore this is a challenge to anyone who wants to claim that personality type doesn't change. This is about a principle, not about my type. I was actually interested in what people have to say about my type, I'd made a thread under "what's my type?", but I'm not, since I believe I understand very well what type I am.
i'm not claiming that personality type doesn't change. but i would say, i can see where someone would doubt u ever having been an F type.... because it is obvious u lack tact!
Smilingeyes wrote:
fever wrote:
Smilingeyes wrote:
There are undoubtedly a few thousand things I'm omitting and about 20% of that is a flat out lie (though not the important stuff), but this is my experience of how my personality has evolved and why I'm where I'm now doing the things I'm doing and have no intention to stay as an ESTj, my "personality type" for the rest of my life. I hope to still have time to have a child or maybe even a couple (as the girl I'm involved with is significantly younger than I am) but even at the risk of losing her and the dual relation, there's no way I could stand being an ESTj forever. (I still have brief episodes of ENTj activity in my life, and get small ESFjish moments but the ENFj in me is, for the moment, gone, dead, in heaven, buried, grilled, done with. At least that's a good thing.)
it appears as though u believe that u cannot maintain a relationship with a type unless u act like their dual. that is why it seems as though u r treating this thing like some kind of religion and hence is what the rest of my message was about.
what is the purpose of your post? i'm not sure of which direction it is going in.
I believe no such thing. One relationship I had, lasted in a sort of strange on/off fashion from the time I was previously ESTj until the time I started acting like ENFj. Our mutual attraction was strong enough to allow it. You picking that as the central message of the post seems to tell a lot more about your than about my ideas.
referring to what i bolded... why do u say such things, if u do not believe that? hello??? are we speaking the same English here?
how old are u anyway???
it sounds like the only thing that u are suffering from here... is hardening of the arteries, obviously from the neck up!!
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
Therefore this is a challenge to anyone who wants to claim that personality type doesn't change. This is about a principle, not about my type. I was actually interested in what people have to say about my type, I'd made a thread under "what's my type?", but I'm not, since I believe I understand very well what type I am.
"hey, here's a quarter call someone who cares!"
well, thank u anyway... at least for the laughs. Laughing
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:21 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Edit: removed harsh language.
*fever ignored*
Edit: This edit isn't entirely due to Expat's interruption. After posting it occurred to me why fever is wrote the kind of things s/he did and I can't really stay too upset about it. Not that I ever was too upset at him/her personally. I'm upset about having my time wasted.
p.s. The ignore function is wonderful. I need to use it more often.
p.p.s. I never meant the insulting words to apply personally to fever, though that was NOT apparent from the way I said it. I addressed the post to the audience exactly the way I wrote it because I wanted it to be a guideline. I'm trying to be generally helpful to people on this forum while not compromising myself. That draws attention from all kinds of people. A lot of it is positive, some is negative. Some is given as a joke, some is given because the person has problems. Sometimes I can help the ones with problems, sometimes they stop me from doing so. It's just life in the forums.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
A short version about the EJ Si vs. IP Ni conflict.
Si thinks Ni is flighty in preparation to tasks and talks him down after the job is done.
He thinks the Ni person is avoiding responsibility and doesn't know what he's talking about because he's all theory while the Si person prefers a more hands-on approach.
He appreciates the Ni person's focus and energy but this just makes the conflict more pointed. It's easier to ignore people who lack focus.
The Si person feels the Ni person takes credit for his actions while also leeching him for ideas and information.
Temperamentally he thinks the Ni person is shifty and tries to turn up-side down or turn grey things that are clear, simple, black and white. I think these are the most common issues from the POV of the Si person.
I'd expect the Ni person would feel the Si person to be crude, selfish and boorish, too loud and unappreciative of other people.
He'd see the Si person as simple-minded, taking things for granted, potentially dangerous and certainly disruptive.
He'd also critique the Si-person's pride and over-confidence.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:46 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
About the supervisor thing...
Sure, I do think it works.
What model A says is a weak area for you is basically something you are actively trying to ignore. But that doesn't really explain why one is supervisor and the other supervisee because each has an ego function that is in the other's super-ego. (Everyone should know by now that there's no difference in the strength of 1st and 2nd functions on an absolute level).
So what's it about? It's about creative vs. accepting. The accepting function, well, accepts. It's more mobile, it's playful, it's interested. It's about beginnings, whereas the creative function is about endings. Point is, the accepting version is more free to take the position of the creative function than the other way around. You defend your creative function. Hence -> supervision = pushing the accepting person around.
I always like your explanations that clear away the cobwebs of typical preconceptions and replace them with something that makes more sense.
I can definitely see how that would work...basically, if described neutrally, it's really just an information flow. For example, an ENFj creates the product, Introverted Intution, which may be communicated as a grand vision. If the ENFj is able to enlist the services of an INTp, the INTp understands this grand vision very well and is able to create a product (Extraverted Thinking) with it. Because the ENFj started the information flow, the ENFj is "in charge" in this case, although in real life, both people may have mutual respect for each other.
I'd expect the Ni person would feel the Si person to be crude, selfish and boorish, too loud and unappreciative of other people.
He'd see the Si person as simple-minded, taking things for granted, potentially dangerous and certainly disruptive.
He'd also critique the Si-person's pride and over-confidence.
I actually tend to see ISFps as very quiet and charming, but sometimes creating the impression of unsophistication (whether not deserved); ISTps are fascinating, but can be offputting (especially if they face the public in a retail business) because they sometimes act as if they don't care about whoever they're talking to. I once had a good friend who was ESTj, and I liked it because he always wanted to know my opinion of things. ESTj bosses have sometimes given me trouble.
(Of course, most people on this forum believe I'm Alpha, so the way I see things may or may not give an indication of how an Introverted Intution person sees other people.)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:53 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Jonathan wrote:
I always like your explanations that clear away the cobwebs of typical preconceptions and replace them with something that makes more sense.
I can definitely see how that would work...basically, if described neutrally, it's really just an information flow. For example, an ENFj creates the product, Introverted Intution, which may be communicated as a grand vision. If the ENFj is able to enlist the services of an INTp, the INTp understands this grand vision very well and is able to create a product (Extraverted Thinking) with it. Because the ENFj started the information flow, the ENFj is "in charge" in this case, although in real life, both people may have mutual respect for each other.
Your grasp on my point is perfect.
I actually tend to see ISFps as very quiet and charming, but sometimes creating the impression of unsophistication (whether not deserved); ISTps are fascinating, but can be offputting (especially if they face the public in a retail business) because they sometimes act as if they don't care about whoever they're talking to. I once had a good friend who was ESTj, and I liked it because he always wanted to know my opinion of things. ESTj bosses have sometimes given me trouble.
(Of course, most people on this forum believe I'm Alpha, so the way I see things may or may not give an indication of how an Introverted Intution person sees other people.)
Sure. The title I used in last post was to point out that it was about EJ Si which is quite a different thing from IP Si.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:05 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilex, you are fun and it would be a shame if you would ever leave this forum. We shall try to keep your interest in socionic on go. I personally have got no probs with people feeling and thinking in a not traditional way. I have looked through the posts until you started to discuss relationships between ESFJ and INTP.
May be yourtype is not interesting for you but I would love to find out your type. I think it is a fix of rational types? to put everything on the shelf and make a note: stability otherwise undermined and the world is shaky under my feet.
I want badly to know your temperament. If I wont something I usually want it badly Smile (probably due to sensorics).
Your fears of Introverted Intution is not saying to me your possible type. What is it you lack - I mean function - Introverted Intution ? You lack intuition? sensorics? applied logics? emotional expression? You do not like to be a centre of atteniton? I will be happy to share my impression of you from your article but would not wish to do it now Wink .
You said you have repeated nightmares. what are they about, may be you could describe it in more detail?
I believe not in type traveliing but in functional interrelationship, the different development of the blocks and changing through the development of fucntions and blocks. Ofcourse, some types are more flexible and more dynamic and what we can not do - the others can. Anything is posible and I wish socionics to be free from stereotyping and directing and we can do what we want and be what we are. Freedom.
Music you're making me blue
While I'm alone with out you
Fill my heart and fill my soul with tenderness
Music fill my loneness
When spring is near the end
I hear reliefs of summer
Autumn brings rhythm of the rain
Then it's hazy shade of winter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:47 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Olga, seriously, thanks. That made me feel good.
Olga wrote:
May be yourtype is not interesting for you but I would love to find out your type. I think it is a fix of rational types? to put everything on the shelf and make a note: stability otherwise undermined and the world is shaky under my feet.
I meant that I'm quite certain that I'm ESTj for all intents and purposes and I'm not really very interested in other people's opinions. I haven't had a What type am I -thread for that reason either. If you want to retype me despite what I said, that's fine by me. I'll try to answer your questions, because I think you're a-ok, as well.
Olga wrote:
I want badly to know your temperament. If I wont something I usually want it badly Smile (probably due to sensorics).
Is there something that makes you doubt EJ?
Olga wrote:
Your fears of Introverted Intution is not saying to me your possible type. What is it you lack - I mean function - Introverted Intution ? You lack intuition? sensorics? applied logics? emotional expression?
I don't really lack any of them. I've done some very effective things with all of those. For the while I prefer to work without emotions because of their limitations. Intuition I still use quite a lot even if I'm trying to use it a bit less. This forum brings it out in me though.
Olga wrote:
You do not like to be a centre of atteniton? I will be happy to share my impression of you from your article but would not wish to do it now Wink .
Centre of attention... that causes me no difficulty. I like to be noticed. But I don't like crowds. I want to have an effect on the person I'm talking to. The effect lessens if there are more listeners. And crowds are more likely to contain idiots and lunatics. So sure, pm me or something, whatever you see as correct.
Olga wrote:
You said you have repeated nightmares. what are they about, may be you could describe it in more detail?
Sure, why not... The most important thing is that they are nightmares with a minimal amount of the element of fear. They are dreams of crisis, war, alien invasion, plane crash, whatever. And I consistently have, in those dreams, the tools to handle and survive the situation. It's a bit like watching action and/or horror movies while being the main character oneself. There's usually also an element of travelling or a certain task that must be accomplished to have the possibility of a good outcome. Varied forces are trying to stop me and I must perpetually find a way to defeat or avoid them. It might be significant that these forces are usually non-human, the closest being anonymous masked soldiers of an unknown enemy state and more typical being predatory animals, undead creatures, errant machinery and lovecraftian/gigeresque horrors. I've never minded having those dreams. Only that for a short period when I was a teen I wondered if having such dreams meant there was something wrong with me.
Olga wrote:
I believe not in type traveliing but in functional interrelationship, the different development of the blocks and changing through the development of fucntions and blocks. Ofcourse, some types are more flexible and more dynamic and what we can not do - the others can. Anything is posible and I wish socionics to be free from stereotyping and directing and we can do what we want and be what we are. Freedom.
Sure, cool, I'm down with that, none of my business and all that jazz.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:36 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
I do not exclude the possibility of ESFJ. I love this type - they can be nice and soft as introverts and not pushy due to creative Introverted Sensing. They can though suffer from melancholy badly, don't they?
No, I do not wish to re-type people usually. Not just because I do not feel as if I know each type in and out but also because I am happy with what makes people happy. What the point behind typing and socionics?
My impression was that you are ethical, flexible, dynamic and multitalented. By your style of writing or posts I did not feel much of Extraverted Sensing. The ability of play writing portraits you as sensitive or aware of of your internal/subjective world, ability to observe and analyse the world of people. I would rather think about ENFJ but you clearly stated that you do not relay on emotions in dealing with people and i guess you have not been acting much yourself either? so this was a wrong suggestions of mine.
Your search for a career describes you rather as creative person in a social field than somebody in just leading position/management, for example. I always thought that ESTJ are born to be some sort of leaders even if there is nobody to lead.
By temperament I meant : sunguinic, choleric, melancholic or flegmaitc. To what type do you gravitate?
Your dreams could easily relate to ESTJ ( dreams of power S and non-human creatures T). I also dream of power S but related to humans F.
Music you're making me blue
While I'm alone with out you
Fill my heart and fill my soul with tenderness
Music fill my loneness
When spring is near the end
I hear reliefs of summer
Autumn brings rhythm of the rain
Then it's hazy shade of winter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:38 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Olga wrote:
I do not exclude the possibility of ESFJ. I love this type - they can be nice and soft as introverts and not pushy due to creative Introverted Sensing. They can though suffer from melancholy badly, don't they? .
Well, every person can, of course, but you wouldn't really call him/her an ESFj when s/he's having it. ESFjs are more often hyperactively happy. Life of the party and all that.
Olga wrote:
The ability of play writing portraits you as sensitive or aware of of your internal/subjective world, ability to observe and analyse the world of people.
As play-writing goes, it might be that my writings are not exactly what you picture. Would it help if I emphasized that the plays are generally driven by the conflict of varied interest groups. They are political plays, by which I try to help people, the actors as much as the audience, understand the natural needs, viewpoints and dispositions of different groups in the society. They are not about believable singular characters but people as groups. I wrote plays with and about archetypes. This is what brought me in contact with socionics in the first place.
Olga wrote:
I would rather think about ENFJ but you clearly stated that you do not relay on emotions in dealing with people and i guess you have not been acting much yourself either? so this was a wrong suggestions of mine.
This is a sticking point for me. I do not accept the idea that I could, even theoretically, act anything else but myself. Naturally I know the phenomenon to which you refer, but it is not easy (quite impossible, really) to base a claim that a certain habit of a person is "the true person" whereas some other habits of his are not "really him/her".
Olga wrote:
Your search for a career describes you rather as creative person in a social field than somebody in just leading position/management, for example. I always thought that ESTJ are born to be some sort of leaders even if there is nobody to lead.
Hmm, I'm not entirely agreeing on the idea that I was searching for a career. I haven't at any point stepped away from the medical career ladder. The varied other things I've done in my life have always been hobbies and not much else.
As far as leadership goes, the socionics community seems to have some very strange ideas. Leadership is much more than being able to cow people into submission, which is basically what ESTs do. Sure they turn up in leadership positions a lot, but they're pretty shitty leaders. As managers on the other hand, they'll do just fine. Finding out that one has an EST boss is a good time to jump ship in any situation.
Come to think of it... EST's are excellent leaders exactly in those situations when they have nobody else to lead but themselves.
Olga wrote:
By temperament I meant : sunguinic, choleric, melancholic or flegmaitc. To what type do you gravitate?
Oh, ok, well, that sort of depends which description one accepts. If one looks at the writings of the people who talk mostly about elements I'm fire/air. If one goes by Hippocrates' personality characteristics I'd be yellow bile/phlegm. Of Aristotle's sources of happiness I'd pick ethical virtue and logical investigation. Of Galen's temperament descriptions I'd pick melancholic and phlegmatic. Of Paracelsus' totem spirits I've the strongest connection to salamanders and gnomes. Of Adicke's world views I subscribe to innovation. Of Spränger's value attitudes I subscribe to economic and religious. Of Kretchmer's character styles I claim hyperestheticism. Erich Fromm's orientations would point me towards receptive.
Generally it points slightly towards choleric. The things that don't work in the general choleric description is that I've no wish to dominate anyone except myself. Not necessarily even lead. Guide is a verb I'd accept.
Nice to have you back.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:07 am Post subject: Reply with quote
This discussion makes me think about an idea I've had that what defines a type often has more to do with the axial (i.e., dual) connections one makes mentally than it has to do with the actual strength of functions.
Hence, an ISFp, for example, differs from an INFp not in having weak or suppressed Introverted Intution, but in being the flip side of an NT instead of being the flip side of ST. Hence, for an Introverted Intution dominant person to perform music or play a role in a play that's ISFp, you don't try to be less Introverted Intution; rather you reinforce NT and associate F with S.
So I suppose one can be ESj by virtue of forming mental connections with INj. It would be a shame, however, to try to suppress Introverted Intution, which is such a rich source of ideas.
Anyhow, it seems that personal growth comes through the forming of connections, not suppression; for example, ETjs can 'dualize' with INFj without needing to having "weak" Introverted Intution.
Just some thoughts. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:33 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Olga wrote:
By temperament I meant : sunguinic, choleric, melancholic or flegmaitc. To what type do you gravitate?
Smilex wrote:
Oh, ok, well, that sort of depends which description one accepts. If one looks at the writings of the people who talk mostly about elements I'm fire/air. If one goes by Hippocrates' personality characteristics I'd be yellow bile/phlegm. Of Aristotle's sources of happiness I'd pick ethical virtue and logical investigation. Of Galen's temperament descriptions I'd pick melancholic and phlegmatic. Of Paracelsus' totem spirits I've the strongest connection to salamanders and gnomes. Of Adicke's world views I subscribe to innovation. Of Spränger's value attitudes I subscribe to economic and religious. Of Kretchmer's character styles I claim hyperestheticism. Erich Fromm's orientations would point me towards receptive
What a shame I did not hear about all those systems of differentiation.
Why did you say you would choose between phlegmatic and melancholic and then came out as choleric at the end. Are you reactive? Cholerics suppose to be reactive or outwordly negatively emotional more often than other types. Could it be that you are:
Choleric melancholic type being less flegmatic and the least sunguinic?
All this temperament thing is a new toy for me as I associate it with blocks and model B.
You surely are an extravert if you can project the interests of groups in your play writing.
Music you're making me blue
While I'm alone with out you
Fill my heart and fill my soul with tenderness
Music fill my loneness
When spring is near the end
I hear reliefs of summer
Autumn brings rhythm of the rain
Then it's hazy shade of winter
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:29 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Olga wrote:
Smilex wrote:
Oh, ok, well, that sort of depends...would point me towards receptive
What a shame I did not hear about all those systems of differentiation.
Why did you say you would choose between phlegmatic and melancholic and then came out as choleric at the end. Are you reactive? Cholerics suppose to be reactive or outwordly negatively emotional more often than other types. Could it be that you are:
Choleric melancholic type being less flegmatic and the least sunguinic?
All this temperament thing is a new toy for me as I associate it with blocks and model B.
You surely are an extravert if you can project the interests of groups in your play writing.
Oh, see all of the typings I mentioned supposedly correlate with the four temperaments of Galen. People just seem to have very differing views on what constitutes these temperaments and the descriptions are not 1 to 1 congruent.
The reason I feel phlegmatic is that I'm controlling my emotions to their death. It's a long-term part of me. It's also the reason I feel that the part about the anger in the choleric temperament is not a part of me. Yet, the fact that I so firmly and pointedly reject it in myself can also imply that it infact IS important to me, and even despite my rejection of acting in anger there are people who would describe me as a person who occasionally blows a fuse.
In the choleric temperament descriptions it is often emphasized that these are people who feel the need to dominate, lead or command others. This too is something that is instinctually strange, even revulsive to me. So, because there are these few things that people strongly emphasize in the nature of cholericism I can't associate myself with it easily.
Yet many other terms and matters that people associate with cholericism, that are emphasized in other, allegedly associated typings, strike true. And I have to accept that some of the things that I do, from the view point of other people could easily, and often do, seem domineering. So the picture I get is that it would in fact benefit me, to accept the fact that I am choleric and mainly try to keep it's negative aspects somewhat in control, while perhaps learning to appreciate it's positive aspects.
About being reactive... For the usual meaning of the word, yes, extremely, I wouldn't hesitate to call myself overreactive.
(I'm no expert in any of the systems I mentioned, I just browsed through some web pages, starting with the wiki article on the 4 humors.)
(Yes, being an extrovert is another thing I needed to learn into when I got to know socionics.)
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:57 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
I am also controlling my emotions very hard and I could be reactive but i hate it when I blow up. I feel much more comfortable as if I do not show emotions but keep it in me. In this case I can "teach" how to act and do react rationally. I am very sensitive but i would not say I am overreactive. I do react with actions rather than with emotions. I do feel emotions but not show rather act. It could be due to my creative Se. When I am concentrated on something - many things around me - do not matter or definetly can wait - that is another feature of being flegmatic.
Could you please, show what does it mean being choleric from your experience. Does it mean that it is norm for you to show temper? Something like defending and confirming your space and position, your power, your will to act as you wish?
Do you think, it istrue that all EJ are sharing this feature - being more choleric than any other type?
Music you're making me blue
While I'm alone with out you
Fill my heart and fill my soul with tenderness
Music fill my loneness
When spring is near the end
I hear reliefs of summer
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Then it's hazy shade of winter
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:11 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Olga wrote:
Could you please, show what does it mean being choleric from your experience. Does it mean that it is norm for you to show temper? Something like defending and confirming your space and position, your power, your will to act as you wish?
I'm not quite certain that I can give you a satisfying answer here. I haven't thought much about the galenic temperaments since I judged them a long time ago to be kind of fuzzy and inadequate, so I'm having to do some on the spot thinking here, forming new opinions.
It's my understanding that the classical idea was a sort of natural division of virtues of different classes of people ... as much based on idealism and explaining social hierarchies as real observation of fact. ...
On a personal level the choleric temperament means to me: answering challenges (unless they're obviously jokes /traps/ trolling), taking responsibility for things even when I don't need to, carrying things to a proper end, always trying to give my all ie. not saving or hiding anything.
Olga wrote:
Do you think, it istrue that all EJ are sharing this feature - being more choleric than any other type?
I think it could very well be so, but I'm pretty sure that a person who had a different understanding of the temperaments could claim that IJs or EPs are the choleric ones. At the moment and personally, yes, I do feel there's some reason to say that EJs are the cholerics.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:29 am Post subject: Reply with quote
SE: What about ExTj being the most choleric, with ExTp paired with ExFj as second? I would say that pertaning to the ExTx group makes the impression of being slightly more choleric.
Also, there's a problem by defining choleric as reactive: Sanguines are just as reactive, but the sensation does not form roots in their psyche after the reaction.
ES(T)p, logical subtybe, 7w8
Se registers all the input sent by female hormones in the range of 1000 kms, without differentiating its input. Se mantains a neutral stance towards every breast size, and even if it prefers larger ones, it remains non-biased and touches them all
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:20 am Post subject: Reply with quote
FDG wrote:
SE: What about ExTj being the most choleric, with ExTp paired with ExFj as second? I would say that pertaning to the ExTx group makes the impression of being slightly more choleric.
Also, there's a problem by defining choleric as reactive: Sanguines are just as reactive, but the sensation does not form roots in their psyche after the reaction.
Yes, you're obviously correct. It's not easy to claim a 1 to 1 connection and making such depends on selective understanding of the galenic temperaments. The originator of course did not know anything of socionics so it's a bit of a retcon to claim that anything socionics-related is _for sure_ the same phenomenon observed by him, yet these kind of claims are extremely common in the socionics community and the psychology community at large and have been for centuries. Nobody can teach Galen socionics and ask him what his opinion is, so every argument on this subject is a matter of personal understanding, a choice of importance of certain aspects of Galen's descriptions over others.
I certainly don't agree with using anything by Galen as evidence for anything socionics related.
So... what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that I don't have enough knowledge on this subject and anything I say about it is just testing ideas.
It's just, an ESTJ likes to find answers even when they're obviously not final answers. So, if one believes, as I, that the socionics temperaments are the most static thing about socionics and tries to connect the galenic temperaments, the obvious way to go, seems to be to connect it to the temperaments. And in general the EJs seem to have the closest connection to choleric and the EPs to sanguine. Still, if we look only at an ESTp and an ESFj we would likely turn it around, call the ESTp the choleric and the ESFj the sanguine, so it's not perfect.
It becomes even more convoluted when we take into account that Galen's work was already a retcon of earlier material and that the idea of a person really being bound by his temperament was actually a much later, medieval invention. Hippocrates' four humors theory said that everyone was the sum of his four bodily humors(temperaments) and the objective was not to use what you were strongest in but to achieve balance. Socionists don't like this idea because they don't like balance at all. But I do.
So if I'd take the earlierst humor-related material and equate that into socionics I'd get the idea that each socionic temperament would have a state dominated by a certain humor. I might equate this into
alpha = sanguine = spring
beta = choleric = summer
gamma = melancholic = autumn
delta = phlegmatic = winter
(with the season mentioned being traditionally attributed to a certain humor)
and what do you know, that seems like quadra progression.
But then comes someone who points out that each humor was also attributed to a body-type and those don't change the same way. Well, the origins of physiognomy are very early and it seems to be a sort of natural way for people to perceive things. But thing is, the original idea on that was similar to the following reasoning: "red hair equals fiery temperament" or "he looks like a horse, he must have character traits of a horse too", and yes people seemed to really believe that. Much much later on these ideas sprouted such scientific gems as phrenology and were partly to blame for the birth of eugenics. I scorn physiognomy and find it harmful in every way.
And now I notice that I'm long-winded and still unable to give definite answers on anything. So I'll stop.
SE: ...
quote FDG's signature
Se registers all the input sent by female hormones in the range of 1000 kms, without differentiating its input. Se mantains a neutral stance towards every breast size, and even if it prefers larger ones, it remains non-biased and touches them all
I hope I'm not the only one to find mirth in substituting Se with SE (SmilingEyes) in that quote.
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I'll call you back, said the post.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
This post is not home.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
A thing about these dichotomies that I feel, needs to be really understood, is that these descriptions are not the qualities themselves but a description of some of the results of possessing the quality itself. The concept behind the dichotomy is mathematical, yet you can't use the descriptions in a mathematical way. Therefore, the description is not the whole of the quality but a small piece of it, okay?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:21 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
A thing about these dichotomies that I feel, needs to be really understood, is that these descriptions are not the qualities themselves but a description of some of the results of possessing the quality itself. The concept behind the dichotomy is mathematical, yet you can't use the descriptions in a mathematical way. Therefore, the description is not the whole of the quality but a small piece of it, okay?
I'm not quite sure what you mean.
I would like to see how the function combinations (or their underlying factors that I had listed) directly lead to the dichotomies or descriptions. I see a lot of after the fact type a person has such and such basic...then they do this...but nothing tells me, X function leads to C behavior, and here's how.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:36 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
anndelise wrote:
I would like to see how the function combinations (or their underlying factors that I had listed) directly lead to the dichotomies or descriptions.
So would I
Yet it seems that these qualities are derived from observation and not from theory, therefore I do not expect to see such a thing. I mean, I might be wrong, but it does seem that at some point Reinin & co, after having found the expectation of these qualities from a theoretical perspective, went out and chatted with people and observed these qualities so that he could write the descriptions. Yet I do not actually know that this is what happened. Would be real nice to hear it from someone with actual knowledge of what happened.
I have made some personal derivations from a theoretical point of view in the mathematico-mechanical socionics thread on the gamma forum.
Ok, I'll try to give a clarification on what I meant before as well...
The description of obstinacy from above is as follows:
"4 my dear matters I do not throw. I will make due to the sleep, food... "." 4 I will not refuse, it understands... by 4 it is inclined to press home situation to the end ". "i have such interests, from which 4 I cannot refuse under the fear of destruction, crash of my personality". "interests on the limit of physical possibilities. When these quite physical possibilities show limit - I reject (i.e., only at the worst)... I put aside to the moment, when it will be sufficient resource ". "I cannot miss my interests, although resources already and do not be sufficient...".
From this and your understanding of the quality of sensory attribute, try to understand, why the above in connection with sensory leads always to the attribute of positivism whereas in connection with intuitive it leads to negativism.
Not very clear, actually quite nonsensical.
Yet so it is.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:41 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Smilingeyes wrote:
From this and your understanding of the quality of sensory attribute, try to understand, why the above in connection with sensory leads always to the attribute of positivism whereas in connection with intuitive it leads to negativism.
That's something I'll have to try sometime...taking say...two of the dichotomies and linking them up to see the ways in which they'd connect/affect each other.
For now, I'll wait to see what the one book that refers to Kepinski's info has to offer.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
Essentially, the material of the
1. mathematico-mechanical socionics thread
2. easy-to-use-behaviour tracker thread
3. "the third gamma forum dichotomies thread" are pretty much here.
The Te type descriptions is partly here. The rest is probably possible to save with the correct searches.
My socionics 101 is saved by a friend and will resurface.
My problem at the moment is the rest of the dichotomic type descriptions thread. Pages 5 and 6 are available in this thread. If anyone has saved other pieces of that thread, please just post them here. I will be cleaning up this thread as I have the time.
Thanks for your help, you know who you are.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
Dichotomic descriptions of types page 1
Originally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by Smilingeyes
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
Dichotomic descriptions of types page 2
Originally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by JonathanOriginally Posted by Smilingeyes
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
Dichotomic descriptions of types page 3
Originally Posted by FDGOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by SmilingeyesOriginally Posted by Smilingeyes
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
Thank you! So that's pages 1,2,3,5 and 6 save with 4,7,8 and 9 missing atm.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
Here's another recovered (mostly) thread of yours, Smilingeyes, you may have this already, not sure though:
Those cached pages will disappear after a few days or weeks. Lets' throw the original biographical article on the forum at least.
Smilingeyes wrote
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:58 pm
Post subject: How I learned to stop worrying and love personality change
an original biographical article by
Dr Strangeeyes
Many people constantly are amazed by my claim that I have changed my personality type. I'm going to try to write what I experienced and try to make the connections to personality types. You are free to, if you so wish, to make claims afterward.
The following narrative, though true for the most part, will contain enough lies that I hopefully won't be recognized by anyone whose not supposed to.
That includes you.
When I was a kid, I was heavily introvert, I mostly played with whatever toys I had and watched people. I watched people like a deer in the headlights watches the car. I was a very scared little kid. I was scared of the dark, monkeys, spies, my cousin, aliens, hippies, trolls, onions but most of all I was scared of death. Except that I wasn't afraid of dying per se. I was afraid of things ending. In some way, though my life was rather miserable in all it's being afraidness, I also loved my fears and wouldn't have exchanged my lot for anything.
What's particularly interesting is that I expressed my fears usually that I was afraid of the passing of time. You see, I was a very nice, a very proper child. That's the way I wanted it to be. I wanted to be the best possible child in the world. And somehow I believed that that would lead to good things, and whenever something bad happened, it was bad and whenever something good happened, it was bad too, because I was afraid that that was all the good that was ever going to happen and that now it was over. Thus, I never wanted anything to happen. I was afraid of the passing of time.
By now, it will not come as a surprise to you, that this would be easily recognized as 4th function Ni. When I add to this, the matter that as a child, I was the brainy kid, and not only any old brainy kid, I was the child with perfect self control. I never laughed and rarely had any actual real emotions at all, you'll soon notice that I was an ESTj.
Me being an ESTj was probably not a circumstance of upbringing as my family consisted of parents INTj&ISFj and brother ENTp (who later turned ESTp). So was I born into it? Was ESTj my natural type? Is it still it? Thing is, when Jung originally wrote about natural types he wrote that dysfunction and unhappiness is sometimes caused can be caused by being diverted from one's natural type. Well, my childhood was miserable, and I was miserable being an ESTj. I was also pretty weird and dysfunctional. (heck, I was a delta, and thus a very strong strange personality).
I continued this way for a rather long while. During these years it was quite common for me to change into ESFj in certain situations when I was trying to make proven friends happy but this was short-living and an aberration of the normal circumstances. I was naturally bullied being "smarter" than the rest of the school together as was once proven in a trivia quiz of me vs. school and I was a natural loner anyway (delta)...
Again, I was not happy. I was not happy due to the circumstances but I was also not really happy when I was by myself. I didn't allow myself to be so.
Things came to a breaking point somewhere in the upper classes of school. People like to think that school violence is something like a recent thing, while it of course isn't. There was a person in my school whose tongue was branded by gang members. Another one was bathed in kerosene. Violence seemed a lot more personal and creative in those days. Anyways, I was sufficiently in fear of my life that I decided that I could not keep on living the way I had.
While I had previously been shy and introverted I forced myself to become happy in all situations and make friends of everyone around me. I started wearing purposefully flashy things and started to practice witticisms and social-related skills, like card games and magic tricks. Also I started to concentrate more on play-writing, something I had previously only dabbled in and now formed a theatre group. Pretty soon I had the whole school around my little finger, including people who had bullied me previously. At the same time my earlier earned skills in academic subjects remained above the level of anyone around me.
At this time I moved to another city and started high school.
This would easily be characterized as one of the happiest times in my life. While my persona change was artificial, it didn't feel fake. My persona had always been first and foremost about quality and surpassing others. So why couldn't I turn this interest into the social life. At the same time I started experimenting with feelings. I had become very aware of how odd it was not to have any and was also slightly disturbed by experiencing nightly violent nightmares for 10 straight years. I started trying to push myself into situations that would cause a maximal feeling reaction in myself. I took a role of "school psychiatrist" because I wanted to hear as many sob stories as I could. It also helped the social thing.
Around this time my fear of time passing went away. I thought I just grew out of it.
While I was still the same me, I had socially turned completely different and the change helped me. I not only learned new skills but the overall quality of my life was better.
High school came to an end and university called. The change was dramatic again. I felt that I had been practicing my all life for this stage. This was what I had believed I had kept up my quality standards for. Imagine my surprise when I found out that in the university nobody cared for your quality, least of all the students. The assortment of moneygreedy fools, test-cheating beer-guzzling frat boys and scared-of-everything nerdies was a complete shock.
Therefore I rejected the student body and started charming the faculty. Pretty soon I was involved in a number of research groups and was actively courted by faculty members. But thing is, this was no longer an environment in which tests were set beforehand in such a way that success was possible. The people who succeed in research are no longer the people with the brightest minds, it's the people who are willing to go through every possible path of failure to finally find, if not the correct, at least the best answer. (This is how it is in medicine, in other fields, the situation is undoubtedly different).
Anyway, not being able to succeed in a research project, even if the fault was not personally mine, was again a massive crisis. At that point I thought I started to feel really bad again. I started doing more and more work in a futile effort to keep up the standards of success I had set. I thought I was reverting to the habits of childhood but actually this was very different. As a kid, it was all about me and my success. When I was starting my research career I was afraid of being thought a fake. I was more concerned with avoiding failure than achieving success. I was concerned with appearances. I was environmentally concious and started manipulating it to appear better. I had gone ENFj.
At that time I started doing politics for real. I joined a party and competed for party positions. Due to academic background I started my own policy analysis group and it became rather succesful. I started picking out good guys to help, write speeches for them and so on. I did all of this while being fully cognisant that this was in no way related to my earlier life or career. I did this because I felt that this is what people should do. People should be politically interested and active. People should try to mold the society to become a better place.
It was around this time that I found my soon to be wife an later ex-wife. She was a sociohistorian and politics was a common interest to us. She was an ESTp and I fell in love with her because I thought she looked like an army officer. At that time I was feeling very vulnerable and attracted to strong cold women. In the beginning, our relationship was mutually psychologically negative, but we developed it into something better. During that development I became calm. For financial reasons I had the control of our relationship and this taught me again how to be in control, this time not of myself but my whole environment. My wife started molding more and more to my will and became happier at the same time. While I was becoming an ENTj, she was becoming an ESFp. This was the happiest time in our relationship and was in general a very happy time in my life as well. I continued doing politics but at that time, for the first time ever, my creativity died out. I became unable to write plays. On the other hand my ability to do research soared. I was no longer the academic virtuoso in the group, I just naturally took control of the projects around me. It was strange. I felt I had the least understanding of what I was doing in a concrete way I had ever had, yet I seemed to be trusted in a way I had never before been. I felt like I was riding the biggest wave in the world in a limousine. But you know, a limousine has no business being on a wave in the first place.
I still felt smarter than anyone else around me... Just, for the first time, I simultaneously knew I had no idea what I was doing. Only, I was quite certain neither had anyone else. I started doing stock investments, and did very well. At the same time I was increasingly aware of how there was an asynchrony in how I was living my life and what was my position in life. A medical researcher, no matter how good and succesful he is, is a very minor character in the world. I felt succesful in life, yet I had not actually gained the trappings to validate the feeling. Also, the marriage, while a positive force in my life (now that we'd both left our negativity behind us) was still somehow, inexplicably not fulfilling. I had memories about a series of teen-age sweethearts that all had had a certain undescribable quality that my wife was lacking. (later on I have come to notice that the objects of my interest had all been IJs, first INFjs, later INTjs of a progressively more thinking variety, until I found my wife-to-be. .... Ok, there was an interlude with a couple of INTps which was very confusing as they were actually my conflicting partners at the time...)
I was sort of happy, but static. Actually I was very happy and very static. And then I knew I had to somehow leave behind what I had and try again. But a life is not something that is easily changed. Even if my life's guiding rule had always been that giving in, adapting, is the path to victory, it still wasn't easy. Furthermore, while I had before changed only out of necessity and to a direction that was pointed to me by outside sources, I was now doing it out of a vague sense that it should be done, maybe more out of the habit of changing my persona than anything else. I lacked guide posts.
It was around this time that I returned to my earlier interest of archetypes. And while I was in the process of divorce I happily found socionics. At that time I was an ENTj and thought I had been that way forever. Actually, I had always thought I was INTJ but that was in MBTI and yes, I was an MBTI INTJ while I was a socionics ESFj and a socionics ENFj as well. Funny that.
And with socionics I found understanding of what I had been doing & what needed to be done.
During this year I've been trying to turn into an ESTj. I've left almost all my previous friends behind (they just don't seem that important anymore). I'm leaving behind academic research and planning a return to patients (research was always a group effort and pretty boring at that. I continued it for it's social importance.) I'm falling in love with an INFj. I'm finally taking care of my body better. I'm caring less and less about socionics. I know I'm succeeding in many ways and brought this on myself but at the same time I'm feeling miserable. It's a good miserable, but still I'm feeling miserable. Also, the nightmares are back. And so is the fear of passing time. Funny how life can be...
And in all point of my life, I always felt that this was how I had always been and would probably always be.
Added notes. During the first years of university, when I was still looking to continue my high school life style, I started a private psychology hot-line. I distributed my phone number as someone to call in evening & night time if you felt you needed to talk to someone. This hobby kept me going through my early university studies. I had never had any education on how to speak to mentally disturbed people, and there were a a lot of them, yet these difficult conversations were never taxing to me, they were refreshing.
During the years of low success in the field of research (partly due to a certain ENTp boss who ran his whole lab to the ground), during the years that I was becoming an ENFj that is, I finally found religion. My INTj father was very religious, but his brand of "robespierrian christianity" had always pushed me away. At that time, I suddenly found Zen, and became the devout buddhist witch I am today. Ok, not today, as I haven't really needed religion for years, but in those days it was what kept me going.
There are undoubtedly a few thousand things I'm omitting and about 20% of that is a flat out lie (though not the important stuff), but this is my experience of how my personality has evolved and why I'm where I'm now doing the things I'm doing and have no intention to stay as an ESTj, my "personality type" for the rest of my life. I hope to still have time to have a child or maybe even a couple (as the girl I'm involved with is significantly younger than I am) but even at the risk of losing her and the dual relation, there's no way I could stand being an ESTj forever. (I still have brief episodes of ENTj activity in my life, and get small ESFjish moments but the ENFj in me is, for the moment, gone, dead, in heaven, buried, grilled, done with. At least that's a good thing.)
So, for the next few years at least, it's all about pushing myself, violent dreams and narcisstic drive for personal success.
"Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."