Quote Originally Posted by XoX
I start here with my own...I add more about the others later (I put them in another thread but now I'm too lazy to copy them here).
Sounds like Superego, alright:
Cre-Si and Cre-Ni share a point of view but fight for power. Each feels the other's methods are misplaced. The results of their actions are in many ways directly opposite and thus the actions of the other seem to only make worse what the other perceives to be the problem.
I've been there for a year, and it isn't pretty. Very soon lost respect for my boss and even the motivation to work. Not a bad guy, but we simply can't work together. The most "harmless" of questions that he poses makes me feel annoyed at my inferiority and insufficient skills. And he used to get chickened out by a single look or tone from me. Lots of accidental poking at each other's self-esteem. The project only picked up after he took over most of the work, which required lots of explanations of grammatical rules... And he's naturally good at constructing them, while it takes extreme effort on my part -- I just felt like a blockhead whenever he asked me to do so. I relate to the demotivation thing as well: I wasn't fond of his way of making gloomy forecasts which extended to the country's economy, followed by visions of how he'd save the country's situation by stirring a revolution with his unique ideas. The frequent "compromises" we had were inspiring only for a while; in the end, all I wanted was for him to tell me how I should fulfill the work and keep the tension high... instead of allowing me to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

Have the two of you drawn up plans for child rearing? It wouldn't be good for your children to see you arguing over them and going at each other's "petty" concerns. At least, that's how it was like between my parents before they finally separated -- to the relief of all. Best to come to an agreement on every single detail before it's too late...!!!