So, I was absolutely sure I was INFp ethical subtype. But now I've been wondering whether I could be ENFj intuitive subtype (lmao, what is really the diff, anyway?!!) based on some relationships with ISTjs .. I have little experience with ESTps... + I just got a new camera, therefore new, recent pics ensue.
I thought I was the ethical subtype due to my extreme tendencies towards extraversion that I don't see as typical in some of my other INFp typed buddies. They are more reserved, not as giddy/melodramatic as I tend to be. I am very emotionally expressive.
Then again, there are situations where I totally tense up (usually in foreign group settings, obv.) and don't show any Fe. I have this weird thing of being able to be open and friendly to people I don't find attractive, but with those I am attracted to sexually, I will be quite reserved and cold for fear of.. rejection? Yeah, that's it.
Over time, I've learned how to be way more outgoing and easygoing than I was before. I am not sure if that was just me overcoming some social anxiety, or what.
Meh. I am probably INFp ethical and this thread is pointless.