That is actually quite simple I think.

I respect someone being genuine more than anything else. This world is so full of liars and people who wear personality masks in different situations (myself included, sometimes) that genuine people seem rarer and rarer these days and should be treasured all the more because of it. If you don't believe me, look at the media. Look how you too can have perfect abs, bigger breasts, a whiter smile etc ...

I will let you in on a secret to INFJ's that I have discovered.

Just. Be. Yourself. Do NOT try to win an INFJ's love by impressing them or changing to please them. Just be who you are and the INFJ will respect (and love) you more for it. I know I respect people who are just themselves around me and don't try to be something they are not. That's probably because I can spot a fake a mile away though. I see them all the time. Remember INFJ's see things about people that they try to keep hidden and we generally do so easily. So just be yourself and if you and the INFJ are compatible, things will happen. Just don't expect the INFJ to approach you. I approach people, but that's only because I get sick of being Mr Invisible all the time. I can't speak for all INFJ's but I think there is a definite sense we are underappreciated in the wider community. That's probably just because of those damn E's soaking up the limelight though. ;P

Above all else. When interacting with an INFJ, just be yourself and they will love you for it.

Zombie. Proud INFJ!