View Poll Results: Mel Gibson's type?

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Thread: Mel Gibson

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    maybe, you'd understand if typed correctly yourself
    Maybe if your webpage didn't give my computer viruses I would try to hack into it and delete it.

  2. #122
    jughead's Avatar
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    "Gibson, IMO, has a brand of dismissive arrogance that is characteristic of 6s when their beliefs are addressed. When he talks about hitting kids, he has this bright eyed look, like he's trying to be cool, making things seem like they should be obvious, while internally he is going into defensive mode. "

    Eww i hate these people, always so full of it...Mel is the poster child.
    Is it wierd that I think Lil Wayne acts very similar? Or do they just look alike?

    As for him getting chewed out in the media, the media is always looking to chew people out because they hold it in like a bad fart everyday, concealing there feelings about their bosses, their coworkers, and putting on the neutral face for the camera. Awww Capitalism and "soft" corruption. They can't let their real feelings out, so when someone becomes a target its a feeding frenzy. Anthony Weiner is another example of this recently.

  3. #123
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    Anthony Weiner looks like discojoe with hair.

  4. #124
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    Not as attractive.

  5. #125
    Disbelief Jung
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    He seems extroverted to me. I'd go with LSE, Si subtype maybe.

  6. #126
    khcs's Avatar
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    Mel Gibson - ISTP - Gabin

  7. #127

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    Used to have Mel on my wall when young...

    Thought he might be introverted...

    I wonder if he’s not overly endowed with proficient use of F from some of his behaviours made public...

    Or would interacting with him not be as I imagine...

  8. #128
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    Very clear IEE-Fi 6w7 sp/so

    I already set this one down. He's IEE-Fi.

    his cognition for interpersonal dynamics and reflexive mirroring is much too well-developed for a SLE or LSE. he's got too much range as an actor for either of those types. his moments of counterphobia may make it easy to mistake him as an lse or sle because he's being "forceful." remember, there's no such thing as a pure example of a socionics type, because in the real world, it's mixed in with the enneagram type and so when you have say an IEI mixed with an expansive triader 3w4 its not going to present as you might expect an introverted type to present. Gibson plays sles and lses on film....that doesn't make him one in real life!

    Learn and use the Stackemup Typology foundations for each socionics type if you are serious about typing. It's the only way to type.

    George Clooney is an IEE-Fi 6w5 sp/sx.
    Jeff Goldblum is IEE-Fi 7w6 sp/so.
    Marky mark is IEE-Fi 6w7 sx/sp. Bill Clinton is IEE-Fi 3w2 sx/so

    These guys are all the same in so far as their cognition for interpersonal dynamics and reflexive mirroring go....they have rangey, slippery personas that make them ideal candidates for acting and/or politics. That's the nature of Ne/Fi.

    LSE/SLE is completely off the table...he doesn't have a cognition for trash talk, fighting, or even a good old fashioned on your feet debate... LSE/SLE celebrities are outspoken....there are ways to distinguish the trash talk, fighting, debate (LSE lacks the Ti-creative's mastery/use of facts to give more weight and force to the point)….and not overbearing in the least to be an LSE.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-08-2018 at 05:44 PM.

  9. #129

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    Unlike most people I've typed, I see trying to type him as a fun challenge for me.

    i'm going to try to follow theory and be systematic more here than I usually have.

    Fi and Ti base are out of the question for Mel. Ij is out of the question, even ESI-Se; he navigates social situations with everyone way too poorly and way too often to be an ESI-Se, can't convince people he was in the right after a scandal like an ESI-Se could.

    Way too insensitive to be an EII. Insensitivity is fine with me.

    Ti base hell no. He doesn't constantly work in a logical structure or constantly critique existing ones, doesn't care to follow logical rules, doesn't argue like an LSI-Se would.

    Ep temperament:

    ILE of either subtype hell no. Way too independently physically active and fast (doesn't need help with Si matters) to be the Ne subtype and doesn't think about multiple possibilities to analyze like the Ti subtype. Seems Se valuing with his favoring of force but there are many, many real life examples of ILE-Ti going against theory.

    IEE is almost as bad of a typing as ILE for him. Doesn't have Ti-PoLR w/ Ne base, he may or may not value Ti, but it was never that weak with regards to what was real (or commonly accepted like religions), Se and Ni-valuing can prevent the SEE's Ti-PoLR making them look like idiots. Reasons way more in contact with what was physical reality and moved better, more quickly than any IEE-Ne would. Doesn't constantly use IEE-Fi Fi creative to connect with people or to express emotional attachments to things without turning something into a loss for one side and a gain for the other.

    SEE is an ok typing for Mel. He was a director, so he could organize people well with Se. Appeared to favor revenge and a lot of force the latter of which is especially Se by classical theory. Appeared emotional, was in touch to a degree with his emotional reactions to people, but they're not that stable.

    SLE is a better typing for Mel than SEE. He's blunt, but in a somewhat soft, joking way and doesn't seem to care about social norms or seem to often know what they are (Fi-PoLR). He could organize his own church. Extreme adherence to a religion. Believed in conspiracy theories, was kind of paranoid. Those are ST and Beta characteristics. ST because he didn't grasp patterns, and couldn't see peoples' intentions or not having them. Beta because of his seeming favor for organization and what seems like a Beta ST approach to religion. Se valued.

    Ip temperament:

    Ni base... no.

    SEI... no, he's not Fe-creative as he's not frequently trying to improve or change peoples' moods w/ sensory stuff, isn't that skilled at it, doesn't have it as 3D valued.

    SLI... Fe-PoLR is also out of the question.

    Ej Temperament:

    ESE... no, not concerned with aesthetics like they are. Isn't attuned to social nuances.

    LSE... Him abusing Ne, his hidden agenda function, is a possibility (like how Trump definitely abused Fe). Was ok, seemed cool with bland or masculine looking aesthetics (Delta Si favored). Seemed to have strong Se. Doesn't make mistakes with Te matters, so it seems like he has 4D and valued Te. His father was great with factual information, had a blue collar job as a rail road brake man. Sometimes paranoid, seems like he could have weak, but valued Fi and weak intuition and weak Fe. Gets bored, likes a lot of leisure so Si and Ne valuing seems ok. Is blunt like a Te base would be. Seems to try to do well with Fe, but fails it. Doesn't make errors of fact. Isn't consistent with everything like a Ti-ego would be more likely to be.

    LIE... bad typing for Mel. He's more aware of his surroundings than they would be, doesn't seem to have Ni as his creative function as he doesn't do Te business logic in service of a long term vision or a long term vision in service enabled by Te, doesn't favor long term Ni strategy much or strong enough, original symbolism.

    EIE... not a good typing, doesn't perceive the wishes of the public (or what they wish to not have) that well nor is it a constant focus for him, is too unskilled and disorganized in manipulating them to the way he would want them, doesn't seem to have a clear consistent Ni vision with regards to what he wants in terms of peoples' emotional expression. Doesn't have great foresight, isn't trying to think well into the future, doesn't set long term future goals.

    Seems to me to value Fi more than Ti, he seems more Ni-PoLR than Fi-PoLR, doesn't seemed concerned with future visions, doesn't seem to value affecting the future to go down in history books, but does seem like he wanted to repair relationships for the sake of them more than an Fi-PoLR likely would. He's never really appeared cold blooded like Ti ego do sometimes. More apologetic than an SLE would be by theory; he makes rash decisions not based on Ti thinking through. Doesn't really seem to favor having power over large groups of people so Se doesn't seem valued.

    I'd say LSE>SLE>everything else.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 01-19-2021 at 06:49 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  10. #130
    khcs's Avatar
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    Mel Gibson - ISTP Gabin

    This is the comment you are looking for

  11. #131
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    6w7-8-4 So/Sx some kind of Gamma or Beta. Considering the movies he directed, beta quadra most likely.

  12. #132
    Marep's Avatar
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    LSE 6w7

  13. #133

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    I wasn't fond of most of his work, but I admire him for his achievements and how he was always able to just pack up and leave while remaining wealthy. Deltas can be pretty free-spirited and not really concerned about pleasing people, quick to leave jobs and pick up news, and that's something I admire about them; they don't care all that much about societal trends and who they piss off in the process and I admire them for it. Like I said before, he could be SLE, but he seems too moralistic and to adherent to Traditional Catholicism.

    I'm an LSI-Ti or an ESI-Fi, and I definitely don't have that individualism that so many Deltas have, nor the independence that the Delta STs do. I definitely don't like living an over-structured life, but I doubt I could ever make it on my own quite like LSE generally can.

    Obviously, his spatial awareness and spatial abilities are quite strong, so strong Si and Se, but I've known some IEE with good spatial ability too. His father seemed LSE-Si, not sure what type his mother was.

    I can understand Beta and Gamma for him given his religiosity and favoring of a not very common version of Catholicism, but I really think he's an LSE-Si; a lot of LSE-Si are popular among Betas, so the LSE-Si will probably want to return the favor... I can't tell you how many LSI-Se and several SLE-Ti I knew who loved LSE-Si W. Mitt Romney (he also went with an uncommon religion)... LSE often favor weird things.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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