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Thread: To all Betas - help needed

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    Default To all Betas - help needed

    I'm posting this because I'm unsure about my type. In the "What's My Type?" forum there is a topic called "Can you help?" That is the topic that I started to help me find my type. So far, the general idea has been that I am ESTj, ESTp, ISTj, ISTp, perhaps INTj.

    Unfortunately, there has been a lot of doubting, by me and by others, and so the topic is now six pages long. I and other posters are running out of ideas, so I thought that it would be a good idea (and Rocky does too) that I should make this post.

    Basically, I'm asking for help in determining my type. If I am indeed a Beta, then I will have a natural affinity with other Betas, and that should be apparent even over the internet. If there isn't evidence of such an affinity, that will be positive because then I will know that I am not a Beta, which narrows my field of possible types down.

    I know that making a post like this in this forum may seem a little too direct, and I'm sorry for that, but I couldn't think of any other way to do so.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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    Herzblut, what's it like having Se as your dominant function?

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    your most likely an xSTX, because, like Herzblut said 4/5 of those types were sensors, and ALL 5 were T types. Also, not knowing any information about you, you are more likely an ISTx than an ESTx, because it seems that more introverts are interested in this type of thing than extroverts. I could also almost 100% sure say that your not an ESTJ, becuase I couldn't see one of then on an internet forum on a cold day in hell, but I guess theres a first time for everything. Hope I helped some .

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Well, five, I posted my opinion on your type in the 6 page post. I said that I thought you to be an ISTJ.

  6. #6
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    I think what we need to to is chat with Five for a while. (s)he'll be able to tell if (s)he's a Beta or not if they feel like they're "included" by what we're talking about.

    I think this will work because when I thought that I was ISTp, I posted for a bit in the Delta quadra. I sort of felt like an outsider there, which I now know is because it's my opposing quadra.
    Funny, Rocky seems to fit in Beta...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Five, do you get a sense of harmony around us fellow Betans?
    Well, Herzblut, it's too early to tell whether I feel any 'affinity', but I can understand your posts fairly easily, so that's something of a good sign. Is that the same with you?

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    Yeah, it seems like it. I think you might be ISTj.

    We need to wait for more INFps to get here to get another point of view.
    Well, we both think him to be an ISTJ, thats good news already. There were also some within the 6 page post that I scanned through that said ISTJ.

  9. #9


    INFp here.

    I read through the whole topic and your whole thought-processing reaked of ISTj-ness. You sound way too patient to be an ESTj and too considerate to be an ISTp. There's nothing that could convince me you're an ESTp. Your whole skepticism with others' opinions of your type and how they concluded that you are ISTj seems very Ti-ish to me as you seem to desire a logical and systematic explanation as to how and why they came up with the notion that you are ISTj.

    My Ni and Fe makes me believe with little doubt that you are ISTj. Your directness and manner of detail with your personal descriptions seems to rule out prevailent intuition. The hidden agenda with believing seemed to kinda manifest itself as well due to your skepticism which makes it seem like you want to believe you're ISTj, but at the same time, you don't want to delude yourself with a lie in the case that you possilby are not ISTj.

    And I noticed you were really unsure about being the life of the party and the whole singing thing. Don't worry. You can't go by some(fine, a lot) of the things on A lot of what is said there seems a bit too stereotypical and with groundless basis which lacks much of any logical explanation. Some of the things about INFps there make me go O_o??

    Also, about the Beta connection thing...something about your posts makes me feel connected to what you're saying...and I doubt I would get that kinda feeling if you were an ESTj or ISTp...especially ESTj(no offense to any ESTjs reading).

    That's all my POV anyways.

    Unless you are convinced about your type, it doesn't matter what I think. Probably the more you get used to this typing stuff, the more certain you will be about what your type is. (under Jung tests) has some tests which have been consistent to my type, if you haven't already taken any. has been good for me as if you haven't taken it....

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    Thanks Wackotic.

    Just a quick question though: how do you know whether you have found my personality or my type?

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    Your socionics type IS your so called "personality type". Your peronality that you've gained over your lifetime is yours and yours alone, your socionics type simply helps put your actions and the reason you do some things and interact with some people in a certain way into generalizations. Everbody has a different "personality", but everybody can fit into one of these 16 types that kind of digs down to the root of many of your actions. Socionics only makes up part of your "personality", the rest you've learned throughout your life, and this makes up a good portion of how you act. Two people with the same type can act extremely differently in the face of the world, however, their thinking patterns will be similar in such a way that they can have the same type. By you telling us some of your personality traits, through those generalizations, we can put you into a designated 4-letter type.

    I hope this clears it up better.

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    Yes, that does clear up things. Thanks again, Harry!

    By the way Wackotic, you mentioned a kind of "connection" with my posts. Could you perhaps explain yourself a little more?

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    ... I just wouldn't go ahead calling your socionics type a "personality type". "Psyhological type" is a much better way to put it because like Harry said personality =/= type.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  14. #14


    The whole connection's kinda tough for me to explain. I guess it's like I was reading through the posts with a better intuitive understanding of what you were trying to say than what some other posters might say. It's like, I could sense from where you were coming from and get a clearer picture of who you are and what you want to say and why.

    It may have been because you have good written communication skills where you are able to process your ideas coherently. I obtained a sense of respect for your whole thought-processing in general; respect that may be more naturally geared to other quadra members than towards outsider quadra members.

    I have no proof or way to really explain myself too well right now(my head's a bit fuzzy). It could indicate a stimulation of my Ti hidden agenda which would natrually come from Activity relations. But my intuition can get a bit too far out. So it could just be me. I don't know if any other INFps know what I'm trying to say.

    And about the personality and type question, Harry Bottom did a good job on explaining it.

    [2 cents]I believe there are certain psychologic components which every human being posesses. Some people are more in tune with the physical world while others are quite at home in the hidden world of abstract meaning. Some are more logic oriented and then others are more in tune with their heart and emotions. I see being an INFp as being more quiet, first of all, and being more geared towards imagination and having a curiosity for the unexplained, novel, and otherworldly. The secondary emotional element plays a prevailent role which manifests itself in a natural leaning towards a meaningful purpose, feeling loved, etc.

    These would be traits naturally displayed in someone who's psyche was "programmed" to be INFp. Of course, every human being exists as a living soul and as an individual who has the right to go on their own path through life which no other person, regardless of type, will journey through. Every INFp will be different based on their personal and unique experiences through life.

    I have two INFp friends who are noticiably different from me because of the uniqueness of their souls. However, while interacting with them, we very much see eye to eye, understand why the other does the things they do, the reasons for feeling how they do because we have a psychological make-up and subconscious attitude which is far more similar in likeness in comparison to the majority of other people.[/2 cents]

    As if anything I said made any sense. If I'm sounding too confusing, just read what Hair--err---I mean, Harry Bottom said.

    And I only used INFp because I'm very much biased, first of all, and because I can relate better to INFp, being one myself. Besides, using ISTp would come off a bit too superficial, you could say. ^_-

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    I kinda know what you mean, Wackotic. I've noticed a similar effect whereby Hugo seemed to interpret my posts and questions in a completely different way to that which I had intended, and also seemed to ignore certain parts of my post. For example, he re-posted a question of his just after I said that I would come to it later. But I seem to be able to understand all of these posts in this topic fairly easily. I was surprised when Wackotic said, "The hidden agenda with believing seemed to kinda manifest itself as well due to your skepticism which makes it seem like you want to believe you're ISTj, but at the same time, you don't want to delude yourself with a lie in the case that you possilby are not ISTj." The reason I was surprised was because this seemed to nail down my basic 'fear' of Socionics really well - I want to be a type, yet I also don't want to because it might be the wrong type. This isn't meant to be a rant at Hugo, of course; it is only meant to be an illustration looking at type relations.

    However, I would mention that misunderstanding someone isn't only about type and quadra. A four-year old would never understand a teacher explaining calculus for a sixteen-year old irrespective of type. Socionics has a lot of potential for complexity and it could just have been that Hugo was putting ideas forward that were too advanced for me.

    On another topic, I think that, in order for you to "get to know me" so that you could type me (if you haven't already made up your minds), is just to talk about certain things. I'd be particularly interested in learning how to identify other ISTjs, ESTps, INFPs and ENFjs because, naturally, I would like to socialise with other members of my quadra. I'm also curious about how the hidden agenda of an ISTj could manifest itself. Alternatively, we could just discuss or debate a particular topic.

    (BTW, would I be correct in saying that most of you, based on my "Can you help?" post and my posts here, my writing style and my personality description, are pretty much convinced that I am ISTj?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    (BTW, would I be correct in saying that most of you, based on my "Can you help?" post and my posts here, my writing style and my personality description, are pretty much convinced that I am ISTj?)
    Apparently, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    I'm also curious about how the hidden agenda of an ISTj could manifest itself. Alternatively, we could just discuss or debate a particular topic.
    I think what Wacotic said about your type is a good example how your hidden agenda works. It takes you a long time to accept a new idea (like your type) because you're worried that if by any chance you got it wrong and belived in the new thing or idea it would be painful for you to change you're idea. You don't want to totally believe yet that your type is ISTJ because something that you believe in you like to keep as a belief. If your type turned out to be something other than ISTJ you would find it hard to rediscover your type and figure it out again. You'd perfer to get it right, without a doubt, the first time so you don't have to refigure what to believe in.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    It takes you a long time to accept a new idea (like your type) because you're worried that if by any chance you got it wrong and belived in the new thing or idea it would be painful for you to change you're idea. You don't want to totally believe yet that your type is ISTJ because something that you believe in you like to keep as a belief. If your type turned out to be something other than ISTJ you would find it hard to rediscover your type and figure it out again. You'd perfer to get it right, without a doubt, the first time so you don't have to refigure what to believe in.
    I think that describes me, or my attitude, really well.

    I suppose that, ironically, my scepticism about my type being ISTj is further evidence of me being an ISTj because an ISTj, with his hidden agenda, would naturally doubt his type quite often!

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    Quote Originally Posted by The last time I posted, I
    I suppose that, ironically, my scepticism about my type being ISTj is further evidence of me being an ISTj because an ISTj, with his hidden agenda, would naturally doubt his type quite often!
    Would I be correct in saying this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    Quote Originally Posted by The last time I posted, I
    I suppose that, ironically, my scepticism about my type being ISTj is further evidence of me being an ISTj because an ISTj, with his hidden agenda, would naturally doubt his type quite often!
    Would I be correct in saying this?
    Yes, enough already, you're an ISTJ!

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I'd like to thank you for your help in finding my type. I have some doubts (not many, but a few) about whether this is the correct type but, then again, when I think about all of the other types, I can't really imagine me being any one of them.

    So, thanks again!

  21. #21


    I think what Wacotic said about your type is a good example how your hidden agenda works. It takes you a long time to accept a new idea (like your type) because you're worried that if by any chance you got it wrong and belived in the new thing or idea it would be painful for you to change you're idea. You don't want to totally believe yet that your type is ISTJ because something that you believe in you like to keep as a belief. If your type turned out to be something other than ISTJ you would find it hard to rediscover your type and figure it out again. You'd perfer to get it right, without a doubt, the first time so you don't have to refigure what to believe in.
    That sounds just like me. Makes me wonder if I'm really an ISTJ. I thought I was an INFP, but more and more I doubt that I am. Maybe Hugo should include something about hidden agendas in his test.

  22. #22


    That sounds just like me. Makes me wonder if I'm really an ISTJ. I thought I was an INFP, but more and more I doubt that I am. Maybe Hugo should include something about hidden agendas in his test.
    Well, I've mixed myself up with being an INTj, an INFj, and almost as an INTp. I think it's pretty reliable to figure out whether you behave more introverted or extroverted then figure out if you are more in touch with your concrete surroundings verses the abstract world of imagination, theories, metaphors, etc. I've found that differentiating between thinking and feeling can be a bit of a toughy...mainly if you're a perciever, like me. I think if you can figure out whether you're a sensor or intuitive, and then come to figure out if you behave more like a judger or perciever, you should be in pretty good business. If you are INFp(and apparently INFps can also come into question about their type), whether you're a thinker or feeler can be iffy at times since Ni can kinda make you detached from emotions at times. might be nifty to compare how you fit into each category(Extrovert, Introvert, Sensor, Intuitive, etc). If you are INFp, your Feeling function may not seem really evident immediately because of dominant Ni. That's actually why I thought I was INFJ once, because MBTI said INFJs were Ni primarily while INFPs were Fi and I knew I was far more intuitive than feeling.
    The type descriptions seem pretty accurate too...even for introverts. When they describe INFP or ISTJ, the descriptions sound quite true, even though it's MBTI where introverts have their quasi-identicals' functions.

    MBTI tests, I have found, tend to be very accurate in finding's just that they type descriptions will give you your Quasi-Identical's functions and they will have yours, so it's kinda like, "huh?"

    And I have found that I can relate to other types hidden agendas. Nevertheless, if you're test scores are pretty consistant with one type and you try to decide whether you relate more to Extroversion than Introversion, Sensing to iNtuition, Thinking to Feeling, Judging than Percieving, and vica-versa, that would definitely help making your "type" more certain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Yay! Welcome to Beta!!!!!!
    I feel as though you all knew that I was ISTj, or at least a Beta, and was just waiting for myself to discover that fact.

  24. #24


    I feel as though you all knew that I was ISTj, or at least a Beta, and was just waiting for myself to discover that fact.
    From the time I've spent delving into this typing stuff, I've kinda gotten a feel, so to speak, for certain personality types. You really 'feel' like an ISTj and quite honestly, I couldn't see you as any other type. I mean, I think it's safe to say you are an Introvert and a Judger. The way you communicate online is very direct in a Judger way. The Thinking comes right off the bat, especially since you approach all of this so systematically. You do not give any indication for being an intuitive. I especially sensed that when Hugo was throwing all of these formula things at you, like if you act like such and such that means you are this or that, or something. Pretty typical for an INTj(assuming Hugo is one...he sure sounds like one, lol), but I read through his posts and your replies and in my head I could almost see how much he was confusing you and making the whole situation like ten times more complicated. I kept thinking, "Man, your approach is so not helping this situation..."

    But honestly, if you ended up being anything other than ISTj, I'd be awfully shocked to say the least.

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    Edited for gayness.

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    It's really interesting how I pitch up in this forum after trying to find my type with a six-page-long post, and immediately everybody says ISTj. I guess that's the 'magic' of Quadra Relations - you just 'connect' with everybody in it.

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    welcome to Beta, Five

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


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    what the heck. ancient thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    what the heck. ancient thread.
    Well, it seems mercutio knows how to delete his posts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Well, it seems mercutio knows how to delete his posts.
    haven't seen him around in AGES...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    haven't seen him around in AGES...
    I did but his post dissapeared.

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