Can somebody please help me type my sister? I'll try to explain her to the best to my ability:
Physical charateristics: Very beautiful, with long brown hair. Has kind of an Indian-ish face. Has lots of ethnic beauty and looks somewhat Native American. Her face is a bit round, and her nose is uh...elongated, and she has kind of dream-y eyes, but they're not really as 'daydreamy' as mine are.
She likes to talk about 'mental' ideas but is rarely touchy-feely. She has a kind of 'cold' tone to her. (I'm the good sibling and she's the evil one ) This isn't bad, I'm sure to other people it would be fine, but to me it throws me off. But needless to say, she has a tendency to throw temper tantrums and kinda holds things in.
She relies on others to shock her and comfort her a lot. She gets bored VERY EASILY. She has kind of a nihilstic aura about her. She's always looking for that 'thrill.' She's looking for like the idealized man to come and wake her up and like take her to another universe. She's very intelligent and great with science. But yeah the key charateristic about her is that she's never satisfied. She's VERY goal-oriented...and enjoys 'going somewhere' in life. But, deep down she knows that she could just sit in her room and listen to music 24/7 as well, she's kinda chameleon-ish.
Men are also crazy about her too, or more importantly she THINKS they are. She's a bit 'cocky' in this respect, but it's done out of light-hearted humor. She tries hard to be 'normal' even though she's not, really (who is?). Status is fairly important to her, although intelligently she recognizes that it's not everything. She is in LOVE with Buddhism as well, and enjoys receiving spiritual/new age-y things for gifts.
She's very efficient with I guess her 'logical' life but requires lots of support with emotions as I've said before. She is also attracted to the occult and anything considered weird and bizarre. She's a bit unpredictable. She'll like be suddenly serious all of a sudden and then be playful. (or vice-versa).
She doesn't believe in social graces that much, considers them 'fake' so she can appear rude to other people when she doesn't mean to be. She'll rarely say "bye" to people, but she'll ALWAYS say "hello" I don't know if that's an indicator of type really, but there you have it.
She also always invokes a certain emotion or vibe in people...her presence can be very empowering despite the 'coldness' like I said earlier. Like just her 'vibe' kinda overthrows the tone of a room if that makes sense. Like she has a lot of 'inner power' inside of her and you can feel it. She also likes to stir up the drama just to make life interesting, as like I said, she gets bored easily.
Sometimes she can't just seem to enjoy herself. Like if she's playing a video game (she's 25) she'll be hard on herself and be like 'ugh why am I playing this I should be out enjoying life' and I'll try to be all 'um there's nothing wrong with playing video games lol they actually stimulate your mind.' and then she goes 'yeah that's actually very true.' She likes to hear things she considers are 'intelligent' more than anything. She enjoys surprises even though she might not admit it. She also has MANY interests and she goes in phases like she'll be totally OBSESSED about something for a few weeks and then act like it doesn't even exist.
Okay this is getting long so I'll shut up and see what people say now.