It'd be interesting to know the paths of socionics dissemination. (btw I prefer the lowercase spelling of socionics. I almost expect to see a trademark after the word, followed by "from the people who brought you Dianetics.")
from a friend
from significant other
from a family member
from a colleague/at work
an internet search
another typology website
from a psychology site
from another website (non psych or typology)
facebook or another social networking site
youtube/other videos
at a class, lecture, or workshop
book, newspaper, magazine
It'd be interesting to know the paths of socionics dissemination. (btw I prefer the lowercase spelling of socionics. I almost expect to see a trademark after the word, followed by "from the people who brought you Dianetics.")
I was doing research on Maslow and needed some personality type comparisons. I ran into a discussion about INTjs on this forum, and I got heavily involved in socionics after that. Especially since I found it more flexible and more consistent than MBTI.
How I ran into Socionics:
Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)
My story is right below that of our Ice Cream containing friend. summertime!
I was looking for ENTJ profiles and found a link from a webpage to I thought the profile was great.
ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx
All hail personality cafe
If I remember correctly, I was looking up personality typing, on a whim, several years ago. I was linked to a description of duality I'm pretty certain had something to do with soulmates (I was young). The obsession study of socionics kind of evolved from that point on. .......And. It. Has. Not. StoPPED.
(help me, please....?)
from a russian
I think I was searching goggle for some esoteric term and a link to the site popped up so I joined. Never heard of socionics before that but I had a "feeling" there would be something for me here and there has been. I knew my MBTI type from years back. I probably posted the details of my joining somewhere on the forum. I just have to read again to refresh my memory of the chain of events that led me started with two deaths and possibly a need to make sense of things.
^ An experience I was having before I joined...I have grown quite a bit since joining...some of you might remember.
Last edited by Aylen; 11-12-2014 at 08:03 PM.
“My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.” —C.G. Jung
i thought "socionics" was another name for "mbti" for the longest time. and then i came across and saw the VI stuff where you were supposed to guess the type based on the face and i thought it was really weird and stupid. i only became interested when i found this forum bcuz the people on it seemed fun.
^^^^ nice go figure, straight from the source.
Socionics has both helped and hindered my relationships as well as growth. Hard to explain.
A man I knew who had some wierd hate/love relationship with me (he was my pastor) one day called my friend and I 'typical sanguines' and since I had no idea what he meant by that referal I looked it up on the internet as soon as I arrived home and thought he was so not correct in that assumption and somehow found myself reading about MBTI which eventually led to the discovery of Socionics. + DISC Personality (in a High School class) -> Wikipedia -> Lots of personality quizzes on Wikipedia -> Socionics.
Ha that's right I didn't need MBTI.
Warm Regards,
Clowns & Entropy
NewBornStar forced it down my throat, lol. He typed me as INFj from the beginning. He talked about it all the time and wanted me to take a test and see if I agree with the result. I got INTj, and thought it seemed "accurate enough" though I didn't really believe the the theory would be much more convincing than horoscopes etc. In any case, I found NBS:s childlike excitement funny, so I started to defent the INTj typing against the INFj one, and pointed out specific things in the INFj description that didn't resonate with me. For some reason he was very committed to "make me see the truth" so he started pointing out my Fi use in random situations and also how other friends of ours used other functions. He explained to how the interations with Aqua should go (me being his supervisor) and how I should in theory feel drawn towards his Si-LSE brother (I think he might acually be a Te-SLI but that's beyond the point). All of these things seemed to fit together too well so at some point I started to believe that there might be more to this thing than the typical theories that will tell you "how many % extroverted you are" etc.