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Thread: Identifying INTj's weakest functions: Fe, Si, Te, Ni

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    Default Identifying INTj's weakest functions: Fe, Si, Te, Ni

    I am researching into the INTj's functions. Currently, I have clarified the first four functions (Ti, Ne, Fi and Se). However, I need help in clarifying the INTj's last four functions (Fe, Si, Te and Ni). There is less information on these functions than on the others (admittedly, one only requires the first two functions to be identified to determine one's type).

    Thus far, I have compiled the following:

    Fe He is very secretive and dislikes unwanted visitors. He prefers a happy, cheerful and exciting surrounding.

    Si This gives the Analyst his hidden agenda. Introverted sensing primarily concerns the body and its functions, sensory perceptions etc. Therefore he concerns himself with living healthily. One manifestation of this is that he may not like to eat when no one else is, as this, in his eyes, attracts unnecessary attention to his bodily functions.

    Te The Analyst tends to forget himself, inclining to work for others or to help others.

    Ni ?????????

    I would be grateful for any help in expanding upon these descriptions.

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    MysticSonic's Avatar
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    Here's some data I got from

    It's only a babel fish translation, but I believe it's readable.

    Block ID * the eighth position * demonstrative function * the "intuition of time"

    The time Of robesp'era belongs to its intellectual creation. Therefore it greatly values its and strange time. It is punctual and greatly values punctuality in others. Its day prudently and farsightedly is planned. Its plans most frequently realize precisely in the manner that it intends them. It does not love hurry. Time feels and knows how reasonably to distribute it.

    It does not love fuss, it lives in the optimum vital rhythm. In its motions this dimensionality and this rational automatism are observed, that, it would seem, working without hurrying, it it manages to make is much. Living according to the principle "pospeshay slowly", Robesp'er everywhere joins in singing and much manages.

    Its apparent sluggishness is deeply rational and it most frequently occurs the most optimum rate. Because of this quality Of robesp'er it frees its duala of Hugo from the superfluous stress, hurries and fusses, assign to it the optimum rhythm of actions, optimum time behavior. And it weakens thus and calms it. Robesp'er knows how to profitably use for itself the possibilities, which to it one or other period or another of time allows. For example, a period of the forced unemployment it can use to an increase in the qualification, to the acquisition of another profession, to the study of foreign languages or the juridical self-education.

    Robesp'er greatly values its free time. For it this always gift to itself. And it prefers to use it to that, to that earlier it did not have enough time: to its creative enthusiasm, to the self-education, to leisure, to the pleasant and intellectually saturated leisure. To take away in Robesp'era its free time nevertheless, what to deprive of this its gift. Hugo, oriented to the intuition of the time Of robesp'era, knows how to value strange time and knows how to protect his.

    It sees well historical legitimacies in the life of society, sees the "connection of times". For Robesp'era to characteristically focus attention on the negative tendencies in its surrounding reality. With the intuitive insight Of robesp'er characteristic of it it is capable to in proper time understand and to deeply analyze the nascent social problems. It is capable to in proper time warn society against them and to propose the most optimal solutions of these problems.

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    MysticSonic, I have condensed your information to this:

    "The Analyst values punctuality. His day is usually well-planned; his plans most often are realised in precisely the manner in which he intends them to do. He does not love to hurry, or to fuss. Also, the Analyst knows how to profitably use the time which is available. He greatly values his free time, which he uses for creativity, for self-education, and intellectual stimulation. The Analyst can also see the ‘connection of times’ - he characteristically focuses on the negative tendencies of his world, and can (with the proper time) understand and analyse possible future problems."

    Is this correct?

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    MysticSonic's Avatar
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    I believe so.

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