Well, I'm not an ISFP, but I hope you don't mind if I answer for one of them.

What gets you going?
I've notice if she is in a bad mood or not feeling well don't try to smoother her or ask her about how she's feeling too much. The best thing to do is just say something funny or intersting. That will usually get them excited/laughing and their mood shoots right up. Also, pay attention to their non-verbal communication because they talk a lot with facial expressions and things like that.

What do you dig about ENTps?
They don't, ha! j/k. I'm not sure there is anything specifically related to type, because people are attracted more to personality and persoanlity is not related to your type.

Tell me all about you, what do you do as an ISFp?
Like the other girls said, she like sports and plays field hockey. Gooing to the mall or spending time with friends doing nothing is also what ISFPs do.

What special little things do you do?

They seem to laugh a lot. They are also very reactionary with their body if you get them excited. Sometimes they just don't care that people are watching them and act like a real ditz anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by taz
Actually I say
1. get the ISFP person to talk.
2. joke around with the person
3. after you get to know the ISFP person pretty well, then stare and/or smile at the person to get the person to laugh as part of joking around.
Taz is right McNew, you should try this.