I wanted to post a picture of him, but I think I had misplaced the pictures of him I had ...

However, he seems to like to write to the local public newspapers alot to gripe about the effects of illegal immigration. I managed to gather a dozen or so things he has written.

I hated doing this, by the way ... for some reason listening to my father talk or reading what he writes gives me a flipping miagraine or atleast a bad stress headache. I should take something for it right now.

He also likes alot of bilboard signs ... he has one billboard slogan he has up on his wall that says "teachers should teach kids how to learn" and another one that says "it takes a chicken to be responsible, but a real pig to be a player" and other vulgar stress statements that come pretty close to sickening me.

When I was young and even when I tried living in the same house with him a few weeks ago, he would insist I wake up at five in the morning every morning and would try to give me instructions on what to do. He would give me money all the time, so I did not have much of a problem doing some of the things. The problem I have with him is that he is pushy and can become physically violent when he does not get his way. He can also be polite at time, but can turn into an asshole real quick and sometimes for unpredictable reasons. He is also very very unconfident when it comes to personal relationships and would manipulate to get his way or to keep people around [which actually chases them off]. By the way, I hope he does not read this.

I may have already said what I believe my father's type to be elsewhere; hope that does not give too much away.

Here are the articals.

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Mary Texeira strikes me as someone who is either detached from the real world off campus, or someone with an ulterior agenda.
Her assertion that Ebonics is essential to success is false. The black American community understands standard English, and the future success of black youth depends on mastery of standard English.

Standard English is the language of money and international commerce. People in other countries learn standard English as a means to pull ahead of the competition.

I view "diversity' as practiced by academics, not as celebrating different cultures, but as an ulterior means to racial separatism, while destroying the culture which made America foremost in the world.

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Rampant racism
Thank you for the Jan. 11 editorial "Redlands assault takes on even deeper portent.' However, if we are to target racism, we have to do much more than merely enhance criminal charges against skinheads.

If there were a white-only campus organization called Spiritual Anglo Student Movement of the White American Homeland, whose apparent goal was to drive all other races out of the southwest United States, there would be a great public outcry. The club would be hounded out of existence, and there would be no chance for a companion organization called European American Political Association.

On the other hand, perhaps on the assumption that only whites are capable of racism, we allow a Hispanic-only campus organization named Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or MEChA. The Mexican American Political Association appears to be closely allied.

I believe that MEChA exploits people who are in the rootless twilight zone of not being quite Mexican yet do not quite feel American. Those who are "reborn' into the Chicano movement tend to go on to positions in education and government, or join special-interest groups, where a separatist agenda is repackaged as Latino advocacy and pushed on the public.

The high school level is more of a milk-and-cookie, seed-sowing operation "a place where I can meet people like me.' The more egregious stuff is in college, away from parental scrutiny.

We do not live in 1492, 1521, 1846 or 1964. So, let's move on to a colorblind society by addressing racism wherever it exists. Racism is not just a white man's disease.

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The problem is bigger than a few hundred immigrants, said Cherry Valley resident Allan , who opposes illegal immigration.

The Mexican and U.S. governments have failed to change policies that encourage illegal immigration, he said.

, 47, is a union lineman who builds and maintains power lines. He said he previously worked as a cement finisher and saw the wages driven down by illegal immigrants.

"Most of them I believe to be very decent people, but they beat down our wages and there's too many of them," he said. "I feel like I'm being dispossessed of my nation, my culture, my language and eventually my livelihood."
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Yes, blame Mexico

How I wish academics such as Robert D. Knight would come down from their lofty podiums and enter the real world of making a living with one's own hands. His commentary lacks the perspective of such employment and neglects history in the same manner as he turns the word "illegal" into "undocumented" ("U.S. selfishness warps immigration reform," Perspective, Jan. 16).

The Mexican government is indeed responsible for illegal labor in the United States, and not just by "how-to" comic books which teach illegal entry and evasion. With the exception of presidents Juarez and Cardenas, the various corrupt governments were and are all about stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.

Mexico's President Lopez Portillo, in order to punish some wealthy people who were not playing his ballgame, devalued the peso. However, the wealthy class had moved its money out of the country, and the devaluation wiped out whatever savings the poor and middle class had. Consequently, a multitude of illegal immigrants entered the U.S. around 1981, and by the end of our 1981 recession began the wholesale replacement of Americans in construction.

While this displacement of skilled workers may bother neither educators nor lawmakers, the result is that 2005 residential construction real wages are about half to one-third of 1980 real wages. To keep up with the late '70s, the 2005 wages should be $23 to $25 an hour, not the current $8 to $15.

So we sell our nation to the lowest bidder, whether it is illegal labor, overseas labor or simply running off experienced employees. The money man at the top of the chain probably won't be bothered and the educators and politicians will still be employed.

I do agree that America has the wrong approach concerning illegal entry. Most nations, including Mexico, have zero tolerance for illegal entry and it is time America did, also.

It would be nice if the debate were not so much about justifying transference of Mexico's population to America as about bringing social and economic justice to Mexico.

Allan is a Beaumont resident.
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Biased policy advice

Reading between the lines of Marisa Agha's article, "UCR wants public policy school" (April 27), it seems that the UC Riverside faculty is attempting to influence public policy and legislation, rather like a political action committee or a lobbying organization, in addition to politically influencing students.

UCR Chancellor France Cordova said the school "will position itself to provide advice that is penetrating and honest in a very deep, unbiased way."

Other faculty members added that "immigration, diversity in higher education, human rights, media and cultural policy," among other issues, could be addressed.

It is doubtful that the new school would be unbiased.

In January 2002, Armando Navarro, UCR professor of ethnic studies, used his National Alliance for Human Rights organization for a "Statewide Mobilization for the Appointment of a Latina/o UC(R) Chancellor and (UC) Regent," with himself listed as the contact person. UCR ended up with France Cordova as chancellor.

A university with sincere intent would focus on the functional education of our youth, rather than the cynical and potentially racist use of higher education as an instrument of political power.

ALLAN , Beaumont
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Racial lines

I would agree with Ricardo Chavira that integration works and makes for a much better place to live ("In California, racial harmony," Opinion, March 19).

However, it is imperative that illegal immigration be ceased, employers of illegal laborers punished, and those here illegally returned to their native countries -- as long as children aren't split up from their parents.

I also find it morally repugnant that we would send an army to bring democracy to Iraq, while we ignore bringing social and economic justice to Latin America.

At the same time, Chavira needs to study his history a little more closely. Chavira is correct that the north was populated almost entirely by people from Mexico 150 years ago. However, most of them could not be described as Latino. People from Mexico did not customarily migrate north until the United States subdued nomadic Indians and created economic opportunity here. And, they did not migrate in large numbers until the 1910 Mexican Revolution. There were, and are, plenty of wrongs committed by one group against another. But injustice, prejudice and racism are not the exclusive property of any one group or any one person.

ALLAN , Beaumont
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Waves of immigration

Steve Cardenas (Your Views, Nov. 1) states the obvious concerning illegal immigrants: "They come here because their country is very poor." Their country is poor because the changes necessary for Mexico to be prosperous would mangle a status quo that's based on power and class privilege.

The Mexican government cares little about its poverty-stricken masses and encourages immigration to distract from reform and to milk the billions of dollars sent home from expatriate Mexicans, laboring for ever-diminishing real wages in the United States.

I have worked with illegals, some of whom I liked very much. However, I see their poverty and corrupt institutions coming with their massive migration, with each wave lowering the chance of a decent living for common people living in the U.S., including established illegal immigrants.

ALLAN , Beaumont
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