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Thread: Whats the deal with me and this entj?

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    Default Whats the deal with me and this entj?

    heres something i wrote on another forum, but later deleted, im copying and pasting:

    I'm not good with social cues. I'm 25m, INTP. some young boys at the mosque told me "you should totally add her on [insert social media here] she likes you" this was many years ago. i tried adding her and told her what i heard, she saw the message, a day later she blocked me. keep in mind she might not have wanted her reputation to be ruined, and for people to talk about her, so she may have told the boys to shut it, as we were muslim, etc. but probably not it was probably a lie. i confronted them, they got nervous and only later told me "yeah we totally made it up" fast forward later, i talked to her after striking up a convo at some event, she was full of banter and hyper energy, to the point she crashed, and i crashed, and we were at a loss for words, and her brother said, "yeah....i think we should go..." appearing shocked at our level of lack of modesty. the next time, she was at a booth at some festival, and i said, "hey wait here i gotta drop something off, you wanna catch up after?" she agreed and i came to her later, and she overall seemed more shy and reserved, and at one point my mom kept harassing me on the phone as she was my ride, and i kept telling her i was busy, to the point of frustration, i found out my crush wasnt the youngest and had a younger brother (or was it 2?) and was much older than one, so i said, "so you can be a really BIG elder sister?" and made gestures with my hands indicating big, and she frowned and i sensed she thought i was talking about her appearance so i cleared it up, and after we talked she had her hands by her sides and was imitating my autistic tics, or possibly was just getting hyper or felt like kicking to the side. (or who knows maybe she has autism too), and then i left. the next day of the festival, she wasnt there, and i asked out my childhood friend (another girl) in a rather abrupt way, and got rejected.

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    why is no one answering

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    can someone pls answer bump tldr: do i have a chance or not

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    @Adam Strange can you respond

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    adam strange can you respond
    I have a hard time predicting anything about your relationship with the ENTj, based upon what you wrote in your original post.

    My advice would be to simply keep trying. Just keep showing up and be yourself. And if she says "No". believe her. Never try to change a woman's mind. It just doesn't work.

    Personally, the things I like about male EIIs is that they can be funny. That isn't enough to make me seek them out, though, or to want to get closer to them, but that is one of their best traits, from my standpoint.

    One point where EIIs differ from ESIs is that the EIIs that I know always seem to want to be told exactly what to do, which matches well with LSEs. Personally, I find life easier to take when an ESI just wants facts, and then they make up their minds themselves.*

    *ESIs don't always do what I would have recommended, but it's their life to live.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I have a hard time predicting anything, based upon what you wrote in your original post.

    My advice would be to simply keep trying. Just keep showing up and be yourself.

    Personally, the things I like about male EIIs is that they can be funny. That isn't enough to make me seek them out, or to want to get closer to them, but that is one of their best traits, from my standpoint.

    One thing where they differ from ESIs is that the EIIs that I know always seem to want to be told exactly what to do, which matches well with LSEs. I find life easier to take when an ESI just wants facts and they make up their minds themselves.*

    *ESIs don't always do what I would have recommended, but it's their life to live.
    Oh, because I've developed an unhealthy relationship with chatgpt, and it suggested I go apologize to the young lady for making a comment on her appearance. It also suggested I may have broke her heart if she did like me, if I asked out someone else in her absence. But what does AI know?

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