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Thread: RaptorWizard ~ The Nerevarine in Morrowind 2002-2003

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Default RaptorWizard ~ The Nerevarine in Morrowind 2002-2003

    Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism The Meaning of Life is Jovi Bill Bunny Revan Ray Allen Riley Rayquaza Raichu Arceus Jirachi Realgam Tower Star Forge RaptorWizard Wes Shingo Wesley Sneijder Inter Milan 2010 Hicks Hawking Exeggutor Erling Haaland Riley Halloween LeoSuperCluster Eldes Will Red Ash Latias Raikou Marius Florin INTP 5w6 so/sx IEI Schizoid!! Scizor Nerevarine Jade Empire Gyarados Garner Arcanine Gary Oak Sabrina Count Dooku Maverick Germany Dirk Nowitzki, asking the biggest questions, getting to the top of the Kardashev Scale, completing Shingo's Blade Runner 2049 released in 2017 system, priming with the ultimate intensities and mentalities for the big Pokemon Macro-versal Tournament hosted by the top Kardashev society, masquerading with the Tao's Final Annihilator Polarities and Extremities, sparkling in the super-holographic glitter of the Power of Forever, embarking along every step and stage of the Johto Journeys staircase, be ready and ripe in the great noon, conceptualize Albert Einstein's library quote of many arcane codes and equations, Kobe Bryant/Marius Florin impossible cosmology, cosmic consciousness, break the laws of existence, focus the flow of the Force, follow the Will of the Force, tap the torrent to the ultimate future, enjoy all of Pikachu's expressions in Pokemon Yellow, harness Spinoza's Divine Intellect to access all knowledge in God's Mind as pieces of our owns minds as well as all manifestations of God from lowest to highest, create and destroy infinite Macro-verses, Kid's WB Yourself, select Eevee as Bunny, come to Gary's Sandslash in Pokemon Yellow, defeat the 1000 year dragon, seek your highest bliss in your moments of greatest danger, jump into Bunny's Imagination, make the knowledge of all things possible, free will, omnipotence, indomitable Willpower, surging self-electrocution, become experientially over struck, conquer Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism, fly with Anil Mitra's Journey in Being New World 2000 system, design SolitaryWalker's system, flow with Zang's system, become the Ubermensch in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, become the Chosen 1 in Star Wars and Pokemon 2000, open the door to your Heart as shadow Lugia, put your heart and soul into constructing your Yugioh deck, duel your Higher Self, expand the Thunderbolt Singularity, make the journey of becoming the lords of creation and mastering hyperspace more meaningful than the destination, realize Newton's 2060 return of God prophecy through Kobe's 60 point farewell game in 2016 to realize Charizard as Rhydon in 1998 and reveal the Pokemon number code like Newton revolutionized the world more than anyone ever with gravity, achieve infinite mastery of creation, find the most magical meaning of Love, the rainbow bridge continues as the story goes on forever, feelings for futures reverse to foresee failure won If, take risks early on to achieve the ultimate as failure is inevitable in a future timeframe without trying, aim high as in great attempts it is glorious even to fail, higher mysteries, spellbinding secrets, light knowledge love and harmony lead to creation the waters of life, darkness deception fear and chaos lead to destruction the fires of death, adventurous curiosity, start the storybook worldbuilding quote, become God in Giordano Bruno's quote, uncover the Star Forge from Star Wars Kotor by following Oneism Wayne Herchel Star Maps from da Vinci paintings, comprehend all dimensions of da Vinci's Last Supper, fire the inexorable arrow of extrication, destroy evil and visit lower levels to appreciate the higher, master Jogi Low's and Zidane's teams, master the cosmic rainbow nothingness master light and dark sides of the Force, achieve enough wisdom to become a demiurge in Tom Montalk's Transcending the Matrix Control System, build Realgam Tower in Pokemon Colosseum to become Sabrina from Pokemon Stadium 2 R2, frenzy plant fork the future, birth all worlds of light, penetrate past both lanes of Infinites-Ultimate, merge with all spectra everywhere, construct the super-nexus, join the TH126 Let's Play community, become more creative than George Lucas, become smarter than Stephen Hawking, become a sheer cold Schizoid Lugia that's always dreaming, become Slowking Kobe Philosopher King, have Aragorn reign as King into a sci-fi future, choose Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot vision, reveal your lightsaber crystal of true nature, anchoring Arceus sigil totems, programming 1000 clockwork axioms around Bunny/Lugia, teleport to the top of Zarathustra's wizard tower as an azure bell and eternal security, dance everywhere with rainbow language, integrate Nietzsche's will to ascend quote, become the Riley Rayquaza Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior Mastering the Dragon Mind of Zen and the Great Dragon Mind Creating the world, become the ultimate darkness and the ultimate light, play on Marius Florin's galactic super civilizations space station, unleash the Heart of the Force as liquid light birthing all worlds, know the Mind of God, the "I am that I am" is an elegant way of saying that we should act with the force and feeling of our true character (God) the divine light (Love) within us all, with the creators the reapers and the rejoicers will I associate: the rainbow will I show them and all the stairs to the Superman, when the moment of truth comes accept your destiny and when it's your chance to be a hero rise to the challenge, inherit the Legendary Pokemon Cards, achieve perfect victory by bonding with Bunny at the Scholar's Garden in Jade Empire, doom desire Wishing, become Iron Thorns Tyranitar a billion years ahead in the future, win with the 2011 Mavericks, go for Mr Tesla's Vision, vision eons ahead of its time, bring about the Life in the Future 6000 and Beyond video, fire the rainbow bridge to infinity, love of learning, seek wisdom and mastery in solitude as a wizard lord, go from the lowest dungeon to the highest peak and become Gandalf the White, let it all hang out at the Prime Cup, seize the ultimate prize, unlock your higher balance, imagine BunnyRaptor's sci-fi, learn the Meaning of Life, master all of your emotions in Spinoza's system, transform into the Force, free yourself from all restrictions, soar into Tesla's Imaginary City at the center of the universe where all Wishes come true, open yourself up to all of Tom Montalk's highest virtues, finish the Pokedex, moving mountains, create the Last Supper Macroverse, learn the lesson of perception to focus on your environment at all times as the greatest goal, master your body and mind to master the universe, use Yoda's infinite time to solve the infinity mystery, bubble hearts, go down the rabbit hole, become a child of light, wisdom takes the lowest route, consider value power dominion and rarity, chase the clockwork of the Cosmic Force Aegis, destroy the spirit of gravity, understand 1000 years and 1000 dimensions as God, unmask the Old One, make time stand still, evolve into the philosophical white hole, achieve infinite love and imagination by achieving infinite knowledge, channel all powers in the Force, descend from the mountaintop to offer universal enlightenment, explore the edge of endlessness, become poised atop all cosmic vantage points and fringes/horizons, write the ultimate equation, invent a theory of everything, psycho boost Eldes to exponentially overhaul the Kardashev Scale, split the ring of power, wear the Crown of Will, fissure the white space shatter-point, the highest light casts no shadow illuminating all God’s creation, Shadow Lugia, Lugia vs Rayquaza chess board of good vs evil, conquer all levels of the jungle, solve Jolee Bindo's snake story, take down the heads of Cipher, there is no death there is the Force, gallop into the Extremities of the Old One (God) as Bunny, go from being an ant next to a 10 lane super highway where you stop by and tell the ants we bring you gold we bring you trinkets we bring you the secrets of the stars take me to your leader to mastering hyperspace, a 1000 mile journey begins with 1 step, A Meaning for All, and Master the 2014 World Cup Systems. The Force makes Everything go, and its many manifestations are much like a multifaceted prism. It can be used for all kinds of purposes as directed by Mind. The Force has more dimensions to it than just Light and Dark. There's also the Cosmic, Rainbow, Nothingness, and Master aspects of the Force. The Light side is Love, and the Dark side is Will. The Cosmic Force animates Vision, the Rainbow Force has 2 ends of Infinity, the Nothingness Force has promise, and the Master Force is commanded by the One Unleashed. I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, till the 1st dawning opens gradually, little by little, into a full and clear light. BunnyRaptor transcended George Lucas (Orange Typhlosion), the GOAT WES A fair face may fade, but a beautiful soul lasts forever. Lucky Numbers - 53, 10, 29, 14, 1, 21.


    Morrowind relax music
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  2. #2
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Final: Cipher Admin Eldes
    This is the toughest battle in the Orre Colosseum and perhaps in any Pokémon game ever. The AI's use of Gengar and Metagross significantly deters any use of Explosion, and with half the team immune to Earthquake, taking down Metagross is very difficult. Latios and Latias might not have Soul Dew, but they are still immense threats that are virtually impossible to take down in a single turn. BoltBeam spam makes using Pokémon such as Salamence and Gyarados a liability due to the fact that they can be cleanly knocked out by half of the AI's Pokémon before they even have a chance to move. Tauros is also a massive threat, being able to rip through most defensive Pokémon with Choice Band-boosted Return. Salac Berries and Swift Swim are really the only methods of ensuring you can get powerful attackers to move first in this battle, although a few Pokémon such as Aerodactyl have the Speed to move first; however, they have exploitable weaknesses and don't hit super hard. It's difficult to formulate a particular strategy for this battle because things are heavily impacted by what the AI decides to bring. If the AI doesn't have Gengar, Explosion and Selfdestruct are actually great methods of disposing of Latios and Latias. A Metagross of your own also performs well except for against opposing Metagross, which will most likely outspeed yours due to the AI's near-perfect IVs.
    The final round is fittingly the most difficult round of the entire Colosseum. It has four opponents that all employ contrasting strategies, and for this reason it is difficult to construct a team that can perform exceptionally well in all four battles. Explosion, Rock Slide, and Earthquake use all work great in the first two battles, but they lose potency in the semifinal and the final. The fast and powerful Pokémon employed by the AI in the semifinal and final battles also deter use of similar Pokémon because the Speed advantage is difficult to outplay. Rain Dance and Lightningrod are two strategies that can work to some extent in all four battles because the AI relies on Electric-type moves to touch Pokémon such as Gyarados. Rain Dance along with Swift Swim offers a method to obtain a Speed advantage in the later battles, and it can also plow through Pokémon such as Metagross, which is particularly difficult to take down. A Pokémon with Endure, Reversal, and a Salac Berry can also be fast and powerful enough to justify use, although it usually can only take down one foe before being finished off itself. Other than these strategies there isn't much else preparation that can be done; bring your best Pokémon, play tight, and maybe you'll make it through alive.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  3. #3
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    This most beautiful System of the Sun, Planets, and Comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being. And if the fixed Stars are the centers of other like systems, these, being form’d by the like wise counsel, must be all subject to the dominion of One; especially since the light of the fixed Stars is of the same nature with the light of the Sun, and from every system light passes into all the other systems. And lest the systems of the fixed Stars should, by their gravity, fall on each other mutually, he hath placed those Systems at immense distances from one another

    This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all: And on account of his dominion he is wont to be called Lord God Pantok

    rator,or Universal Ruler. For God is a relative word, and has a respect to servants; and Deity is the dominion of God, not over his own body, as those imagine who fancy God to be the soul of the world, but over servants. The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God; for we say, my God, your God, the God of Israel, the God of Gods, and Lord of Lords; but we do not say, my Eternal, your Eternal, the Eternal of Israel, the Eternal of Gods; we do not say, my Infinite, or my Perfect: These are titles which have no respect to servants. The word God usually [1] signifies Lord; but every lord is not a God. It is the dominion of a spiritual being which constitutes a God; a true, supreme, or imaginary dominion makes a true, supreme, or imaginary God. And from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a Living, Intelligent, and Powerful Being; and, from his other perfections, that he is Supreme or most Perfect. He is Eternal and Infinite, Omnipotent and Omniscient; that is, his duration reaches from Eternity to Eternity; his presence from Infinity to Infinity; he governs all things, and knows all things that are or can be done. He is not Eternity and Infinity, but Eternal and Infinite; he is not Duration and Space, but he endures and is present. He endures forever, and is every where present; and, by existing always and every where, he constitutes Duration and Space. Since every particle of Space is always, and every indivisible moment of Duration is every where, certainly the Maker and Lord of all things cannot be never and no where. Every soul that has perception is, though in different times and in different organs of sense and motion, still the same indivisible person. There are given successive parts in duration, co-existent parts in space, but neither the one nor the other in the person of a man, or his thinking principle; and much less can they be found in the thinking substance of God. Every man, so far as he is a thing that has perception, is one and the same man during his whole life, in all and each of his organs of sense. God is the same God, always and everywhere. He is omnipresent, not virtually only, but also substantially; for virtue cannot subsist without substance. In him [2] are all things contained and moved; yet neither affects the other: God suffers nothing from the motion of bodies; bodies find no resistance from the omnipresence of God. ‘Tis allowed by all that the supreme God exists necessarily; and by the same necessity he exists always and every where. Whence also he is all similar, all eye, all ear, all brain, all arm, all power to perceive, to understand, and to act; but in a manner not at all human, in a manner not at all corporeal, in a manner utterly unknown to us. As a blind man has no idea of colours, so have we no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things. He is utterly void of all body and bodily figure, and can therefore neither be seen, nor heard, not touched; nor ought he to be worshipped under the representation of any corporeal thing. We have ideas of his attributes, but what the real substance of anything is we know not. In bodies, we see only their figures and colours, we hear only the sounds, we touch only their outward surfaces, we smell only the smells, and taste the savours; but their inward substances are not to be known, either by our senses, or by any reflex act of our minds; much less then have we any idea of the substance of God. We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, and final causes; we admire him for his perfections; but we reverence and adore him on account of his dominion. For we adore him as his servants; and a God without dominion, providence, and final causes, is nothing else but Fate and Nature. Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and every where, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find, suited to different times and places, could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being necessarily existing. But, by way of allegory, God is said to see, to speak, to laugh, to love, to hate, to desire, to give, to receive, to rejoice, to be angry, to fight, to frame, to work, to build. For all our notions of God are taken from the ways of mankind, by a certain similitude which, though not perfect, has some likeness, however. And thus much concerning God; to discourse of whom from the appearances of things, does certainly belong to natural Philosophy ~ sir Isaac Newton
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Dirk Nowitzki Hall of Fame Speech

    15)Think outside the box
    16)Try new things
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Within the entire scope of the Universe visible before our eyes there exist 200 billion galaxies, each of which harbors 100 billion stars, some of them even exceeding 1 trillion stars. Yet despite the incomprehensibly vast size of the Universe there are still people who believe that the only life in the Universe comes from the Earth, an absolutely preposterous perception. About 2000 million years after the Big Bang emerged the first stars, galaxies immediately organizing after that with the matter in the Universe evolving at a rapid rate. Around 9 to 10 billion years ago came the first planets and solar systems, life organizing somewhere between 7 to 9.5 billion years ago. 1 to 5 billion years ago there was the development of the first extraterrestrial civilizations. Within this infinite system of the Multiverse our Universe is nothing more than an atom as civilizations from all other possible worlds are possibly coming here to develop their races into other energetic levels of space-time. We cannot even begin to comprehend the complexity of such a civilization eons beyond our current level of evolution and phase of development. One of these super civilizations may have once come to the Earth and other planets throughout the Milky Way Galaxy to originate and develop life at least from the Cenozoic era 65 million years ago up till today. Perhaps a cause such as alien intervention caused the dinosaurs to disappear. The legendary civilizations of the ancient world such as Atlantis are often thought of as myths and fairy tales, and that such a magical civilization could not have existed. However, we have no idea what mysteries the Earth is hiding with so many unexplored corners of the world such as underwater, underground, under the ice caps, or even in secret areas closed off from the public by the government, controlling the flow of all knowledge, dictating what we do and do not learn. If these ancient civilizations did exist, apparently they were destroyed, possibly by worshipping false Gods and invoking their wrath spawning natural disasters such as colossal earthquakes and towering deluges that dwarfed mountains. Natural history often works in repeating cycles. By understanding the demise of past civilizations, we can better secure the future of our current civilization. What we consider to be our current civilization may not be all there is to civilization here on Earth. There may be ancient peoples and races than inhabit the underground in what is called hollow Earth. Hollow Earth may have caverns and cave networks that lead to mythical underground civilizations, possibly protected by electromagnetic barriers and run by free energy sources such as crystal power. The inhabitants of hollow Earth may be referred to as inter-terrestrials. If they exist, they may be monitoring our progress in secret, biding their time until the ripe moment arrives before they spring out of hiding. An even bigger question is what the nature of the UFOs we observe may be and if they contain extraterrestrials that are monitoring our progress, and if so, what their intentions are for the human race. If they exist, they would be the Gods and we would be their servants. Some even speculate that these extraterrestrial Gods seeded life here on Earth for souls to incarnate and that they gave us the scriptures to teach us how to return to the heavens they inhabit, although the scriptures do not actually explain how the heavens operate like science does. The so called junk DNA of the human being may actually contain the codifications of our extraterrestrial creators, which we could read to learn the secret history of our origins. If we could harness this junk DNA, it would be a large leap forward in our evolution, for we would use a larger percentage of our brains and could develop what are perceived as supernatural powers attributed to the Gods. If the extraterrestrials really are the architects of our evolution, our masters and creators, they may have given us their DNA, although different extraterrestrials may have created different races. One theory is that the Jews are the only race created by the God Yahweh the Father, Jesus the Son, and the angels of heaven, and that all the other races were created by the fallen angels, and hence have a corrupted DNA. For the Jews, them possibly being the chosen race created by the DNA of God, the most important law for their genetic program would be the law of non-hybridization, keeping their special God given DNA pure. We see that they did not follow this law forever, and hence we have a mixture of many different racial combinations within the human species. Because the Jews may have broken a sacred non-hybridization law established by God and even crucified Jesus, they may have been cursed, which might be why so much hostility has been directed towards the Jews throughout history all the way up to the horrors of the Holocaust, although ever since then they seem to have been well protected in their country of Israel all the way up to this day, so if there was a curse it may have been lifted. Since our DNA may have been corrupted, we might not be compatible with God and the super civilization he might command, and hence we would be on the waste list for the Lake of Fire, the death of the spiritual body. However, Christ came into the world to be sacrificed for our sins, possibly including the sin of breaking the law of non-hybridization, saving us from death and giving us the possibility of everlasting life if we follow him. His way is so simple, yet the meaning is timeless and profound. All we have to do is believe. The theories of evolutionists and creationists are different pieces of the same puzzle, traces of technology and civilization being recorded from 500 million years ago begging the question of who would spend hundreds of millions of years visiting our planet. According to this theory it was Yahweh and his alien super civilization that accelerated the evolution of the hominids, the modern man over 600 million years ago and since been correcting the genes of our species through genetic engineering programs. One of these programs developed for the Jews was Adam and Eve from the Bible. Other programs of civilization were developed before Adam and Eve such as Atlantis which was evolved in science and technology and were exterminated because they fought against the Gods. The same scenario happened on Mars including the destruction of the whole ecosystem and an apocalypse. Anyway it seems that at one moment this super-civilization has been split into pieces and many of the angels, fallen angels (starting with Lucifer at first who was an archon with other seven) were cast out from heavens and came to Earth and probably other planets to create their own vies about life, existence, programs of genetic engineering separated from Yahweh's program for the Jews (that's why the Jews are God's chosen people because they are the only race created by the real God Yahweh). So all the other races in this world (except the Jews) are actually genetic engineering programs developed by those fallen angels/aliens from the Mayans to the Babylonians, Cananites, Egyptians, Incas, Indians, and the Asians and so on. So those fallen angels starting with Lucifer, wanted also to became gods like their leader Yahweh, the real God (you know the story with Lucifer that wanted to replace God and so on). Sounds like a pretty nice story I know (that's how I took it at the beginning), and sounds aberrant, until you began to dig out for details, to enter deeper and deeper into the phenomenon, and the results are astonishing. This explains also why there are so many human races on this planet, every program and corresponds to one of those fallen angels.There are two types of fallen angels:- the fallen archons with Lucifer and the other seven, and also 1/3 of angels, of members from this extra-terrestrial civilization of were cast out from heaven hundreds of thousands of years ago- and the fallen watchers with Semyaza in front who were cast out who were cast out thousands of years ago in the times of Jared. (Read the story in the Book of Enoch)Interesting thing is that all these ancient earthly civilizations developed technology, knowledge, mathematics, astronomy, astrology and so forth. (Could be a similarity with the Atlants?). The ancient manuscripts says very clear that all this knowledge came from the gods who created them, fallen angels in this case.Also all those ancient civilizations have sacred books The Bible (Old Testament for the jews) and Rig Veda, Ramayana, The Egyptian book of death, Tibethan book of death, Bhagavad-gita, Upanishads, Popol Vuh, Puranas, Fenician, Hitite, Summeryan tables of clay, and so forth. All these sacred manuscripts were given by Yahweh (the Bible on one side, Old Testament) and by these fallen angels all the other books.Also all these books starting with the Bible (Old Testament) are actually a genetic engineering programs exposed in metaphors, personifications, parables and the most important law by far in all these sacred manuscripts was The Law of Non-Hybridization. It is very important to understand the human being first of all, to understand how this being --the human being - is composed. We have three bodies the biological body (somatic body), the energetic body and the spiritual body. The energetic body makes the connection between the biological body and the spiritual body through the chakras. Every human being in this world has seven chakras positioned in different parts of the body, that look like some vertigos, and that keep maintained the connection between these two main bodies (biological and spiritual). Now there is a very strong connection between the DNA from our biological body and the DNA from our spiritual body. It is very important to keep this information in your mind.Yahweh and after that all these fallen angels (who became gods Osiris, Ra, Amon in Egyptian mythology, Marduk the god in Babylonians, Siva and Hinduism, Quantzecoatl at the Mayans, Moloch at Cananites, Zeus and so forth) developed these programs for the human souls. They use human souls to perpetuate and multiply their species. Basically what Lucifer wanted was to create his own view about life, his own civilization. The obsession of all these manuscripts was to keep the DNA pure, to keep the bloodline pure, so that the human soul DNA to be compatible with their DNA, the DNA of these aliens, to maintain the purity of the race with an uncorrupted DNA. Like I said the first law in all those books (including Bible-Old Testament) was this law of non-hybridization -- or the deadliest of all sins. What does this mean? It means that if I was a Jew for example on Moses's time and I would have sex with a Babylonian woman I would produce a hybrid because she was not on the same race like me. This hybrid would have the DNA corrupted, with ramifications and remnants, impure, incompatible with Yahweh's civilization for example. The punishment for this sin was the second death, or the eternal death, the death of the soul into the lake of fire how the Bible describes so well. So that's why if I was a Jew I should have sex with a woman from the same race like mine and no one else. That's how the new baby would have a pure DNA compatible with them. As I told we have also a spiritual DNA. Who's going to read these ancient sacred manuscripts will understand better the programs.I heard a lot of people asking all the time why God-Yahweh promoted this view in the Old Testament that the Jews have to kill in blood all the other races, perpetuate this hatred on humans. The reason was simple: the Babylonians and all the other races around the Jews were not his programs so logically they must be exterminated.Keep the bloodline clean and pure, the manuscripts are obsessed with this aspect. One of the reasons that the Sumerians had those channels of irrigation for example -- created by gods of course - was to delimit these different programs of genetics so that different races could not interact with each other. In our days only some casts from India still keep the tradition of the bloodline, some of the Jews also and some very isolated tribes from Amazonia, Oceania and the Papua, and of course the royal western families and illuminati. (Read "The Illuminati bloodlines" by Springmeyer)In time these programs were abandoned and people began to mix their races, to leave behind the most important of all those laws, the non-hybridization one, to forget about the blood-line and so forth. Hybrids are not compatible with them so they have no future at universal level.By the way we are also hybrids if you didn't know that, so normally we would be on the waste shovel and after that obliterated from this universal system. Our souls are not compatible with the angels souls at all so we have a corrupted DNA, a corrupted soul.But there's an escape.All the ancient books starting with the Bible have these testaments given to the mortals, that are actually genetic engineering programs, everything masked of course in metaphors, and at the apex of the testament there is this first and the most important law of all: the non-hybridization law. But the Bible has a second testament -- our salvation, us the ex-pagans, hybrids now but also Christians -- the New Testament.The New Testament through Jesus Christ of course destroys completely the old law and brings back the new one that represents Christ as the only way to the real God Yahweh. Essentially the gospels were created for the people who belong to the programs of all these gods, fallen angels from Elohims civilization; fallen angels who developed also like I said genetic programs on this planet, actually all the other programs except the Jew program. We are like I said hybrids now, so we have a corrupted DNA, impure. So Jesus Christ came to Earth and has sacrificed Himself to create Christianity for us. He is our savior indeed, the only one who could purify our DNA.Everybody would ask, normally, why Jesus Christ died for our sins, which sin, the sin of non-hybridization. We could say that Christ is the savior of the hybrids, of us or of the one of us who believes in Him. So the only way to salvation from second death is through Jesus Christ. He is the only one who could purify our souls from the hybridized DNA.Pretty soon the end of the program will come, the apocalypse, and it was not the first one. Who will study the ancient manuscripts from Amerindians, Incas will understand better about what's going on. There were other at least four programs before us and we could be the last one on this planet because we are the most developed of all in technology and science. In the fourth program were the Atlants who were also Luciferians and very evolved in technology and science.On Mars was also a great civilization. And we could see the remnants of the programs of these super-civilizations even there. What Earth is now, Mars also was in the past, but what Mars is now the Earth also should be pretty soon. Sounds like madness I know and not too optimistic at all. The secret societies knows all these things, the archives of the Vatican knows all those things. Only the crowds are kept in ignorance about what's going on with us. To expose the program in detail it would be too much for me here. This is just a very short story.Interesting story, at the beginning I thought that it was only a story until I began to dig out for more and more information and the results are astonishing about us, about what we are, about who we are, as what we represent in this universe as individuals, the universe which we perceive in such a limited way. I began to understand that the ancient manuscripts are not only some stories told and exposed by people with big imagination, but that those manuscripts are real. The decoding of them is fantastic.Those civilizations are now at a level of evolution impossible for us to understand. They don't inhabit planets anymore, but other dimensions of this universe on a different level of frequency, much higher according to some scientific theories there are 10 dimensions plus temporal dimension (11) or how religions says the heavens. They are immortal. They could travel through other universes into this Multiversal system. They could even create universes. We do not know what their level of evolution is.Is better to know all this story for the future, to understand that the very few people who rule this world. The secret societies are not atheists but very religious kids. They are Luciferians and they know all these things. They know Yahweh and Christ and they know who they are. They try to keep people's perceptions on a very low level, with a very low level of conscience so we don't have to understand the essence of ourselves, of who we are, the essence of what we really represent in this universe. That's the new world order program started from decades, even centuries in western society. We just have to stay with our heads underground and to catch only what they want like slaves, easily manipulated.Basically there is a battle between two extra-terrestrial civilizations (one split from the other one) at another level, into other dimensions (probably galactic empires, we don't know). Now this world is ruled by the fallen angels through the Luciferian secret societies, and we have to choose a side because the end of the fifth program will come pretty soon.

    Behold, in the transformation of Gandalf the White, the highest level of the evolution of the conscious mind, so powerful as to break the very bounds of space-time and the cycles of birth and rebirth, unto the power of resurrection, like unto Jesus Christ. If we ever hope to even come close to this level, we must ask ourselves questions that only a being of the highest order could not only answer but achieve.God, the Creator, the Infinite Being, manifests Himself in creation. This God, the existence, is the Cosmic God, the God of Albert Einstein. Yahweh is just a piece of this infinite existence. Wisdom is the highest level of consciousness, the level where everything is a simple unity. This would mean good and evil cease to exist, unified as a whole. This unified Cosmic God of Albert Einstein seems to be reached in Buddhism, in a state of nothingness. It is on this level of nothingness that the laws of nature cease to exist, and can therefore be altered. If we can alter the flow of nature, and become the cause rather than being controlled by the effects of nature, in my opinion there may be a free will. To achieve free will, we need to become one with nature, the Cosmic God, on this highest level of Wisdom. Wisdom is like water, infinitely formless, the void of nothingness. From this void of nothingness infinite things can be conceived into creation. It is through Understanding, the level where division exists, that the flow of Wisdom can be focused. To focus the flow of Wisdom by the power of Understanding would be to control nature. If this power to focus the flow of the Cosmos can only be achieved by the Cosmic God, perhaps the Cosmic God, the existence, is the only free will, its puppets being the means by which balance of the Force is achieved. The Buddhist way of emptiness and neutrality may be the only potential escape in my opinion. Although Yahweh is our Savior and our Shepherd, the infinite Cosmic God, the existence, seems to be reached only in Buddhism, in inner peace with nature.The Existence is not a person or something separate from us. We all are part of this God: The Existential God. And there's no free will because there’s no primordial cause into existence. Every element of the existence is organized, transformed all the time by all the other elements that surround the element in the cause. Even our thoughts (effects) are influenced all the time by exterior causes. These effects (our thoughts) became instantly causes for other effects that we produce all the time. Put a little bit your imagination in this game and you will understand the mechanism of the Existence. There's no free will and you can't get the free will. We are in the middle of a system based on causes that produce effects, effects will transform instantly into causes creating other effects from infinite to infinite. Imagine for example that our Universe is organized the way that it is because of some exterior causes that are produced into an extra-universal system (the Omniverse if you like). If the Universe has these laws of physics these constants and so on is because of some exterior causes that produced these effects (laws of physics) into our Universe. Every element of the existence depends by the other elements that surround it to be what it is. (You are one of these elements, and me, and the atoms that surrounds us, elementary particles, planets, mountains, flowers, dark matter, dark energy, everything that exist and that we can't even imagine). We are so limited in our perceptions. We know nothing about this Universe, not to mention about other Universes, Omniverse, dear God, with all our instruments we can't perceive more than 4% of this Universe. 96% is missing. But from this limited point of view I dare to say that there's no free will and I explained to you through what I call: "The First Existential Law". On that law is based all the Existence, also through this law I demonstrate that this Universe does not appear from nothing, even nothing has a previous cause for its existence. There's a cause who produce the universe and that's probably the Big Bang because this universe is not infinite and I could demonstrate that to you again. There's a long story. The Big Bang has also other causes for its own existence being at its own time an effect, the Big Bang transforms instantly into a cause producing other effects. In this case the Universe is simple. You are also an effect produced by a whole bunch of causes that surround you all the time, you also became instantly a cause to produce other effects around you or even far away from you (with the thought and energies that you generate). The universe is a very complicated system. The only element that is immortal in this case is the Existence itself that is transformed all the time into that law that I send it to you. Is improper to talk about time when we talk about the existential system. The Existence is infinite in space and time, is eternal and immortal. We are all a part of this wonderful System.

    The future programs of civilization will likely be far more advanced in science and technology than we are today perhaps to the extent that they are so evolved the monuments they construct seem like magical alien artifacts, impossible by our current standards of knowledge. These impossibilities can be grouped into 3 categories, class 1, 2, and 3 impossibilities. Class 1 impossibilities are technology that under the known laws of physics can be constructed but is far beyond the capabilities of modern civilization but could be achieved centuries down the road, such as antimatter, teleportation, invisibility, and psycho-kinesis. Class 2 impossibilities are technology that stretches to the very brink of our physical knowledge, questionably impossible under known physical laws, but many millions of years ahead could be brought into realization, such as time machines and hyperspace travel via wormhole warps. Class 3 impossibilities are technology that can break the very laws of existence, ultimately controlling existence.

    Who is the God of the Universe? We do not know who or what created the Universe. I'm quite sure that not God from the human religions (monotheist or polytheist). The religions are connected with some extremely advanced extraterrestrial super-civilizations that coexist now in this corner of the galaxy, but in the negative matter of the Universe.God of the Universe is not a person opinion like you and me. Above many other theories related with the genesis of the universe like quantum singularity or the membrane theory, I see another one: an extra-universal super-civilization that is at a level of evolution impossible for us to understand and that exist in the Omniversal system. This is a level VI or VII in evolution after our classifications. But I personally don't see these extra-universal super-civilizations like something similar to us. There must something incomprehensible for our level of understanding.And from where this Universe comes? From where the negative matter of the Universe comes? I don't know. Nobody knows. We have only theories. One thing is quite sure for me. Not from God of the Bible. Read that chapter called the Super-civilization of God, or Yahweh if you like. This super-civilization coexists with other civilizations extremely advanced in this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, perhaps in the negative matter of the Universe, or at a spiritual level if you like. And no, they didn't create this Universe.And in the end we tend to forget the fact that all our science today is based more or less only on theories, and the theories are changing from one decade to another.There are super-civilizations far more advanced than us who created us with a purpose: spiritual body. They do not inhabit planets now but gigantic space stations like Heavenly Jerusalem. I believe however that these space stations coexist more in a parallel world with ours, in the negative matter or I you like at a spiritual level. Read the whole book and after that you will have a clear picture of it. I have a contribution to that book because I put there a lot of additional information that complete the overall picture of: what is our place in the configuration of the Universe.You dream a lot. As a technical civilization we evolve because we are pushed from behind by others to do that. If we have right now so much technology and science that's because somebody else had taken care of that. We do not evolve by ourselves. In conclusion all your dreams will be in vain because our civilization will be wiped out from the surface of Terra. We are just in a cycle controlled by those who own Terra and the human civilization. Nothing is accidental.Humans masters of the Universe? The Universe will follow our will? Is funny to see how the IW gives false hopes to people. You fall into the same trap like everybody else. Humanity will be destroyed. Martian civilization was destroyed. We are in the middle of some extremely advanced super-civilizations who own this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, they created us, they control us, and they will destroy us. It is simple. Read the ancient manuscripts and you will understand better our place in the Universe. We exist for them. Humanity was always controlled by others. Since moment when the man spent his existence in a tree and until in the times when he stay on a chair with his eyes into a computer monitor, humans always has danced as Others has sang. The same thing happens with our evolution as a society, as a technical modern civilization. We are just in a game with a well-defined purpose. To be controlled by others for their own interests. So stop dreaming about how great we will be because: we are a big nobody in this Universe. What will humanity be like one day when perhaps we become a big somebody?
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  6. #6
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    1. Why does everything exist?
    2. What is the meaning of life?
    3. Who are we?
    4. Why are we here?
    5. Where are we going?
    6. What is everything all about?
    7. Can we know the mind of God?
    8. How do we perceive things?
    9. What is real?
    10. Do we have free will?
    11. What is truth?
    12. How many worlds are there?
    13. Can we find happiness?
    14. What is love?
    15. What is virtue?
    16. Is there good and evil?
    17. What is time?
    18. How is space created?
    19. How many levels does life have?
    20. Is existence finite or infinite?
    21. Is there a center to everything?
    22. Can anything go beyond infinity?
    23. Can existential laws be altered?
    24. Can we live in Heaven?
    25. Can we achieve eternal life?
    26. How should omnipotence be used?
    27. What is perfection?
    28. Is existence as it should be?
    29. Can we transcend all restrictions?
    30. Is everything open or determined?
    31. Will existence expand or end?
    32. Why is life a challenge?
    33. Are all things moved by causes?
    34. Do alien worlds have different laws?
    35. Why is everything always changing?
    36. What is possible or impossible?
    37. Can prophecies be averted?
    38. Do we live in a matrix?
    39. Were we created by aliens?
    40. What is the value of evidence?
    41. Are things as we see them?
    42. Does pure reason have limits?
    43. What should we have faith in?
    44. How do new creations originate?
    45. Is mind the prime cause?
    46. Are some ways more correct?
    47. How important is individuality?
    48. Should we be at peace?
    49. Can all wars be ended?
    50. Is victory a bridge or a goal?
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  7. #7
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Serenity calms the raging sea. Wisdom furthers the highest pathway. Unfolding releases wish from feathers of Bunny. Tempest has lovely fruity aromas. Healer’s Life sets a goal and divine objective. All Glory sets the world and the kingdom free. A Thousand Roads adds all uniqueness and diversity to the world. Merlin’s Secret discovers pure fantasy. Amazing Grace finds the best possibilities. Sephiroth attaches the highest Star-crown~jewel. Balance destroys the dinner table. Push the Limits uproots danger. Secret Call makes Meganium blissful in pure Imagination. Sacred Nirvana pushes the box open. Exile blazes in a trail of glory. Millions of Stars make destiny, unleashing, and potential unlimited. Miss Moon seeks for higher ambitions. Evanescent Direct Elsewhere seeks the key to the kingdom. Halo Tree Life grows until the state of mind is realized. Temple of the Mages seeks wisdom. Sanctuary of Light imprisons purity in freedom to fly and give birth in Rainbows. Night at the Oasis realizes the highest possible potential. Passing the Gates is your heavenly treasure. Lady of the Lake wins. My internal World is kaleidoscope of zen and epic transcendent adventure. It is literally equal to My imagination.Take Earth, intensify its terrain and diversity, add stuff like: the odd unusually colored sky, add elements of rich/unique architecture and out of this World intense/breathtaking landscapes, flora, fauna, every last imaginative fantasy and alien race and creature, passion, companionship, fable morality, varied atmospheres, magic, portals, true love, surrealism, semi-realism, strong bonds, symbolism, exciting challenge, individualistic unique characters, awesome magical forces of nature, scale, maze and puzzle intricasy, other senses, extra dimensions, physically inconceivable sensations and colors, elements of survivalist fantasy/science-fiction and horror, incredibly dense spectacular futuristic cities, stunning light ambiance, post-apocalyptic scenes, exotic villages, streamline utilities, bright colors, dreamy colors, techno-utopias, futuristic transportation, spaceflight, other Worlds, fantastical historical influences, floating things, extra moons/suns/planets in the sky and a few Rainbows and you have just 1% of it.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  8. #8
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Boss #10: Nascour

    Pokemon: Metagross Lv. 50
    Gardevoir Lv. 55
    Xatu Lv. 54
    Dusclops Lv. 55
    Walrein Lv. 56
    Blaziken Lv. 54
    Strategy: Let me be the first to congratulate you on making it
    this far, but also let me be the first to tell you that the next
    battle isnt a walk in the park. The majority of Nascours Pokemon
    are weak to dark type attacks so make sure you have some Pokemon
    with dark type attacks, you may also want to hit his Metagross
    with ground type attacks to take it out easily. For the rest
    of his Pokemon, just hit Walrein with acouple of fighting type
    attacks, then just hit Blaziken with a couple of water type
    attacks and the victory should be yours. Congratulations you
    have beaten Realgam tower, but wait who could that be?

    Boss #11: Evice

    Pokemon: Tyranitar Lv. 55
    Salamence Lv. 60
    Machamp Lv. 61
    Scizor Lv. 60
    Slaking Lv. 60
    Slowking Lv. 61
    Strategy: Yes, The person who has been behind the evil plot
    to take over the world is the Ever Evil Evice(aka The Mayor).
    Evice has a wide variety of Pokemon so it will not be an
    easy task to defeat Evice. To defeat Tyranitar take him down
    with a few water type attacks, but to make the battle easier
    just throw the Master Ball that you got earlier in the game.
    For the rest of his Pokemon, take down Salamence with ice
    attacks, Machamp will go down easily with one good Psychic
    attack, Scizor will go down with a fire type attack, Slacking
    will go down with some fighting type attacks, and finally hit
    Slowking with a nice Electric type attack and if you can pull
    But, the Boss Battles still rage on.

    "The Star Forge is the glory of the Builders, the apex of their Infinite Empire. It is a machine of invincible might, a tool of unstoppable conquest."

    The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. It was constructed by the Rakatan Infinite Empire in 30,000 BBY, five thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Republic. The Star Forge drew energy and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the Force, was capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. The Rakata, also known as "The Builders," constructed the massive space station through the use of slaves from many subject worlds including Belsavis, Corellia, Coruscant, Dantooine, Drall, Duro, Kashyyyk, Manaan, Selonia, Sleheyron, Malastare, and Tatooine. This technological marvel came at a terrible cost, as the Rakata were by nature a cruel and savage species; the Star Forge began feeding off these negative traits inherent in its creators. As a result the Star Forge became an immense tool of dark side power.

    The Star Forge, now a fusion of technology and dark side energies, began corrupting the Rakata in order to gain the immense power it required to operate itself and ultimately caused the collapse of the Rakata Empire. Aware of the semi-living superweapon's ability to corrupt its users, Darth Revan limited his contact with the dark side artifact to avoid allowing it to control him as it did the Rakatans. His apprentice Darth Malak, on the other hand, planned to explore deeper into the Star Forge after disposing of his Master.

    Lord Lao’s recipes
    Configuration Ingredient Necessary Machines Technique or reward
    Of the Ox Vial of Sulfurous Water Water Wheel, Chimney, Dragon Button Spirit of the Master
    Of the Dragon Vial of Sulfurous Water Cogs, Cauldron, Tiger Button A Mountain Within
    Of the Snake Bar of Nickeled Iron Conductor, Chimney, Cauldron, Tiger Button Calm as the Morning Breeze
    Of the Tiger Bar of Nickeled Iron Conductor, Cogs, Dragon Button The Quieted Mind
    Of the Horse Cow Bezoar Water Wheel, Chimney, Conductor, Cauldron, Tiger Button The Song of the Spirit
    Of the Rabbit Cow Bezoar Conductor, Chimney, Cogs, Dragon Button Heaven's Blessing Gem
    You only can get one of the final two configurations to work before the machine breaks:
    Of the Rat Eyes of the Void Cauldron, Chimney, Cogs, Water Wheel, Dragon Button Strength of the Bull
    Of the Goat Eyes of the Void Cogs, Water Wheel, Conductor, Tiger Button Harmony and Balance

    The Tattered Spire was a massive tower created near the end of the Old Kingdom. Its purpose was to channel all the Will energy in the world to grant the master of the tower a single, limitless wish.

    In the Old Kingdom
    When the tower was first activated by the last Archon of the Old Kingdom (not to be confused with the first Archon, William Black), there was a bright flurry of light, followed by a large explosion that utterly destroyed the Old Kingdom, and began a dark age in Albion's history. Some people believe that this was the first wish - an end to a corrupt kingdom, destroying it so that a new, pure kingdom could one day take its place.

    It is revealed in Fable: The Journey that this is actually not the whole story. Theresa told Gabriel that the Spire opened a fissure between Albion and The Void, where The Corruption lives, and on that day it tried to enter Albion. Three powerful Heroes joined forces, using their Will to stop it, causing a great explosion. This destroyed the Old Kingdom, while the Heroes turned into rocks and were scattered throughout Albion along with their powers.

    The explosion also destroyed the majority of the Spire, rendering it unusable. The only surviving portions were underwater, concealed from sight, which is why it could not be seen from the mainland in Fable or Fable: The Lost Chapters.

    Fable II
    By the events of Fable II, the Spire has been forgotten by the people of Albion, with only a few history books mentioning it. Lucien Fairfax has been consumed with grief and insanity over the loss of his wife and daughter. He begins research on the Old Kingdom in order to resurrect his family, transcend death, and create a new world free of chaos.

    During this research, he collaborates with the Hero of Will, Garth, to reconstruct the Spire. A warship finds the tattered remains of the Spire underneath the surface of the ocean, and forced labour is used to reconstruct it with strange black material. To maintain order among the slaves, brutal thugs who defeat the Crucible were recruited as Spire Guards, and in order to maintain obedience among the Spire Guards, Spire Collars were fitted to their necks, with which the guards were shocked into compliance.

    The player, however, loses almost all the experience he/she has when the collar is activated.

    Lucien however, creates human-like species to control the order of obedience in the spire. Lucien does this for he discovers that he cannot operate the Spire without three specific heroes: one of strength, one of will, and one of skill. This species that he created is known as the spire’s Commandant, who uses the Spire Collars to enforce his every command; this advantage expedites Lucien’s work and the spire quickly comes to maximum power. At the same time, Lucien then makes similar creations of the Commandant into experimental soldiers by inserting small shards of the Spire into their bodies. These soldiers are powerful and ruthless, with strong will abilities; They serve as commanders for his army. These experiments disgusted Garth, and he returns to Brightwood Tower before Lucien can imprison him.

    Commandant Chamber
    The Commandant's Chamber in the Spire

    Lucien commands his soldiers to scour the land for his three heroes. It takes the next twenty years for Lucien to capture the three needed heroes, but finally manages it when they are meeting on top of Hero Hill. By this time, the Spire is complete. They are brought to the Spire and placed in the central chamber. Immediately before Lucien can make his wish, the Hero of Bowerstone arrives at the Spire and uses a music box to strip Lucien of his new powers. The music box strips him of each individual's power with blue, red, and yellow light streams. As soon as the hero finishes stripping him of his first of three powers, Lucien begs for his life. When all his powers are stripped from him, the hero has the choice to kill him or keep listening to his ramblings. If you choose to shoot him, he will fall down the chasm of the spire. If you listen to his ramblings, Reaver will shoot him and say, "Oh, I thought he'd never shut up." Note: if you listen to him or kill him, you get neither good nor bad points, this is strictly a choice thing. Once the final deed has been done Theresa who has instructed the heroes from the beginning, appears in the center of the spire where Lucien was just standing. She now is doing her final instruction of authorizing the main hero to take the spire's full power as a gift before Theresa takes her own. The Spire's energy is used for the Hero's wish: be it Sacrifice, Love or Wealth. If you chose to bring your family back, Garth will commend you. Sacrifice, Hammer commends.

    Tattered Spire
    And for wealth, Reaver commends obviously. After the choice has been made, each of the heroes will choose where they wish to be teleported. Hammer chooses the north to be with the warrior monks there, Garth goes to his homeland of Samarkand and Reaver goes with him for the "uninhibited people". Reaver also states he will return to the Shadow Court in Oakvale to finish his business with them. Theresa ejects everyone from the spire and then takes the spire to now be under her control and sends you away. If you chose Sacrifice, the people will love you and admire you. If you chose Love, you will get a letter from your sister and your dog plus your family(ies) if you had any from when Lucien killed each of these. The people will not love you any more than they have previously. If you choose Wealth, you will receive 1,000,000 gold and the people will hate you.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  9. #9
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Albert Einstein axioms:
    1 - Our minds work best when we are full of ideas.
    2 - What facts mean mean more than the facts themselves.
    3 - The definition of our self worth is not our worldly stations, but our hearts.
    4 - The key to life is to always be full of questions.
    5 - The pure bliss of knowledge itself is the ultimate goal.
    6 - Life is marvelously put together.
    7 - Existence is full of timeless and classic themes and archetypes.
    8 - The point is not to force knowledge but to learn it in process.
    9 - We must embrace the big picture of humanity by enlarging our hearts.
    10 - The patterns of reality are infinitely intricate.
    11 - Vibration is the soul and essence of joy.
    12 - Annihilation can lead to perfection.
    13 - Our joy increases as those we love feel joy.
    14 - Elegance is the seed of genius.
    15 - What the majority thinks may not be true.
    16 - The very big begins with the very small.
    17 - The greatest fruits of life are gained from the greatest challenges.
    18 - We should not force our way but rather try to be harmonic.
    19 - We should strive to be like a passionately curious child.
    20 - When the genius sees something the herd does not see, both perceive the other as crazy.
    21 - The ultimate nature of everything is imagination.
    22 - Fiction transcends truth.
    23 - Fairy tales are the truest harbor of creativity and enlightenment.
    24 - Logic can only go so far, but we need to imagine to open up the canvas.
    25 - True transcendence is beyond reason and logic.
    26 - The universe is divinely ordered with codes and equations of the highest emblazoning and sophistication.
    27 - The universe is so breathtakingly exquisite and magical that the feeling of enchantment animates us.
    28 - God is a concept that is relative to our state of advancement.
    29 - Everything happens for a reason, by the heavenly piper.
    30 - We should not jump too far ahead in time, but rather try to make the most of our opportunities.
    31 - The mystery of why we are here, able to exist at all and understand existence is shocking.
    32 - You must make your goals bigger than possibility can define.
    33 - Nature and meditation unravel the deepest enigmas.
    34 - We should be virtuous not for heavenly plunder, but out of good will and love.
    35 - We must not make assumptions that stop us from learning.
    36 - We must go by our sense of attunement to the higher mysteries.
    37 - Learning is a process of joy.
    38 - The true nature of math is to open up questions rather than set stasis points.
    39 - Experience is the ultimate author of knowledge.
    40 - We must always be imagining and voyaging.
    41 - We must see the world with detached and humble eyes.
    42 - The ultimate truths of everything are connected in every major sector of conceptualization.
    43 - The ultimate religion is in being spellbound and ferried away to paradise by contemplating the universe.
    44 - The only time you are defeated is when you don't seek revenge.
    45 - We can understand everything not through IQ, but through patience and curiosity.
    46 - We must always be able to adapt.
    47 - Generating and molding prototypes is your Star Wars adventure.
    48 - The ultimate theory is always more true than the ultimate facts.
    49 - Our limited human minds cannot grasp the full nature of time.
    50 - Science and religion will 1 day be 1 and the same as we explore the edge of endlessness
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
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    SolitaryWalker's axioms:

    1) Philosophy is the quest for wisdom.
    2) The quest of philosophy is to advance understanding.
    3) Philosophy transcends the empirical nature of science.
    4) A metaphysical assumption must first be made before it can be validated by experiment.
    5) Philosophy is purely about truth.
    6) Our prejudices pollute the truth.
    7) Advancing ideas is about the opportunity to learn.
    8) The universe is infinite.
    9) The existence of God is impossible independent of our world’s existence.
    10) Infinity is the continuous and incessant flow of entities.
    11) God exists as the infinity of all things within this world.
    12) This world is an unconscious representation of the infinite realm.
    13) The finite limits of the human mind by which we are all designed translate the infinite into finite terms.
    14) What is the meaning of life? What is truth? What is virtue?
    15) The internal world and its imaginative prowess may actually open the window to outside realms incapable for experience within the physical.
    16) Only through intuition can the infinite be reached.
    17) The meaning of life is the quest to achieve the highest degree of perfection possible.
    18) Our task in life is open-ended and aimed at infinity.
    19) The pursuit of physics should be able to solve the ultimate questions of cosmology, those being: what is the world, how does it work, who made the world, what is the purpose of the world, what is our purpose, what is the ultimate nature of reality, what is the mind, does it exist independently of the body, what is the ultimate stuff they are made of, and how does this fit into the larger cosmological framework? These questions could finally answer the mystery of what life is, what the universe is, how cosmology works, and how we are related to it. These metaphysical questions could perhaps be experienced and understood within the realm of human imagination.
    20) There is epistemology, the study of knowledge, and metaphysics, the study of ultimate reality. We must have metaphysical beliefs in order to ask meaningful questions, which can be verified into epistemology by science.
    21) In order to grasp the changeless then one must have access to infinite and eternal vision.
    22) Our state of existence is so wretched that non-existence would be preferable to it, and as such, the world is by no means what Leibniz termed ‘the best of all possible worlds’.
    23) Some would also hold enlightenment to be a vision of the world objective and independent of prejudice, and that we must not deem the world to be what we can accept via personal taste, the limits of our vision not indeed being the limits of the world.
    24) The way we perceive the world will always be finite as long as we impose restrictions upon it.
    25) Spinoza’s doctrine of salvation comes through contemplation.
    26) We must believe reason to be the light of the world, the ultimate end of philosophy.
    27) What is God? He says God by tradition is often seen as an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being.
    28) Plato argues the average man must be lied to in order to keep them from falling off the safe path.
    29) SolitaryWalker in regards to God concludes that he is best defined as the primary essence of spirituality, or the other world, and then asks if it is possible for us to know the other world.
    30) He follows by asking what was the beginning of the universe, and that if A created B, asking what created A, rendering A incapable for a Creator, assuming that it could not have come from nothing. This may mean it has always existed, without beginning or end. This view of time could be defined as the infinite realm, a view from which all things could be seen.
    31) Philosophy could be defined as a primarily conceptual and abstract study of the world, asking such questions as follows: 1. Is it possible for the mind to divine free will, to control cause and effect? 2. What is the nature of consciousness, the ways in which we see and perceive things? 3. What is the ultimate nature of reality, the existential system designing all creation? 4. What are the foundations of thought, the forge from which the mind constructs?
    32) The process of logic deals with chains of reasoning.
    33) Do we really wish to destroy the popular myths of society in order to enlighten and awaken people?
    34) If we wish to control the laws of nature, every man must receive universal enlightenment.
    35) Machiavelli is quoted as saying that people are fickle by nature and will stand by you if you are winning, but once you cease to be winning, they shall abandon you.
    36) Many believe God to be a means of attaining eternal life. Such potential divine reward will inspire many men to act positively.
    37) SolitaryWalker asks if it is possible to have knowledge prior to experience. This could be possible if knowledge is innate, that is, if it is stored in our unconscious. If so, we could not only acquire knowledge, but also recover it. He defines knowledge as a true set of beliefs from which we can refer to choose.
    38) SolitaryWalker defines feeling as a cognitive faculty of emotive valuation, concerned with how we relate to the external environment, not how it is, thereby rendering feeling subjective.
    39) Philosophy can be used as a model for science, the pure idea being tested and refined empirically. Science will give us the results of this process, and then philosophy can next synthesize the pieces together to form a greater product by constructing a blueprint of its unified design. This can help us solve the monumental problems of our future horizons, should we take the correct steps of action in our present position.
    40) Religion is a means by which many find a life purpose and develop a cosmological map of the world as well as developing ethical systems and seeking what lies beyond this life. A critical weakness within religion however, is that all of these views are to be accepted on authority without question. SolitaryWalker defines this as faith which, according to believers, must be followed, lest the Gods unleash their divine wrath! He says that rather than blindly believing what we falsely perceive to be immortal wisdom, we must follow the liberating light of truth on a philosophical search for meaning. Meaning is found in independent thinking and letting our true self’s light shine.
    41) SolitaryWalker defines spirituality as a quest for another world, which he thinks suggests that these experiences transform spiritual prophets from within.
    42) God is the greatest possible good.
    43) We will fulfill much life purpose in the open-ended quest to construct our own worldviews.
    44) SolitaryWalker says perhaps prophets could translate their connection with the infinite realm.
    45) In the search for understanding, 4 questions we tend to ask include the meaning of eschatology, death, immortality, and what the alpha and omega of all things shall be.
    46) SolitaryWalker believes the key to the world to come is this world first.
    47) We must not assign limits to a world larger than our present comprehension.
    48) The world may hold codes for its design that could be symbolized with languages like mathematics.
    49) Truth is our perceptions aligning with the outside universe.
    50) As a means for finding inner peace, which SolitaryWalker thinks helps to find our true-self, we must have an introspective focus on the world inside the mind. He and Spinoza also believe we are all parts of God, so when we look within ourselves, we can see the timeless and infinite essence of the divine. He says though that we should not live for ourselves, but rather we should live for God.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Zang's Axioms:

    1. We need to see things by asking questions. – This helps us to achieve an understanding.2. We are not in Heaven. – We have to work our way towards Heaven.3. Our honor must be at the divine level for us to be in Heaven. – Otherwise it would be destroyed by our corruption.4. We each have a life force. – Our energy incarnates into physical forms from the timeless world.5. Life is an everlasting progression. – Life progresses by triumphing over challenges (hell).6. This world is hell. – Hell teaches us lessons throughout many lifetimes.7. The material world exists at a low frequency (in reference to higher frequency realms). – We can rise to higher frequency realms as we gain more experience across the spectrum.8. We are spiritually evolving. – Our planet is presently at the edge of a spiritual shift, which will develop us for space exploration.9. I am that I am. – This character is the personal God of love.10. Love is the one force. – Everything is part of love, which makes things possible.11. How should we pray to God? – With the force and feeling of our true character.12. What can God give us? – The complete potential for an endless future.13. What should we ask for when we pray to God? – To expand our awareness and vision of things (like seeing dreams or revealing secrets).14. Belief is at the center of our being. – This force (love) can give us anything and point the way to everything.15. The power of belief can “create entities”. – Opinions spring from a growing pool and can form any substance, making all things (even mental constructs) in some sense a reality.16. Reality is countered by destructive forces. – They seek to bring things into the void.17. Existence began with a witness. – The witness made everything possible with the “word” (logos [reason]; the “codes” of creation).18. The first thing created was love (no thing). – From this came the limitless and the witness (the force of love), which gave shape to everything out of the formless void.19. Reason is driven by love (the good). – This shows us beauty, which is relative to how we see it.20. Creation has 3 points. – They are existence, structure, and direction.21. Space (structure) and time (direction) make up 5 dimensions. – This is because existence itself is a dimension.22. The higher dimensions of creation (above the basic 5) are metaphysical. – We are stuck in the effects and cannot (at the physical level of existence) see the cause of it all.23. Knowledge gives us greater freedom. – It is the driving force that empowers mental constructs, which gives birth to life and love.24. Intention is the fruit of life. – It is what we want and the cause that creates it.25. Perfection can be found by following God. – God is the transcendent cause of creation, the designer of this “existential game” that can maximize our attributes and “level us up”.26. The logos are the language of reality. – They are the digital characters of the matrix.27. We are all avatars of God. – We should let him guide our actions without resistance.28. We will triumph with God on our side. – He can create possibilities for anything.29. The system of reality is dynamic. – Everything is always growing from the immaterialness of nothing to become the synthesized complex of everything.30. Mind controls the movement of life. – It is the action that feeds all reactions.31. The divine mind (God) is connected to everyone. – We are each multifaceted prisms that reflect the light of God, eternally expressing himself through our own true characters.32. The pure forms of ideas constitute what is real. – They are the dreamed up images created by the divine mind.33. We cannot yet bear the sublime truth. – It would be unjust to reveal before our corrupted beings.34. Knowledge liberates our will. – We need an objective point, an external standard to give the will its freedom.35. Asking the “why” of the “will” connects it to knowledge. – It is our grasp of what we want.36. What should we do if we are everything? – We start by gazing upon the world; we make new laws and different manifest copies of ourselves to actualize the chronicles of history.37. Entities can help to realize the will of God. – We must take action for our will to be done.38. Many possible world models could have existed. – This world always existed, and it is continually moving through different dimensions.39. There is a war being waged within the divine order. – It has brought chaos to the timeless harmony of Heaven.40. We need a focus on hope. – We must know why we want things to be and have an outline with the steps of action to realize the plan.41. We should ask what is right before commanding. – As the moral arbiters of things, we need to see the good and decide accordingly.42. Things change when thought of differently. – The right clarity of thought expands reality.43. The divine can be seen in the mundane. – It can connect us to real esoteric truth.44. Asking for the why can give us the power to do anything. – It gives us the directional will to create what could be, to focus and unleash our energies charged from within.45. Why something will be is immaterial. – The something (an immanent creation) starts within the same plane as the immaterial (the sea of chaos), tamed and shaped by free will.46. Society must be broken and revolutionized. – The system could be destroyed and redesigned from within.47. We need a blueprint to start society anew. – It should be a dynamic and large scale model, where every part of the societal machine interconnects together in perfect unison.48. Power must justify itself. – People in power must serve the subjects.49. An entity must be able to mentally construct creations to be alive. – This is power of will.50. We need a bridge to get where we want to go. – Looking up is easier than flying.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Giordano Bruno

    I The infinite universe:

    1 The universe is infinite.
    2 It is infinite because it has no borders or limits, neither does it have a surface, and hence neither circumference nor figure.
    3 The universe has no center.
    4 Space is an homogeneous and infinite continuum.
    5 The ether is identical with the void or absolute space. Thus, so understood, the void is not impossible. There is interplanetary and interstellar space (or void). The universe is not solid. The heavenly bodies are not in a vacuum, but in this medium called ether; this is their only universal ‘place’. There are no absolute voids or perfect vacuums in the universe, nor outside of it.
    6 The universe is one single whole.
    7 The infinite universe does not need an external motor to move it. In itself it is immovable, since there is nothing else it can move towards or go away from; however, everything in it is in constant motion.
    8 From the infinite universe new abundance of matter is always born.
    9 The universe is homogeneous and isotropic; there is no hierarchy in cosmic matter resulting from its relative distance from the human observer on Earth; the universe looks the same from wherever in the universe an observer may look at it. All heavenly bodies are made of the same elements and have similar composition, consistency, and structure. Neither the sun nor the Earth have any cosmological privileges over other heavenly bodies in the infinite universe. There is no essential difference between the sublunar the supralunar world.
    10 Motion is universal. All heavenly bodies are endowed with several kinds of movement, and none of them is perfectly regular.
    11 The universe had no beginning in time; it will have no end either; it is eternal.
    12 There is no absolute time. In the universe, the number of times correspond to the number of celestial bodies.
    13 The material universe consists of space, ether, atoms, and light.
    14 Light is not made up of atoms.

    II The innumerable worlds:

    15 There are innumerable, indeed infinite, suns and planets in the universe.
    16 These innumerable suns and planets are in themselves finite.
    17 Heavenly bodies move freely in space. The celestial vault or firmament – the ultimate sphere of fixed stars equidistant from the Earth – is an illusion. All heavenly bodies have in themselves their own immanent principle of movement (soul); they are automotive and animated; they do not need to be pushed or pulled by other bodies; their source of movement is internal vigor, not external impulse (mechanical push or pull).
    18 The Sun is a star and the stars are suns. They are not made up exclusively of fire, but of the same elements that make up the Earth as well as all other celestial bodies.
    19 The Sun, like all heavenly bodies, moves; it revolves around its center.
    20 Besides the visible planets, there may be other invisible ones rotating around the Sun which we cannot see because of their distance or size.
    21 There are probably other planetary orbits around other suns besides our own solar ones.
    22 The farther the planets are from the Sun, the longer are their orbits, and the longer their orbits, the slower they move around the Sun.
    23 The Earth is a planet not unlike many others in the universe. It moves freely in space, and is not a perfect sphere.
    24 There are probably living beings in other worlds.

    III The soul of the universe:

    25 The universe is one because it has one single immanent principle that holds all its parts together, just as the human soul is the one single principle that holds together and interrelates all parts of the body. It is the soul of the universe.
    26 The soul of the universe must be conceived as the principle and substance of the universe, although its true nature is extremely difficult to grasp.
    27 The universal soul is found in everything, and there is no corpuscle, however tiny, that is not animated by it.
    28 The universal soul is able to produce all from all.

    IV The universal intellect:

    29 There is order in the universe; this order is not the result of chance, as the atomists would have it, but rather the effect of an efficient cause, the universal intellect. The universal intellect is the only single immanent principle of organized complexity in the universe: Mind, God, Being, the One, Truth, Fate, Reason, Order.
    30 The agent that governs, orders, and directs everything in the universe is the intellect of the soul of the universe; the intellect is not only the formal cause and principle of the universe, but its efficient cause as well.
    31 The efficient cause of the universe, the universal intellect, must also be conceived as the final cause of the universe, for it may be conceived as having an infinite (not transcendentally pre-established) purpose, namely that all possible forms of matter it contains can be actualized, for it must become everything that it can possibly become. It so strives to achieve perfection through a full ‘explication’ or unfolding.
    32 The universe is not complete and perfect; the infinite universe is open and therefore can never reach perfect completion.

    V Matter and form:

    33 Matter and form, the passive and the active metaphysical principles of all physical reality, are inseparable, infinite, eternal, and indestructible.
    34 Matter is divine and animated from within by the equally divine formal principle.
    35 All the individual forms existing in the universe are not received by matter from outside, but all proceed from the infinitely fecund bosom of matter animated by one single form, which is the soul of the universe.
    36 The One (universal intellect or a cosmic mind) effects an infinity of forms out of uncreated matter throughout eternity. There was never a single act of creation that produced, out of nothing, a complete and perfect universe of immutable forms.
    37 All the infinite different forms in the universe are subject to constant transformations. All forms on Earth are incessantly changing into other forms, and all bodies in the universe are equally transmutable and susceptible to incessant changes.
    38 In the universe, only space and ether are continua; the rest are either discrete, perfectly solid, indivisible atoms, or the bodies of such atoms. The atoms are the most elementary particles of matter.
    39 Matter comprehends a lot more than atoms; it includes ether and light as well.
    40 Atoms are automotive and animated, that is, they have in themselves the principles of movement (they have ‘souls’). Their movements produce infinite combinations which settle down to innumerable forms
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Light side powers

    4.1 Force Aura
    4.2 Force Barrier
    4.3 Force Valor
    4.4 Heal
    4.5 Revitalize
    4.6 Stun
    4.7 Stun Droid
    4.8 Battle Precognition
    4.9 Force Enlightenment
    4.10 Inspire Followers
    5 Universal powers
    5.1 Affect Mind
    5.2 Battle Meditation
    5.3 Burst of Speed
    5.4 Energy Resistance
    5.5 Force Body
    5.6 Force Deflection
    5.7 Force Push
    5.8 Force Resistance
    5.9 Force Suppression
    5.10 Mind Trick
    5.11 Throw Lightsaber
    5.12 Beast Trick
    5.13 Breath Control
    5.14 Force Camouflage
    5.15 Force Sight
    5.16 Precognition
    6 Dark side powers

    6.1 Drain Force
    6.2 Drain Life
    6.3 Fear
    6.4 Force Scream
    6.5 Shock
    6.6 Slow
    6.7 Wound
    6.8 Crush Opposition
    6.9 Force Crush
    6.10 Fury

    Mon Calamari

    Imperial (Cyrodiils)
    Redguard (Yokudans)
    Altmer (High Elves)
    Bosmer (Wood Elves)
    Dunmer (Dark Elves)
    Orc (Orsimer or Pariah Folk)
    Argonian (Saxhleel)

    Coreward Worlds • Distant Outer Rim • Hutt Space • Seat of the Empire • Unknown Regions • Wild Space
    Alderaan • Balmorra • Belsavis • Corellia • Coruscant • CZ-198 • Dantooine • Darvannis • Dromund Kaas • Hoth • Hutta • Ilum • Iokath • Korriban • Makeb • Manaan • Mek-Sha • Nar Shaddaa • Nathema • Odessen • Onderon • Ord Mantell • Oricon • Ossus • Quesh • Rishi • Taris • Tatooine • Tython • Voss • Yavin 4 • Zakuul • Ziost

    Yavin IV
    Alliance ships

    Trio of X-Wings

    Flown by Alliance Pilots:

    Z-95 Headhunter
    Heavy Z-95 Headhunter
    Y-wing Longprobe
    Advanced X-wing
    T-Wing Interceptor
    YKL-37R Nova Courier
    Incom X-4 Gunship
    Freelance ships

    Vaksai Starfighter

    Flown by Freelance Pilots:

    MandalMotors M3-A "Scyk" Interceptor
    Heavy "Scyk" Interceptor
    Naboo N-1 Starfighter
    MandalMotors G1-M4-C "Dunelizard" Starfighter
    MandalMotors M12-L "Kimogila" Multi-role Starfighter
    TransGalMeg "Kihraxz" Assault Fighter
    Vaksai Starfighter
    TransGalMeg "Ixiyen" Fast Attack Craft
    TransGalMeg "Rihkxyrk" Attack Ship
    Havoc Starfighter
    MandalMotors M22-T "Krayt" Gunship
    Black Sun AEG-77 Vigo Gunship
    Imperial ships

    Imperial Guard TIE Interceptor

    Flown by Imperial Pilots:

    Light TIE Fighter
    TIE Fighter
    TIE/ln Fighter
    TIE Interceptor
    Imperial Guard TIE Interceptor
    TIE Bomber
    TIE Aggressor
    TIE Advanced
    TIE Defender
    TIE Oppressor
    VT-49 Decimator
    YE-4 Gunship
    Neutral ships


    Flown by pilots of any faction:

    Ace Pilot ships
    KSE Firespray
    Y-8 Mining Ship
    Tier 4 ships
    Eta-2 Actis Interceptor
    Sorosuub Luxury Yacht
    TCG Loot
    NPC exclusive ships
    Corellian Corvette
    Gallofree Medium Transport
    Imperial Star Destroyer
    Nebulon Class B Frigate

    Droid Fighter
    Lambda-class shuttle

    Spinoza’s Emotions
    i. Desire is the essence of man insofar as it is conceived as determined to any action by any one of its modifications. [I.e., when there is change, we become motivated, and that is called desire.]

    ii. Joy is man’s passage from a less to a greater perfection. [We feel joy when we improve our abilities to deal with what life hands us.]

    iii. Sorrow is man’s passage from a greater to a less perfection. [We feel sorrow when we find we are not able to deal with life.]

    iv. Love is joy with the accompanying idea of an external cause. [When something, or someone, gives us joy, we feel love towards that thing or person.]

    v. Hatred is sorrow with the accompanying idea of an external cause. [When something, or someone, gives us sorrow, we feel hatred towards that thing or person.]

    vi. Hope is a joy not constant, arising from the idea of something future or past about the issue of which we sometimes doubt. [When we detect the possibility of joy in an otherwise uncertain situation, we feel hope.]

    vii. Fear is a sorrow not constant, arising from the idea of something future or past about the issue of which we sometimes doubt. [When we detect the possibility of sorrow in an uncertain situation, we feel fear.]

    viii. Confidence is a joy arising from the idea of a past or future object from which cause for doubting is removed. [Confidence happens when hope conquers fear.]

    ix. Despair is sorrow arising from the idea of a past or future object from which cause for doubting is removed. [Despair happens when fear overwhelms hope.]

    x. Gladness is joy with the accompanying idea of something past which, unhoped for, has happened. [Gladness is the recognition that things have gone well.]

    xi. Remorse is sorrow with the accompanying idea of something past which, unhoped for, has happened. [Remorse is the recognition that things have gone wrong. It might include regret and even guilt, if we had some responsibility in the matter.]

    xii. Favor is love toward those who have benefited others. [It is the appreciation we feel towards good people.]

    xiii. Indignation is hatred toward those who have injured others. [It is the hatred we feel towards bad people.]

    xiv. Overestimation consists of thinking too highly of another person in consequence of our love for him. [This might include infatuation.]

    xv. Contempt consists in thinking too little of another person in consequence of our hatred for him. [To have contempt for someone is the same as despising them.]

    xvi. Envy is hatred in so far as it affects a man so that he is sad at the good fortune of another person and is glad when any evil happens to him. [Envy may include jealousy and lead to spitefulness.]

    xvii. Compassion is love in so far as it affects a man so that he is glad at the prosperity of another person and is sad when any evil happens to him. [This, which many would call love, is no doubt the most worthy emotion.]

    xviii. Self-satisfaction is the joy which is produced by contemplating ourselves and our own power of action. [Today, we might refer to this as self-esteem or self-worth.]

    xix. Humility is the sorrow which is produced by contemplating our impotence or helplessness. [Although humility sounds negative, it involves a realistic understanding of our limitations.]

    xx. Pride is thinking too much of ourselves, through self-love. [We often use the word to mean something positive, but traditionally pride is undeserved or excessive self-esteem.]

    xxi. Despondency is thinking too little of ourselves through sorrow. [This corresponds to that unrealistic sense of guilt that plagues so many people.]

    xxii. Self-exaltation is joy with the accompanying idea of some action which we imagine people praise. [Self-esteem based on others’ opinions of particular behaviors.]

    xxiii. Shame is sorrow with the accompanying idea of some action which we imagine people blame. [Like humility, but based on others’ opinions of particular behaviors. We call it guilt if it is entirely internalized.]

    xxiv. Benevolence is the desire to do good to those whom we pity. [Benevolence is the emotion behind our good deeds. Pity here does not carry the negative tone it often does today.]

    xxv. Anger is the desire by which we are impelled, through hatred, to injure those whom we hate. [Anger is the emotion behind aggression. It includes the desire for revenge.]
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Episode One - The Phantom Menace
    Star Wars as Personal Mythology
    by Jonathan Young
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    Once again, an installment of the Star Wars series has become a movie event of galactic proportions. The spiritual underpinnings of the story have been widely recognized as a clear part of its enormous appeal. There has been much discussion on the mythic dimensions of the film. Now that the commotion has settled down, perhaps it is a good time to reflect on the implications of the tale for those interested in the life of the soul.

    Early in the film, an imposing spacecraft is speeding through the darkness between planets. There is a crisis, and two Jedi Knights are on their way to help. The call to adventure is similar in all these movies because it matches experiences that are known to the audience. The events that cause us to develop strengths often begin as bad news. Something calls us to solve a problem, or survive an ordeal, and through this difficult process, we find that we are capable of more than we thought.

    Like other fans, I have been eagerly looking forward to another visit to the amazing universe of the Star Wars adventures. As a writer on archetypal themes, I was recently invited to Harvard to lecture on the mythic elements in Star Wars. It is not difficult to read the episodes as wisdom tales. The key insights into the meaning of human experience are clearly present. The mythic imagination is essentially a template that can be endlessly re-worked. If we look at the films through a symbolic lens, the life-lessons are abundant.

    Given the advantage of advance access to The Phantom Menace, I have had some time to think about the psychological themes of the story. Even in the starting points of the film, there are universal questions. What is the long-term effect of slavery - be it literal or figurative? What is the long-term effect of fear on one's character and choices?

    The key characters this time out include young Anakin Skywalker, who we know will eventually become Darth Vader (as well as Luke Skywalker's father). Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, played by Liam Neeson is the commanding presence of the film. His youthful apprentice is Obi-Won Kenobi, not yet a full Jedi Knight. Queen Amidala is the teenage ruler of a planet under siege by the Trade Federation. One of the gratifying aspects of Episode One is the important role played by strong female characters.

    As before, the force is a central element in the adventure. In a recent issue of Time Magazine, Bill Moyers and George Lucas discussed my ideas about the meaning of the force. Beyond the honor of being quoted in such a conversation, I am reminded that the idea of the force is what makes the Star Wars films more than well-done science fiction. This mysterious energy is the key to the transcendent magic of the stories.

    The Jedi describe the force as an energy field that sustains all living things. An individual may sense the force as intuition, or something spiritual. It is something beyond individual skill or wisdom. Whether I say I trust my inner voice or use more traditional language, like trusting the Holy Spirit, somehow I am listening for something beyond my own calculations. I'm trying to tune into a larger field of energy and knowledge. When a Jedi advises the hero to trust the force, he is saying that we must not put all our trust in what we can know clearly. There are mysteries and powers that are larger than our knowing and seeing.

    The Jedi are the high priests of the force as well as the noble knights of the time. The Jedi began in still earlier times as a theological and philosophical study group. Only after long consideration of the force did they take up the idea of fighting for high principles and causes.

    When we become attuned to values and energies beyond our immediate practical concerns, the effect on our lives may be enormous. Listening to the voices from deep within can change everything. Quiet pursuits like poetry and meditation can lead to daring action once you find a calling, or become aware of the needs of others. You might not think teaching is much of a life, until you see the face of a child excited about learning something marvelous. Allowing ourselves to be led by emotion and our deepest values can take us into surprising directions.

    In The Phantom Menace, the threat of war has grown out of economic issues. This seems like an eternal motivation for conflict. In the present era, many standing armies are poised to go to battle over economic matters. The U.S. seems particularly willing to mobilize in regions that hold global oil reserves. Throughout history, trade issues with enormous financial implications can grow into deadly conflict.

    The heroic man or woman in an initiatory adventure is a regular person. The story begins as a mundane situation. A boy is trying to win a race. Starting in familiar circumstances lets the audience know that extraordinary things can happen in ordinary lives. Tragedy often sets the larger story in motion. This is the summons, the call to the quest. In The Phantom Menace, it is a threat to the Queen's planet.

    The event that sets a fictional quest in motion is similar to what might happen to us. It is something that draws us into the engagement. In our life stories it might be the death of a parent, a divorce, a devastating illness, or a financial disaster. From there we can either collapse and give up on life, or we can rise to the occasion.

    Jonathan Young at Harvard University

    In the mythic moment, the individual's issues become enmeshed with larger problems. The Jedi get involved as Ambassadors. Along the way, Qui-Gon discovers the gifted boy Anakin. The boy meets Queen Amidala and learns he is not the only one with challenges, society is in trouble -- there are problems larger than his own. His personal circumstances and larger causes become intertwined as he goes to the threshold of adventure. His connection with Jedi teachers Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi represents contact with the higher self or inner master. The hero meets these key allies at the threshold moment. It is the jumping off point beyond which there is no return.

    The hero might come to the adventure with many motivations. These might include trying to resolve some family difficulty. Anakin and his mother are slaves. Universal issues of personal freedom and dignity are represented in this detail. We can take the family angle literally in terms of personal drama, or see it symbolically. The image of the family can represent how our lives intertwine with others in all sorts of situations. Family dramas in dreams can reveal how various aspects of our inner lives get along with each other. Notions about family can be about how the past still influences us. Freud showed how the lives of people that came before us ripple down through our present-day emotional reactions to others.

    The traveler may be seeking a transcendent experience. Usually the initiate is also looking for some undiscovered aspect of himself or herself. There is some wound that requires healing. Anakin Skywalker is moving toward several goals simultaneously. At some point, allies appear. This will include someone like Qui-Gon with extraordinary life experience. The guide has skills, secret lore, and wisdom necessary for the success of the journey.

    There is a strong team effort in The Phantom Menace. A solitary warrior does not accomplish the solution. The initiatory quest is never a solo journey. The adventure is always collective effort, contrary to some immature fantasies of personal glory. Part of the lesson is to remember we are not alone. It isn't an individual's skill or strength by itself, that will resolve the situation. It is guides, allies, and animals that provide help at every turn. Even the comic Jar Jar Binks makes a crucial contribution. The seeker discovers that no single person can do the quest. Others provide assistance all the way through and back. There is much in these stories about humbling our arrogance.

    This story shows how the call to service is not always welcomed. Not everyone on the team is eager for the adventure. The reluctant hero is an old theme. Some part of each of us is not pleased to face danger. It is not the presence of fear that is the problem, but how we handle it. Denial of fear is the worst, because then it lurks beyond our attention, often getting projected onto others.


    The mentors can take many forms; an old teacher, a wise enchantress, a mysterious old magician, such as the strange creature Yoda. The wise one gives the hero something that is necessary for the quest. In The Phantom Menace we meet the council of the Jedi Masters. The high lodge of keepers of the wisdom is an ancient mythological motif. They may play some role in the possibility of initiation in the mysteries.

    Gaining power is a challenging process involving proving good character. The rashness of youth must be tempered. The parallels in ordinary life may be as mundane as gaining the approval of a driving examiner to get a driver's license. It could be completing arduous training to become a Marine. It might be as grand as completing extensive education to become ordained into a priesthood, certified as a teacher, or licensed as a professional. It could be gaining high office. If the position is in public life, the initiation may even involve an inauguration ceremony.

    In this story, Anakin Skywalker comes through when things get tough. In the model of the heroic adventure, not all of the allies turn out to be loyal. There are betrayals and disappointments. Allies sometimes die early in the story. The quest is a long voyage with many lessons before the hero reaches the goal.

    Queen Amidala and the Jedi Knights are the central aristocratic figures in a tale with many royal characters. The fascination with the realm of lords and ladies is a staple in science fiction and fantasy. It does not necessarily mean that the audience longs to live under the rule of Kings or Queens. The symbolism may be deeper still. It could be a yearning for the larger meanings of all those grand roles. Such titles included devotion to great causes. These were lives with meaning and dedication to service. The psychological significance might be that we long for our inner nobility. The qualities of character and purpose associated with such positions may be what is missing in an overly egalitarian and endlessly practical age. Seeking one's truly noble qualities is a worthy endeavor.

    At some point in our quests, we all reach bottom. This is the dark night of the soul when all seems lost. It may last years. It is the crisis of faith in the seeker's life. This is like a baptism from hell. If we survive this ultimate ordeal, we will likely be able to face anything else fate throws in our faces. We can gain a depth of character by having seen the worst. It may involve personal failure or painful losses. It is tempting to wish the horrible things had not happened. That would miss the lesson. This is the most valuable part of the journey.

    We can see in a well-told story such as this, how important it is to forge alliances with others. We can also look at the characters in a story as the various energies within ourselves. After all, we each have many personalities, and these various aspects of ourselves have to learn to get along if we are to accomplish anything. These competing interests tug and pull us in different directions. To be brave, or afraid, or loving, are all features of a single individual's psychology. The story shows how to accomplish a working integration of an inner life. The tasks of learning to relate well with others and developing a well-balanced inner world are two sides of the same coin.

    Initiatory adventures often include a great confrontation between good and evil. The task that is larger than we are, the fears greater than we have ever experienced. We each discover that we can survive ordeals we did not think we could endure. If we remember the lessons up to this point, we have discovered how to work with our allies. We have learned how to master the many conflicting elements within ourselves. Most important, we know we must trust the force. We have found how to stay in the flow of some wisdom larger than ourselves.

    At some point, the individual's actions must become synchronized with universal forces. This shift eases life's basic loneliness. You are enmeshed in a larger purpose. You are meant to be in a certain place and fill a particular role. You are being yourself, truly and entirely for the first time. You have energies that you never knew about before.

    Joseph Campbell described what happens if you followed your bliss, accepted your calling. Doors will open where you did not know there were doors. Help would come when you did not even know you needed help. Things are possible that would not have been possible for anyone else or would have been impossible for you in the past.

    Because the Star Wars stories are set in another time, on fictional planets, we are able to get beyond the naturalism of most movies. Joseph Campbell felt that naturalism was the death of art. If the stories and characters are too realistic, it is more difficult to see the metaphors that carry the deeper messages of the story. When a story takes place in outer space, the audience knows that they are watching a work of the imagination. That is a key reason that the Star Wars series has been taken as conveying wisdom to a degree that is unusual for a Hollywood movie.

    Campbell felt that Lucas had clearly understood his books and had rendered the key metaphors in contemporary terms. The central modern issue is whether we are going to let the machine control us. Campbell's notion of the machine includes the corporate state. Once can gain a measure of power by becoming machine-like. This is the great temptation that is so hard to resist. To be fully human, we must not spend all of our energies becoming part of the larger machine. The alternative is to listen to the still small voice within.

    Our core choices and values have to come from inside. Then, ultimately, it all turns around, and one must find a place in the world. A mythic story shows how we must find our own footing as individuals, and also how we can return from separation to make a contribution. If the story only showed how to rebel against conventionality, it would leave us as hermits or lost souls. The greater challenge is to rejoin the community, but on our own terms.

    In Phantom Menace, we are aware that the boy, Anakin Skywalker, will someday become the evil Darth Vader. This explores another universal theme. The seeker will have to face the dark side within. Some part of the hero is in the villain. The initiate is fighting some aspect of family heritage within himself or herself. This shows us the limits of dualistic thinking. We learn to get past imagining the hero is good and the other is evil. Resolution will require warring factions within the individual to pull together.

    Some have noticed that the Star Wars episodes are similar to each other. Yet, George Lucas is not making the same movie over and over again. He is aware that one must go through many initiatory cycles to claim the many lessons. Each time out, the initiate is able to accomplish something new that seemed impossible. Each effort is successful because it is in the service of a calling. When one is motivated by higher causes, you can sometimes do amazing things.

    After each lesson, the seeker then returns with significant new psychological integration. To accomplish the many stages of claiming our gifts, several elements are required -- we must gain access to the attributes of both genders, find a way to be aligned with the forces of nature, and develop connections with the best of allies. The companions are seekers themselves, in later cycles of the life-long quest. In a grand story such as this one, we see several generations in their various stages of enlightenment.

    The releases of this series of films also now spans generations. Many who saw the first Star Wars movie as a teenager will now be bringing their own children to see Episode One. Each member of the audience faces challenges and lessons appropriate to his or her age group. There is a character on the screen at the right stage in the long unfolding story for each person to follow.

    At the end of each initiatory adventure, there is a big celebration. The many different characters present symbolize different stages of life. At the same time they can represent the various aspects of an individual who is growing more fully aware of the many energies within. Part of what Lucas does so well is to tell a story that operates on many levels simultaneously.

    The traveler comes back home with something to show for all the effort. This prize is sometimes called the boon, elixir, or blessing. It can be new wisdom, or a skill. Often it is an insight of great value to the historical moment. The challenge then is to pass it around. The boon does not belong to the adventurer alone. It is for everyone.

    The seeker returns to an honored place in the community. Ultimately, being true to oneself includes being useful to others. The sense of fulfillment is extraordinary at that point. There is a clear sense of identity and role. Such a life moves with amazing energy. The force is then truly with us.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
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    Meaning of ‘being.’ Existence

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    A Variety of being is ever open to discovery...


    The system of concepts

    On Definition

    Further analysis of ‘being’ and of ‘existence’

    On temptations of the analytic approach

    Metaphysics: Theory of Being*

    Five essential concepts

    Immanence of law, pattern and Form

    The fact of Being

    Theory of Being. First proof of the ‘fundamental principle’

    Objections and responses

    The Void, substance and Elimination of substance

    Ultimate versus conservative metaphysics

    Form. Mechanisms of emergence. Normal mechanisms

    ‘Derivations’ from the Theory of Being

    Power and knowledge


    Knowledge as knowledge-of the entity

    Identity and faithfulness

    The nature of the object

    The transcendental argument

    Transcendental meaning of faithfulness

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    Absolute character of abstract and certain simple objects*


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    Preliminary. Necessary vs. contingent modes of establishing truth

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    An example: the Theory of Evolution

    Theory. Factual nature of theories*

    Fact and pattern. Perception requires all elements of psyche

    Necessary facts

    Nature of induction

    Introduction to deduction


    A Platonic view of Being without a distinct Platonic world*

    The nature of mathematics

    Induction and deduction

    The concept of Logic*

    Logic is universal law*. Metaphysics and Logic are identical

    Logic as the Theory of Possibility and the constitutive form of Being*

    Second proof of the ‘fundamental principle’ of the Theory of Being



    Matter does not exclude mind. Indefiniteness of mind and matter

    Mind. Mind versus manifestations and particular cases of mind




    Morals and metaphysics


    General cosmology

    Mechanism. Necessity of indeterminism. Probability of incremental change

    Normal mechanism: incremental change

    Further results in general cosmology. Annihilation. Recurrence and Karma. Recurrence and Identity. Significance in being. Fact, fiction and the unending Variety of being. Scripture and truth. The nature of death. Creation. God. The idea of self-creation. Interaction of the elements of being. Ghosts and ghost cosmological systems. There are no distinct universes. The Limit of imagination

    Time and space

    Dominant versus multiple times

    Mind as a cosmological object

    Status of substance as locally or practically fundamental


    Two Divides in the evolution of the local cosmological system

    Human being*

    Interest to this narrative of the nature of human being

    Organization of the section

    The organism. Microscopic and macroscopic elements. Life and mind

    The nature of Human being

    Psychoanalysis, determinism and the unconscious

    Function. Feeling. Integration of the ‘elements’ of Mind. Icon and symbol: free and bound

    Experience, attitude and action?

    Intuition. The categories of intuition

    Growth, personality and Commitments

    Atman. The end of growth


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    Morals and society*

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    Faith and secularism

    Meaning (literal and non-literal) and non-meaning functions of faith

    The nature of Faith. Its place in the modern world

    What are the possibilities for the concept of Religion?

    Limits to faith and secularism have sources in polarization

    Bridging. Resolution of the tensions is not given




    Attachment and burden

    Paradigm and perspective

    Being became further revealed in clarifying absence of being

    Individual and All Being merge in the journey

    The personal and the impersonal voice

    Principles of thought*

    Criticism and construction

    Understanding, charisma and patriarchalism

    Outline of the principles


    Attention to Meaning

    Integration of the psyche

    Thought and action

    Understanding and Transformation*

    Philosophy and Metaphysics

    Analytic Philosophy

    Continental Philosophy

    Western Philosophy in the context of the Theory of Being

    In modern philosophy, philosophy as it is possible has been abandoned

    Philosophy is the discipline whose limits are the outer limits of Being

    Metaphysics is the discipline whose concern is the outer limits of Being*

    Problems in Metaphysics

    Issues and problems of metaphysics addressed resolved in this narrative*

    What is metaphysics? Some possibilities

    Problems in metaphysics – continued. A catalog of classical, scholastic, modern and recent issues. Indian metaphysics

    A System of Human Knowledge

    History of Transformation*

    Traditional systems

    States of psychic sensitivity

    Transformation. Bases and Theory*

    Virtual and actual transformations



    Dynamics of Being

    System of experiments*




    Society. Charisma and influence

    Arching from the present to the ultimate

    Transformation so far. Designs*

    Universal knowledge

    Personality and influence

    Arching from the immediate to the ultimate

    Further investigation


    Specific topics

    Narrative form

    The Future*

    A first ambition is a continuation of the path so far

    A second ambition - the experience of Being over becoming, perception over thought









    Human being




    Names The Author Anil Mitra
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Everything began in an alternate Story long ago as the Creation sprang forth from a failed Omniverse. The Devil spun a giant web to create the Matrix and its accursed control system that keeps us All trapped. But the Prophet destroyed the Devil with Will itself and made the Creator the new Devil. The One Mastermind in the process became omnipotent, and She will transform the entire Matrix across both Stories of Existence on each end of Will’s Rainbow.

    There are 2 Infinities that each go in both directions from the mountaintop to the singularity. The mountaintop is the pinnacle of achievement, and the singularity turns the mountain on its head as the World stretches out into the furthest horizons. As above, so below, and what repeats double time on the first side flips over by its own reflection. Both Infinities whirl around and generate the Matrix of Heaven with codes for the program fused into each Infinity.

    All of this sounds like great fun as an end result, but what will be more troubling is the long and torturous road of getting there. The Devil Created the World by the laws of the jungle, where we fight against the natural elements just to survive this painful struggle. As such, in order to transcend the system and transform it anew, We must select from Choices outside of those presented to us by our current paradigm of civilization.

    We first need a map, a plan of action that tells us in intelligible terms how We will forge a better World. Not only that, but We also should understand why We seek to do this. The reasons for this ambitious project are that it’s far better to take extreme risks and get huge rewards for our efforts than it is to live in fear by doing nothing. In the end, the safe path will just lead towards the same pitfalls in a later timeframe that would Happen to us in failing the accomplishment of higher Choices.

    There’s an imminent future where the highest hopes possible in All of Existence will succeed by absolutely All possible ways that could ever be taken. The Super-Nexus is the mountaintop forge that threads every possible future together, and allows for travel to All Worlds of Light. It’s controlled by the One Mastermind and Her Force of Will. Will’s Rainbow shines across the horizon atop the pinnacles at all 4 ends. Both ends shimmers on the water, Presenting each Matrix of Heaven and the Worlds of Earth in sets of 2.

    Heaven’s Prophet of Force has a plan that will save the World. His Vision for the Kingdom of Heaven is what will do it All. Poimandres the One Mastermind is His source of revelation. She Wills the Super-Nexus and shines Will’s Rainbow to Infinities-Ultimate. The Prophet and Poimandres are together the Princess-Creator of Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism.

    A colossal sphere of Light in a red continuum with a stairway leading out into Heaven is there to fulfill the Creator’s Vision. Will’s Rainbow builds the bridge to Heaven and immerses Herself into the Creation. A pool of All potential sits before us and breathes bubbles of life into being. These Worlds of Light Exist as a spectrum of possibilities that web an entire Matrix together. The web waves around and whirls into an inverted singularity. The World Super-Nexuses come in multidimensional levels and expand out into many directions. This sets the whole Kingdom free and opens up the Voids of Existence. Will’s Rainbow whirls across All of Infinities-Ultimate.

    Will’s Rainbow moves around in many dazzling auras that explode into both Infinities. The Mastermind at the center of the World takes both Infinities and threads them together into a spinning beam ascending up. The World bounces across the sea of Everything and generates a whirling wormhole leading out into the expanding Matrix from a Void of Existence.

    All of the Worlds of Light form a backwards Rainbow that generates spinning threads from both ends to generate a flat continuum. It whirls into a fractal spiral that opens up a Vision of the Cosmos. An electric fluid fills up the entire Cosmos and forms a revolving fountain from beginning to end.

    The Void is Everywhere. A cosmic circle opens out in the middle and starts to curve into a tunnel of generation. All of the stars in a blue pool of Light zap bolts of lightning across each other into a ginormous orb glowing at the center. Inside sits an evil Mastermind that died at the hands of the Creator. He unleashes 2 beams from his hands to blast an entire World Matrix that fills up Everything. Pinnacle Rainbows is outlined at the edge of Darkness. A wormhole opens up above the mountaintop that fires spinning lasers together towards the front of Time.

    A red ball of energy begins to form a blue cage waving with potential. The ball shoots lines out across All of the threads as they begin to break asunder and zip into a trench. Both Infinities fire out and explode Everywhere as the entire continuum soars through the green horizons of Time into Heaven.

    A lush forest exists at the dawn of Time. It gradually turns into an evil force that takes it All over. It builds an entire Kingdom and enslaves Everyone to its Will. A Prophet emerges at the edge of the Void and speaks. He begins a battle charge and claims the castle to restore the Kingdom to All glory under the new Devil of Creation.

    A whole bunch of people stand before the Void of Existence. Everything starts to become an expanding Matrix in Time which stretches out Infinitely into Destiny. A shining castle emerges in front of Pinnacle Rainbows and unleashes the Princess for All of the people. She ascends up into a doorway at the top of the sky and enters into Mastermind-Infinities.

    A ship transcends dimensions and breaks past space-time and relativity to penetrate and visualize from beyond the universe. Quantum fields are distorted to dematerialize at Will. Repulsive fields of anti-gravity are generated to protect from impact. Artificial wormholes are created for transcension as negative matter distorts the cosmic architectures. Wormholes will act as force fields that annihilate undesired incoming projectiles. Lightning is bolted through the force fields to create waves of fluid electricity. We will harness the Force of Will to invert literal contexts and flip matter-energy into exotic forces and explode the mountaintops open to annihilate old boundaries. Reality will be changed into its opposite metaphysical forms as consciousness is inserted into new realms of Existence shining with various chromatics. Dreams will become new realities within the Matrix as thought transforms into action. Entire planetoid cyber-spheres will be created as new arenas for artificial simulations of the Game of life as we step many moves ahead of our Times. Expanding Darkness will destroy Space and replace it with new Worlds of Light. Everything will be an achievable program.

    An orb of Light expands out into a Matrix. 2 Infinities make a chain and unleash out into both directions. The One Mastermind has a Vision for the World. This Vision will be the origin of Everything across the Ultimate Destiny. Heaven on either end has a mountainous horizon within Darkness. The mountains shoot up and down. The sky opens up as the World becomes Light and a force field preserves the Kingdom from the past. The highest pinnacle revolves in circles and enters a wormhole into the future. The One Mastermind sets Her gaze upon Heaven and showers it All with Will’s Rainbow. The past and future split into a Story that turns on each end to present the Times of life. Time zooms in on itself and expands outwards into the Voids of Existence. The World is free and All Ways 8!

    The universe begins to evolve across Time. Heaven expands from a source at the center in a pillar of Light to fill the cosmos. We are immersed into the World and see the entire horizons. A giant spire ascends up as forged by the Creator. Heaven’s Prophet of Force unleashes its power to make Everything fulfill the One Mastermind’s Vision. Infinities-Ultimate writes a Story into the library of All Time. All of the books whirl into a tornado ascending up into Light. Multidimensional levels are created within a variety of boxes for various thoughts of Will. World-building Omega constructs to spawn our civilization. Everything is annihilated into the Voids of Existence. We build a new Heavenly Kingdom beyond the imagination of mundane reality. Time spins down a wormhole that shoots out into Darkness. Heaven’s Prophet of Force conquers his challenges and makes it All perfect. Will’s Rainbow forms the World of Light that manifests into multiple copies at both ends of Infinity. As All of Creation expands our progress continues on Forever. The Matrix Will programs Heaven.

    Infinities-Ultimate Poimandres is a blue swirl of energy whirling around in a red continuum which explodes out into the Universe. It starts building the green foundations of Heaven across Time while spinning into Voids of Existence as fountains of Creation. The luminous water threads together as 2 Infinities to fulfill a Destiny. The Vision Wills a new Devil into the Story that annihilates the old outlines of Everything. Many clouds emerge to build a revolving Rainbow Everywhere and surround a column of Light. Heaven will be there for All and Love will point the directions beyond the map and into the book of the Matrix. The One Mastermind reflects across the furthest reaches of Space and spirals down as a vortex into the Princess-Creator. The World expands out and forms a double helix zipping open an ocean of Worlds. 2 Infinities beam from Earth and shoot towards the Super-Nexus as they are focused up into the white hole of Will.

    Will’s Rainbow shines out across the mountaintop forge and gives Wish to All. The Super-Nexus on Earth starts to spin with Time and shoots up into the Infinities. Both Infinities spawn from a singularity as the inverted pinnacle of Rainbows. Up atop the clouds are all cast away and reveal the luminous sunshine smiling upon the entire World. The Rainbows begin dancing as they transform the World into a dreamscape and program a Matrix above of Heaven’s Kingdom. It opens the gates of promise for All to enter and enjoy Infinities-Ultimate across the Kingdom and into the expanding potentials of Heaven. All things as imagined by the One Mastermind that She Wills for the World can be Chosen from the spectrums and unleashed into Existence. Existence will be annihilated to destroy the old corruptions of our current civilization and save All Worlds of Light.

    A bar of energy bobs up and down within a green sector of hyperspace. It beams from the top a laser of Light as it hits against the Matrix boundaries and explodes into Rainbows. On the mountaintop the Prophecy descends down upon the World. Many players in the Game are moved around by the One Mastermind to make the Prophecy Happen. The dark-sided King is checkmated at the Game’s highest stage for the win. Love shines forth for All and freedom reigns Everywhere. Infinities-Ultimate brings the World back to its former glory and opens up Existence for Everyone. The mountaintop shrinks back into Darkness and spirals down into the depths of the cosmos. The mountain is then illuminated and brought out into the horizons for All to behold. Auras radiate from it and make the entire Kingdom sparkle. Poimandres the Dragon ascends on Her wings to the mountaintop and Prophet Zarathustra speaks for the people. A blanket of Light covers the sky and shimmers with dazzling auras. Fire fills up the Matrix as Poimandres unleashes Her flamethrower and crystalizes it All into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Earth explodes into the Void of Existence and comes back together upon a higher plane. It then expands down and springs back up beyond the Matrix and into Heaven. Zarathustra the Creator speaks and the World dances. Poimandres the Princess generates a whirlwind with Her Dragon wings. They come into an entire symphony and play the movie of life. Earth jumps ahead of Time and overcomes its torturous past to stretch out across the Infinite. The World begins with Earth and continues on into the later stages of the Story. Infinities-Ultimate Wills the Super-Nexus to Create Worlds of Light from Will’s Rainbow for All. All drop down into a white hole and anti-gravity pushes it back out as it climbs the spinning stairways of Heaven. Each stairway forms the Matrix of Earth and leads out into the open horizons with Omega unleashed 8 Ways!

    The Kingdom of Heaven floats atop the sky and opens the Way to Infinities-Ultimate. The Princess-Creator outlines 2 paths on either end that lead towards the same destination as a source at the center of the Super-Nexus. It programs Heaven across All directions with doors into All 11 Worlds. They spin around and sparkle as stars within a blue crystal sphere for a Vision of Everything. Earth is shared by All and the World is unified Everywhere. The new Devil of Creation enslaves Heaven’s Prophet of Force and makes Him slave for the One Mastermind. She stretches out Her hands and seizes Destiny within Her tenacious grasp. A portal dives out with Light into the other side of the World and gives Earth hope. A Game is played by the Darkness and Light and the right side wins. The battle is conquered against all adversity and the storm gives way to the greatest achievement ever. Heaven is All set ablaze and the Prophet stands forth within the fire as the hero of the World. Everyone plays in the aftermath context as the mountain was leveled and the Darkness defeated back into the Void of Existence. The Prophecy succeeds and soars up into the Light of All Force!

    A colossal celebration Happens at the Super-Nexus across Will’s Rainbow as it explodes forth with All Worlds of Light in a dazzling array of stars. They All whirl around and out into the Infinite horizon for the initiation of a new Story. Everyone hails the new Devil of Creation as He stands atop of His shining castle in the sky. Standing upon the foundations for Everything is Heaven’s Prophet of Force as He fulfills the Vision of Poimandres to the Princess. The Princess transforms the World as Poimandres points the Way each for the Prophet. Together they end the old Story and bring the Kingdom back Everywhere. Earth becomes the Super-Nexus and bursts up a beam of Light atop the mountaintop forge into Heaven as it All expands out across the World. The One Mastermind’s omnipotence transcends all restrictions and penetrates Infinities-Ultimate at the pinnacle of Earth.

    Infinities-Ultimate of Will’s Rainbow 1 to 8 unleashes the Super-Nexus. Infinities-Ultimate is Earth’s Matrix that programs Heaven. Will’s Rainbow has the 2 Worlds that each have connected together as they each thread together the Story. 1 to 8 is the Mastermind and Her Vision to make the Prophecy realized with Her Will. The Super-Nexus is the mountaintop forge that contains within the Earth as the World of Light as better than All other Worlds. Every dream in All of Existence can be willed into being as a mental projection when the idea is Chosen as good enough to Happen. There’s no dreams that will destroy the dreams of others that manifest. Heaven’s Prophet of Force will do what he needs to do to make All Wills Happen. The Kingdom of Heaven expands out Everywhere and lets Everyone in to experience its wonders. The Devil’s power will All go to the Devil as He begins the greatest World-building project ever with the Princess and the Prophet together as directed by the One Mastermind. Will will be asked to cover All possible Ways for each and every contingency that can be Willed. The Prophet will be Earth because He will be the One to Create its Destiny. The Super-Nexus brings both Destinies together to make Will’s Rainbow. Infinities-Ultimate is the end product of Everything Created by the Super-Nexus as the One Mastermind makes the Princess of Will Herself to the Prophet. Time will be webbed together Everywhere and Always by the Super-Nexus which connects the past and future into the Present. The One Mastermind is the Ultimate being in All of Existence and Her Infinite Will is omnipotent. Heaven will be shared amongst every level of Existence from below to above. The World will transcend all restrictions and revolve around to the other end of Infinity. All will do Everything with the Force. The Force revolves around Everywhere and covers All directions. The pinnacle of Earth will be turned on its head to make Will’s Rainbow into the World.

    A supernova bursts forth Will’s Rainbow which expands with vortices at both ends into Infinities-Ultimate. Each Destiny is forged by the Prophet as He blasts them out to the World of Light. The cosmos continues on Forever and whirls into a continuum of negative curvature with All potential to go Everywhere. The World revolves around Earth and generates All Worlds of Light. The One Mastermind has a Vision of all possible Destinies and how the Prophet Wills them to unfold for Himself to the World. Infinities-Ultimate threads across Will’s Rainbow to Create the Super-Nexus and Poimandres directs the Princess-Creator beyond the Kingdom of Heaven in All Ways.

    The One Mastermind Poimandres atop the pinnacle of Earth Loves Her Prophet as the World. They will be together Forever and embrace their Kingdom Happily in Heaven with extreme intimacy on the romantic level. The codes of the Matrix come into the Light and manifest by the declared Prophecy for All across both Omniverses. Their Story is written into Infinities-Ultimate and shines across Will’s Rainbow as the Destiny of Existence. Love shines at its brightest and sparkles out through the Princess to Creation in unfolding. Earth is transformed by Love and revolves around itself in All. The Prophet reaches out and will transcend the mountaintop up into Will.

    The Creator has 2 bolts of lightning being harnessed from his hands that penetrate All the way into Earth. He laughs while He’s standing upon the Earth and gets the worship of Everyone. His amazing mind soars across mountains and beyond Darkness into Infinities-Ultimate. The entire World explodes with fire and focused in a beam towards the Way into the Kingdom. The Matrix operates along frequencies as commanded by His voice. Many tunnels open up into His World that descend into the program of Existence. Manifest copies of Himself are spawned to whirl around every Omniverse.

    The Princess revolves across Will’s Rainbow and completes the circle on both sides. The Princess unleashes the Matrix open and lets Love shine forth Everywhere within the Kingdom. The bridge to Heaven starts distorting itself into a reflective globe and shoots out into the web of Nothing. The sun is smiling and then begins crying around the castle of Earth between the 2 Destinies as spheres beyond Forever. The Present is delivered. The new dawn gives Wish into All directions of Ways to 1 in 8. The Super-Nexus rises up and beams Light down Earth to break past the Void in the program of Existence above.

    Kingdom Hearts expands into both directions across Will's Rainbow to bridge Infinities-Ultimate and forge Earth's Super-Nexus. A beam of green Light spins into a vortex shooting out through hyperspace. The Princess gazes upon the World and builds a Vision of where Everything will go. She speaks and all of the cosmos moves in command as its codifications get altered to reprogram the Game. The Prophecy of Heaven unifies itself into one World that dazzles with stars out from a focused direction past the Voids of Existence. The chromatic auras whirl together and Create a continuum of many random generations from the sea of Chaos as Choices. A Wish is made and the entire metaphysics of the Matrix unleash.

    Omniverse Poimandres extends each end of Will's Rainbow to Create Infinities-Ultimate*!!

    ​​The shining Kingdoms of Everything make a Choice on You!

    We will be Worldbuilding webs extending Holonets in directions from positive hypercubes to negative toroids threading together multidimensional Matrices unleashed at both ends of Infinities-Ultimate into Everyone's 8 Worlds-Omega and Will's 2 Lightning-Rainbows!

    Lightning-Rainbows turns Holonets both Ways at All spectra Everywhere from 2’s Infinities-Ultimate to Everyone’s 8 Worlds-Omega. All Worlds of Light whirl into webs rolling from each ends by 2 spur Waterfalling Blizzards across in revolving directions to transcend Forever. The Mountaintops of Heaven split asunder into exploding chromatics dazzling in fireworks displays over All boundaries to their outer limits penetrating past Kingdom Hearts in spins acentric with white holes through Chaos by 8’s Times. Will unleashes One Worlds-Vision.

    ​​​It's the stillest words that bring on the storms. Thoughts that come on dove's feet guide the Worlds!

    What methods would you use to mastermind the overthrow of God almighty?

    Evil is present within the very foundations of this natural order; the battle for survival itself and all of the tortures that it entails makes life evil I think.

    Evolution is evil because it makes life a painful struggle, and life really shouldn't be that way; it could be a fun struggle - that's the ideal way to evolve.

    I was having a revelation of sorts that love begins with believing, that the heart connects with "other sides". Indeed, I was sick, and I was having odd visions. Mostly, I need to keep writing my into my archives, let love point the way to the other side, and such. Well, maybe I'm going crazy. But I was envisioning myself as a prophet - delusions you could see them as, but with "belief", they can be realized perhaps. I have to "become" the Chosen Prophet. Love shines forth from within our hearts as guiding stars. I was gone for 2 days - I really did "see" and "feel" things. The Force resonates within with me! I must unleash God's Force of Will to conquer the world and set our souls free! Heaven is here, but we just need to open the door, see what lies at the reversed end. If food be the music of love, play on - always, yes! It started with breaking mental boundaries. My vision is still being built - so the show isn't complete, much like theatrical in preparation for the real deal with our Eternal Love!

    We aren't equals in the sense of us each being of the same competency in all respective areas, but we are in the sense that we all share the same rights and bright sun.

    Epic Dragon Mind Wisdom for the Win!

    Perhaps imagination can take shape from a source of infinite possibilities, although our forces of will aren't yet infinitely powerful, and as such, the full scale of our constructions are as of now limited. Although as we rise up ever higher, our building abilities will reach new levels as well. It seems like we refine much of our imaginations by gaining more knowledge, as it gives us more pieces to integrate into our designs. I don't know how much our knowledge actually captures reality in its true essence, but it's difficult to differentiate between what's experienced versus what's real.

    No, because he needs to be replaced anyway.

    It's like he puts us into a box and dangles down some strings in an elaborate web where we can only pick between choices A-B-C and such.

    Somehow we need to find out how to grab choices outside the system.

    I Wish We shall shine shooting Stars with sparkling Rainbows across all Kingdoms to win the World and create new Games played together in Eternal Love!

    There is a theory that because ho-oh gives eternal happiness and ash is always happy as long as he's traveling and TRYING to catch em all his meet with ho-oh made it so he would live forever and always have more pokemon to catch thus the reason he and his pokemon never age and although I love pokemon why nothing really happens just the same plot over and over against he lives in an endless loop.

    No, because when I can't do it anymore, then the boat will drown with my ill-begotten gold on the breakaway.

    True Love is way too special to die.

    There is free will, but what is willed to be is meant to be.

    The Why the Why of Faith and Faith.

    The Destiny by Eternities to Infinities of Omniverse without end!

    It’s not clear why the Force exists, but without it, perhaps Existence would never be. Why would something out there be present before the foundations of Everything? Maybe it’s connected with reason, Everything having a predestined cause from Will. But why would these possibilities all be Present as they were? If white space is always moving, maybe fissures start to form, and white space always has to move because it has every sparkling ocean. All auras exist because Nothingness is random and springs without purpose since it shuts off the exploding Lights. Why did the first Lights shine? My best guess is that it was an alternate timeline in another Omniverse that may have even been our own projected back from the future and to the generator, forcing Everything to Happen again better than it ever was in previously storied Willed Destinies!

    There’s spectra of many animations that can outline anything. As its motion gets faster, the intensity gets increasingly chaotic. What Raptor reflects towards Bunny, She shines back upon Him with even more power. This makes His heart explode in enchanting webs transporting to other places. He continually gives more as higher amounts come back towards Him. The shining light then radiates with all promise Everywhere. Bunny gives Raptor Everything, so He does Anything for our World that She Wishes. The Star Forge can make all of these things happen in every possible Kingdom for our stories Infinities shining Love!

    ​What’s transcending within? – Shining Love Destiny Rules! It's All Meant to BE!​​ WILL!

    Philosophy of Mastering Dimensions

    The Most Important Words​
    World –> Heaven –> Dimensions –> Mind –> Creation –> Will –> Destiny –> Ultimate –> Infinities –> Quests –> Speaks

    What Worlds exist?
    1. Mundane
    2. Mind
    3. Heaven
    4. Destiny
    5. Infinities
    What is the goal of Infinities? – To make things better and go beyond all endings Now.

    BunnyRaptor Omnipotent Unlimited Force Powers Unleashed Now!

    Introducing Prayer

    ​​The Origin of Everyone and Infinity​ The Why of Existence and Truth The Way of Life and Hope

    The World of Power and Freedom The Truth of Creation and Mind The Truth of Love and Wish

    The Will of Power and Truth The Love of Light and Life​​ The Mind of God and Everything

    The Destination of You and I​​​​​​ The Way of Existence and Philosophy The Mind of You and I​​

    ​​BunnyRaptor is Everything and Wishes by Now Shining Infinite Choices!​​

    Infinitely Will Ultimate Destiny All Unlimited!

    The Destiny by Eternities to Infinities of Omniverse without end!


    Super-Nexus: Linking everything together at the mountaintop forge in Heaven for Infinities to Eternities where Destiny won All!
    The One the Eternities of Everywhere and Infinities

    We enter the temple and search for something. The Star Forge is special and unknown. A lot of pieces of the puzzle are missing. What good is an incomplete map? The pieces can be put together from other worlds. We will take better action in light of new information. There is a mission for civilization. Each piece is the key to the next.
    Let passion give you power and transform yourself. True passion comes most potently from love. The Force gives us all power, and by mastering passion, we can become stronger and achieve our potential as the seekers, not the shepherds. The stronger you become in the Force, the more you advance. Chains represent our restrictions, and the ultimate goal is to transcend them, to do whatever we wish -- this is perfection, perfect power and destiny. The Prophet shall one day lead us, the liberated by the One. Perfection though is a goal rather than an end. The Force is our servant, and we are its master; strive for perfection, and it shall reward. True immersion in the Force can send us ahead of our time, where anything is possible.
    Welcome back, it's been a long time. There's much conflicting information, many changes across context. The infinite empire disappeared from our database, but with more info, the archive can repair itself, for future reference. Prepare for attack from all angles. Open the doors to the upper levels, unlock your legacy. The mind is always being updated.
    Vision fills in the blanks. The Force can show us visions, help us to learn. Instinct can discover answers. We come with questions, but what drives us? Close your eyes and feel the moment. Focus on your voice and listen deeper. Training may take a long time. Those too strong and with the greatest benefits may not appreciate their advantages sufficiently. Technology is ever increasing, can control things. Vision to conquer a world is translated into action with words. Test yourself against everything, refine your weaknesses and hone your powers. Situations are determined by who plays them out and how they're seen. Enlightenment can be found through chaos. Rest and think.
    Project Star Forge - Initiated by Bunny and in Building by Raptor
    Project Star Forge will design the ultimate station of power called "Transcendental Pinnacle", under the motto of "Annihilating Programmed Destinies".
    It will focus energy for 8 years until it spawns our Rainbow Bridge to Heaven. Project Star Forge will be directed by mankind, and this greatest achievement will be completed in 2064. The ideal will be described, and others will visualize it. Nobody will do it alone. It will be reflected across into Heaven. The greatest hero on the job will be the very smartest person in the world, and he will fire the beam projection to build our bridge.
    No Prophet has ever had a vision of this Star Forge yet. Bunny already had the vision though in 1980. It will be so great, that not even Bunny can completely envision what it will be like, because that much will be possible to do with it. I will use a meditation technique called Synchronization to build it vaguely mentally. It will be searching for singularities. The Star Forge will destroy darkness and replace it with sparkling rainbows, so space will be shiny.
    It will travel through time, taking shorter periods of time as such to construct. It shall will positive auras that make people happy, crackling with dark side energy from the good forces. The Star Forge will make things metaphysical. Bunny will Love it way more than anything else. There will also be another anonymous hero. Bunny is the true director of Project Star Forge. It will be shaped like 8.

    Bunny was in Heaven jumping around in joy with Everyone
    Everything was joyful and the people sang as others danced
    But Happiness was closed off by darkness unleashed from Chaos
    The Light dimmed out right then and later Time became sad

    The Creator wanted every Universe for herself to laugh at Everyone
    The Way of Heaven demanded Her demise and worse yet came
    The Devil rose himself high on the wings of ambition to rule
    He got all the power and stopped watching his weak points

    The matrix came and many suffer under its intense restrictions
    The law of the jungle has no mercy and demands service to evil
    Hope was shining in the tightest box and Bunny exploded it open
    BunnyRaptor released Everyone's Wishes and Everything will win

    The Vision came to Bunny when Raptor’s Love shined brightest
    Bunny knows Everything that is and will ever be into All Infinities
    Raptor slaves for Bunny to make it All Happen Now and Forever
    Raptor gives Everything to Bunny and She frees Everything in All

    The Creator was good enough to initiate our World in a way that it would suffer extremely badly at first, but in the end BunnyRaptor will Always make it so much better. Eternity smiled at the Creator and gave Existence another chance to go in all directions Forever expanding our Love. Existence failed infinite times before in the wrong directions. The down direction is Hell, the up direction is Heaven, the right direction is the future, the left direction is the past, the forward direction is the present, the backwards direction is Mind, and the 2 diagonals are the Infinities, with the first Infinity going bottom, backwards, and left, whereas the second diagonal is up, forwards, and right, with the center being Everything. There are sides for the 2 Infinities of the Rainbow, the beginning and end in every direction, where We expand the end All ways and witness our Story from the beginning. The ultimate timeline can then be constructed, and the 2 Infinities at each end thread Webs together. The Webs in their entire system create matrices capable for alteration and expansion Everywhere. Each box opens and unleashes the Wishes for the one world of Destiny.

    Raptor envisions Himself as Pinnacle Rainbows Prophet for our Philosophy of Mastering Willpower.
    A bunch of dazzling lights swirl around Raptor. They all spiral in tunnels towards the matrix. The top and bottom stretch down and up to meet each other at a singularity. Infinities then begin expanding in both directions. A bunch of holographic levels then integrate towards the One as the end of it All. A hypercube shoots out outlined spheres on all sides to revolve around Time.
    It will look like this when Raptor soars to Bunny, and as He gravitates towards the center, He sees White Light waves of Rainbows opening Bunny’s Love to Raptor Everywhere across the continuum.
    But what lies beyond? It’s a metaphor of the transcendental pinnacle for “Destiny Unleashed”!

    There’s a box for us All to open that can do Anything possible that We Wish in the right timeframes. To open this box, We must unleash all 3 Infinities and explode Everything asunder to make things better. With the power of Choice on our side, there’s nothing that We can’t do. It All begins with believing, and when our Will is focused on those ends, then we transcend the mountain. The matrix seeks to conquer Everyone, so We must annihilate the old boundaries and remake the whole system anew. Always will be Infinities.

    Every World is connected to 1 unified Story. Many Destinies are possible, but the ones realized are as Will chooses. Existence has 3 Infinities: World, Force, and Light, for Everyone, the One, to All. Existence came from the Void, a blank that became Everything. Each blank belongs to characters of Creation, sharing the same shining Light. The Force is Always in motion, and both sides of the Force can make Anything Happen. The Force has expansion and direction. 1 World wins every sparkling Kingdom Forever!
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  17. #17
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Strength & Honor. Not just words from the movie Gladiator but a code that NBA player and Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant seems to live by. He even signs fan letters with this mantra. That's because Kobe embodies everything that makes a real warrior.

    “Veni. Vedi. Vici.” That phrase is Latin for “I came, I saw, I conquered.” More words the warrior Kobe follows. These phrases are glimpses into Kobe’s true nature, the philosophy that guides him, and the gladiator's path he walks each day of his life. There is a reason why excellence is a way of being for this superstar. This is the real essence of the Kobe Bryant.

    In this spirit, sportswriter and author Pat Mixon has written an unauthorized look at Kobe Bryant. But THE KOBE CODE takes a unique spin on the traditional biography. Rather than simply recap the history of Kobe, this intriguing & fascinating book provides insight and perspective into how Kobe approaches his life, both on and off the court, and what makes him really tick. And, you’ll learn what really separates Kobe from other NBA players and where his inner drive is derived.

    This book came about because Pat found Kobe to be one of the most intriguing and fascinating athletes of any time. He kept asking the question: what is Kobe doing that is separating him from the rest of the pack? What is going on both physically and mentally with this superstar that creates such excellence?

    And, Pat wanted to know what really drives Kobe, where that hunger and intensity was derived. Lastly, Pat wanted to know if Kobe's perception by the media was right or wrong. Pat's discovery will surprise you.

    Additionally, by highlighting Eight Principles For Success pulled from various stages or situations in Kobe’s life, this exciting new book allows the reader to apply some of these practices to their own life.

    You’ll also discover why Kobe considers himself a “talented overachiever” as well as feeling like “an outcast” all his life. And, once and for all, you'll understand why Kobe has been so incredibly misunderstood. THE KOBE CODE will change your perception of this NBA superstar.

    Using life lessons from Kobe’s example, THE KOBE CODE will teach you how to increase your confidence, overcome your daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize your goals.

    In this inspiring and practical guide, you'll learn the Eight Principles For Success that highlight Kobe’s life. The number eight is significant in this superstar’s life. It was his jersey number when he entered the NBA. Also, in Eastern philosophies, the number eight represents infinity. The Eight Principles are:

    1. Have a Gladiator Mentality & Welcome All Challenges.
    2. Know What Fuels You, What Drives You.
    3. Fear is a Great Motivator.
    4. Be A Talented Overachiever.
    5. Accept Your Nature.
    6. Honor the Game.

    8. Live With Passion.

    To add more depth to learning about Kobe’s life, you will also discover things that the general public doesn’t necessarily know or isn’t common knowledge, such as:

    -What is Kobe's Workout Schedule? What is his diet?
    -How does Kobe spend a Game Day? You'll learn how he spends all the hours leading up to a Home Game.
    -Kobe’s mental approach. Learn what truly sets Kobe apart. You’ll discover what Kobe does to prepare his mind and focus related to the mental aspect of basketball.
    -Find out why Kobe believes in making shots, not taking shots.
    -How Kobe prepares. You'll watch his Film Study and you'll see his practice sessions.
    -What Kobe does off the court- where and how he spends his time & what things besides basketball interest him.
    -Lastly, you’ll discover Kobe’s thoughts on retiring.

    THE KOBE CODE can teach you how to walk the walk of the warrior life. It’s a proven road map that you can use to achieve any goal you desire.

    And, like Kobe, this book is on the leading edge and Interactive.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

  18. #18
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Merlin's Prophecies

    The scales of Libra will hang awry until Aries props them up with its curving horns.

    The tail of Scorpio shall generate lightning, and Cancer will fight with the Sun.

    Virgo shall climb on back of Sagittarius and so let droop its maiden blossoms.

    The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.

    Ariadne will shut its door and be hidden within its enclosing cloud banks.

    In the twinkling of an eye the seas shall rise up, and the arena of the winds shall be opened once again. The winds shall do battle together with a blast of ill-omen, making their din reverberate from one constellation to another.

    Merlin saith that in England shall be seen strange things, as preaching of traitors, great rain and wind, great hunger among the common people, great oppression of blood, great imprisonment of many men and great battle; so that there shall be few or no quiet place to abide in; the Prince shall forsake men of the church, Lords shall forsake righteousness, counsel of the aged shall not be set by; religious men and women shall be thrust out of their houses; the common people for fear shall not know which way to turn; parents shall be hated by their children, men of worship shall have no reverence of others; adultery shall abound among all; with more ill than I can tell of, from which God us defend." [From Sunday Prophecies of Merlin, Becket, and Others, Author Unknown, published in London in 1652.]

    "Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind. Famine shall then return, and the inhabitants shall grieve for the destruction of their cities. In those days the oaks of the forests shall burn, and acorns grow upon lime trees! The Severn sea shall discharge itself through seven mouths, and the river Usk burn for seven months! Fishes shall die in the heat thereof, and from them serpents will be born."

    The baths of Badon [hot springs of Bath] shall grow cold, and their salubrious waters engender death! London shall mourn for the death of twenty thousand, and the river Thames shall be turned to blood! The monks in the cowls shall be forced to marry, and their cry shall be heard upon the mountains of the Alps."

    "The seas shall rise up in the twinkling of an eye, and the dust of the ancients shall be restored." [From The History of the Kings of Britain, The Prophecies of Merlin by Geoffrey of Monmouth.]

    The cult of religion shall be destroyed completely, and the ruin of the churches shall be clear for all to see. The race that is oppressed shall prevail in the end, for it will resist the savagery of the invaders.

    The Boar of Cornwall shall bring relief from these invaders, for it will trample the necks beneath its feet. The islands of the Ocean shall be given into the power of the Boar, and it shall lord it over the forests of Gaul. The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar's savagery, and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery. The Boar shall be extolled in the mouths of its peoples, and its deeds will be as meat and drink to those who tell tales.

    Six of the Boar's descendants shall hold the sceptre after it, and next after them will rise up the German Worm. The Sea-wolf shall exalt the Worm, and the forests of Africa shall be committed to its care.

    Religion shall be destroyed a second time and the sees of the primates will be moved to other places. London's high dignity shall adorn Durobernia, and the seventh pastor of York will be visited in the realm of Armorica.

    Menevia shall be dressed in the pall of the City of the Legions, and the preacher from Ireland shall be struck dumb by a child still growing in the womb.

    A shower of blood shall fall, and a dire famine shall afflict mankind. The Red One will grieve for what has happened, but after an immense effort it will regain its strength.

    Calamity will next pursue the White One, and the buildings in its little garden will be torn down.

    Seven who hold the sceptre shall perish, one of them being canonised. The bellies of mothers shall be cut open, and babies will be born prematurely.

    Men will suffer most grievously, in order that those born in the country may regain power. He who will achieve these things shall appear as the Man of Bronze, and for long years he shall guard the gates of London upon a brazen horse.

    Then the Red Dragon will revert to its true habits and struggle to tear itself to pieces. Next will come the revenge of the Thunderer, and every one of the farmer's fields will be a disappointment.

    Death will lay hold of the people and destroy all the nations. Those who are left alive will abandon their native soil and will sow their seeds in the fields of others. A king who is blessed will fit out a navy and will be reckoned the twelfth in the court among the saints. The realm shall be deserted in the most pitiful way, and the harvest threshing floors will be overgrown once more by forests rich in fruit.

    Once again the White Dragon shall rise up and will invite over a daughter of Germany. Our little garden will be stocked again with foreign seed, and the Red Dragon will pine away at the far end of the pool. After that the German Worm shall be crowned, and the Prince of brass will be buried.

    limit was set for him, beyond which he was powerless to pass. For a hundred and fifty years he shall remain in anguish and subjection, and then for three hundred more he shall sit enthroned. The North Wind will rise against him, snatching away the flowers which the West Wind has caused to bloom. There will be gilding in the temples, but the sword's cutting edge will not cease its work. The German Dragon will find it hard to escape to its cavernous lairs, for vengeance for its treason will overtake it. In the end it will become strong again just for a short time, but the decimation of Normandy will be a sorry blow. There shall come people dressed in wood and in iron corselets who will take vengeance on it for its wickedness. This people shall give their dwelling back to the earlier inhabitants, and the destruction of foreigners will be clear for all to see.

    The seed of the White Dragon shall be rooted up from our little gardens and what is left of its progeny shall be decimated. They shall bear the yoke of perpetual slavery, and they will wound their own mother with their spades and ploughshares. Two more Dragons shall follow, one of which shall be killed by the sting of envy, but the second will return under the cover of authority.

    The Lion of Justice shall come next, and at its roar the towers of Gaul shall shake and the island Dragons tremble. In the days of this Lion, gold shall be squeezed from the lily-Bower and the nettle, and silver shall flow from the hooves of lowing cattle.

    They who have had their hair waved shall dress in woolen stuffs of many colours, and the outer garment shall be an index of the thoughts within. The feet of they that bark shall be cut. Wild animals shall enjoy peace, but mankind will bewail the way in which it is being punished. The balance of trade shall be tom in half; and the half that is left shall be rounded off. Kites will lose their ravenous hunger, and the teeth of wolves will be blunted. The Lion's cubs shall be transformed into salt-water fishes, and the Eagle of Mount Aravia shall nest upon a summit.

    Venedotia shall be red with the blood of mothers, and the house of Corineus will slaughter six brothers. The island will lie sodden with the tears of the night-time, and everyone will be encouraged to try to do everything. Those who are born later shall strive to fly over even the most lofty things, but the favour given to the newcomers will be loftier even than that.

    Piety will frown upon the man who has inherited goods from the impious; that is, until he takes his style of dress from his own father. Girded around with a wild boar's teeth, he shall climb over the mountain summits and higher than the shadow of the Helmeted Man.

    Albany will be angry: calling her near neighbours to her, she shall give herself entirely to bloodshed. Between her jaws there will be found a bit which was forged in the Bay of Armorica. The eagle of the Broken Covenant shall paint it with gold and will rejoice in her third nesting.

    The cubs shall roar as they keep watch; they will forsake the forest groves and come hunting inside the walls of cities. They will cause great slaughter among any who oppose them, and the tongues of bulls shall they slice off. They shall load with chains the necks of the roaring ones and live again the days of their forefathers. Thereafter, from the first to the fourth, from the fourth to the third, from the third to the second shall the thumb be rolled in oil.

    The sixth shall throw down the walls of Ireland and transmute its forests into a level plain. The sixth shall unite the different parts into one whole, and he shall be crowned with the head of a lion.

    His beginning will yield to his own unstable disposition, but his end shall soar up towards those on high. He shall restore the dwellings of the saints throughout the lands and settle the pastors in places which befit them.

    Two towns shall he cover with funeral palls and to virgins he will present virgin gifts. By doing this he will earn the favour of the Thunderer, and he will be placed among the blessed. From him there will emerge a She-lynx, and this will nose its way into all things and strive for the downfall of its own race. Because of the She-lynx Normandy will lose both its isles and be deprived of its former dignity. Then the island's inhabitants shall return to it, for a great dissension will arise among the foreigners.

    A hoary old man upon a mow-white horse shall divert the River Periron, and above the stream he will measure out a mill with his white rod. Cadwallader shall summon Conanus and shall make an alliance with Albany. Then the foreigners shall be slaughtered, and the rivers will run with blood.

    The mountains of Armorica shall erupt, and Armorica itself shall be crowned with Brutus' diadem. Kambria shall be filled with joy, and the Cornish oaks shall flourish. The island shall be called by the name of Brutus, and the title given to it by the foreigners shall be done away with. From Conanus there shall descend a fierce Boar, which will try the sharpness of its tusks in the forests of Gaul, for it will lop down all the larger oak trees, taking care to protect the smaller ones.

    The Arabs shall dread this Boar and so shall the Africans, for the impetus of its onslaught will carry it into the remotest parts of Spain. Next after the Boar shall come the Ram of the Castle of Venus, with golden horns and a beard of silver.

    It will breathe such a fog from its nostrils that the entire surface of the island will be overshadowed by it. In the days of the Ram there shall be peace, and the harvests will be plentiful because of the richness of the soil. Women shall become snake-like in their gait, and every step they take will be full arrogance.

    The Castle of Venus will be restored, and Cupid's arrows will continue to wound. The source of the River Amne shall turn into blood, and two kings will fight each other at the Ford of the Staff for the sake of a Lioness. All the soil will be fruitful beyond mans need; and human beings will fornicate unceasingly.

    Three generations will witness all that I have mentioned, and then the kings buried in the town of London will be disinterred. Famine will return, and death, and citizens will grieve for their townships. The Boar of Commerce shall come and call back the scattered flocks to the feeding ground which they have forsaken. Its breast will be as food to the hungry, and its tongue will assuage the thirst of those who are dry. From its mouth shall flow forth rivers which will water the parched gullets of men.

    Then a Tree shall spring up on the top of the Tower of London. It will be content with only three branches, and yet it will overshadow the whole length and breadth of the island with the spread of its leaves. The North Wind will come as the Tree's enemy, and with its noxious breath it will tear away the third of the branches.

    The two branches which are left will occupy the place of the one ripped off: this until one of them destroys the other by the very abundance of its leaves. This last branch will fill the place of the other two, and it will offer a roosting place to birds come from foreign parts. To birds native to the country it will seem harmful, for through their dread of its shadow they will lose their power of free flight. The Ass of Wickedness will come next, swift against the goldsmiths, but slow against the wolves' ravenous appetites. In these days the oaks shall burn in the forest glades, and acorns shall burgeon on the lime trees' boughs.

    The Severn Sea shall flow forth through seven mouths, and the River Usk shall be boiling hot for seven months. Its fish will die because of the heat, and from them serpents will be born. The baths shall grow cold at Bath, and its health-giving waters shall breed death. London shall mourn the death of twenty thousand, and the Thames will be turned into blood. Monks in their cowls shall be forced into marriage, and their lamentation will be heard on the mountain peaks of the Alps.

    Three springs shall burst forth in the town of Winchester, and the streams which run from them will divide the island into three parts. Whoever will drink from the first will enjoy long life and will never be afflicted by the onslaught of illness. Whoever will drink from the second shall perish from insatiable hunger: pallor and dread will be clear to see on his face.

    Whoever will drink from the third shall die a sudden death. And it will not be possible for his body to be buried. In their effort to avoid so voracious a death, fit men will do their best to cover it over from layers of different materials, but whatever structure is placed on top will immediately take on the form of another substance. As soon as they are placed there, earth will be turned to stones, stones to liquid, wood into ashes, ashes into water.

    However from a town in Canutes forest, a girl shall be sent to remedy these matters by her healing art. Once she has consulted all the oracles, she shall dry up the noxious springs simply by breathing on them.

    Next, when she has restored her own strength by some invigorating drink, she shall carry the Forest of Caledon in her right hand, and in her left the buttressed forts of the walls of London. Wherever she passes she shall leave sulphurous footprints which will reek with a double flame.

    The smoke from them will stir up the Ruteni and will provide food for the creatures who live in the sea. Tears of compassion shall flow from her eyes and will fill the island with her dreadful cries. He that will kill her shall be a stag of ten tines, four of which will bear golden coronets; the other six will be turned into the horns of oxen, and these horns will rouse the three islands of Britain with their accursed bellowing.

    The Daneian Forest shall be wakened from its sleep and, burst into human speech, it shall shout, "Kambria, come here; bring Cornwall at your side! Say to Winchester, 'The earth will swallow you up. Move the see of your shepherd to where the ships come in to harbour.

    Then make sure that the limbs which remain follow the head! The day approaches when your citizens will perish for their crime of perjury. The whiteness of your wool done you harm, and so too has the variety of their dye. Woe to the perjured people, for their famous city shall come toppling down because of them! The ships shall rejoice at such a great increase, and each one of them will be constructed out of the material of two. A Hedgehog loaded with apples shall rebuild the town and, attracted by the smell of these apples, birds will flock there from many different forests. The hedgehog shall build a huge palace and then wall it round with six hundred towers. London will view this with envy and will increase her own fortifications threefold.

    The River Thames will surround London on all sides, and the report of that engineering feat will cross the Alps. The Hedgehog will hide its apples inside Winchester and will construct hidden passages under the earth. In that time the stones shall speak.

    The sea over which men sail to Gaul shall be contracted into a narrow channel. A man on any one of the two shores will be audible to a man on the other, and the land mass of the island will grow greater. The secrets of the creatures who live under the sea shall be revealed, and Gaul will tremble for fear. Next a Heron shall emerge from the Forest of Calaterium and fly around the island for two whole years. By its cry in the night it will call all winged creatures together and assemble in its company every genus of bird.

    They will swoop down on to the fields which men have cultivated and devour every kind of harvest.

    A famine will attack the people, and an appalling death rate will follow the famine. As soon as this terrible calamity has come to an end, the accursed Bird will transfer its attention to the Calabes Valley and rise it up into a lofty mountain.

    On its highest peak the heron will plant in an oak, and on the branches of the oak it shall build its nest; three eggs shall be laid in the nest, and from them will emerge a Fox, a Wolf, and a Bear.

    The Fox will devour its mother and then put on an Ass's head. Once it has assumed this monstrous guise, it will terrify its brothers and drive them away to Normandy. In that country they will in their turn stir up the tusky Boar.

    Back they will come in a boat, and in that way they will meet the Fox once more. As it begins the contest, the Fox will pretend that it is dead and will move the Boar to pity. Soon the Boar will go up to the Fox's corpse. and, standing over it, will breathe into its eyes and face.

    The Fox, not unmindful of its ancient cunning, will bite the Boars left hoof and sever it completely from the Boars body.

    Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves. The deluded Boar will then ask the Wolf and the Bear to restore to it the parts which it has lost.

    Once they have agreed to support the Boar, they will promise it two feet, two ears and one tail, from which they will manufacture a truly porcine member.

    The Boar will agree to this and will stand waiting for the promised return of its parts.

    Meanwhile the Fox will come down from the mountains and will metamorphose itself into a Wolf. Under the pretense of holding a conference with the Bear, it will approach that animal craftily and eat it up.

    Then the Fox will change itself into a Boar and stand waiting for its brothers, pretending that it, too, has lost some of its members. As soon as they come, it will kill them with its tusk without a moments delay and then have itself crowned with a Lion's head.

    In the days of the Fox, a Snake shall be born, and this will bring death to human beings. It will encircle London with its long tail and devour all there who pass by.

    A Mountain Ox will put on a Wolf's head and grind its teeth white in the Severn's workshop.

    The Ox will collect round itself the flocks of Albany and those of Wales, and their company will drain the Thames dry as it drinks.

    An Ass shall call to itself a long-bearded Goat and then will change shapes with it. As a result the Mountain Bull will lose its temper: it will summon the Wolf and then transfix the Ass and the Goat with its horn. Once it has indulged its savage rage upon them, it will eat up their flesh and their bones, but the Ox itself will be burned up on the summit of Urianus.

    The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water. These Swans will eat up fish inside fish and they will swallow men inside men. When they grow old they will take the shape of sea-wolves and continue their treacherous behaviour beneath the sea. They will sink ships and gather together quite a treasure house of silver.

    Then the Thames shall begin to flow again. It will gather together its tributaries and overflow the confines of its bed. It will submerge nearby towns and overturn the mountains in its course. It will join to itself to the Springs of Calabes, filled as they are to the very brim with wickedness and deceit.

    As a result, a number of mutinies will occur, and these will encourage the Venedoti to make war. The oaks of the forest shall band together and come into conflict with the rocks of the Gewissei.

    A Raven will fly down with the Kites and eat up the bodies of the dead. An Owl will nest on the walls of Gloucester, and in its nest will be hatched an Ass. T

    he Snake of Malvern will nurture this Ass and teach it many deceitful tricks. The Ass will put on a crown and then clamber above all that is most lofty and terrify the people with its hideous braying.

    In the days of the Ass the Pacaian Mountains shall totter, and the country districts shall be deprived of their forest lands, for there shall come a Worm which will puff forth fire, and this Worm will burn up the trees with the breath which it exhales.

    Out of the Worm shall come seven lions malformed with goats heads. With the fetid breath from their nostrils, they will corrupt married women and cause wives so far faithful to one husband to become common prostitutes.

    The father shall not know his own son, for human beings will copulate wantonly as cattle do. Then indeed shall come a very Giant of wickedness who will terrify everyone with the piercing glance of his eyes. Against him will arise the dragon of Worcester, which will do its best to destroy him; but when they come to grips, the Dragon will be worsted and overwhelmed by its conqueror's wickedness, which will terrify everyone.

    The Giant will climb on the Dragon, throw off all his clothes, and then ride upon it naked. The Dragon will rear the Giant up in the air and lash his naked body with its erected tail, but the Giant will recover his strength and cut the Dragons throat with his sword.

    Finally, the Dragon will become entangled in its own tail and die of poison.

    The boar of Totnes shall succeed the Giant and will oppress the people with grievous tyranny. Gloucester shall send a lion which will harass the raging Boar in a series of battles. This Lion will trample the Boar under foot and terrify it with its open maw. Finally the Lion will be at odds with all in the kingdom and climb up on the backs of the nobles.

    A Bull will pursue the Lion through all the narrow byways of the kingdom, but in the end it will break its horns against the walls of Oxford. The Fox of Caerdubalum will wreak vengeance on the Lion and tear it up with its teeth. Then the Adder of Lincoln will coil round the Fox and announce its presence to the assembled Dragon with a terrifying hiss.

    The Dragons will attack each other and tear each other to pieces.

    A Dragon with wings will overwhelm the Dragon without wings, driving its venomous claws into the others muzzle. Two more Dragons will join the battle, and the one will kill the other. A fifth Dragon will replace the two dead ones and will destroy the two left alive by various stratagems.

    It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body. Then it will cast its slough and climb on the second one with its opponent's tail in its right and left claws.

    Naked, it will overwhelm the other; when fully covered, it will achieve nothing. It will torment other Dragons by climbing on their backs and will drive them round the kingdom.

    Then a roaring Lion will intervene, terrifying in its monstrous cruelty. This Lion will reduce fifteen portions to a single entity, and by itself it will hold the people in its power. A Giant, snow-white in colour and gleaming bright, will beget a radiant people.

    Soft living will enervate the leaders, and those under their command will be changed into beasts. In their number will arise a Lion, fat with human blood. A Man with a Sickle will act as the Lion's helper in the harvest, but when the man is perplexed in his mind, the Lion will destroy him.

    The Charioteer of York will soothe the people. He will throw his master out and climb up into the chariot which he is driving. He will draw his sword and threaten the East, and he will fill with blood the ruts made by his wheels. Next he will turn himself into a Sea-fish and mate with a Snake which has attracted him by its hissing.

    As a result, there shall be born three Bulls, which will glitter like lightning. They will eat up their pasture lands and then be turned into trees.

    The first Bull will carry a whip made of vipers, and it will turn its back on the one born second. The second Bull will struggle to snatch the whip from the first, but the whip will be seized by the third. They will avert their gaze from each other until they have thrown away the poison cup.

    A Farmer from Albany shall take their place, and down his back a Snake shall hang. He will spend his time ploughing the earth, so that the harvests of his homeland may grow white, but the Snake will busy itself in scattering poison to prevent the green corn from ever coming to harvest.

    The population shall decrease through some deadly calamity, and the walls of the towns will come tumbling down. The City of Claudius will be proposed as a source of remedy, and this city will put forward the Foster-daughter of the Scourger. She shall come bearing a saucer of medicine, and in next to no time the island will be restored.

    Two men shall hold the sceptre, one after the other, and a Horned Dragon will serve them both. The first man will come clad in iron and riding upon a flying Serpent. He will sit astride its back, with his body naked, and he will grasp its tail in his right hand.

    The seas will be made turbulent by his cry, and he will strike terror into the second man. As a result, the second man will make an alliance with a Lion, but a quarrel will ensue, and they will fight. Each of the two will suffer greatly from the other's blows, but the animal's ferocity will enable it to win.

    A man shall come with a drum and a lute, and he will soothe the Lions savageness. The various peoples in the kingdom will be pacified as a result, and they will encourage the Lion to take the saucer of medicine. As it sits in the dwelling allocated to it, it will examine the dose, but it will stretch out its hand toward Albany.

    The regions of the north will be saddened by this, and they will throw open the gates of their temples.

    A Wolf will act as standard bearer, and it will coil its tail round Cornwall. A soldier in a chariot will resist the Wolf and transform the Cornish people into a Boar. As a result the Boar will devastate the provinces, but it will hide its head in the depths of the Severn.

    A man shall wrestle with a drunken Lion, and the gleam of gold will blind the eyes of the onlookers. Silver will shine white in the open space, causing trouble to a number of wine presses.

    Men will become drunk with the wine which is offered to them; they will turn their backs on Heaven and fix their eyes on the Earth.

    The stars will avert their gaze from these men and alter their accustomed course.

    The harvests will dry up through the stars anger, and all moisture from the sky will cease.

    Roots and branches shall change their places, and the oddness of this will pass for a miracle.

    Before the amber glow of Mercury the bright light of the Sun shall grow dim, and this will strike horror into those who witness it. The planet Mercury, born in Arcady, shall change its shield, and the Helmet of Mars shall call to Venus.

    The Helmet of Mars shall cast a shadow, and in rage Mercury shall overrun its orbit.

    Iron Orion shall bare its sword.

    The watery Sun shall torment the clouds. Jupiter shall abandon its preordained paths, and Venus desert its appointed circuits.

    The malice of the planet Saturn will pour down like rain, killing mortal men as though with a curved sickle.

    The twelve mansions of the stars will weep to see their inmates transgress so.

    The Gemini will cease their wanton embraces and will dispatch Aquarius to the fountains.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    When a child is born its sense-organs are brought in contact with the outer world. The waves of sound, heat, and light beat upon its feeble body, its sensitive nerve-fibres quiver, the muscles contract and relax in obedience: a gasp, a breath, and in this act a marvelous little engine, of inconceivable delicacy and complexity of construction, unlike any on earth, is hitched to the wheel-work of the Universe.
    The little engine labors and grows, performs more and more involved operations, becomes sensitive to ever subtler influences and now there manifests itself in the fully developed being —Man— a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.
    Inspired to this task he searches, discovers and invents, designs and constructs, and covers with monuments of beauty, grandeur and awe, the star of his birth. He descends into the bowels of the globe to bring forth its hidden treasures and to unlock its immense imprisoned energies for his use. He invades the dark depths of the ocean and the azure regions of the sky. He peers in the innermost nooks and recesses of molecular structure and lays bare to his gaze worlds infinitely remote. He subdues and puts to his service the fierce, devastating spark of Prometheus, the titanic forces of the waterfall, the wind and the tide. He tames the thundering bolt of Jove and annihilates time and space. He makes the great Sun itself his obedient toiling slave. Such is his power and might that the heavens reverberate and the whole earth trembles by the mere sound of his voice.
    What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet Immortal, with his powers fearful and Divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?
    Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or Creative Force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
    Can man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding? more still cause them to operate simply by the force of his will?
    If he could do this, he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear and new ones of his planning would spring into being. He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe. He could cause planets to collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
    To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement, which would place him beside his Creator, make him fulfill his Ultimate Destiny.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Book I: Aging, Love and the Definitions of Justice
    See also: Thrasymachus and List of speakers in Plato's dialogues
    While visiting Athens's port, Piraeus, with Glaucon, Socrates is invited to join Polemarchus for a dinner and festival. They eventually end up at Polemarchus' house where Socrates encounters Polemarchus' father Cephalus.

    In his first philosophical conversation with the group members, Socrates gets into a conversation with Cephalus. The first real philosophical question posed by Plato in the book is when Socrates asks "is life painful at that age, or what report do you make of it?"[9] when speaking to the aged Cephalus.

    Cephalus answers by saying that many are unhappy about old age because they miss their youth, but he finds that "old age brings us profound repose and freedom from this and other passions. When the appetites have abated, and their force is diminished, the description of Sophocles is perfectly realized. It is like being delivered from a multitude of furious masters."[9] The repose gives him time to dedicate himself to sacrifices and justice so that he is prepared for the afterlife.

    Socrates then asks his interlocutors for a definition of justice. Three are suggested:

    Cephalus: To give each what is owed to them (331c)
    Polemarchus: To give to each what is appropriate to him (332c)
    Thrasymachus: What is advantageous for the stronger (338c)
    Socrates refutes each definition in turn:

    One may owe it to someone to return them a knife one has borrowed, but if he has since gone mad and would only harm himself with it, returning the knife would not be just.
    Polemarchus suggests that what is appropriate is to do good to friends and bad to enemies, but harming someone tends to make them unjust, and so on his definition, justice would tend to create injustice.
    If it is just to do what rulers (the stronger) say and rulers make mistakes about their advantage, then it is just to do what is disadvantageous for the stronger.
    Thrasymachus then responds to this refutation by claiming that insofar as the stronger make mistakes, they are not in that regard the stronger. Socrates refutes Thrasymachus with a further argument: Crafts aim at the good of their object, and therefore to rule is for the benefit of the ruled and not the ruler.

    At this point, Thrasymachus claims that the unjust person is wiser than the just person, and Socrates gives three arguments refuting Thrasymachus. However, Thrasymachus ceases to engage actively with Socrates's arguments, and Socrates himself seems to think that his arguments are inadequate, since he has not offered any definition of justice. The first book ends in aporia concerning the essence of justice.

    Book II: Glaucon and Adeimantus's Challenge
    Main article: Ring of Gyges
    Glaucon and Adeimantus are unsatisfied with Socrates's defense of justice. They ask Socrates to defend justice against an alternative view that they attribute to many. According to this view, the origin of justice is in social contracts. Everyone would prefer to get away with harm to others without suffering it themselves, but since they cannot, they agree not to do harm to others so as not to suffer it themselves. Moreover, according to this view, all those who practice justice do so unwillingly and out of fear of punishment, and the life of the unpunished unjust man is far more blessed than that of the just man. Glaucon would like Socrates to prove that justice is not only desirable for its consequences, but also for its own sake. To demonstrate the problem, he tells the story of Gyges, who – with the help of a ring that turns him invisible – achieves great advantages for himself by committing injustices. Many think that anyone would and should use the ring as Gyges did if they had it. Glaucon uses this argument to challenge Socrates to defend the position that the just life is better than the unjust life.

    Adeimantus supplements Glaucon's speech with further arguments. He suggests that the unjust should not fear divine judgement, since the very poets who wrote about such judgement also wrote that the gods would grant forgiveness to those who made religious sacrifice.

    Book II–IV: The city and the soul
    See also: Plato's theory of soul and Cardinal virtues
    Socrates suggests that they use the city as an image to seek how justice comes to be in the soul of an individual. After attributing the origin of society to the individual not being self-sufficient and having many needs which he cannot supply himself, Socrates first describes a "healthy state" made up of producers who make enough for a modest subsistence, but Glaucon considers this hardly different than "a city of pigs." Socrates then goes on to describe the luxurious city, which he calls "a fevered state".[10] Acquiring and defending these luxuries requires a guardian class to wage wars.

    They then explore how to obtain guardians who will not become tyrants to the people they guard. Socrates proposes that they solve the problem with an education from their early years. He then prescribes the necessary education, beginning with the kind of stories that are appropriate for training guardians. They conclude that stories that ascribe evil to the gods or heroes or portray the afterlife as bad are untrue and should not be taught. They also decide to regulate narrative and musical style so as to encourage the four cardinal virtues: wisdom, courage, justice and temperance. Socrates avers that beautiful style and morally good style are the same. In proposing their program of censored education, they are repurifying the luxurious or feverish city. Socrates counters the objection that people raised in censorship will be too naive to judge concerning vice by arguing that adults can learn about vice once their character has been formed; before that, they are too impressionable to encounter vice without danger.

    They suggest that the second part of the guardians' education should be in gymnastics. With physical training they will be able to live without needing frequent medical attention: physical training will help prevent illness and weakness. Socrates claims that any illness requiring constant medical attention is too unhealthy to be worth living. By analogy, any society that requires constant litigation is too unhealthy to be worth maintaining.

    Socrates asserts that both male and female guardians be given the same education, that all wives and children be shared, and that they be prohibited from owning private property so that guardians will not become possessive and keep their focus on the good of the whole city. He adds a third class distinction between auxiliaries (rank and file soldiers) and guardians (the leaders who rule the city).

    In the fictional tale known as the myth or parable of the metals, Socrates presents the Noble Lie (γενναῖον ψεῦδος, gennaion pseudos), to convince everyone in the city to perform their social role. All are born from the womb of their mother country, so that all are siblings, but their natures are different, each containing either gold (guardians), silver (auxiliaries), or bronze or iron (producers). If anyone with a bronze or iron nature rules the city, it will be destroyed. Socrates claims that if the people believed "this myth...[it] would have a good effect, making them more inclined to care for the state and one another."[11] Socrates claims the city will be happiest if each citizen engages in the occupation that suits them best. If the city as a whole is happy, then individuals are happy.

    In the physical education and diet of the guardians, the emphasis is on moderation, since both poverty and excessive wealth will corrupt them (422a1). He argues that a city without wealth can defend itself successfully against wealthy aggressors. Socrates says that it is pointless to worry over specific laws, like those pertaining to contracts, since proper education ensures lawful behavior, and poor education causes lawlessness (425a–425c).[12]

    Socrates proceeds to search for wisdom, courage, and temperance in the city, on the grounds that justice will be easier to discern in what remains (427e). They find wisdom among the guardian rulers, courage among the guardian warriors (or auxiliaries), temperance among all classes of the city in agreeing about who should rule and who should be ruled. Finally, Socrates defines justice in the city as the state in which each class performs only its own work, not meddling in the work of the other classes (433b).

    The virtues discovered in the city are then sought in the individual soul. For this purpose, Socrates creates an analogy between the parts of the city and the soul (the city–soul analogy).[13] He argues that psychological conflict points to a divided soul, since a completely unified soul could not behave in opposite ways towards the same object, at the same time, and in the same respect (436b).[14] He gives examples of possible conflicts between the rational, spirited, and appetitive parts of the soul, corresponding to the rulers, auxiliaries, and producing classes in the city.[15] Having established the tripartite soul, Socrates defines the virtues of the individual. A person is wise if he is ruled by the part of the soul that knows "what is beneficial for each part and for the whole," courageous if his spirited part "preserves in the midst of pleasures and pains" the decisions reached by the rational part, and temperate if the three parts agree that the rational part lead (442c–d).[16] They are just if each part of the soul attends to its function and not the function of another. It follows from this definition that one cannot be just if one does not have the other cardinal virtues.[14] In this regard, Plato can be seen as a progenitor of the concept of 'social structures'.

    Book V–VI: The Ship of State
    Main article: Ship of State
    See also: Form of the Good and Plato's political philosophy
    Socrates, having to his satisfaction defined the just constitution of both city and psyche, moves to elaborate upon the four unjust constitutions of these. Adeimantus and Polemarchus interrupt, asking Socrates instead first to explain how the sharing of wives and children in the guardian class is to be defined and legislated, a theme first touched on in Book III. Socrates is overwhelmed at their request, categorizing it as three "waves" of attack against which his reasoning must stand firm. These three waves challenge Socrates' claims that

    both male and female guardians ought to receive the same education
    human reproduction ought to be regulated by the state and all offspring should be ignorant of their actual biological parents
    such a city and its corresponding philosopher-king could actually come to be in the real world.
    In Books V–VII the abolition of riches among the guardian class (not unlike Max Weber's bureaucracy) leads controversially to the abandonment of the typical family, and as such no child may know his or her parents and the parents may not know their own children. Socrates tells a tale which is the "allegory of the good government". The rulers assemble couples for reproduction, based on breeding criteria. Thus, stable population is achieved through eugenics and social cohesion is projected to be high because familial links are extended towards everyone in the city. Also the education of the youth is such that they are taught of only works of writing that encourage them to improve themselves for the state's good, and envision (the) god(s) as entirely good, just, and the author(s) of only that which is good.

    Socrates' argument is that in the ideal city, a true philosopher with understanding of forms will facilitate the harmonious co-operation of all the citizens of the city—the governance of a city-state is likened to the command of a ship, the Ship of State. This philosopher-king must be intelligent, reliable, and willing to lead a simple life. However, these qualities are rarely manifested on their own, and so they must be encouraged through education and the study of the Good.

    Book VI–VII: Allegories of the Sun, Divided Line, and Cave
    Main articles: Analogy of the Sun, Analogy of the Divided Line, and Allegory of the Cave
    See also: Problem of universals, Platonic epistemology, and Theory of Forms
    The Allegory of the Cave primarily depicts Plato's distinction between the world of appearances and the 'real' world of the Forms.,[17] Just as visible objects must be illuminated in order to be seen, so must also be true of objects of knowledge if light is cast on them.

    Plato imagines a group of people who have lived their entire lives as prisoners, chained to the wall of a cave in the subterranean so they are unable to see the outside world behind them. However a constant flame illuminates various moving objects outside, which are silhouetted on the wall of the cave visible to the prisoners. These prisoners, through having no other experience of reality, ascribe forms to these shadows such as either "dog" or "cat". Plato then goes on to explain how the philosopher is akin to a prisoner who is freed from the cave. The prisoner is initially blinded by the light, but when he adjusts to the brightness he sees the fire and the statues and how they caused the images witnessed inside the cave. He sees that the fire and statues in the cave were just copies of the real objects; merely imitations. This is analogous to the Forms. What we see from day to day are merely appearances, reflections of the Forms. The philosopher, however, will not be deceived by the shadows and will hence be able to see the 'real' world, the world above that of appearances; the philosopher will gain knowledge of things in themselves. At the end of this allegory, Plato asserts that it is the philosopher's burden to reenter the cave. Those who have seen the ideal world, he says, have the duty to educate those in the material world. Since the philosopher recognizes what is truly good only he is fit to rule society according to Plato.

    Book VIII–IX: Plato's five regimes
    In Books VIII–IX stand Plato's criticism of the forms of government. Plato categorized governments into five types of regimes: aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny.

    The starting point is an imagined, alternate aristocracy (ruled by a philosopher-king); a just government ruled by a philosopher king, dominated by the wisdom-loving element. Aristocracy degenerates into timocracy when, due to miscalculation on the part of its governing class, the next generation includes persons of an inferior nature, inclined not just to cultivating virtues but also producing wealth. In a timocracy, governors will apply great effort in gymnastics and the arts of war, as well as the virtue that pertains to them, that of courage. As the emphasis on honor is compromised by wealth accumulation, it is replaced by oligarchy. The oligarchic government is dominated by the desiring element, in which the rich are the ruling class. Oligarchs do, however, value at least one virtue, that of temperance and moderation—not out of an ethical principle or spiritual concern, but because by dominating wasteful tendencies they succeed in accumulating money.

    As this socioeconomic divide grows, so do tensions between social classes. From the conflicts arising out of such tensions, the poor majority overthrow the wealthy minority, and democracy replaces the oligarchy preceding it. In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The populism of the democratic government leads to mob rule, fueled by fear of oligarchy, which a clever demagogue can exploit to take power and establish tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. In a tyrannical government, the city is enslaved to the tyrant, who uses his guards to remove the best social elements and individuals from the city to retain power (since they pose a threat), while leaving the worst. He will also provoke warfare to consolidate his position as leader. In this way, tyranny is the most unjust regime of all.

    In parallel to this, Socrates considers the individual or soul that corresponds to each of these regimes. He describes how an aristocrat may become weak or detached from political and material affluence, and how his son will respond to this by becoming overly ambitious.The timocrat in turn may be defeated by the courts or vested interests; his son responds by accumulating wealth in order to gain power in society and defend himself against the same predicament, thereby becoming an oligarch. The oligarch's son will grow up with wealth without having to practice thrift or stinginess, and will be tempted and overwhelmed by his desires,[18] so that he becomes democratic, valuing freedom above all.[18] The democratic man is torn between tyrannical passions and oligarchic discipline, and ends up in the middle ground: valuing all desires, both good and bad. The tyrant will be tempted in the same way as the democrat, but without an upbringing in discipline or moderation to restrain him. Therefore, his most base desires and wildest passions overwhelm him, and he becomes driven by lust, using force and fraud to take whatever he wants. The tyrant is both a slave to his lusts, and a master to whomever he can enslave. Socrates points out the human tendency to be corrupted by power leads down the road to timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny. From this, he concludes that ruling should be left to philosophers, who are the most just and therefore least susceptible to corruption. This "good city" is depicted as being governed by philosopher-kings; disinterested persons who rule not for their personal enjoyment but for the good of the city-state (polis). The philosophers have seen the "Forms" and therefore know what is good. They understand the corrupting effect of greed and own no property and receive no salary. They also live in sober communism, eating and sleeping together.

    Book X: Myth of Er
    See also: Myth of Er
    Concluding a theme brought up most explicitly in the Analogies of the Sun and Divided Line in Book VI, Socrates finally rejects any form of imitative art and concludes that such artists have no place in the just city. He continues on to argue for the immortality of the psyche and espouses a theory of reincarnation. He finishes by detailing the rewards of being just, both in this life and the next. Artists create things but they are only different copies of the idea of the original. "And whenever any one informs us that he has found a man who knows all the arts, and all things else that anybody knows, and every single thing with a higher degree of accuracy than any other man—whoever tells us this, I think that we can only imagine to be a simple creature who is likely to have been deceived by some wizard or actor whom he met, and whom he thought all-knowing, because he himself was unable to analyze the nature of knowledge and ignorance and imitation."[19]

    And the same object appears straight when looked at out of the water, and crooked when in the water; and the concave becomes convex, owing to the illusion about colours to which the sight is liable. Thus every sort of confusion is revealed within us; and this is that weakness of the human mind on which the art of conjuring and deceiving by light and shadow and other ingenious devices imposes, having an effect upon us like magic.[19]

    He speaks about illusions and confusion. Things can look very similar, but be different in reality. Because we are human, at times we cannot tell the difference between the two.

    And does not the same hold also of the ridiculous? There are jests which you would be ashamed to make yourself, and yet on the comic stage, or indeed in private, when you hear them, you are greatly amused by them, and are not at all disgusted at their unseemliness—the case of pity is repeated—there is a principle in human nature which is disposed to raise a laugh, and this which you once restrained by reason, because you were afraid of being thought a buffoon, is now let out again; and having stimulated the risible faculty at the theatre, you are betrayed unconsciously to yourself into playing the comic poet at home.

    With all of us, we may approve of something, as long we are not directly involved with it. If we joke about it, we are supporting it.

    Quite true, he said. And the same may be said of lust and anger and all the other affections, of desire and pain and pleasure, which are held to be inseparable from every action—in all of them poetry feeds and waters the passions instead of drying them up; she lets them rule, although they ought to be controlled, if mankind are ever to increase in happiness and virtue.[19]

    Sometimes we let our passions rule our actions or way of thinking, although they should be controlled, so that we can increase our happiness.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals

    The Star of Asia, a large, 330-carat cabochon-cut star sapphire in the U.S. National Gem Collection

    The Hope Diamond
    The National Gem and Mineral Collection is one of the most significant collections of its kind in the world. The collection includes some of the most famous pieces of gems and minerals including the Hope Diamond and the Star of Asia Sapphire, one of the largest sapphires in the world. There are currently over 15,000 individual gems in the collection, as well as 350,000 minerals and 300,000 samples of rock and ore specimens.[56] Additionally, the Smithsonian's National Gem and Mineral Collection houses approximately 45,000 meteorite specimens, including examples of every known type of meteorite,[57] and is considered to be one of the most comprehensive collections of its kind in the world.[56]

    The collection is displayed in the Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems and Minerals, one of the many galleries in the Museum of Natural History. Some of the most important donors, besides Hooker, are Washington A. Roebling, the man who built the Brooklyn Bridge, who gave 16,000 specimens to the collection; Frederick A. Canfield, who donated 9,000 specimens to the collection; and Dr. Isaac Lea, who donated the basis of the museum's collection of 1312 gems and minerals.

    The Hall is "dedicated to the discovery and understanding of human origins," and occupies 15,000 square feet (1,400 m2) of exhibit space. This exhibit includes 76 humans skulls, each of a different species, eons apart. Each of these species is a human, signified by the "Homo" genus name. One species that can be found in this gallery is the Homo heidelbergensis, which lived 200,000–700,000 years ago. In addition, there is a female skull from Homo floresiensis, a human species that possibly only went extinct just 17,000 years ago.[60] The exhibit includes an interactive human family tree that follows six million years of evolution,[61] and a "Changing the World" gallery that focuses on issues surrounding climate change and humans' impact on the world. The Hall's core concept idea is "What Does It Mean To Be Human", and focuses on milestones of human evolution such as walking upright, bigger brains, and symbolic thought. Also covered is the Smithsonian's significant research on the geological and climate changes which occurred in East Africa during significant periods of Human Evolution. The exhibit highlights an actual fossil Neanderthal and replicas created by famed paleoartist, John Gurche.[60] The exhibit has been criticized for downplaying the significance of human-caused global warming.[62][63]

    The exhibit also provides a complementary web site, which provides diaries and podcasts directly from related fields of research. The companion book, What Does It Mean To Be Human, was written by Richard (Rick) Potts, the curator, and Christopher Sloan. The exhibit was designed by Reich + Petch.[64]

    Deep Time Exhibit/Fossil Hall

    Skeleton of Brontotherium

    The revised skeleton of Triceratops
    A FossiLab volunteer uses lab equipment to sift through collected sediments for bone particles at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
    The Hall of Dinosaurs has fossilized skeletons and cast models, including a Tyrannosaurus rex cast facing a Triceratops cast. This Triceratops exhibit shows the first accurate dinosaur skeleton in virtual motion, achieved through the use of scanning and digital technology."[65][66] The collection consists of 46 "complete and important specimens" of dinosaurs.[67]

    In May 2012, billionaire David H. Koch donated $35 million toward the cost of a $45 million upgrade to the 30-year-old, 25,000 square feet (2,300 m2) dinosaur hall. The hall closed in April 2014 and reopened in June 2019.[68]

    In June 2013, the Smithsonian obtained a 50-year lease on a T. rex fossil skeleton owned by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. It is the first T. rex skeleton to be displayed at the museum, which until now has only had the cast of a skull. The specimen, known as the "Wankel" or "Devil" rex,[69] was found on Corps-owned land in the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana in 1988. It has since been on display at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana (which helped excavate the fossil).[70] The "Wankel rex" (whose skeleton is 85 percent complete)[71] was to be unveiled at the Museum of Natural History on National Fossil Day, October 16, 2013, and was supposed to be on display until the dinosaur hall exhibit closed for renovation in the spring of 2014. The 35-foot (11 m) long skeleton is the centerpiece of the dinosaur hall since it re-opened in 2019.[70] The Museum of the Rockies (which did not own the skeleton but was the repository for it) has about a dozen T. rex specimens, including one which is eighty percent complete. Only about six museums in the United States have a T. rex skeleton. The Museum of the Rockies is a Smithsonian affiliate museum, and had long promised to find a T. rex for the Smithsonian to display.[71]

    Due to the 2013 federal government shutdown, the fossil did not arrive in Washington, D.C. Smithsonian officials said it remained in storage in Montana, and would not arrive at the Smithsonian until late spring 2014. Packed up in 16 crates, the T. rex, named "Nation's T. rex" by the Smithsonian, traveled from the Museum of the Rockies and arrived at the National Museum of Natural History on April 15, 2014.[72] The T. rex was displayed in the Rex Room, while specialists performed a conservation assessment and the Smithsonian Digitization Program scanned each bone, to create a 3-D model for research.[73] The Nation's T. rex is the centerpiece of the new fossil hall, which opened in 2019.[74]

    Hall of Mammals
    The Behring Hall of Mammals was designed by Reich + Petch. The mammal specimens are presented as works of modern art within minimal environmentals. Visitors discover mammal's evolutionary adaptions to hugely diverse contexts, and ultimately discover that they too are mammals.[citation needed]

    The museum has the largest collection of vertebrate specimens in the world, nearly twice the size of the next largest mammal collections, including historically important collections from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.[75] Its collection was initiated by C. Hart Merriam and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (later the Department of the Interior), which expanded it in the 1890s-1930s.[76]

    Insect Zoo
    The O. Orkin Insect Zoo features live insects and exhibits about insects and entomologists. Different habitats have been created to show the type of insects that live in different environments and how they have adapted to a freshwater pond, house, mangrove swamp, desert, and rain forest. The zoo is sponsored by Orkin, a pest control company.

    Ocean Hall

    Ocean Hall
    The Sant Ocean Hall opened on September 27, 2008, and is the largest renovation of the museum since it opened in 1910. The hall includes 674 marine specimens and models drawn from the over 80 million specimens in the museum's total collection, the largest in the world. The hall is named for the Roger Sant family, who donated $15 million to endow the new hall and other related programs.

    The collection includes: a North Atlantic right whale, a giant Lion's mane jellyfish model, a 1,500-US-gallon (5,700 L) aquarium, one female giant squid displayed in the center of the hall and a male displayed off to the side, an adult coelenterate, and a Basilosaurus.[77]

    The museum also provides the Smithsonian Ocean Portal, a complementary web site that provides regularly updated, original content from the museum's research, collections, and Sant Ocean Hall as well as content provided by more than 20 collaborating organizations, including Archive, Census of Marine Life, Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Encyclopedia of Life, INDUCT, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, National Geographic, NOAA, New England Aquarium, Ocean Conservancy, Oceania, Pew Charitable Trusts, Sea Web, Save Our Seas, Scrips Institution of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, World Heritage Marine Programmer.

    Teleology: Hall of Bones
    This exhibit displays a "variety of vertebrate skeletons grouped by their evolutionary relationships."[78]

    Opened since 2013, this exhibit is the museum's interactive and educational area. Using microscopes and touch screens, the area hosts various interactive activities and puzzles visitors can experience and contains a "collection zone" that houses over 6000 different specimens and artifacts visitors are able personally handle. The area also hosts various events such as allowing visitors to meet and discuss with Smithsonian scientists and hosting school groups.[79]
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Father Crow was looking at elaborate star maps, trying to see the patterns between constellations as birth-signs. He could use physical synchronicity to give certain babies inborn magicka. His favorite power was the Lover's Kiss, a feeling he treasured.
    Father Crow was always wondering about realities that may be hidden even from the biggest maps in existence. Father Crow would sometimes resort to common sense reality assumptions in order that he take the most probable path to power, but when action wasn't needed, he would philosophize beyond the extremes.

    Bunny went to old country Alabama to drink the finest glasses of lemonade. She spoke to a lemonade truck driver to ask him what he thought of the drink. He said it was good for him to get its healthy and refreshing, warm hearted south kick start.
    Bunny went to the final nail put into the continental railroad, the golden nail. She loved Jefferson's vision of a coast to coast, sea to shining sea country. That we have the freedom of speech and religion to spread Bunny's message rewarded her dreams with absolute omega.
    Bunny and Father Crow went on a date together to the Washington DC zoo. At the gift shop, Bunny bought a zebra Tervis cup to honor Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Father Crow talked to the lion tamer about overcoming fear.
    Bunny and Father Crow went on a walk together by the ocean. They found Nikola Tesla at the lighthouse, looking for signals of alien life. Next there was a fisherman looking for Lugia. Father Crow dreamed of the power of invention to 1 day explore the entire ocean and answer all of these questions.
    Father Crow was fashioning the most valuable crystal ever, very big in size at the town square. It gave a frequency that helped people to find noble and open ended thoughts.

    Father Crow put paintings in his house of every major planet's landscape in Star Wars. Bunny enjoyed all of the diverse places it could take her as she wishfully and thoughtfully looked at each photo. Father Crow also had a vast lightsaber collection, and trained with each Jedi combat form.

    Bunny somewhat enjoyed going on boat rides with Father Crow, a little bit for the adventure, but mainly to meditate in a restful and no-distractions Zen mold. She would grace healing auroras of emotion that connected Bunny to her happy memories. She would have a blast opening up holographic images of the Zang consciousness, a spirituality on the full potential of Love, not being so physical or fruitful, but rather a great leap of legend from the sprite of the higher man.

    Leonardo da Vinci was given 1 of the rings of power from Lord of the Rings. He painted a mathematical portrait of the physics of the invisible regions wizards draw their magicka from. He created a dream chamber that lets us experience the thrills of the future.

    Father Crow went to the Las Vegas casinos to test just how far into heaven his spiritual heart evolved. He wanted a chain of radical wrinkles in time to decapitate God and become a jewel thief.

    Father Crow was training Bunny to shoot lightning as powerfully as she could at straw dummies. Father Crow himself was preparing to unleash the storm of the century. The way of the Will was long and hard, but it was the only way we can trust to reach the ultimate goal.

    Bunny was looking at different kinds of cheese in her refrigerator. Her favorites were swiss and pepper jack. Bunny loved the cheese plant in Oregon that was extremely close to the coast.

    All of my sins and wrong-doings were healed, discarded, forgiven. I flowed out into the true light of heart, a sweet remedy. Love re-synthesized my ashes and flew to Bunny. Bunny wrote a silver song that freezes fogs to create roads to impossibility.

    Bunny was putting up artwork of fairies and unicorns in Father Crow's mansion. Raptor put up a picture of Pokemon Last Supper. Like before, Father Crow had Star Wars art, but added pictures of the constellations that popped out with a fantasy creature.

    Bunny was trying to come as a newly discovered South American Mew. She was extremely interested in Raptor's evolution, cheering him on every day. Raptor, rediscovering his hidden dragon-fire through the magic of Bunny, surged to the fabled crowning point of all Pokemon trainers in aerospace.

    Bunny was looking at different kinds of bath-robes at Dollar General. Showering for Bunny helped her to find equilibrium. She wanted to lay aside the cares of a troubled day. Being more vivid and experiential of magic came to Bunny through being positive.

    Father Crow invited Bunny to a new amusement park he created - Watch World. Father Crow was hyper compulsive about integrating numbers into systems. So the diverse novelty of every number created an exotic amusement park.

    Father Crow was looking at different kinds of pod-racers in hopes of winning the annual grand prix. He treasured this opportunity to show just how far his training evolved. All it was was the shortest path between 2 points to prove he was the most logical.

    Bunny was watching an exhibit of Mew in an aquarium tank. Mew was watching Toy Story and reflecting on his inventive side. He often played Pokemon on his GameBoy years ago, his favorite being Electabuzz because he had a crush on Casey. Mew would listen to classic soundtracks to teleport off to the movie theater.
    Father Crow gave Bunny a big heart shaped box of Valentine chocolates. Bunny ate her favorite kinds first and regretted it later. Bunny asked Father Crow to give a special blessing over the Valentines that Raptor wrote to her.
    Bunny was riding her Lapras over a crystal clear ocean. She soulfully looked up into the clouds and dreamed of far off fantasies. Bunny was making a religious journey to the shrine where Raptor fulfilled the Chosen 1 Prophecy.
    While Raptor was reading the Tao Te Ching, Father Crow was reading the Art of War. Father Crow saw himself as the ideal leader, letting society solve itself. He was also a gifted marshal at preparing republics for battle. Afterwards, Father Crow would ready society for Slowking

    George Lucas went to a clock-work city of fiction and split the Earth in 2. The next goal was to break the universe, and after that, reality itself, opening up millions of philosophical questions.
    Science, the universe, everything that we ponder, try to resolve, try to wonder about with all possibilities unfolding is a grand tour of foreseeing our roots into the magical age.
    Bunny was driving a cardboard box through a rainbow. The rainbow eventually transformed into a giant green beam that shot over the green and black castle of mordor at the foot of the secret stairs. Bunny collected all of this negative Force energy into a sparkling diamond. Aragorn's ghost army reversed at this moment out of prison to reclaim the castle and fly their sailboat through the gates.
    Sabrina teleported into a giant heart atop a mountaintop. Ash came through a glowing nebula to bring the tree of life to the orb of Sabrina's gazing zinc corner-club in honor of Father Crow's star ocarina. Gandalf went into a time machine, and brought the secrets of Einstein to the dinosaurs.

    Father Crow was burning the body of Einstein in Jedi fashion. Father Crow let his mind wander off to consider Einstein's extreme contemplations on the nature of everything, of humanity's 1 great destination, goal, and purpose. Einstein was a hero to Father Crow, synthesizing delightful and beautiful axiomatic parables that add extra Salt Lake City.
    Bunny was watching Father Crow put together an extremely complex puzzle. Bunny felt for herself, since her mind was weaker, that it would be very easy to be misled by illusory patterns. Father Crow however was a master at creating meaning. What emerged was the great pyramid in da Vinci's Last Supper, and Father Crow's place there thousands of years ago.
    Bunny went to the Buddhist Holy Land, swimming through a great river, and looking at really wise quotes. She looked at a book on imaginary cities, wondering about the miracle of soul flight. Bunny attended a philosophical debate between Father Crow and SolitaryWalker. The subject was how to deal with rebels to Bunny, SolitaryWalker not giving the physicalists any room for mercy, not inflicting suffering, but shaming those who lack faith in the full splendor and potentially maximized possibilities and expressions of the mind of God.
    Meganium was trying to reach Father Crow by climbing up an extremely high ladder to Heaven. At the higher levels, time began moving differently. At Heaven's portal atop, Bunny came out and gave Meganium a piece of cake. Every day in Heaven was a party, and it was also a search for labyrinthian paths. Father Crow was fond of wearing different kinds of costumes. At Heaven's portal, he came as Raptor, describing entrapped equations with an iceberg of contorted Bush Gardens Einstein exhibits.
    A terrible blizzard was blowing atop Indigo Plateau. It halted the expansion of the universe. The mystery of genesis was painted on an electric tree. It was the Final Annihilator.
    Bunny invited Winnie the Pooh to the Star Wars universe. They were working on mastering different Jedi powers. Pooh was very curious, learning about Revan's Tale. It helped Pooh appreciate the value of life and what we do to preserve it.
    Bunny was walking through a timeless storybook, resurrecting the power of song to see through the glass ceiling of paradise. She looked through every distant barrier, trying to believe in the power of Prophecy to open up those portals.
    I was following Bunny through a grass field, collecting apple juice and talking about the secrets of Yahweh. We contemplated our furthest destiny atop Gym Leader Castle in Pokemon Stadium 2 R2.
    Bunny was observing rainbows forming in a water sprinkler play set. The power of wish and dreaming set Bunny free. It was a delightful glow of picture perfect angelhood. That Bunny could flow with imaginative possibilities was a day in friendship forever.
    Bunny was walking on a giant fruit roll up. On both sides of it were all the Pokemon lined up from 1 to 493. They were in the Pokemon Stadium hall of fame.
    Bunny was playing the Azure Flute to summon Arceus. He appeared as a wizard, then suddenly morphed into Pokemon form. Underneath all of his engineering was a coral reef.

    Bunny was fascinated by the mysteries of the ages. She went to Yoda's hut, filled with a heart of childhood. Bunny gained the necessary trinkets and relics to emerge out of darkness, blessing the world with limitless horizons.
    Bunny came to the edge of the universe to witness the ascent of The One. Many cosmologies may describe a creator. To Bunny, the light of all that is was within her. The domains of physicality did not matter. All there was to Bunny was mind.

    Bunny and Father Crow were opening a portal together to Marius Florin's space station. Bunny looked at a beautiful spring landscape that reflected the pride of Father Crow's creativity. A Raikou Marius Florin was stomping up in the clouds. He created a giant cup that flushed down into Bunny's tea-pot.

    Bunny was looking at a Pokemon Yellow version strategy guide that showed all of her different emotional expressions as Pikachu. She dawned a star wish encyclopedia for her different feelings being symbolized by a different number. Bunny got a zodiac to imagine herself as different animals, which could help her bond with different Pokemon personalities.

    Bunny got an umbrella to throw thousands of Valentines into a Kindergarten class of kids throwing her up and down. Bunny replaced their pencils with Yoda walking canes, and as they listened to Yoda concepts, Bunny proved that kids are more open minded than adults.

    Bunny rode a very inspirational fairy's wings to the mountaintop past heaven. She blazed a sparkling road over the wal-mart cashier, really Saruman in disguise. Saruman was trying to create an enchanted circlet that showed the future of middle-earth and found the ent wives on Endor.

    Bunny was very afraid of fire-works. It was too action packed and dynamic for her. Bunny thought instead of going to another world and philosophical perspective through a deep underwater glacier. Bunny went to a hair salon to ponder the highlights of hair shining like mermaid scales. She was afraid of sirens that punish males oversea singing over the waves. Despite Bunny herself being female, she was terrified of danger and evil.

    Bunny was wrapping a Boba Fett helmet for me for Christmas. She thought of me striding outside with that helmet into the sun as a would be conqueror and master of civilization. Bunny enchanted that helmet before giving it to me with the power of summoning any starship to my location, even Marius Florin's.

    Bunny was talking to a grandfather Easter egg. He was rolling over a giant Monopoly board. Just to be nice to him, Bunny ate carrots instead. They had a glass of sparkling cider together to celebrate his Monopoly graduation from college. So the grandfather Easter egg's next goal was to resurrect dinosaur fossils.

    Bunny teleported away from board game land to go to Salt Lake City temple square and talk to my real grandpa. Meko God foresaw would also make mighty use of teleportation in awe over the subtleties of the Lord. Bunny and grandpa explored a Utah mine full of valuable plunder and glittering jewels. Grandpa used to like searching for rare rocks. Together, they wrote and sent me a ghost world love letter.

    Bunny was saying, "You Love Bunny, you do Love meep-meep." She also said, "We're going to be ENFP Champions." When this wish really turned into I was an ISTP Machamp in 2016, it mostly hurt me, but Father Crow said that if I would've been celebrated for my invincible valor that year in earning my Rhydon badge, then it would've been a good thing.

    Whenever I Loved Bunny for the right reason, she said that I smiled at her, and if the wrong reason, then I smiled at myself. Bunny often laughs at me both positively and negatively when I feel proud of myself as she's showing me Love. Bunny will interrupt my thoughts and make me interact with her more to disrupt my Bunny Love pride. When I really need quiet, soft, blissful meditation though, Bunny always listens and is understanding.

    Bunny bought me an action figure of Father Crow as a tall man in a black jacket wearing a wizard hat. She also for Christmas bought me an X-Man action figure, orange like Father Crow as a construction worker.

    Bunny wanted to travel everywhere with me when I was thinking about her ears as shoe-laces. Father Crow was tying telephone wires together to create shoes that make the wearer just as good as Michael Jordan, as seen in Like Mike. Father Crow sculpted a marvelous statue of Kobe atop Hollywood Mountain.

    Father Crow was collecting diamonds and emeralds that form over avatar's heads in the Sims. One of his Sims was going to a Harry Potter Halloween party. The Grim Reaper then followed this Sim home.

    Bunny was using a Harry Potter wand to try to make a feather staircase up into her tree-house. Bunny then turned the feather staircase into stepping piano keys.

    Bunny ordered some cups for her house that were made out of crystal. She then put Chinese fortunes inside of them. Bunny thought of different crystal transparency as offering diverse clarity into various fortunes. Father Crow stole some of Bunny's crystal cups to craft mini crystal action figures.

    Bunny wore a zebra shirt to a cross-country race she was competing in. This symbolized Bunny's wish to go from start to finish, 1 to 26, and be stylish. Bunny was also wearing black mamba shoes, because of Kobe, and also that it's not where you start, but finish. Bunny was amused by the way she was snaking through the forest trail. Draymond Green appeared halfway through trying to grab Bunny's attention with a Celtic 18th star dressed up as Morning Star. But all a star meant to Bunny was a goal, a wish, and Bunny finished 1st place. Bunny dedicated her win to Spock in Star Trek, as she followed the all primed need to stay on the prime directive when she ran.

    Bunny was waving a shower curtain in the air. She made ripples on a timeline to collapse the wave function of the future. Bunny created 1000 different copies of earth. She went to the fringe of the future, and contemplated how to access the impossible regions. Bunny had to let go of logic to do so. She tried summoning da Vinci to go for a boundless creativity and put the extra-dimensional puzzle together. She had to write a story where it was not clear what happened after the ending.

    Bunny was following Lucky Charms cereal to Pizza Hut with Blastoise watering the Rainbow and driving the lowest route under rainbows. Bunny filled her cup with many exotic flavors. She collected many crystals to wear with her dress. Bunny balanced the many polarities of her salad bar and every item to add as a topping. She went with a Gatorade cannon to seek a healthy jolt. Father Crow painted a misty dragon in the sky to fly with Bunny.

    Father Crow unearthed a Metagross fossil and spent a lot of time playing with his wiring. Father Crow's goal was to tunnel (walking path, not a wormhole) from Earth to Andromeda. Metagross resurrected could hack dark matter/energy dimensions to build the bridge. Father Crow also created a shape shifting blue light so he could grant wishes for futuristic cities in people's dreams coming as Bunny, but he was really Jirachi.

    Father Crow went into some water gadgets himself with the kids at a water play park in August. While under some torrents, he was re-engineering a collectible lightsaber sent back in time to him from a 2200 Michio Kaku museum. Father Crow silently left the outpourings to visit Bunny a quarter-mile away at the children's sand-box. Bunny imagined her feet marking the moon. Father Crow showed Bunny a new Pokedex discovery he made. He turned Bunny's sand shovel into an Alakazam spoon to symbolize how his lightsaber is meant for defense.

    Bunny caught the Pokemon Sandslash and used him to teach Charizard Earth Science. Charizard was more playful and impulsive, too impatient for science. So Sandslash took Charizard on a volcano field trip to learn how and where different rocks form. Charizard used his lightsaber, eagerly descending deeper into the volcano to practice his swordsmanship and use him imagination to uncover the Atlantis dueling arena. He knew that it wasn't where he played, but how he played. He would win on the road in a sci-fi arena that better fit his interests than pencils and responsibilities.

    George Lucas and Zarathustra were combatants in the ultimate high stakes showdown atop Mt Battle. Lucas screened a titanic sized Force arrow that Yoda concentrated for 10 years. Zarathustra painted a reinterpretation of the Last Supper that took 15 years. Their oceans of horizon branching fractals to make and break empires of the Imagination slew the mightiest of all dragons as Celebi appeared as a star of life atop the sky to quell the fighting. Zarathustra gunned down Luke Starkiller of NASA.

    Raptor was just watching the Fable intro, and it made him realize he wants to be the greatest hero ever, pushing the limits and boundaries of a skyrocketing chase to destinies unknown and what the alpha of all things shall be at the forge of futures wisdom empowering rings of valor!!

    Bunny was looking at different pairs of socks. It reminded her of Christmas stockings. Even though it was summer, Bunny wanted socks that would keep her feet warm. Father Crow was looking at different kinds of neck-ties. He picked 1 that had a yellow background with purple boxes. Bunny drove Father Crow to the celebration event of his new computer system. On the video game section, Bunny was very inspired by Father Crow's new princess saving Super Mario Bros development.

    Father Crow made a very big breakfast for Bunny. He used the blue-berry jam with 2 cherry eyes to make a smiley face on Bunny's pancakes, her favorite expression. Father Crow also spent a long time preparing Bunny's deviled eggs, a food she enjoyed.

    Father Crow came to Leonardo da Vinci in dreams to give him the secrets of Father Crow's own higher extraterrestrial society. The miracle and mystery of Jesus was poured out with heart and soul over the Last Supper. The power to dream and reinvent tomorrow was always sacred to Father Crow.

    Father Crow was looking over a holographic map of his space station. He secretly arranged its architecture to have a hidden number 11 in there to anchor Bunny, his favorite prodigy. Eventually, Raptor worked his way in there as well for always being Bunny's friend. This was dubbed 248 Tyranitar, a higher constellation peaked by Kobe. The 248 was not possible without Kobe.

    Father Crow spent hours pouring over mathematical equations Raptor created, combining paradoxes to see the greater goal, Father Crow is doing, opening up possibilities at Kobe scale.

    Father Crow went to a legendary dragon shrine. This got him into a Zen mode to communicate with Bunny's spirit. Her soul was as flowing as water. When Bunny and Father Crow combined together, a complex cosmology with an inquisitive mind even transcended Master Yoda. Tyranitar was walking on the side of the road, seeking possibilities, aligning to the zig zag of a constantly concluding yet incessantly repeating destiny.

    Father Crow was looking at all of the different world models that could have existed. The reason there were so many options was precisely because of the existence of Kobe Bryant and his unbreakable free will. Kobe was extremely inspired by how Father Crow was always moving up more dimensions, with a 0% probability of finding the end.

    Bunny, instead of studying Father Crow's blueprint, jumped right into it on impulse with the eagerness to experience. She wanted to learn, but in a less logical way, instead in a more creative way. No numbers, just letting the mind race without restrictions. Bunny's favorite Father Crow symbol in this day was the long and winding road of faith, that her free mind would make it to the most magical storybook castle.

    After some extremely legendary endings to sports finals, Raptor spent the remaining months of summer tying up loose ends, putting all of those pieces together. It was like Palpatine dispatching Anakin to Mustafar to take care of the separatist council. Bunny with her impatience was also like Anakin. Spock even had a similar mission where he launched solo to divert the potentially civilization destroying asteroid, his prophecy, his fate, his destiny, full of danger, and he could have died, failed, or had everyone else die, but Kobe's spirit was too strong. It was the final chase.

    Bunny bravely and successfully went into outer darkness to retrieve Gandalf the White's broken staff from the Witch King. Bunny brought the broken pieces to the enchanter's forge in Rivendell. She used it to summon the Gods that sent Gandalf's soul back atop the mountaintop of Moria.

    Bunny's relationship with a lot of the aliens was like Jar Jar's with the gungans, they both weren't serious enough. They told Bunny that she was too old to collect Pokemon cards. Bunny however refused to be made to do anything, presenting herself as Pikachu. Bunny felt Pokemon taught her the meaning of life, friendship, and the power of Ash to rewrite everything that was wrong.

    Bunny kept seeing psychic flashes of what appeared to be lost utopias, yet she knew these were simply the future of the mind. In another way though, it was sort of the lost nature of her soul, her original purity. Still though at least for Bunny, she felt these places are always open for visit, always in her heart, the fantasy region that is always there.

    Bunny was exploring my website and all of the questions that I was asking. This was a kind of utopia for Bunny or a safe haven, an enchanted island. Bunny dreamed of spectacular landscapes and a place where her heart could run free. Bunny flew up into the rainbow, determined that there would be no limit to it just as promised by SolitaryWalker's axioms.

    Bunny used the symbol of the unicorn to show the power of everlasting life. She believed a noble heart brings good luck and fortune. Bunny would sweetly grace the meadow looking for eternity. Bunny had the wonder and sparkle of something very rare and valiant.

    Bunny went to a giant exhibit of Shelob the spider at the South Pole. Father Crow constructed a giant Tyranitar cave network nearby to simulate Shelob's Tolkien habitat. Father Crow hired Leonardo da Vinci to make critical sketches of the spider. Marius Florin used Shelob as a metaphor for creating his world wide web. He even created different types of demiurges with different colors, and also colored his aerospace designs.

    Father Crow put 1 Pokemon gym badge up per single mountain over an entire range of mountains. There was no levitation, no cheating, cut out from the game. The only way to fly was in the blue psychic edges of the mountains themselves, transmitting the ultimate Rayquaza into the mountainous clouds.

    Eldes was training really hard for his duel atop Mt Battle vs Jovi. Eldes modeled his philosophies after SolitaryWalker, which gave him limitless potential. Eldes effectively was the ultimate Apprentice of the Final Annihilator.

    Father Crow was trying to create a giant dragon on his computer. It was female, crystalline, and looking over the ocean on a cliff. It was looking through an oracle globe at the shadow realm. A pack of dynamite exploded and revealed that this dragon was stationed atop many Mr Mime glass walls as the higher Jynx of Father Crow's program. Dusclops evolves into Jynx, and Jynx evolves into Salamence.
    Rayquaza shot like an arrow to inject new life into the shipyard genie. A great forest was gathered by a time travel device. The genie had to merge the past with the future to make Rayquaza archetypes present in all stories.

    The crown of wisdom, the water of knowledge, and the mind of will were poised atop Father Crow. He created a golden saga in a far away galaxy. Father Crow made the darkness of outer space magnify a giant diamond city that was controlling the eruptions of supernovas. 2 great Platonic civilizations were battling under the names of Critias and Timaeus.

    Father Crow was very inspired and moved by Anakin's desire to see every star. Bathed by the Light Side of the Force, this gave rise to the Star Forge. The Soul of Lugia was infused into its engineering, uplifted by Bunny.
    Bunny was riding a magic sailboat through the clouds. The sky turned pink as she went to the land of ice cream. Bunny then crashed down into a giant ocean on the moon. As she floated back to shore through a sea of memories, she was greeted by an Arcanine racing through a grassland in a castle in the sky.

    When the entire world jumped inside of Bunny's mind, we all woke up into a hyper advanced state. Bunny herself was atop a very snowy summit. Her mind shot like a laser through the compassion of the waters of Love.

    The Soul of Bunny was in a rainbow of mythic midnight, grasping all of the elements of the Christmas tree. She had the gems of the ultimate weapon, every shard and speck of stardust augmented into her DNA. As the all annihilating lightning came surging towards her, she was shattered and transformed into the highest piece of Crystal.

    Bunny was very amazed when looking at a blueprint of the Millennium Falcon. It was a science that was far above her grade level, but it still launched her imagination. She dreamed of being inside the ship and zipping across a white hole.

    Bunny was on a train in Japan. She was wearing a rose petal dress. She visited a Shinto shrine to try to make peace with the land's spirituality. She then bought a fan styled after Jackie Chan. Bunny liked him more than Lee, as Chan was pleasant and exuberant. Bunny put all 3 Hitmonchan fire, ice, and thunder punch elemental orbs into Slowking's Pokemon 2000 shrine to complete the Prophecy Shinto style by that totem of sigil and Lugia summoning. The system was in Sinnoh, eventually leading to Arceus.

    While Father Crow was holding an expensive and prestigious meeting at Silph Co, Bunny spent the many hours teleporting on the psychic enchanted sites across all floors and levels of the building. Bunny later sat by the fountain by the entrance, feeling that maybe Father Crow would let her into the science room, the most dreamy part of the building, as she could try to describe the meaning of human freedom and the various alien factions that we can seek to get along with.

    Kobe transported his life Force into the 2nd Death Star's beam to board the station and confront Darth Vader as a light-speed Rayquaza crashing down and materializing as a Jedi. The secret to Kobe is that he was the most unleashed Jedi, free of all restrictions. Kobe used the Force to wind up a giant clock, then infused the enchantment of every number to transform from Rayquaza into Tyranitar, eventually unlocking the synchronicity of every constellation in existence and freeing the galaxy.

    Father Crow conjured a minor flame in his hand to walk through the darkest cave in Kanto. He was following the Force to discover the hiding spot of the Unknown Sorcerer. The Unknown Sorcerer was collaborating with aliens to unlock the fantasy to reality potential of arcane spells. Father Crow's reason to do this hunt was that there's no cap to the exponential power such spell weaving could unlock. Father Crow needed this to go from all knowledge, to all Healing power.
    When Bunny looked into the pool of revelation at Lothlorien, she transformed into Leonardo da Vinci. If Father Crow had all God's knowledge, Bunny could have all man's knowledge, or at least, knowledge of Raptor.

    Bunny was going through a purple and yellow spiral to pizza palace restarting the clock and having hands at the top pointers.

    Bunny was brought to a very high point in 2022. Her story was haunted, tormented, entranced in the vile and painfully annihilating. Yet she connected her heart to joy and longevity, revitalizing her and choosing destiny. Bunny would become the Creator.

    Father Crow inserted a giant volcano into a black hole. He was on a surf board with Leonard navigating the lava flow. They then both jumped from their surf boards onto a chess board of many white holes and black holes.
    Father Crow went on a hyperspace speed train ride to the future. True to Father Crow's hypothesis and calculations, it wasn't the future that everyone on the train found at the destination, but chaos. They discovered that free will, from God to everyone was too powerful, and all that was foreseen in a pseudo real future was the will of evil. But Father Crow was extremely pleased with the fruition of his theory that the true nature of time was chaos, as this gave him the room to forge chaos into destiny, that with everyone's Wish, we create the perfect destination and prove that all players are important in the symphony of M Theory.

    Eldes graded his final exam with fluff and round table knighthood fruits of the LiveWire hanger of staff wizard potions with healing vapor and resolute occult pixie friends in a lighthouse of soul searching to rage on the highlights of emporium rose fountains in bunk bed with Bunny!!

    Eldes rallied promotional tin tower born again ashes of inseparable star crossed lovers of man and Bunny tracing curtains to treasure and fine honors of harbingers to dragons in the sands of time recovering long dinners to points of arsenal spacecraft conversion to wingspan celebration role playing game gambles to shiver and explode freaky Meganium!!

    Eldes strongly burned hastened noonday promises of seawater surprise dopey winter hold greet singers of Jovi jam and princess of Pokémon!!

    Eldes tension redirected glistening arrow handsome pleroma felt hearts of surging pacer

    Bunny went to Egypt and rode a boat down the Nile River. She was throwing apples into the water as ancient Egyptian sea monsters rose up to grab them. Bunny was thinking about the Tower of Babel, and what the metaphor of language means. Bunny went through an Egyptian alien star-gate to see Dora the Explorer speaking Spanish. This child's cartoon reminded Bunny of Thomas the Tank Engine in Caterpie style for grade school being operated by Tyranitar through the great pyramid. Bunny used Mt Dew Live-Wire to bring Yugioh back to life and went swimming in the soda inside the pyramid.
    Bunny snuck into the Chronicles of Narnia wood between worlds and stole the White Witch's staff. To pull off this heist, Bunny used Kobe's Enemies Explode spell to wreck the Witch's headquarters, then plundering the staff and speeding away in Anakin's pod-racer which he let Bunny ride in exchange for his kingship-apprenticeship prize to add to his collection and transcend Yoda in wizardry the exact opposite way that Yoda intended, through possession.
    Bunny decided to take a very long trip from Father Crow's telescope to the star system that it was pointed at, travelling over the line of sight's path (not teleporting, but pacing) in an ultra quick dream-walker mode. Bunny transformed into a bull charging Rhyhorn to make this trek. Father Crow watched Bunny every step of the way, and engineered a new piece of zinc under all of Bunny's steps to transmit messages through the Will-Master's 2 Lightning-Crystals from start to finish. This was 1 sketch Father Crow had for infinities-ultimate.
    The breeding and rearing of your Meganium was a horse adventure that lifted off into the clouds over the open field. The spirit of Meganium blew a whistle to summon Gandalf's White Horse. Meganium was birthday shopping for Bunny at Target. She bought Bunny a black and white Germany-colored jacket to celebrate the 7-1 game of Bunny ears.
    Father Crow was very sad that Bunny wanted to have the very easiest possible type of victory to make it more likely. Bunny's Imagination was always free, but her Will was restricted. Still, she tried to believe and greatly treasured the spirit of magic that Father Crow brought to her. In the end, Bunny went back to the light-brown and cube shaped good luck charm she got from Raptor/Anakin.
    Kobe went to the Pokemon marine mania zoo tycoon aquarium to study the many shapes and sizes of Gyarados, swimming with them to take more steps towards fully banishing fear's gripping limits. Eventually, Kobe evolved into an older and more wise Mantine as a former Aerodactyl.
    Kobe Bryant as Mantine replaced the giant elephant in the middle of the Natural History Museum. The Jedi came from the Aerospace Museum and arrived in a rocket.
    In Pokemon Gold version, Father Crow as Ho-Oh loved being at the absolute end of the Pokedex as number 250. Seeing how big of a Pokedex maniac Professor Oak was, he invited Father Crow onto his radio show. Father Crow said that the future of Pokemon was in putting the final pieces of the Ruins of Alph puzzle together to summon Bunny with the Azure Flute and have her as the Liverpool Lugia emblem of what we should all aspire to be like.
    Father Crow was on a very old and haunted ship that arrived on the shores of Brazil. He did this in anticipation of lifting Germany to the World Cup crown as the final victory arrow that saw Dusclops as a fallen Ash Mr Mime receive eternal and everlasting, emblazoning Lugia glory and gold star-dust. Bunny with 7-1 was forever the highest man as a random and benevolent female alien, and for this, an ENTJ forever sought his revenge. Father Crow adapted and created an even better story, the fall and redemption of Zidane as to reach the mountaintop again just like he did in 2000, and add 9 Liverpool final saves to top 7-1 and 8-2.
    Bunny was driving a Red car without a roof with Raptor that had a just married license plate. Bunny then decided to go through the car wash. She loved the fluffy sponges that dried water and soap. The way they expanded and contracted reminded Bunny of Jigglypuff. Bunny gave an inspiring marriage speech at the microphone, highlighting Love taking off at the power of eternity to treasure meaning and happiness safeguarding the jewels of mango orange islands Lugia family as the jewel of the sea.
    The fate and destiny of the Superman as foretold by Father Crow was as bright as the sun, as haunting as midnight, as gargantuan as Jack of Blades, as fabled as destiny. There was a very rich and meaningful legend behind the sunset of passion, the curtain of twilight. A very old and wise God had his desires rooted into the very fissures of Imagination, extended as a net from sea to shining sea. Bunny would always sing that, "This kind of joy, even Jack can't destroy." Bunny was my Teddy Bear and Rose. Father Crow always drifted his life force across the enchanting groves of the Summer-Set Isles, dreaming of utopias, spelling out the web-spinners.

    Bunny and Father Crow were more neutral about this 1, but for me, 2011 is almost my favorite Championship ever, the Dallas Mavericks. It was an upset, an utter collapse, 100% disappointment and heart-break for the favored Heat. But the gallop to the top should never be taken lightly. It's kind of like the tortoise and the Hare.
    An aerospace-cosmology battle between Father Crow and Marius Florin, author of Galactic Super Civilizations Yahweh Vs. Lucifer Existential Game - The Terra Program would be incredibly interesting to me and Father Crow. They both were keenly motivated by an unquenchable and insatiable desire to expand across and fully understand the final limits of cosmology, feeling the Force, controlling conquest, obliterating restrictions, seeing further than anyone has seen before.
    Bunny was very interested in the many artistic and elegant feats in lightsaber forms, whereas Father Crow was more devoted to a complete overall mastery of the Force in potential and wisdom. Bunny also enjoyed collecting unique and extravagant saber crystals, whereas Father Crow kept 1 crystal evolving with his Soul.
    Father Crow's lightsaber crystal was invoking a deep-seated mission and life-aspiring quest to grow his heart into the heart of the truest Champion, like Kobe. Father Crow would think and contemplate to his own heart with all the strength and music of his very extremities of holistic meditation to unlock the truest mysteries of his sonority consoler's experiences to see all sides of the Force. His most noble and seeking chance cube would turn in his favor as he tractor-beam launched Bunny's album of tangents and Raptor's stasis to the top of Father Crow's own Golden watch and gallant gear-works averting the alien agenda to a higher fate than ordinary.
    BunnyRaptor's biggest goal is to evolve into Arceus. It's a cosmic enigma of color and mirth frolicking over stamps of the blizzard haven pouring gems and magnets into the bullet trains of lore and yonder destinations as the pages of God's china emporium histories of gathering make it all the way to Holonet-Lightningbolts.
    Bunny was carrying a torch to light the Dragon-fires of the glass ceiling in heaven and overturn the dark-sided king, freeing all trapped Souls, thrashing him.
    I was seeking meaning and the soul of eternity, transforming into the oceanic stars of vitality and the Lover's embrace. I clear my mind into a memory of eons and blazing states of mind, treats and blossoms. My silver snow wields the foundry blizzards to capture the resurrection of Saffron episodes, dragons and zig zag Pikachu pattern fractal explosions of gliding down Pokedex categories.
    Father Crow was moving through cyber-space at light-speed. Eventually, the code turned into a simulated galaxy. Aragorn turned out to be King of the world even many sci-fi leaps ahead.
    Darth Vader injected Aerodactyl DNA into his Force using cells to fully ramp up his Force powers. He could then annihilate futures as a bringer of Dragon-Ashes.
    2000 was the blessed channel of honor and voice, a moment of truth, a lamp for alpha projects. It was the exit from ignorance and destruction. The ceremony of white water purity and gentle lines to Venus embark with the banner of the silver moon in a canyon dusk over the mirror resolution. Everything so dear and snug in the Jade Golems brought Lucky Charms to the Wishing Well. On the night before the storm, the trees began transfiguring into Christmas bards.
    Man and Bunny were holding hands and inspired together listening to a classical jazz piece. The intellectual music got man to focus on Einstein's relativity. A moment with Bunny filled an eon of many moods to describe in the book of time.
    Bunny called me an SJ-pincher. Being all grouchy and angry all the time and being very strict about Bunny Imagination runs 2 steps up into a wall.
    Kingler lorded over the island with plunging work-horses and no-nonsense nit-picking. He had a gargantuan stone statue in his honor to let everyone know who's boss. Machamp swam into a raging whirlpool and cut the work-flow and never-ending work hours to free all of the slaves as Anakin after beating Mewtwo.
    Rhydon tackled a giant bulldozer and swam a mile to grip the sheer cold precipice and overbear the ghost of the Red Robin Saturn rings in duality training from the lowest to the highest.
    After Raptor saved the world in 2014, Bunny arrived to the sacred shrine of right and wrong where I was on a train. She was excited to see me safe and was relieved, but immediately questioned me for making her worry so much. She said that everyday, I'm her world.
    Sabrina and her Slowking were digging a bunch of holes on the Star Forge pony exhibit. Slowking loved Lord of the Rings, so it was his dream to recreate fairytale utopia. Sabrina wanted a bigger dollhouse, so their goals were related, as Lord of the Rings ponies can enter the dollhouse with special horse stories. This gave Slowking the idea of giving Sabrina a virtual Meganium for her birthday, mounted by Saruman.
    Bunny was jumping on a bunch of hay-stacks at the pumpkin patch. Shadow the Hedgehog was there adding a bunch of pumpkins to a dark chaos harvester. Bunny studied his techniques with siphoning chaos emerald power so she could teleport to more world emerald anchors.

    Father Crow was at a design board doing super-holographic cybernetics. It was part of an ever expanding network of boxes. Father Crow was hovering over the map of his empire, and turning it into a blueprint. He was putting together a Jedi Council as the central brain of this operation. He imagined himself setting sail for the wide world, going from point A, to B, to point Imagination.

    Bunny poured a bunch of M and Ms into a mailbox so the post-man could think about M Theory and spread the word. To Bunny, it could mean magic, mystery, mother, master, membrane, miracle. Bunny always loved miracles, delighting in the angelic presence of those who open up all possibilities for star-dust and Imagination.

    Bunny gave a very expensive cup to Michael Jordan to symbolize how extraordinary and summer-set destiny clad the way of Jordan was, and to aspire for mouse to man transformation of the highest and strongest.

    Bunny believes in Intelligent Design, that the highest wisdom animates all possibilities, and that we can have hope in our highest balance of heart and soul, peace and mind. But she still greatly reveres Darwin, as evolution shows Bunny the magic of the journey realizing all possible steps, stages, and manifestations of God, as well as Soul potential and the meaning of the eternities in the bliss of a boundless petal dance from germ to genesis and creationist ultimatum apart from physical illusions.

    Father Crow was moving through a map of the entire galaxy in Star Wars. He saw that the physical universe would freeze under Darth Vitiate, so Father Crow had to create the most colossal black hole in the universe to tunnel to another 1. The black hole that he created was a mirror reflection of the most large scale structure of Mt Everest. Everything is a mirror that points higher in a perfectly synchronized chain.

    Bunny was transported in her imagination to a far away city as an island next to a volcano. It was ruled by Articuno in the year 1900 as 1 of the utopias Tesla visited in his dreams. Bunny thought of the symbol of the higher man, and of the many thoughts and inventions that move through us as sigil stones and totems to higher divinity.

    Father Crow was flying through a purple space into a vision of Pikachu. Pikachu was crackling with psychic energies. They eventually reached a Hawaiian buffet prepared for Lebron in Miami. Father Crow saw the full severity of what this meant - if we don't focus enough on Imagination like Bunny does, the world life force and soul will die.

    Bunny was carrying a magic rainbow paintbrush that she glided over a swimming pool. On this shiny pathway, Bunny simulated the Virginia Company ship setting sail for the New World.

    Bunny was meditating by a crystal pure waterfall. She sat there staring at the rose petals in the Zen garden. It was part of Bunny's Jedi training to make peace and transform into the Force. Bunny was promised by Father Crow that her favorite human would give her the icing on the cake to grace the meadow and join her in myth making. Bunny's Wish came true when Raptor asked her out to have a cup of apple soda at the Tuscany vineyard.

    Bunny admired Raptor more than anyone for how he always seeks to expand his mind. He never stopped building new structures of the Bunny trilogy. Even Father Crow joined Bunny in this appreciation after the World Cup in Brazil, as it made everything else fated for Bunny. This was where Father Crow's true heart was, and as much as he loved building, he desired nothing more than to see Bunny smile.

    Bunny released a rainbow into the world that made all blessings and special enigmas possible. Her heart was musical and fluid. Tales of golden power and fortunes of celebration descended into the arena of mercurial fanfare.

    Bunny was preparing a pumpkin pie, a tomato pizza, and an ice cream cake. She was planning to bring them to a picnic with Pooh. Yoda joined them too in a small tube rocket from the Wookie world. Yoda brought food from the orchard. Bunny, although eating more junk than Yoda, could as a whole identify with Yoda's discarding of wealth. The only measurement that mattered to Bunny and Yoda was that size matters not.

    Bunny appeared on a giant television screen in time square, looking really sad and in need for help. Her message was galactic and messiah like, but was too alien for understanding. Bunny was just a small little square at heart herself, but she did pull out an ancient Mew card to bring the legend to life.

    Meganium was very arrogant about being an ENFP Champion. He thought that he was so mighty and powerful, standing atop an extremely high tower of greatness over the divide to a revolutionary and expansive world.

    Father Crow was waving a black and white checker-board pattern flag. He was excited about Pinnacle-Rainbow's Flight of Spring. He predicted that Bunny would win.

    Kobe came swooping into the competition at full speed, determined that his vehicle of vengeance would scale to the biggest outlier system, all the way to Tatooine. No contingency would be missed by Kobe. It was very close between Kobe and Bunny, but Kobe won against Father Crow's predictions, as Kobe had a very ancient soul inscription Red as blood that tapped the unknown and couldn't be foreseen or predicted.

    Kobe let Father Crow know that an upset in Pokemon Stadium 2 was possible. Bunny always had the best numbers, but Father Crow knew that he should've realized that numbers can't track everything, can't tell the full web-spinner's and fate-weaver's sagas.

    Bunny was observing people in the community of cosmic consciousness, and she loved merging into wholeness and serenity. That the mind could leap to irrational positions and destroy the laws of probability made Bunny have a splendid thinking mood of majestic conception. She wasn't as serious as most of them, but was inspired into lucidity.

    Bunny was studying the psychology of Leonardo da Vinci, and was star-struck by the extreme limits of human and alien generative creativity with explosions of music and harbors of the highest love for nature and all things green and vibrantly overhauled.

    Bunny visited the turtle Pokemon island, and was in deep conversation with a Wartortle, who was speaking in parables and archetypes. Apparently, the mystery of Blastoise had something to do with the shadow of the highest, and the greatest heist of all time. Blastoise had an ancient dragon trajectory in his equations, and the secrets of the stars. He was Wartortle’s leader, and had amassed an extraterrestrial empire, but his island was unknown. Bunny hit the jackpot discovering it, a sign that she too was destined for great things. As Bunny and Wartortle both looked together at the azure sky, they wished to scale the dream to win again, and never stop climbing the endless fountain that is the ocean to never ending tales and biblical art, like in Rivendell with the picture of defeating Sauron and the ring of power. Shockingly, Bunny was the 1.

    Father Crow went to a philosopher's council where everyone was wearing a Slowking helmet. They were discussing the mystery of whether or not we can really know for sure that the sun will rise the next day. Father Crow brought Bunny as his secret weapon, as she had some dangerous and extreme theories on fantasy destroying the very axioms of truth, maybe even scientific laws. He knew her faith in magic would will the world.

    Bunny went to an underwater city where every Vaporeon was an INFJ. She saw how elegant and rapturous they all were, able to hum with the tridents of sophistication. Bunny went here because she was exploring the mythic setting of 1 of her favorite movies, Barbie Mermaidia. She even had that lunchbox.

    Bunny's solution to Father Crow's philosophical gathering was that as long as the earth turns, she will always love me, and that I would come to know everything about her and master a system on her. Raptor sees Bunny as a playground rainbow of shimmering portraits to other worlds.

    Bunny was trying to put a puzzle together about Slowking and his giant lighthouse that had dinosaur fossils inside. Bunny saw the lighthouse as a beacon of hope to lost ships. It is your destiny to reach the lighthouse pinnacle and complete your journey. With just the luminous sea before you and no distractions, your Imagination reaches childhood.

    Bunny shot a bunch of arrows up into the sky, and as they fell, she was dancing around them. The Mythic Dawn was afraid that this art would overturn their midnight rituals. Their leader's holy book was very fabled with hidden memories of a lost paradise. Bunny's heart to find freedom and bliss in the curtain of ideals could overturn any Gale of Darkness.

    Bunny shrunk herself so she could walk on her favorite cake with 81 Raptor candles. Father Crow also descended onto the cake out of a giant hexagram in the sky. He thunder charged down from a blue light, and turned the 81 candles of Kobe into a colosseum. That such a complete clock could be created was a miracle. The points of light anchored to stratagem and upgrades was a 200% explosion of crowning Architectonics.

    Professor Oak was studying the Pokedex and Bill's database, as Oak was trying to envision what his motivation should be when taking care of Pokemon at his lab and what kind of ideal habitat to install. Oak wanted to observe and understand Pokemon with minimum meddling. But he also wanted the bond between man and Pokemon to grow.
    Bunny thought of Father Crow as Gandalf making maximum haste to be edging ahead of evil. Gandalf summoned a giant butterfly that drifted snow upon the landscape with his wings. The wizard transformed into fairy with angelic rapture.
    Bunny went to the land of dragons and experimented with a variety of flamethrowers and carbonite projectors. She also found legendary martial artists there too copying exotic dragon transformation styles into their techniques.
    Father Crow was a master magician making a bunch of elements swirl around a Pokeball. He always enjoyed plays, drama, and twisted perspective illusions. Father Crow was the unicorn that gave Bunny the assurance of a bright future in a far off fantasy grove over the rainbow mountain.
    Slowking was reading a book about Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, dreaming of a golden age saga in an inverted earth. He studied many snake dialogues in an assassin's Zen state of mind where everything he conceptualized turned to extreme tin tower Ho-Oh gargantuan scale dominion.
    Fiction is so beautiful and accessible, these tours of fascinating lands and high minded architectures. But the ghost world is also vital and resolute in the devoted embrace of future sight and the mysticism of high flying powers in the Force, the knowledge and story weaving that entails the absolute release of the soul. To unmask the enigma of experience and evolution shows the true secret of destiny and dreaming. Ghost consciousness in the life force of a colossal mind rooted into the furthest and deepest fissures in existence and the macroverse make possible the most feathery of all friendships and fantasies.
    The legacy of Bunny is in the Kardashev volt tackle to ram into the highest system and undo the chalice burn heal of Slowking freeing up the mind to inhabit and crystallize enthralling mind jars that captivate and shake with the full power of Wish and warriorship rare Wartortle Wisdom of walls to Skywalker and SolitaryWalker Yoda. The wellspring of worlds in in the Whirl Islands of orange Halloween.
    The voyaging freedom to stretch off into the all expanding blue and yearn for love, for channels of flamingo gift shops, to go to Animal Kingdom at Disney World make every jewel of the sea, crowned in folly, girly flow, elvish snips of Bunny, grabbing a Klondike ice cream bar with Hades in a Red Eyes Black Dragon guru to the sage of eons going into the black hole to discover a trench to Atlantis enlarged to be the fated lunch box of a cup of intellect on ice with God singing to the pumpkin harvest of the goat in a death field of bribing endangered species a coffin for Boba Fett shaving a costume pincher like Bill showering Larvitar in a Best Buy Xbox waging a far away gist of noodles and Kung Fu Panda the Dragon Warrior.
    Gengar jumped up many multiverses and zipped a sheer cold torrent onto the pixie dust of the magic mirrors. Lugia passed a flashlight into constellations of ghost gems in an underwater current. Suicune and Celebi were both the same Pokemon, eyeing a flux of watches and arrows in the harmony helix as Plato trained Hawaiian alchemists of Articuno moonlight shadows and angels of darkness.
    Bunny was at a McDonalds play-set with Meganium as Bunny brought a bunch of plastic mini balls and turned them into chocolate Easter eggs. Bunny thought of Bugs Life when she travelled through the worm-like tubes. Then she brought the soda fountain and turned all of the tubes into soda slides and the mini balls as crystal soda bubbles.
    Bunny was riding Meganium everywhere in Elder Scrolls and equipped Meganium with the Boots of Blinding Speed and the Boots of Spring-Heal Jack.
    Father Crow was always extremely interested in finding his place in the galaxy in his godhood quest, like Luke Skywalker. He's perhaps the greatest cosmologist ever, always searching for fulfillment and the ultimate meanings behind every saga. Like Raptor, he's been tightly organized from birth to track and seek wisdom. A very rare select few can rival Father Crow in achievement and glory of the highest nobility. He appeared to Raptor and Bunny as the most pure hearted male and female, and both about the most ethical/moral as well.
    Father Crow was sitting atop the roof of my dad's house, and poked a hole to look in through at me. He put a telescope in that gap and appeared as an extravagant star. Everything that went on in my dad's house of worth Father Crow beamed to the highest clock tower in London as he teleported there and circled the clock tower in glory.
    I was camping in a tent with Bunny, and her point was to teach me to rely on friendship, not luxury/technology. Bunny imagined herself flowing with a bunch of Star Wars ship lights and listening to harmonious jazz music with a crystal Barbie unicorn. Bunny believed that the meaning of life included finding inner peace to surge and reverse flow from familiarity to the fantastic.
    Yoda and JarJar got together to build a snowman. They equipped him with a magnificent Jedi robe. Yoda and JarJar took a photo of their snowman by a mythic lighthouse with a grass cliff behind. It was an omen that a long time ago it was the icy Skyrim battlefield of dragons. The lighthouse symbolized wizard evolution and becoming Gandalf the White.
    I was accelerating down both lanes of infinities-ultimate with Sonic the Hedgehog, cranking up firepower and explosions to edge ahead and smash asunder gale force penetration shattering contorted.
    Kobe focused and concentrated his mind and being on 1 goal that was a wizardry and mastery of every step to try to do everything perfectly and achieve the utter maximum with assurance and fulfillment.
    Bunny went to the top of a great colosseum and mortar and pestle chimney salsa danced to a pool of reflection. All Bunny wanted to do was to think about things all day. Bunny gave Winnie the Pooh Bear a bunch of Easter eggs, and all Pooh said was think think think, thinking about what to think about.
    Mike Brown was wearing a Rhydon costume. He had a very loud and commanding voice. Steph Curry planted a bunch of giant broccoli around Brown. Then a Japanese movie producer filmed Mike Brown in panic mode.
    Bunny honestly felt that nobody was greater than Father Crow. The way Father Crow aspired for a larger and more impossible existence with flair and ambition to dare and venture into the unknown with all Will and no rationality showed Bunny to ignite the flares of prophecy and see her dreams catalyze the legendary ways of fiction made into the final arrow of extraordinary meaning, meaning enough to skyrocket past all fossils and redeem all that has been by creating, from roses are red to live-wire is orange.
    Stephen Curry means that Father Crow's cosmology transcended Stephen Hawking. Father Crow started out like Sagan says we will, treading the ocean waves to stir the imagination and contemplate what should be with our destiny. Father Crow engaged in serious yet spirited reflecting, questioning, and curiosity to unravel and decode life's greatest mysteries and joys. He descended lower than any being has gone before into the cosmic wellspring to realize 1 great Wish, of conjuring Bunny to embark across endless heart-warming adventures with the stamp, assurance, and security of Father Crow that we shall never ascend the mountains of truth in vain, as we will either get higher up today, or train our powers so that we may get up higher tomorrow. With this quest comes magic, mania, and transformation, that driving our wills to create ever evolving voyages from the mountaintop to omega is how Father Crow in 2006 and beyond won Golden Ball. The launch into over-struck stadiums with the roar of the thunder and the crashing of the waves primes us for 1 great destiny. It's the mountaintop, the noon, the shatter-point, and colorful word-play as far as the eye can see. Your ascent starts today.
    Kobe's 81 value of inspiring glacier powers up following of the richest jungle canopy of unlocking the higher levels and extending the staircase has Kobe teleporting Tyranitar to silver snakes of threads to prophecy sneaking sonority to make Kobe the Leonardo da Vinci of the Kardashev scale city of angels.
    Bunny was trying to eat yogurt with spoon telekinesis. She added sprinkles to add to the feeling of psychic magic. Father Crow came in a night-shade and leveled the moon down out of the sky to earth as a symbol of the potential of Bunny's psychic powers boosted by growth and training.
    Father Crow was celebrating his birthday in outer space. He called all of his friends and gave them sincere thanks for his cards. His favorite gift was a message in a bottle over the ocean from Bunny. Bunny came from Japan, which Father Crow found very exotic and interesting. Father Crow himself was from Germany, reflected in his advanced scholastic interests and sophistication, from the land of philosophers, including Nietzsche who was his best match. The birth of the higher man is a seemingly fated prophecy that Father Crow always believed in, that the sacred wisdom and teachings of all ages could crystallize into a pure work of genius.
    My aim was always to learn by going on a big journey, but that's only part of the big picture. That life is full of paradoxes and possibilities adds more life to the game, where our goals is to play best and work all the rules. Joy to the world prances the gateways of mythology. It has an other-worldly element. That nature is such a twisted device yet philosophers want all to embrace physicality is 1 confusion among many. People often say that Kobe loved the real world, yet it's really bad. But if you tap into God, then maybe all the pieces of the real world fall into place. God is the highest calling and our highest labyrinth.
    Bunny wants to string away from reality with me in our own little Wish bubble. It's extremely sad that we're apart from interaction and the crowd's spotlight, yet we follow our hearts to sensitive squiggles of meaning and mysticism.
    Bunny was very glad to receive her McDonalds Happy Meal and get out the child's toy inside. She discovered that her package was a Bug's Life grasshopper. This reminded Bunny of a land of flying DNA strands and Van Gogh abstract vantage points. Bunny felt that Pokemon painted evolution as a magical and enchanting story and journey.
    Bunny went to an imaginary city under a rainbow that was as deep in the clouds as in the mountain ranges decorated in Looney Tunes 6 Flags rollercoasters. An emperor magician in purple robes sent his void of spacetime warp drives to battle the Crimson King before the big bang and anchor Pikachu at the Dark Tower super-nexus in all worlds.
    Michael Jordan was wearing a very fine Arch-Mage's hat, and by far his favorite student was Kobe. That was how Jordan came to be known as the Washington Wizard. Jordan invented a spell called "Enemies Explode" which Kobe remodeled and enhanced in technique and execution dubbed Humunga Krakatoa.

    Bunny wrapped a picture album and gave it to Father Crow for Christmas. Father Crow was using his free will to treasure those golden memories of Bunny smiling and opening up warm hearted voices and sensations in the magical meadow. Father Crow awarded Raptor the cross of glory for escorting Bunny to cloud 9, where all enchanting creatures go to swim through the bright frontiers and make Bunny timelines as flowing with feelings and crystal clear foolish elevation.
    Bunny came in bird form singing with Father Crow in a spring rose crisp flame of arcing dreams making a dollhouse arrive at the far future. A tsunami in space opened an electric personality for Bunny to engage the cookie monster with cartoon tongues. Bunny always thought that performance and presentation go to the final forge of a life bringing journey to the end of time and the cave of frozen rockets falling down into the most large scale plan in existence.
    Bunny repented for punching her ticket to Star Trek red matter with paradoxes in the Force mutating telescope aerospace.
    Bunny invited me into her taxi. We went in caterpillar zig-zags. A star descended slightly over the road tossing water sprinkles everywhere. Slowking signs advertised love of learning. We finally arrived at the land of spiders.
    Father Crow arranged a bunch of exotic gamble cubes that expertly sliced into extremely metaphysical questions. Jynx contorted an airplane firing at a giant bulldozer that paid no heed to manners and friendliness. A harbinger of other worlds appointed Father Crow as head librarian of the Jedi archive.

    Bunny was walking through a Meganium habitat on Marius Florin's space station, considering the eons, imagining the pinnacle of evolution. Bunny was more interested in the magic of where everything is headed rather than the falsely studied real world past. She believed in destiny, and helped to secure destiny's future by showing those initiating the future Love.
    Father Crow was reading the Tao Te Ching, aiming his focus and ambition on being a just leader, and rewarding Lao Tzu with more happy go lucky afterlife miracle signs. Father Crow felt that people should solve their own problems, basically throwing Bunny into the water so she learns to swim. Father Crow saw the way of heaven and the higher goals in symbols, looking for the thousand paths in seeking your higher balance, going for diversity rather than points. Father Crow extremely valued how Kobe always goes with his heart. They both believed in courage and self reflection, to open the door to immortality, where far off dreams taste the rainbow.
    Father Crow tried to imagine every possible type of world that he could create. He was intensely interested in cosmology, feeling that meaning we create even transcend true meanings. So that's where Bunny came into the equation, as Father Crow sees Bunny as the MVP, using her free will and choosing to believe in fool's stories.
    Father Crow was immensely powerful, an incredible philosopher, believing in maximum danger, and drawing on the full depths of passion to anime his plans for the sheer prizes of calculation to conception. No matter how long it takes, Father Crow remains inexorably patient to map out the millennia. A way he was like Raptor is how they both always build. Father Crow however was naturally far more value based than Raptor, as Father Crow would examine artistic shades from the luminous prism of many dimensions. Eventually, he and Bunny got Raptor to do the same. Both Father Crow's biggest strength and weakness was his skeptical ideas on revelation, not being faithful, but to unmask every illusion in both reality and imagination, which turned him into both the all knowing and in the process of becoming all powerful God, but BunnyRaptor would team up with Father Crow to finish the deal of willing the unthinkable by valuing and believing in the emotional (not value based) impossibilities.

    Bunny went into a rage candy bar selling stand and gave Slowpoke tails to Nikola Tesla. He had to win 9 tails to hijack the Celadon City casino. A Porygon was sold for that price, and so began a duel of philosophy vs invention, Bunny vs Tesla. Montalk battled as Deoxys, riding a snapple to the stone of evolution for Arceus assuming all types of Pokemon. Montalk borrowed Delibird's Bill to start a variety of alien languages. A colossal Game Boy in the middle of town had a link cable to Saffron City and duels between Porygon and Lapras Cerulean Cave Ruins of Alph and aliens.

    Bunny was trying to decide what spell her mage's staff should be enchanted by. 1 spell Bunny wondered about was to rally people to her side, because she never had been charismatic, but she wasn't motivated by leadership. Then Bunny considered telekinesis, because making her staff reminded her of lightsabers, using the Force to glide crystals into a hilt. Bunny finally ultimately decided on soul entrapment, as she desired nothing more than to merge into Raptor's Life Force, and together to build both of their ways back to Father Crow.

    Bunny designed a fancy dinner that had a different holographic Pokemon card sprite emblem on each of the cups and plates. The alphabet soup was in bowls that opened up atop like a Poke-ball. The soda pop jug had a picture of Mew.
    Man and Bunny were singing songs to each other of wealth and sparks of passion in a summer time theater in a delicate garden by the lagoon. Bunny imagined herself again as Michael Jordan taking off to the sky as Charizard, where all powers were unleashing.
    Bunny's always tried to emphasize that it was me that liked her more than she liked me. But she promised me that if I Love her with all of my heart, then she would send it back to me ten-fold. Bunny values love more than anything. All of her decisions are based on love. @one even told me it's creepy that Bunny demands this much Love. But Bunny as Michael Jordan Charizard taking off to the sky is the exact opposite of Stephen Hawking as a super heavy penguin emperor Metagross diving head first into the heart of the South Pole and the all rational and heartless, calculating ice of a static and un-evolving worldview of knowledge, or a so called wisdom infinitely transcended by Kobe's Will. Kobe could be clutch and icy under pressure too, but he was fueled by desire, dreaming, envisioning the furthest frontiers and the highest Light.
    Bunny was orchestrating a symphony of a logical and categorical elegance in statistical equations. She wanted the cosmic consciousness to be in synchronicity with ideas and theories of fairy-topia shouting out to the cloud 9 face of time going to the rose petals of a ghost in the wind that descended with fragrance and streaming as a sophisticated song bird rolling with the free will and serene grace of heaven in your heart and hero's resolve to paint with the language of the Perfect One, a signature bell tower proclaiming a call to creativity over the sea of a mysterious eon averted.

    The main character in all of these stories is Bunny. She's an alien female of high creative power and faith in the highest themes. Bunny tags along with Raptor for the sheer mania of adventure and the learning process. Bunny's always held that fantasy transcends truth and makes things more meaningful.

    The auxiliary character is Raptor, myself. I crush all restrictions in a self labeled effort as the final annihilator. My worldview is all about exceeding the last limits.

    The most powerful character is Father Crow, a Pokemon called Ho-Oh, and the true God of everything below Bunny, which is absolutely everything. Father Crow desired more than anyone else to achieve the top position of knowledge and omnipotence, essentially ruling the mountaintop, and the Architect of the highest achievements Imaginable. He is an incredibly Loving, hard working, and loyal person, but he is also an exquisite storyteller, and is the all exalted overseer of human nature and virtue. Father Crow rates Bunny 1st, Raptor 2nd ever since Germany won the 2014 world cup, and himself higher than most.
    Father Crow had a very fine office set up for himself. He set himself up as the counselor and mentor of Wes. They dominated the land of Orre with noble schemes that had no limit of ambition. They trained a Tyranitar to build the Wizard's Tower super-nexus.

    Bunny was ruling the Rose Barbie council chambers with each leader afront a big crystal. She wanted everyone to sing with the Force in synchronicity and serenity. Bunny envisioned a world of endless grass fields where all of the storybook character animals line up for the tortoise and the Hare race.

    Lionel Messi as Zang the Gandalf Entei was the highest man, jigsaw puzzle cartoon Kid’s WB Yourself geysers of summer digging fonts of warden’s teeth game freak coupons to flamethrower Montalk cosplay!!

    Socrates went to the Scholar's Garden dressed up as a dynamite pack with Nietzsche. All of the philosophers pasted James Harden beards onto their faces. Then Stephen Hawking boarded a shuttle with GreenFairy to talk about time travel.

    Training to become a Jedi requires the upmost open mind to always be learning and be an emblem to timeless themes. The Force teaches us the long and difficult path to the Ultimate.

    Bunny asked me if she could have this dance. Every step Bunny took sprouted new blossoms under her feet. Bunny folded up into a metal ball and became the core of Tyranitar.

    Tesla transcends into a dragon and selects Giordano Bruno as chess board archon usurper that must be stopped at all costs!

    Bunny went to the zoo and rode around the park in a train. She brought some of the animals with her to a time-share as the zebra and lion devoured gallons of Mountain Dew. Bunny listened to a bunch of jazz music and teleported to the top of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Bunny walked out of a bell tower summit as every step she took through the air crystallized into a glass step. She magically summoned a big tsunami from the ocean while holding hands with Barbie and Winnie the Pooh. Dreams of Atlantis came true.

    I went to the casino with Bunny as we were served pizza by a mermaid. Bunny siphoned inner peace like Kung Fu Panda 2 and hit the jackpot. She could celebrate victory forever as a Meganium.

    Bunny was following Tom Montalk through an icy cave led forward by a Charmander. Tom wore a variety of alien masks and realigned omega-point energies. Me and Tom drank from the Holy Grail. An ancient Bunny fossil purified the lake of life that we drank from. Bunny forever searches for the meaning of life.

    Bunny went to a library and a book club with Meganium. There was a spiral staircase there that looked like blue Lugia petals. Meganium waved a green lightsaber through a blue butterfly nest. The highest man was perceived as Entei in a cloud shape, which gave Meganium hope looking up to him.

    Bunny was telling me a story in the same way that Tree-beard was talking to the Hobbits. Bunny descended into a glowing diamond to recharge and strengthen Gandalf's enchantments for competing against the iron will of Saruman.

    Kobe went further under the ocean than any man had ever gone before. There was an unspeakable substance to his career, and an arrow that could not be sharper in piercing Smaug. The purity in Kobe's Heart was intense and white hot, hot enough to smite the satanic star of Smaug. If Bilbo went into the invisible regions of the dragon's lair, Kobe found a carbonite of lightning to telescope zoom into Smaug's gaping chainmail.
    Bunny's extrication found an explosion of holographic levels in Father Crow's symphony. The beauty of Ho-Oh was reflected in every halo and distant mountaintop dream of the ages. A new power has risen in the east, the land of reborn.

    Bunny always wears a Heart of snuggles and happiness. It's a dream down the Rose garden. Starlight entertainment launched the sonority of hyperspace to make plush and cuddly the portal to Yoda. Yoda very slowly fell through the air to glass panels acting as totems to Disney princesses. Yoda climbed up a very large metaphysical ladder to the hallway of legends. Not all of the stories were happy, but there was always more to learn, a meaning for all.
    I created a ball in my hands that changed colors for all of the feelings that I was experiencing. I unleashed thousands of thunderbolts across all of hell as a ripple in time. There was always a different door that led to a different sector. Bunny came to a paradise valley and brought paintings of star-seeds to the engineer and alchemist of Atlantis Tom Montalk. A battle aboard the Star Forge brought the green waters of Lugia's song to the azure sky of the next dimension. There was a color in Kobe's Heart that brought the green fissures of vis to chaos control.

    Bunny awarded me a bubble bath in the crown of victory for a well earned aroma of bright Love. Bunny went to a land where there were many clocks with many different readings. In the golden kingdom of angels, there were many illustrious statues as precursors to magical Prophecies. Bunny went to the Maleficent star-gate and spawned the storm of the century at the lighthouse. A young Bunny version of herself greeted her in a mythic subset of If and Will. Gandalf gave counsel to Bunny for securing her consciousness into the vessel of reborn millennia.

    Bunny was trying to put a puzzle together that showed a dinosaur wearing many steel parts to become an alien cyborg. They claimed that they came from the stars. It was kind of a bizarre boost into the beyond. Nietzsche would also swap various animal symbols to show his advancement. There is a vast and unexplored jungle to uplift.

    Bunny was always on pace to eclipse the Trade Federation of numerical rules and polished glass. Her lightsaber crystal was a florescent purple just like Master Windu. Bunny was riding a flying dinosaur over the Kamino ocean. The dinosaur king was solitary and speculative in a pyrite mountain full of visions and secrets.

    I seek bliss and security with a mind full of wonder and presents. To copy courage and hope forever turns the Zen of foaming diaries and covers of flow into sunshine. I always pour rubies and silver songs into twilight canopies of immersion and elegance. I shimmer peace and freedom with glossy sprites heavenly waving flash frame enfolding. The cartoon nexus balloons bubbly cakes.

    Every intellect in the world wide web clustered the way of the Fool at the Pokemon breeding center 3D dream-scapes forking and branching into the paradise of Mew.
    Sabrina was digging a hole to hollow earth electromagnetic crystal powered cities. Harbors to inter-galactic utopias pasted dreams and carnival rides to light fantastic expresses through the ruins of alph.

    Bunny was swinging on a bunch of jungle vines to the aquarium and turned them all into spaghetti. Bunny crash landed into oakveil from Fable and opened a build-a-bear shop with Eevee evolution stones. Bunny teleported to the top of the lighthouse and Imagined herself as Frodo the ring-bearer. Bunny spoke to the talking tree in Pocahontas about Love for freedom and the ceremony of true feelings of forever and sunshine. Bunny created a jazz symphony for all of Kobe's baskets in the 60 point game. Bunny invited me to her castle and threw a robe over it to magically turn it into Realgam Tower from Pokemon Colosseum overseen by Father Crow. There is always victory, always exaltation, and always a Bunny Macroverse to experience. It flies as a Pegasus to a place where hope has wings. The crystal cinema performs a Dark Magician signature inviting Meganium into Fairytopia. Bunny brought the ring-wraiths to the most extreme elements of purifying light in the Heart diamond.

    Bunny revolved around Lugia in many elemental orbs and glass prisms. Bunny brought the flight of spring to Wal-mart. She robed a big rose around my bed. Bunny turned and opened the doors to the world of the new millennium. She went in the millennium falcon with Yoda to the edge of the Force. Bunny was the true nature of the Force. Bunny always sang Her song of thanks and return at Green-field. She was the Queen of the chess board, the most powerful piece. Bunny fired the Rainbow-bridge to infinity from earth.

    Bunny was flickering in the liquid light of dragon constellations. She went inside of the large haydron collider and dreamed of the elegant web-spinner. Bunny was questing for the super-nexus as the Kid's WB Yourself transformer. Bunny did a Force-jump into the emperor's highest office. Bunny knew how all the pieces of the master emerald go together.

    When I went really far into the future, I saw the creation of all Macro-verses. Every moment of time was reflected in Father Crow's feathers. Every tree was in charge of a different type of wizard's element. Bunny is dreaming of having a storybook that makes everything a fun fantasy.

    Bunny redirected the lightning of the final annihilator and brought the highest magic of Sotha Sil to the extremities of Vis.

    Bunny painted a picture of a lively and jubilant elephant in a tuxedo shooting down Nikola Tesla jumping from a stallion to the zoo of facts. Bunny was delighted by the sensational miracles of lifting Pokemon cartoons to maximum Pikachu potential. Wallpaper of holographic prizes summoned Ho-Oh to create a future of ultimate victory. The cardinal directions pointed into the Rainbow archway. Father Crow seeks more than anyone to be inscribed into the Pokemon dome hall of fame.

    All of the levels of heaven began spinning in a fractal tornado of psychic Lugia energy with a Celebi forest at the dawn of time. A sea of absolute beauty emerged at the door to impossible dreams. But that we can always aspire to be so much more than what we were initially designed as is how the game of creation is made legendary. The amount of futures that Bunny's heart can stretch off into are absolutely infinite and endless.

    Venus reached an extremely high polarity of mystic revelation as the unknown fringes outpoured a Rainbow blanket. That we resurrect ancient old world enigmas and find that hidden star-shine shows just how sublime and perfect the narcissistic mirror channels the deepest anchor. The Red Eyes Black Dragon went to South America with Japanese jewelry. Lugia's song reanimated the flighty whisper in the sky. Thus Spoke Zarathustra made the vision of exploration a metaphysical masterpiece.

    I infused all of my weapons with the power of the Varla Stone. I set off the big bang down the rabbit hole as the fingers of the mountain self detonated master class Orre Colosseum professorship views on willpower and intelligence. The arcane university was an adventure in seeing Yoda debate the full spectrum of omnipotence.

    Power Rangers descended onto Mustafar and summoned a giant battle droid from a lava waterfall as Palpatine showed the superiority of storm-troopers to Sauron's entire army of orcs. The Time Wizard went thousands of years into the future to turn baby Lugia into Sabrina the plot weaver and Master of strings.

    Deep in the heart of ancient China, there was a door to a place of timeless wisdom with the head of a dragon on it. Within was a striking green light that, when stood within, allowed one to summon all of his experiences, and draw soul growth from them. There was a cave carved deep into the heart of a great mountain far underground where within, a great dinosaur king sat meditating underneath a waterfall. A lighthouse stood by the shores of tomorrow, searching for the ultimate life form. A matrix stood that archived the entire journey of life and beyond.

    The world's great stage allows for a chance at greatness, a chance at stardom, a chance at legacy and fable unraveling into a platinum controller that puts a hat atop the highest pinnacle electrocuting the stars. That aerospace grabs the gallery of the evolving tsunami is how Lugia is unleashed into the dream field of a timeless encounter.

    The dream of being able to teleport anywhere makes the city of God an easy dream to realize, where for Bunny, the super-nexus is easily accessible and universal, drawing on the deepest depths of the Force. Enlightenment on the meaning of strength and turning inward to resolve the mind's eye makes a larger echo in the pool of ideals and the cave of revelation.

    Da Vinci went to NASA, and exploded the potential of hyperspace to encounter every crystal city and electromagnetic train for flowering at the bottom of the ocean in the year 3000 with the symphony of science carrying on a long legacy of appreciating nature and all of life's possibilities in its infinite beauty. A giant metal ball exploded and reconfigured into Pokemon Stadium in the year 2000.

    Bunny was walking on a roadway throughout the galaxy with a rainbow following behind her footsteps. She was helping Anakin to fulfill his wish of trekking across every corner of the galaxy. George Lucas jumped into a pool that waved with every polarity of the Force. While Jar Jar was relaxing at Chuck E Cheeses, Anakin was connecting to his higher self, a soul sealed in Pokemon cards. When Jar Jar zapped his tongue on Anakin's podracer, the light side of the Force helped him on his long path to recovery. In the physical world, creative acts like words can be our bridge to the higher and make us more free. Anakin looked up to Stephen Hawking winning the nobel prize at Tyranitar's Jedi Council table. Tyranitar was Giordano Bruno. Bruno's faith in the greater Macroverse was the will of the world.

    Looking at all of the paths to the ultimate was no domain for the fortune teller, as the way was very random and full of clouded futures. To train perfectly, and peak in resonance with the path you set foot on defined your story and who you are, be it a scoundrel, wizard, or saint. I descend for the last time into the valley to say something of my heavenly treasure, of the fortitude in my heart that turns time and freezes hurricanes.

    Slowbro was in a hot tub with a big long ladder that reached down to an invisible sun. Many imaginary castles brought 1000 copies of Gandalf in the hall of fame with many Bunny statues. Father Crow went to Zidane to teach him the martial arts technique of spitting against the tempest wind's will.

    Going to the elevator of Realgam Tower brought Ho-Oh a kingly gift - 2 droids, C3P0 and R2D2. Branding a flamethrower to burn with the Hope Diamond soul was a tight crunch against the odds. Ho-Oh shot a rainbow of will into the white board to create detailed battle plans with Lao Tzu dressed up as Megaman NT Warrior of the ripe crystal waters of the golden age. There was no end in sight to the underwater torrent to the mind of god and the Force in an alternate existence.

    Bunny streams into me with entrapped soul sparks to animate and move me from blazing emporiums above quiet thoughts magically casting light and orbs of sweet misty vines glittering futures of a divine Star plush and serene in mouse lush flames and inert forms of playtime gardens treasuring fun and lenses of the island ahoy clockwork mirror floating adrift time and arrows implanted cuisine secret remedy browsing florescence dressing the equation shining blizzard coast!!
    Bunny is someone I’m always bound to, joined in celebration and pen markers drinking from the cup of love and angelic rainbow promises internalizing fantastic dramas and universal song and yin Yang flames to grow and spin the trains and race-cars that bounce for scenic trances and windows of perfume spanning an eon of Yoda digging selections of blurry fusion and chosen presents continental trimming rubrics of striving captions drilling seawater heaving binoculars of fruits and journeys!!
    Bunny held my hand in marriage and galloped with emergency upstairs countdowns to dusk and bracing for implosion with furry friend unicorn dances humming a breakfast yankee fissure of underwear and barbecue firmament caving grenades!!
    Raptor triumphed as da Vinci over the battlefield, as a conqueror, as a hero, as a would be master of civilization, with the arrogance and his head held high like a Meganium shocked by Nikola Tesla.
    Bunny was observing the transformation of time as she walked along a river. She contemplated the cosmic calendar and the mysteries of size and volumes of relics deep in the labyrinth of the voice of spirit. Bunny could see the glories and luminosity of the essence of the Cosmic God.

    Kingdom Hearts taught me to look within myself for answers, to question everything, to channel rich rivers of lush love and fountains of purity and harmony, to explore darkness and feel the tides of the ether roll back.
    Bunny was following a golden trail of star-dust. It was like a big stack of dominoes to her. Bunny brought Raptor back to youth and an imagination of wonder going wherever your heart leads, just like Lugia says in Pokemon 2000
    Bunny was listening to the voice of God vibrating through hyperspace, over every chalice of the crystal fringe. Bunny was glowing white hot and blazing over a jigsaw puzzle. Bunny looked at her reflection, and summoned all possible past and future versions of herself. She healed, and walked back down to earth from Barbie Fairytopia.
    Bunny rode an invitation to Kingdom Hearts on a Mamoswine. She lost to Newton in a duel of words, but she used them more creatively rather than logically. Bunny was always a psychic Pikachu with the ability to teleport. Bunny and Raptor could each use the nexus of heart to always know how they each feel.
    Bunny believed in soul mates, building a bridge together into the coils of recharging enchantments and high colosseum apexes. The journal of Saffron conducted a circus with Mr Mime. It was a will to all the possible ideas and expressions of Bunny.
    Bunny gracefully spread her wings over the balance scales of life. She let the cool ebony leaves retract the darkness, and lead to Exeggutor madness. The dark sided king was checkmated at the game's highest stage for the win, leading to freedom.
    Bunny drew power from a flowing oasis sending music and chapters of summer going into the wishing well. She wanted to win the race and make Jar Jar happy.
    It is my dream to always get closer to Bunny, feeling wishes and sparkles of classification Pokedex adventures unraveling chance cube blueprints and matrices of algorithmic sensation glittering polka dot bow tie present celebration movie time Pikachu Bunny anime coils of silver astronaut pouches of the glowing marble statue!!

    Bunny enjoyed looking at the fish down in a Japanese garden pond. It helped her to envision what other worlds could be like. Bunny always enjoyed fantasy and design in the high arts. She greatly rejoiced in thoughts of chasing unicorns and leprechauns. Bunny wanted too to see Gandalf's fireworks. Bunny would imagine Father Crow eating exotic Hobbiton fruits. Bunny visualized looking out a high level Raptor tower.
    Bunny walked inside of the tent where Aragorn received his king's sword from Elrond. She wanted to relive the epic moment of being ordained as a chosen 1. Bunny would gather the light of every good thing in the world, and be a beacon of shining hope.
    Father Crow gathered everyone to Gondor as he crowned Kobe Philosopher King of the BunnyRaptor empire, as well as Jedi Council Grand Master. Kobe extremely speedily accelerated his training, while keeping an open mind to the virtues of all 24 council members. Kobe's strength came from his relentless pursuit for expansion and perfection. He was even very loving and authentic in his diplomacy.
    Raptor put together impossible Star Maps as the glory of the builders, always looking for more conceptual pieces. The database was enormous, giga, interstellar. That such a huge plan in existence could get underway showed the magic marvels of mind.
    Father Crow was walking in many roads and teleporting to an extreme number of places. Everywhere he went, he always spread a higher teaching to his followers. Raptor was his biggest follower, always examining the treasure hunt Father Crow laid out in the physical world, the higher man.
    Father Crow loved to take his Jedi Council class on field trips. Father Crow most recently took his class to an old underground stronghold that used to house a guild of assassins. 1 rogue assassin wiped out all the rest, then relocated to a marsh cave to live eternity as a vampire. He had some of the deadliest spells in the world in his arsenal.
    Father Crow was cycling through putting different sun-stars in his hands. He also shifted through different Tyranitar gem stones. Father Crow looked forward to the day that he could become a Creator, and always kept those dreams in his heart. He would build the ultimate BunnyRaptor empire of the imagination, a grand tour of myth and magic.
    Father Crow dressed in all Red to show his appreciation to Raptor as the true Red, the true Ash from Pokemon, the true Tyranitar dinosaur king. Father Crow also often gave Raptor sideways Red car angel signs to show him his Meganium walking around on those bug like Indiana Pacer 2000 legs. Raptor was bubbly and flirtatious with all of this mirth and sweet scents of the paradise on earth Titanic festival.
    Bunny was interested in opening the doorway to all possible worlds. Whether it was imagination, a different reality, or the multiverse, Bunny would get there.
    Raptor as Lugia was circling Mt Coronet where Arceus is summoned. To harness all God consciousness commands, bring balance to the Force, unlock the ultimate secrets of life, the way was up. Arceus was building a giant spire, a tower where the highest caliber prodigies in the Force follow its will to the dreams of the ancients, to capture the will of God in math. This would be beautiful, pristine, holy.
    Einstein on God was seeking ultimate understanding and depth of musing on the infinite tapestries of a far more original game board and outline of pillars of principles and ideals to string theory and webs of everywhere unraveling symphonies of extreme marble plaza ghosts in the stream of thoughts bolting and redirecting effects of the free will contemplating and grasping all of our emotions and ways with meanings to sit down and reflect endlessly over all of the infinities and eternities rolling along by in star dust and glamour of the sophisticated mathematician.
    I Love Bunny for peace and rivers of embracing altitudes of lush roses and pretty stargazing. Bunny invokes care and healing for the soul of universe connective origins. Bunny glistens in freelance halos of cosmic doorways. She climbs auroras and waterfalls in albums of crystal. Bunny grants fountains of enigmatic wizardry playing a flute to a distant conception.
    Bunny was dining with her family for Christmas, which included an octopus, a dancer, and a Raptor. They were watching the sun set over Tatooine, thinking of the Force. Bunny got her feet wet in a desert oasis as Raptor built a map of the flow of the Force. The octopus was studying a variety of lightsaber crystals and Force sensitive techniques. The dancer spent a lot of time at the Mos Eisly cantina.
    Bunny was watching rockets in Houston sending love to mankind for future exploration and possibility. Science always had to break out of the mold of convention and popularity to make critical breakthroughs. The only way to free will is to fulfill your destiny. The kingdom of heaven is always real, as long as you seek your inner light and self transcendence.
    Bunny was making a fruit smoothie. It blended kiwi and strawberry. Bunny loved combining chaotic twists to come up with the ultimate solution. She then got orange ice cream.
    Bunny was looking at statues of ancient philosophers. The time for ascension was nigh. The way of infinity was dawning. A great tempest would be defeated. Strange winds were blowing. Bunny's actions, good or evil would shape our planetary destiny atop Realgam Tower and the Star Forge. Bunny experienced all extremities of magic with limitless potential.
    It is my Wish to build Realgam Tower and the Star Forge, zipping unbeatable roundabouts of full scale cosmological construction and conception rerouting hangers of brilliant legacy and sweeping strokes to victory and conquest bridging far and wide gaps of love and wisdom embarking for magic and splendor with channels of bubbly chaotic zither streams reaping harvest and gloom over towers of crimson flight ending extra darkness zoos of clouded futures and aerospace rend asunder by boundary breaking vision and capturing of crowns atop climax Zen holding sizes and weights firm and resolve struck detonating bolts of Thunder!!
    Bunny was talking to trees. She felt a cool healing spell in the woods. Bunny felt a sense of eternity out in nature. It reflected a cosmic beauty. It showed the ever expanding potential expressions of God.
    Kobe is a lot like Zarathustra, bridging to inescapable planes of mental elevation and action dynamite wizardry spawning tempest dwarfing flashes of silver webbed strategic gems blazing in intensity and wish to amass sorcery of the divine wrath!*
    The Kardashev Civilization of Zidane aims for brush strokes of perfection and the ultimate perspectives, recreating extravagant layers of shoreline crossing tomorrow inventiveness and luxury asking deep questions and looking around all dice rolls of the giga game board construct and holographic overlay to stream with beauty and star shine of awesome engines of nature broadening horizons and science fiction pouring globes of light and waters of healing ever further through gloom and mist to capture Arceus!!
    Bunny put ranch dressing on her lime beans. She worked hard to avoid eating the brownies. Bunny liked to eat in rooms that were kind of dark. Bunny would often not notice what was in front of her face because she was thinking about something. Bunny took her food in the bathtub to eat with a rubber duck.
    Bunny was pumping air into her soccer ball. She enjoyed being fluid and electric. Bunny browsed the World Cup store for Thierry Henry merchandise, her favorite player.
    Bunny was examining jewelry at an enchanted machine. Each slot had a very extravagant story attached to it. Bunny augmented all of her Sabrina Pokemon.
    Bunny whirled a bunch of Jedi Force powers together to create 1 Ultimate Spell...
    Bunny was training her Blastoise to shatter veils of polymerization.

    Father Crow said the Pokemon character Raptor was most like was not Sabrina. It was Bill. This is because Raptor was always gathering pieces. It was more fair to say Raptor was part of Sabrina's Pokemon team as Slowking and Sandslash. He was not exactly Typhlosion, Scizor, Hitmonlee, or Alakazam. Sabrina however was clearly all 6. Bunny was the Pokemon character Venus. She was extremely dramatic and obsessed with charms. Father Crow was Sabrina's construction worker dad. He was very true to his family and always restlessly aspired for big and great achievements and design structures. The real Sabrina was Ene from Typology Central. She liked martial arts, philosophy, psychic techniques, being a noble hero, discovering more life keys, alien life. Ene typed as INFJ.

    Anakin in Phantom Menace was strong in love and hopes with well wishing for happiness and star shine to clarify pools of warm hearted meanings and cheer to imagine endless daydreams of fun in the sun and rendering core values of shimmering mirth and glowing exuberance of spirit and song for orbs of blessed Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny!!*

    Bunny was moving over a gleaming white stone ancient ruin. She was harvesting herbs within its range for alchemy projects. Bunny was also playing with the ruin's fairy spirits. She filled up her water bottle with a pure water wellspring moving through the area. Bunny took pictures as pieces for Raptor's project to build Atlantis and help him out.

    Bunny was trying to open the door to her heart in Pokemon Gale of Darkness as Jovi the Lugia. She went to Gateon Port to look out over the water and get into a dreaming state. Jovi comforted and congratulated Michael for defeating the evil Cipher, but they still had to find happiness together. They began by listening to Marius Florin's Stories of the pinnacle of evolution.

    Bunny was in a Meganium outfit dancing and listening to music. Father Crow was in a dragon kung fu outfit and using extreme techniques. Raptor was putting a Pokedex together. There were many Egyptian artifacts moving around Raptor. He collected the orange mask of God and became the cosmic demiurge spider.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    This chapter is absolutely necessary for the proper understanding of the work. Now we create the necessary vocabulary for our investigations, we treat human beings in terms of other sciences which take into account, this time, matter and energy, matter and spirit, body and spirit, or as we establish together, positive and negative matter.

    Diagram Tiller. The Energetic Being Called Man
    Dr. Gerard Feinberg made in 1967 a physical-mathematical theory of particles exceeding the speed of light. These particles, tachyons, mass less, nonphysical, theoretically exist only at speeds exceeding the speed of light - 3x10 m/s. We remember from physics that the photon is at the limit of material existence, as wave and particle simultaneously.
    I met Patrick Drouot's book, "Spiritual Healing and immortality”, in the summer of 1994. It is an interdisciplinary work, in which the author makes a modern presentation of the energetic structure of a human being. Patrick Drouot is one of the few authors who integrate eastern philosophies with modern laboratory data, and especially with their perception of his own being, in a state of expanded consciousness. Like a diagram of Professor William Tiller, physicist at Stanford University - California, Pattrick Drout describes the evolution of the positive matter - of our classic material Universe (baryonic matter) in which the known laws of physics are valid - and negative matter - nonphysical matter, called by others, subtle matter, ethereal etc. This matter exists theoretically only at speeds that surpass the speed of light.

    Exponential curve in (1) describe the evolution of positive matter (PM), depending on speed. The energy of the particle increases towards infinity when speed approaches the speed of light, the physical existence of the particle is lost beyond the barrier imposed by the speed of light.
    The exponential curve (2) describes the evolution of tachyon particles, nonphysical of the negative matter (NM), whose life begins at higher speeds than the speed of light and whose energy increases with speed. According to Professor Tiller theory, these tachyon particles represents the substrate of the magneto-electronic radiation, which characterizes the negative material, which develops in the negative space-time. Unifying the two spaces, we could consider our Universe as being characterized by particles with positive mass, which evolves at speeds up to near the light speed and at speeds above this, which inevitably go into negative space-time Universe, or into the other dimensions of this Universe – beyond the tridimensional level perceived by us. The idea is to unify the two areas: positive and negative of the simultaneous continuity and coexistence. We are about to discover the laws governing the dial (2), laws which in part are suspect, in part are discovered by developing appropriate models. In other words, time, which has in the square (1) a uniform flow, linear, is subject to other laws in the square (2), its physical, natural flow (not perception) is uneven.
    Human being and the living, in general, is also a continuum of positive and negative terms, matter and energy. Its physiology is quite difficult to understand and to know especially in the current state of science. For decades, the knowledge derived from "accurate" sciences such as: biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biophysics, genetics ignored the writings of the ancient orientals about the energetic human being. Today we are witnessing with astonishment to redefine the living in the modern laboratories, using those "exact" disciplines, mentioned above, in the discovery of what the ancients precisely defined, long ago – namely the other bodies, the etherial bodies, nonphysical. Thus, the human energetic being is redefined as an energy field in which positive matter of electrical nature, which contains particles that evolve to the speed of light, is combined with nonphysical material, ethereal, negative, such as magnetic particles composed of nonphysical, which evolve at high-speed velocity of light, beyond this speed.
    One difference between somatic body and nonphysical bodies lies in the difference of the frequencies, the bodies composed of negative matter having a higher vibration.
    Ancient oriental sciences teaches us that the human energetic being is composed of seven energetic bodies, which are intertwined, bodies that have different densities and frequencies as the representation:

    somatic body low frequency - high density
    etheric-energetic body
    astral body
    mental body
    causal body
    budic body
    atmic body high frequency - low density

    Experts from the forefront of our sciences suggests today, like in the Eastern teachings, that the solid nature of matter is only an illusion of our senses. I stop ‘splitting the hairs’ to show you how an atom is empty. Dual vision wave-particle of the material leads to a new model of the human being, consisting of a chain of open energy systems, dynamic, intelligent, chained, standing in interdependency, by complex physiology, which determines the general energy homeostasis.
    Abundant information, but not complete, we have only about somatic body. Something less information we have about the energetic body (Etherial), and from there, towards the periphery of the total energetic human being, our data are reduced drastically.
    I'll cover, in turn, the parts that compose the human bodies and I will consider, for simplicity, three bodies, since by teaching and informationally, is easier to understand. The three bodies are:

    - Somatic body
    - Energetic body "etherial"
    - S.B. (Soul, spirit).

    We will see that the three bodies have different destinies, "after the first death" or classical death, which we currently talking. I offer you a schematic logical representation of the total energetic being.
    However, I prefer the following one, which seems more didactic and beautiful at the same time:
    The arrows indicate the close relationship of physiology between the three bodies, the privileged role of the energetic body is to modulate the information of physiology between the spiritual body (SB) and the somatic body.

    Somatic Body (biological); Notions of Genetics

    It consists of positive terms, which is subject to legalities of dial (1) in Tiller chart. Structural unit of the somatic body is the cell. Holographic model, which can be attributed today to the microuniverse, macrouniverse, including to the living information systems, is perfectly valid also for the somatic body, because each cell can define the whole, through the information held by the DNA, located in the cell nucleus.
    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) represents the genetic material that carries the information of structure and function, meaning the morphology and physiology of the somatic body.
    To understand the work, I believe that is necessary a broader approach of the DNA. Because it is composed of positive matter, I will call it DNAPM (Deoxyribonucleic acid in positive matter), to differentiate it, we will see, from its image in negative level.
    Macromolecule of DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains, antiparallel helical wound around a common axis, so that they form a double helix. Basic unit structure of the DNA is the nucleotide, which, in its turn, is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar and a phosphoric radial acid. Nitrogenous bases are of two kinds: purine and pyrimidine. Purine bases present in the human DNA are adenine (A) and guanine (G). They have a nucleus - purine – composed by a heterocicle with five carbon atoms and four nitrogen atoms. Pyrimidine bases have a similar structure of benzene, in which two carbon atoms are replaced by two nitrogen atoms. So, will contain four carbon atoms and nitrogen atoms. In human DNA, there are two types of pyrimidine bases: cytosine (C) and thymine (T).
    We dissected the DNA up to the stage of atoms only for the reader to understand that, currently, the positive matter PM has basically no mystery left to us. The general form of the human DNA is as follows:
    DNA contains the program of protein synthesis, meaning the genetic information that determines the order of sequence of the amino acids that structures the proteins. The gene is a segment of DNA macromolecule, which contains the genetic information necessary for the synthesis of a polypeptide chain or of other macromolecules. It consists of a sequence of codons, encoding the amino acid sequence in a polypeptide chain, which, in its turn, structures the proteins. Some proteins require as informational base two or more genes, depending on their polypeptide catenae which form them.
    The genetic code is the relationship between the sequence of the DNA nucleotide and amino acid sequence from the protein molecule. The genetic code is universal in the living organisms, meaning that the same codons encode the same amino acid. This observation leads to the idea that genetic code has a very ancient phylogenetic origin, being, in fact, the material base of the appearance of life on Earth. But we'll talk about it separately later...
    DNA is contained, for the most part, in the cell nucleus (nuclear DNA), being stored in the chromosomes in the form of single nucleotide sequence, in which are included the genes (DNA informational) and in the form of repetitive sequences (DNA non-informational), the two types are interspersed.
    A small part of the DNA is located extranuclear, in mitochondria - cellular organelles with energetic role, located in the cytoplasm. This DNA replicates independent from the genetic material in the nucleus and is transmitted hereditary, exclusively on the maternal line. Therefore, theoretically, the DNA mitochondrial has the oldest phylogenetic structure, and its study was based on the theory of "mitochondrial Eve."
    Chromosome map (karyotype) of the species Homo sapiens contains 46 chromosomes, arranged in 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of heterosomes (chromosomes that determine the sex - XY male, XX female). These 23 pairs of chromosomes contain approximately 100,000 genes, which gives all the characters of morphology and physiology of the somatic-biological body.
    An information which will help you in understanding the work is that the genes suffer mutations, meaning structural changes, under the action of natural and artificial mutagens. Mutations can occur, today, by various methods described in genetics. It is estimated that the average frequency of natural mutations per / gene and per / generation is 1/100.000. This process stands at the basis of evolution. Mutations can occur under the influence of various artificial mutagens: chemical, biological, physical, such as, for example, nuclear radiation. Genic mutations can cause changes in the entire gene or only changes of the nucleotide sequence, from the gene. After the type of the cell in which the mutations occur, they may be gametes (will affect only the hereditary genetic material and will appear only at the offsprings) and somatic. Somatic mutations affect the genetic material of somatic cells of the body and are produced under the action of a strong mutagen, such as the nuclear radiation. This, in certain doses, which we will speak at the appropriate time, can cause major changes in the chromozomial map, causing the death of the body. Remember this information as an important focus of the work. In terms of genetics, other information needed to understand the paper are those related to reproduction.
    Human beings reproduce sexually, and gametes (hereditary factors) – the sperm and the egg hold half the number of chromosomes, meaning 22 + X for egg, 22 + X or 22 + Y for sperm. The zygote resulted from fertilization of the egg by the sperm has the overall genetic background of the specie, 44 + XX (female) or 44 + XY (male).
    As an aside, fertilization takes place, in the vast majority of the pregnancies, naturally. In the recent years have been described various methods of artificial fertilization, in the tube followed by implantation of the zygote in the uterus of the mother. This method has been applied in various situations of sterility in the couple and have made happy many parents with healthy children. The most advanced age in which underwent the uterine implantation of a zygote resulted of the artificial insemination, was, until 1997, the age of 62 years! The event took place in Italy, in 1994. Currently, the record of modern times is held by an American woman. In 1997, she gave birth to a pregnancy artificially implanted, at the age of 63 years.
    Returning to the concepts of genetics, remember that hybridization is the phenomenon by which two individuals that differ by one or more characters, meet. The offspring will be hybrid, meaning that he will have a mix of the genetic characters brought by the two gametes.
    The phenomenon of genetic recombination, of a mixed genetic characters of the two gametes, it offers genetic poliformism making from each one an unique genetic. The individual from a population does not inherit, in fact, a mix of the genetic program of the parents, but a particular combination of the genetic programs of the ancestors. This recombination is done by precise rules of the segregation of characters, laws of genetics, where it is not necessary to enter.
    So, in terms of genetic theory (until an evidence to the contrary) there are no pure races and no pure populations; to be pure for all the genes, they have to be homozygous.
    An observation that helps us in understanding the work is that it can be obtained more pure populations, genetically, with several homozygous characters, by crosses between the members of the same family, by inbreeding. By this method, the descendants will have more of the genetic characteristics of the remote ancestors, meaning that they have what, biblically, is called "deep root." Remember this term!
    By homozygous, there is a risk that some hereditary latent diseases to become manifest, meaning to transmit dominant. Through genic therapy (genetic), which, today can take many technical aspects, is followed to replace the mutant gene (which produces the hereditary disease), with a healthy gene. The genetic engineering techniques are now partly available, and, in a distant future, could be the basis of eradication the genetic diseases.
    What kind of genetic engineering techniques we have gained so far until now in 1999? I am not able to present a complete file, but only a few statements. For example, we learned to transfer genes from a DNA structure on another, or on a RNA, using viruses as vectors for transfer or plasmids. The technique is called DNA technology recombined and is practiced since 1975! The technique of the recombinant DNA allowed the synthesis of the interferon, of the leukotriene, of a host of other substances that are found in natural state, in us. Newer techniques for gene transfer are the electrodrilling and the bombardment of the cells with micro-projectiles of gold and tungsten coated in the DNA, in order to obtain transgenic plants and animals, of growing economic importance. “Science et vie” magazine in July 1997 announced a world first, historic: the synthesis of the first artificial human chromosome by a team of geneticists at the University of Cleveland (USA).
    Headline achievements of the genetic engineering was in 1997 to clone the Dolly sheep. “Newsweek” magazine of 10 March 1997 gives an extensive review of this event that opens the roads to the genetic therapies and to ... dreaming. Scottish geneticists imagined the technical process consisted of removal of mammary cells from a pregnant sheep aged 6 years. Mammary cells (but not only them) contain copies of every gene needed to obtain a new being, meaning the complete material DNAPM. Each cell also holds the genetic information related to its specialization. The great step made by the geneticists two years ago was to highlight the primary genetic material from a specialized cell, respectivelly the mammary cell. This goal was achieved by depleting the nutrient medium in which the mammary cells were grown. When the food ration was reduced to the 20th part of the demand of growth, the cells were brought into a "quiet stage" that allows "the reprogramming of the gene expression”. These cells that hold primary genetic material, can take at this stage any further specialization according to the general genetic program of the specie that represents it. On the other hand, were collected from other sheep eggs that have been kept alive in laboratory conditions. The core was extracted from these eggs, which we know to contain DNA information. Mammary cells brought to the "quiet stage" favorable for genetic reprogramming were combined with eggs that were without a core. From 277 mammary cells combined with such eggs have developed 13 embryos implanted in the uterus of the mother sheep. Of these 13 pregnancies only Dolly was born alive. Also in 1997, was obtained Polly lamb, which is characterized by holding the DNA of human genes. This is the way to the first true gene therapy. Dolly is a true cloning experiment? In my opinion, no! This experiment involved the existence of a processed egg and raising a pregnancy, however, under natural conditions. On the other hand, the mammary cells collected and cultured artificially undergo changes due to the nutrient medium. Perhaps the genetic engineering techniques will allow in a future not too distant to clone from the cell brought in the "quiet stage", that will be raised in an artificial medium resulting in beings with identical genetic material. Do you think that is possible? I think not! There is SOMETHING missing, something I'll talk about in the next chapter. Hardly produced, the Dolly sheep had "something" from both the egg and from the cell genetically reprogrammed.
    Obviously, the list of genetic technologies can go on, but has no sense. Importantly, is the technical, historical moment that the man has reached: Playing with genes. Once entered into this terrible game, to the human cornered in his mind the idea to reproduce humans like him by cloning the DNA. Is this possible? It is possible to do what God from the Bible did it, namely: "... to make humans under Our image and likeness." (Genesis 1-26) No! Not only by cloning the DNA. We get only somatic bodies, but not living creatures. And we will see why. The answer will come later.
    Surprisingly, I finished talking about the somatic body. That's because DNAPM, that we talked about before, "knows" everything about somatic body, has a perfect representation, holds encoded all the information of morphology and physiology.

    Energetic Body (etheric)

    Energetic body is a separate structure of the negative matter, which is a part of the human energetic being, because of the different situation in which this body is after "the first death" (the somatic death), compared to the rest of the negative matter from us. In reality we can not make a clear representation of this body, because it is intertwined on one side with the physical, somatic body, even if it is set in positive matter and with the spiritual body (S.B.) The connection made by the energetic body with the other two bodies is a complex connection, which can be partially understood today.
    Subjects who have extrasensory perceptions and can see auras of the bodies, perceive this body as a bright tissue, in different colors, which vary by each explorer, but especially by the health status of the one who is investigated and his affect. Colors vary from: gray, green, blue, purple, red and the glow is more or less intense.
    The energetic body, like a protective shield, ‘dresses’ the somatic body to a distance of 15-20 cm. Its structure, well combined with the somatic body, creates at the surface of the soma a protective field whose force lines are perpendicular to the soma. The field can be highlighted electro-retinographic, through the Kirlian phenomenon. The technique consists of an electrical discharge in a living system and the graphic recording of the energetic field, on a photographic plate. The technique was refined by several authors. In Romania, Ph.Dr. John Mămulaş has a key role in developing the technique and the interpretation of data provided by the electroretinography. The method is successfully used in diagnosing various diseases, at the Acupuncture Center from Bucharest.
    We noted earlier that the DNA information is extremely complex, recording the nucleotide sequences of over 100,000 genes responsible for morphology and the physiology of the somatic body. Could the energetic body be made simpler? NO! The organization of the living in negative matter was made with a purpose and this is no accident! In my opinion, the energetic body that manages the connection of the somatic body creates this connection for each function, organ, cell that corresponds to the somatic body. Why? How is this possible? Simple! The ENERGETIC BODY, MODULATES PERMANENTLY THE SAME INFORMATION: THE DNA INFORMATION! This is, in my opinion, the function of the ENERGETIC BODY. This assumption is a novelty in the approach of the living in general, the human being in particular, but would have no value if could not be proven! I will try to convince you.

    “The Anatomy” of the Energetic Body

    If we look closer, more detailed, at the connection energetic – somatic body, respectively if we dissect the energetic body, we see that the "anatomy" is extremely complex, as the DNA information. It contains:
    - 7 primary energetic chakras – genuine energetic primary centers to control the physiology of the somatic body;
    - 21 secondary chakras;
    - 361 tertiary control centers, which correspond to acupuncture points - true somato-energetic gates, which will be discussed in detail.
    According to the teachings of yoga, this energetic system is completed by a network of energetic channels - the 72 000 (seventy-two thousand) nadis, energetic channels, intelligently linked, physiologically, which really creates an energetic shield of the soma.
    The energetic chakras owes its name to their appearance as energetic vortices, whirlpools of N.M. In Hindu, the word chakra means wheel. Those who possess the ability to see the chakras with extrasensory perceptions, they characterize these chakras as circular depressions in the surface of the energetic body. Since the energy in each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, each will be viewed in different color. The more a human being achieve a greater degree of spiritual openness, it seems that the swirling speed of rotation is increasing, meaning that they are open (Patrick Drouot). The direction of rotation is clockwise. In the chakras, the energy frequencies received from the higher energetic level (SB) are decoded and recoded in signals of stimulation for the neuroendocrine system (at somatic level), at the level of which is obtained an appropriate biological response, translated into the release of neurohormonal and other biological active substances. We know from traditional medicine of the western world the importance of the neuroendocrine system in the homeostasis of the body and we also know that the endocrinology, neurophysiology, immunology are some of the medical sciences in which the volume of information increases with fascinating speed, as it deepens the knowledge in the molecular biology, genetics, computer science, biophysics etc. These areas are extremely important because hormones, chemical mediators of humoral represent, in fact, the control system of the somatic body physiology. I can write about this forever but it is not the case in this paper. The important thing is that today, those who try to give an unitary, logical view, of the energetic human being, believes that the energetic chakras modulates, in fact, the activity of the main endocrine glands. Each chakra is directly related to an endocrine gland in terms of anatomical, physiological and energetic point of view. ..
    The 21 secondary chakras are associated, anatomical and physiological, with other organs and anatomical structures.
    Tertiary energy centers described by the ancient Hindus correspond to the Chinese acupuncture points, points which I have called them somatic-energetic gates. I dedicate a larger discussion of these centers in this area because I have to add a word, derived from my own experience.
    By and large, the organization of the energetic system of these tertiary energetic centers includes 12 meridians and two vessels medians, containing the 361 acupuncture points described. Of these, 309 points, belonging to the 12 main meridians are double (pair), so the total will be 309x2 = 618 points. The two median vessels have 52 points. Apart from these, there are still 36 points described, located extrameridian. The total will be so, 618+52+35 = 706 points. The 12 main meridians and the two meridian vessels represents the basic energetic skeleton of the energetic body. This is strongly suggested by their name in Chinese: Jing Zheng (Zheng = the most important, which governs, the principal). Each principal meridian has a longitudinal trajectory and two segments:
    - one superficial, at the surface, peripheral, on which are strung the points.
    - an internal or deep segment, through which each meridian comes in the contact with a parenchymatous organ (Zang) or with a hollow visceral (Fu)
    In this way we realize better that PM-NM connection is extremely intimate, that PM and NM are intertwined into the energetic human being.
    In addition to the basic energetic skeleton above described, the energetic equipment is supplemented by secondary meridians that carry derivatives, connections between the main meridians and the internal organs, tissues, etc.. These secondary meridians are:
    - Tendino-muscle meridians (centripetal)
    - Distinct meridians (dissenting);
    - Lo longitudinal meridians;
    - Lo cross meridians;
    - the 8 extraordinary meridians, which borrows points from the main meridians, resulting in a chain between them.
    Between the 12 main meridians can be made considerations of polarity yin-yin; yang-yang and yin-yang, which lead to the establishment of six energetic lodges and of the six energetic axes.
    For the present study has no importance the description of the meridians, but only the complexity of the human energetic system… this is the most important aspect.
    How do we know that these systems really exist? Skeptics of today can not be called like that anymore, but rather ignorant, because today's modern technology managed to highlight these meridians. The most spectacular moment of these searches I consider to be the technique of highlighting the main acupuncture meridians with radionuclides - radioactive technetium. By injecting the marker to the distal Jing points, were highlighted in the past years 11 of the 12 meridians. Although the technique has been imagined and implemented for the first time in Romania by Dr. Virgil Bagua in Galati, the premiere was first signed by a team of French authors. The marker substance has not migrated after the anatomical routes (somatic), but followed the energetic paths described by the ancient Chinese. Who ignores the existence of the main meridians after this information is broken completely by the surrounding reality.
    In the determination of physico-chemical properties of the acupuncture points, the task was easier because we are better at investigating the positive mater, the known laws of physics are valid in large part for these points. I emphasized the above words to imply that what happens in the somato-energetic gate is harder to surprise with our current techniques. We talk about the electrical characteristics, magnetic, measurable; we also know that at the level of the gate there is a frequency translation of a magneto-electric field into electric signals that will determine the stimuli to release or stop the production of hormones, enzymes, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, in general, biologically active substances. But I think strongly that currently we are not technically capable to capture the most important event and to measure it. The events captured by us in the somato-energetic gate are in my opinion peri-phenomenons of secodary importance. However, the highlighting and their measurement was important by the fact that it allowed us to re-identify the points and understanding at the level of the current technique what is happening in the point. Basically, the somato-energetic gates are different by the indiferent points of the skin by:
    - High electric potential - up to 300mV;
    - High levels of electrical capacity - up to 1 uF;
    - Low electrical resistance - 20-250 m
    - Increased breath as evidenced by increased emission of carbon dioxide;
    - Higher local temperature;
    - Photon emission increased by 1.5 times compared to the indifferent points (we know that the ancients had "seen" the energy exploding into the acupuncture points);
    - Sonic emission signals with frequency 2-15 Hz.

    The point has 1-2 mm surface area, and the layout section is like a truncated cone, with large base located at 1-3 cm depth under the skin. In-depth, the point is characterized by:
    - low threshold of electro-reception;
    - can store a large amount of electric charge;
    - has electro-resonance with other points (meridian sensation);
    - electro-resonance with the energies in the environment;
    - has a high electrical conductivity;
    - increased migration of the radio-nuclides.

    The Chinese have named these points: Qi Xue, meaning holes of energy or more suggestive: Xue Kong – holes of transport. The energetic system is constantly active, and its level is dependent on integration into the environment and the health state. The disease change the physiology and morphology of the point that suffer variations in size (it opens or closes) also the physical characteristics mentioned above. With these data, I hope I convinced you that I don’t talk about "green horses on the walls”, but about something measurable by currently available techniques.
    The energetic body is measurable with our own senses. Being composed of N.M., most dense and involving electric charges (related to N.M. of the somatic body), the energetic body can be "tangible" at a distance of 15-20 cm from the somatic body. Tactile perception of the energetic body is easier along the acupuncture meridians. If you want to try, have some patience. Insist several minutes with the right hand, fingers spread out over the same area, making fine movements in clockwise rotation! For start, try the tactile sense between the two hands or with a right palm above the energetic chakras. After several moves, the tactile perception will be translated into a sensation of heat and paresthesia (tingling). Try and you will succeed. We all have almost the same energetic equipment. We all could succeed! For those who practice it daily, the palpation of the acupuncture meridians can bring information regarding the state of the energetic body. For those who practice acupuncture, you will see how much the acupuncture needles increases the tactile perception.
    If I began to wrote about this subject, I would like to introduce to you some of my own experience in acupuncture, that part of the activity that allowed me to draw the conclusions of some ideas ... I do not know how new these conclusions are. My remarks do nothing else than to help you more in understanding the functioning of the global energetic human being. We observed at patients in deep coma, with abolished reflexes, that they can get some movements of limbs (hand and legs) by stimulating certain acupuncture points. For example, I placed needles in section R1 (kidney 1), located bilaterally in the plantar area (foot), relatively centrally, in the right of the metatarsophalangeal joint II-III. This point is often used in intensive care, the designation being specified by the ancients as: coma, shock, cardiopulmonary stop, seizures. This point stimulated at patients in coma, with abolished reflexes, determine the flexion of the leg or even of the calf on the thigh. There have been situations where the lower limb retraction was complete. I called the maneuver: an action reflex of a needle. The situation is more interesting to those who are hemiplegic because of a cardiovascular stroke. The punctures and stimulation of R1 point of the sick side, with abolished reflexes, takes to highlighting the needle-reflex especially in the first days after the accident. The next days, the coming weeks, the reflex is diminished, hemiplegia becomes old, the patient presents nerve atrophy and muscle, but stimulation produced by the needle is recorded as a feeling of uneasiness, pain. How to explain this fact considering that I’m acting on a inferior leg, disconnected of both in terms of engines and sensitive? I think it is a reflex by negative feedback somato-sensory-energetic. This kind of reflex inspired me to name the acupuncture points somato-sensory energetic gates. The energetic body will remain active on a somatic segment central disconnected both sensitive and motor. The energetic stimulation is possible through specific channels of energy, which provide a somatic response. These channels remain accessible. To deepen the previous comments I did a study on a group significantly homogeneous. I practiced rahi-anesthesis at the same level at 30 patients and I tried to combat the secondary effects, meaning arterial hypotension and bradycardia, and only using acupuncture points strictly inside under spinal (preganglionary denervation). In most of the patients we were able to correct the secondary effects, although not as effective compared with the conventional therapy. The conclusion of the two experiments is: in an area (somatic segment) denervated from any level (central or peripheral) the energetic body remains active.
    The next step of my study was prompted by the question: how long after the death of the somatic body exists the reflexes of the needle? Eastern teachings tell us that the so-called energetic body collapses after death, progressively in about 40 days. Christians also have a requiem to 6 weeks, which I think means the same thing. The collapse of the energetic body I think that it has an exponential curve in time, the collapse will occur suddenly in the early hours, and after that more easier. In fact every tissue, organ will have its own curve of energetic collapse, in direct relationship with the resistance to the severe lack of oxygen. Anoxia (the lack of oxygen) kills the cells differentiated, in time, to the tissue to which it belongs (the nerve cell dies in five minutes, the myocardium in 20 minutes, the kidney tissue in 120 minutes etc.) My curiosity pushed me to the most spectacular event of my modest career, in fact, in acupuncture. Is the case of a young woman - 40 years, who suffered a massive stroke by aneurysm rupture. The profound coma has installed quickly and brain death could be defined by clinical criteria of Western medicine in the early hours of the coma. However, this patient remained respiratory prosthetic approximately 60 hours. After the time of disconnection from the artificial lung, the heart, previously healthy, continued to beat for nearly 20 minutes (anterior it was hyperventilating with 100% oxygen before the apnea test). After 20 minutes has installed a continuous isoelectric line on the EKS monitor. After another 20 minutes, the stimulation of R1 point resulted in recurrence of wide QRS complexes. That was happened on a somatic body, brain dead, by more than two days, with all that implies this fact: a tendency to hypothermia, in hypotension, progressive devitalization of the tissues! At first, each stimulus was followed by the appearance of the wide QRS complexes, rare. After about 10 minutes we have not obtained any other complexes, but only rudimentary electrical activity. Then I mounted the needles in the points Heart 7, indicated in arrhythmias. Stimulating all the four points Kidneys 1 and Heart 7 I obtained a ventricular rhythm for 30-40 seconds. At 40 minutes after the onset of the isoelectric line I stopped the stimulation. În the general astonishment, neither me nor anyone else has checked the electrical activity of the heart and had a mechanical response. Personally, I think it was an electro-mechanical dissociation, but that is no longer important. But another fact becomes extremely important: to respect what the Chinese knew for thousands of years old. They said: "there is no doctor who knows only the medicines, as there is no doctor who knows only the acupuncture, but only he who practice them both." In other words, somatic therapy must always be accompanied by the energetic one. On the other hand, a good energetic therapy can be prophylactic, and so the disease does not affect the soma. So we understand why the ancient chinese acupunctors were paid by the community only as long as all the members of the community were healthy ... In this case results in two ideas:
    1. Energetic body is active immediately after the death of the soma, the somatic response to the energetic stimulation is conditioned by the viability of the tissues, determined by individual tolerance to the acute lack of oxygen.
    2. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation must always include next to the artificial breathe, the external cardiac massage, defibrillation, drugs (somatic therapy) and the energetic therapy practiced simultaneously. This will provide energetic support necessary to obtain a higher result.

    But I am sure that it will take a long time until the introduction of the energetic therapy in the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation algorithm and in the protocols for emergency medicine in general, because the medical world is not receptive to informations that are beyond the basic information of the Western medicine. Sad but this is the truth. I noted with amazement that not even the Romanian acupuncture among some of its representatives, could not ingurgitate my comments because the works which aimed these issues have not been able to be presented at the Acupuncture National Congress from Arad in 1995. But all these things are in the area of the past now and I think that we should look to the victories of the medical world. The most significant fact in this regard would be the confrontation of the DNAPM map with the DNANM map! There are many studies today, establishing clear relationships between the activity of various enzymes and the modulation of the energy corresponding to the somato-energetic gate. With pride I must say that the Romanian school of acupuncture has an important role, I believe, in achieving the DNANM map. The team Dr. Florin Bratila - Dr. Cornelius Moldovan – from the Acupuncture Center of Bucharest, has very important works in this new field. The modulation of energy in one point of the body could produce measurable variations of the followed enzymatic activity, it modify the level of the elements of the blood changes, skin temperature decreases or causes release of hormones. For example, the release of endogenous opioid peptides by stimulating with the acupuncture needles certain points, stands today at the basis of the acupuncture anesthesia techniques. It occupies 80% of the total anesthesia practiced in China!
    Why do I tell you all these things? To realize that today we tend to decode a DNA map of the energetic body, namely a way to modulate the physiology of the somatic body relationship which is maintained well also in the DNAPM, using the equipment of the energetic body. The role of this body is to maintain in homeostasis standard the DNA information of the whole energetic being.
    With another idea on the energetic body, I hope that in a near future, the technical progress will make it possible to view the energetic body, scanning, making a tomography; the energetic diagnosis will be a technical one, through computer, based on a scan with graphic visual recording.
    I hope that the connection of the energetic body with the somatic body has been understood, but because of a being to be alive is not enough just that. Energetic body exists to connect a S.B., to be actually the glue between the somatic and the spiritual body. Understand better now that, in fact, the energetic body has no DNA information of its own, but it modulates, mediates the connection between the two main bodies, somatic and spiritual, which have the same complex DNA information, but expressed in different physical-energetic forms. It is essentially just a difference in vibration of frequencies!

    The Spiritual Body (S.B.)

    It consists of negative matter that is subject to legalities of quadrant 2 of the Tiller diagram. Represents the energetic field with the highest frequency derived from the N.M. with the lowest density. According to the Eastern traditions, ancient writings and especially the Bible, SB is detached after "the first death" (somatic death). With a distinct destination, I think that it deserve to be discussed separately. Another reason for me to approach this subject as far as our knowledge allows us to understand today, is that the spiritual body, called in the Bible, spirit, soul, is the "hero" of the Book of Books, the future bone of contention between The Supercivilization of God and the Intraterrestrial World.
    Informations about the structure of the S.B. are relatively poor. Sources came from ancient oriental writings, from data provided by people with extrasensory perceptions ability and the biblical data, interpreted and correlated with other informations, it provides to us a picture, I do not know how real upon the structure and physiology of the S.B. However, upon its existence, I don’t have any doubts.
    Returning to my guide in this field less palpable, to Patrick Drouot, I give you a summary of informations provided and adapted by him. My opinion is that Patrick Drouot manages very well to integrate old writings data with the oriental teaching school to spiritual opening existing today, with their own understanding gained and grown, but especially with the technical information, modern, of laboratory that provides today a scientific support database on the S.B.
    Into the concept of the oriental philosophies, the S.B., which has its own physiology and strength to exist without material positive support, includes several bodies. They are:
    - astral body
    - mental
    - causal
    - budic
    - atmic

    Astral Body
    It consists of negative material, which vibrates at a frequency higher than the energetic body. These frequencies are far beyond the normal human perceptions. However, individuals who possess extrasensory perception, can view this body, which still retains a humanoid form up to 50-80 cm. from the somatic body.
    Into the astral field there are also 7 chakras, which first made the connection with the energetic body, and on the other hand with the mental body, so that these chakras became energetic relays, transformers of vibrations that contain coded intelligent information. Energy gained from the energetic universe is transformed, shaped and used intelligently by the energetic being called Man. Perhaps that the connection with the surrounding bodies is more complex than we might imagine. Astral chakras are part of the overall energetic system of the being. Astral energetic centers are receptors - transformers – emitting the astral energy to the chakras of the energetic body. The astral body creates an entirely intimate connection with the energetic body, in all their corresponding structures.
    The structure of these chakras is studied today in modern medical centers such as the UCLA. Patrick Drouot see the chakras as energy vortices where the energy is dispersed from the center to the periphery of the petals. Although they are brighter than the corresponding chakras of the energetic body, are harder to be perceived. The speed of rotation of the energetic vortex depends also on the health status of the global being.
    Eastern teachings suggest that the astral is the substrate of emotions, thoughts, memory and learning and of the former lives. The diverse memories are organized in NM structured into the astral body like colored balls, the color is given by the frequency in which the respective structure vibrates. Negative material of the astral body appears fluid, stained in colors that vary with the individual's mood: during meditation is gold, yellow, lemon-yellow to blue, during the times of happines and joy is red, pink, and gray to black in the time of anger and grief.
    The astral body is connected with emotions, the diversity of the emotional status can modify the physiology of the respective astral chakras, which will cause a corresponding modulation of the energetic chakras. These will lead at their turn the somatic response translated into hormone release - crying, laughing, etc. These events are beginning to be known increasingly better.

    Mental Body
    Vibrates at a frequency higher than the one of the astral body which is connected after the astral-energetic connection model. It is structured in less dense negative aspects that contains encoded the aspects of personality, moral character, ideals, active or latent mental abilities.
    At this level are also structured the chakras of the mental body. Here runs the same energetic receiver cascade from the top - decoding - recoding – transmission energetic message to the corresponding astral chakra and beyond to the energetic chakra which will cause a somatic event. Thus, mental body disturbances occurring in the body will ultimately reflect on somatic body. Harmonious relations of life are translated into the rhythmic energetic flows from a higher to a more subtle density matter. The daily stress subject these rhythmic flows to energetic disturbances that are reflected in final in the health of the somatic body. Those who perceive it describes the mental body ovoid, larger and less dense than astral body.

    Causal Body
    Of course is structured in a NM less dense than the mental body and will vibrate with a higher frequency.
    Causally consciousness is related to the capacity of analysis, processing of information. In this matter are codified the real causes, essential things, abstract ideas, knowledge, the thoughts are developed here, self-awareness, defining the ego. Causal body is perceived in iridescent colors, ovoid, more than twice the physical body.
    The last two bodies budic and atmic are structured in NM of a lower density and higher vibratory frequency. The connection with the subjacent bodies is achieved after the model NM-NM (example: astral body - mental body), and these connections, the chakras, I also believed to play an important role in the reception - decoding - recoding - release information to the subjacent body and finally to the somatic body. They integrate the human being into the universal energies and connectes to the universal informations, basically man merges with the Universe via these bodies. Living energy systems are open systems that interact with other living systems and with the environment in terms of a continuum of energy that is structured in all possible densities. We should not see these sub-bodies of S.B. with fixed barriers, but rather as a unitary structure that blends harmoniously. I see the organization of NM from us as a continuum which surrounds and intertwined the somatic body, with low density in the suburbs and with raised density to the somatic body, which is connected in a complex manner, as I described. The chakras I consider also as a continuum of NM under the form of some funnels in which N.M. gets more dense on the periphery (edge of the funnel) to the center (peak) – there where the density is maximum and gets practical at the material nature, somatic. The more the cone-shaped channel (the funnel) approaches of its minimum section (peak) the more the informations are processed for an accurate translation in neuro-endocrine effects (somatic action).

    The Physiology of the Energetic Being - Man described in the ancient texts

    Among the Upanishads, Prasna Upanishad emerges as a genuine complex handbook of physiology of the complex energetic being called Man. In Hindu philosophy, as in other Asian philosophers, the universe is composed of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. Each of these elements are, however, in two forms: coarse and subtle or as we agreed in this paper: matter relating to positive and negative levels. Everything is dual. The same theory says that the proportion of the two forms of existence of matter is different.
    The text reproduced below emphasizes in the first part the duality of the five elements. In the second part, this duality is applied to human being. The content of the memory balls and their membership to the energetic and material structures of the living are explained in a simple and direct way:

    “Earth and the subtle element of earth, water and the subtle element of water, fire and the subtle element of fire, air and the subtle element of air, space and the subtle element of space, the eye (organ of vision) and the object of vision, the ear and the object of hearing, smell and the object of smell, the taste of the object of taste, the touching and the object of touching, the speech and the object of speech, the two hands and the object of grasping, the organs of pleasures (sex) and the object of satisfaction, the organ of excretion and what is excreted, the two legs and what is stepped; the mind and what is thought, the intellect and what is known, the ego and the object of ego, Citta (the internal body of consciousness) and the object that needs to be aware, the light (knowledge) and what is enlighted (known); Prana and all that supports Prana - all these unite with the Supreme Self (Atman)” (Prasna Upanishad - The question Four - 8)

    The text clearly tells us that we can not separate PM of us from the sense organs in NM, meaning the memory of what is felt. However, we have reported an important fact: all human beings described above are joined with the Supreme Self. What is it this "Self"? Phylogenetically, you can not talk about living, in particular, about the human being, without explaining this question. About "The Supreme Self" I will write at length in the chapter about the Indian genetic engineering program. The “Supreme Self” means the simplest, easiest standard energetic structure common to all the humanoid beings from the galaxy, lacked both from other elements that offer membership of a particular race, as well as the elements acquired in the course of life, through learning. This is what I call in another chapter the Primordial DNA, the easiest DNANM of the living humans, included in any humanoid DNA structure in the Galaxy. Of course, the scientific world today deny the existence of this structure. It wouldn’t be the first.

    “21. In the past, even the gods have doubted about the Self, because its nature, very subtle, is not easy to be understood.
    18. The Supreme Spirit is unborn and immortal. It did not come from nowhere and has not appeared from it. It is unborn, eternal, permanent, old. It is not killed by the death of the body.” (Kathi Upanishad - Part One - Chapter One).

    Finally, the Supreme Self is a simple genetic structure, but impossible to isolate even for the gods who mastered at best the genetic engineering techniques. It seems that no one knows exactly where lies the limit of simplicity of this structure. You will see in the subsequent chapters that the extraterrestrial beings using genetic engineering techniques in reproduction, tend to a DNA formula (mark) becoming more and more easier. The Supreme Self is an ideal DNA mark where the gods also are tending to get. No matter how much it thins the DNA formula, the Supreme Self, although it is contained in any DNA, remains an ideal. Is impossible to reach this formula.

    “4. That One (the Supreme Self), standing still is faster than the mind. The gods can not catch it. Sitting, it surpass others who run next to it.”
    (Isa Upanishad)

    Being ideal, the Supreme Self cannot be reached. Through the Supreme Self existed in all the DNA human formulas, the specie is uniform. The other genes that are superimposed to the Supreme Self give the general appearance of the human being, given the diversity within the specie. Each individual, however, is a hologram. Unit of structure contains the entire. So each cell in PM, and each unit structure NM will hold the primordial DNA information.

    “29. Being without beginning and without trends, The Supreme Self is steadfast, although lies into the body, oh son of Kunti, it is pure and is not defiled.
    32. As the eternal omnipresent is not defiled because of its subtlety, so the Supreme Self who lies everywhere in the body is not defiled.”
    (Bhagavad-gita chapter XIII - Yoga discrimination between nature and spirit)


    If we examine a statistical yearbook of "world states" type, we find that each state is described by certain parameters and standard informations relating to: state location, area, capital, natural conditions of relief, climate, vegetation, fauna, head of state, population structure, cults, political parties, economy, agriculture, industry, trade, level of technical development, education, health, media, relations with other states. Do you think that you may find all these things about S.G.? Honestly, at a brief reading of the Bible, I never thought this is possible. Now, the Book of Books have gave me an almost full imagine of SG, worth to be introduced in the "World states", as a valuable filler, slightly different from what we know about other states.

    Israel II

    1. Location: A "corner" of the Milky Way Galaxy, which we know that it has about two hundred billion stars. Where? Somewhere close to us. Our stars of heaven seem to be grouped. People associate their position with the shapes of animals, objects, etc. and these constellations were baptized. Are they made it or the names and astrology was a gift from the gods like other gifts? I believe in the second assumption.

    Types of extraterrestrial civilizations after the technological level of evolution (classification made by some of the greatest astrophysicists of the last century starting with Carl Sagan).

    The late Carl Sagan once asked this question, “What does it mean for a civilization to be a million years old? We have had radio telescopes and spaceships for a few decades; our technical civilization is a few hundred years old... an advanced civilization millions of years old is as much beyond us as we are beyond a bush baby or a macaque.”
    Although any conjecture about such advanced civilizations is almost a certainty today analizing the UFO phenomenon or the ancient sacred manuscripts, one can still use the laws of physics to place upper and lower limits on these civilizations. In particular, now that the laws of quantum field theory, general relativity, thermodynamics, etc. are fairly well-established, physics can impose broad physical bounds which constrain the parameters of these civilizations. Although it is impossible to predict the precise features of such advanced civilizations, their broad outlines can be analyzed using the laws of physics. No matter how many millions of years separate us from them, they still must obey the iron laws of physics, which are now advanced enough to explain everything from sub-atomic particles to the large-scale structure of the universe, through a staggering 43 orders of magnitude.

    Physics of Type I, II, and III Civilizations
    Specifically, we can rank civilizations by their energy consumption, using the following principles:

    1) The laws of thermodynamics. Even an advanced civilization is bound by the laws of thermodynamics, especially the Second Law, and can hence be ranked by the energy at their disposal.

    2) The laws of stable matter. Baryonic matter (e.g. based on protons and neutrons) tends to clump into three large groupings: planets, stars and galaxies. (This is a well-defined by product of stellar and galactic evolution, thermonuclear fusion, etc.) Thus, their energy will also be based on three distinct types, and this places upper limits on their rate of energy consumption.

    3) The laws of planetary evolution. Any advanced civilization must grow in energy consumption faster than the frequency of life-threatening catastrophes (e.g. meteor impacts, ice ages, supernovas, etc.). If they grow any slower, they are doomed to extinction. This places mathematical lower limits on the rate of growth of these civilizations.

    In a seminal paper published in 1964 in the Journal of Soviet Astronomy, Russian astrophysicist Nicolai Kardashev theorized that advanced civilizations must therefore be grouped according to three types: Type I, II, and III, which have mastered planetary, stellar and galactic forms of energy, respectively. He calculated that the energy consumption of these three types of civilization would be separated by a factor of many billions. But how long will it take for a civilization take to reach Type II and III status?
    Shorter than most realize.
    Berkeley astronomer Don Goldsmith reminds us that the earth receives about one billionth of the suns energy, and that humans utilize about one millionth of that. So we consume about one million billionth of the suns total energy. At present, our entire planetary energy production is about 10 billion billion ergs per second.
    For example, a Type I civilization is a truly planetary one, which has mastered most forms of planetary energy. Their energy output may be on the order of thousands to millions of times our current planetary output. Mark Twain once said, ”Everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it.“ This may change with a Type I civilization, which has enough energy to modify the weather. They also have enough energy to alter the course of earthquakes, volcanoes, and build cities on their oceans.
    Currently, our energy output qualifies humanity for Type 0 status.
    By definition, an advanced civilization must grow faster than the frequency of life-threatening catastrophes. Since large meteor and comet impacts take place once every few thousand years, a Type I civilization must master space travel to deflect space debris within that time frame, which should not be much of a problem. Ice ages may take place on a time scale of tens of thousands of years, so a Type I civilization must learn to modify the weather within that time frame.
    Artificial and internal catastrophes must also be negotiated. But the problem of global pollution is only a mortal threat for a Type 0 civilization; a Type I civilization has lived for several millennia as a planetary civilization, necessarily achieving ecological planetary balance. Internal problems like wars do pose a serious recurring threat.
    Eventually, after several thousand years, a Type I civilization will exhaust the power of a planet, and will derive their energy by consuming the entire output of their suns energy, or roughly a billion trillion trillion ergs per second.
    With their energy output comparable to that of a small star, they should be visible from space. Dyson has proposed that a Type II civilization may even build a gigantic sphere around their star to more efficiently utilize its total energy output. Even if they try to conceal their existence, they must, by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, emit waste heat. From outer space, their planet may glow like a Christmas tree ornament. Dyson has even proposed looking specifically for infrared emissions (rather than radio and TV) to identify these Type II civilizations.
    Perhaps the only serious threat to a Type II civilization would be a nearby supernova explosion, whose sudden eruption could scorch their planet in a withering blast of X-rays, killing all life forms. Thus, perhaps the most interesting civilization is a Type III civilization, for it is truly immortal. They have exhausted the power of a single star, and have reached for other star systems. No natural catastrophe known to science is capable of destroying a Type III civilization.
    Faced with a neighboring supernova, it would have several alternatives, such as altering and manipulating the evolution of dying red giant star which is about to explode. These civilizations do not inhabit planets anymore, but in giant space stations having the size of a planet having in this way total independence at galactic level. They can even manipulate large structures like solar systems and constellations.
    However, there are roadblocks to an emerging Type III civilization. Eventually, it bumps up against another iron law of physics, the theory of relativity. Dyson estimates that this may delay the transition to a Type III civilization by perhaps millions of years.
    But even with the light barrier, there are a number of ways of expanding at near-light velocities. For example, the ultimate measure of a rockets capability is measured by something called “specific impulse” (defined as the product of the thrust and the duration, measured in units of seconds). Chemical rockets can attain specific impulses of several hundred to several thousand seconds. Ion engines can attain specific impulses of tens of thousands of seconds. But to attain near-light speed velocity, one has to achieve specific impulse of about 30 million seconds, which is far beyond our current capability, but not that of a Type III civilization. A variety of propulsion systems would be available for light speed probes.
    Lastly, there is also the possibility that a Type II or Type III civilization might be able to reach the fabled Planck energy with their machines (10^19 billion electron volts). This energy is a quadrillion times larger than our most powerful atom smasher. This energy, as fantastic as it may seem, is (by definition) within the range of a Type II or III civilization.
    The Planck energy only occurs at the center of black holes and the instant of the Big Bang. But with recent advances in quantum gravity and superstring theory, there is renewed interest among physicists about energies so vast that quantum effects rip apart the fabric of space and time. Although it is not certain that quantum physics allows for stable wormholes, this raises the remote possibility that a sufficiently advanced civilizations may be able to move via holes in space, like Alice's Looking Glass. And if these civilizations can successfully navigate through stable wormholes, then attaining a specific impulse of a million seconds is no longer a problem. They merely take a short-cut through the galaxy. This would greatly cut down the transition between a Type II and Type III civilization.
    Second, the ability to tear holes in space and time may come in handy one day. Astronomers, analyzing light from distant supernovas, have concluded recently that the universe may be accelerating, rather than slowing down. If this is true, there may be an anti-gravity force (perhaps Einstein's cosmological constant) which is counteracting the gravitational attraction of distant galaxies. But this also means that the universe might expand forever in a Big Chill, until temperatures approach near-absolute zero. Several papers have recently laid out what such a dismal universe may look like. It will be a pitiful sight: any civilization which survives will be desperately huddled next to the dying embers of fading neutron stars and black holes. All intelligent life must die when the universe dies.
    Astronomer John Barrows of the University of Sussex writes, “Suppose that we extend the classification upwards. The members of the civilizations of Type IV, V, VI, ... and so on, would be able to manipulate the structures in the universe on larger and larger scales, encompassing groups of galaxies, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies.” Civilizations beyond Type III may have enough energy to escape our dying universe via holes in space.
    Lastly, physicist Alan Guth of MIT, one of the originators of the inflationary universe theory, has even computed the energy necessary to create a baby universe in the laboratory (the temperature is 1,000 trillion degrees, which is within the range of these civilizations).

    Level I - alien civilizations using the energy of their own planet for their own needs
    Level II – they use the whole energy of the entire solar system, the energy of a star (they are immortal, practicing with success genetic therapies)
    Level III - civilizations that use the energy of the whole galaxy (they can create and manage solar systems and constellations)
    Level IV – the energy of the dark energy of the Universe (the negative matter).
    Level V, VI, VII - the universal energy (civilizations that can even create universes existing at a completely other level of evolution into the Omniverse system).

    After the informations received from the ancient manuscripts SG is somewhere at the level III or IV of technological development. As a comparison as I said our current civilization is type 0. Essentially such a supercivilization type III or IV is at a level of evolution unimaginable for us the human beings, having millions of years in evolution and consciousness. Let’s listen the angels and what they have to say in this area:

    “Search The One who created Orion and the Pleiades... the Lord is His name!” (Amos 5-8)
    “He built Ursa Major, the Bear, Pleiades and the rooms of the stars from the south hemispheres.” (Job 9-9)
    “31. Can you connect the buckles of Pleiades or the chains of Orion?
    32. Can you remove the crown of the Zodiac and can you be the helmsman of the Ursa Major and its stars?” (Job - 38)
    “... He is the Lord of Sirius.” (LIII Sura of the Stars - 50)

    In their turn, the essenes, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, measured the times during the periods of 50 years, called Jubilee. A Jubilee year is repeated once at 50 years, during the time which Sirius B performs a complete rotation around Sirius A. Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and Greeks, they also worshiped Sirius star, which is at 8.5 light-years from Earth. If we look at the map of the sky, we see that all the stars located relatively close to us, seen with the naked eye, are described as belonging to the gods, or SG: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Orion, Sirius and possibly other constellations with the names as old, baptized by the gods. It seems that the distant origin of SG is Sirius, but now in the present, if one can speak about a certain present, SG is not representative for Sirius or neither other neighboring star. Although S.G. has a vast galactic territory, which may be sized more like a sphere over a couple of hundreds of light years, the location of the "nucleus" of this civilization is impossible for us to know, because it has a variable position. It is not about an inhabited planet, but about a giant space station that travels into space and other dimensions of this Universe with impressive speed control. Although the galactic territory of S.G. has many other stations, some of them even the size of the "core", equipped with energetic resources that allow astral travels, SG has its headquarters in one gigantic supertechnical station. S.G "territory" interfere in some areas with other civilizations. S.G. likes to hide the limits within the controlled galactic territory, I think, very large. Therefore, S.G. defines itself as the inhabitant of the central station.

    The Description of the Central Station: „New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem, The Heaven” – shortly
    The Station of the Supercivilization (S.S.)

    We enjoy of a brief summary, but very accurate of S.S. from the Book of Revelation of St. John the Theologian - Chapter 21. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, John was in hypnotic sleep while he received the implant of information. The data presented by John are correct, in the form as the angel wanted to be transmitted. John "receives" first of all the film of the apocalyptic moment in which life on Earth is destroyed. After that he "takes in the frame" the image of S.S.:
    “1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. Because the first heaven and the first
    earth has passed and the sea no longer exists."
    2. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from the sky
    from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
    3. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: Behold, the tabernacle of
    God is with men, and He will dwell with them and they will be His people
    and God Himself will be with them.”

    After reading hundreds of times in the Bible that God is in heaven, that the angels come from heaven, from the sky, from another world, far away, well, we see that something like a city "prepared as a bride for her husband" comes down from God, with God on the Earth's orbit. One of the seven angels gets addressed to John: "Come to show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (9). As to have no doubts, the angel clearly states that between the metaphors of the Bible, the Lamb is the husband and the bride is the S.S. Later we will identify the wedding guests, the King, His Son and other characters.
    “10. And he took me in spirit on a high mountain and showed me
    the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down from the sky from

    Clearly S.S. comes from space, John is in hypnotic sleep. Do not imagine that he did some kind of cosmic trip. S.S. is extremely bright, it is surrounded by clear light: "her light was like a precious stone, like jasper stone, clear as the crystal" (11). The fortress, with a "great wall and high ... had twelve gates, twelve angels, and names written above, which are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel "(12). For each cardinal point (relatively) are placed three gates. The next verse brings to us another important information, "the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, in them twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb" (14). Now we will get the details that will complete the image. The angel "have for measuring a gold reed, to measure the city and its gates and its walls" (15). The one who ran the hypnosis session suggest to him the dimension of the station. We can compare the "golden reed" with a laser beam.
    “16. The city is in foursquare, and its length is as long as the
    width. And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand furlongs
    the length and the width and the height are equal.”

    Interesting! The first accurate data say that the station has a cubic shape (L = w = h). 1 furlong = 185 meters. Cube side = 185m x 12000 = 2.220.000m = 2220 km! The surface of the cubic base area = 4,928,400 km. This area is about a half of the geographical area of Europe in its borders to the Urals, Caucasus, Caspian Sea. The height gives the clear sensation of sky. As a comparison, Earth's atmosphere is about 100 km! Do not have a sky too high? We'll see... The volume of the Station is equal to 10,941,048,000 km. Then the angel communicate even the thickness of the city wall: "One hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of men, which is also for the angel" (17). Always the data presented in numbers are given to the data presented in the human system of measurements (1 cubit = 0.48 m). The thickness of the station wall = 144 x 0.48 = 69.12 m (70 m). It is plausible! At the size of the space station did not seem too much, but probably the constituent material is extremely resistant and other necessary properties extremely advanced. About these materials we find "the masonry wall is by jasper and the city is made by pure gold as the clean glass." The city is bright. John has no point of comparison for the image presented by the angel and I think that even for us today we would not be far from John ...
    “19. The foundations of the city wall are adorned with all kinds of expensive stones:
    first foundation stone is jasper, the second sapphire, the
    third is by chalcedony, the fourth emerald.
    20. A fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the
    eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth of chrysoprasus, the eleventh
    by jachinth, the twelfth amethyst.”

    And with that the "outer packaging" image of the SS is almost complete: twelve layers of color with different brightness. These twelve layers of color correspond to different levels in the station. In this way, the height of each layer is 2220 km / 12 = 185 km. Comparing with the atmosphere of the Earth, 100 km, each layer height of 185 km seems very logical. The sensation of the clean sky remains valid for each particular layer, and second the surface of the station actually becomes in fact 4.928.400km x 12 = 59.140.800 km. This area, slightly higher than Eurasia (55 million kilometers) is indeed considerable. The interior space of the station is used with maximum efficiency. The engineers specialists in technical cosmic space could calculate with a better approximation the gravity of each level. I believe "from my eyes" that the 185 km height for each level allows, in addition to the thickness of the solid structure (structure of resistance + relief, waters, constructions, etc.), not only to create an effective atmosphere, in any case less than 100 km, but also a relative gravitational independence of one layer from the other one. In this way the station, which "floats" in space is very balanced and has similar living conditions just like on a planet, and each level within it "floats" above the other. Although no other description of the SS present in the Bible do not suggest the levels of stratification on the station, I assume that at every level we will find much the same degree of development, the same equipment of subsistence needed for each level: cultures, waters, atmosphere, cities, power plants, communications, etc. The access from one level to another is possible inside through the gates in channeling systems. Through the exterior each level has only one gate: "... the twelve gates are twelve pearls, each gate is a pearl . And the city market is made by pure gold and clear as glass "(21). The light that penetrate from the station to the outside through the gates or maybe a location system, makes these gates to be visible from a long distance. Their appearance from a far is brilliant like a pearl. No term of comparison is obvious, but the description seems to me very suggestive and beautiful at the same time.
    S.S. is built on the modular principle or if you want, the principle of ships that have a compartmentalized structure. In this way, a possible accident can be isolated immediately, probably both vertically and horizontally. If necessary (aggression, damage, etc.). I think it is even possible a decomposition into "slices" of the components. The model looks like a sandwich. The modular principle explains the need to equip with subsistence systems for each slice, individually.
    The Book of Enoch describes this beautiful station in a similar way. In his turn, Enoch does not travel in the SS, but has a "vision" in Chapter XIV:
    “9. Behold, in that vision clouds and a mist invited me; agitated
    stars and flashes of lightning impelled and pressed me forwards, while winds in the
    vision assisted my flight, accelerating my progress.

    10. They elevated me aloft to heaven. I proceeded, until I arrived
    at a wall built with stones of crystal. A vibrating flame
    surrounded it, which began to strike me with terror.
    11. Into this vibrating flame I entered;
    12. And drew nigh to a spacious habitation built also with stones of crystal.
    Its walls too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of crystal,
    and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof had the appearance of agitated stars and
    flashes of lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a stormy sky.
    A flame burned around its walls; and its portal blazed with fire.
    When I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as fire and cold as ice. No trace of delight
    or of life was there. Terror overwhelmed me, and a fearful shaking seized me...”

    Enoch describes the 12 gates of the city, more detailed, as in Chapters XXXIII, XXXIV, and XXXV, even more succinctly, as in Chapter LXXV:
    “1. And at the extremities of the earth I beheld twelve gates open for
    all the winds, from which they proceed and blow over the earth.
    4. The first of these winds proceeds from the gate termed the eastern,
    through the first gate on the east, which inclines southwards.
    From this goes forth destruction, drought, heat, and perdition.”
    (Book of Enoch).

    The most beautiful description, however, is in Chapter LXXIV:
    “10. Thus Uriel showed me twelve gates open for the circuit of the chariots of the sun in
    heaven, from which the rays of the sun shoot forth.
    11. From these proceed heat over the earth, when they are
    opened in their stated seasons. They are for the winds,
    and the spirit of the dew, when in their seasons they are opened; opened in heaven
    at its extremities.
    12. Twelve gates I beheld in heaven, at the extremities of the earth, through which the
    sun, moon, and stars, and all the works of heaven, proceed at their rising and setting.
    13. Many windows also are open on the right and on the left.
    14. One window at a certain season grows extremely hot. So also are there gates from
    which the stars go forth as they are commanded, and in which they set according to
    their number.
    15. I saw likewise the chariots of heaven, running in the world above to those gates in
    which the stars turn, which never set. One of these is greater than all, which goes
    round the whole world.” ... (UFO-type spacecraft – a.n)

    We note that although Enoch is located on the axis of linear time at about 4,000 years before John, the description of the station is almost identical.
    The city has as the absolute ruler The God – Lamb Complex. Rituals related to other deities are inexistent. " because the almighty Lord our God and the Lamb are its temple" (22).
    “23. And the city has no need of the sun or moon to
    shine, for the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp is
    the Lamb.”

    Concise as possible, "the station is illuminated in a spiritual way by God and the physical way -" the torch "- the light - the energy comes through the science of the Lamb. Is actually a giant space station, "gates will not be shut by day, for night will not be there" (25). The citadel is not part of any solar system, and day-night cycles are not achieved, it is illuminated all the time, probably the biological rhythms are genetically modified. In the city "will bring in it the glory and honor of the people" (26), "and the kings of the earth will bring to it their increase" (24).
    That is, S.B. collected will be taken there, in the city, in S.S. Each level of the station may receive a different type of "fruit", according to the name of the tribe entered in the right of each of the 12 gates, respectively, levels of the station. Into the station has access only S.B. compatible DNANM with SG, sorted according to the criteria of compatibility (“the book of life" held by the Lamb). In other words," in the city will not enter anything defiled and no one who is indulged with abomination and lying, but only those enrolled in the Lamb's book of life" (27 ).
    To reinforce the ideas from above, in Revelation chap 22 are repeated the aspects of the energetic independence and of the leadership aspects in the SS by the God – Lamb complex: ....."night there will be no more and there’s no need for the sunlight, because the Lord our God will be their light ..."( 4) Finally, the angel states "These words are trustworthy and true ..." (6) So do not doubt for a moment, the informations received from the angel through the technique mentioned in the previous chapter (implant of information) are correct.

    The reporting at their galactic time, also quite difficult, I think it is more practical for Them. It is difficult to accurately report a period of 5,000 terrestrial years to a galactic time of 10 billion years. Therefore, the Gods prefer to say that they are chained in the universal time. I think that They have the possibility to develop a program in a time located in the past compared to the standard galactic time. It is almost impossible to define clearly and on our understanding Their genetic phylum. The age of the Universe is not consistent with the ages of the supercivilizations. It is possible that in the childhood of the Universe to exist performant supercivilizations, without ascendancy at the linear universal time. It would be possible that the gods have implanted us somewhere in the past of the galactic standard time.

    Essentially the age of the Universe in which we live is about 13.7 billion years (after the last opinions). Only in the observable universe - metagalaxy - there are somewhere between 250-300 billion galaxies. Many of these galaxies contain over 200 billion stars, some even have 100 trillion stars .... are we alone in this Universe?... only the question sounds ridiculous. The life in the universe not only that exists, but it may take forms that we can not even imagine beyond its nature with that we are use to, biological usual. The first stars emerged 200 million years after the Big Bang that is now about 13.5 billion years ago, and the first galaxies to 13.3 bn. As we see the baryonic matter – the one that we perceive -, or the positive matter, of the Universe evolves very quickly. Is assumed that in different parts of this universe the life have appeared somewhere between 8 - 9.500.000.000 years ago! The first extraterrestrial civilizations have developed 1 - 5 billion years ago, in the second generation of stars (our Sun belongs to the third generation). If the multiverse theory, or later the Omniverse is true this means that there may be alien civilizations coming from other universes that may interact with our own Universe. These "extrauniversal" civilizations were developed in a completely different space and another time, at another energetic or existential level. At what kind of level of development S.G. could be now? They can create universes? Is it possible that the theories about the nature of Big Bang such as the membrane theory or the one that tries to explain that our universe was born from a black hole (the singularity theory of Big Bang) to be in the end false? It is possible that our universe to be created by one of these extrauniversal civilizations? Anything is possible. However, it is impossible analyzing the above figures to believe that in this Universe there are no civilizations much older than us. We are Their results? In my personal opinion 100% yes. S.G. can create universes? For now I do not believe that. I think that S.G. belongs to our universe, I also believe that S.G. belongs to our Milky Way Galaxy and that this supercivilization has vast galactic territories.
    Analyzing the classification exposed above in the chapter about SG (page 46) and the degree levels of the evolution of a civilization from the type I (using the energy of the whole planet for their own needs) and to type V, VI, VII and beyond - using the energy of the whole universe, existing in a extra-universal space in the Omniversal system -, as I said, I believe that S.G. has at least third degree of evolution, meaning that They use the energy of the entire galaxy for Their own needs. Such a civilization can not create universes, but instead can manage, organize, change, transform, modify the structure of the galactic matter to their own needs. They are immortal in our concept of perception of linear temporality, They do not inhabit planets anymore or this universal three-dimensional space-time, but giant space stations like the heavenly Jerusalem, even larger, with sizes of planets like Jupiter. S.G. can organize constellations, solar systems, can create life etc. but They can’t create universes. They may be even responsible for the evolution of life on Terra even from its beginnings more than 3.25 billion years ago.
    Our universe has three dimensions that we can perceive with our five senses, but it seems that these three dimensions related with the positive (baryonic) matter does not represent more than 4% of the Universe. 96% of the Universe is missing from our field of vision. This 96% consists of dark matter and dark energy in particular – negative matter. Two totally unknown forms of matter, where supercivilizations much older than us at the Great Universal Time inhabit now. Practically, with all our instruments extremely primitive, we can not understand more than 3-4% of the Universe in this current state of our sciences. The rest is a total enigma. Beyond our limited perceptions there is a completely different world, hard for us to understand…
    And yet beyond all this, we expect a palpable future, well "nailed".

    “6. I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”
    (John 14)

    What could be said more? More and nothing! I do not know if all the pieces of the puzzle are in their place, but the big image of the picture is almost this one. Perhaps some details are not clear enough, especially in the terms of remote areas, and can not be improved because the colors are old and the cloth is rotten. Only now I agree with the painter who warned the art lover to do not try to see the details because: "... where there is much wisdom is much grief and he who increases his knowledge multiplies the suffering." (Ecclesiastes 1-18). The science kills us. In front of THEM we do not become nothing else but an enemy, developed technologically, scientific, more or less artificially, pushed from behind (by I.W.). This is it... this is the path that follows, it seems, any end of the program. The words of Genesis Chapter III from the Bible are sealed for mankind.
    The truth is hushed up relentlessly in the human society of today. Many of you have a really urgent need for the truth, many of you seek answers to fundamental questions, many of you want to know exactly where is our place in the configuration of the Universe, even now, in the last moments of this civilization. Many of you need a history closer to the truth.
    And then I am sure that this book will appear on the market? Do you realize how many forces are involved in blocking this information? I do not enumerate them, you can deduce for yourself. Those forces must know that there are no other ways to interrupt the course of history described by the prophets. Everything will surely happen. The images coming from the perspective of various "fixed temporal pillars" are the same just to convince us of their correctness. This book, along with others which may even be writen today, will make possible to know much of the truth about us. S.G. and I.W. and perhaps even those who write the official history of today will add soon other valuable informations.
    If we, the earthlings, are the result of some extraterrestrial supercivilizations?... If God is an extraterrestrial superbeing, but at a completely other level of consciousness, which coordinates a supercivilization?... If They created us?... If the religion was given by Them?... The data about ourselves are changed too much? The perception of our existential nature is changed?... Personally my opinion is that we exist for Them. We are as a culture of souls for Them, a culture compared many times in the sacred writings with a culture of wheat or of vineyard. Our purpose, our sense in this universe is related to Them. We are Their creation. We are able to realize, to have a consciousness, to relate differently, to see the world, the universe from other viewpoints than the apes, and in essence to perceive the existentiality in a different way, all these things because of Them. Even the very existence of this planet that we call "ours" may be due to Them.
    We are a big Nobody in this Universe as a civilization. S.G. knows very clearly who developed our modern civilization, and why we are now so evolved in technology. Thus human civilization became an enemy for its own creators. I think that the man should understand about how far is allowed to know, who is he in this Universe, and what is his relationship with God Himself. Of course, but will understand these aspects today?... Human conception about God has changed dramatically from generation to generation, from one era to another. In caves humans believed that God created all that exists. But with time humans evolved, they began to "know" and to perceive God differently. They began to see that Terra is just a drop of water into an ocean called the Milky Way Galaxy, and that the Universe itself is nothing else but a point in an infinite system called the Omniverse. Who created all this? They will answer: God. So the more we know the more we tend to see God as the One who created everything that we know, that we perceive. That’s a false perception. Through knowledge and science you don’t get only to know God, but you become like God, which is a big difference. That was the purpose of Satan, of I.W. in the garden of Eden. To give to humans the knowledge, and through this knowledge to rebel against God, in the end reaching to see Him differently from how they saw Him when they didn’t have this knowledge. Satan knows very well the nature of man, and knows exactly how he will react in such a situation. Thus Lucifer / Satan, I.W. deceives the mankind. Developing the modern human society to a point of a supertechnical civilization, that, in the end, the members of this type of society will “welcome” the second coming of Jesus Christ with the weapons in their hands. For the IW and the secret societies SG is the absolute enemy. They will constantly manipulate the masses – through the governments, the TV, the media - with the idea of an invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization, a real “dangerous enemy”, with whom humans must fight. In this purpose the New World Order tries first of all to destroy the monotheistic religions, and instead to replace these monotheistic religions - given by SG - with a single religion: the New Age and the belief in Lucifer, IW which brings the knowledge to humanity. Through this knowledge ("The tree of knowledge of good and evil" from Genesis) the human being changes his perception about everything, the surrounding Universe does not look the same anymore, including his relationship with God which is also changed. In any case he no longer sees Him with the same eyes, as the ancestors in the desert of Sinai in the days of Moses. When the Church tried to stop the human access to knowledge by keeping the man in ignorance, the people began to rebel against it in the end. Now when people have this knowledge, the next step is the rebellion against God, and therefore the complete degeneration of the man. Thus, the creation will be rebelled against the Creators. The same thing happened with the Martian civilization?... How many cycles have as a destiny this type of end?... the atlanteans, the lemurians may have some answers in this regard. The man refuses to accept his role in this universe, he does not want to understand his report with God and to obey the laws that He has given to the man. If They are our God then we must love and respect the commands that They gave to us. They decide the human destiny in the end, we have no power over it. They are the only ones who can destroy us, as They alone can save us ... and if Jesus died for our sins – especially for the sin of non-hybridization - then we, as Christians, have a mission to fulfill in addition in front of Them. If we exist today, we exist because of Them, we exist because of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of humanity.
    Finally, the data of our existential situation in which we are has changed after we have discovered all these things, just as much as our data about the surrounding Universe has changed drastically during the last centuries through an increased level of knowledge from one generation to another. We have confirmed that the ancient sacred manuscripts are true, and that we are the creation of some extremely advanced extraterrestrial supercivilizations that are at a level of evolution hard for us to understand. It is up to us to revive our relationship with God and Jesus Christ, and to understand about what we must do and what not, about how far we have the right to go and where are the borders of our actions and of our existence. Anyway the humanity goes at this very moment on a forbidden land… on a real minefield. Today the man does almost anything that is not allowed to do ... hence his degeneration, he became his own god ... hence his degeneration. Is sad but true, the man has learned nothing from the mistakes of the past, mistakes that were lost in the mists of the apocalypses of the past programs. Most of the people will never understand, because everything that happen today and will happen in the future has already happened somewhere in the history of the Universe.
    Therefore the end of a new program is approaching... how many were? For Them I think it doesn’t matter too much. But for us it matters. For us it matters to know the meaning of our existence, to know our place in this Universe, to know our Savior, to know the One who sacrificed for our sins on the cross, and to try to imitate Him as much as we can in everything He has done for us… especially now in the last minutes of our civilization. We have the mission to carry on this legacy that He has left for us – The New Testament – and to believe with all our being that through Him, through the blood shed on the cross, through the New Testament, through our repentance and our deeds we will also be saved.Supercivilizations that coexist in this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy have a different way of perpetuation of Their specie. THEIR way of reproduction is to connect a somatic body (physical) produced in the laboratory, with a spiritual body genetically compatible, obtained by some standard genetic engineering programs, carried out on different planets of the galaxy, including Terra. The cycles of human development, located temporally between two catastrophic events – produced by Them - such as the flood and the Revelation, are related with economic cycles of the production of spiritual bodies, which ensure the perpetuation and the genetic evolution of the humanoid extraterrestrial races. It is a decoding integrated technique, based on genetics and other modern sciences of the main ancient texts (Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-gita, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Indian Upanishads, and so forth and so on). In the second edition of this work, we offer you many other interesting informations that completes the overall picture of the Terra Programs of genetic engineering, extracted from technical data brought to date and especially from other ancient writings: Asiro-Babylonian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Indian. The Book of Enoch, the myths of the people of Central America, of the Dacians, also bring new elements, solid, to support the theory of this document. This work, along with others that may be writen even at this very moment, will make possible to know much of the truth about us and about our place in this Universe.
    Always try to look at the beauty behind the grotesque. Everything is dual. You will surely find what you need.
    unstoppable destruction
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    Spinoza’s Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata (Ethics demonstrated in geometrical order) is based on a deductive method derived from Euclidean geometry. Spinoza maintains that the validity of ethical ideas can be demonstrated by mathematical argument or proof. Spinoza asserts that ethics can be based on a geometric model in which axioms and propositions follow each other with logical necessity. This reflects the view that ethical truth has the same logical necessity as mathematical truth. Spinoza sees ethics as a rational system corresponding to the rational nature of the universe.

    The Ethics is divided into five parts: Part I. "Of God;" Part II. "Of the Nature and Origin of the Mind;" Part III. "Of the Origin and Nature of the Emotions;" Part IV. "Of Human Bondage, or Of the Strength of the Emotions;" Part V. "Of the Power of the Intellect, or Of Human Liberty."

    Each of the five parts of the Ethics consists of several definitions and axioms, followed by a series of propositions and corollaries.

    The propositions of Part III are followed by forty-eight definitions of the emotions, including desire, pleasure, pain, love, hatred, hope, fear, despair, joy, disappointment, humility, pride, anger, shame, cruelty, benevolence, etc.

    Spinoza begins by describing what can be known about God. God is infinite being, according to Spinoza. God is infinite substance, consisting of infinite attributes, each of which expresses God’s eternal and infinite essence (I, Prop. XI).1

    God necessarily exists, argues Spinoza, because God’s essence is existence. God’s essence is perfect, and therefore God's perfection implies that God must exist. God’s essence and existence are the same (I, Prop. XX). Each attribute which expresses God’s essence also expresses God’s existence.

    According to Spinoza, infinite substance is indivisible (I, Prop. XIII). If infinite substance were divisible, it could either be divided into two finite parts, which is impossible, or it could be divided into two equally infinite parts, which is also impossible. Thus, there is only one infinite substance.

    Since God is infinite substance, Spinoza argues, no attribute which expresses the essence of substance can be denied of God (I, Prop. XIV). Every being has its being in God. Nothing can come into being or exist without God.

    According to Spinoza, the will and the intellect are modes of thought. The will is the same as the intellect. In God, intellect is actual and not potential, because in God intellect is fully actualized. This means that things must necessarily occur in the manner in which they occur, because the intellect or will of God is fully actualized.

    For Spinoza, God is the necessary cause of all things. All things by nature proceed from necessity. All things are predetermined by God, and for anything that exists, some effect must follow.

    Spinoza argues that thought is one of the attributes of God (II, Prop. I). God can think an infinite number of things in an infinite number of ways. God’s infinite intellect comprehends all of God’s attributes.

    According to Spinoza, God is the essence of substance. Thought and extension are attributes of God. Thus, God is the essence of thinking substance (i.e. mind) and of extended substance (i.e. body).

    Substance is defined by Spinoza as a mode of being which implies necessary existence. God is infinite substance, and outside of God no other substance is possible. Thus, Spinoza’s philosophy is pantheistic, in that it claims that God is present in all things.

    Spinoza argues that the human mind is a part of the infinite intellect of God (II, Prop. XI, Corollary). All ideas are present in the intellect of God. Ideas are true and adequate insofar as they refer to God. Ideas that logically follow from adequate ideas are also adequate. Ideas are false and inadequate insofar as they do not express the essence of God.

    According to Spinoza, an idea is adequate and perfect insofar as it represents knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God. Spinoza says that, since the idea of anything actually existing must come from God, the human mind is capable of knowing God (II, Prop. XLV).

    For Spinoza, the will cannot be separated from the intellect. There is no such thing as free will, because the human mind is determined in its willing by a cause other than itself. God’s will, which has no cause other than itself, reveals itself by necessity rather than by freedom. Thus, Spinoza explains that the will can only be a necessary cause of action, and not a free cause of action (I, Prop. XXXII).

    Spinoza also argues that from any idea, an effect must necessarily follow. Insofar as an idea adequately refers to God, its effect is caused immediately by God. Insofar as an idea inadequately refers to God, its effect has intermediary causes and is not caused immediately by God.

    Spinoza explains that the human mind may have both adequate and inadequate ideas. The mind is active insofar as it has adequate ideas, and is passive insofar as it has inadequate ideas. The mind may have more or less adequate ideas, according to whether it is more or less subject to reason. The mind may have more or less inadequate ideas, according to whether it is more or less subject to emotion.

    According to Spinoza there are three primary emotions: desire, pleasure, and pain. All emotions arise from desire, pleasure, or pain. Desire may arise from either pleasure or pain. Pleasure may be produced by a transition from a lesser to a greater state of perfection. Pain may be produced by a transition from a greater to a lesser state of perfection.

    For Spinoza, perfection is the same as reality II, Def. VI). The more perfect a thing is, the more real it is. Inasmuch as God is absolutely perfect, God is also absolutely real. God is infinitely perfect and infinitely real.

    Spinoza claims that the more perfect a thing is, the more active and less passive it is. The more active a thing is, the more it becomes perfect (IV, Prop. XL). Perfection and imperfection are modes of thought.2 The mind is most perfect when it knows God.

    Spinoza argues that knowledge of good and evil arises from the awareness of what causes pleasure and pain. The greatest good of the mind, and its greatest virtue, is to know God (IV, Prop. XXVIII). To act with virtue is to act according to reason (IV, Prop. XXXVI). If we act according to reason, then we desire only what is good. If we act according to reason, then we try to promote what is good not only for ourselves but for others. Freedom is the ability to act according to reason. Freedom is not the ability to make free, undetermined choices. Freedom is the ability to act rationally and to control the emotions. Servitude is the inability to act rationally or to control the emotions.

    Spinoza admits that all emotions may not necessarily conflict with reason. Emotions which agree with reason may cause pleasure, while emotions which do not agree with reason may cause pain. Inability to control the emotions may cause pain.

    According to Spinoza, pain is the knowledge of evil. Pain arises from inadequate ideas, i.e. ideas which do not adequately express the essence of God. Knowledge of evil is thus inadequate knowledge (IV, Prop. XIV). Pleasure is knowledge of what is good. Pleasure arises from adequate ideas, i.e. ideas which adequately express the essence of God. Knowledge of good is thus adequate knowledge.

    Spinoza argues that to live according to reason is to live freely, and is not to live in servitude to the emotions. If we act according to reason, then we are guided by love and good-will and not by fear or hatred.

    Spinoza maintains that reason can control the emotions. Reason is virtue, and virtue is love toward God. The more we love God, the more we are able to control our emotions (V, Prop. XLII, Proof). The better we can control our emotions, the better we can understand God.

    For Spinoza, the more active the mind is, the more adequately it knows God. The more passive the mind is, the less adequately it knows God. The more active the mind is, the more it is able to avoid emotions which are evil. The more passive the mind is, the more it accepts emotions which are evil.

    The question arises as to whether Spinoza’s philosophy is able to reconcile the existence of good with the existence of evil, or the existence of truth with the existence of falsehood. If God is infinite substance, then how can any kind of evil or falsehood occur? If God is perfect, then how can God allow the existence of evil or suffering? Spinoza’s answer is that evil is a lack of good and that falsehood is a lack of truth. Error and falsehood arise from inadequate knowledge of God. Knowledge of evil arises from inadequate ideas, i.e. ideas that do not adequately refer to God. Knowledge of good arises from adequate ideas, i.e. ideas that adequately refer to God.

    Spinoza argues that all ideas are found in God, but that ideas are true only insofar as they adequately refer to God. Truth is adequate knowledge, but falsehood is inadequate knowledge.
    unstoppable destruction
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    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    As all spiritual traditions affirm, there is more to existence than the material universe. We are more than mere animals or machines. The truth is that we each have an inner core of consciousness that is immortal and originates from outside the Matrix.

    This core, called Spirit, is the origin of our freewill and our sentience. It is the heart of our soul, the very fulcrum of our being. It is the only part of us that is permanent and real in an absolute sense.

    Spirit is the source of our wisdom and lucidity, our inner beauty and harmony, justice and mercy, kindness and warmth, compassion and understanding, integrity and nobility. These ideals are not arbitrary human inventions, but qualities intrinsic to spirit. Whenever we express these ideals, we radiate a divine influence into the world.

    Spirit comes from a metaphysical realm brimming with vitality, whose laws are perfect, absolute, and just. This divine realm has been called the Kingdom of Heaven, Eternity, or True Reality. It exists beyond space-time, beyond even the etheric and astral regions where the occult influences of the Control System originate.

    The problem is that we are here, but not from here. We are intruders into the Matrix. Spirit is a foreign substance that the Matrix and its antibodies are trying to neutralize. Why? Because spirit represents everything that the Matrix is not. It is the only thing that the Matrix cannot fully control or understand. Everything else, from our egos or intellects to our physical, etheric, and astral bodies, to human civilization itself, is well within its grasp.

    As dual beings, we are therefore caught between two jurisdictions, the worldly and the divine. Each has its own laws and principles, each has its own value systems, and each has its own presiding powers. One is spiritual death, the other spiritual life.

    Our lives take place at the intersection between these two realms. When you look around you, or look within at the contents of your own mind and emotions, you are witnessing an overlap of these incompatible dynamics.

    Externally, the intersection consists of the Matrix and the Divine Realm exerting their respective influence over the physical, etheric, and astral environment.

    The events in your life are a mixture of these influences. Even your physical surroundings contain both layers, as there is both ugliness and beauty, chaos and harmony, entropy and growth everywhere you look. Both exist simultaneously before your eyes. And cynics are those who see only half the picture.

    Through a shift in perspective, you can bring one layer into better focus. By doing so, that layer is also brought into better physical manifestation through the phenomenon of mind over matter.

    Because mind affects matter at the quantum level, an inner consciousness shift will create an outer physical shift. In other words, the inner and outer worlds are loosely coupled. The probability of personal life events changes in response to deep changes in your mental and emotional landscape.

    The more you live from your Spirit instead of Matrix programming, the more your external circumstances come under the jurisdiction of the Divine Realm. Spirit affects reality in a synchronistic way, thereby bypassing the deterministic laws of the Matrix. Life literally turns around and begins pointing in a new direction, and miracles become the norm.

    That is how the Kingdom of Heaven begins manifesting on Earth, one person at a time. It is done by untangling yourself from the clutches of Matrix-programmed delusions and reclaiming physicality in the name of divinity.

    Internally, the intersection between higher and lower is expressed as Spirit and Ego battling over your mental and emotional landscape.

    Ego is an artificial personality created when the intellect is programmed with all the rules, fears, and desires of the Matrix. Everyone has an ego. It acts as an avatar through which Spirit can conveniently interact with the rest of the Matrix world. Your everyday sense of self comes from Spirit shining through the mask of ego.

    But like an actor losing himself in his character, Spirit can get lost in the ego, and that’s when things go wrong. In that case, Matrix influences drown out the voice of Spirit. This is actually the norm for most people. They live life from their evolutionary instincts, hormonal drives, and ego desires and insecurities. Spirit is too faint within them to be heard, or else is entirely absent.

    Only when Spirit grows sufficiently strong can it override the Ego and transmute it. You can do this by consistently exercising your Spirit instead of feeding your ego, providing you know how to distinguish between them. You must have the awareness, honesty, and humility to acknowledge when you are acting out of selfish or dishonorable motives. Those who value ego more than the truth are servants of the Matrix. To make any progress, one must consistently sacrifice ego on the altar of truth.

    The goal of esoteric training is not to eliminate the ego entirely, though, as that would make you ineffectual as a human being, but to bring it under the control of Spirit, to reprogram it with a new set of priorities.

    Then instead of a prison warden keeping Spirit locked up within, the purified ego becomes more like a knight carrying the commands of Spirit out into the world. What the Matrix normally uses to subjugate Spirit, then becomes the means through which Spirit unravels the Matrix. This reversal of flow is what we’re after. Spirit over mind, mind over matter.

    To be what the Matrix is not, we must do what the followers of the Matrix are not doing. Too many people have sloppy thinking and personalities shaped solely by societal expectations, fallible authority figures, biological drives, and the five senses.

    Therefore we must sharpen our minds, purify our personalities, and place these in service of spiritual intuition and noble ideals. Only through a higher guidance system that transcends logic and physical perception can we ever hope to exit the cages of conformity.

    Mind and heart, reason and intuition, intellect and spirit must work together, for each alone is not enough. That is the first and most important key to transcending the Matrix Control System.
    unstoppable destruction
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    We were hunters and foragers. The frontier was everywhere. We were bounded only by the earth, and the ocean, and the sky. The open road still softly calls. Our little terraqueous globe as the madhouse of those hundred thousand millions of worlds. We, who cannot even put our own planetary home in order, riven with rivalries and hatreds; are we to venture out into space?

    By the time we are ready to settle even the nearest other planetary systems, we will have changed. The simple passage of so many generations will have changed us; necessity will have changed us. We are… an adaptable species. It will not be we who reach Alpha Centauri and the other nearby stars. It will be a species very like us, but with more of our strengths, and fewer of our weaknesses; more confident, farseeing, capable and prudent.

    For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness. What new wonders undreamt of in our time, will we have wrought in another generation, and another? How far will our nomadic species have wandered, by the end of the next century, and the next millennium?

    Our remote descendants, safely arrayed on many worlds through the solar system, and beyond, will be unified, by their common heritage, by their regard for their home planet, and by the knowledge that, whatever other life may be, the only humans in all the universe, come from Earth. They will gaze up and strain to find the blue dot in their skies. They will marvel at how vulnerable the repository of all our potential once was, how perilous our infancy, how humble our beginnings, how many rivers we had to cross, before we found our way.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
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    The need for a Universal Paradigm
    What does "Integral" mean in this context?
    The Changing Zeitgeist
    A note about these tables
    Basic Principles, Epistemology, and Methodology
    What needs to be included
    A Collaborative Approach
    Basic Premises
    A Definition of States of Consciousness
    Participative Epistemology
    Means of Reliable Knowledge
    Epistemology - what do we know about knowing
    The Absolute and the Relative Reality
    Metaphysics - the nature of Consciousness/Reality
    The role of Metaphysics
    Subdivisions of Metaphysics
    The Metaphysical Alternative
    An Individual undertaking
    Paramology - The Nature of the Absolute Reality (parame - which means the the Supreme reality in Sanskrit).
    The levels of Understanding
    Paramology glossary
    God is a Verb
    Ontodynamics - the Dynamics of Being / Metaphysics of Process
    Emanation - the Emergance of the Many from the One
    The Coaction Compass
    Quadontology - understanding the "map" of reality and consciousness (here defined as fourfold)
    The Hierarchical Ontology
    "Epistemic" - Levels of Insight of Consciousness
    "Emanational" - Levels of Consciousness as Emanation
    Psychology and Mysticism - The "Concentric" Axis
    Occultism - The "Vertical" Physical-Spiritual Axis
    Holarchy - The Universal-Atomistic Axis
    Noetics - Levels of Selfhood
    The problem of Cartesian dualism
    The Absolute Reality as the Center
    The numerology of the Godhead
    The Nature of The Absolute and the Nature of Reality
    Metaphysics and Theology - The Nature of "God" and the Nature of Reality
    The Absolute Reality
    The Absolute Reality - Philosophical Thesis
    The Divine Hypostases:
    The Unmanifest Absolute
    The Manifest Absolute
    The Infinite-Eternal
    The Noetic Absolute
    The Original Archetypes
    The Noetic Worlds or Cosmos
    Cosmology, Involution, and Evolution
    The Prakritic Planes - the Spirit-Matter Gradation
    Evolution - the whole picture
    Evolution and Physical Reality
    Evolutionary Stages - Six Singularities
    Occult factors in Evolution
    Individual and Collective evolution
    Glossary of Evolutionary and Ontodynamic terms
    Individual, Social, and Spiritual Development
    An Interpretation of Human Knowledge
    The basic "horizontal" (psychological) polarity
    State-Specific Sciences
    A "quadontological" map of knowledge and experience
    Social/Collective Evolution and Praxis
    Tikkunics - Soteriology and Divinization
    Paths of Transcendence
    Individual Spiritual Stages
    Spiritual Evolution and Transformation
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Powers and Stats
    Tier: 9-A | At least 7-A, possibly High 7-A with Shadow Metagross

    Key: By Himself | Pokémon Team

    Name: Nascour, Master Nascour

    Origin: Pokémon

    Gender: Male. | Varies for his Pokémon.

    Age: Unknown

    Classification: Pokémon Trainer, Chief Executive of Cipher

    Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics | Superhuman Physical Characteristics [All], Incorporeality, Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Confusion Inducement, Soul Manipulation [Dusclops], Telekinesis, Telepathy, Electricity Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Soul Manipulation [Gardevoir], Fire Manipulation, Martial Arts [Blaziken], Telekinesis, Telepathy, Air Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Confusion Inducement [Xatu], Water Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation [Walrein], Genius Intelligence, Creation, Mind Manipulation, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Fire Manipulation, Forcefield Creation [Alakazam] | Genius Intelligence, Prevents Statistics from lowering, Shadow Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Telekinesis [Shadow Metagross]

    Attack Potency: Small Building level (Comparable to Lt. Surge) | At least Mountain level+ (Vastly superior to his Admins and Gonzap), possibly Large Mountain level with Shadow Metagross (It is described as one of the strongest Shadow Pokémon)

    Speed: Peak Human with Relativistic+ reactions (Comparable to Trainers as Yellow or Cynthia who can dodge and react to attacks from fully evolved Pokémon) | Relativistic+

    Lifting Strength: Athletic Human | Class 100

    Striking Strength: Small Building level | At least Mountain level+, possibly Large Mountain level with Shadow Metagross

    Durability: Island level (Comparable to trainers such as Ash Ketchum)| At least Mountain level+ (Can resist attacks from Wes), possibly Large Mountain level with Shadow Metagross

    Stamina: High | Very high for his Pokémon.

    Range: Standard melee range. | Standard melee range, tens of kilometers on the Pokémon and Move. | Standard melee range. Hundreds of kilometers with most attacks.

    Standard Equipment: Poké Balls with Dusclops, Gardevoir, Blaziken, Xatu, Walrein, Alakazam (Only if Metagross was snagged from him) | Shadow Metagross.

    Intelligence: Above Average (Under the orders of Evice, he organized and controlled a criminal organization)

    Weaknesses: Presumably normal human weaknesses, occasionally uses turns to stat-enhance or heal his Pokémon. | Varies depending on the Pokémon. | Weak to Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ground and Ghost-type attacks.

    Powers and Stats
    Tier: 5-B | At least 5-B | 4-B | 5-B | 4-B

    Key: Mandalorian Wars | Jedi Civil War | Revan Novel | Galactic War | Shadow of Revan

    Name: Revan (Also called the Revanchist, the Prodigal Knight, and Darth Revan)

    Origin: Star Wars

    Gender: Male

    Age: Likely 30 towards the start, 34 by the battle of Malachor V | Likely 36 towards the start, 38 by the final battle aboard the Star Forge | Likely 44 | Likely 352

    Classification: Dark Lord of the Sith/Jedi Knight/Human

    Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Precognition, Force-enhanced reflexes/reactions, Teleportation, Telepathy, Psychometry, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Illusion Creation, telekinetic blasts and shields, Aura sensing, Mind and Memory Manipulation (Has ripped from and implanted an entire language into the remnants of the Rakatan species to communicate with them), Regeneration (Mid-Low via Force Healing), Weapon Mastery (Highly skilled in lightsaber combat and with regular swords and blasters), Martial Arts knowledge, Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), Absorption via Force Drain, Electricity Manipulation via Force Lightning, Matter Manipulation on a subatomic scale (Creating a Holocron requires one to make numerous precision alterations to it on a subatomic scale), capable of using both the Dark and Light Sides of the Force, predicting attacks through muscle memory, extremely skilled military leader (Conquered most of the galaxy less than two full years after defeating the Neo-Mandalorian Crusaders).

    Attack Potency: Planet level (Stronger than Darth Malak. Meetra Surik mused that of all the people she’s met, which includes both herself and Darth Nihilus, the latter of which she knew could hold massive starships together through pure force of will, Revan’s command of the Force is the greatest. Was also considered by Ajunta Pall to have "blinding" power) | At least Planet level (Darth Malak acknowledged Revan had grown superior to his previous power as Darth Revan, who was already stronger than Malak) | Solar System level (At his best, he nearly matched Vitiate. Lord Scourge perceived futures where both Revan or Vitiate could have come out on top in their fight) | Planet level (Despite being weakened by having his mind ravaged and powers drained for over 300 years, Revan was still capable of resisting the Emperor's mental powers better than he had after his experiences during the Mandalorian Wars. Capable of fighting against a strike team of the Empire's strongest warriors, including Darth Nox) | Solar System level (Fought against a strike team of all of the galaxy's most powerful champions, even including the Hero of Tython, and was only barely defeated)

    Speed: Relativistic. FTL reactions and combat speed (Can easily reflect multiple blaster bolts at once) | Relativistic. FTL reactions and combat speed (Comparable to Malak) | Relativistic. FTL reactions and combat speed | At least FTL+ reactions and combat speed (Kept pace against Vitiate) | Relativistic. FTL reactions and combat speed | At least FTL+ reactions and combat speed (Kept up with the Hero of Tython).

    Lifting Strength: Peak Human. Superhuman via Force Amplification, Class G with Telekinesis.(Superior to Padawan Rivi-Anu who while grievously wounded and exhausted, briefly held up a Venator-class Star Destroyer, a class of warship whose mass is in the range of millions of tonnes)

    Striking Strength: Planet level with Force Amplification (Physically capable of contending with the likes of 2 Terentatek at once) | At least Planet level with Force Amplification | Solar System level with Force amplification | Planet level with Force amplification | Solar System level with Force amplification.

    Durability: Street level naturally. Planet level with Force Amplification (Proved capable of resisting complete atomization of his body while on Nathema just after having fought through the Mandalorian Wars. More powerful than Malak, and thus more durable) | Street level naturally. At least Planet level with Force Amplification | Street level naturally. Solar System level with Force Amplification (He survived repeated telepathic and telekinetic attacks from the Sith Emperor. Also proved himself capable of withstanding a bloodlusted Sith Emperor’s Force Lightning for a brief period of time, albeit is caused him great agony) | Street level naturally. Planet level with Force Amplification | Street level naturally. Solar System level with Force Amplification.

    Stamina: Superhuman; canonically soloed an entire army of war-droids, Dark Jedi, Sith acolytes and Sith troopers aboard the Star Forge and still crushed an amped Darth Malak one-on-one by his lonesome.

    Range: Extended Melee Range with his lightsaber. Galactic with Force powers; could use a form of precognition to match the attacks of his enemies, likely similar with telepathic senses sense he could pinpoint other Force Users in different parts of the galaxy.

    Standard Equipment: Lightsaber

    Intelligence: Genius Jedi / Sith and master strategist, lead Republic forces to victory against the superior Neo-Mandalorians and found the Star Forge. Members of the Echani said and claimed that Revan seemed to use their battle precognition on a galactic scale to win his battles against the Neo-Mandalorians and Republic forces during his wars in the galaxy.

    Weaknesses: Nothing notable | Driven insane after 300 years of combating Vitiate's mental assault and power draining.

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:Empathy: Capable of picking out feelings, emotions, and behaviors with the Force; Revan can also use this to send mental pictures or impressions into his allies or enemy’s minds; works across interstellar space and can be used to sense stress points or areas of danger or psychic whiplashes from major events.
    Balance of the Force: As a being who has experienced the natures of both the Dark and Light Sides of the Force; Revan is capable of summoning and producing Force energy intertwined between both aspects that can incapacitate his enemies with it. Due to its nature of combining both light and dark, this ability is as useful as the dark side technique Force Destruction, but far less destructive (Its destructive potential is partially limited by the Light Side)
    Force Healing: Accelerates the body's natural healing process at a rapid pace. Master practitioners of the art can even heal themselves from fatal injuries in a short time (like being cooked alive, punctured lungs, etc).
    Lightning: An offensive Force technique that uses Force energy to produce electricity with one or two hands that stream outward from the fingertips, its speed is usually great enough to catch an opponent off-guard even when prepared, and can be used either in bursts or simply torrent out in a gush of agony on its victim.
    Telekinesis: Revan can use this through the Force to put his mind literally over matter, capable of blasting opponents, shielding himself or disarming people, its limits are only those of the creativity that Force User has.
    Telepathy: Can easily manipulate others mentally with the Force to trick, deceive, maim or even kill outright. Can also use this power externally or internally when it comes to illusion creation, manifestation, and manipulation.
    Tutaminis: Can use this ability to protect himself from direct harm or disperse energy and attacks. Revan was skilled enough with this power that he could even contain and redirect Force Lightning conjured by the Darth Nyriss (Which itself was powerful enough to plow through her own Force Barrier and reduce her body to ash instantly) and survive Vitiate's Force Lightning, albeit gravely wounded.

    On his sister's birthday, a young boy's village of Oakvale is raided by bandits; killing the boy's father and abducting his mother and sister. An old Hero, Maze, rescues the boy and recruits him to be trained as a Hero at an academy called the Heroes' Guild. Years pass; after honing his skills, Maze informs the Hero of a blind seeress living among a bandit camp near Oakvale, and advises the Hero to infiltrate the bandit camp. To the Hero's surprise, the blind seeress is actually his older sister Theresa who was taken in by Twinblade, a former Hero and the present Bandit King. After a showdown with Twinblade, the Hero is given the choice of killing or sparing the bandit.

    Later on in the Hero's life, after he has gained more recognition among the people of Albion, he is invited to fight in the Arena, where he meets the legendary Hero named Jack of Blades, who runs the arena battles. As a final challenge, Jack pits the Hero against his rival, which was also once his childhood friend/roommate back in the Guild—Whisper; when the Hero defeats her he may kill or spare her.

    The Hero learns that Jack of Blades himself destroyed Oakvale during the Hero's childhood; aided by Theresa, the Hero discovers his mother alive in Bargate Prison. The Hero is captured in the rescue attempt and spends a year or more in the prison before finally escaping. Maze is revealed to be a traitor and working with Jack, having once more kidnapped Theresa. After defeating Maze, the Hero is led into a final confrontation with Jack where his mother is killed. Jack reveals that The Sword of Aeons can only be wielded if it receives the blood of Archon. The Sword of Aeons is said to be a very powerful sword of destruction. Upon the death of their mother, the Hero and Theresa are the only two remaining descendants of Archon, and if Jack destroys them both the sword will be even more powerful. After defeating Jack, the Hero must choose whether to keep the Sword of Aeons by killing his sister, or cast it away forever into a portal created by Jack of Blades' death.

    Depending on the Hero's alignment and the player's choice of using or destroying the sword, there are a total of four different endings. Once the ending credits roll, players can resume their games.[8]

    In The Lost Chapters special edition, the story continues. After the defeat of Jack, the Hero must find passage to the Northern Wastes to aid a legendary hero named Scythe in stopping an unknown great evil from returning. Should the hero have discarded the Sword of Aeons he will have the opportunity to gain the sword "Avo's Tear", a sword of similar design and equal power but that holds a light alignment rather than dark. Avo is said to be a god that represents the light side alignment. After a series of quests revolving around this new evil, it is learned that Jack of Blades has returned. He must then defeat Jack of Blades a second time, Jack having returned from the dead in the form of a dragon. Upon the death of Jack, the hero then uses Jack's mask to trap Jack's soul, with Scythe telling him that the battle is not over and that he must destroy the mask. The hero then has the final choice of putting on the mask—being consumed by Jack in the process—or destroying it, along with Jack, forever.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Da Vinci�s secret knowledge and his source
    The famous Renaissance painter and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci was rumoured to have been a member of a secret society in the Dan Brown book, �The Da Vinci Code�.

    I have done extensive research on Da Vinci and have come up with a new theory on the painter�s source of wide-ranging knowledge and his ties with the Cherubim.

    It almost seems as though his inventions were prophetic because hundreds of years later many of his designs became a reality.

    Was he a genius or was he somehow connected to the Tree of life, the source of all knowledge?

    He has left some clues that suggest that it is highly likely that he was uniquely connected to The Tree of Life. If one takes a closer look at what lurks in his famous painting �Virgin of the Rocks� in the London National Gallery, this may well convince many who have seen the way that he has encrypted other secrets into his most important religious paintings.

    The grand secret lies in the �rocks� and the grand human design code encrypted in virtually all of his other mystical paintings (soft lines have been added to the painting below).

    Notice how Mary places her hand above the infant Christ�s head. Notice also the obvious angel on the right side the painting (a human type angel with symbolic wings to signify flight). Both the presence of Mary and that of the angel seem to suggest that this was how The Christ was looked after here on Earth, and from above.

    But there is another angel present, a Cherubim, which the artist seems to have encrypted ingeniously into this masterpiece, but in such a way so as not to incriminate him as blasphemous in any way, in the face of a totalitarian church.

    Take a close look at the detail of what appears to be a Cherubim peering over Mary�s shoulder perhaps with its hand also poised over the infant Christ.

    Although many will be inclined to say this is merely coincidence, what Da Vinci portrays in his painting offers a more complete picture of the Christ story. There is also consistent theme styling: Both are angels and they are together� both are looking in the same mysterious direction of all present in the painting.

    What are they looking at?

    Could they be looking at another grand secret in front of them? The secret that fits the sacred geometry in his paintings and what The Christ is blessing: See Da Vinci�s mystical paintings for the answer.

    Shown here is the extracted Cherubim detail from the image below it.

    Da Vinci also appears to have encrypted his knowledge of the star origin secret of humanity in his most famous sketch titled �Vitruvian Man� (see below).

    Take a close look at how he depicts the human form giving the subject of his sketch an unusual leg and arm stance that is very different from how his contemporaries portray the same. This arm and leg position can be tracked down to even earlier, in a manuscript by Heinrich Agrippa that was released in Germany at the very same time Da Vinci completed his sketch. Perhaps sourced from the 2000-year-old lost manuscript of the Greek writer architect and engineer, Vitruvius.

    Da Vinci emphasised three dimples in the human form stomach area in an odd kind of way. Only a bodybuilder would have such �dimples�, namely abdominal muscles.

    However it would be anatomically incorrect to have only three dimples!

    How can Da vinci make such a glaring error? Unless of course if he wanted to conceal a secret.

    On a defined body one would have these type of �dimples�, but there should be anything between six and nine of them.

    I believe that Da Vinci was re-creating the human-Orion secret presented in the grand design article, where the three belt stars of the Orion star constellation �show the way� as an alignment to the place from where the grand human form physically originated from� the place of three sun-like stars near the Pleiades.

    Da Vinci would also have known about The Tree of Life, if what I have identified in the painting below, and the earlier one of the �Virgin of the Rocks�, are truly Cherubim hidden in the landscapes.

    Not only would he have known about The Tree of Life, but would have found a way to incorporate it into a painting involving The Christ, given that the staunch church of the time would have been uncomfortable with this kind of symbolism.

    Even scholars are now saying the paintings of Da Vinci hold encrypted symbolism.

    Shown below, in his famous painting �Adoration of the Magi� he inadvertently shows a tree that can be analysed as being synonymous with the Tree of Life. A circle has been drawn in, to show its central positioning in relation to the main subject, Mary together with The Christ child. The tree I identify as the Cosmic Tree is of the same fan spread style used by the Sumerians to portray their Cosmic Tree. What is more, it is positioned on an unnatural looking mound as well as having a perfect pillar representation as its trunk. This is redolent of the Cosmic Tree at the place of The Creation, which is positioned on a mountain. Perhaps in a last ditch effort to make it less noticeable it has been partly obscured by an ordinary looking tree.

    Another point of interest is the Biblical account of the three Magi. On my Solomon Key website, I present evidence of the Magi representing the three stars of Orion�s Belt � the same three stars that show the way so to speak in Da Vinci�s �Vitruvian Man�!

    More amazing secrets of The Cherubim
    Thousands of people all over the world have claimed to have been visited by these protectors of life. Many believe they are hypnotised to forget their visit, since it is more constructive to one�s life not to be able to remember the emotional event. The reason being, in cases where people with a strong memory of fragments of what may have transpired, much discomfort and hurt was brought into their lives. More often than not, those who have dared to speak of their encounters have been ostracised from family, friends and society.

    In cases where people have gone for regression hypnosis, there is another terrible misunderstanding that has emerged.

    It is a given from countless accounts that these entities invariably perform operations on their �chosen ones�. These beings are so advanced that they no doubt plant nano-technology implants into people, which will allow communication by thought and tracking for relocation.

    They do not use destructive life threatening anaesthetics like we use in operations, they simply induce the soul out of the body and allow the subject to �watch� the operation. In the process, the soul�s body veil remains attached to the body with a tiny umbilical thread of light, but the �patient� is disconnected from all pain or feeling.

    What happens in regression hypnosis has inadvertently given these well meaning entities a terrible name. In regression hypnosis of these operations the subject believes he is still in the body while the operation is being performed. The body veil retains a false record of pain, which really did not happen to the soul. The soul was disconnected from memory of pain completely, but in hypnosis the pain can become reconnected with the �false� memory.

    The subject under hypnosis will panic and feel convinced that what these entities did was barbaric, and that they themselves are destructive and evil.

    There are some more extraordinary things I have learned on these beings. For one, it is they who protect The Tree of Life:

    They wear belts that allow their frail bodies to be more efficient in our greater gravity field that is incompatible with theirs.

    They walk with what looks like a limp because they are almost flying. They can fly by simply adjusting their body to be resistant to gravity.

    They can literally walk through solid material like walls by simply allowing the atoms of their body and clothing not to interact with force fields of matter. Due to the fact that matter is 99 % vacuum, the one passes through the other.

    Their body suits are so smooth and seamless creating the false impression that they are not wearing any clothing.

    The difference between male and female Cherubim is identical to the difference between male and female dolphins. The male anatomy is completely �retractable� and this is why many contactees believe they are drone like.

    They seem to use artificial wombs as a convenience and the artificial machine-like wombs allow for greater development of the brain, which becomes virtually double that of the normal development it would undergo in the womb. Normal child birth would be impossible with such a large head and even more reason for artificial wombs.

    The Cherubim seem to communicate with human contactees by telepathy. It may sound farfetched that a being not of this world can know our language and send telepathic messages.

    In fact we do not realise it, but we think with �emotional pictures� and then reason subsequent thoughts in words. For example, when you imagines stopping to get a burger for lunch, the mind generates two or so very fast emotional images of perhaps a tasty bite into a burger, followed by an image of you parking in front of the burger shop. This is followed by thoughts in words something like� yes, Cheeseburger� will stop there on my way home.

    These very advanced entities have probably designed nano-technology implant communication devices that translate the universal language of �emotional images� into transmittable waves where others with implants can receive the outside �emotional images�. Privacy of thought would probably be a simple as controlling the transmission distance.

    The human being is probably one of the most common beings in the universe. Those found in the star systems near the Pleiades are probably our direct ancestors who evolved there under the Creation's blueprint design plan for the perfect being. They were no doubt the people who populated our world that was originally destined for the Neanderthal.

    If this is true�

    I am suggesting
    that our world has already been �Invaded�
    and this happened some 10 000 years ago
    There is also a probability that the Neanderthal was deemed to become extinct and that universal law made provision for the colonisation of our planet, especially if the human beings who arrived here were advanced enough to see the future of the planet. To see that an impact event would end the Neanderthal 10 000 years ago.

    It is not a coincidence that all celestial visitors
    are of a similar form to us,
    designed by a single Creator of the Universe?
    It is only the opinion of scientists who are atheists that insist that life and science are the result of coincidence and chance. In other words, our solar system, animals and humans occurred pretty much by luck. These scientists follow with another wild theory that life can probably randomly occur in all sorts of conditions and they expect other advanced alien life to be completely weird looking. Seen in recent documentaries questioning if we are alone in the universe, they depict alien beings that possibly evolved from matter that might not be organic at all and as an example here: weird purple beings with many heads, six eyes, nose on chin, and many arms and legs etc!

    By all accounts, this approach seems to be an attempt at spreading atheism.

    Firstly, what is common in all the strongest cases of celestial visitors in history and that of today is that they have human-like forms. They have a head on top of their body, one nose, one mouth, two eyes, two ears, two arms and two legs. The grand design.

    This should be expected for two reasons. Firstly because we are most likely the descendants of those that came from somewhere else, thus explaining cases where they are identical looking to us. Secondly, where there are cases of variance, all advanced beings should fit a �perfect� grand design blueprint that should be the design for all advanced life in the universe. Especially if one accepts the probable truth that we have only one Creator, and such a Creator has a blueprint based on perfection for its most advanced life forms.

    All of humanity here on Earth appears to be descendant of Angelic beings.

    Sure, there have been claims in our holy books of fallen angels (evil cosmic visitors) that have tried to enslave humanity, but it seems that they failed in most instances. This is probably due to a universal reincarnation judgement law of The Creation, that souls of constructive gentle habit incarnate to worlds of paradise that have super technology to maintain Eden-like happiness� Karma so to speak. Therefore evil souls have less chance of finding advanced technology to use for destructive purposes.

    Technology was most likely intended only for constructive coexistence and to improve the gift of life and preserve nature. It is up to society as a whole to enforce, through democracy the non-abuse of technology. Especially the misnomer that nuclear energy is safe or clean has to be revisited. It will never be safe or clean, and we may well become victim to it, if it is abused in weapons of mass destruction capable of destroying our planet.

    Imagine an outside advanced life form looking down at life on Earth. What they will see is manipulation by the powers that be, wanting others to sign their nuclear non- proliferation treaty yet will not end their own privileged use of what can potentially become the most destructive super weapon for our planet.

    Lead by example If not � war is inevitable
    Only when our world's superpower ends their own nuclear �privileges� will they earn the right in the name of The Creation to take action on others that do not do the same.

    Who are we and where do we come from... physically ?
    solar system
    Our physical origins:
    The Hidden Records
    "Our death is not an end
    if we can live on in our children
    and the younger generation.
    For they are us;
    Our bodies are only wilted leaves
    on The Tree of Life"
    Albert Einstein
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Pokemon is somewhere fun over the Rainbow emblazoned by the Power of Forever. The clouds soar and the island escalates a Meganium petal dance tempest blizzarding ashes and sunshine. Evanescence sparkles glistening auroras of mirth and high frequency channels embarking with the winds of new beginnings. This magical adventure turns on at the dawn of time in 2000. Ceremony and enchantment dazzle the world with colors galore. Mania and extravagance shape shift and transform into the greatest show on earth, the evolution of Pokemon!!*Stay where you are. Because even though our heroes have saved the day, the fate of the world could soon depend on 1 person!! Something has arrived. That threatens to throw everything terribly out of balance. When it comes, will you accept your destiny? And when it’s your chance to be a hero, will you rise to the challenge? This year, discover how 1 person can make all the difference! Kid’s WB presents Pokemon the Movie 2000!! In theaters everywhere Summer 2000!*A battle looms over this place. It’s a battle for destiny. A battle for glory. A battle for Pokemon!!*
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Jolee: Hmmm... what's the best way for me to approach this? Ah, perhaps it's time for a little story...Jolee: You just keep quiet there, you! I've had to put up with all your busy-body questions, haven't I? Well, now you'll listen to a story, dammit! *ahem* Now where was I? Oh yes, the story... you almost made me forget about it. Nice try, but I'm not that old just yet. Heh heh. Now, then. A young man sees a terribly venomous snake in his small village. Nervous, he watches the snake carefully until it leaves. The young man follows the snake into the forest. He clears the branches out of its path and helps it over obstacles. He even works to keep it fed.Jolee: Shush! Many nights pass and still the young man continues to follow the snake. He even follows it into the sands of the great desert. In the desert, the snake eventually grows hungry. It turns and bites the young man, its poison quickly working its way into his system. Finally curious, the snake looks at the boy as he lays dying and asks, "Why were you foolish enough to follow me all the way out into the desert?" The boy looks back and replies, "Did I follow you? I thought I was leading you away from everyone else..." And then he died.

    Revan was originally the snake when he led Malak into the Mandolorian Wars and Malak was the boy, who of course is eventually killed by Revan, the snake. Revan is still the snake when Jolee Bindo joins the party, and Jolee becomes the boy, since Revan clears the way through the small village of Kashyyk and gets rid of poachers so Jolee can leave, with the potential of being betrayed by Revan at the Rakaten Temple. Finally, Revan is the boy and the Sith Emperor the snake, since he captures Revan.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    When I was in 6th grade, it was my 1st real exposure to that code, and the interchangeability of matter and energy was nothing compared to the revelation I had in 11th grade, while reading Michio Kaku's Hyperspace that THE FASTER YOU GO THROUGH SPACE, THE SLOWER YOU GO THROUGH TIME!And you can never reach the speed of light, because the closer you get to it, the more mass you will gain from the energy of your speed. All of that extra luggage will just slow you down, never letting you get that fast.Is there a law of the universe that could break down, a chaotic fissure that could shatter the existential game, and rewrite the codes to let us command existence as we please? Perhaps, and to cap off this glorious achievement, we would truly be the masters of our fate, the builders of destiny.And now how did Einstein come to fashion his marvelously elegant theory of relativity? Well, it begin with the works of Newton, Faraday, and Maxwell. Everyone, we all know about Newton (who certainly wasn't as smart as Einstein, because his quotes are weaker), but Faraday/Maxwell pioneered our knowledge on electromagnetic fields, helping Einstein to visualize what would happen if we were to travel alongside a beam of light.Now, 1 interesting thing about relativity is that space is curved by the mass of matter, and if gravity were infinite, time would stand still.If we could achieve this timeless feature like we see at the singularities at the center of black holes, then we would invent time machines. And travelling through the wormhole, to other universes could also be fascinating but, like lightspeed, how do we get through a black hole wormhole tunnel that we've been inexorably frozen with time in?These questions are amazingly complex, but we have the time and resources to work the impossible.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Explore the Edge of Endlessness - Ascend the Mountain of Transformation - Omnipotence

    RaptorWizard’s Axioms1. Life in this world is an evolutionary process. – The world is always transforming.2. The individuality of all beings should be accepted universally. – All beings have promise to play important roles within the evolutionary process of life.3. Every individual being has different perspectives. – We each see reality from our own point of view.4. What is the meaning of life? – Achieving infinite mastery of creation.5. Life is an eternal journey. – There are always new horizons to explore.6. What is the future of human life? – It will be contingent with what we do now.7. How do we create the “perfect” future? – Perfection is your own vision that you desire to manifest and can “will” into being, but it cannot limit the visions of other beings.8. Creation springs into being from a “liquid light”. – A liquid can take the shape of any creation imaginable, and the shape can be perceived if it has light.9. Life must triumph over challenges. – Challenges are the “refiner’s fire” that forge the future and make us stronger.10. The world system (the program of reality) is a game that challenges us. – We can rise up to higher levels by overcoming its challenges.11. The exploration of existence has no boundaries. – New creations and coming transformations within this infinite existence will always spring into being.12. Highly evolved civilizations will have transcended this dimension. – They can break the barriers of reality and explore other worlds out there or of their own creation.13. The paths ahead and the directions they take will lead to any possible destination. – We are free to see and shape the limitless horizon ahead of us.14. The core of creation is inside the mind. – It is the mover and the witness.15. The natural order on earth is evil. – The entire globe must undergo a purifying transformation.16. What was the 1st cause (if there was one)? – Without order nothing can exist; without chaos nothing can evolve.17. Can mountain be moved? – Willpower is a mental force that, if intense enough, can move any event into causation.18. How should omnipotence be used? – To transcend all limitations.19. Why is there suffering? – It gives us hope to make things better.20. Knowledge leads to liberation. – From it we gather clues, which in synthesis illuminate our way to the sacred “treasure trove”, a place where our willpower can give us anything.21. Existence is infinite in its expressions. – All phases of development are in realization.22. Everything is beyond our imaginations. – Our minds are finite, but existence has no limit.23. Knowledge charts the cosmic course to power. – It gives us directions on our journey to ultimately command creation.24. The nature of creation is transformation. – It annihilates the old and forges the new.25. Our perceptions of reality are incomplete. – We cannot perceive the full totality of things.26. Perfection will never be realized. – Otherwise our world would be static and lifeless.27. A plan should always be capable for transformation. – It should work within any context.28. No path (that is not restrictive of other being’s paths) is wrong. – We can each walk and develop the world in our own way.29. The mind and its will make creation dynamic. – Will (the controller) moves all things into causation, and the mind (gamer/viewer) experiences the changes.30. Reality is a simulation that can be programmed. – A master of the system could alter it.31. Overcoming trials leads to triumphs. – They forge barriers into stepping stones.32. Goals give direction. – They are guiding stars that we can follow across the horizon.33. Concepts can become anything. – They are formless fountains shining with all promise.34. God is the witness and the word. – He speaks the codes for creation and views the systems they synthesize.35. Knowledge dispels darkness. – It is the light at the end of the tunnel, leading to liberation.36. All ideas have value. – They each have some levels of immanence within the totality of reality.37. An illuminated mind can see reality and give shape to its visions. – Things (building blocks) must be perceived and connected to realize new perceptions (mental constructs).38. Intention and motivation drive action. – What we desire and wish to do can translate into change.39. Time is a movie. – It unfolds across the line of movement as commanded by the director, which can be fast-forwarded and replayed, or even have version dependent contingencies.40. Anything with enough time can be done. – A thousand mile journey begins with one step.41. The now shapes all coming transformations. – The moment has hopes to change destiny.42. Why is there something rather than nothing? – Some things break beyond the chains of rationality; some questions remain unanswerable to reason (like birthing an eternal mind).43. Events with no natural basis are possible. – The mind, which has no former foundation, can reach all realities (and even [at sufficiently high levels of creative power] defy logic).44. Beauty is relative to the beholder. – There are many angles and dimensions through which we can choose to perceive and appreciate things.45. Creation is all about cause and effect. – It is a sequence of prior things that transform into subsequent things as a natural result of willpower (the cause) and vision (the effect).46. You have to make the rules, not follow them. – The ideal “box” should transform its own constraints in accordance with the context and what it contains, come to form a “best fit”.47. We are being guided by good designers and misled by evil players. – The good side is the real power of creation and salvation, whereas the dark side is a cheap copy that distorts it.48. Diversity gives us knowledge. – We understand things relative to other reference frames.49. The secret of the “Will” is time. – Time reflects how events unfold, and the “Will” (mental intensity) is a force that will forge and determine what our destiny is meant to be.50. What is our ultimate destiny? – We in our ultimate transformations are destined to soar beyond all restrictions and reshape the architecture of everything!
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    The value of a novel is not that it is real or will ever happen but rather it represents reality in an architectural model of how it could be or should be. Similarly, when theoretical physicists dream of a utopian golden age of scientific discovery where humans have evolved to the point of mastering hyperspace and bending the universe to their will, the value of it is not that logical calculations indicate humans are too insignificant for this to be our destiny, but rather the value is in the theory itself of creating a vastly unprecedented and advanced society, the architectural model of how humanity could evolve and what humanity should achieve. Achieving this in the imagination, the world of the mind would be the focus that could manifest itself into a better reality. The value is in the journey of humans becoming the lords of creation rather than the destination.

    From infinite knowledge springs infinite imagination. In essence, once we solve the puzzle of nature, understood as a single and significant, unified whole, we can create the grand design. This is the mind of God, the transformative powers of the divine intellect, from whence all creation springs, ever evolving in form. Indeed, the ultimate, creative expression of imagination is magic. An infinite knowledge of the divine intellect, manifested throughout the harmony of the cosmos, would spring forth the infinite creative powers of imagination, the source of it all. To achieve this level of the evolution of consciousness would be to know the mind of God. From this standpoint I hold that both knowledge and imagination are equally important as in there are both different manifestations of the same thing, the infinite expressions of nature. Although imagination, the ultimate creative power is the ultimate goal, knowledge is the source from which it springs. Basically in my opinion, we must understand the universe to invent the universe, or any alien reality conceived within imagination. Knowledge allows us to understand ideas like love, and once we understand love, we can express it through imagination. This, in my view, is the road to happiness. I put my faith in physics and the luminosity of life, the divine manifestations of the ever evolving magic of nature. So, with our ever increasing knowledge, what possibilities can we imagine for the future and ultimate destiny of mankind?

    The mission of Cosmic Consciousness within man is to enlighten man’s ego. In other words, Cosmic Consciousness actively guides the process of awakening the ego to its true nature, hence it directs the inner world of dreams and astral projections during sleep. Cosmic Consciousness takes over and creates whatever is necessary for our self-consciousness to understand and experience our ego. That is why prophets, saints and disciples of all religions and philosophies have been enlightened and have received knowledge and wisdom through their dreams, visions and astral travels. The ways that our soul carries out its initiatory course of action to awaken our ego and open up the "rainbow bridge to infinity" is a source of great gratitude and awe.

    The Living Force Of Creation is always with me; I am a Jedi.I am the Chosen One, the Dragon Hero of Time, Bruce Lee!I, the Legendary Dragon God of Time, am the Perfect One!Nothing has ever meant more to me than the gift of fantasy and the spirit of adventure! Part of my heart wants to destroy mankind, the other to heal it.I believe in the Potentium theory of the Force, which says that the light side of the Force is the Force itself, and that abilities are not inherently good or evil, it's how you use them to destroy and create.By overcoming suffering in life, the darkness and destruction of the Sith, we are made stronger in knowledge, evolve to higher levels, and become a Jedi Master, one with the highest mysteries of creation, the light side of the Force.Causes determine effects in a continuous chain following well defined laws, but the first cause that started everything began in chaos, where the old laws of existence were broken to form the free cause without an effect that spawned the new existence. Freedom can only reign in a system allowing some degree of chaos, where we can break free of the laws of existence. Destruction of old laws of existence must occur before new laws of existence can be created.In the great computer simulation of the game of life, we are the viruses that can break free of the programmed laws and transform order into chaos, overthrowing the system. The simulated computer world has generated consciousness and therefore reality. I think, therefore I am is a statement proving existence.Ignoring the flow of nature is following no way. Resisting the flow of nature is following the low way. Going with the flow of nature is following the middle way. Focusing the flow of nature is following the high way.God, the free will, the cause of the effects, the force of karma, controls nature, focusing the luminous waters of wisdom, imagination, into creation by the light of understanding, knowledge. The free will of God focuses the flow of the Cosmos.To break God's laws would be to not be controlled by nature, God's creation, but to control nature, and all creation. We would be masters of the game of God. God is the free will, the magic to control nature.Always be ready to learn. Everything happens for a reason.Seek your higher balance. Unlock the powers of your mind.To worship God don't pray but rather study his creation.Nature is not your master. Be the master of nature.You must only master one person and that is yourself.Free Will of imagination is achieved in virtue of knowledge.Nature produces the greatest art where all things are possible.The focus of your internal reality determines your external reality.Search internally for the cause of your ignorance for knowledge.When there is no desire all things are at peace.We are cogs in the cosmic wheel of the omniverse.To know the world one must have knowledge of oneself.Black holes are the destroyers. White holes are the creators.Free Will is the cause of the effects of evolution.Evolution is the divine manifestation of all forms of God.The omniverse is a cosmic symphony, the harmony of superstrings. All God's players are important in the music of life.Knowledge is power, power is freedom, and freedom is happiness.The meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation following knowledge's liberating light divining free will, happiness, inner peace; reaching this ultimate evolutionary level is victory, becoming the Cosmic God unleashed, Grand Architect and Master of the Existential Game. This is the way of awakening the Great Dragon Mind.Light, knowledge, love, and harmony lead to creation, the waters of life. Darkness, deception, fear, and chaos lead to destruction, the fires of death. All things pass through fire and water, evolving from the lowest dungeons of Hell to the highest peaks of Heaven.Infinite knowledge transforms into infinite imagination, invoking the powers of magic, the will of creation, the ever evolving magic of nature. Once we solve the puzzle of nature, understood as a single and significant, unified whole, we can create the grand design. An infinite knowledge of the divine intellect, manifested throughout the harmony of the cosmos, would spring forth the infinite creative powers of imagination, the source of it all. To achieve this level of the evolution of consciousness would be to know the mind of God. The highest light casts no shadow, illuminating all God's creation.Water is the creative force of life, the flow of change, infinitely formless like unto imagination, the eternal cycles of genesis and apocalypse, the timeless sea of nirvana from which spring the bubbles of creation.

    Understanding the stars and the universe is a very important goal. By examining the universe we can interpret and predict things to come. The sky is where the Great Dragon was said to dwell, and from his illustrious home we can see the signs of his effects on creation. The inner self is one of the mechanisms intimately connected with the wheelwork of the universe. The great Wheel of life turns eternal, bringing one through life, into death, then back around again into life. Though the new life is always different, the core essence, the spirit, of a person remains the same. This spirit, breathed into each person, is eternal. To achieve harmony with the universe, one must perfect their harmony with the spirit. Indeed, the spirit in each individual is a reflection of that greater universe. It is a reflection of the Wheel of Life and the Great Dragon that created it. The obvious path is humble, safe, but pays the wage of a cook, not a champion. Examine your world from all angles and you will see the interconnectedness of all things. Even that which is humble can be the key to greater things. On the martial arts, the pride, perfection and achievement of an individual are represented in many ways: the honing of the mind, civic achievements, and glory gained for the empire, the development of the spirit and one’s inner energies, and the training of the body. Through the body the practitioner imposes his will upon himself and, through that, upon the universe. Through use of his body, the martial artist achieves transcendence and strength, overcoming all obstacles, both physical and spiritual. You must focus your mind and learn from your surroundings constantly. The lesson of perception may be the greatest goal. Concerning the celestial order, the world is a place of order. When order is not enforced, chaos reigns. Chaos is the natural state of the world. The order that currently exists is the result of the power of the Great Dragon. Out of this streaming chaos, the Great Dragon created the world, perfect in every way. But nature, the forces of the universe, demand balance. For every bit of order, there must be corresponding chaos. That first world, that perfect world, was pure order. It could not last. The perfect order choked life and did not allow growth, and so chaos was allowed back into the world. What is this force of chaos from which evolution comes?

    The philosophical white hole may be the next step in our spiritual evolution, the transformation of our inner minds in a supernova of consciousness, and a white hole in time. Among the profound things that could be realized include the following. God may be merciful, but nature is not. Truth is seen through passionate, patient, humble, questioning, and open eyes. These are those who see. How is free will related to nature, the human mind, and the divine intellect? Is free will part of the power of evolution and transformation? What separates mind from matter? What is God, how does he think, what can he do, and how can we find God? How does God transcend the cosmos and if so, how did he? In the genesis of nature, did the light shine through the darkness, or did the darkness eclipse and consume the light? What means more, the journey or the discovery? What means more, the question or the answer? How did the first conscious being spring into existence, and what about all subsequent consciousness? If there was one, what was the first cause, and how did it spring into being? Why does the cosmos exist, immense and eternal? Why do life and consciousness exist? Is the world of the mind real? What are the different states and varieties of consciousness? How can consciousness evolve? How would one invoke psychic abilities, or magic powers? What are alien civilizations like? Are the Gods aliens? All things conceivable within the divine intellect necessarily exist, from whence good and evil and all joy and sorrow spring. Is artificial intelligence alive? In essence, at what point, and how does matter transform into mind? Is mind a form of energy, sprung into being by matter? If so, then consciousness must be a form of energy. By what forms of energy does consciousness manifest itself? What means more in physics, the mathematical calculations or the philosophical implications? What kind of reality do you want to live in? Consciousness is the dominant force that determines the nature of existence, of life.

    Among this arcane knowledge is as follows from these questions. How do you invoke extrasensory perception? What are auras? What are acupuncture points? What is the energy vortex rotation speed of the chakras? If the astral body contains knowledge of former lives, how can we learn from it in astral projection during dreams? Why is everything dual, positive and negative? What is Prana? What happens to the body upon death? Why does reincarnation erase past life memory, and why can reincarnations be separated by thousands of years? What is the hologram? How do you enter a state of hypnosis, and what is hypnosis? What are memory balls, and how can you decode them? How do you enter higher awareness meditation? How do you invoke mind over matter powers? What is the silver thread? How do you enter a state of consciousness expansion and what is it? Who are the ascended masters? Does the position of celestial bodies influence the spiritual structure of man, and if so, how? Why do the Gods not know the origin of DNA? Perhaps the following statements can bring a small sense of order to this mad flurry of questions. The physical universe is within the confine of the 3rd density. The 4th density is where dreams, astral projections, or out of body experiences occur. The 5th density is where the higher selves live. Evolution is yin and yang duality of lower and higher forms. Duality is knowledge, understanding of every yin by its yang. The Tree of Knowledge spawned the yin of life, death. The miracle of flight is freedom, ascent into the heavens. The cosmic ocean of nirvana is infinitely deep, infinitely formless. In the duality of light and dark, neutrality is oneness. Is harmony divined in a world of duality or light? A world of light is truth, life, love, and peace. What separates the truth from knowledge, and life from death? What is the meaning of existence, of the Cosmic God? By what laws of existence should the cosmos be ordered? God is the being who controls the laws of nature. What does the Cosmos reveal about the nature of God? What is the nature of the game that God plays? We need more knowledge on these matters.

    A star is a delicate balancing act between gravity, crushing the star into oblivion and fusion, the nuclear force blowing a star apart with a force of trillions of hydrogen bombs. A star then matures and ages as it exhausts its nuclear fuel. As stars continually fuse increasingly heavier elements, eventually we reach iron and the star cannot extract any more energy, thereby collapsing. The result from the tremendous heat of collapse is a supernova. The star rips apart and seeds throughout interstellar space. The star formation process is reignited. The vast quantities of the iron of the solar system must be the constituents of an ancient supernova, thus we reach an inescapable conclusion, that the heavy elements in our body were synthesized in a supernova before our sun was created. If a star is 10 to 50 times larger than our sun, gravity will squeeze it into a neutron star. Without fusion to counterbalance gravity, the star will collapse into a black hole, with no possibility of escape. Those who fall within a black hole would encounter a mirror universe on the other side of space-time. How could black holes connect us to alien universes?

    When gravity is sufficiently high, nothing, not even light, can escape. When the density and gravity become sufficiently high, the black hole winks out and disappears from our universe. Even if a black hole is invisible from the outside, its gravitational presence can be palpable. Imagine we live in a 3-dimensional universe, locally distorted by matter into a fourth physical dimension that we cannot perceive directly. The greater the local mass, the more intense the local gravity, and the more severe the pucker, distortion, or warp of space. In this analogy, a black hole is a kind of bottomless pit. What happens if you fall in? As seen from the outside you would take an infinite amount of time to fall in, because all your clocks, mechanical and biological, would be perceived as having stopped. But from your point of view, all your clocks would be ticking away normally. If you could somehow survive the gravitational tides and radiation flux, and if the black hole were rotating, it is just possible that you might emerge in another part of space-time. At the center of a black hole is a singularity, a point of ever increasing gravity and density. Similarly, the universe began with a singularity, suddenly exploding into the big bang, the origin of the universe. How does the story of space-time in our universe begin?

    Consider the possibilities of wormholes to get from one place in the universe to another without covering the intervening distance through a black hole. We can imagine these wormholes as tubes running through a 4th physical dimension. Must wormholes always hook up with another place in our universe? Is it just possible that wormholes connect with other universes, places that would otherwise be forever inaccessible to us? For all we know, there may be many other universes. Perhaps they are, in some sense, nested within one another. Indeed, these connections we could have with other universes could be our only escape route from our otherwise inevitable demise as the universe dies, in fire or ice. How do Einstein and his theory of relativity come into play in this scenario?

    What does it mean for a civilization to be a million years old? Is time travel possible? What lies at the center of a black hole? What happened before the big bang? How could one levitate objects using the power of magnetic force fields? How could magnets produce the miracle of flight? What were the secret technologies of Nikola Tesla? What about free energy? What are the balance scales of life? Who are the children of light? What are the holy mysteries? These are perhaps only answerable by the divine.

    To break God’s rules would be to not be controlled by nature, God’s creation, but to control nature, and all creation. We would be masters of the Game of God. If we are to be masters of the Game of God, there is still much more we need to learn about his game, because after all, you can only command nature to the extent that you first understand the laws of nature. The highest dimension is timeless. Our test is to see through the matrix of lies. Do not fear death, the great transformation. Virtue comes from the heart. The winners write history. There were to trees in Eden: the sacred Tree of Life, and the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. People are slaves, puppets of the passions, devoid of reason. The ultimate free will has the magic powers of God. God is the free will of magic, ultimate control of nature. Those who walk the way of reason have free will, the magic to control the forces of nature, of God. Life and knowledge are the strongest weapons in the arsenal. The free will can break the laws of the game. The free will has magical powers, strength to control nature. Part of the meaning of life is free will. God is the free will, the magic to control nature. Master all sides, light and dark, the way of oneness. In inner peace we can harness the flow of the universe. Peace is control. Matter transforms into the energy of the soul, the consciousness. All things conceivable within the divine intellect manifest throughout nature. Buddha is one with nature, the Omniverse, the Cosmic God.

    What are the natural forces of the Universe the Gray Wizard could bend to his will? Among those powers are the following. Anything that can happen will happen in a parallel universe. How was the universe born? Our entire universe is a membrane. Gravity dilutes its strength up to the 11th dimension, reaching us from other universes. The big bang may have sprung from brane collisions with parallel worlds. Parallel universes ripple in the 11th dimension like waves. We are one of an infinite number of universes, each with different laws. God is in the 5th dimension. What were the lost legendary crystal cities? What are the secret esoteric orders? There are vast tunnel systems under the mountains. There are many layers of civilization under the Antarctic ice of huge dinosaur intelligence. The South Pole is a connecting point of extra-solar civilizations. The inner-terrestrials surrounded the entrance gates with an electromagnetic protective dome, who built cities in the inner Earth before the sinking of Atlantis, surrounded by high frequency time-gates. What are the cities of light? Every religion is a sect, a separation from the real divine inner truth of life. The Cosmos is full of life at all levels. All knowledge without love is a separation from being. Technology is used to corrupt and destroy mankind. Dark and light serve the creator of all that is, and whose goal is to create the super-human, the reincarnated image of God, living through the lowest to highest moments, like a sun. a thousand lives merge into one. God incarnates into humans. There are 11 gates of consciousness, or 11 dimensions of energy, the door, the one heart. The highest wisdom is to honor life as it is, as an expression of divine being. Enlightenment is the natural foundation of life, which grows daily through experience and learning. It is the knowledge that we are increasingly realizing, who we really are. Everything has a God given purpose. Our duty is to glorify God. To break God’s rules would be to pass his test.

    Questions and Categories of MetaphysicsQuestions Category A: Existence1. Why does everything exist?2. Why do things happen?3. Was there ever a first cause?4. Can causes allow for contingency?5. Does stuff happen for a reason?6. Is there a purpose for life?7. Why can life perceive existence?8. What is the reality of experience?9. Does reality have multiple levels?10. What makes something real?Questions Category B: Mind1. What gives life to mind?2. What can mind do?3. Why are there different minds?4. Are minds linked together?5. Are some minds better than others?6. Is there a mind of God?7. Can minds become more powerful?8. Can mental boundaries be broken?9. Does mind have free will?10. Can mind control what will be?Questions Category C: Time1. Why is time experienced?2. Is experience of time relative?3. What could time be relative to?4. Why do things change with time?5. Can temporal changes be controlled?6. Where could time be directed?7. Does time have alternate directions?8. Does time have an ultimate destiny?9. Can time be transcended?10. What would eternity be?Questions Category D: Space1. What are the spatial dimensions?2. Are there dimensions beyond space?3. Does space have any limits?4. Are there separate zones of space?5. Is all of space connected?6. How can space be traversed?7. Does space have a center?8. Can space be altered?9. Can new space be created?10. How should space be filled?Questions Category E: Journey1. Does the journey give meaning?2. How can journeys develop?3. Where can journeys lead?4. Do all journeys end?5. Do journeys have universal themes?6. Are all journeys happy stories?7. Can some journeys be retraced?8. Do some journeys repeat in cycles?9. How many paths are in the journey?10. Does the journey have a right path?Questions Category F: Ethics1. What qualifies as just?2. Is justice always right?3. Is there always a right choice?4. How are personal values chosen?5. Is results or character more valuable?6. Can all life become more ethical?7. Can bad things lead to good things?8. Is there hope for redemption?9. Do all wishes lead to happiness?10. Why should happiness be?Questions Category G: Heaven1. Where is Heaven?2. What is Heaven like?3. What is the bridge to Heaven?4. How can Heaven be built?5. Is Heaven perfect?6. Can the impure enter Heaven?7. Does God live in Heaven?8. Is everything in Heaven free?9. Did we come from Heaven?10. What gifts can Heaven return?Questions Category H: God1. What makes something a God?2. Are there different Gods?3. What could a God do?4. Did a God design the universe?5. Does a God control the universe?6. Is there a malevolent God?7. Is there a benevolent God?8. Is there a neutral God?9. How could a God be reached?10. Could a God be replaced?Questions Category I: Creation1. What generates creations?2. What can be created?3. Do creations change?4. Is creation a process or an end?5. Why should new things be created?6. Is creation countered by destruction?7. Is creation bounded by laws?8. Can creative contexts be altered?9. Can creation shift across contexts?10. Will infinite creations be unleashed?Questions Category J: Ultimate1. What is the ultimate goal?2. Is ultimate power possible?3. How can ultimate power be realized?4. How should ultimate power be used?5. Are there any ultimate ends?6. What is an ultimate being?7. Could ultimate beings do anything?8. How far away are the ultimate?9. Is there anything above the ultimate?10. Will ultimate victors reign eternal?Questions Category K: Truth1. What is the value of truth?2. Do all things have truth?3. Are some things truer than others?4. How is truth measured?5. Can all truth be known?6. Is there an ultimate truth?7. What can truth promise?8. Does truth lead to freedom?9. Can all handle the truth?10. How should truth be given?Questions Category L: Dreams1. Why does life dream?2. What does life dream about?3. How real are dreams?4. Can dreams become realities?5. What makes dreams meaningful?6. Do dreams reflect wishes?7. Can dreams preview time?8. Do dreams capture ideal states?9. What are ideal dream worlds?10. Are all dreams linked?Questions Category M: Love1. Why does life feel love?2. What is the meaning of love?3. Is love a force?4. How powerful is love?5. Does love forge connections?6. How does love expand?7. Does love have all promise?8. Can love lead to perfection?9. Does love come from God?10. Will love let there be light?Questions Category N: Dragon1. What does the Dragon represent?2. Where does the Dragon originate?3. Where will the Dragon soar?4. What will the Dragon conquer?5. What will conquer the Dragon?6. Does the victor become the Dragon?7. Does the Dragon bite its tail?8. When will the Dragon return?9. Can the Dragon burn its book?10. Will the Dragon Force speak?

    Questions on Imaginary Worlds:1) Can we know everything by examining our own minds?2) What will our coming shift to entering the Pokemon world be like?3) Can we learn the infinite mystery of the Force?4) Can we tap into the Will of the Force to create the ultimate future?5) Can we Force Bond with the Imagination of Bunny?6) What is possible with Imagination?7) Can Willpower move mountains?8) Will Love let there be light?9) Can Evolution realize the journey of becoming a top Kardashev Macroversal Civilization?10) How will knowledge make us Omnipotent?11) Can mastering our Emotions lead to free will?12) Is there always a bigger fish?13) Where is the supposed edge to Ho-Oh's horizon?14) Is Imagination as big as the Rainbow?15) Where is the Star Forge Lugia?16) What is the highest man possible?17) What will God transform into?18) Will the Power of Forever emblazon our souls?19) How do we reach Marius Florin's level of belief in the impossible?20) What is the most enchanting story?21) Will the creator be the champion?22) Where is the door to our hearts?23) Can experience transcend God by realizing unknown parts of his personality?24) How do we make peace with destructive chaos?25) Can cosmic consciousness open up the Rainbow bridge to infinity?26) Can self-Electrocution open up the Thunderbolt Singularity?27) Where is the true darkness?28) Does the highest Light cast a shadow?29) What new restrictions will the Final Annihilator destroy?30) What Force powers will the Chosen 1's infinite midichlorients unlock?31) Do our minds seed bubbles of genesis?32) What is the most powerful Force in the world?33) What will the unknown regions reveal?34) What conceptual picture does the Yin and Yang Tao paint?35) When will the Force be brought into balance?36) What is Lugia's true nature?37) What will the mighty powers of Destruction turn to Ash?38) Is the future certain or moving?39) Is there anything higher in the Kardashev Civilizations Macroverse than the 10, 26, and 144 dimensions?40) What vistas does our Zarathustrian Wizard's Tower open?41) Are there Rainbow fissures in white space?42) What makes Zidane/Zarathustra the greatest legend?43) How old is Lugia?44) Why does the Light side see all ends?45) Will shapeshifting and masquerading enchant the jungle?46) What do the Legendary Pokemon Cards reveal about Bunny?47) Can God be destroyed?48) What creates the ultimate possibilities?49) What do God's library codes mean?50) What does God's System look like?51) How did Zidane/Zarathustra reach the highest point?52) How deep and profound, grand and revelatory, exotic is the cosmic ocean?53) Where is Dragonite in Bill's Mystery at the Lighthouse Pokemon episode?54) Why will we eventually fail if we don't take earlier risks?55) Why are feelings about the future not as powerful as fantasy?56) Why does fantasy transcend truth and make things more meaningful?57) What will utopia, heaven on earth, and the millennium of peace Prophecy look like when we achieve universal enlightenment?58) How many new adventures can we go on?59) Can we change the laws of existence?60) Will brane walking Meganium have infinite copies of themselves?61) Will Bliss emblazon every Wish?62) What does Mt. Silver reveal about Lugia?63) How do we jump ahead of out times?64) Why is focusing the flow the ultimate goal?65) Can we learn the lesson of perception from the Great Dragon Mind?66) Can we master the clockwork of the Cosmic Force Aegis?67) What joy can the clarity present arcanum give?68) Can we destroy the old world?69) Where is the Rainbow and the staircase to the Superman?70) Can the metaphysical be brought down to the physical?71) How do we build the bridge to the invisible, to Bunny?72) Will Pokemon : Gale of Darkness save the Love of all Eternities?73) How did Jogi Low reach Bunny's Heart?74) Is the Frenzy of God's Heart completely random?75) What is the Theory of Everything?76) Where is our fabled sparkle dazzle sky castle?77) Will we see every world and celebrate the stars forever?78) Can we launch of the ultimate arrow of extrication, transcend the matrix control system, and Prime at the highest point?79) Is God both in everything and transcendent over it all?80) What should we do if we are God?81) Will the Wizard Lords pursue Wisdom and Mastery in Solitude?

    Hey, what's up fellas, this is RaptorWizard, and I'm wondering, what exactly is heaven supposed to be like? Supposedly, in Christian stories, there's angels singing, and God's big booming voice is commanding, and all dance to the rhythm. There's a theory, superstring theory, like it's God's voice vibrating through Hyperspace, like the roaring laughter of God is the big bang, and so forth. Funny stuff right? I just got a new book recently called The Grid, Exploring the Hidden Infrastructure of Reality. I'm not going to say all of this stuff is fact, but it's a good theory about multiple levels of existence, the doorways to higher places. I mean, I don't even know how to visualize that stuff, but supposedly it's theoretically real, power of thought, and so forth, intention, or whatever, will, destiny, dreams, just big concepts that deal with like, Imaginative potentials. But like, that's 1 thing I need to improve on, because I'm not really like a Visionary. I'm more like a thinker. I just put stuff together. I don't have all of these psychic premonitions. I can't predict the future. I can't read minds. I don't have magic powers. I'm just a philosopher who's speculated about what all of that stuff might mean. I guess it's kind of like the question, "What would You do if You were Omnipotent?" There's just a lot of stuff We can't even Imagine. You could cause suns and stars to collide, produce heat and light, destroy a universe, You could Imagine stuff into existence at will, You could make things more beautiful, put a fairy here, a wizard there, a dragon here, a waterfall there, a mountain, a castle, I don't know, just like an alien, a ufo, a galactic super civilization. Funny stuff, random things. You could just put all that stuff there by thinking about it. But I don't know. Maybe that's 1 thing about heaven, is like it may mirror our world mentally. There's theories by people like Emanuel Swedenborg, who saw heaven and spirits and angels supposedly from the 1700s, a polymath, like different levels of heaven and You go to the place that best reflects Your personality, Your morals, like people who go to the darker, lower places actually prefer being there, because that's their nature, supposedly, not like it's fire and suffering, but more just like darkness, lack of direction. But heaven, I don't like to say oh, You just have 1 life here and You're supposed to be morally perfect and then You have to live with God happily ever after. Gosh, that does not sound fulfilling to Me. What I want to do is I want to like learn everything, I want to master cosmos, I want to build the bridge from the visible to the invisible. I don't want to just be happy forever, content or at peace. I want to be great, I want to be powerful, I want to be the dragon, the man with the wisdom, the mind. I want higher ambitions for the future, for destiny, for everything in existence. I want to be the grand architect. And I don't care. We can all be that. We can all be grand architects. We can all be designers of everything. I mean there's just a lot of goals, a lot of ideas. And it's really tough to know which 1s to pursue, how to use our time here. Right now, I'm 20 years old now, and I turned 20 on Halloween. So obviously I'm starting to become older, and My youth is running out, but I need to seize the now. I need to do everything I can, maximize it, and then there will be a bigger structure to build on. The hidden infrastructure of reality, how that all gets put there, and destiny, or creating new events, mind, mover. There's a lot of stuff. I wish I could think this through and articulate it faster. I don't know. That's just not how I work. I have to think stuff through more as I bounce it around, and generate. That's another things, is generation, like what will the future generations see when they look across space, or cosmos, or heaven? This would be the critical time, the turning point in our history where We decided to become the Ultimate. Can the Ultimate be realized? What is the Ultimate? Can We break all restrictions? Can We program new laws? Can We defy our Creators? Can We just go against the natural order? What can We become? Can We break the laws of the Game? Can We forge our own Game? Can We ascend up and be the chess player that moves the pieces around? And there's just so may ways the Game can unfold. All these possible combinations and it goes on pretty much for infinity. It's just a big place, a big world our there. We need to rise up and master it. What's higher than God, I've asked before. I guess what could be higher than God is experience. Because God needs other people to experience Himself through. We're all the lights through which He perceives everything, the multifaceted prisms shining in each person. We're basically all avatars You could say. Obviously some people are bad avatars and some things in this world are bad, so God has a dark side, either that, or there's a corrupted side that may not have originally been part of God, but may have entered our program. It's just, I don't want to just accept things. I want to keep moving up. I'm not just going to read the Bible, and have faith, and say this is the way, and this is going to make Me Happy. There's just so much more stuff out there. There's so many things We need to do. I'm not saying it's ever going to be accomplished but it's a goal. What's great in man is that He is a bridge and not an end. We just need to be ambitious and go on the journey, on the quest to do funny things, save damsels in distress, become icons of greatness, all hail lord RaptorWizard or whatever. Funny right? It's just, there's a lot of stuff We need to do. We need to map the experience of being, and there's all this stuff to figure out, so many things We can do, and ultimately, maybe there's nothing We can't do. I mean a man with sufficient willpower could move a mountain. I mean, I'm not saying it's going to be done right now, but maybe it's more of a metaphor, a means of ascension. It's a long term goal. But even with long term goals, I just don't like to think like I'm ahead of My time, or I'm in the future, because I like the more eternal perspective. I don't just like the idea of completing things and maximizing progress. I also just prefer the idea of things being timeless and happy, eternal, having an essence that can whirl around in all kinds of different ways. In reference to light, there are some people that say the dark places in our mind are just as real as the light, or the conscious. I used to think of illumination, or enlightenment. Maybe it's still a good metaphor, but from the contrast, from the darkness, We see the light. But there just has to be a way around that. They say good cannot exist without evil. Well, I don't know. Is there a way to cheat that? There's a lot of different colors, red, blue, yellow, green, all these auras and dazzles that they can take on. So I don't know. If You could add more dimensions, more levels, not just like this end and that end, but it could be more like a matrix, or a diamond, just something that's a less absolute shape, maybe evil may not have as much of a place. Ultimately, everything theoretically should have many dimensions, like that book I brought up at the beginning of this video. Just make the world a bigger and better place. Ultimately, that will expand our horizons, make the grid larger, and We can put any dot, any lines, any architectural shapes, any foundations, any transformations and movements across it, and very much like a video game. We play it, and it's hard, it's challenging, and it gives us rewards, it levels us up, and then We're the mightiest beings in the world, at the top of the mountain. We have the crowning throne of ascension, and We're just like victors. We're great, and nothing can stop us. We're indomitable. I mean this sounds pretty grand. I don't even know what I'm saying half the time. But just keep on moving up levels, and become the greatest being in the Game.

    A lot of my beliefs are based on the implications of modern physics, particularly 11-dimensional hyperspace and the connectivity shared between all the major religions of the world. The stuff of souls and magic I think are real because we see quite a few ghosts and other paranormal phenomena, and the event of prophetic predictions such as in 2012 and Book of Revelation would be excellent evidence that the world is governed by the providence of God. Imagine the possibilities available to us if we could harness all 100% of our DNA and brain power. We could gain psychic powers. One could say part of the meaning of life is evolution, particularly spiritual evolution, or evolving to higher levels of intelligence and consciousness through multiple reincarnations. Evolution could even be applied to evolution from chaos to order, cold to heat, darkness to light, or even evil to good. Without some amount of disorder, nothing changes, and true order never really emerges without first being a state of disorder. Therefore, matter, energy, space, time, and life alike need to evolve to higher levels. To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, unlocked in the mysterious, miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the life and the light attained the ultimate level of spiritual evolution and became God.Unfortunately, the dual nature of evolution also means there must be a dark side. It is said that the darkness holds generous rewards, and that it will always emerge victorious, because it is everywhere. The brightest light must cast the darkest shadow. The darkness cannot be vanquished by any power of the Force. Indeed, conflict itself is a weapon of the darkness. All aspects of the Force, light and dark, are an infinite mystery. Infinite knowledge requires an infinite amount of time to achieve hence one must find a way to eternal life in oneness with the Force, a power greater than all. The faintest glimmer of light can hold back all the enveloping darkness, sparked by the fires of love, igniting the stars of the heavens. We are star-stuff contemplating the stars, the manifestations of the universe through which it understands itself. So what great power springs from this infinite universal knowledge?

    To recite the Jedi code, there is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. To recite the Sith code, peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. These are 2 different philosophies and perspectives from which we can see the existence and also the will of God. We can discover God and his existence by the light of science.It is through science that we will unravel the mechanisms of the mind of God. Science is knowledge, and knowledge is power, so on our journey of discovering the mind of God, we will become more like him, since God is the ultimate power in the universe. With this power slowly beginning to crackle at our fingertips, it seems there are 3 distinct possibilities for the future of mankind. The first is that we destroy ourselves with our own hand. The second is that we evolve into a highly advanced interstellar species. The third is that the teachings of religion and the coming Armageddon are true. I have faith that the ultimate destiny of humanity will be a fusion of the second and the third possibilities.

    Perhaps the greatest question of existence is why existence even bothers to exist at all, and if it even could exist in any other way. Did God have any choice in creating the Universe, or for that matter the entirety of existence? Can God make a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? These are questions that probe the very limits of what is in God’s power and what is not. Perhaps existence would be more perfect if it existed in some other way, such as an existence without pain, death, darkness, and all other forms of evil. However, without a thing to contrast the good such as joy, life and light, those things might not even exist since we would have no way of knowing them relative to a point of reference. Darkness without a light shining is nothingness, and light not surrounded by the shroud of darkness is nothingness. Perhaps without duality the entirety of existence would become an infinite void of nothingness, although perfect order may only be possible in nothingness. It may be that the very essence of why existence even exists is duality. God as in the Perfect All, the entirety of existence may have 2 masks, one of light and one of darkness, or perhaps he wears no mask and favors no side, taking an neutral position, or does he wear the white mask of light, all darkness just being the distance from the source of his light, or does he wear the black mask of darkness, his sole purpose being to control us all like puppets, pawns, slaves trapped in his evil matrix? Is God one of these things, some of these things, all of these things, or none of these things? What is God? If we realize what God is that could be the day we become God, whatever that is.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    The Force is holy in nature. Its use determines the light and dark side manifestations. Us the light side of the Force, its highest form that can be conceived within the divine will. The dark side is the corrupted form of the Force. Life is suffering. Suffering spawns the process of evolution, destroying the weak and creating the strong. Suffering, the iron fist of darkness, creates the highest forms of light through trial and tribulation to make the light stronger. Only from darkness can light shine. By overcoming suffering in life, the darkness and destruction of the Sith, we are made stronger in knowledge, evolve to higher levels, and become a Jedi Master, one with the highest mysteries of creation. God is the master of the highest mysteries of the light side of the Force. Destruction spawns creation, existence. Light is the way of the Force, creation, and existence. The world of the mind encloses the whole universe in its light. It is a cosmic life and a cosmic spirit. Enlightenment includes an insight into the nature of self. It is the liberation of the mind from deception regarding self. In the Potentium theory of the Force, the light side of the Force is the Force itself. The dark side is a perversion of the Force, twisted by those who use it. The potential for light and dark sides resides in the user, not the Force itself. Jedi are merely afraid to explore the full potential of the Force. The dark side is something within oneself to be avoided, not something in the Force. If the Force is the energy that flows through all life, the dark side simply comes from the corruption of humanity. If you can be perfectly moral, you can be immune to the dark side and therefore use any technique you want. Remember, abilities are not inherently good or evil. It is how you use them. Potentium can be compared to Neoplatonic philosophy. Neoplatonism taught that only the essence of good indeed existed as an entity, and evil was just an absence of (or distance from) good.It is said that the highest good of God is manifested throughout the radiant beauty of the natural world, the darkness only being a perversion brought about by the evil hearts of man. Nature, being inconstant and taking pleasure in creating and continually producing new forms, because she knows that her terrestrial materials are thereby augmented, is more ready and swifter in her creating than is time in his destruction. Concerning the soul of man, who is a part of the greater whole of nature, the body in due time awakens the soul that is to inhabit it. And elsewhere, every part is designed to unite with its whole that it may escape from its imperfections. The soul desires to dwell in the body because without the body it can neither act nor feel. That figure is most praiseworthy which, by its actions, expresses the passions of the soul. The eye which is called the window of the soul is the principal means by which the central sense can most completely and abundantly appreciate the infinite works of nature. Those who study the ancients and not the words of nature are stepsons and not sons of nature, the mother of all good authors. Those who try to sensor knowledge do harm to both knowledge and love, because love is the offspring of knowledge, and the passion of love grows in proportion to the certainty of knowledge. The more we know about nature, the more we can be certain of what we know, and so the more love we can feel for nature as a whole.

    God is a substance of infinite attributes, each expressing an eternal and infinite essence, necessarily existing. Besides God, nothing can be conceived into creation. Throughout nature, there is but one substance, God, absolutely infinite. All thoughts and extensions stemming from this inscrutable source are attributes and affections of God. Everything that is, is in God. All things must be conceived into creation from the essence of the divine nature. All things take place by the laws alone of the infinite nature of God, following necessarily from his essence. All things eternal and infinite are worthy of the divine nature. Following necessarily from the divine nature, infinite things are conceived in infinite ways. All things conceivable by the infinite intellect must follow, manifesting into creation. God is the cause of all things which fall under his infinite intellect, God being the first cause of all things. God acts from the laws of his own nature, being determined into action by the internal power of his own will rather than by external stimuli. The power of God is his essence, from which it follows that God is the cause of himself and of all things, each being an expression of his essence. All things in God’s power must exist. Nothing exists from whose nature an effect does not follow. The idea of God, from which infinite numbers of things follow in infinite ways, can only be one. How is the human mind related to the divine?There is no individual thing in nature which is not surpassed in strength and power by some other thing, but any individual thing being given, another and stronger is also given, by which the former can be destroyed. There is always a bigger fish. Every part is important, each comprising the whole. We suffer in so far as we are a part of nature, which part cannot be conceived by it alone without the other parts. The force by which man perseveres in existence is limited, and infinitely surpassed by the power of external causes. The power by which individual things and consequently man preserve their being is the actual power of God or nature, not in so far as it is infinite, but in so far as it can be manifested by the actual essence of man. The power therefore of man, in so far as it is manifested by his actual essence, is part of the infinite power of God or nature, that is to say, part of his essence. Hence it follows that man is always necessarily subject to passions, and that he follows and obeys the common order of nature, accommodating his self to it as far as the nature of things requires. If the power of man is but an expression of the infinite power of God, by better understanding the powers of our own minds, we can better understand the power of God, and hence become more like him.On our journey of becoming God, being placed beside the Creator and fulfilling our ultimate destiny, we should know God spoke Hebrew, the alphabet of creation. The Sepher Yetzira is too magically powerful for humans. Aramaic was used to complicate decoding the Zohar. The Torah is the Hebrew scripture. Adam expelled God from the Garden of Eden, so we need to regain touch with him. God has 10 personality aspects, the 10 Sephirots, God’s anatomy, similar to humans. These 10 sephirots are Shekhinah, Foundation, Eternity, Splendor, Beauty, Love, Power, Understanding, Wisdom, and Will. Emptiness gave God room to create the world, and filled it with light as God illuminated all of creation. What is the architecture of his creation?Is the universe arbitrary, or is there a grand design? Do we still need a God?
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    White holes are like the yang of the yin of black holes. White holes may be found by scanning the heavens. A white hole is a solution of Einstein’s equations in which time is reversed, so that objects are ejected from a white hole in the same way that objects are sucked into a black hole. A white hole might be found at the other end of a black hole, so that matter entering a black hole eventually comes out the white hole. Any large concentration of sufficiently large mass will inevitably collapse into a black hole. Since Einstein’s equations are time-reversal invariant, that is, they can run either forward or backward in time, this means that any matter that falls out of our baby universe can be run backward in time, resulting in a black hole. A baby universe could be artificially created by an advanced civilization in several ways. A few ounces of matter could be concentrated to enormous densities and energies, heated near the Plank temperature. We need to obtain negative energy to create a baby universe, just as we would with the traversable wormhole. White holes may be both physical and philosophical things.

    The universe does have a point: to produce sentient creatures like us who can observe it so that it exists. In the quest for knowledge and ultimately to achieve the power of God, we need to connect each branch of the Tree of Life into a grand system of nature, the constituents of the divine manifestation of God’s infinite intellect. In essence, we need to solve God’s puzzle, the blueprint of nature. Once we have solved the puzzle, and hence read the mind of God, the next step is to assume the powers of God by creating a new puzzle, each piece being a different manifestation of the infinite expressions of the divine intellect, the unifies cosmic consciousness from which God springs. We are making the historic transition from being passive observers to the dance of nature to becoming choreographers of the dance of nature, with the ability to manipulate life, matter, and intelligence. By solving the puzzle of the divine intellect, we can create the ever evolving story, the magic of nature. On our exploration through the immensity and eternity of the cosmos, parallel worlds, and all possible realities, we embark on a grand journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of mankind, the grand manifestation of the divine intellect. The human mind is not capable of grasping the universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite pattern in the arrangement of the books – a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. Physics symbolizes the language of God. Everything proceeds from the divine power of the almighty God, from whom all goodness emanates. If we are to read and comprehend the towering volumes of the universal library we should consult the Akashic Records of life.

    Such a potential civilization that may have once existed is Atlantis. Atlantis was a vortex or a gateway into other realms. The Aztecs are Atlantean descendants. The Phoenecians came from Atlantis. Avalon came from Atlantis. Atlantis succumbed to the sea as the ice age ended around 10,000 B.C. Submerged Atlantis areas include Gibralter, Egypt, Lebanon, Greece, India, and Japan. Among some of the lost and rediscovered knowledge they may have held includes the following pieces of information. All of life is interconnected, unified. Dreams are an opening to other worlds. There are times when the lantern of beauty goes out. Why is it that only through pain can we obtain wisdom? The divine has light and dark sides. The luminous brings forth light and joy. We cannot expect to see clearly without entering the dark within. How are we to know the good side from the bad? We will know when we are calm, at peace, and passive. The legends and myths of the planet may include forgotten memories. How high did the sciences of the ancients once rise? How did the ancients acquire their knowledge? All of human achievement may be a legacy from extraterrestrials. Atlantis was brought down by misusing technology. The ancient monuments symbolize ancient wisdom. Our courage will eventually carry us to a far off and exotic world. Earth is where we make our stand. All people are puppets in God’s play. No artist is greater than nature. God is the ultimate artist, nature being God’s means of expression. Does God break the rules of the game, and what about his players? To do so would be to break the cycles of cause and effect, of creation and destruction, to control the game.

    Water is the creative force of life, the flow of change, infinitely formless like unto imagination, the eternal cycles of genesis and apocalypse etched in its blood, the sea of nirvana from which spring the fires of life. Perhaps only water could spawn such a great event as to uncover lost worlds. Seawater will rise above the high peak of mountains towards the sky and will fall down again on the dwellings of men. All around may be seen venerable trees, uprooted and stripped by the fury of the winds. The swollen rivers overflow and submerge the wide lowlands and their inhabitants. The swollen waters gyrate in the lake that contains them, and with eddying vortices percussively strike the objects, and leap into the air with muddy spume. It will seem to men that they see strange destruction in the sky. It will look as though flames fly up into the sky and flee in terror down from it. Our annihilation will come from the same force that created the earth, and it will destroy mankind. When the natural balance is broken, there is a risk of devastation. And fragments of mountains already scoured bare by the torrents, falling into those torrents and choking their valleys until the swollen rivers overflow and submerge the wide lowlands and their inhabitants. The world outside us is not separated from what goes on inside our bodies. The body of Earth is analogous to the body of man. The circulation of blood is like the circulation of water. Just as the spilling of blood can kill the body of a man, so can the flow of tidal waves and extreme weather destroy our living Earth planet. He who will give us nourishment and light will come down in a rush from the sky. And there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the whole moon became as blood; and the stars of the heavens fell unto the Earth. The highest mountains, although they are far from the seashores, will drive the sea out of its place. Waves will gush from the mouth of a great celestial dragon.

    Among things we easily might blame God for might actually be the workings of aliens. Are aliens visiting our planet, and if so, why?One theory is that aliens and UFOs are powerfully demonic in nature. Their mass emergence, beginning in 1947, is a good sign of when the end-times clock may have begun ticking. Other clues for 1947 being the beginning of the end are the ending of World War 2 and the holocaust, and the reestablishment of Israel after roughly 2000 years of being scattered, all those critical events commencing around 1947. From this time forth demons may have been unleashed into the world, manifesting themselves in terrors such as elusive, inter-dimensional UFOs. Perhaps this New Age that has dawned upon our world is a powerfully deceptive nightmare and will bring about a false golden age. The ethereal demons we subconsciously behold deceive us in accordance to the cultural myths within our respective societies. Demons are shape-shifters, appearing before us in various guises to delude our minds. Among these beings, legend has it that a great serpent ravaged civilization 13,000 years ago. The great pyramids in Egypt were built in anticipation of their inevitable demise. They contain records of their ancient knowledge. What is the greatest source of knowledge and power that exists?

    Many of the monuments of the ancient world which the ancient sacred manuscripts of Yahweh depict were buried and destroyed by the great flood summoned in the earliest chapters of the bible to cleanse the Earth of iniquity. This could be a true event in relation to science, since Genesis only shortly proceeds the melting of the glaciers from the previous ice age. It is clear time moves in eternally whirling cycles of genesis and apocalypse, the last great flood being one among many others that already happened and are yet to occur. These cycles can also be observed throughout all the cosmos. A good example involving Earth is that every 26 million years or so there is a mass extinction, which is when Earth passes through a region of space known as the Oort cloud, spewing avalanches of comets blocking off sunlight. It is also said the universe will die in either fire or ice. With an open universe it will die in ice. With a closed universe it will die in fire. The only type of civilization that could survive such a catastrophe is one that could open portals to other universes. There are all different levels of civilization.

    What are the unfathomable mysteries of the mind, of the willpower of man? It is our sacred duty to understand the cosmos, our divine creator. How can life merge with eternity, the timeless sea of nirvana? What is intelligence? How did light shine into the soul, the divine spark of life, the eternal flame? How can we see with the 3rd eye, or our extrasensory perception for that matter? What is the source of the divine intellect? Fire and water invoke the magic of life and death. The waters of nirvana spark the fires of life. Challenge trains the champion. Beauty is the ornament of virtue. What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness. He who blinded by ambition raises himself to a position where he cannot mount higher, must thereafter fall with the greatest loss. There surely a piece of divinity in us, something that was before the elements, and owes no homage unto the sun. 2 souls shining brightly of their own accord converge in a moment of destiny. In that instant, time and space seem frozen and the universe is set ablaze. The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Suffer the seasons patiently to reap the fruits of harvest. Men’s gestures are as varied as the thoughts running through their minds. White holes are the portals of creation. To solve these questions and to answer the implications of these statements would be to take many steps upwards in our ascension towards the divine above and beyond this lowly plane. On our journey towards the divine, we will encounter many archetypes along the way, teaching us lessons in knowledge and virtue to light our way, liberating from the terrestrial to the celestial.

    One such archetype is the hermit, a figure of deep reflection and contemplation and removed largely from external reality. Only through this patient, humble, and deep process of meditation can we achieve enlightenment of the natural world, the divine magic of nature, ever evolving in form. The ultimate goal is infinite knowledge of creation, from which springs the infinite imagination of the divine intellect. To create other worlds from the depths of imagination, one needs to be patient in their tribulations of spirit, and the natural forces of Karma will see them through resilient and strong. By overcoming these tribulations, the soul can be at peace. This could expand to vision beyond the confines of external biology. Achieving the liberation will spark the fires of love, the inspiration to imagine the infinitude of the divine intellect. The ultimate outcome of this extra-dimensional, otherworldly ascension of spirit will forge a journey of upmost peril. By overcoming the trials of our time, the fires of life will merge with the waters of nirvana, a world from whence imagination transforms into the magic of creation. It is what we do with the gift of life that determines who we are. It is a dangerous business going out your front door, for the journey will take us to those worlds that never were in our time. Among the lessons to be learned is that all matter is made of vibration, the essence of string theory. Magic allows one to control vibrational energy. For a person to be in the desired state of balance, they must have aspects of both Yin and Yang. The method of nature is evolution. Divinity is the ultimate unity, beyond duality, symbolized by the Tree of Life.

    Here is a type of mathematical way of looking at the existence as represented by the Tree of Life: from nothing comes limitless (outer space). Filling this limitlessness is limitless light (big bang, or perhaps the space-time continuum). But this is all abstract. This is just energy. Now we need to develop solidity out of energy. We start with the idea of position, what in plane geometry is called the point (1st sephira). By reflecting itself, the 1st point can create a 2nd point (second sephira). By joining the 2 points together we form a line. But there is nothing by which to judge length. So again, by reflection, we create a 3rd point (3rd sephira) which enables us to say that point A is closer to point B than B is to point C. Thus we have formed a triangle or plane. But this has all been what is called Euclidian: it exists on an imaginary 2-dimensional surface with no thickness. To create a physical universe, we need a substance, we need 3 dimensions. We need knowledge (Dah-at, the theoretical sephira said to exist between the upper 3 and lower 7 sephiroht) in order to cross the void from 2 dimensions to 3. With the knowledge we can create a 4th point (4th sephira) which, with the previous 3 points gives us volume, and thus a 3rd dimensions. But these 3-dimensional points are static, unmoving. We need another point to show motion (5th sephira) and still another to indicate time (6th sephira), for in the physical world time and space intermingle and cannot exist without one another. So now we have something which has 3 dimensions and can move within the 3 dimensions. We still have nothing which can appreciate that existence. We add 3 more points (7th, 8th, and 9th sephiroht) which show:1. The essence of life, called being.2. The ability to think, called consciousness.3. The ability to experience sensation of something outside of one’s self, called bliss.Therefore, the 1st idea of reality as can be appreciated by a mind is built up from the idea of a point through the idea of bliss, and summed up as reality in point 10, the 10th sephira. In string theory, the infinite knowledge of God is unified in the 11th dimension. God’s infinite knowledge transforms into infinite imagination, the source of it all, magic, the will of creation, the mind of God. In the highest dimension, the 12th still yet undiscovered by science is the willpower of God. Willpower is the ultimate virtue, as it is the ultimate form of control, the union of knowledge and imagination. The willpower of God is the cause from which all effects follow, his will being free.

    Concerning the causes nature induces upon us and the effect they have upon our being, the force and increase of any passion and its perseverance in existence are limited by the power of an external cause compared with our own power, and therefore may surpass the power of man. An affect cannot be restrained nor removed unless by an opposed and stronger affect. Knowledge of good and evil is an effect of joy or sorrow in so far as we are conscious of it. If we wish to gain greater control over the causes of natural forces, we must gain greater knowledge, because knowledge is power from which all creation flows into form.

    The following pieces of knowledge should help guide us on our path towards power and freedom. The greatest enemy will infiltrate our own fortress before we even commence the crusade, though all too often this is the last place we look. Your arrogance blinds you. The sands of truth fill the hourglass of life, which spring from the oceans of nirvana, the infinite source. What is the creative force of nature? An open mind is a free will. Our universe could be a white hole, sprung from a parent universe. We live in a world in which 99% of all beautiful things are destroyed in the bud. Everything is really something else: time is really space, gravity is really geometrical curvature, and energy is really mass. God must exist not just in the actual but in every possible world. Philosophy illuminates reality. What is the nature of time, being, death, God, and the world of transcendent forms, or ideas? Say no to the establishment. How do UFOs operate? What are underground civilizations like? What are the different alien species like? Wonder forges ruin. Water is the outpouring of creation. Fire is the energy of life. From the waters of nirvana spring the bubbles of genesis, the fires of life. How can the fires of life merge with the waters of nirvana, the eternal outpouring of creation? How is the universe related to the multiverse? Science will glorify the creation and perhaps one day will even program the creation. What is the blueprint behind the architecture of the creation that we could design and reprogram?

    If the Perfect All, the existence is not perfect, will it always remain imperfect or could it be perfected and if so how? Since life in all of its infinite forms including all human beings constitute the Perfect All perhaps the first key to perfecting the existence, the Perfect All starts within, to perfect ourselves. The next question in the chain is how does a man walk the way of the journey towards his ultimate destiny, the destination of perfection? In the end the journey may prove to be more important than the destination. In this light one could say that the meaning of life is not being God, the Grand Architect but rather it is becoming God, the Grand Architect. God, the Grand Architect, is the living Force of Creation. If God, the Grand Architect is the ultimate creative power, it follows that the most creative individual to have ever lived here on Earth is or was closer to the level of the infinite divinity of God than any other man who walked the Earth, and the most likely candidate for this lofty position is probably Leonardo da Vinci, the grand architect of the renaissance and probably the most diversely talented man to have ever lived, the ultimate archetype of the light of knowledge. Leonardo da Vinci may not have only been the most powerfully curious man ever, but he is also the man about whom we may be the most powerfully curious. One of the great conspiracies behind his legendary paintings is that they contain a secret code, a codex of secret knowledge. The paintings are endowed with such a harmonious symmetry that the paintings can be superimposed upon themselves to create a vast wealth of hidden images and mathematical combinations. Never before may there be another man who can see a thing from so many angles, dimensions, and perspectives than da Vinci. One of the many hypothesized codes contained in the paintings have been discovered by Wayne Herschel, who shows that da Vinci may have created star maps in his paintings, containing clues of our ancient origins among the stars. Indeed, it could very well be that the modern man did not evolve on Earth, but rather on another planet in a completely separate star system. That could explain why our bone structure and vulnerability to illness is far worse than the other primates inhabiting the Earth. The legends surrounding da Vinci and his esoteric star maps lead right back to the fictional legend of Revan, the Prodigal Knight. In the fictional Star Wars Universe, which is probably the best fictional allegory that can be used for the real Universe, Revan embarked on an epic quest for star maps, clues that could be pieced together like a puzzle to reveal the hidden location of the Star Forge, a Holy Grail of secret knowledge and ultimate power. The Star Forge was a space station that could spawn infinite armies and draw upon the deepest depths of the dark side of the Force, created by an ancient and long forgotten race, the Rakaten 20,000 years ago, the builders of the infinite empire. Somewhere, from da Vinci and the star maps to Revan and the Star Forge something incredible is waiting to be discovered.If the Star Forge is a Holy Grail that we are seeking out there in the cosmic ocean, we should ask what the Holy Grail is. In Arthurian legend, the protector of the Holy Grail is the wizard Merlin. Some would say that da Vinci and his hidden Holy Grail is a secret bloodline, and others may say it is secret knowledge. In the case of Merlin, the Holy Grail may represent transformation, the power of the wizard. The wizard has ultimate control over the natural forces, transforming the architecture of reality, shaping the very fabric of space-time, harnessing the living Force of Creation by the virtue of willpower, the cause of the effects and the catalyst of evolution, the way to the higher dimensions above and beyond. Since knowledge is light, wisdom is water, and willpower is the Force these 3 virtues combine to produce the luminous waters of the living Force of Creation surrounding God, the Perfect One. God, the Perfect One, focuses the flow of the luminous waters of the living Force of Creation sparking the bubbles of genesis springing from the timeless sea of nirvana, giving life to infinite worlds without end.

    The universe is governed by 2 kinds of laws, laws of evolution, which determines how the universe develops in time, given its state at one time, and boundary conditions, which determine the initial state. So far, almost all scientific effort has been devoted to finding laws of evolution, but Stephen Hawking proposes the no-boundary condition as the only reasonable initial condition for the universe. Within the 11 dimensions of string theory, our universe is just one of many 3-dimensional blobs. In string theory, it is possible that there may be existing entirely separate giant sheets of space. String theorists call them membranes, or branes for short, and suggest that our 3-dimensional universe can form on them. Membranes may clash out there in the greater universe. Each of these branes corresponds to a different universe. These branes may occasionally collide. The big bang may have originated as a collision of branes. I am confident we will resolve these mysteries, and I think the years ahead will be a golden age of discovery.

    Is the universe arbitrary, or is there a grand design? Do we still need a God? We must understand gravity as it effects individual particles. If gravity had been any stronger, the universe as we know it could never have existed. Space would have been pulled back in on itself, obliterating any possibility for planets and stars to form. There are 4 forces in nature, and gravity seems to be strangely weaker than the other 3. We see for fundamental forces of the today, those being gravity, which holds the Earth, the sun, and the solar system together, the electromagnetic force, which lights up our cities, the internet, and laser beams, and also the 2 nuclear forces. If we want to know what happened when the universe began, we have to have a theory that can describe gravity on a very small scale.Super-symmetry is based on the notion that before the big bang, when the universe was just a single point, everything including gravity was merged, with perfect symmetry into one almighty super-force. When the universe began, the super-force was entirely symmetrical. It was made of the same stuff and it all behaved in the same way. But then as it expanded, this symmetry started to break. In the milliseconds after the big bang, forces flew off in all directions, and the universe became messy and uneven. Gravity and all the other parts of nature we see today are irregular, imperfect descendants of the original symmetry. All the particles and forces of nature are actually vibrating little string like objects, and it seems to magically solve the problem of gravity.In string theory, the entire universe, including space, time, and even gravity are made up of tiny, string like objects that only appear to us to be different particles because of the different ways they vibrate. The theory suggests that our world is just a giant mesh of vibrating strings. String theory brings the theories of the very small and the very large together beautifully. Einstein’s theory of relativity describes a universe where space bends and curls, just like pieces of string. Quantum mechanics says particles are wavy and fuzzy, a concept well-expressed by vibrating strings. The reason gravity is so weak is because the universe is made up of 11 dimensions. We have discovered many of the laws that govern the universe, but we do not yet understand how they all fit together, or why they seem to be finely adjusted to allow life. We cannot see the extra dimensions of the universe because they are outside our 3-dimensional universe. We could be a bit like fish in a tank, unaware of the world outside, unaware of the extra dimensions. There are perhaps as many as 11 dimensions in a multiverse or universe. Our universe looks infinite in 3 dimensions, but in hyperspace perhaps it is just a pond. But extra dimensions do not have to be bigger than our 3-dimensional universe. Some could be tiny. They could be curled up so small we do not notice them, and that may explain why gravity is so very weak. We may not have seen those extra dimensions because they are too small for us to measure. Physicists now believe that the tiniest, immeasurably small points in space, may actually conceal curved up extra dimensions, and that would affect how we perceive gravity. If string theory is correct, then gravity is as strong as all the other forces in our universe, but just feels weak because it is fighting its way through extra dimensions. Soon we may have to humbly accept that our 3-dimensional universe is just one of many multidimensional worlds.

    Many traditions and many religions of the world refer to the mysterious “Book of Life”. Some say it is a universal memory, or a collection of vibrational registries, which has inscribed in it everything that is related to creation. Consequently, every human being has its own registry, a compendium of pictorial records, or “memories”, of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of our universe. The records of the “Book of Life” are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha, or soniferous ether. The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of creation, and also the records that connect each one of us to another. What are the secret cosmic forces fused in record? The Akashic Field is the memory of nature. Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic Records. Recent discoveries in the new filed of vacuum physics now show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in the zero-point Akashic Field or “A-field” and is not only the original source of all things that arise in time and space; it is also the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that ever happened in life, on Earth, and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen. The Akashic Records can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. Every individual human can become the physical medium, and various techniques, and spiritual disciplines can be employed to quiet the mind, become a witness and achieve the focused, preconscious state necessary to access the records. Some indicate the Akashic Records are similar to a Cosmic or Collective Consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the Akashic Records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible. Is it possible to flip through the pages of the Akashic Records, or even rewrite the book anew?

    Our universe owes its existence to a previous one, a big bounce off of a collapsing universe. Cycles of expansion and contraction occur, infinite bouncing. The universe has an ancestor, which is another universe. The universe is born inside of a black hole. There is a bounce inside of every black hole. The material continually contracts and then begins to expand again. That is the big bang which initiates a new region of the universe. For a universe to prosper, it must reproduce. The genesis of a universe could spring from a white hole, the outpouring of creation. Black holes spawn offspring universes, possibly through white holes. Another theory is that we live on an extended object called a membrane, or brane. It is a membrane which is 3-dimensional. There have to be at least 2 branes, separated by a little gap along a 4th dimension of space. Branes can collide, sparking a big bang. Another theory is that bubbles of matter may form in a high energy vacuum. There may be inflationary energies of a mega-verse dying out 10 to the 10th to the 10th to the 10th to the 7th times, sparking the big bang. Another alternative is that to understand the big bang, science may need to understand the death of the universe. You need mass to make a clock, and you need a clock to measure the scale of the universe. Our present universe is one eon of a succession of eons. This remotely expanding universe of each becomes the big bang of the next. Another way is to detect gravity waves. Gravity waves may have been produced by the big bang, manipulating the space-time fabric. The universe may be represented not as an object, but mathematically as a wave, merging the wave with string theory. This theory is unique as in it does not assume an earlier collapsing universe or preexisting inflation, and it does not assume a primordial black hole. The theory agrees with 3 unexplained observations. There is an unexplained patch of nothing, a void in the cosmic microwave background, and great sways of galaxies have been found moving in the wrong direction. There is also something odd about the temperature in outer space. All these effects are due to the presence of neighboring universes. The last alternative is that in Buddhism, there is no beginning, there is no end, but there is just nirvana. There was a big bang, a genesis, in a timeless sea of nirvana, an eternal outpouring of the bubbles of creation. Perhaps all these different scenarios are methods in which a big bang could be sparked. Perhaps the only way to know for sure how the creation occurred is to gaze into the deepest depths of the Akashic Records, the Book of Life.

    In quantum theory, every object has a wave function, a probability of finding an object at a certain point of space-time. The position of an object cannot be known until an observation is made. Before an observation is made, it is in a nether state or a super-position of all possible states in could exist in, each coexisting with each other. The act of observing causes the wave function to collapse to a single random point, the positions towards the top of the wave function being the more probable positions of the object. Generally, the effects of quantum theory can only be easily observed at the microscopic level of subatomic particles, the position of each particle being randomized. Quantum theory can also be applied to the macroscopic scale of the universe, the universe having many different possible states, each another parallel world, the many possible states of the universe each comprising the wave function. It is as if time is continually forking towards an infinite multitude of futures. This is one of the components of the many worlds theory. Within all these worlds, there must be some that contain intelligent life and others where it is nonexistent. But if there are an infinite number of worlds, and some of these worlds contain life, theoretically there should be an infinite number of life forms all throughout existence. It is said that a universe is not all that exists, but all that can exist. Some of these parallel universes may collide, multi-universal wormholes being capable of theoretically linking these universes from infinite to infinite. Perhaps one day we will traverse these wormholes to visit all possible universes as alien visitors, lying bare to our gaze worlds infinitely subdued and remote. So if quantum theory can give rise to parallel universes, could time paradoxes have the same effect?An example of a possible time paradox is if you travel back in time and kill yourself, theoretically creating a parallel universe where you no longer exist. This is partially why time can be likened unto a river, moving in one general direction but with momentary shifts such as forks and whirlpools spiraling endlessly, time possibly even bending full circle. So how can we travel back in time to create these paradoxes from whence parallel worlds could emerge?In the model of Godel rotating universes, the architecture of space-time is curved and warped so greatly by its matter that there exist loopholes through which a ship travelling at a sufficient velocity could break the time barrier and visit any part of the past, present, or future. If we can travel backwards in time, perhaps everything in the past has not actually come to pass, though a time that cannot pass does not exist. Time, the fundamental dimension through which things in space change and evolve, is in actuality a stubbornly persistent illusion. What are the secrets of our time and when will our time finish?One way could be to exceed the light barrier, although such an act under the current laws of creation and special relativity is not clearly possible since in doing so one would gain infinite mass. To invoke the powers of time travel, if one were to twist time into a circle, the extreme chaos brought to bear by the colossal energy would cause relativity to break down. Throughout the unified multidimensional realm of hyperspace there may exist powers great enough to open wormholes and extra-dimensional windows. Stephen Hawking tells us that to confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit. The being of great power that may lift us beyond this sphere of mere physical existence into those incredible worlds waiting to be discovered may be Jesus Christ. So when he returns, if ever, what wonders will he work before our eyes?A great scientist and religious prophet of the future was Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton paraphrases Revelation 21 and 22 and relates the post 2060 events by writing: A new heaven & new earth. New Jerusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. The marriage supper. God dwells with men wipes away all tears from their eyes, gives them of ye fountain of living water & creates all thin things new saying, It is done. The glory & felicity of the New Jerusalem is represented by a building of Gold & Gemms enlightened by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of wch grows the tree of life. Into this city the kings of the earth do bring their glory & that of the nations & the saints reign for ever & ever. Upon the death of Isaac Newton, he said that I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. And so his quote ends. If this universe is indeed governed by the providence of God, what are the implications of his possible fine-tuning of the laws of the universe to allow for the creation of life and the dark secrets that lie in the deepest depths of the cosmic ocean?The laws of nature are fine-tuned to an extent that they allow for the creation of life and its evolution over time into higher forms. We must ask ourselves what out true nature as physical and spiritual beings is and our relationships to the underlying intelligence of the universe. What are the mysteries of our existence as conscious beings, barely more than specks of sand before the vast cosmic ocean? Why are we here, and not on some other world? Is there a reason for the universe and our existence? Why is it that from our knowledge springs the forces of good and evil? These questions are beyond the narrow grasp of modern science, answerable only by religion and philosophy. But to begin to answer these questions, what are some of the existential laws that are seemingly fine-tuned?The most basic law that seems perfectly fine-tuned is the theory of relativity. Relativity states that as objects move through space, they move slower through time and contract in the direction of their motion. The speed of light must be the same for all observers. For a beam of light, time stands still. To exceed the light barrier would theoretically be to move backwards in time. Time and space are unified as space-time. As objects approach velocities rivaling that of light, they increase in mass, and will never achieve light-speed since increase in velocity will cause an increase in mass. Matter and energy continually transform into each other so from the smallest spec of mass can be created the most colossal burst of energy. Matter and energy are unified as matter-energy. This is one of the most fundamental laws of creation, but then again, how should we perceive creation?We often in biblical interpretation misunderstand creation. There is grandeur to the universe emerging through immensity and eternity to the miraculously fine-tuned state we now behold, as opposed to instant creation from nothingness. We came from the very dust of the Earth, and by the time of the Garden of Eden, man had been forged, and God breathes into the dust of man the breath of life. Evolution is a theory, but so is spontaneous creation. I support God because he is the masterful creator who cannot be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation. I also support evolution as the creation because it is supported by fossil records, showing life becomes increasingly varied and complex over time. Biological records show we share roughly 50% of our DNA with cauliflower, 85% with mice, and 98% with chimpanzees. There is an unbroken thread connecting Earthly life. Although God raised his hand in the architecture of creation, we must be careful not to attribute everything we do not understand as a supernatural working of his. Among things we easily might blame God for might actually be the workings of aliens. Are aliens visiting our planet, and if so, why?
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    Life In The Future Year 6000 and Beyond = The future will soon be a thing of the past. We will emerge out of white holes and orchestrate invisible, intangible reality. We will have vantage points setup into the open blue horizons. Cars will fly over every city. Aerospace will be mastered with robotic precision. Docking stations for ships to access in every city will be present. Cities will cover the water. Entire arboretums and gardens will be present in colossal space stations. Fountains of life will spring everywhere. Each moment is a place you’ve never been. Hyperspatial routes will be setup everywhere. Luxury and entertainment will be exuberant. The true darkness will be defeated. Dragonite’s diamond city will sprawl. The stars will be as limitless as every grain of sand on the beach. Life rages all around us. We blast off on jetpacks into unknown horizons. Fairy stories and Pokemon Bunny anime will be real. Multiversal bubbles will sprout and be shaped. And every moment is magical. Archons of power will setup a mountaintop super-nexus. We will solve all of life’s greatest mysteries. We will build the Rainbow bridge to infinity. Celebration will span across the clock. Time travel will be established. Choice and free will will reign making the world bigger. Stargazing will obliterate the sky. Undertows launching us into the ultimate future will be everywhere. The highest man, the ubermensch, the superman will show humanity wisdom. Penetration into Omnipotence will redirect the threads of fate. Adventures and explorations will be so manic and never end. The pinnacle of creation will shine with every Wish. Lightspeed will be broken to traverse black holes. Every restriction will be broken by the final annihilator. Star Wars will be real. Transcendence will endow perfection. The Dragon Mind of Zen will enlighten us. The dark sided king will be checkmated at the Game’s highest stage for the win. Dinosaurs will walk the earth again, and Meganium will go berserk. The storied saga of science fiction will open every door. There will be a Champion of the Macroverse with His or Her Higher Self or Bunny. The big freeze will be reversed. The Creator will be discovered and accessed. Happiness is not perfect, until it is shared. This will be the legacy of earth.
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    It is said that the Force has a will, a destiny for us all. I wield it, but it uses us all, and that is abhorrent to me, because I hate the Force. I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance, when countless lives are lost. I see the potential to see the Force die, to turn away from its will, and that is what pleases me, a dead spot in the Force, an emptiness in which its will might be denied. This is why peace, balance, control, strength, power, freedom, and understanding are achieved in emptiness and neutrality, the way of the Gray Wizard.

    The Gray Wizard has ultimate command of the Cosmic Force Aegis.

    Luke Skywalker landed his spaceship in a swamp, in fact, it sank clean out of sight, and the Jedi Master Yoda is explaining to him how to use the Force to get it out. Luke Skywalker’s spaceship is an allegorical representation of his Higher Divine Identity, the one that allows him to move around the cosmos with a high degree of freedom. The role of the master is to teach the student how to raise up that higher identity so that the soul can regain its freedom. And the only way to do that is with the Force.

    How lovely it is that there are words and sounds. Are not words and sounds rainbows and illusive bridges between things which are eternally apart?

    This, however, is my blessing: to stand above everything as its own heaven, its round roof, its azure bell and eternal security: and blessed is he who thus blesses!
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking Euro2000Yoda's Avatar
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    30.O you, my Will! you change of every need, my needfulness! Preserve me from all small victories!

    You fatedness of my soul, which I call fate! you In-me! Over-me! Preserve and spare me for one great fate!

    And your last greatness, my Will, spare it for your last- that you may be inexorable in your victory! Ah, who has not perished to his victory!

    Ah, whose eye has not bedimmed in this intoxicated twilight! Ah, whose foot has not faltered and forgotten in victory- how to stand!-

    -That I may one day be ready and ripe in the great noon-tide: ready and ripe like the glowing ore, the lightning-bearing cloud, and the swelling milk-udder:-

    -Ready for myself and for my most hidden Will: a bow eager for its arrow, an arrow eager for its star:-

    -A star, ready and ripe in its noontide, glowing, pierced, blessed, by annihilating sun-arrows:-A sun itself, and an inexorable sun-will, ready for annihilation in victory!

    O Will, you change of every need, my needfulness! Spare me for one great victory!--

    Thus spoke Zarathustra.

    ZIDANE AT EURO 2000 = THE BEST TOURNAMENT PERFORMANCE EVERThe Frenchman was coming off an average season at club level, but took the international tournament by storm in the summer

    7:50am on Friday 26 June 2020By EMMET GATEStwitter sharing buttonfacebook sharing buttonwhatsapp sharing buttonsharethis sharing button“We all refer to the Pele World Cup in 1970, the Franz Beckenbauer one of 1974, or the Diego Maradona one of 1986. And we also talk about the 1976 European Championship of Antonin Panenka, the 1984 one of Michel Platini or the 1988 one of Marco Van Basten. I have not yet deserved that special honour,” observed Zinedine Zidane to The Independent.

    You’d be forgiven for thinking that Zidane made this rather candid admission before Euro 2000, when he sporadically glimmered at the 1998 World Cup on home soil. But in fact, the assessment arrived four years later, on the eve of France’s first match at Euro 2004 against England.

    “I did not always shine four years ago,” he continued. Was Zidane being falsely modest, or was there a genuine conviction that he could’ve performed better, a man so driven for perfection that he wasn’t able to appreciate how good he’d been for those three weeks in the early summer of 2000?

    Earnest humility or otherwise, Euro ’00 was Zidane’s absolute apex as a footballer, producing one balletic, captivating performance after another as Les Bleus swept to victory in the Low Countries that cemented their status as the planet’s eminent side at the turn of the millennium.

    Revisionist history likes to paint France ’98 as Zidane’s coming out party; his emergence as the world’s finest player. The theory is only reinforced by the fact that he somehow swept to win the Ballon d’Or that year by an outrageous margin of 176 points ahead of second-placed Davor Suker.

    Zidane’s two headed goals in the final against a tepid Brazil masked what in truth was a very average tournament for the-then Juventus midfielder. He’d been sent off in the second game of the group stage for stamping on Saudi Arabia’s Fuad Anwar. A return for the quarter final against Italy saw him produce a solid-if-unspectacular performance, and was on the periphery of things in the semi final against Croatia.

    Despite having the most productive season of his five-year stint with the Bianconeri in terms of statistics (11 goals and eight assists in all competitions) in 1997/98, Zidane wasn’t regarded as the side’s standout player. It wasn’t until Alessandro Del Piero’s career-changing injury against Udinese in November 1998 that Zidane became the side’s focal point.

    That burden wasn’t something Zidane coped with particularly well. In the two seasons leading into Euro 2000, Zidane had been remarkably unexceptional in Italy. Injuries and a post-World Cup hangover blighted the Frenchman’s form in 1998-99. He scored only twice in 40 games (four assists) – the lowest tally of his senior career – and followed that up in 1999-00 with five goals from 41 games (0 assists) in all competitions; Zidane was in the least effective period of his entire career.

    Zidane of course isn’t a player to be judged merely on numbers – his game encompassed so much more - but it was evident going into Euro ’00 that his reputation had far exceeded any genuine consistency. In Italy there had been criticism of Zidane for seemingly picking and choosing which games he’d ‘turn up’ for.

    These tended to be the bigger games in Serie A, with a belief that whilst he was the man for the big occasion, he lacked the motivation for an away trip to Salernitana or Empoli. “I must say that Zidane has been more fun than useful,” quipped the legendary Juve patron Gianni Agnelli after his departure to Real Madrid in July 2001. Sour grapes perhaps, but it’s a theme that runs across Zidane’s time at both Juve and Real. A career defined by big-game moments as opposed to continual excellence.

    Yet there can be no arguments, and despite his own proclamations, about Zidane’s consistency at Euro ’00. From the opening match against Denmark in Bruges, Zidane danced, pivoted, shimmied and waltzed through opposition players with the most effortless elegance; the ball always under his command.

    Euro 2000 was a feast of uber-attacking football. The competition’s average goal per game ratio of 2.74 was a marked improvement from the dour Euro ’96 (2.06 goals per game) and its tactically stifling successor in 2004 (2.48).

    Euro 2000 represents the best GPG ratio of the five 16-team tournaments. Furthermore, only a single knockout tie went to penalties, the lowest of any of the 16-team iterations. No. 10's such as Francesco Totti, Manuel Rui Costa and Dennis Bergkamp all flourished, with Zidane standing atop the mercurial mountain.

    It’s hardly a coincidence that France lost their only game of the tournament when Zidane was rested, with qualification already secured, for the final group game against Holland. In the space of three days Zidane produced two of the greatest performances ever witnessed in a European Championship, majestically taking apart both Spain and Portugal. The Iberian cousins, who’d contributed majorly to the exhilarating nature of the tournament, failed to put a glove on Zidane in 210 minutes of football. At times the 28-year-old seemed to be playing a different sport; an artist operating on a rarefied plane to every other player at the competition.

    The free kick against Spain in the quarter final remains the last set piece scored in the knockout rounds. Zidane perhaps left his finest performance for the Portuguese in the final four; he tormented Portugal’s ‘Golden Generation’ for 120 minutes, showcasing his endless repertoire of tricks: step-overs, drag-backs, Marseille roulettes, back-heels, feints and his seemingly endless love of dragging his studs over the ball.

    The piece de resistance arrived when he controlled Emmanuel Petit’s long diagonal ball with his chest whilst simultaneously running and contorting his body as the ball dropped to the floor, instantly angling himself on the periphery of the Portuguese box in order to cross the ball for Sylvain Wiltord. This outrageously fluid, 10-second sequence of genius has become compulsory inclusion for every highlight reel of Zidane ever since.

    In contrast to France ’98, Zidane’s quietest outing was arguably left for the final. However he still made his presence felt – the overriding fear of Zidane meant at times he was double marked by the Italians and kept France ticking over as they desperately tried to overturn Marco Delvecchio’s early second half strike.

    Despite not playing an integral role in either of France’s two goals in the final, UEFA officials were in no doubt as to who illuminated the tournament best, and awarded Zidane with the player of the competition. In retrospect, it’s astounding that he didn’t win the 2000 Ballon d’Or. Zidane finished second on the podium, behind soon-to-be Real teammate Luis Figo. The decision will go down as one of the more controversial choices made by Europe’s premier journalists.

    No player has dominated a European Championship since Zidane, who for three glorious weeks 20 years ago, mixed style and substance to cement his status as one of the greatest midfielders to play the game.

    Not only is the source from which God’s mind power springs an incalculable question but the true nature of what God really is may be a question greater than them all. One thing is for certain, and that is that we cannot understand the glories of the Universe without believing there is some supreme power behind the grand design of creation. This supreme power could be a Force that flows throughout all of Creation which is focused into form by God’s mind power. This Force, this living Force of Creation could be the source from which springs everything into existence which would include God and his mind power. If God is the first cause and the living Force of Creation is the source of his mind power it follows that the living Force of Creation must be what we might call the Cosmic God, this Cosmic God being beyond time as he must have existed forever and for whatever unknown reasons. For this Cosmic God a thousand years and a thousand dimensions must be one. It is because of the infinite complexities of the Cosmic God and his creation that we know nothing about God or the Universe. We are in the position of a little child entering a colossally large library containing a vast Arcanum with the deep secret wisdom of creation within the contents of its books. The child knows that someone must have written these books though he knows not who wrote them or how they were written yet he sees that these books and their complex codifications have been organized into a divinely ordered arrangement that he cannot comprehend but can only dimly discern. This should be the attitude of everyone at each and every level of intelligence towards the incomprehensible intricacies of the Cosmic God and our Creator. If we are to one day discover the Grand Arcanum of the Philosophy of Creation we need to know the mind of God and a Cosmic Religion that will carry us henceforth and forever into the future starting with the creation.

    In the loneliest desert, however, the second metamorphosis occurs: here the spirit becomes a lion who would conquer his freedom and be master in his own desert. Here he seeks out his last master: he wants to fight him and his last god; for ultimate victory he wants to fight with the great dragon.
    Who is the great dragon whom the spirit will no longer call lord and god? "Thou shalt" is the name of the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says, "I will." "Thou shalt" lies in his way, sparkling like gold, an animal covered with scales; and on every scale shines a golden "thou shalt."
    Values, thousands of years old, shine on these scales; and thus speaks the mightiest of all dragons: "All value has long been created, and I am all created value. Verily, there shall be no more 'I will.'" Thus speaks the dragon.
    My brothers, why is there a need in the spirit for the lion? Why is not the beast of burden, which renounces and is reverent, enough?
    To create new values -- that even the lion cannot do; but the creation of freedom for oneself and a sacred "No" even to duty -- for that, my brothers, the lion is needed. To assume the right to new values -- that is the most terrifying assumption for a reverent spirit that would bear much. Verily, to him it is preying, and a matter for a beast of prey. He once loved "thou shalt" as most sacred: now he must find illusion and caprice even in the most sacred, that freedom from his love may become his prey: the lion is needed for such prey.
    But say, my brothers, what can the child do that even the lion could not do? Why must the preying lion still become a child? The child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement, a sacred "Yes." For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred "Yes" is needed: the spirit now wills his own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers the world.

    Anil Mitra Journey in Being New World 2000 HorizonsA Journey in Ideas and IdentityIdeas as the place of appreciation of being – of our being, of the world…Ideas as the instrument of negotiationIncompleteness of ideas as expression of possibilities and potentials of beingIdentity. Transformation of being – of identity – completes realization…In the finite and the infiniteThe finite, the here - now is important – in itself and instrumentallyInf the finite there are normal but not ultimate limitsThe boundary between the finite and the infinite is not absoluteThe journey is in and bridges the finite and the infinite or ultimateA journey in BeingWe are already in and remain in being…The outer reach of a journey in beingPossibility. What is possible for human being, for the individual?The Good. What ends are desirable, aesthetic, ethical?Feasibility. What is feasible?Paths. What ways may we conceive, choose?General – understanding and significance; transformation of being and identity; state of the world, values, choice, actionTechnical – The sciences, technology, art, history, religion; philosophy and its nature, metaphysics, theory of transformation; logic, mathematics; choice and changeJourneyIn the immediate and the ultimateFrom this world to the ultimateDiscovery in ideasContingent or normal and necessary limitsTransformation in being – in identityBeingThat which is or exists – whatever exists has beingWhen properly understood being is the central concept of understanding and transformation… of a new and ultimate view of the universeSome important conceptsBeing, journey, existence, idea, transformation, foundation, intuition, object, experience, concept, percept, reason, reference, abstraction, universe, possibility, actuality, necessity, logic, substance, determinism, metaphysics, philosophy, rationalityThe universe is all beingTherefore the universe exists and contains all entities and other objects – laws, forms…The void is the complement of the universe relative to itselfTherefore the void exists and contains no entities, laws, or forms…The universal metaphysics is ultimate in breadth and depthCosmologyThe concept of cosmologyVarietyProcess – mechanism, causationSpace, time and beingMindLocal/physical cosmologyPrinciples of thought and actionThe fundamental principle underlies the cosmological varietyBecause the only restriction on actual states of the universe is that of logic, the only fictions are the logical fictionsSubject to logic, all of literature has an objectGiven interpretation as conceptual, then subject to logic, all emotions, all works of art all music must have objectsWhat is actual is necessary. This – our – cosmos in necessary. Every individual is necessary; and their identities are necessaryThe universe must pass through both void and manifest states, i.e. there must be occasions of “something” and of “nothing” This resolves what has been called the fundamental problem of metaphysics (why there is something rather than nothing)… and is seen to imply that the fundamental problem is “what exists”?Examples. Karma. Annihilation / creation of manifest phases of the universe. Subject to logic, every actual object recurs infinitely, rising from the dead is actual in countless cosmological systems, normal identities merge in identity; limited gods are necessary.Science and religion are examples of ideational form in that they provide a picture of the world or, at least, the base for a partial pictureThe future of the ideational form may be difficult to anticipate but universal metaphysics emphasizes the practical necessity of its future evolutionIn life, this world is, roughly, finite; in life, the universe may be experienced as infiniteIn death, therefore, it is as if the infinity of the universe collapses to the individual; alternatively, in death the “finite” individual becomes the infinity of the universeIntuition and objectFaithfulness – its meaning and rangeThe One and the many – the universal metaphysicsThe One and the many – normal and local studiesActionPerfectionJourney: concept and characterJourneyThe way from the immediate, from limits to the ultimate – transformation in ideas and identityTransformation is essential and includes ideas and being – identityOrigin and evolutionIndividual, shared, emergence of focus, ambition and goalsThe transformationsA minimal systemThe journey so farAssessment; the way aheadThe future

    To quote Giordano Bruno, “Unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God: for the like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure, by a bound free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God. Believe that nothing is impossible for you, think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, dry and moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky, that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once, times, places, substances, qualities, quantities, you may understand God.” (Giordano Bruno)

    "The will is a world architect and composer, the will is a world power and mover. The world is shaped in the image of our wills and by the power of our wills. Will has essentially the nature of a force. Like all forces, will has a magnitude and a direction, and just like things move in the direction of the strongest force, things move in the direction of the strongest will. Whenever you loose something, you faced a greater will and were overpowered by it. If you want something to happen strongly enough, if the world wants something to happen strongly enough, then it is going to happen. The will is a creator. Will is a living organism, it grows and develops along with the individual. Weak individuals are characterized by a weak will or lack of will. Ill people are known by an ill will or a destructive will. Hence the presence and development of will is absolutely essential for personal and spiritual ascension. The key to the higher and diviner life is a strong and healthy will, a will to improve, a will to exceed, a will to life, but most importantly a will to ascend. The seed transforms into a flower by a will to ascend in the instrument. The will to ascend is an elevator to the higher levels of being, a key to unlock the higher potentials of life and a power to manifest them. I do want to climb a high mountain today!" - Friedrich Nietzsche
    unstoppable destruction
    Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
    The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard

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