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  1. #1
    Decerebrate's Avatar
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    Sep 2024
    I float about Latin America
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    First things off. WHAT are these emojis, I didn't know there were forums that still had these old-timey style ones. I love them already

    Now. To the greeting.

    Hello! I am Decerebrate. Your average college student with both too much and too little time on their hands. Looking forward to seeing what I can learn on here! I will probably not be that active posting wise (I'm internet shy) but... I will be lurking wait is this an emo secret agent. Fascinating

    I suppose I should state my socionics type because that's the whole deal of this forum, but since I have been debating this inside of my head, I will wait until I'm at least 90% certain of it to put it on here. Previously, I was typed as ILE and IEI. Which is... kind of odd, isn't it?

    Nowadays, I am mostly into games and literature. So you will probably find me hanging out around threads about that stuff and its relation to socionics on here. DON'T hesitate to give me recommendations. I live and breathe for chances to expand my mental... repertoire (should I call it that)

    I do not speak english as my mother language and am latino-american. I believe I am decent at it, but if you notice awkward spelling, it is probably due to that.

    OH by the way. My pronouns are she/her. But I really don't mind being called by any other one. It's just there because that's the one most people use to refer to me.

    I think that concludes all I wanted to say for now. Short and sweet. Not very informative actually, but if the thread gets longer and people ask me things I will expand on the introduction and add little details about myself!

    Good night everyone!

  2. #2
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    A turn in the maze
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    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    When slicing the pie, 22/ 7 is your true bread from heaven

    ♦ ♦

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2022
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    I suppose I should state my socionics type because that's the whole deal of this forum
    the deal is to discuss socionics, including types of forum members. you can put up a typing thread + a video in the What's My Type? section of the forum to get opinions. I doubt about both ILE and IEI from this intro here. your style reminds me more of EIE. it's more formal than the usual IEI style - they tend to just go ''hii!!! i'm new here'' with shorter text and less structure.

  4. #4
    Woodland Spirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decerebrate View Post
    First things off. WHAT are these emojis, I didn't know there were forums that still had these old-timey style ones. I love them already

    Now. To the greeting.

    Hello! I am Decerebrate. Your average college student with both too much and too little time on their hands. Looking forward to seeing what I can learn on here! I will probably not be that active posting wise (I'm internet shy) but... I will be lurking wait is this an emo secret agent. Fascinating

    I suppose I should state my socionics type because that's the whole deal of this forum, but since I have been debating this inside of my head, I will wait until I'm at least 90% certain of it to put it on here. Previously, I was typed as ILE and IEI. Which is... kind of odd, isn't it?

    Nowadays, I am mostly into games and literature. So you will probably find me hanging out around threads about that stuff and its relation to socionics on here. DON'T hesitate to give me recommendations. I live and breathe for chances to expand my mental... repertoire (should I call it that)

    I do not speak english as my mother language and am latino-american. I believe I am decent at it, but if you notice awkward spelling, it is probably due to that.

    OH by the way. My pronouns are she/her. But I really don't mind being called by any other one. It's just there because that's the one most people use to refer to me.

    I think that concludes all I wanted to say for now. Short and sweet. Not very informative actually, but if the thread gets longer and people ask me things I will expand on the introduction and add little details about myself!

    Good night everyone!
    Welcome !
    I love this forum for these old emojis alone lmao ( can we bring these back everywhere ??? )
    I'm a lurker here too so don't worry haha, college ain't easy. I think this forum is great for finding your type, don't be shy to ask or make a comment if you feel you have something to add. I can reccomend wikiscon and websites too.

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