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Thread: Which types do you think are the most willing to get lewd in public? (Showing off ther butt, being handsy with someone)

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    Default Which types do you think are the most willing to get lewd in public? (Showing off ther butt, being handsy with someone)

    I made a ranking for Socionics and Enneagram.


    1) SLE (most)
    2) ESE
    3) ILE
    4) SEE
    5) IEE
    6) ESI
    7) SEI
    8) LSE
    9) LSI
    10) SLI
    12) EII+LII (least)


    1) Seven (most)
    2) Eight
    3) Two
    4) Three
    5) Nine
    6) Six
    7) Four
    8) Five
    9) One (least)

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    Fun thread.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I don't know, the ESE rating seems too high though. I'll get annoyed if people say 'victim nf males' again. Like bitch please I ain't gonna get all pervy and lewd in public just because I socially like to talk about buttsex without actually doing it much. Oh good you rated us low. Yeah, see I too belong in Heaven with all the other Deltas thankyouverymuch.

    I thought SLE too, but I think it's more like with the high SE in SLE it comes off the most naturally rape-y so its not that they are lewd more, it's just that when they are- it's even more noticeable or something.

    This reminds me, one time I saw a young woman being fingered underneath the table at Denny's lmao.

    I saw somebody with a 'I EAT ASS' bumpersticker on their truck but they were parked and inside the McDonald's so I couldn't tell who it was. My gut intuition told me it was probably a SEE though. /hides.

    I almost want to say SEE is the highest or high but then again, I'd probably piss off the SEEs who are all prudes and chaste and shit or know how to keep their pervy side in private and on the dl like all respectable Republicans. *cough*

    Funny thread, but it feels easier to categorize it via enneatype than socionics type maybe?

    eta: Why is ESE rated so high? That part confused me the most.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    I don't know, the ESE rating seems too high though. I'll get annoyed if people say 'victim nf males' again. Like bitch please I ain't gonna get all pervy and lewd in public just because I socially like to talk about buttsex without actually doing it much. Oh good you rated us low. Yeah, see I too belong in Heaven with all the other Deltas thankyouverymuch.

    I thought SLE too, but I think it's more like with the high SE in SLE it comes off the most naturally rape-y so its not that they are lewd more, it's just that when they are- it's even more noticeable or something.

    This reminds me, one time I saw a young woman being fingered underneath the table at Denny's lmao.

    I saw somebody with a 'I EAT ASS' bumpersticker on their truck but they were parked and inside the McDonald's so I couldn't tell who it was. My gut intuition told me it was probably a SEE though. /hides.

    I almost want to say SEE is the highest or high but then again, I'd probably piss off the SEEs who are all prudes and chaste and shit or know how to keep their pervy side in private and on the dl like all respectable Republicans. *cough*

    Funny thread, but it feels easier to categorize it via enneatype than socionics type maybe?

    eta: Why is ESE rated so high? That part confused me the most.
    because they don’t ever go against the group. That’s why they need an LII on hand to tell them they shouldn’t do that. I can totally imagine one getting into fraternity hijinks and streaking or something if they were egged on. Doubt they would do it on their own, but the 1D Ti and 1D Ni means they never think things through.

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    For what it’s worth I would switch the SEI and ESI rankings. Also the LSE and ILE rankings. LSE can be pretty pervy. I doubt they would do it just anywhere BUT a few of the ones I’ve met have been super into sex parties. They’re secretly super kinky. Whereas ILEs are the types who SEEM like they would be kinky but actually aren’t that sexual. Also how does gender fit into this list? I feel like for most of the types the guys would be more lewd than the ladies. But for a few, it would be the opposite (LSI for example).

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    SEE and EIE
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    SEE and EIE
    Totally agree about EIE. They like to shock people

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    Totally agree about EIE. They like to shock people
    SEE is more sexual than eie by a hair, but not only this on socionics, but also enneagram.. Sexual leads and ID types like a 7 need to go into this.. You aren’t going to find an overtly sexual eie who is blinded in sx, unless it’s for an act
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    SEE is more sexual than eie by a hair, but not only this on socionics, but also enneagram.. Sexual leads and ID types like a 7 need to go into this.. You aren’t going to find an overtly sexual eie who is blinded in sx, unless it’s for an act
    Yeah, I think EIEs use overt sexuality as a way that they can artistically provoke an emotional response in people. Lady Gaga would be a good example of that. But it’s not like they’re doing it for their own gratification. It is a performance to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    Yeah, I think EIEs use overt sexuality as a way that they can artistically provoke an emotional response in people. Lady Gaga would be a good example of that. But it’s not like they’re doing it for their own gratification. It is a performance to them.
    Perfect example:

    Honestly, that video may be the most beta thing I’ve ever seen. Also, it gave me a random thought: Camden is positively crawling with EIEs and IEIs. Maybe because Central St Martins is nearby. If any UK-based LSIs or SLEs are reading this, thats your hunting ground. The same would probably be true of any major US design schools. I’ve never known an EIE to stay in a small town or village by choice. They are attracted to big cities. They need to be in the middle of it all.

    also there are a shit ton of them on Feeld.
    Last edited by Echo; 11-12-2024 at 01:14 PM.

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    It depends on the model of society and its level tolerance for such thing. In Iran for instance if you do that you might at best end-up in a psychiatric hospital or at worst abducted by E.T.s...

    There is is a bias in the typology community which consist to believe that TIMs only exist in the free world. The truth is that each type of Model society's affiliation (either belonging to the "Free world" or the "Less Free World") culture will produce specific types of TIMs. I think we might consider that specificity as a sublayer somewhere between the core type and the personality. I think that sublayer would be closer to the Freudian SuperEgo which would be in this case like a global Super-Ego Block taking into account all the functions. It is indeed what is commonly called the social norms. So the social norms affect all the IMEs not in their qualities or but rather in the form with which they are expressed (or not).

    As you can see, I don't know what I'm talking about I just come out with stuff as I'm writing a deliver them raw...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    Perfect example:

    Honestly, that video may be the most beta thing I’ve ever seen. Also, it gave me a random thought: Camden is positively crawling with EIEs and IEIs. Maybe because Central St Martins is nearby. If any UK-based LSIs or SLEs are reading this, thats your hunting ground. The same would probably be true of any major US design schools. I’ve never known an EIE to stay in a small town or village by choice. They are attracted to big cities. They need to be in the middle of it all.

    also there are a shit ton of them on Feeld.
    Yes, there's a ton of Se in that video, but I think that Lady Gaga is Gamma SF. With her eyes hidden, she looks ESI, but overall, I'm leaning SEE for her. She's somewhere on the edge between ESI and SEE, but I'm leaning towards SEE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yes, there's a ton of Se in that video, but I think that Lady Gaga is Gamma SF. With her eyes hidden, she looks ESI, but overall, I'm leaning SEE for her. She's somewhere on the edge between ESI and SEE, but I'm leaning towards SEE.
    Interesting. I always assumed she wasn’t Ti PoLR because we actually used to attend the same summer program as children (we never met though) and it’s not the sort of place a Ti PoLR person would ever set foot in. Incidentally, that’s not the only connection I have to Lady Gaga. The second totally unrelated one is that I used to borrow her clothes without permission when I was living in New York.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    Interesting. I always assumed she wasn’t Ti PoLR because we actually used to attend the same summer program as children (we never met though) and it’s not the sort of place a Ti PoLR person would ever set foot in. Incidentally, that’s not the only connection I have to Lady Gaga. The second totally unrelated one is that I used to borrow her clothes without permission when I was living in New York.
    also, I was getting a lot of Fe from this video:

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    In Rachel's Eyes godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    also, I was getting a lot of Fe from this video:

    That's a very good source material for a proper typing...

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