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Thread: On the safety and benefits of unregulated prostitution.

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    Default On the safety and benefits of unrestricted prostitution.

    It is not like kids exposed to sexuality are going to be conditioned like little Bruce Wayne’s into Batman’s. Kids will be busy doing other things they won’t suffer lifelong emotional distress from seeing sexuality. It is even healthy for many kids a lot of kids like sex and making it a crime will not increase the public safety but it does waste resources and stops the cops from going after violent murderers like the war on drugs did. And it is an entertainment industry like any others… it was a business, the people in it made money and enjoyed their work.

    stds are only temporary they usually come up with treatments and with the patent system abolished and no federal regulations and no subsidies then they would inexpensive, comfortable, and effective.

    i should be making money from this, but due to me not knowing the best sources I can’t. I used to love getting reactions and attention on tech forums and having audiences everywhere, but now that’s gone too. I was one of the most well known members I didn’t care that they thought I was stupid… they always remembered who i was.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 08-29-2024 at 03:32 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    i was just watching a batman vid before i opened the thread and nothing in the title suggested about batman. being a prostitute can be letting terrible people use your body. some prostitutes themselves are messed up. so a person who's mentally and emotionally healthy wouldnt prostitute themselves. unless u maybe mean being super selective with your clients. but sex outisde of marriage is always or most of the time that i can tell bad spiritually, as an ex witch and witchcraft can be verified empricially ( DO NOT ATTEMPT). lots of ppl didnt enjoy their work too and some gave them the bad advice to "just become a prostitute" and "stop complaining about your issues" when they did it out of what they felt was poverty and necessity or mental struggles. but witholding money from someone whos struggling and giving it to them only after using their bodies? how can that be justifiable. and obviously those people who give u money only then do not care about you nor do they value you or they have intellectual disabilities and didnt understand the consequences and implications of things. if you're getting pimped whats happening when its unregulated? tho ig ppl and authorities are letting or even supporting pimping even if its "illegal"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    It is not like kids exposed to sexuality are going to be conditioned like little Bruce Wayne’s into Batman’s. Kids will be busy doing other things they won’t suffer lifelong emotional distress from seeing sexuality. It is even healthy for many kids a lot of kids like sex and making it a crime will not increase the public safety but it does waste resources and stops the cops from going after violent murderers like the war on drugs did. And it is an entertainment industry like any others… it was a business, the people in it made money and enjoyed their work.

    i should be making money from this, but due to me not knowing the best sources I can’t. I used to love getting reactions and attention on tech forums and having audiences everywhere, but now that’s gone too.

    Kids have their world and adults theirs. Any intrusion of the adults world in the world of the kids (especially exposure (regardless of whether it is prolonged or not) to sex, violence and pain (physical or psychological)) is traumatic for the child and these trauma will inevitably lead to mental health pathologies (like C-PTSD) and/or behavior disorders and for some of them Personality Disorder. These kids will need mental health treatment (therapy) and following. Period.

    It's not because evil is inscribed in the human condition that we have to justify it or banalize it. Evil has to be condemned and fought !

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    Btw STDs are not all curable and the ones that are, like the bacterias, are subject to antibiotic resistance. For example, antibiotic resistant chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both of which are spreading in large urban areas.

    As far as harms associated with exposure to sexuality, let's be real here and state that much of what is considered sexuality in today's world is extremely perverted and filled with fetishes. Fine to navigate as an adult, but children lack the necessary maturity to comprehend and understand and manage the complexities. Absolutely not ready and it's telling of OP that they are not a parent themselves. If they are frankly I feel bad for their children if they are daily exposed to these types of world views. Permissiveness in the wrong direction is going to screw kids up. Sorry but moral relativism doesn't need to apply to every situation.

    Finally, what exactly should you be paid for, a sentence that follows another sentence that states you think kids enjoy sex? Getting real creepy here.

    Most civilized jurisdictions recognize that children cannot consent to sex with adults and are therefore victimize by adults who choose to harm children this way. If what harms are present confuses you, start researching online.

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    If it is so creepy or kids aren’t mature enough,then why is there already sexual education in schools and parents already showing their kids sexuality with their kids being okay with it? and even breast feeding? There are some kids and some adults that like sexuality and some who don’t. And it depends on the sexuality. It is an arbitrary distinction between adult and child… it does not cover much. I had my first erection by the time I was 6, a lot of perversions are not said. And when I was exposed to all sorts of sexuality when I was a kid I was not traumatized by it. It can be seen as moral relativism, but the opposite side can be reasonably called too uptight, too puritan. STDs don’t last, antibiotics won’t be the only way in the future… technology, science progresses.

    my only regret with this is that I didn’t reply sooner.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    @godslaveEvil is subjective. There can be logical and emotional bases for it, but it is ultimately thought or felt by each individual.
    @timberactually kids can consent to sex with adults… some kids are sexually attracted to some adults. I was and so were a lot of other kids… I was already in emotionally disturbed classes so kids there already wanted more of it. If it’s consensual and the jurisdiction jails people for it then that jurisdiction laws are more barbaric that civilized.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 08-30-2024 at 11:21 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    @godslave Evil is subjective. There can be logical and emotional bases for it, but it is ultimately thought or felt by each individual.

    Evil is objective because the notion of "good and evil" is an archetype of the collective unconscious exclusive to the human cognition.

    That said, the objectivity of what is Good is balanced in most civilizations and societies with their own belief systems from which is established what constitutes an acceptable Evil for the greater good. For instance, if people of our civilized modern world were to be transported to the time of the Mayan civilization, we would not understand what good there is in human sacrifices to the glory of kukulkan... Likewise, some primitive societies of our times might find practice of the civilized world like circumcision as Evil while considering cannibalism (especially eating people of different ethny) as perfectly acceptable...
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    The early education is probably to prevent sexual abuse and exploitation and also to make the child aware of anatomy in a kid-friendly way, to make them know that it’s a reserved bodily part. I personally didn’t have sex Ed until I was 12, almost 13, because of my autism (social shelter and having placed into special ed).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    @godslaveEvil is subjective. There can be logical and emotional bases for it, but it is ultimately thought or felt by each individual.
    @timberactually kids can consent to sex with adults… some kids are sexually attracted to some adults. I was and so were a lot of other kids… I was already in emotionally disturbed classes so kids there already wanted more of it. If it’s consensual and the jurisdiction jails people for it then that jurisdiction laws are more barbaric that civilized.
    If you were around kids that were emotionally disturbed, this isn’t a good basis to go on. The real issue is that there is something underdeveloped to be able consent.. A prepubescent child has no developed breasts, no developed penis.. And they don’t have a conscious that someone older will generally have, given they’re without any intellectual disability..

    It isn’t natural to be attracted to children, because they aren’t even developed and can’t reciprocate, or even connect normally and the nature is to nurture and allow their development..

    As far as the disturbed class… Well, some of those boys and girls could’ve had it to begin with from having been sexually abused by an adult, older kid, or even a kid their own age who has been abused by one of the former two categories.

    I know you are being hypothetical here, but pedophilic enabling isn’t going to end in any good conversation.
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    @Braingelmost of I’ve been talking about is actually empirical and the genitals are often functional, fully developed from an early age even in the womb. I remember getting my first erection when I was about 5. I am worried that as I get older my pecker won’t be able to get hard. Some of the breasts are not enlarged by a certain age, but they still had the same sensations, the same functions.
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    It's interesting how the only people who think kids should be fucking are people who want to fuck kids.

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    As far as harms associated with exposure to sexuality, let's be real here and state that much of what is considered sexuality in today's world is extremely perverted and filled with fetishes. Fine to navigate as an adult, but children lack the necessary maturity to comprehend and understand and manage the complexities. Absolutely not ready and it's telling of OP that they are not a parent themselves. If they are frankly I feel bad for their children if they are daily exposed to these types of world views. Permissiveness in the wrong direction is going to screw kids up. Sorry but moral relativism doesn't need to apply to every situation.
    I don't really agree that perversion is "fine" for adults either.

    I think hardly anyone is a moral relativist, and that's not what's going on here. It's also not being "permissive." Disturbed isn't saying something like "It's OK for Australian aborigines to fuck kids, but it's not fine for Westerners;" he's saying "we should fuck kids."

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    I don’t want to fuck kids. I am just saying that if the kid consents, then I think it’s fine for them to have sex. I tend to agree with most social norms like don’t lie, don’t murder, do help your fellow human, be polite, be practical, I actually usually behave as a normal person in public. I agree with the majority of humanity about 70% of the time. I’m not sure that anyone conforms 100%, but I’m actually a normal person.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 09-13-2024 at 10:20 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    I am just saying that if the kid consents, then I think it’s fine for them to have sex. I tend to agree with most social norms like don’t lie, don’t murder, do help your fellow human, be polite, be practical, I actually usually behave as a normal person in public. I agree with the majority of humanity about 70% of the time. I’m not sure that anyone conforms 100%, but I’m actually a normal person.
    That's the problem with sexual morality based on nothing but "consent." Regardless of what the law considers to be "consent," children can obviously consent to sex and plenty of other things, sure. It's still wrong to fuck a kid, and everyone knows it.

    Since this seems to come up in these kinds of talks, I'll get this out of the way: kids may be interested in sex. They may even grope each other/feel each other's genitals. I think most people have done that and it's not an issue. And I'll even acknowledge that kids have a proto-sex drive. But it isn't natural for kids to actually fuck, and doing it is obviously harmful.

    Sex isn't something you can take so casually. On top of risks to the child's physical health, it's something that causes a lot of complicated emotions linked to the fear of death. And it's something people pretty regularly go insane and kill each other over. It's not something that kids can handle; many adults struggle with it.

    If you have pedophilic urges, the best thing you can do is promise yourself not to act on them, no matter what. You will damage someone if you do act on them. It's not a norm that should ever be transgressed in any circumstance; it's not something you can say "well I'm normal in so many ways, but I have this one eccentricity..." about. People look on pedophiles as monsters for a reason.

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    Behavior is picked up by other people. But it is also emotionally felt and we should not replace concepts with internal and external feelings and reality.

    there have always been things I’ve done instinctively, by habit. At the same time, I could not always coordinate my emotions with a group, especially if I felt so embarrassed by it, if the group’s emotions made me feel bad, gave me bad sensations. If it was unwanted love imposed on me then I got so irritated. I realized it was meant to be love, but I personally felt bad by it, and so I lashed out… I’m generally not for being mushy.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    I don’t want to fuck kids. I am just saying that if the kid consents, then I think it’s fine for them to have sex. I tend to agree with most social norms like don’t lie, don’t murder, do help your fellow human, be polite, be practical, I actually usually behave as a normal person in public. I agree with the majority of humanity about 70% of the time. I’m not sure that anyone conforms 100%, but I’m actually a normal person.
    By kid, I am assuming you mean underdeveloped, prepubescent? Not an age where it is legal in most places in the world.. 16 is the age of consent in most places in the world… (I believe that there needs be an age gap limit with it though, and yes, even with 18 I think there needs be).. But since 16 isn’t really looked down in a lot of places in the world, and with earlier discussions here, I am assuming you’re referring to younger than 16…

    It is never going to be okay for a prepubescent child to consent to sex, especially if that child doesn’t even have direct sexual knowledge or understand the concepts behind sex (that just makes it worse, even if they’ve sexual knowledge, it doesn’t make it okay, because they can’t ultimately fully appreciate the intellectual and emotional sentiments behind it, and the probability is they attained the knowledge artificially through unnatural experiences like internet, bad older siblings, negligent parents leaving things around or sexual abuse).. A child having sexual arousal doesn’t mean anything if they can’t even intellectualized it and their organs aren’t developed.

    Whilst there are freaks of nature (and it still wouldn’t be right to allow them consent, because the emotional reasoning isn’t there), 99% of children do not develop full genitalia prior to age 12-13. In older times when humans lived lesser, this may have differed, where people became parents at this time due to a very short life-expectancy, so development probably had expedited of then. But based on today? No.

    It is unlikely you’re discussing 16, since that is actually a social norm (but in places where it is not, sometimes it is still persecuted socially and legally, even if an 18 year old is the partner, which is the only reason I bother to entertain the slight possibility this is your sentiment).. But my reservation on it would be that if it’s not an age gap ordeal, and especially if you are between 18-20, then this is permissible.

    Once you get well into the twenties with this though, it starts to become more of a concern with a normative development case, but who would be interested in a 16 or 17 yo who follows a normal development and is well into twenties..

    I had some baby boomer teacher in middle school (6th grade) who was a teacher for like 40 ish years by the time I had him (he retired several years after my own in his ending 60’s).. Who had been 24 and a teacher when he met his wife, whom he got with at 16 and he was her teacher. I don’t know if the state I lived in made this legal or not with his time, but the issue is that it is exploitive with a teacher-student dynamic, and can affect educational performance and bias. Regardless, he was married to her still when he was teaching me.. It “worked”, but I do not believe his case should represent a norm, especially when it was a different time with a different outlook on sex and maturation where kids grew up faster, and it still should be criticized because of the nature of teacher and student. He would’ve started his teaching career sometime in the 1970’s, he would’ve been 24 with her sometime in there, I don’t know how early people became teachers then, so he could’ve even been more than 40 years..
    Last edited by Braingel; 09-13-2024 at 05:22 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    I don’t want to fuck kids. I am just saying that if the kid consents, then I think it’s fine for them to have sex. I tend to agree with most social norms like don’t lie, don’t murder, do help your fellow human, be polite, be practical, I actually usually behave as a normal person in public. I agree with the majority of humanity about 70% of the time. I’m not sure that anyone conforms 100%, but I’m actually a normal person.
    Well this is because you are an ignorant moron. That's why you think it's fine. I can say ignorant because you are being willfully blind. You should change your username from disturbed to delusional.

    I won't be participating in your delusional belief system. Breaks from consensus reality is typically known as psychosis. Please stay away from children, before your opinions leak out around them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Behavior is picked up by other people. But it is also emotionally felt and we should not replace concepts with internal and external feelings and reality.

    there have always been things I’ve done instinctively, by habit. At the same time, I could not always coordinate my emotions with a group, especially if I felt so embarrassed by it, if the group’s emotions made me feel bad, gave me bad sensations. If it was unwanted love imposed on me then I got so irritated. I realized it was meant to be love, but I personally felt bad by it, and so I lashed out… I’m generally not for being mushy.
    You are holding a ton of limiting beliefs. It almost sounds like you were molested yourself?

    Anyway, if groups are triggering you into flight or flight, freeze or fawn back brain responses, you are going to need to learn how to manage the limiting beliefs. Sounds like you practise self rejection a lot, by rejecting the group.

    BTW mastering this stuff takes years.cptsd and ptsd tosses people into future maladaptive behaviors and beliefs. You are being to passive and self negating yourself.

    This is in part why you think it's okay for children to be sexual. It's a freeze passivety response.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    It is not like kids exposed to sexuality are going to be conditioned like little Bruce Wayne’s into Batman’s. Kids will be busy doing other things they won’t suffer lifelong emotional distress from seeing sexuality. It is even healthy for many kids a lot of kids like sex and making it a crime will not increase the public safety but it does waste resources and stops the cops from going after violent murderers like the war on drugs did. And it is an entertainment industry like any others… it was a business, the people in it made money and enjoyed their work.
    You do you. But do try to use cash and/or someone else's name and credit card.

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