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Thread: I am making a new model of typology that accounts for the placements within the psyche..

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Default I am making a new model of typology that accounts for the placements within the psyche..

    I am not going give away my ideas, but I’ve been playing with the foundation of a system I am making.. That accurately places the dynamics and processes in their progression throughout the psyche and into the world.. In the future, when I have copyrighted my ideas, I will place them here.

    I also had more to write out in my importance of inner-outer thread, but I had lost internet (parents shut off) and didn’t have internet access on a trip I went with, with a program..

    My hope is to revolutionize how personality is understood, as a process of dynamics within a psyche and also, the nuances in the behavior (but reducing it to a simplified way)..

    The model/formula I made is simple and doesn’t require a lot of detail, other than the clinical means I am forming for how psychotherapy would be approached with this..

    The primary focus is on different time points within that information moves through and evokes emotions, and thus bias..

    Clinical psych is far too averted on the behavioral end, as are most the ways people approach typing one’s personality…

    The truth is you aren’t one personality type, you’ve an entire process of dynamics that make up the whole, that lead into one’s personality.. Personality is understood too much from an extroverted form of cognition with focusing on the outside, when it is from one’s innards that all behavior stems, and it undergoes a process.
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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    In general, clinical psychology is far too much prioritizing of how one’s behavior affects the world and their own life, when it is the processes that percede the result/formation of behavior that impact the entire world and one’s own life.. Behavioral interventions are a bandaid mostly. Then these personality models fail realize the organ structure that makes its own entire system, much like a physical body but in concept of cause and effect.

    Time and time again, I have seen people try and label a process or inherent faculty that was unrelated to the metric of what their typing scope measures, but what made me have the realization was just a revelation of analyzing..

    I hope that my creation will help to liberate one from bias and evolve into their spiritual selves and an ideal future.. I also have a lot of theories with dreams and things, and have been making my own means with these… There is much I am playing with..

    It is actually likely that personality disorders are deemed mostly “untreatable”, because easily 70% of psych is behaviorally-motivated.. I am well-aware not all therapies are, but the ones that go more intra have less prevalence..

    I just have frankly, gotten very irritated with how external the world focus is.. It is my inherent nature to focus inside.. This is why I’ve always said me as anything extroverted is an utter absurdity, even if my complex trauma has made me develop extroverted-seeming defenses. I would agree that some of my defenses are extroverted, but my inherent constitution of behavior and way of process is anything but. I would put it at the equivalence of one’s regurgitation process countering inherent digestion and behavior, and it has to antagonize the inherent flow of what one is, the direction it goes. And most my traumatic-induced behavior has been the throwing up/vomit of.

    I don’t believe that someone having extroverted defenses implies an extrovert, and as a matter of fact, it appears that introverts have extroverted defenses and extroverts have introversive ones, when pushed to an extremity.. Not a mild flare or stress, but a chronic reverse.. I mean, if someone’s inherent direction doesn’t meet the need of survival, all that is left is an unconscious turn, and I believe that the conscious and conscious have opposing directions in some facets.

    I would say it also has do with how it manifests, for instance, my “extroverted” behavior happens in a withdrawn way with eliciting attention *online*, it isn’t as if that follows into my in person interactions.. I cannot confidently apply extroverted focus and it happens in still, a semi-introverted behavior.. (Defenses would be behavioral, yes, though cognitive distortions can semi be, in that they origin from inner processing, but it would be an atypical process turning on in a transience, that can mistake as one’s inherent direction of around factors that press stress reactions in frequency).

    I personally believe, with how I am formulating typology, that it can help to identify things as complex ptsd, ptsd and other traumatic-motivated or stressor disorders, in personality shifts. Unknown to many is that ptsd and trauma actually have a hallmark symptom of personality disturbance. It would affect many areas in what I am defining..

    Also fundamentally, a physical body is a matter of cause and effect as well, with matter interacting and sending throughout the body and down and all.. It just so happens that it is in observable reality… This is something in the hidden realm, that you can only see through analysis and an understanding of time and place.. Which is my natural aptitude and apart of how I process information.

    The enneagram captures well, my stress reaction going from 4 (an introvert by its default), to a 2 (a histrionic extroverted orientation).
    Last edited by Braingel; 07-23-2024 at 08:34 AM.
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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    I do believe that the majority of people in the communities, in terms of the cognitive center of my focus of system, would be extroversive or sensoric. Because.. There is far too much of an orientation to focus on the outward dynamics of how objects interact with one another. Of course socionics primary focuses this on to begin with, but even when coming to an intra system like enneagram, this happens. It could be that some have attached to socionics and they repeat the pay tree en of method unto other systems, or that some people are looped… Or shadowed..

    But there is a focus on how people behave, what is physically, concretely observable, which is in essence what Se is. Se is a matter of perceiving the surface/physically observable, and being able to track and explore what is in there.. They have the cognitive capacities to notice what is happening, what can use in concrete ways to make things happen, they are very detailed knowers of what goes on in the outside world, and zoom in on how things appear and look. Fe also focuses on looks, but in the context of hierarchy and social placement and values.. There is no type more aware of what is going on around them and taking in all the aesthetical means, than an Se dom. They can notice almost every change and movement in the environment, this is probably why most wild animals are Se, as they need cognitively focus on threats and what is there around that can eat them, or of what they can eat.

    An Se dom grasps and processes what is. They don’t cogitate what “could be” (Ne), what underlies and will be (Ni).. They don’t focus on what they’ve internalized in their concrete reality already and subconsciously call upon the details that were felt-processed and tie into a reminding of through motor memory. (Si).

    In terms of a social role-behavior, of course most of you people are introverts, who sequester away online, taking roles isolated from society. This does not imply though, that how you digest info has introversive focus.

    But in terms of what easily 90% of people on this site and communities like this, you guys by my conception, would (one of following):

    • Be sensoric with an orientation to process, relative to your inherent traits that informed this development of, with extroverted sensation. Either as the base or in the secondary placement
    • Be cognitively extroverted, with a focus upon how things interact and behave amid one another
    • be shadowed cognitively to where you are operating from a defense from a switch of conscious to unconscious drives of processing, from an inability to survive your current life factors and formation of (meaning you are naturally an introvert who has just lost grip of this direction)

    I see very little intuition in the cognitive focus that has amid most. There are very here and now in reality discussions dominating non-typology, and even concrete experiences being referenced for typing and of tangible markers to indicate a type that rely on external appearances. I would put maybe 10% in the category of “intuitive” in a purely cognitive focus. In terms of social role and values, most people would be intuitive here, high openness in a big 5, valuing Ni and Ne topics and Ti..

    I should probably define Ne and Ni by my view, as to why I view their presence as paucity within here…

    Ni, to myself, is the matter of evaluating trends and themes, devoid of detail in physical realms, being able to plunge in because of the trend and theme grasp, into the core, and filling in, skipping info, by intuiting with the had themes to allot an understanding. It synthesizes and narrows in information into an intricate interrelation.. Grasping parallels relative to their themes. It would also be the ability to grasp what is beneath the surface of a physical object and dive in, realizing the dynamics behind what is going on, much as my realization with personality taking a timely process, though, I type myself Fi-Ne with very developed Ni in my model.

    Ne would be the ability to perceive non tangible potentials… Ability to think outside the box, and use objects— both physical and non physical ways, in ones that can’t be thought of in observable reality/by looking alone deeply at an object.

    I view both Si and Ni as evaluating with time trends, it is just that Si relies on its psycho-motor mechanism and database to predict the time…. I disagree that ability to predict time well= Ni alone. Plenty of sensors can, they just rely more on an indication of routine and what the body has to, accustomed.

    I would personally type the majority of you guys as
    • ISTP (TiSe)
    • ISFP (FiSe)
    • ENFJ and ESTP around tied (FeNi and SeTi)
    • ESFP (SeFi)

    In order.. With.. Maybe 75% as ISXP.

    In terms of behavioral/social role.. Most people here are INXX…..

    Socionics is built cognitively for Fe and for Se. Also Ti, of course and Ni; which pair with those two already.. But Fe and Se are where the focus goes in terms of social hierarchies and values (Fe) and then the observable, concrete behaviors one has and the outer dynamics between people and their place in society. It shouldn’t be a surprise that I am typing most people as Se ego… And that enfj is the only intuitive I believe is slightly common here.. And not overly, at all, just in top 5 of most common types here. Also, appearance is very focused on in socionics, which goes right into Se and Fe.
    Last edited by Braingel; 07-23-2024 at 09:23 AM.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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  4. #4
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    In the enneagram community… INFP and INFJ are slightly more common, but there are still majority cognitive sensors who are basing on surface traits and appearances to rely on typing… INFP would be more common in that the focus on one’s own emotions and their own concrete experiences when stressed (Si) align with the cognition needed to focus on typing, and most people who enter enneagram are stressed, meaning there’s a margin large for looping.. INFJ would see the underlying dynamics, much like many of the enneagrammtic teachers who looped right into Ti.. And want (their cognition wants to, not their conscious choice, I am personifying it) penetrate into the analysis and inward structure of others… That is my social role. Ni, Ti and Fi, I am an INFJ (NiFe) in terms of my social role.. How I process information is all Fi, Ne and Ni, and when stressed, Si, maybe a bit of Ti, but the first three are my primary.

    It is just that INFP and INFJ are not a paucity of finding in the enneagrammatic sphere, whereas here in the socionics, with an orientation of Fe and Se cognitive focus, all you almost have are XSI…. And if any intuitive shows up, it’s generally an eie.

    Since I know they many here will need a concrete explanation, not being able to grasp the dynamics within this, I will do my best to provide examples…

    Try imagining a person who processes what is going on around them, processes all the colors, sounds, movements, etc, in the environment around them, of events that are happening within the environment and observing them, but then who is an “intellectual” who reads a lot of books, but those books tend be about concrete things like animals, plants— things that are of physically present, in reality topics. This person may be typed as an “intuitive” in a social role, merely because they have a “love of learning”. For exploring information… And coming up with “ideas”, from concrete information. Now if the ideas weren’t based on direct reality, and were hidden, and were connecting with unrelated topics or with hidden uses that require thinking that isn’t based from the here and now, this would be Ne..

    This person could be an ISFP or ESFP.. Who would be typed in something like model G, or in Kiersy as INTP, INTJ.. INFP, ENFJ, etc… And an enfj could actually have that focus if they were looped into Fe-Se..

    So yes, almost all of you are isfp and istp.. But in terms of a more watered down archetype and value-based focus, with an interest in psychology and typology, you’d more be in those behavioral-centered areas, infp, intp, etc…

    Building off my example.. Maybe this isfp is a 4w3…. who out of 4 core need of individuation, takes to studying arcane means, and they read a bunch of esoteric works, relative to their emotional processing, this passes into the behavior, and you’re left with that cognitively processing isfp typed as an infp instead.

    Now try imagining an enfp— a person who at a default comes up with ways to combine objects and concepts together to formulate something anew… Theu are always in their head, aren’t even engaging with people directly and even lose energy from others with their Fi focus.. This person may easily be more introversive in the behavioral realm, becoming an infp…

    Going unto myself in why I process with Fi, Ne and Ni;

    Ni should be self-exclamatory; what I have done this entire thread and always process is the deep underlying dynamics of how things lead unto what, grasping what’s behind the observable and its meaning, its parallel, or its dynamics (ladder in this case). When I get stressed out, this replaces with Si, and I only see and process from my own subjective experience and become blind of the dynamics.

    Fi would be in that I process through my own subjective emotional lens and how things affect *my own* internal realm… I am filtering in information through how I feel about it, not about how others would, or putting my own self in others’ perspectives (Fe).. My social role involves influencing the moods of others, which puts me as Fe behaviorally/value-wise.

    Ne: I combine unrelated means together, this would show in some art I have created.. I imagine qualities that are not there rooted in reality, and combine them to formulate a new concept. For instance, I in a drawing, with a contest prompt of “what makes you happy” drew essential oil bottles as a waterfall, and put Angelica oil as a mountain peak to symbols my favorite oil, in one area of the map.. I made a crying angel with a cloud dress attached to the clouds and her tears made it rain, I made an area called poetic heaven and, well, I’m not gonna give all my ideas for my very recent art project for a developmental disability program.

    You can use all 8 functions. The frequency and of how well the information can approach, is what dictates the type/combination of used/processed with functions.
    Last edited by Braingel; 07-23-2024 at 10:36 AM.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  5. #5
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I do believe that the majority of people in the communities, in terms of the cognitive center of my focus of system, would be extroversive or sensoric. Because.. There is far too much of an orientation to focus on the outward dynamics of how objects interact with one another. Of course socionics primary focuses this on to begin with, but even when coming to an intra system like enneagram, this happens. It could be that some have attached to socionics and they repeat the pay tree en of method unto other systems, or that some people are looped… Or shadowed..

    But there is a focus on how people behave, what is physically, concretely observable, which is in essence what Se is. Se is a matter of perceiving the surface/physically observable, and being able to track and explore what is in there.. They have the cognitive capacities to notice what is happening, what can use in concrete ways to make things happen, they are very detailed knowers of what goes on in the outside world, and zoom in on how things appear and look. Fe also focuses on looks, but in the context of hierarchy and social placement and values.. There is no type more aware of what is going on around them and taking in all the aesthetical means, than an Se dom. They can notice almost every change and movement in the environment, this is probably why most wild animals are Se, as they need cognitively focus on threats and what is there around that can eat them, or of what they can eat.

    An Se dom grasps and processes what is. They don’t cogitate what “could be” (Ne), what underlies and will be (Ni).. They don’t focus on what they’ve internalized in their concrete reality already and subconsciously call upon the details that were felt-processed and tie into a reminding of through motor memory. (Si).

    In terms of a social role-behavior, of course most of you people are introverts, who sequester away online, taking roles isolated from society. This does not imply though, that how you digest info has introversive focus.

    But in terms of what easily 90% of people on this site and communities like this, you guys by my conception, would (one of following):

    • Be sensoric with an orientation to process, relative to your inherent traits that informed this development of, with extroverted sensation. Either as the base or in the secondary placement
    • Be cognitively extroverted, with a focus upon how things interact and behave amid one another
    • be shadowed cognitively to where you are operating from a defense from a switch of conscious to unconscious drives of processing, from an inability to survive your current life factors and formation of (meaning you are naturally an introvert who has just lost grip of this direction)

    I see very little intuition in the cognitive focus that has amid most. There are very here and now in reality discussions dominating non-typology, and even concrete experiences being referenced for typing and of tangible markers to indicate a type that rely on external appearances. I would put maybe 10% in the category of “intuitive” in a purely cognitive focus. In terms of social role and values, most people would be intuitive here, high openness in a big 5, valuing Ni and Ne topics and Ti..

    I should probably define Ne and Ni by my view, as to why I view their presence as paucity within here…

    Ni, to myself, is the matter of evaluating trends and themes, devoid of detail in physical realms, being able to plunge in because of the trend and theme grasp, into the core, and filling in, skipping info, by intuiting with the had themes to allot an understanding. It synthesizes and narrows in information into an intricate interrelation.. Grasping parallels relative to their themes. It would also be the ability to grasp what is beneath the surface of a physical object and dive in, realizing the dynamics behind what is going on, much as my realization with personality taking a timely process, though, I type myself Fi-Ne with very developed Ni in my model.

    Ne would be the ability to perceive non tangible potentials… Ability to think outside the box, and use objects— both physical and non physical ways, in ones that can’t be thought of in observable reality/by looking alone deeply at an object.

    I view both Si and Ni as evaluating with time trends, it is just that Si relies on its psycho-motor mechanism and database to predict the time…. I disagree that ability to predict time well= Ni alone. Plenty of sensors can, they just rely more on an indication of routine and what the body has to, accustomed.

    I would personally type the majority of you guys as
    • ISTP (TiSe)
    • ISFP (FiSe)
    • ENFJ and ESTP around tied (FeNi and SeTi)
    • ESFP (SeFi)

    In order.. With.. Maybe 75% as ISXP.

    In terms of behavioral/social role.. Most people here are INXX…..

    Socionics is built cognitively for Fe and for Se. Also Ti, of course and Ni; which pair with those two already.. But Fe and Se are where the focus goes in terms of social hierarchies and values (Fe) and then the observable, concrete behaviors one has and the outer dynamics between people and their place in society. It shouldn’t be a surprise that I am typing most people as Se ego… And that enfj is the only intuitive I believe is slightly common here.. And not overly, at all, just in top 5 of most common types here. Also, appearance is very focused on in socionics, which goes right into Se and Fe.
    Who are the ESFP ESTP ISFP you see here, B.?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Who are the ESFP ESTP ISFP you see here, B.?
    Well, I don’t really want to give names, because I don’t want to upset anyone, but I’ll just say that I believe most the iei’s typed by Gulenko are isfp’s…. My research already types herself TiSe, that’s correct…
    Pretty much almost every model G follower is ISXP in my opinion. (Not Mr pro a tier though. They’re an entp by cognition in my

    I have you as an Si type of intuitive who internalizes people relative to their past algorithm of interactions, and there isn’t really a detail of sensory impressions from them, so your Si isn’t overly high, but it’s valued. Note: XXNP aren’t very common on this site in my opinion from a pure cognitive standpoint. I have Alive as a very looped/stressed INTP… His intuition isn’t apparent these days, and you can only tell he’s intuitive by how his Ti and Si circle-jerk.

    You probably are an ENFP alt INFP, because you seem to filter more about how you feel about things, rather than a deep analysis and logical structure and criteria to base the typing, and don’t appear to process with a classification.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Who are the ESFP ESTP ISFP you see here, B.?
    Something to also be clear about, is that I don’t believe someone “is” a personality type, rather, I perceive people to be 5 major centers that work together and feed and flow through one, that make up their personality together.. So when I say that in typing people as ISXP mostly here, I am not stating they are that type, but rather how they’re actually internalizing information, the cognitive center, is sensory.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    I am making a system, where a person has 3 major organs, and 2 processes that result from this and have their own connective organ… Leaving a total of 5 types within a personality anatomy in my view of it. You don’t even really need typology to symbolize this, I can even see astrology trying to symbolize some of these things… I now that I’ve had my revelation, find it wrong to just box someone into a personality type as if that is their primary mechanism.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    In terms of the behavioral/excretion process…… Where someone develops a social role from the preceding processes, most people here would be intuitive types… So I am not just typing most people here as only sensory, but in terms of how the information enters, I am.

    I know this may sound confusing to most people, I have strong Ni and process the flow of things in their time progression, main themes and underlying/hidden dynamics.. Most people on this forum don’t have good Ni in their cognitive center to be able understand where I’m coming from. Even the intuitive cognition on this site tend be extroverted..

    In time, I will put out my idea and it will develop… But why do people have to view personality as one organ existence, when things work and function in what makes up the dynamics of it? I mean, I know why they can’t do it.. Even psychologists/mental health professionals haven’t treated the personality as an interworking of components.. I hope my insight revolutionizes that..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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