I know that this questionnaire/survey I made is very personal and others may not have the comfort to be posting this on a random thread, but I would appreciate if people can do it, because it can show people how trauma can make someone behave atypically for their own type and that it’s not automatically about being a type.. It also can show specific shadow dynamics amid other things, that would really benefit the community to know of.

I figured Rose would answer, I appreciate her in so doing..

I have a lot of stuff to work on, and will tackle the rest of my own response in this later.. I’ve two art competitions coming up with my developmental disability day program, and am trying hone in on sketching and water color…

I also omitted one type of trauma I had, well, two (likely because my Si is vital and low D in classical).. Concerning my health. With my rheumatoid arthritis and when I injured my left front fake tooth at age 8.. Also preverbal traumas I had.. I will have to include this in my second half of my questionnaire.