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Thread: MBTI xNFP/socionics delta NF molesters

  1. #1
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default MBTI xNFP/socionics delta NF molesters

    chaos + i felt like it
    as if coming out of nowhere
    they do informaiton molesting too. they think things are a certain way in their imaginary world, and enforce it on others while feeling victimized when contradicted

    theres various levels of awareness and processing, that differentiates and individual, im not saying all delta NFs or NFPs are stuck on that level of consciousness, but there's this kinda primordial pattern i observe in those types i wanted to mention. know too many NFPs who seem to have molesty behaivor. this is also related to general harassment and being obnoxious, indulgence and laziness, while feigning innocence. or having cognitive lapses in certain ways is related to how ur type shows up, ppl who have certain lapses manfiest as NFPs or whatever

    EIEs are more manipulative as if, even if they are also possessed by soemthing and still indulgent, like u can vibe the conscious Ni process out or smth while those types give an impression of ohh i didnt know what i was doing it wasnt meeee just forget it etc. ive even seen delta NFs whine about not being able to get it or whine about being confronted about it

    it also reminded me of STJs/delta STs not being able to see the other person as if. as if the NFPs just have their own feelings and ideas and don't consider others and how they are affected, they felt good so you should too. while gamma molesters may know you feel bad but they dont even tend to care they think its ur problem or they can just fix it

    i wanted to compare delta NFs to beta STs in that when beta STs do it, they can justify that it was deserved or just how it works or whatever,and that they just wanted it, while also maybe blocking off the emotional meaning/empathetic thing or just pretending it was deserved or wanted or just how the world is, in a way that they are to be blameless, which seems very similar to the point i struggle to verbally distinguish between the difference of NPs/delta NFs to STPs/beta STs
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