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How she became my friend..
She kept coming up to me and asking me questions.. Her mother had accompanied her on the trip (love her mother), because she has the issues of short-term memory and with the ability to use right side of her body, making her prone in fall.. I at first thought she had a reduced IQ… As do most within the program… But she kept making small talk with me, and then overtime, because I liked her mother a lot (and 99% of the people on the trip had an IQ of <70, so she was better to go along with) I got into contact, after she started getting knots out of my hair with her mom.. I like the attention given to me, feeling valued and touched someone would want do that for me, I hadn’t even noticed the knots in my hair, as I am rather disconnected from my body and of my surroundings, and after that, because I would always stay behind so they’d do that, even though J. (initial to friend I made) insisted on it, because it made me feel acknowledged and cared for, which I seldom receive…
I felt so touched and valued, and I felt I met her for a reason, when I heard of her story with the accident… She was in at age 17… No developmental disability prior.. And later on the bus the night I found out, I took her hand into my own and told her I promised that I would restore her memory and try and help her… And she slept on my shoulder. A bit of a back wind, is that I had my geranium essential oil on me, and I told her to smell it and say my name over and over, and she actually did remember my first name, which she’s not able to really do with new faces.
I normally go on any trip I can that takes me away from my parents, as it is much needed time away from them and a break on my ptsd.. The Vegas trip was primarily watching various shows and a few attractions, and they let a few “higher functioning” people gamble..
I am very convinced that J. is an SEE in terms of social role, and she is some ESFX in terms of cognition. Now it is Se lead she shows, but based on what I know of her past history, esfj wasn’t impossible prior to traumatic impairment (that altered personality, delayed development, altered functions in cerebellum and hippocampus and the left portion of watershed was injured).
The enneagram type is a hard pin, because the injury and the effects of that trauma both emotionally and physically inhibit the ability to know it well, and it makes her seem 6ish, because she always has to reference others and ask for confirmation because of her memory impairment, but I’m not convinced that makes her a 6 in her own case. She could be a 2, 7, or yes, still a 6w7..
If anything, she would now be an artificial/ trauma-induced 6 post injury, but if she ever regained function, this could just be a transient phase.. She doesn’t really have a conscious or even fully unconscious emotional core, because majority of her memory had been abolished, and it would’ve also rewired her emotional processing, from physical alteration, and she has a brain shunt.
This is probably a bit selfish of myself, but it’s a 4 core motive and no one is free of motives, but I envisioned me helping her restore function of her brain via holistic measures and being recognized as gifted for this and it making a national headline.. And whilst I went there when I decided to be her friend, I felt genuinely moved and nothing but compassion for her as well…
My friend was definitely an SEE or ESE in terms of interrelarional/ social role standards prior to injury.. She was a completely by volition, multi-faceted athlete, a prominent cheer leader and she was and still is quite gregarious and has social circles with every grouping, her mother had told me and she told me herself she was friends with anyone (almost sounds Fi ignoring 4D Se and Fe).
What does stand out, though, is that her primary memories she kept in the long-term revolve around former close friends, family ties, and some Spanish words which was dear to her with where she’d grown up… This can point to being cognitive Fi… Bit in terms of social role, I really don’t know between SEE and ESE for prior to injury. Now, definitely SEE. In the possible and hopeful future she restores function, that’s also uncertain..
J. even now is definitely a cognitive sensor, noticing always what is going on around, she noticed I slipped on her kitchen sink out of the corner of her eye, she always noticed if I have body odor, always notices if I have something on me, noticed the knotting of my hair.. Always notices if I stare off at her, I am not even staring at her, but I doze off into thought and fantasy, or some unrelated concept I am internally processing (introversion).. I don’t even notice I am “staring” at her.. Asks me why I’m staring, then asks if because she’s “ugly”, which can possibly show a hint at an image/2 core, but this is definitely not enough to go off on with how complex her case is… She is able to track all of her sensory surroundings and would have 4D Se.. She probably was and still is a cognitive ESFP, but I don’t believe other than the memory portion, which actually is also linked with emotions, is as affected, because in spite being slow, she has not become retarded mentally in the sense of not being able to understand information.. She just takes longer to register and has memory lapses.
I know this thread I made doesn’t revolve around typology, but it is related to something unrelated to typology, that has happened within my life; formation of a friendship..
It is honestly a good thing also, to try and have figure out the personality of someone with such a complex case, as it would aid what I am working on with my own digestive/organ system approach of typology, and transient states and effect, and with how to even type a person who would by most seem as untypable.
Other things I remembered for her sensoric cognition is that she will always notice if I wear something backwards, which happens very frequently for me, if a tag stucks oit, if I am wearing a bra or not or if my bra is lopsided… Always notices the coloring of things and people.. In exact accuracy.. My ESTP cog online boyfriend is the same way, when we video call and with images I send..
I have a hard time locating things in the fridge and then J, seeing everything in its place and form, pulls it out instantaneously..