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Thread: Thoughts about my type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    1- When I say about something that I like ...
    My thoughts in italic

    1- When I say about something that I like it, it's in fact what I was comfortable with/I consider it to be the best in terms of the features/ experience/and what it provides in general , not really what I like in the literal sense
    I can of course think of what I like but it's really difficult to arrange it from the most to the least ( If I do this, there will be two or more things in the same rank.) , it's even harder to rate things on a scale ( out of 100 etc ) , however, I have to admit that sometimes I actually have certain biases towards something without it being the easiest or the best just because I'm attached to it
    Anyway, most things become normal for me after a while, even my enemies who hurt me I don't feel anything intense or strong towards them.

    Hints to Si as strong (vivid internal sensations of objects; striving for harmony) and to introvert (all comes down back to the subject); low-D Fi

    2- It happens sometimes that certain lighting conditions, or certain sounds ,or - less likely - when I see something similar to what I used to do in the past , at a certain time of the day (such as early morning or midnight) awaken an old feeling+sensation that I felt in the past somewhere , it's not something that happens on a daily or almost daily basis, but it still happens , for example, when I woke up once in the morning, I heard the sound of birds outside and looked out the window , the lighting and sound brought back the feeling of primary school, when I would wake up early in the morning and get ready to go to school on the first day of school.

    Si all the way, high D, maybe even 4D: temporal element

    3- I have more positive attitude towards information than negative one , I tend to collect information and judge it later , I immediately accept facts ( statistics and studies, for example ) , other kinds of information is judged/checked via observation , experience and extended searching
    When an info is checked I use it later as a " starting point " to think conclude and analyze when needed

    xP > xJ; hungry for stastics/studies (NOT mere facts/objects/methods, so more Ne > Te); such „greed“ for information is often found in the super-Id or super-ego

    4- As for analyzing and concluding, I usually only analyze information when :

    a) I doubt/find the information unreasonable , this usually happens when the information provided conflicts with what I have considered to be accurate and checked, the analysis process accompanies the extensive research process that I do in this case , after all of this, I either accept the new information and edit the previous in my mind, or reject it and keep my reasons to reject for future needs , or keep the information without accepting it or rejecting it ( such as when there are different opinions about something )

    b) sometimes when others bring up their ideas , I find myself analyzing/judging it

    c) when I don't agree with someone and want to oppose him

    d) something happened in front of me and seemed a little strange

    It's very rare and uncommon for me to have conclusions and guesses without prior basis , I have two cases of concludes though :

    a) I jump to a conclusion then I immediately realize all the information that led me to this conclusion

    b) I throw in all the information and suddenly reach a conclusion based on it

    b is most likely though

    this part and the example from the tourist from Hong Kong sounds like Ti; actually quite strong, vital Ti. You „sense“ sth is off and make conclusions. Also you being able to accept shades of the correctness of information (I call it quarantine) points to high Ti as well (like you are not too worried if you don’t know the correct place of an information just yet; it does not stress you out, like weak Ti would)

    5- My lifestyle depends mainly on the environment I'm in and the number of activities I can do ,in my first high school, I sometimes nearly felt asleep in the class , the atmosphere of this school was a dark and depressing.
    In my second high school, I was very active and I could barely sit still because it was the exact opposite: bright, light, and crowded.
    My current home has a rural style and it's a little isolated from the city , since I moved there, my social activity has decreased a lot and I have become more focused on relaxing.
    The house in which I lived as a child was in a crowded area, there are many places nearby to visit such as parks and libraries, transportation is available all the time (and therefore it is possible to go to the city center so easily whenever someone wants ) , this period of my life was the most active, lively, and enthusiastic , it was also my most social period, and I was much bolder then than later periods and more involved in group activities (
    My university is currently in the city center, and these days I combine an active lifestyle in the city center/university with a laid-back lifestyle at home.

    This is kind of hard for me to pinpoint. It’s written like- from a Si-perpective..but what I guess what it means is a search for Ne: being activated by possibilties? --> super-id

    6- I think it is very natural for me to be a contributer in any community I'm in, whether irl or online
    Cases in which I don't participate in society are :
    a) I don't have the necessary experience/skills/knowledge or anything to actually offer
    b) I don't see that my participation has any impact : for example, I might participate in an afforestation campaign but I won't vote in the elections here because whether I voted or not, the result is the same and known to everyone

    why do you want to contribute? What do you gain?

    7- I plan my projects before I do them but if the period between planning time and doing time is so long I don't make plans full of details because I might edit it later based on new conditions and updates

    it depends on how extensive your plans are, do you like the planning, is it easy for you? Other than that it hints to strong Te, being flexible with methods.

    This and your apparently absolute avoidance on Ni actually make SLI or LSE somewhat plausible ^^°

    also your Fe seams rather weak („don’t deal with those who give me headaches“) and the wish to open up hints to vital, low-D Fi

    I know these are not types you have considered for yourself, and I don’t know you, so please don’t kill me It’s just what came to my mind

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    For the rest of the sections.. :
    Sorry, just saw this comment; my thoughts in italic again ^^°

    For the rest of the sections :

    Ti and Si were the easiest, but in case of Si sometimes at first I don't have an answer to the question in my head, and then I have a random idea and while writing and discussing it, everything flows into my head and I answer the question easily
    LSE have Ti in Pos. 7, so even though its vital, they are kind of „direct“ with it: it’s easy and abvious to them; but the way you write about Si either means its in ego (like LSE or SLI) or vital.

    Fe was easy but mostly dependent on what I hear / notice / experience
    easy due to it being very black-white for you?

    Te was easy to moderate
    like Si above: sometimes our ego function elude ourselves; we dont like to think too hard about them

    Ne and Se were easy too , but I had more difficulties with Ne than Se

    Fi , well ... some of the questions were answerable to me , but others were a headache in the head, but to a lesser extent than Ni , I was completely talking about my own experiences , but the difference between Fi and Fe is that in Fe, when I had no previous experience in the scope of the question , I could still guess and talk a little and give a personal opinion
    (maybe because it is in the mental ring: you are more conscious of it)
    , but in Fi ... the only way to answer is to give a general , non detailed and not comprehensive answer
    for example a part of a question was :

    What makes a person desirable? Is this the norm? Are some people more deserving of these than others? Why or why not?

    I answered " what makes a person desirable " and it was from my memory about what Sol talked about how ITR work , but I don't even know what the "norm" is in this area?" I know what attracts me, but I don't know what others consider attractive, all that was in my head at that time was a scene from memory when I saw two girls looking with admiration and attention at a tall man walking in front of them, but this is more about physical beauty and not about desirable qualities in a person

    So , I answered like this :

    There are some traits that are accepted by everyone, of course, but I don't think everyone is necessarily looking for them, even if they are desirable
    seems like an answer from the vital super-Id: You know what YOU like (but don’t say what it is, so maybe there is some secrecy? Maybe low-D) but dont know what others like; not even in a normative way: 1D vital Fi?

    Of course, there is an elite for everything , so, of course, there are people who are loved and desired more than others, even if they don't necessarily deserve it because of hidden traits they have, such as narcissism, for example
    They don’t deserve being loved… I don’t know, sounds like Ti to me (hierarchies and justice) + low Fi (def. not FiNe; like the opposite)

    So, in my point of view, it is a tie between LSE and SLI. The way Ti always leaks through and the more „perceptive“ style of taking in information seems more SLI.
    But the clear, conscious avoidance of Ni and very elusive Fi points more to LSE :)

  3. #83
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    why do you want to contribute? What do you gain?
    I mean, this is the normal thing to do

    know these are not types you have considered for yourself, and I don’t know you, so please don’t kill me It’s just what came to my mind
    I won't kill you
    If there's someone I would like to kill on this forum, it's anybody who thinks that I'm a 4D Ni type, not because I hate to be this, but because 4D Ni is far away from me
    ( not @one though )

    Probably I'll discuss this further more

    And anyway, Delta ST is not a strange type for me , @lavos types me as LSE and @Metaphor once said ISTx in an old questionnaire that needs some correction
    and most people on Facebook think I'm Delta ST anyway
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    @SilentFace I didn't understand what you mean by " black and white " in Fe , is it something like I have strict beliefs about it so I didn't need to think about it much ? , no

    Anyway , my Fe is probably not bad when it comes to noticing peoples' emotions as long as it's shown on their faces or in their behaviours , but I don't think it's in Ego block because as far as I understood about Fe in SCS , it's not only about realizing people's moods , but also about trying to affect it either based on your own mood ( like if you're happy/angry you try to make everyone else happy/angry ) or based on what you think the mood must be ( like if you think everyone must be angry for a reason , you will make them angry )

    for me, my Fe stops at realizing people's mood , if they're important enough to me I ask them what's wrong with them , but I rarely do more than that

    I have a Fe ego family member , and I easily notice their natural skill in conveying their feelings to others, I don't have this ability like them

    However , I sometimes try to make people I care about happy , but not using feelings , for example, once that family member told me that they liked a marker pen of a certain brand, the same day it turned out that I had extra money so I decided to buy that marker pen to make them happy , and I did made them happy
    But of course, giving other people gifts based on what they like depends especially on how well I know what they like, if they don't openly express their love for something, I probably won't realize it
    Last edited by Biscuit; 06-07-2024 at 07:37 PM.
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    So , I'm gonna expand more on Ni especially

    But before I start , I remembered something about the questionnaire

    Another difference between the way I deal with Fi and Ni is that in Ni, when I'm faced with a mysterious question, I don't bother much to answer it and admit my failure quickly
    But in Fi, the last thing I do is admit my failure, after a very long brainstorming session and trying to extract any possible information from my memory to write it down
    In Ni , I don't understand the question so I know the answer , but in Fi , I understand the question but I don't have an answer


    Ni :
    As I mentioned in Si section , I adapted to my environment in terms of timing by experience

    Also, with constant going to university and at different times, and noticing the clock on my phone, I was able to find out the time in which if I leave the house at or before I will arrive on time , and the time in which I'll be late if I go out at , and the time in which I'll be on time but if transportation is not available, I'll be a little late
    In total, I need 25 minutes to get to the University starting from the time I board the transport, and the maximum time I have to get up in order not to be late is one hour before the lecture start time
    However, this doesn't mean that I always monitor the time for everything , for example, if someone asks me at what hour is electricity turned on or off, I simply don't know, because I don't rely on it much since it's turned off more than on

    I have some sense of time, but not always, for example: yesterday my mother told me to turn off the fire under the pot after a time between 30 and 45 minutes, I set the time of my phone so I don't forget and I got busy with other things, after a while I wondered : isn't it time? , and I looked at my phone and it turned out that there were 3 seconds left for the timer to expire
    When I removed the lid from the pot, I noticed that there was less water in the pot than it should be , so, I knew that I miscalculated the time needed and the water water evaporated

    An example of a time when I failed is last year, I had to do an exam at two o'clock, I felt that I wouldn't be able to finish the study on time, so I asked the teacher to postpone the exam until tomorrow and he agreed , after about an hour , I finished what I had to finish and it turned out that I could go on this day without any problems

    And speaking of not forgetting the time, I always forget it when someone says to me "alert me after this time" - for example, after half an hour or an hour, if I don't set the alarm, you can confidently make sure that I'll forget , my sister depends on me for this and I always forget, not even once I remembered to tell her even if the time was short : 5 minutes or 10 minutes
    Also, if a family member told me to wake them up after an hour, for example, but I didn't set the alarm and was busy with something else, and then I came back after a while to set the alarm , I wouldn't know how much time had passed from that hour , and I'll randomly guess

    Such situations are repeated quite often

    So, why do I think typing me as 4D Ni type is a completely bad typing ?

    Besides everything I've mentioned, in the long run I'm completely lost about time : "How did all this time go by without me realizing?" is a very common question I ask myself , not so long ago I noticed that I'm now at the end of my first academic year at the University, although I was a very short time ago at the beginning of it, how did this happen? I don't know

    My prediction of the development of events also misses the factor of the future , on the other hand , my dad is Ixxp , and he has good Ni compared to me , he predicted a lot of things in the long run and they actually happened , which is something I can't do

    What I want to say about 4D Ni types isn't that they know exactly what is going to happen like the prophets God, they may predict and make mistakes , but what I want to say is that they have the long-term time factor, which I don't have, if you ask me how I expect events to develop in the long term, sorry I have nothing in my head to say
    The only two situations in which I might be able to predict in the long run are :

    1- When it's a normal result , for example, if you didn't study and couldn't cheat, you will fail , and if you studied a little but the exam questions turned out to be within the scope of what you studied , you will succeed

    2- when it comes to people, when I know some of their invariable traits , for example, I noticed that Sol has an invariable trait of blaming others for his mistakes , so, I told him that it's not at all surprising that he got 7 warnings on this forum , and if he continues with the same behaviors he will probably be banned anywhere he goes unless he makes his own forum with his own rules

    So, after all this, why don't I think I'm Ni PoLR ?

    Well , with all my failures in time scope, I'm relaxed and not in a hurry, worried or scared about it at all , I don't care about it, even if I'm late, I won't blame myself , but I may secretly feel ashamed if I deliberately delayed myself for a reason and someone found out about it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    I mean, this is the normal thing to do

    I won't kill you
    If there's someone I would like to kill on this forum, it's anybody who thinks that I'm a 4D Ni type, not because I hate to be this, but because 4D Ni is far away from me
    ( not @one though )

    Probably I'll discuss this further more

    And anyway, Delta ST is not a strange type for me , @lavos types me as LSE and @Metaphor once said ISTx in an old questionnaire that needs some correction
    and most people on Facebook think I'm Delta ST anyway
    Not very related but I don't think IEI for Rusal, I think EIE-N

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    The hardest section to answer for me was Ni section , indisputably
    Usually young people have strong dislikes towards their suggestive and role functions. Ignoring function is annoying but not much fear; polor is valueless to self but okay with others needing it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    So , I'm gonna expand more on Ni especially

    But before I start , I remembered something about the questionnaire

    Another difference between the way I deal with Fi and Ni is that in Ni, when I'm faced with a mysterious question, I don't bother much to answer it and admit my failure quickly
    But in Fi, the last thing I do is admit my failure, after a very long brainstorming session and trying to extract any possible information from my memory to write it down
    In Ni , I don't understand the question so I know the answer , but in Fi , I understand the question but I don't have an answer
    That is probably because Fi seems kind of interesting to you, it's "valued", but you would need help with actually using it

    .....Ni : ...
    An example of a time when I failed is last year, I had to do an exam at two o'clock, I felt that I wouldn't be able to finish the study on time, so I asked the teacher to postpone the exam until tomorrow and he agreed , after about an hour , I finished what I had to finish and it turned out that I could go on this day without any problems

    Such situations are repeated quite often
    Ni is hard to pin down as a function anyway, so sometimes we just conflate it with "time" (you did it in some examples), but the exam one is very telling: It screams Ni-PoLR: Like you have no idea how long you acutally need when you are not too sure of your abilities (because it is always + weak Ne). So if it happens more often than not that before a big task, that is tediuous and you dont like, you get panicky and feel like time running out, it strongly hints to 1D Ni --> in your case LSE [personal anecdote: My husband's a LSE and he the same way. Incredibly smart and quick to learn, but give him something he is not confident in and tell him to finish it until a certain deadline, he spirals]


    1- When it's a normal result , for example, if you didn't study and couldn't cheat, you will fail , and if you studied a little but the exam questions turned out to be within the scope of what you studied , you will succeed

    2- when it comes to people, when I know some of their invariable traits , for example, I noticed that Sol has an invariable trait of blaming others for his mistakes , so, I told him that it's not at all surprising that he got 7 warnings on this forum , and if he continues with the same behaviors he will probably be banned anywhere he goes unless he makes his own forum with his own rules

    So, after all this, why don't I think I'm Ni PoLR ?

    Well , with all my failures in time scope, I'm relaxed and not in a hurry, worried or scared about it at all , I don't care about it, even if I'm late, I won't blame myself , but I may secretly feel ashamed if I deliberately delayed myself for a reason and someone found out about it
    The things you used for an example what you can predict are like very basic Ni everyone can apply (I mean all humans have the ability to explorate in the future to some degree, it is our big strenght compared to other animals)
    What I put in italics: I think that can be exmplained because it is mental: you are very aware that you will be late and it's not really bothering you (I am not sure atm, but wasn't the poLR also characterised by "it's not my fault! Thay know I am bad at it, so why does noone help me?", or was that just super-id?). And to me, trying to hide the reason why you are late is also the fear of weak Ni.

    But, you know yourself best! I am not here to push a typing onto you :)
    Last edited by SilentFace; 06-08-2024 at 09:17 AM. Reason: typos

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    @SilentFace I didn't understand what you mean by " black and white " in Fe , is it something like I have strict beliefs about it so I didn't need to think about it much ? , no
    no, I meant more like it seems rather easy for you, because to you it is not so complicated other people make it out to be. Like maybe you think "Yeah, He seems angy, he is angry" - "now sth bad happend, he is sad, he looks sad, of course". No further thinking about it, taking emotions at face value, no focus on it, it's just what it is. This is a indicator of 2D Fe.

    Anyway , my Fe is probably not bad when it comes to noticing peoples' emotions as long as it's shown on their faces or in their behaviours , but I don't think it's in Ego block because as far as I understood about Fe in SCS , it's not only about realizing people's moods , but also about trying to affect it either based on your own mood ( like if you're happy/angry you try to make everyone else happy/angry ) or based on what you think the mood must be ( like if you think everyone must be angry for a reason , you will make them angry )

    for me, my Fe stops at realizing people's mood , if they're important enough to me I ask them what's wrong with them , but I rarely do more than that
    Yes, that is 2D Fe: you experience it and apply rules to it: "his eyebrows are scrunched together = angry. Now I have to ask whats wrong, because they are important to me". Like 1D would be more like: "His eyebrows look wierd, is he mad or sth? Why should he?" and everything get quickly transferred to a higher function (maybe it is a bad example).
    I am interested: how do you act yourself when you are really angry and what do you want others to do?

    However , I sometimes try to make people I care about happy , but not using feelings , for example, once that family member told me that they liked a marker pen of a certain brand, the same day it turned out that I had extra money so I decided to buy that marker pen to make them happy , and I did made them happy
    But of course, giving other people gifts based on what they like depends especially on how well I know what they like, if they don't openly express their love for something, I probably won't realize it
    Also another hint at 2D Role Fe: You get the importance of emotions and try to make people happy (cause thats what you do, when you like someone, right?), but handly making them happy via higher functions, here prob. Se+Te.

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    Ni is hard to pin down as a function anyway, so sometimes we just conflate it with "time" (you did it in some examples), but the exam one is very telling: It screams Ni-PoLR: Like you have no idea how long you acutally need when you are not too sure of your abilities (because it is always + weak Ne). So if it happens more often than not that before a big task, that is tediuous and you dont like, you get panicky and feel like time running out, it strongly hints to 1D Ni --> in your case LSE [personal anecdote: My husband's a LSE and he the same way. Incredibly smart and quick to learn, but give him something he is not confident in and tell him to finish it until a certain deadline, he spirals]
    Thinking about it a little, I think it's true
    I mean, when I know my abilities well, I don't worry too much, for example, I can easily study right before English exam without worrying about time because I'm good at English compared to English course that the University offers , in the first semester, I studied only two pages in the whole semester and didn't even attend half of the scheduled lectures, I studied everything in a day and a half before the exam , at the end I got the highest mark compared to other students

    But, when I'm not confident in my abilities, I start worrying a little without showing it to others , for example, these days I'm worried that my next exam is at 1/7 , and although there are still 23 days (which is supposedly enough time to study the course ) and although I'm already studying it, I'm still not confident that I will be able to finish it on time and I feel that I have to hurry up and study more

    However, if someone assured me , I relax
    In the first semester, I didn't worry too much because at the beginning of the year , the higher-year students told us that there is enough time to study before the exam, so there is no need to worry , after I experimented it , I found out while studying that this didn't work with all courses, some courses needed more time , but compared to now , I didn't worry until a few days before the first exam

    In general, I prefer to get rid of deadlines if I can , this is one of the two reasons why I prefer self-education online, even if I'm late I can easily reset the deadline and continue learning

    But I don't think that my situation with time anxiety reaches the point of panic unless someone specifically raises this panic, except for that, it's more like a hidden concern or something that I always remind myself of , I may or may not respond to this concern
    ( the example I mentioned about last year is a more extreme case than usual , but I still remember it )

    What I put in italics: I think that can be exmplained because it is mental: you are very aware that you will be late and it's not really bothering you (I am not sure atm, but wasn't the poLR also characterised by "it's not my fault! Thay know I am bad at it, so why does noone help me?", or was that just super-id?). And to me, trying to hide the reason why you are late is also the fear of weak Ni.
    When I read Aushra's LSI description it was mentioned that Super ID is the block of blaming others

    But, you know yourself best! I am not here to push a typing onto you
    Your notes was informative and made me notice and remember many things I didn't notice about my relationship with time, thank you

    no, I meant more like it seems rather easy for you, because to you it is not so complicated other people make it out to be. Like maybe you think "Yeah, He seems angy, he is angry" - "now sth bad happend, he is sad, he looks sad, of course". No further thinking about it, taking emotions at face value, no focus on it, it's just what it is. This is a indicator of 2D Fe.

    Yes, that is 2D Fe: you experience it and apply rules to it: "his eyebrows are scrunched together = angry. Now I have to ask whats wrong, because they are important to me".
    That's literally how I process other people's feelings in my mind
    Like 1D would be more like: "His eyebrows look wierd, is he mad or sth? Why should he?" and everything get quickly transferred to a higher function (maybe it is a bad example).
    I think I understand what you mean from the example, probably not my case
    However, this is my case when someone says incomprehensible words (containing double meanings or in an abstract form or whatever like that )

    I am interested: how do you act yourself when you are really angry and what do you want others to do?
    It depends on why I'm angry and who caused the problem in the first place

    When I'm angry I probably want nothing from others but to leave me alone until I calm down alone , but I won't deny that If the other person involved in the problem wants us to talk about the problem calmly after the storm of anger and discuss it, and both of us be fair , then I would very much appreciate it

    However, this is a bit idealistic answer , I don't watch myself very much when angry, all I know is that I justify my point of view ( and I may raise my voice if the other person also raises his voice), and I start moving a lot with anger ( because as I mentioned in this thread, my feelings turn into either physical sensations or movements , and in case of anger it's movement ) , and at the end I distract myself with something ( food , internet, etc )
    Last edited by Biscuit; 06-08-2024 at 12:27 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Not very related but I don't think IEI for Rusal, I think EIE-N
    Oh , I didn't know
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post

    Thinking about it a little, I think it's true
    I mean, when I know my abilities well, I don't worry too much, for example, I can easily study right before English exam without worrying about time because I'm good at English compared to English course that the University offers , in the first semester, I studied only two pages in the whole semester and didn't even attend half of the scheduled lectures, I studied everything in a day and a half before the exam , at the end I got the highest mark compared to other students

    But, when I'm not confident in my abilities, I start worrying a little without showing it to others , for example, these days I'm worried that my next exam is at 1/7 , and although there are still 23 days (which is supposedly enough time to study the course ) and although I'm already studying it, I'm still not confident that I will be able to finish it on time and I feel that I have to hurry up and study more

    However, if someone assured me , I relax
    In the first semester, I didn't worry too much because at the beginning of the year , the higher-year students told us that there is enough time to study before the exam, so there is no need to worry , after I experimented it , I found out while studying that this didn't work with all courses, some courses needed more time , but compared to now , I didn't worry until a few days before the first exam

    In general, I prefer to get rid of deadlines if I can , this is one of the two reasons why I prefer self-education online, even if I'm late I can easily reset the deadline and continue learning

    But I don't think that my situation with time anxiety reaches the point of panic unless someone specifically raises this panic, except for that, it's more like a hidden concern or something that I always remind myself of , I may or may not respond to this concern
    ( the example I mentioned about last year is a more extreme case than usual , but I still remember it )
    I totally get you, and maybe my wording was too strong- the panic really only comes with very important things, it is not a day to day occurance (like with all PoLRs, we try to avoid dealing with them, so we have a system to circumvent its impact), BUT if it is a situation you know well, because it happens somewhat regular and somewhat memorable, it really points to PolR [to illustrate: Se PolR of LII: They live their life under a Fi-mask to avoid dealing with Se-aggression and fights for power (simply put) + everyother function kind of is there to protect the PolR; so situations where an acutal "hit" occurs are quite rare. They rely on their system and therefore can face most situations more relaxed (maybe very vague underlying anxiety). But if a "hit" occurs: it's horrible and will be remembered quite long [another thing: nothing is really learnt from that "hit"; they will still try to solve similar situations the same way instead of improving their Se]]
    Long story short: Do these situations happen more frequently than you would like AND do you feel helpless every time anew?
    2D Functions will be better equipped for the next time

    It depends on why I'm angry and who caused the problem in the first place

    When I'm angry I probably want nothing from others but to leave me alone until I calm down alone , but I won't deny that If the other person involved in the problem wants us to talk about the problem calmly after the storm of anger and discuss it, and both of us be fair , then I would very much appreciate it

    However, this is a bit idealistic answer , I don't watch myself very much when angry, all I know is that I justify my point of view ( and I may raise my voice if the other person also raises his voice), and I start moving a lot with anger ( because as I mentioned in this thread, my feelings turn into either physical sensations or movements , and in case of anger it's movement ) , and at the end I distract myself with something ( food , internet, etc )
    So you would not appreciate it if someone would try to correct your feeling? Like consoling you, trying to get you out of the anger? Maybe the appreciation to talking later points to the superi-Id Fi
    (most people dont watch themselves when they're angry :D But, in my experience, LSE have a hard time letting that acute anger go; like they can't really push it away or rationalise it; they tend to throw things :D I am not a fan of descriptions, but for the LSE (even if they are actually very cool, fun, relaxed people) it is often decribed how they can really be blind by anger; bad Fe and Ego Te [or vital Se], I guess; it just pushes them to action)

    So, from everything you wrote, LSE makes a lot of sense.
    But I think they are quite rare here :D
    SLI not, because their Ne is suggestible: They just want to know how to deal with people and what their hidden abilities are

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    I think I understand what you mean from the example, probably not my case
    However, this is my case when someone says incomprehensible words (containing double meanings or in an abstract form or whatever like that )
    I know that you like poetry, as you know poetry is often polysemic and can be quite abstract. How do you reconcile your struggles and your interest in poetry ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    BUT if it is a situation you know well, because so situations where an acutal "hit" occurs are o these situations happen more frequently than you would like AND do you feel helpless every time anew?
    2D Functions will be better equipped for the next time
    Probably yes

    So you would not appreciate it if someone would try to correct your feeling? Like consoling you, trying to get you out of the anger? Maybe the appreciation to talking later points to the superi-Id Fi
    When I'm very angry, I don't see a point of trying to do that, honestly , but in the general case, helping me with my feelings used to be a trait that I have always wanted in a partner , but with growing up, I became more used to processing my feelings alone without sharing them with others , so , if my partner has this trait, that's great , and if not, that's fine, all I'll ask my partner for is to give me a private space until the feelings pass

    (most people dont watch themselves when they're angry
    I didn't mean to hold back anger, this is something I can easily do as long as it doesn't get to the point of extreme anger, and anyway I don't have frequent anger problems
    What I meant was, to observe my behavior during anger , and not only during anger but in general
    I entered the field of typology almost 4 years ago, however, only half a year ago I started to notice myself correctly , I'm still getting better little by little, but honesty it's not the easiest thing
    I'll talk in detail about this later

    But, in my experience, LSE have a hard time letting that acute anger go; like they can't really push it away or rationalise it; they tend to throw things
    I mostly get rid of my anger quickly when I distract myself

    I am not a fan of descriptions, but for the LSE (even if they are actually very cool, fun, relaxed people) it is often decribed how they can really be blind by anger; bad Fe and Ego Te [or vital Se], I guess; it just pushes them to action
    I have more difficulty getting rid of emotions such as depression much more than anger

    So, from everything you wrote, LSE makes a lot of sense.
    But I think they are quite rare here
    I am not convinced that one species will care about one thing more than another, each species will care based on its reasons , as for the rarity , there were some LSEs on the forum a very long time ago from what I know

    SLI not, because their Ne is suggestible: They just want to know how to deal with people and what their hidden abilities are
    It seems that this is similar to me, honestly, but not dealing with others, because it needs contact on real life not on forums
    but knowing the hidden abilities and possibilities, sure yes ...this was something I always cared about even before I entered typology
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I know that you like poetry, as you know poetry is often polysemic and can be quite abstract. How do you reconcile your struggles and your interest in poetry ?
    Most of my knowledge of Arabic poetry is from what I learned at school during 12 years , teachers and books were responsible for explaining everything about the poem, from the biography of the poet , the meaning of the poem and clarifying its strange/difficult vocabulary
    So, the only things I have to do are memorizing specific parts of the poem, understanding them, and being able to explain them in the essay writing question on the exam
    As for things like analogy and other things related to rhetoric, it has clear rules that make it easier and I don't think it's difficult anyway
    The only thing that was really difficult was metonymy , but thank God it was required in only one semester in one year and then it was over and I relied on memorization and experience

    Outside of school, almost all the poems I read were by Nizar Qabbani ( Non-romantic poems ) and Elia Abu Madi

    All of them are poets of the modern era , their language is understandable for a modern Arab speaker ( a good base of vocabulary may be needed for Elia Abu Madi though ) , there is no vocabulary of the pre-Islamic era or the Islamic eras , so , nothing is hard tbh

    Poetry is not something I'm very interested in, my interest in it was especially in the context of participating in poetry recitation competitions , I don't mean that it's unimportant or not interesting, but I don't actively care about it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Most of my knowledge of Arabic poetry is from what I learned at school during 12 years , teachers and books were responsible for explaining everything about the poem, from the biography of the poet , the meaning of the poem and clarifying its strange/difficult vocabulary
    So, the only things I have to do are memorizing specific parts of the poem, understanding them, and being able to explain them in the essay writing question on the exam
    As for things like analogy and other things related to rhetoric, it has clear rules that make it easier and I don't think it's difficult anyway
    The only thing that was really difficult was metonymy , but thank God it was required in only one semester in one year and then it was over and I relied on memorization and experience

    Outside of school, almost all the poems I read were by Nizar Qabbani ( Non-romantic poems ) and Elia Abu Madi

    All of them are poets of the modern era , their language is understandable for a modern Arab speaker ( a good base of vocabulary may be needed for Elia Abu Madi though ) , there is no vocabulary of the pre-Islamic era or the Islamic eras , so , nothing is hard tbh

    Poetry is not something I'm very interested in, my interest in it was especially in the context of participating in poetry recitation competitions , I don't mean that it's unimportant or not interesting, but I don't actively care about it
    Fair enough ! Thank you for your time.

    I like Nizar Qabbani but most of what I know of his poetry is through songs ( Abdel halim Hafez, Kadim Al Sahir, Majida El Roumi ).

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Fair enough ! Thank you for your time.

    I like Nizar Qabbani but most of what I know of his poetry is through songs ( Abdel halim Hafez, Kadim Al Sahir, Majida El Roumi ).
    Honestly I'm surprised that you remembered this about me , I haven't talked about poetry on the forum for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Honestly I'm surprised that you remembered this about me , I haven't talked about poetry on the forum for a very long time
    I remember almost everything about forumites interests what they like and dislike what makes them unique individuals ! I'm a bit like @Distance in that matter !

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    It seems that this is similar to me, honestly, but not dealing with others, because it needs contact on real life not on forums
    but knowing the hidden abilities and possibilities, sure yes ...this was something I always cared about even before I entered typology
    I find it really hard to distinguish Mirror types ^^°

    As a personal opinion (I DON'T recommend that to type anyone): most LSE have crazy energy levels (to most introverts AND extroverts); so maybe if you often hear stuff like "How do you do all that? Where do you get the time/energy? I wish I was more active, like you", it COULD hint LSE>SLI.

    other than that: Thas is really fun, thank you for being so open

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    Quote Originally Posted by fiorale View Post
    one more vote that OP is LSE from me.
    My I know what made you think so ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    I find it really hard to distinguish Mirror types ^^°

    As a personal opinion (I DON'T recommend that to type anyone): most LSE have crazy energy levels (to most introverts AND extroverts); so maybe if you often hear stuff like "How do you do all that? Where do you get the time/energy? I wish I was more active, like you", it COULD hint LSE>SLI.

    other than that: Thas is really fun, thank you for being so open
    Until about the age of 12, yes, it was to the point that my parents forced me to sit down in order to calm down, these days no, although sometimes I hear the phrase "stop moving a lot" , but certainly my current activity level cannot be compared with the past

    No problem, and thank you for your time and efforts
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    So, as for self-noticing

    As I said before , I have known typology for 4 years and yet only about half a year ago I began to be able to notice myself correctly


    Because naturally, my focus most of the time is on what's happening around me, this comes naturally without me straining myself or even wanting this
    , for example, while I'm typing this, I also hear the sound of the vehicle outside , the sound of the window due to the wind , the sound of our neighbors talking, the sound of my fingers tapping on the screen, the sound of the cicadidae outside , and so on , where am I and what I'm doing in the middle of all this ? I'm not really thinking about this

    So, situations and events in my life go by , and I mostly pay less attention to my behaviors and reactions and whatever similar ,compared to other things , I mean, I remember my daily routine for most of my life, but not really what I was thinking of or feeling , nearly a year ago , I tried to write down all my thoughts immediately when they came , when I did , I was surprised by the amount of thoughts that if I hadn't written them , I wouldn't have noticed that they existed at all

    The only case that can partially isolate me from what's happening around me ( although it's still possible to be interrupted if something move in my visual range, even if it's an insect or a dim light suddenly turned on ) is when I make a dialogue in my mind between two or more people about a topic that I'm interested in or information that I've read previously, during the conversation the information is analyzed and discussed , I usually remember the new thoughts and the results of this
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    when I make a dialogue in my mind between two or more people about a topic that I'm interested in or information that I've read previously, during the conversation the information is analyzed and discussed , I usually remember the new thoughts and the results of this
    btw , it was mentioned in E6 book by Naranjo's students that 6Sx has similar thing :

    It is usual in the sexual E6 to maintain a continuous internal dialogue. He anticipates situations, for example he gets mentally close to someone who has a pending issue and starts a virtual conversation. Of course, in his head he "controls" the part of both of them, the other's and his own, developing them extensively, as if it were a theatrical text, until they give no more of themselves. For greater delight, imagine different alternatives or lines of speech. In the end, he feels perfectly prepared to tackle any scenario.
    Well I don't use it to anticipate situations , even though Sometimes it happens that if I am forming an argument or reply to an argument in my head through this internal dialogue, it comes to my head what the other person can respond to my argument , including contradictions in my argument or questions about it, etc, then I answer it too , so , the point of anticipating situations may be correct , although it's not the basis of what I do
    I for sure don't imagine different alternatives or lines of speech though

    The main motive of 6Sx is to face fear by acting against it , staying strong and in complete control of yourself , given the amount of power and self-control they seek , I rule out being 6sx even if I relate to things described in the book that aren't related to this point of strength

    In E6 , I relate mostly to 6So , followed by 6Sx , then a few lines in 6Sp
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    Mental functions actively perceive information entering our psyche - through them we are constantly in interaction with it. Whereas the vital functions perceive information in a passive mode, so they need an external stimulus for us to pay attention to it. Figuratively speaking, the mental functions are our “consciousness,” the figure that is in front of us, while the vital functions are our “subconscious,” that which remains somewhere in the background and that we usually do not notice.

    Based on this, my Si is probably Vital

    I pointed out earlier that Si, despite its ease , sometimes I didn't know the answer before I wrote down an idea and discussed it , but even before I discussed an idea, something stimulated this idea

    To clarify more, this appeared in two questions :

    1- When it asked about about the way sensations shape the way people live and experience their lives :
    I was well aware of the effect of negative sensations, but not positive ones
    So, before I answered, I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, I thought that I had to buy pasta because it was about to run out of the fridge, then, an idea came to my mind , I don't remember what it was exactly but it certainly led me to discuss positive sensations that later turn into a negative effect or sensation , then during the discussion I remembered things related to positive sensations, then I rewrote the answer to become complete

    And when it asked about the impact of the work environment (studying in my case) on me and others , the answer to the question was very easy, but at some point, while I was answering, I couldn't write any other info but I remembered the way the university students were distributed in the University Square (where they usually stand and sit) and based on it I remembered additional effects, I added to the answer

    I didn't write about how pasta led me to remember the answer in the questionnaire because I didn't think it's relevant to typing in any possible way , but I wrote about the distribution of students in the Square
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post

    Based on this, my Si is probably Vital ...
    Three things:
    1. ego functions can be elusive and "hard to concentrate on", because we use them conciously, but with such ease; how do you feel about Te?

    2.: If you are sure that your Si is vital, we can go from here:
    Your whole demeanor points strongly to thinker; so only 4 types are left: LII, ILE, SLE and LSI. LII and ILE are very unlikey given what you wrote about Ni; how's your Se?

    3. I think that quote can lead one astray. To contrast: Think about what you wrote regarding the Tourist from Hong Kong or how you arrive at conclusions, which really sounded like strong vital Ti: vital functions need a stimulus, yes, BUT we are most often not concious of it! So for you being able to easily pinpoint a stimulus sounds again more like mental Si to me. I mean, mental does not mean that you know everything at once. Just like there are very stupid ILIs, eventhough it is a "smart" type. We still have to ponder/think with/for our ego functions.

    (just for fun: When you read different sections of the questionnaire, do you sometimes feel like the tone differs? Like in my own questionnaire the Ni segments sounded "dreamlike", like thoughts were just flowing out of me. But the Ne sections was very clearly written, very concise. Like thinking out loud [which makes me question SLI for myself, not that anyone cares]. It was very clear to distinguish.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    Three things:
    1. ego functions can be elusive and "hard to concentrate on", because we use them conciously, but with such ease; how do you feel about Te?
    Te in terms of answer to the questions was easy, but Fe was a little easier

    In terms of noticing it in my thoughts and behavior, I needed a day or two but I noticed it, these are some examples :

    A few months ago I suggested to the student body authority at the university to make a Google Drive link on which they upload all the courses books and lectures it to all students , doing this will save time and effort because many students repeatedly request to send courses books to them on WhatsApp group - which is a very active group - and therefore it get lost in the middle of conversations and they have to resend it again when another student requests it at another time , they applied my suggestion recently

    I noticed that there were some difficulties in turning on the lighting using a certain wire because it was short, later, when I was asked to turn it off, I turned it off using the other wire in order to make it easier for those who want to turn it on the next time ( we have a special kind of lighting here that we use when the power is off )

    When mum asks me to take all the folded clothes to its owner's closet , I take the largest amount of clothes that should be put in closets that are close in place, so as not to move too much

    While writing something on the notebook during the lecture, I replace the long words/sentences that the doctor says/writes with shorter ones that give the exact same meaning , as long as literary isn't required to get the mark

    2.: If you are sure that your Si is vital, we can go from here:
    Your whole demeanor points strongly to thinker; so only 4 types are left: LII, ILE, SLE and LSI. LII and ILE are very unlikey given what you wrote about Ni; how's your Se?
    I re-read the questionnaire, and I think I answered some questions in Ni well despite all the confusion and headache it caused me, I think I would like to show my answers in Ni and Ne to someone who is aware of them and understands them well to assess how strong they are

    For Se , it was easy but there are some notes :

    1] On the one hand, it's directed specifically at others without serving myself with it ( for example, I always alert others when there is a piece of clothing worn incorrectly or when there is a bug on someone's dress ) , on the other hand, when I want to serve myself with it, I don't necessarily adhere to what is socially recognized and I use it to meet my needs only, for example, I won't want to buy a car like others because of the constant fuel expenses and I like walking anyway, but I don't mind the car for itself.
    2] I don't seem to value it , in the questionnaire, I said that strength for me is more like a mental state, not a physical one , if someone is physically strong but unable to suppress his anger, he is weak, at least partially
    3] Although I don't mind some aspects of it ( like wealth for example), and I'm natural towards it , it's not that I hate it or something, but sometimes there's a little bit of "stop the evil that comes from this" attitude towards it , for example, in the question about the will , I took some time to talk about how a strong will with a tunnel vision that doesn't take into account circumstances, abilities and other influencing factors, ends up leading everyone to the abyss ,

    3. I think that quote can lead one astray. To contrast: Think about what you wrote regarding the Tourist from Hong Kong or how you arrive at conclusions, which really sounded like strong vital Ti: vital functions need a stimulus, yes, BUT we are most often not concious of it! So for you being able to easily pinpoint a stimulus sounds again more like mental Si to me. I mean, mental does not mean that you know everything at once. Just like there are very stupid ILIs, eventhough it is a "smart" type. We still have to ponder/think with/for our ego functions.

    (just for fun: When you read different sections of the questionnaire, do you sometimes feel like the tone differs? Like in my own questionnaire the Ni segments sounded "dreamlike", like thoughts were just flowing out of me. But the Ne sections was very clearly written, very concise. Like thinking out loud [which makes me question SLI for myself, not that anyone cares]. It was very clear to distinguish.)
    I notice the differences in the answer between the opposing functions (e.g. Ne vs. Se ) but not really the tone in the way you described
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Te in terms of answer to the questions was easy, but Fe was a little easier

    In terms of noticing it in my thoughts and behavior, I needed a day or two but I noticed it, these are some examples :[...]

    For Se , it was easy but there are some notes :[...]
    All of that still sounds really delta ST to me ; good use of ego Te, vital Se, Delta morals; LSE>SLI

    I notice the differences in the answer between the opposing functions (e.g. Ne vs. Se ) but not really the tone in the way you described
    yeah, it was a shot in the dark I was curious

    Asked the other way around: What bothers you with the LSE (maybe SLI) typing? You admit your rather weak Ni, weak E/R, strong Si. There are not too many types which have these characteristics.
    Last edited by SilentFace; 06-15-2024 at 11:55 AM. Reason: added question

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    All of that still sounds really delta ST to me ; good use of ego Te, vital Se, Delta morals; LSE>SLI

    yeah, it was a shot in the dark I was curious

    Asked the other way around: What bothers you with the LSE (maybe SLI) typing? You admit your rather weak Ni, weak E/R, strong Si. There are not too many types which have these characteristics.
    I'm probably not the most work-oriented person compared to Te base, and I don't think my Ne and Fe are worse than Ni and Fi for being SLI

    Anyway, thank you so much for your time and effort
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    It's been a while

    In SCS,I began to notice that my awareness of what's happening around me is purely Te ( confirmed by repetition ) also , when I read Static Dynamic dichotomy I related more to Dynamic in parts which I could confirm ,

    I read 3 descriptions by Ausra, IEI , SLI and IEE.
    There's literally no way I'm IEI , if someone typed me IEI it's either in their imagination not irl , or they don't know how to type , or ... who knows ? maybe both
    I barely relate to anything in the description, if you add up everything I relate to I doubt it would be more than 10% (and this percentage is a bit exaggerated, tbh )
    I relate to IEE better than IEI, however, IEE is still not relevant enough for me to talk about it as a potential type

    SLI suited better than both :
    Ego block: 7 out of 10 , Te parts described me well
    Super Ego block: I couldn't understand Ni , but Fe PoLR suited well to some extent
    ID Block: not that much
    Super ID Block I can understand where it comes from , my main objection is that I don't think I'm afraid of being in a monolithic society where I can't discover my potential.

    In Psyche Yoga, I'm now sure I'm not a 3L or 3V , so I'm either a 3E or 3F

    I re-read Objective Personality theory after a very long time, I have serious criticism towards it , but animals thing is somehow ( but not totally ) valid imo , at first I thought I would be something like a high Consume and low Play, after more research I ended up thinking about the possibility of Play first
    It turned out that Play can be done inside of the mind : making conversations in your mind between two characters about something, of course the topic of the conversation depends on which function is used, Te or Fe
    As for Consume, well anybody who knows me well would notice it clearly , it's my daily life since childhood

    I also read Jungian functions, though my main focus was on irrational functions , but I won't say anything about it before I finish reading Lectures On Jung's Typology
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    Also, I've noticed that I have a fairly good energy level lately, it's not as crazy as it used to be but it's still high enough that I move around a lot and hear other people complaining about it lol
    This is even more noticeable if I don't have my phone in my hand
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    I think SSS is a pretty good source for Socionics, I would highly recommend it for anybody in any level

    Simplified, explained with examples, no need to read long complex informative texts that are full of translator's notes as is the case in SCS texts

    Its only problem is that it lacks the Reinin dichotomies that are based on Model A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    I think SSS is a pretty good source for Socionics, I would highly recommend it for anybody in any level

    Simplified, explained with examples, no need to read long complex informative texts that are full of translator's notes as is the case in SCS texts

    Its only problem is that it lacks the Reinin dichotomies that are based on Model A.
    What's the problem with that ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    What's the problem with that ?
    Well SSS can be used without it, but it's still part of Model A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    It's been a while

    In SCS,I began to notice that my awareness of what's happening around me is purely Te ( confirmed by repetition ) also , when I read Static Dynamic dichotomy I related more to Dynamic in parts which I could confirm ,

    I read 3 descriptions by Ausra, IEI , SLI and IEE.
    There's literally no way I'm IEI , if someone typed me IEI it's either in their imagination not irl , or they don't know how to type , or ... who knows ? maybe both
    I barely relate to anything in the description, if you add up everything I relate to I doubt it would be more than 10% (and this percentage is a bit exaggerated, tbh )
    I relate to IEE better than IEI, however, IEE is still not relevant enough for me to talk about it as a potential type

    SLI suited better than both :
    Ego block: 7 out of 10 , Te parts described me well
    Super Ego block: I couldn't understand Ni , but Fe PoLR suited well to some extent
    ID Block: not that much
    Super ID Block I can understand where it comes from , my main objection is that I don't think I'm afraid of being in a monolithic society where I can't discover my potential.

    In Psyche Yoga, I'm now sure I'm not a 3L or 3V , so I'm either a 3E or 3F

    I re-read Objective Personality theory after a very long time, I have serious criticism towards it , but animals thing is somehow ( but not totally ) valid imo , at first I thought I would be something like a high Consume and low Play, after more research I ended up thinking about the possibility of Play first
    It turned out that Play can be done inside of the mind : making conversations in your mind between two characters about something, of course the topic of the conversation depends on which function is used, Te or Fe
    As for Consume, well anybody who knows me well would notice it clearly , it's my daily life since childhood

    I also read Jungian functions, though my main focus was on irrational functions , but I won't say anything about it before I finish reading Lectures On Jung's Typology
    If I'm Consume lead , I'm either EP or IP
    If I'm Play lead , I'm either EJ or jumper EP

    Given dynamic perception, and Vital TiSe (I also checked it) I think it's possible to end up being two different types in the two system ( I'm on the fence about it )
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    Well SSS can be used without it, but it's still part of Model A.
    If I'm not mistaken, Reinin dichotomies are not part of Model A. They are mathematical formulas deduced from the observation of Model A. Indeed, the existence of the Model precedes Reinin's Math work on it. If these dichotomies haven't been published, the integrity of Model A would have stayed the same therefore Reinin dichotomies don't have any conceptual implication with the Model whatsoever.

    To me Reinin dichotomies is just Reinin playing rubik's cube with the Model. I've never liked them because they add rigidity to an already structurally rigid Model. In real people the mutual exclusions induced by Reinin don't hold water, people are more complex than that and everything pertaining to human cognition should be thought in terms spectrum. To believe that a real individual's psyche (TIM) and/or personal tendencies align perfectly with all Reinin dichotomies is just an illusion, it works only on the mathematical level, it's pure theory. Plus, I find them unnecessary in the typing process.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, Reinin dichotomies are not part of Model A. They are mathematical formulas deduced from the observation of Model A. Indeed, the existence of the Model precedes Reinin's Math work on it. If these dichotomies haven't been published, the integrity of Model A would have stayed the same therefore Reinin dichotomies don't have any conceptual implication with the Model whatsoever.

    To me Reinin dichotomies is just Reinin playing rubik's cube with the Model. I've never liked them because they add rigidity to an already structurally rigid Model. In real people the mutual exclusions induced by Reinin don't hold water, people are more complex than that and everything pertaining to human cognition should be thought in terms spectrum. To believe that a real individual's psyche (TIM) and/or personal tendencies align perfectly with all Reinin dichotomies is just an illusion, it works only on the mathematical level, it's pure theory. Plus, I find them unnecessary in the typing process.
    In my type thread, i posted i'm not an emotivist, and easily a constructivist, but it doesn't square with IEE. If ILE, i'm a negativist and that is with the same problem. My type points to EIE via that dichotomy, except for Strategic, and possibly Results. I'm easily Tactical.

    Going by that for me leads to contradictions.

    If subtypes affects this, and i think it does, then the system is underdeveloped and should not be relied on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, Reinin dichotomies are not part of Model A. They are mathematical formulas deduced from the observation of Model A. Indeed, the existence of the Model precedes Reinin's Math work on it. If these dichotomies haven't been published, the integrity of Model A would have stayed the same therefore Reinin dichotomies don't have any conceptual implication with the Model whatsoever.

    To me Reinin dichotomies is just Reinin playing rubik's cube with the Model. I've never liked them because they add rigidity to an already structurally rigid Model. In real people the mutual exclusions induced by Reinin don't hold water, people are more complex than that and everything pertaining to human cognition should be thought in terms spectrum. To believe that a real individual's psyche (TIM) and/or personal tendencies align perfectly with all Reinin dichotomies is just an illusion, it works only on the mathematical level, it's pure theory. Plus, I find them unnecessary in the typing process.
    What is considered part of Model A is not only Ausra's work , for example , dimensions were discovered by Bukalov, and +- signs by Gulenko (I'm not entirely sure about the second one though)

    I can agree with you that it's not obligatory to find the type, but it's a helpful factor

    Note that what I mean by Renin dichotomies is not all of them, some of them are actually useless, and the useful ones are the ones that come from and are defined by model A (that is : not even Reinen definitions of them) , you can check it here (in Russian)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    In my type thread, i posted i'm not an emotivist, and easily a constructivist, but it doesn't square with IEE. If ILE, i'm a negativist and that is with the same problem. My type points to EIE via that dichotomy, except for Strategic, and possibly Results. I'm easily Tactical.

    Going by that for me leads to contradictions.

    If subtypes affects this, and i think it does, then the system is underdeveloped and should not be relied on.
    Indeed, the problem with these dichotomies is that they drive people like you and me crazy !

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Indeed, the problem with these dichotomies is that they drive people like you and me crazy !

    Them boys should finish their work. That stuff made its debut when Reagan was president. And nothing since then. My god, its full of avatars.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    What is considered part of Model A is not only Ausra's work , for example , dimensions were discovered by Bukalov, and +- signs by Gulenko (I'm not entirely sure about the second one though)

    I can agree with you that it's not obligatory to find the type, but it's a helpful factor

    Note that what I mean by Renin dichotomies is not all of them, some of them are actually useless, and the useful ones are the ones that come from and are defined by model A (that is : not even Reinen definitions of them) , you can check it here (in Russian)
    Yes, I would say that the additional work and contribution of other socionics people are not really part of Model A but rather a part of what is socionics now. As a matter of fact some of the early contributors later went on and created their own Models... Plus there is a lack of consensus when it comes to the +- signs even among Model A schools.

    The socionics litterature is quite a mess one has to keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. When it comes to Aushra's writings one has to make triage and discard what is obsolete (a lot of her early work is full of nonsense and contradictions) from what is now considered "canon" if you allow me that expression.

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