Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
I'm kinda foreign to the concept of "meeting someone" let alone a dual. My lifestyle since the past five years has significantly worsened and so did my social instincts (using that concept is, for once, useful in this context !). I've just abandoned the idea of a potential future "significant other" finding me ! In fact, I live as if the real world was like some kind of Matrix or hostile territory or a "world above" like in the 80's series "the beauty and the beast".

This show is about a secret impossible romance. I've lived a similar thing an eternity ago (in fact all my romances were "secret" ).

When I go to the mall people including myself are passing by but among these persons there is necessarily a theoretical perfect duals, but I don't even look at people anymore or just enough to not enter in collision with them. I just do my shopping and come back home ( 200 metres away !) asap.

That said, moments of attention can happen, and sometimes a lady that meets my tastes appears right in the center of my vision field. It usually starts with the initial fact that I liked her "energy" (I use that word a lot as a synonym of "vibe") which is the main criterion of "meeting my tastes". So I would contemplate that lady for a fraction of time and that's it. All I would do is to take mental pictures of the lady and search for what I like the most is her. I don't have sexual thoughts though. I know that it's a common thing for people to imagine having sex with other people they see here and there, but I don't remember having such "visions" since a very long time (back in my teenage years maybe ?!). Doesn't such fantasies sound like a form of mental rape ? It's weird to imagine sexual things with a woman that didn't give consent, isn't it ?

Anyway, the dual thing is overrated esp in romantic contexts. It doesn't make sense to systemize romantic relationships. I mean, in socionics everything is ought to be contextualized from a societal perspective (the socion, social mission etc...) even Dual ITR. It's about information metabolism (whatever !) . TIMs are not real people, EIE doesn't "Love" or systematically falls for "LSI" ect... TIMs don't have biological attributes ! For instance TIMs don't "age" they don't have feelings, they don't have instincts, they are just charts, abstract modelisation of an already abstract phenomenon namely, the Psyche. However, I can understand that ITR are good for business esp in the domain of dating and stuff like that.
This is the most IEE post I've seen in a long time.

godslave - ENFP confirmed