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Thread: A survey for ISTp people

  1. #1


    1. What is your opinion on all extroverted types in general?
    Well a lot of my friends are ESTPs, and I love ENFPs. Its more judgers I am hestiant to get along with. Any extroverts of the perceiving type besides ESFJs I seem to get along well with. I hate ENTPs though, Ive had too many bad experiences with them. So it more depends on what specific type you are and what interaction Ive had with you. Then again, not all ISTPs are into socionics, I was lucky enough to stumble on it when I was reading about personality profiling. I read my ISTP profile and wondered how they could be that accurate, ever since then Ive been reading about socionics.

    2. If someone made small talk with you, how (un)comfortable would you be?
    If Im tired or fatigued I would cut the conversation short, and try to be polite. If Im feeling great, well groomed and all that then I will usually not have a problem unless I begin to see some sort of hidden motivation. If I was in the middle of doing something I may cut the conversation short, such as exercising or playing hockey. If I was at work, I would probably rather talk if my job was something I didnt enjoy.

    3. Would you rather that someone else initiate conversation, or would you rather do the initiating?
    I would rather someone else initiate. Not while Im working out though, I feel like thats my version of meditation.

    4. How long does it usually take for you to get comfortable with a new person? Especially if they are the opposite gender.
    It took me forever to learn how to talk to the opposite gender as sad as that sounds. I just didnt get them. I developed more extroversion eventaully and now its not as much of an issue. Judgers females I seem to be very awkward with still for some reason, its like they expect me to act a certain way or something I dont know. ENFPs I click with right away, ENFJs are great for conversation.

    5. Do you sometimes with that you were a different type?
    If you mean sometimes do I wish I were another type, HELL NO. Although I truly admire qualities in a lot of the types. ENFPs I obviously love because they get people so well, nevermind the duality . ESTJs are so well organized and clean, I wish I could have those qualities at times. I realize each type has its gifts, and I sort of like being the outsider and being able to observe other types. I also enjoy being so attached to the physical world, its very stimulating all the time. I find it hard to really imagine what it could be like to be a feeler. Then again, every type has their weaknesses. I dont get people. ESTJs I know get furious a lot.

    6. How happy are you with yourself?
    Most of the time. I recently found out I have a back injury. That depressed me like nothing else. Im happy with myself in most ways, except that I have to work towards retirement . I also feel sometimes I might not ever be able to get a girlfriend because Im just so bad at sharing my emotions. So besides knowing my back if whacked up (I think I can live with this...) as long as it doesnt prevent my military application from going through Im ok. So, besides not understading people its all good I think we are quite stable and adaptable people.

    7. What makes you enjoy a conversation?
    Humour, knowledge, or just having a general flow to it. Thats a hard question to answer... I think I like when both of us know that we enjoy each others company, for whatever reason. The conversation can have different topics, but they need to be interesting. Say theres a news story... Great. I probably watched it already on the news, but you add some details I didnt hear yet and Im into it.

    8. Are you absolutely positive that you're ISTp? Does this page apply to you accurately?
    After reading and's depiction of an ISTP I was shocked at the accuracy. Thats what got me into socionicsin the first place and why I am so sure it applies to me. Being an introvert and excellent observer, its pretty easy to see you fit. Nevermind I drive to the point where the other passengers are scared.

    9. Any other tips for interacting with your type?
    Dont be fake, dont lie. Honesty is key. We are sarcastic, and like biting humour, but I dont like it directed specifically at myself, although I can take it to a certain extent. Uplifted moods are prefered of course, and if you are arguing with us its sort of pointless although if you make a logical enough case I may be able to agree with your side. Dont be touchy feely. If you like us TELL US. We will NEVER know otherwise. If you are persuing an ISTP, plz dont give up easy. The ISTP might make stupid excuses in their head to stay alone.

    Oh yea... Busting out the rum or beer never hurt anyone. You want to get to know us, earn our trust, and then get us drunk . Thats a short cut I would think. You give a bit we give a bit to. We will trust you if we know more about you, because you were willing to open up to us.

    Do not excude arrogance. If you are a great story teller we can probably chat a long time.

    Do something with us, I enjoy:

    Some computer games
    Working out (less chat more lifting)

    I hope this is detailed enough. Any further questions, lemme know

    I watched LEON THE PROFESSIONAL very recently. That is the epitome of an ISTP. "I would not be a good lover" any excuse to stay alone, even though he doesnt want to be... Story of my life. Thats why I say when persuing an ISTP you have to try try and try again. We will find out if you are lying soon enough.

    I love the outdoors.

    I wear jogging pants and a t-shirt often. If Im going out to meet people I know or to a very public place such as a mall I wear jeans and a shirt or shorts and shirt though. Nothing that really stands out. I used to love wearing the greys and blacks. I still do, but Im more open to wearing a little bit more colour now a days.

    We hate feeling like the victim in life. Sometimes I think if I was born with most disablities I would end my life as twisted as that might sound to some people. Even just having that back problem depressed me a lot. I felt like it was a 'limiter' in my life. It took me a while to sort out in my head that everyone has their scars in life. Some people have bad knees, some people other afflictions, and when I look at my back problem, its like as long as Im in shape its not a problem.

    I see my close friends as brothers.

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    1. Just so long as they're not trying to dominate, manipulate, trick or control me in any way, I have no problem with them. (I'm not very good at typing others yet so I can't really tell you much about interactions with the different extroverted types.)

    2. Small talk is usually ok as long as it stays on surface level and the subject is actually on something I can converse about. I try to be agreeable and friendly when someone is trying to make small talk, unless (like IcE said) I detect a hidden motive. If I do start to feel uncomfortable I'll probably cut the conversation short.

    3. I would definitely rather someone else initiate the conversation. I rarely ever initiate a conversation with someone I don't know.

    4. It takes me a long time to get to know someone. They'll have to put a lot of time and effort and show that they're really interested in getting to know me. I'm surfacy for a long time, usually until the right person asks the right questions to get me to open up. I'll much more quickly open up to females than to males. I'm so afraid of giving my heart away to guys and getting it broken, so I'm much more cautious with males.

    5. No, not really. Though I sometimes wish I was a little less shy. I don't mean being an extrovert. I just mean being less shy.

    6. Yes, I like myself very much. Though, like I said in the last question, I wish I was less shy.

    7. When I know the person well and we're on a topic of interest to me. I like to be able to banter with the person. That always helps a conversation.

    8. Yes, I'm fairly positive that I'm an ISTP. All the tests I've taken have said that I'm and ISTP. Reading these sites and descriptions also help. The site you linked to described me fairly well. The negative part moreso than the positive, yet still accurate.

    9. Be real and genuine, I'll know if you're up to something. It's difficult to "get my goat", so to speak. Don't be pushy. Don't be controlling. Be patient, it just takes some time to get to know me. If you are patient, you may reap the rewards. I'm almost always aware of what's going on around me. Very little surprises me. If you're friendly, I'm usually friendly. Don't act like a know-it-all. Don't put me on the spot or embarrass me. Don't try too hard to impress me, it probably won't work, I'll just laugh and shake my head. I want people to like me, but if you don't, you don't and I won't loose any sleep over it. I won't chase after you if you leave. I'm very bad about keeping in contact if you're no longer in direct contact with me. If you still want to hear how I am, you'll have to take up the initiative. I'm just bad about it. It's not that I don't care, it's just an "out of sight out of mind" sort of deal.

    The best thing a person can do is be themselves, be real and true, no tricks or games. I'll see you for who you are. Take your time getting to know me. I think you'll find that I'm friendly, easy to get along with, even fun, smart, and somewhat spunky.

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    Default IcE2Lazy2Login_asUsual

    Damn, I wish there was more of us on this forum!

    Aracadia... I can relate to that outta sight outta mind statement at the end. Sometimes if a friend doesnt call me I will decide not to call them anymore because I will be like in my head 'fine, *#$@ you to'.

    I wonder how my contact will be with my friends when I join the military, if we even will have contact.

    I hope to stay in touch with them though.
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcadia

    The best thing a person can do is be themselves, be real and true, no tricks or games. I'll see you for who you are. Take your time getting to know me. I think you'll find that I'm friendly, easy to get along with, even fun, smart, and somewhat spunky.
    girl you dropped the dating show closer

  5. #5

    Default Re: A survey for ISTp people

    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Okay, I wanted to ask you guys a few questions. Why? Because I am heavily involved at a Ropes Course, and there are about five people there that I typed as ISTp, and I'd like to get to know them a little better. Thanks for any input. In case you were wondering, I'm ESTp. (quadra invasion!)

    1. What is your opinion on all extroverted types in general?
    Get on well with all extraverted percievers, I am attracted to excitment and 'bubbliness'. I am more attracted to them than quieter people. I am more relaxed, however, with introverts, even though its harder to have a conversation, but I don't see that as a problem, more of a blessing. Very loud, in-your-face extraverts annoy the hell out of me, as do some extraverted judgers, who I just feel are too uptight for my liking.

    2. If someone made small talk with you, how (un)comfortable would you be?
    I would be suspicious as to what they wanted or wondering just how long it would be until they got to the point of the conversation. I don't see the point of small talk. Talk about something funny instead.

    3. Would you rather that someone else initiate conversation, or would you rather do the initiating?
    someone else

    4. How long does it usually take for you to get comfortable with a new person? Especially if they are the opposite gender.

    A long time. For me it's about a year, but I think it's down to the individual. The only type that I click with straight away and let my guard down is to ENFP's. Opposite gender doesn't bother me much, unless I really want to impress them, at which point I clam up. I clam up too, if I sense that the other person likes me back.

    5. Do you sometimes with that you were a different type?
    Sometimes maybe, I wished I was a little more open and readable to others, but not a specific type, as such

    6. How happy are you with yourself?

    See number 5.

    7. What makes you enjoy a conversation?

    FUN. Lot's of fun. Banter, playful arguments. No feelings or intimate details displayed, at first anyway, because it makes me feel manipulated into making the same response back. I don't like people trying and steer conversations into ways that I don't want to go.

    8. Are you absolutely positive that you're ISTp? Does this page apply to you accurately?

    9. Any other tips for interacting with your type?

    Don't ask too many questions in your first conversations. Don't force opinions or try and persuade me a different way of thinking. Don't bitch about others behind their backs to me. Keep it light. Try talking to us while we're doing a shared activity puts us more in the mood for talking.

    Thanks a bunch, everyone! I really appriciate your feedback.

  6. #6

    Default Re: A survey for ISTp people

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut

    9. Any other tips for interacting with your type?

    Don't ask too many questions in your first conversations. Don't force opinions or try and persuade me a different way of thinking. Don't bitch about others behind their backs to me. Keep it light. Try talking to us while we're doing a shared activity puts us more in the mood for talking.
    Same here, and also don't patronise me, protect me, smother me, or try and keep me from doing things that I want to do. Stop asking questions like 'are you okay/comfortable/can I get you a drink?' thousands of times a day. If I wanted a drink, I would have got it myself.

    I also hate gossiping about people, especially people that I don't know. It's none of your or my buisness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    girl you dropped the dating show closer
    Oh no. Crap. *runs*

  8. #8

    Default Re: A survey for ISTp people


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    that looks like fun.

    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    Default Re: A survey for ISTp people

    1. What is your opinion on all extroverted types in general?
    IN GENERAL...they can be fun to hang around, but not for extended amounts of time.

    2. If someone made small talk with you, how (un)comfortable would you be?
    Not uncomfertable at ALL. It depends on the situation tho, and the context of the small talk.

    3. Would you rather that someone else initiate conversation, or would you rather do the initiating?
    Someone else. Generally if they dont, I dont like to waste my time (if i dont have anything to say.)

    4. How long does it usually take for you to get comfortable with a new person? Especially if they are the opposite gender.
    Not long at all, Im not pretensous.

    5. Do you sometimes with that you were a different type?
    Never...ISTPs rock. I dont think Id be able so survive as a feeler.

    6. How happy are you with yourself?
    Generally, very happy...but sometimes I think I should be carrying around a sign that says something alone the lines of " Emotionally Devoid".

    7. What makes you enjoy a conversation?
    If the person isnt mentally vacant.

    8. Are you absolutely positive that you're ISTp? Does this page apply to you accurately?


    9. Any other tips for interacting with your type?
    Leave religion out of the convo...
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    Unless it's the religion of guns.
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
    In touch with semireality.

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    What is it with ISTp and military stuff (and I throw guns right in there, too)??

    Ok, not to bring this up again, but I truly wonder about this dual thing also because I don't like aggression and ISTps are so aggressive...Aren't they?

    (My guy was more passive aggressive which I can handle better than open aggression, actually).
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Religion of socionics + guns...

    I can see an ISTP cult coming...
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    I think its about the ying to the cannot have love without hate, war without peace, life without death and so on and so froth...
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    As an NF myself I was here seriously contemplating how an ENFp would be content with all this talk of violence, force etc coming across from ISTp types or maybe it is just a few on this forum. I feel a bad conclusion coming on. ex was interested in military stuff, but more from an engineering point of view (air planes and such). On the other hand he was quite the pacifist actually and a liberal and he was not openly aggressive. I could never ever in my life be with someone who blows up easily or is easily offended and gets aggressive (the very idea gives me goose bumps). This is not to say that ISTps are like that. Are they?

    But it really seems as if ISTps generally have this huge fascination with violence and military and it seems as if ENFps absolutey cannot relate to this...

    I don't think it's about balance, but perhaps you can explain what you mean.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    I don't think it's about balance, but perhaps you can explain what you mean.
    if you didnt catch on the first time....the explanation is right there....

    like the ying to the cannot have love without hate, war without peace, life without death and so on and so froth...
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    I have to be obsessed with the military, guns and violence to appreciate peace?

    I'm not judging, don't get me wrong (despite the pacifist and all), but I really wonder if the fascination is related to type?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  19. #19

    Default 234

    weapons are definitely an istp fixation if not an istp subtype fixation...

    we are the soldiers of the socion....

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    I went through the points on the Careers For ISTP Personality Page from and these reasons are the ones find could/do relate as to why most ISTPs are military oriented

    • Have an excellent ability to apply logic and reason to their immense store of facts to solve problems or discover how things work

      Learn best "hands-on"

      Usually able to master theory and abstract thinking, but don't particularly like dealing with it unless they see a practical application

      Action-oriented "doers"

      Focused on living in the present, rather than the future

      Love variety and new experiences

      Highly practical and realistic

      Excellent "trouble-shooters", able to quickly find solutions to a wide variety of practical problems

      Results-oriented; they like to see immediate results for their efforts

      Risk-takers who thrive on action

      Usually quite self-confident
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    I have to be obsessed with the military, guns and violence to appreciate peace?
    And appriciate peace...i appriciate war...youre the ying to my yang...get it now?
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    Even though not directly socionics could the following description help explain ENFp/ISTp compatibility.

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    Ok, so apparently it is type-related.

    Quote Originally Posted by ISTP
    I have to be obsessed with the military, guns and violence to appreciate peace?
    And appriciate peace...i appriciate war...youre the ying to my yang...get it now?
    No. Because I don't see how that could play out satisfactorily in the real world. War is killing and I don't want to be confronted with killing in my relationship. And I do not want guns in my house.

    My appreciation of peace does not need to threaten your "appreciaton" of war (how you can appreciate war is even beyond me...), but vice versa, I would very much feel threatened. Just your avatar is frightening to me.

    Are ISTps aggressive?
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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Ok, so apparently it is type-related.

    No. Because I don't see how that could play out satisfactorily in the real world. War is killing and I don't want to be confronted with killing in my relationship. And I do not want guns in my house.
    Good for you. I just hope, you have the ability to protect yourself, when some sick twisted f*** enters your home, and tries to rape you. Or, tries to rob you. Or tries to kill your loved ones...etc etc etc.....thats just an example, as to why I will always posses (at least) a side arm (a gun). Anyone who enters my home by force, for example, wont leave it alive, or at least wont be walking out...crawling, perhaps? but ill break that person's arms just to make it a bit more of a struggle.

    My appreciation of peace does not need to threaten your "appreciaton" of war (how you can appreciate war is even beyond me...), but vice versa, I would very much feel threatened. Just your avatar is frightening to me.
    Nowhere did I say...."your appriciation of peace threatens my appriciation of war". I appriciate war, and respect it...Someone invades my truf, harms innocent people... I will retalliate, and twice as hard, as a deterant to others. You probably cannot comprehend that, but that is why you will never be a soldier. People like me, make sure that people like you are kept out of harms way, that you are protected, and that you can sleep safely, without a gun in your home, that you have the right to and freedom of speech, mobility, vote, etc etc etc...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    I don't can people complement each other when they are so different? I found it stressful, to be honest
    I'd be willing to bet that he wasn't ISTp, and was probably ISFj. Either that or you're not ENFp. Every ISTp girl I know in my life has that aggressive nature about them. Guns, blades, blah blah. And I just find it so adorable. It's not threatening or anything of the sort to me, because to me it has this childish charm about it that I just can't describe.

    I also have a feeling that they just want to be loved.
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
    In touch with semireality.

  28. #28
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Are ISTps aggressive?
    [aggressive]I thought that guy above came from the forum ice ranted his EVIL-ENTP theory, and mimicing stereotypical warmonger ISTp in retaliation.[/aggressive]

    You know, er, I'm still not sure whether I'm ISTp or not...just a silly joke! NO, NO, don't shoot me! Somebody heeeeelp!!!

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    Im an ISTP Female
    Yesterday I knew nothing, today I know that.

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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    You know, er, I'm still not sure whether I'm ISTp or not...just a silly joke! NO, NO, don't shoot me! Somebody heeeeelp!!!
    You are just adorable! [/quote]
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Yeah, whatever. Call me pathetic liberal tree-hugger and let's leave it at that.
    For called yourself that, not me
    Yesterday I knew nothing, today I know that.

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    What difference does it make?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Kim....get the f*** outta my line of sight, your emotional outburts might be contagious.

    I see now you're editing your posts huh...I guess you realized the validity of my argument.
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    Oh, well, I think you are totally beating me in that department from what I'm reading here. :wink:
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    I see now you're editing your posts huh...I guess you realized the validity of my argument.
    Yes, I felt free to edit that one. I didn't want to start a war here (no pun intended). No, I don't see the validity of your argument. But this thread was started for a different purpose and I did not want to create any more heat.

    'Nuff said...
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  37. #37
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Quote Originally Posted by ISTP
    Im an ISTP Female
    I know, I know...

    I guess the motive such like saving someone or protection for oneself is some kind of sublimation. After all, aggression is not only for physical violence but negative interaction in essential. Interest for rough sports is also itself sublimation.
    Socionics ISTp and INTp agression manifests from low F.


    -An EXFj girl come displeased
    IXTp: (watch in silence)
    EXFj: (grumble about her ex boyfriend and his new girl)
    IXTp: *yawn*
    EXFj: Hey, are ya listenin!?!
    IXTp: Yeah.
    EXFj: He bastard damn blah, blah, blah and blah
    IXTp: So, do you still wanna get back?
    EXFj: What???!!?!
    IXTp: Not my business.
    EXFj: **fury**

    Nobody was saved.

    The aggression, this EXFj also has, appeared on an IXTp listener is lack of sense what she wanted in association with him/her. Even if s/he knew, it couldn't be expressed effectively. Weak !

    It also seemed other types have escaped noticing she's sullen. Only that IXTp hasn't noticed. Yes, it's .
    Especially ISTp, except when she carries a shotgun, conceals a savanna knife or wraps TNT around her waist.

    There's difference between malice and irritation, but the latter can change into the former (especially between conflincing relation!). Weak--ers can't avoid this unpleasant alteration well and even light it up by themselves. Then, sooner or later, they'll learn to avoid to show emotion or emotional people.

  38. #38
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Extra: functions at fighting
    From a verbal quarrel to the world-wide war. Just a fun stuff, don't take seriously...

    • [list:d1dbb784a4]
    • strength: Never loses purpose of the operations. Good at finding recruits' talents. Has good sense of tactics.
    • weakness: Too absentminded to be on the battlefield.
    • strength: Has strong grasp on stuation and strategy both of the enemy and self. Can predict forthcoming conditions.
    • weakness: Because of bad omen filling the battlefield, gets panphobiac. With , most likely to get war neurosis and PTSD.
    • strength: Energetic, powerful and unconquerable. Aware of surroundings.
    • weakness: Most military groups are so hierarchical that they irritate 's sense of authority. If you became the boss, you must kick followers' ass instead of shooting enemies.
    • strength: Has sense of strategy and tactics in different shape from Ns. If N theory of the battle is about time and rules, 's one is about space and material.
    • weakness: Comfort is the last thing on the battlefield. Shit and blood everywhere, terribly smells of smoke and poisonous chemicals, awakened by the nasty attack alert in midnight. If you want to go around with someone, everyone looks like a ill-tempered bulldog. On top of that, food tastes hell!
      And unfortunately for ISTps, their dual ENFp is the least type among the battlefield. Even if they can find the one, s/he might be a insistent con-war journalist, suiside bomber in a last resort, or a hostage running into the midst of shooting with panic.
    • strength: Good at psychological action. Espionage, questioning, etc... Also good at designing (not sure about in actual practice) protection against them.
    • weakness: You can talk with someone before fight against them to death, but can't kill or be killed by someone and talk with them. You won't be satisfied by such interaction.
    • strength: With , also good at psychological matters. Brainwashing and manipulating public opinion are their hobbyhorses. Also motives soldiers to fight well.
    • weakness: To kill someone tried to kill them, needs as much justification as killing millions of innocent people.
    • strength: Builds good strategy and weapons.
    • weakness: Sometimes mixes up the purpose and a means. Without developing N, this nature is dangerous enough to lead the world hell.
    • strength: With , invents good strategy and weapons.
    • weakness: The hierarchism pisses off is a invention. Strange to say considering ISTj, but they know great invention elevates their status. There was need for something to bind with down.

    More respectable descriptions are here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    nevermind all the bad shit i said about istps! i had mistyped my pain in the ass bf as an istp.

    i adore them, and i'm pretty sure i have a female istp friend who is, well, fucking amazing.
    Mistyped? Is he ISTJ?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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