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Thread: Share your Enneagram thoughts

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    Default Share your Enneagram thoughts

    I'll start: If everyone in the world knew about enneagram, then cigarettes, energy drinks and dispensary marijuana would all be labelled with the warning: "Not suitable for those who have 6w7 and 4w3 in their tritype at the same time as this product will likely cause severe panic attacks in such people". What are your thoughts?
    4w3 5w4 9w8 so/sx ISFP RLUEI EII ELVF melancholic-phlegmatic

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    enneagram hot take:

    riso-hudson actually did some things better then naranjo

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    numa numa yay kuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    enneagram hot take:

    riso-hudson actually did some things better then naranjo
    I kinda think the same thing. What are one or two things you think they improved?

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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    I kinda think the same thing. What are one or two things you think they improved?
    i think they helpt to make enneagrams more accessible for ppl (like me) who don't like reading complicated texts

    also i think they expanded a bit on what the types are actually thinking (where naranjo mostly focuses on the doing part) [like E9 for instance , RHETI attempts to explain what the 9 is thinking. where in naranjo i wonder if the 9 is thinking]

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    i think they helpt to make enneagrams more accessible for ppl (like me) who don't like reading complicated texts

    also i think they expanded a bit on what the types are actually thinking (where naranjo mostly focuses on the doing part) [like E9 for instance , RHETI attempts to explain what the 9 is thinking. where in naranjo i wonder if the 9 is thinking]
    I agree with what you're saying. I find some of Naranjo's descriptions to be a little too exaggerated, although they are fun to read through and imagine lol

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    I've had a renewed interest for Enneagram since a few days for some reason . It's probably because I changed my Enneatype from 9 to 6 in order to be coherent with my recent severe anxiety disorder diagnosis but I'm still kinda testing if 6 is really appropriate. Anyway, I was searching for new Enneagram Youtube ressources and I stumbled upon this YTC and I really like these folks.

    I knew about Enneagrammer website but It's been a while since the last time I visited it and there wasn't a YT section at that time. Apparently Joseph Stalteri (the crazy dude who wears a moustache and who is also my favorite of the group !) and his team came up with some new Enneagramm ideas (?). However, I suspect that these "ideas" are just part of a commercial move of which the purpose is to legitimize a "new" Enneagramm "school of thought". It's obviously based on the OPS "business Model". Indeed, Enneagrammer is to Enneagramm "businesses" like Katherine Fauvre Tritype® and the like, what OPS is to MBTI. But I digress.

    It's funny how these dudes seem to pull concepts and ideas out of their a...s thin air and agree with each other about them. For some reason they vibes coming together feels like an Emo/Destroy caricatures. It's even funnier when you watch how they type people, I mean even @Sol can't compete with their mastery of the typing-force. (Edit : Btw I agree with almost all their observations (esp that of Joseph and Emeka) which means that I am actually as capable as they are at using the force). My God, these guys are out-there and that's so entertaining ! Check this out (and try not to laugh !) :

    I really like this kind of group typing, It would be interesting if some fellow forumites did the same with socionics typings.

    This is another interesting Enneagramm YTC that I recently discovered called goblinsofdiscord. This Larissa chick is crazy too but more on the dark side of the force. I've noticed that she is using the same terminology as Enneagrammer. However, in one of her videos she said that she "invented" ideas that I thought the Enneagrammer so I'm kinda confused.
    Last edited by godslave; 03-22-2024 at 12:45 AM.

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    I've completely lost interest in it.

    Thought 1w2 based on fears, but others see 9w8.

    I have no sense of direction for it, internally.

    Enneagram zero
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    i have a better understanding of naranjos enneagrams than i used to

    i like enneagrams but its hard to understand

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    i have a better understanding of naranjos enneagrams than i used to

    i like enneagrams but its hard to understand
    I think Naranjo's is the only worthwhile interpretation. I'm not sure that enneagram type is something that "exists" in the same way I think Sociotype probably does, but if it does, I don't think it's anything more than a defect or weakness.

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    The whole thing sucks, no one believes me when I say I’m a 3

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I think Naranjo's is the only worthwhile interpretation. I'm not sure that enneagram type is something that "exists" in the same way I think Sociotype probably does, but if it does, I don't think it's anything more than a defect or weakness.
    I have a problem with Naranjo. Although I respect him as a psychiatrist, his person gave me the Guru vibe (in a bad way) and I have the tendency to suspect any work produced by people who gives me that vibe. I like Enneagramm though, it's fun and can be a way for people to come together and try to understand each others and be more tolerant. That said, I'm not "religious" about it.

    Tat said, Typology always goes back to the same phenomenology. I mean, all typologies try to explain the same thing namely "human behavior" (why we do the things we do) stemming from the same irrefutable reality about the human condition namely the existence of Temperaments and their limits in number. This gives Temperaments some kind of self-perpetuated cycles or way of being in terms of survival strategies that are inscribed in the human condition and observable throughout Human history.

    We are a gregarious species and as such we survive as individuals within groups. These groups corehency is maintained by a certain set of rules which have evolved throughout history from archaic sociology to great Civilisation. I think the first and probably the most important Temperament in terms humanity survival is the so called "Alpha male" "archetype". But I digress.

    Chimpanzees and Orangutans used to be my favorite monkeys but I recently developed a particular interest for Macaques !

    Of course, there is not much "psychology" in typology. I mean if I have a psychological or mental health issue, Enneagramm or any other typology is not going to treat me or cure me. That said, typology might bring some perspective on "personal development".

    I would add that we must not be naive and also consider the business side of typology and the fact that people who are making a living out of it have all the reason in the world to promote it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    enneagram hot take:

    riso-hudson actually did some things better then naranjo
    Of course. I really like Riso-Hudson. The health levels in each enneagram type are really relevant imo. And the descriptions aeren't too extreme, probably because they focus on what the type could be like at different levels, whereas Naranjo focused on what seems like average to unhealthy people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I've had a renewed interest for Enneagram since a few days for some reason . It's probably because I changed my Enneatype from 9 to 6 in order to be coherent with my recent severe anxiety disorder diagnosis but I'm still kinda testing if 6 is really appropriate. Anyway, I was searching for new Enneagram Youtube ressources and I stumbled upon this YTC and I really like these folks.

    I knew about Enneagrammer website but It's been a while since the last time I visited it and there wasn't a YT section at that time. Apparently Joseph Stalteri (the crazy dude who wears a moustache and who is also my favorite of the group !) and his team came up with some new Enneagramm ideas (?). However, I suspect that these "ideas" are just part of a commercial move of which the purpose is to legitimize a "new" Enneagramm "school of thought". It's obviously based on the OPS "business Model". Indeed, Enneagrammer is to Enneagramm "businesses" like Katherine Fauvre Tritype® and the like, what OPS is to MBTI. But I digress.

    It's funny how these dudes seem to pull concepts and ideas out of their a...s thin air and agree with each other about them. For some reason they vibes coming together feels like an Emo/Destroy caricatures. It's even funnier when you watch how they type people, I mean even @Sol can't compete with their mastery of the typing-force. (Edit : Btw I agree with almost all their observations (esp that of Joseph and Emeka) which means that I am actually as capable as they are at using the force). My God, these guys are out-there and that's so entertaining ! Check this out (and try not to laugh !) :

    I really like this kind of group typing, It would be interesting if some fellow forumites did the same with socionics typings.

    This is another interesting Enneagramm YTC that I recently discovered called goblinsofdiscord. This Larissa chick is crazy too but more on the dark side of the force. I've noticed that she is using the same terminology as Enneagrammer. However, in one of her videos she said that she "invented" ideas that I thought the Enneagrammer so I'm kinda confused.
    Enneagrammer has interesting ideas they came up with, such as areas and stems. I think their understanding of the theory is good, though I also think they aeren't necessarily superior to people on the internet who know enneagram well.

    I have some issues with their typing approach though, they define attachment object relation in a very broad way (similarly to how beta rational is very broad in SHS) which leads to alot of their typings being attachment typings (3, 6, or 9). This isn't necessarily wrong but in my opinion, there is too much of an emphasis on attachment as a trait and not enough on the other traits. Attachment seems to hold alot of weight as a trait for them. It also feels like attachment in their view is so broad of a box that the definition feels inconsistent and anyone can fall into it or not fall into it. I like their work on tritype (trifixes as they call them), and I know Goblins of Discord works on tritype too. I find them a tad toxic (Goblins of Discord) in how they present topics and talk about people though. GoDiscord also seem to have good theoretical understanding but like enneagrammer, I feel they lack the wisdom to truly be teachers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I've completely lost interest in it.

    Thought 1w2 based on fears, but others see 9w8.

    I have no sense of direction for it, internally.

    Enneagram zero
    Fears are usually partly unconscious and motivations are largely automatic in enneagram, imo.

    What about 1w2 do you relate to in terms of "fears", as you put it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Fears are usually partly unconscious and motivations are largely automatic in enneagram, imo.

    What about 1w2 do you relate to in terms of "fears", as you put it?

    I'm aware of choices can lead anyone into a dark area in a point of no return, a reprogramming, and what was once is no longer. When i say dark, i mean corrupt. Internally i feel strong to where it would be impossible, but the idea of it is a fate to avoid. That is sort of in the background. Other back ground themes is wanting to have fun out of everything and i'm not serious at all. Very flexible and adaptable.

    My sig lines are mottos, btw

    Watch out, be in line, there are cognitive and emotional traps to avoid, etc.

    To teach.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I'm aware of choices can lead anyone into a dark area in a point of no return, a reprogramming, and what was once is no longer.
    Being aware of choices that can lead anyone into a dark area sounds more e6 than anything else, though I wouldn't associate it anything in enneagram beyond that.

    When i say dark, i mean corrupt..
    What type of corruption are we talking about? A symbolic, spiritual kind, or corruption of authority figures?

    Internally i feel strong to where it would be impossible, but the idea of it is a fate to avoid. That is sort of in the background. Other back ground themes is wanting to have fun out of everything and i'm not serious at all. Very flexible and adaptable.

    My sig lines are mottos, btw

    Watch out, be in line, there are cognitive and emotional traps to avoid, etc.

    To teach.
    Very flexible and adaptable - sounds very 9. Wanting to have fun out of everything - 7. Teaching I wouldn't associate with any one type. Avoiding traps and staying in line - sounds 6 again.

    My point with this post isn't to needlessly analyse what you are saying about yourself but to give you some pointers maybe, as to what these things correspond to, as I don't see it as particularly e1, though I lack knoweldge of you as a person, obviously.

    The reason I suggested 9w8 for you before is that you seem very fluid and, like you said adaptable. 1s are usually rigid seeming. Think of Ayn Rand (1w9) or Jordan Peternson (1w2), Greta Thunberg (1w2). The reason I suggested 8 wing is that you come across as grounded, not as "fluffy" as I sometimes feel 9w1s to be, but vibes aeren't everything. As I was saying to Braingel, they are a part of the picture, though. You could be a 9w1 or 9w8. 6 could be a fix. Or vice versa. Ultimately, it's your journey, and it's up to you how you type yourself, and even if you type yourself.

    I think I'm trying to get you to see enneagram as an interesting system again (?), to transfer my passion for it, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Being aware of choices that can lead anyone into a dark area sounds more e6 than anything else, though I wouldn't associate it anything in enneagram beyond that.

    What type of corruption are we talking about? A symbolic, spiritual kind, or corruption of authority figures?

    Very flexible and adaptable - sounds very 9. Wanting to have fun out of everything - 7. Teaching I wouldn't associate with any one type. Avoiding traps and staying in line - sounds 6 again.

    My point with this post isn't to needlessly analyse what you are saying about yourself but to give you some pointers maybe, as to what these things correspond to, as I don't see it as particularly e1, though I lack knoweldge of you as a person, obviously.

    The reason I suggested 9w8 for you before is that you seem very fluid and, like you said adaptable. 1s are usually rigid seeming. Think of Ayn Rand (1w9) or Jordan Peternson (1w2), Greta Thunberg (1w2). The reason I suggested 8 wing is that you come across as grounded, not as "fluffy" as I sometimes feel 9w1s to be, but vibes aeren't everything. As I was saying to Braingel, they are a part of the picture, though. You could be a 9w1 or 9w8. 6 could be a fix. Or vice versa. Ultimately, it's your journey, and it's up to you how you type yourself, and even if you type yourself.

    I think I'm trying to get you to see enneagram as an interesting system again (?), to transfer my passion for it, lol.
    Thanks for effort. It prob is 9 with some wing. I'm a big joker IRL. Lol. Not uptight.
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    I have changed my enneatype from 9 to 6 since about three months ago because I have been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and I though that I should be coherent with myself. However, I have some difficulties with wearing the type 6, it feels like unfitting. I am a "withdrawn" type in every sense of the term, however rumour has it that 6s come in packs and move in herds...

    Now, I even have doubts about the correctness of my 469 self-trityping...

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I have changed my enneatype from 9 to 6 since about three months ago because I have been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and I though that I should be coherent with myself. However, I have some difficulties with wearing the type 6, it feels like unfitting. I am a "withdrawn" type in every sense of the term, however rumour has it that 6s come in packs and move in herds...

    Now, I even have doubts about the correctness of my 469 self-trityping...
    You do seem like a core 9 to me.
    You come across as very chill and diplomatic.
    I think non-sixes can develop anxiety disorders, fwiw.
    I'm not sure about your tritype.

    What tritypes are you considering?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    You do seem like a core 9 to me.
    You come across as very chill and diplomatic.
    I think non-sixes can develop anxiety disorders, fwiw.
    I'm not sure about your tritype.

    What tritypes are you considering?
    Thank you for your time and help, I really appreciate it.

    In the beginning of my tritype journey, I thought 459 might fit, (in fact I thought I was a sexual 5 for a while (because of my hikikomori/Nosferatu lifestyle (and of course some other personal correlations with that type descriptions)) but then I had a glimpse of what that type looks like irl (@Varlawend is a 459 (I don't remember the correct order of his tritype)) and I changed my mind and found the 469 more fitting (I'm definitely not an "intellectual" and certainly not in the 5-ish sense of the term) .

    That said, there is that "4" in the tritype which I have also a hard time to see in me. I thought about swapping the 4 with a 2 (269) to resolve that issue, the problem is that 2 feels even more unfitting (esp since I heard that 2 "give to get" and I've never even thought about such thing).

    I still feel like a 9 though, even if some forumites (like @kuno) have suggested that I might fit a "Head type". As you can see, my Enneagram self-typing skills are no sharper than my socionics typing skills !

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Thank you for your time and help, I really appreciate it.

    In the beginning of my tritype journey, I thought 459 might fit, (in fact I thought I was a sexual 5 for a while (because of my hikikomori/Nosferatu lifestyle (and of course some other personal correlations with that type descriptions)) but then I had a glimpse of what that type looks like irl (@Varlawend is a 459 (I don't remember the correct order of his tritype)) and I changed my mind and found the 469 more fitting (I'm definitely not an "intellectual" and certainly not in the 5-ish sense of the term) .

    That said, there is that "4" in the tritype which I have also a hard time to see in me. I thought about swapping the 4 with a 2 (269) to resolve that issue, the problem is that 2 feels even more unfitting (esp since I heard that 2 "give to get" and I've never even thought about such thing).

    I still feel like a 9 though, even if some forumites (like @kuno) have suggested that I might fit a "Head type". As you can see, my Enneagram self-typing skills are no sharper than my socionics typing skills !

    I feel like 4 in the tritype might be off too, so the other options are 2 and 3. On two "giving to get" - 2 is a rejection type, meaning they felt at some point that they have been rejected by others and repeat this relation to others they come into contact with - as all rejection types, they feel there is only one thing they can give to others - in the case of two, it is their heart. I don't know if this is calculated for twos, though, and if you are heart last, it's possible you don't think about it much because it's tertiary to your gut and head concerns. I think 2 trifix could work. But what do you think about 3?

    5 head fix could also work, yeah. I see that as quiet likely, based on what I can see of you, at least.

    Varla was typed So/Sp 953 by Enneagrammer and 594 (or 549) by Fauvre. I've spoken to him about it, he doesn't believe there is one "correct" interpretation of the enneagram and so doesn't seem partial to either typing. He can correct me if I'm wrong or if his views have since changed, though, lol.
    Last edited by Ave; 04-21-2024 at 07:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    I feel like 4 in the tritype might be off too, so the other options are 2 and 3. On two "giving to get" - 2 is a rejection type, meaning they felt at some point that they have been rejected by others and repeat this relation to others they come into contact with - as all rejection types, they feel there is only one thing they can give to others - in the case of two, it is their heart. I don't know if this is calculated for twos, though, and if you are heart last, it's possible you don't think about it much because it's tertiary to your gut and head concerns. I think 2 trifix could work. But what do you think about 3?
    I think I've heard that term as a part of a set of new terminology from "The Enneagrammer" guys. I was planning to dig a little deeper in their stuff but I got distracted for some reasons (probably because of the Internet issues I recently had to deal with but I digress). I like them btw, they're very funny !

    Thank you for bringing that information about 2s (it was a rather poetic way to put it), I might indeed have a 2 last then.

    Now, about the 3 in my tritype I thought about it in the beginning but soon dismissed it because a) I don't relate with the core 3 at all in isolation and more importantly b) the K. Fauvre description of 369 tritype as a whole (the "Mediator" "triple adapters" "ultimate chameleon" or something like that) kinda fit and not fit at the same time. Basically I relate to almost everything about it except the ambition part. There is something about that rather intriguing "proceeding with a masked face" type of attitude that I don't see in myself. That said, maybe It's there but like you said it might be because 3 would be last in that case.

    I must admit that I've always looked at this tritype from the corner of my eyes as some kind of forbidden mirror which for some reason I don't want to look at directly, it's very weird. Here is a video of KF describing the 369 (I have another one from a Hangout with Ben Vaserlan but apparently it has been removed from YT (probably at Katherine's request !).

    5 head fix could also work, yeah. I see that as quiet likely, based on what I can see of you, at least.
    Maybe, thank you for having seen that !

    Varla was typed So/Sp 953 by Enneagrammer and 594 (or 549) by Fauvre. I've spoken to him about it, he doesn't believe there is one "correct" interpretation of the enneagram and so doesn't seem partial to either typing. He can correct me if I'm wrong or if his views have since changed, though, lol.
    Yes, I was referring to the fact that K. Fauvre typed him as 469 in a video. I wasn't aware about the 953 typing (which seems like a good fit imho) that put things in a new perspective as far as I'm concerned indeed...

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I think I've heard that term as a part of a set of new terminology from "The Enneagrammer" guys. I was planning to dig a little deeper in their stuff but I got distracted for some reasons (probably because of the Internet issues I recently had to deal with but I digress). I like them btw, they're very funny !

    Thank you for bringing that information about 2s (it was a rather poetic way to put it), I might indeed have a 2 last then.

    Now, about the 3 in my tritype I thought about it in the beginning but soon dismissed it because a) I don't relate with the core 3 at all in isolation and more importantly b) the K. Fauvre description of 369 tritype as a whole (the "Mediator" "triple adapters" "ultimate chameleon" or something like that) kinda fit and not fit at the same time. Basically I relate to almost everything about it except the ambition part. There is something about that rather intriguing "proceeding with a masked face" type of attitude that I don't see in myself. That said, maybe It's there but like you said it might be because 3 would be last in that case.

    I must admit that I've always looked at this tritype from the corner of my eyes as some kind of forbidden mirror which for some reason I don't want to look at directly, it's very weird. Here is a video of KF describing the 369 (I have another one from a Hangout with Ben Vaserlan but apparently it has been removed from YT (probably at Katherine's request !).

    Maybe, thank you for having seen that !

    Yes, I was referring to the fact that K. Fauvre typed him as 469 in a video. I wasn't aware about the 953 typing (which seems like a good fit imho) that put things in a new perspective as far as I'm concerned indeed...
    I believe the enneagrammer guys use the "trifix" term because Fauvre has a copyright on "tritype", lol. That's kind of absurd, imo, it's like gatekeeping your own ideas and trying to prevent anyone from using them. Copywrite for an entire work is understandable, but for one single word? Lol.

    Yes, I also find the e-grammer guys funny, esp Jospeh, when he makes fun of Beyonce and other celebs.

    I believe the enneagrammer group refers to 359 as the "flatline" trifix, meaning flat, unemotional communication, and I don't pick up on that from you. "Bermuda" is 369, implying the "lost" quality of this tritype when it comes to how they see themselves and their identity (lost in the bermuda triangle). I don't know what they call 269 or 259, I'm also less familiar with examples of these trifixes.

    As an aside I want to mention I really like the concept of overlays that E-grammer has developped. I don't follow all of their typings, but I do credit them for influencing my view of the enneagram in large part.

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    I'm thinking how core 6 and core 9 differ in their reactions.

    Core 9 is accepting and trusting of various viewpoints, and of people's intents.
    Core 6 is mistrustful and thinks everything said is a way to take advantage of them.

    Core 6 with 9 fix is going to be more trusting than 6 with a 8 or a 1 fix. 9w8 probably more occasionally "combative" than 9w1.

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    A wing on a fix can account for vast differences in personality and attitude.
    If you have a 3 fix, for example your life will be different based on whether that fix has w2 or w4.

    To use an example: A core 6 with a 3w4 fix will be quiet elitist and while they may still feel an unconscious need to smoothen this elitism through friendliness when in contact with people, they will often distance themselves from people, whereas a core 6 with 3w2 will be a "man/woman of the people", approachable and going along.

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    Nosferatu is a drawn out kinky Sp/Sx female fantasy in the form of a film

  27. #27
    numa numa yay kuno's Avatar
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    As far as I know, E4s are not fixated on being unique… they are fixated on their own shortcomings or failings which they believe make them inherently defective, and this often manifests as shame and envy, and some E4s cope by trying to embrace their flaws and rebranding them as something that makes them unique, something that sets them apart from others… but deep down, they may not truly believe this to be a good thing and they might just be trying to escape their shame

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