I've had a renewed interest for Enneagram since a few days for some reason . It's probably because I changed my Enneatype from 9 to 6 in order to be coherent with my recent severe anxiety disorder diagnosis but I'm still kinda testing if 6 is really appropriate. Anyway, I was searching for new Enneagram Youtube ressources and I stumbled upon
this YTC and I really like these folks.
I knew about
Enneagrammer website but It's been a while since the last time I visited it and there wasn't a YT section at that time. Apparently Joseph Stalteri (the crazy dude who wears a moustache and who is also my favorite of the group !) and his team came up with some new Enneagramm ideas (?). However, I suspect that these "ideas" are just part of a commercial move of which the purpose is to legitimize a "new" Enneagramm "school of thought". It's obviously based on the OPS "business Model". Indeed, Enneagrammer is to Enneagramm "businesses" like Katherine Fauvre Tritype
® and the like, what OPS is to MBTI. But I digress.
It's funny how these dudes seem to pull concepts and ideas out of
their a...s thin air and agree with each other about them. For some reason they vibes coming together feels like an Emo/Destroy caricatures. It's even funnier when you watch how they type people, I mean even @
Sol can't compete with their mastery of the typing-force. (Edit : Btw I agree with almost all their observations (esp that of Joseph and Emeka) which means that I am actually as capable as they are at using the force). My God, these guys are out-there and that's so entertaining ! Check this out
(and try not to laugh !) :
I really like this kind of group typing, It would be interesting if some fellow forumites did the same with socionics typings.
This is another interesting Enneagramm YTC that I recently discovered called
goblinsofdiscord. This Larissa chick is crazy too but more on the dark side of the force. I've noticed that she is using the same terminology as Enneagrammer. However, in one of her videos she said that she "invented" ideas that I thought the Enneagrammer so I'm kinda confused.