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Thread: What Enneagram/MBTI do you think I am?

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    Default What Enneagram/MBTI do you think I am?

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    Tell me about yourself
    I'm a 20-year-old male from North East England. I eat an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet, I have an intense love of the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s, and I strongly prefer outdated technology and outdated music. I'm very picky with aesthetics, I like to decorate my house the way I want to decorate it and I love expressing myself through fashion. I have autism, CPTSD and anorexia nervosa and potentially undiagnosed social anxiety. I want someone to elaborate on my Enneagram, Socionics, MBTI, attitudinal psyche and Big Five type.
    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I feel as though life lacks purpose and direction and I'm not particularly motivated by the need to be successful. I still attend college anyway in order to not get bored stuck in the house, and I do mechanics. I would rather do A-level psychology, history and mathematics but I couldn't do my A-levels because my GCSE grades weren't high enough. I am currently unemployed, nonetheless looking for a job such as a cleaner or sales assistant. When I was young and dumb and edgy I wanted to be a pharmacologist due to my strong fascination with psychoactive drugs. I remember trying to teach myself GCSE biology and chemistry and dreaming of doing a pharmacology degree at university and getting a PhD just so I could cook LSD at home without having enough intelligence to acknowledge that if I really were to do that I would get caught.
    To be honest, I feel indifferent about the mechanics course. I partially enjoy it but as long as I have something to do, and I find lessons boring whenever I don't get to do anything because someone else is (I necessitate constant stimulation otherwise I get bored). I don't like how I get bullied and trolled and joked around with by the other people at college and the fact I have no friends there.
    What are your values, and why?
    My values are peace, quiet, solitude, knowledge, authenticity, honesty, freedom, independence, autonomy, and imagination.
    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I'm very interested in personality typology yet I still don't know my own typologies after almost five years, and my pastimes are browsing the net, reading books, and playing retro video games. I am particularly fond of Reddit and this website, as well as any adequate personality test, and I used to use Personality Database but now I'm trying to dramatically cut down on my use of that website because I fear it makes me look childish and stupid. If not looking at Reddit or anything personality-related I either look at products on eBay or look for jobs on Indeed or
    I also have an interest in dream interpretation. I love to document my dreams and contemplate their potential meaning.
    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I really don't like it when other people are condescending and talk down to me and try to control me and invalidate my emotions. I tend to know loads and loads of acquaintances and have a very small number of people who I have very close and very intense relationships with. I speak to my psychologist for reassurance for my insecurity as well as philosophical thoughts (he believes I am a "deep thinker" but I don't perceive myself to be as such) and I speak to my brother to validate the funny characters and scenarios I come up with, but I find my brother to be highly judgemental, arrogant and critical (he thinks that listening to Stereophonics is as stupid as listening to Coldplay).
    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Recently I went downstairs to get my usual 8.50pm snack. I weighed mushrooms and cauliflower into a bowl and then got the beetroot out of the refrigerator. Every time I eat beetroot from a jar I rinse it before eating it because I fear the vinegar contains extra calories. While I was draining the beetroot, my annoying condescending uncle was complaining of the mess I made and how I wasn't cleaning up after myself. I got angry and said "Please don't talk to me you stupid sensor!" (I call anyone I don't like a "sensor" when I'm angry because I genuinely look down on and feel superior to sensors) and he responded with "If you obeyed the orders you wouldn't have to be spoken to". People and situations like this always make me very irate. My extremely annoying loud rude hyperactive silly 12-year-old sister with ADHD entered the kitchen and that made me feel even more uncomfortable. I hate her so much, and I really don't like it whenever there are two or more other people in the kitchen when I am in the kitchen.
    How would your friends describe you?
    Quiet, intelligent, curious, creative, overthinker, introspective, rebellious, peaceful, independent, anxious, distrustful, selfish, too concerned with how others perceive self, open-minded
    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I care far too much about how others perceive me. I constantly seek validation and reassurance. I ask other people for their opinion on my intelligence, accent, body shape and size, physical attractiveness, etc but often refrain from doing so because it makes me appear rude and therefore I feel uncomfortable (I do often feel uncomfortable in social situations).
    I also tend to be selfish. I think about myself a lot. Whenever I listen to songs that I like I feel a heightened sense of self-esteem because I fantasize about how cool I am.
    In addition, I suffer from anxiety and am undoubtedly prone to panicking and flipping out to the point of losing all logical reasoning. Whenever I am having a panic attack it really bothers me and it really offends me whenever someone tries to throw logical fallacies at me (because I want to be perceived of as logical as them) and use vocabulary such as "hissy-fit" and "meltdown" and "tantrum" (because I find these words to be extremely infantilizing and condescending).
    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I am very good at researching personality typology and I tend to be independent. I have good budgeting skills and find it important to save money. However, I tend to be unintentionally impolite and have difficulty remembering to use manners. I get slightly angry whenever people remind me to use manners as I perceive the act of using manners to be unnecessary.
    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don't like doing laundry, tidying my bedroom/house (I tend to be extremely disorganized), getting tortured by a heavy exercise bike session almost every morning, and cleaning dishes (I get very angry whenever someone asks me to clean the dishes).
    I like smoking cigarettes, playing on my NES, listening to music, using the internet, reading books (but only at night for some reason. I tend to feel more interested in my hobbies at night for some reason. Reading during the day feels boring and I don't know why), and solving puzzles as well as mathematical problems. I feel like a wannabe INTP by elaborating on my hobbies.
    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I'm not a particularly goal-oriented person.
    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I am addicted to the internet. I use it far more than anything else. And I feel ashamed of it because it makes me look really lazy and sluglike. If it wasn't for my internet addiction I would be reading books, solving crosswords and playing video games.
    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I'm drawn to nihilism. I believe that it's cool to not give a crap. Most people my age think that vaping is cool, but I don't think vaping is cool because in my opinion it is just so modern and ugly so I prefer smoking because it's old-fashioned (I'm not encouraging anyone to ingest nicotine because it's bad for your health, I'm just making a statement). I take pride in being poor and eating stereotypical poor people food such as instant noodles (I don't force myself to eat instant noodles, I genuinely thoroughly wholeheartedly enjoy eating instant noodles but only if its chicken flavor). When I was younger I went through a phase of wearing sweatpants all of the time because I thought sweatpants looked cool, but now I find sweatpants ugly. Yet at the same time I am somehow simultaneously drawn to the more refined aesthetics and caring about my physical and mental health, nonetheless I believe the part of me that does that is my feminine side.
    I tend to dislike loud hyperactive annoying obnoxious silly cheeky childish people. I prefer peace, quiet and solitude.
    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    My aesthetic is military green, burberry nova check, Adidas, antique furniture, 1983 Nintendo entertainment system (much more aesthetically pleasing than an ugly curvy black sega mega drive. I hate ugly curvy black stuff and prefer angular straight stuff with subdued colors), CRT televisions, pretty much anything from the 1980s/1990s. My favorite pre-existing aesthetics invented by other people include grunge and weirdcore.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I tend to act extremely shy and awkward when around strangers. The presence of strangers feels so weird to me to the point of giving me a weird vague sense of looking down on them.
    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I'm quite conflict-averse and I don't like it when people argue and I tend to be really really really bad at arguing myself. If someone I dislike insults me then I get very angry and lash out at them but if someone I do like or feel neutral about insults me then I remain calm. Whenever I go for a walk and the chavs bully me and yell at me (and sometimes even follow me home for no apparent reason so I have to run as fast as I possibly can) I very most likely roll my eyes and yell "Leave me alone".
    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Eh? I'm too stupid to respond to that question. It seems out of context.
    What did you do last Friday?
    Idk. Used my exercise bike, went for a walk in the morning (and smoked a cigarette on that walk), did a workout, prepared a packed lunch, left at 12.00pm like I always do, ate my lunch on the way to college, smoked another cigarette or two while at college, went for another walk at 5.00pm and smoked a joint, ate dinner at 7.30pm, went for another walk at 8.00pm, paced in my bedroom at around 9.30pm and ate a few rice cakes to make up for the calories I burnt, had a shower, spent most of my time on the internet. Every day feels the same to me with very minor variations.
    Please save your answers offline so you do not accidentally lose them!Part 2
    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I don't have a lot of accomplishments to be honest. I got 4's and 5's in chemistry, biology, psychology and mathematics. I still like psychology and mathematics, but tbh I've never really enjoyed chemistry and biology and when I was younger I only studied these topics in hope of being able to cook my own drugs. To be fair I'm not a particularly accomplishment kind of person.
    What is something you regret?
    When I was 12 I hated my family. My half brother was very young so he would cry and scream a lot and I couldn't stand the sound of it so it would render my emotional state to be extremely irate (I have misophonia). I was also pissed off with my parents for restricting my freedom (I used to be extremely rebellious). I typed a document on the family laptop titled "How to kill your family". My mother found it and she was very frightened so called the police. I remember that day, isolating in my bedroom because I overheard what my parents were saying and fearful that they were going to tell me off if I were to go downstairs. I fell asleep, and police officers woke me up at 2.00am and then I was forced to move into my aunt's house with no internet, no freedom, no money, nothing to do. Not even books (yet I remember a few weeks later probably my aunt lent me psychology books). A few months later I was relocated to a kid's home where I still didn't have a lot of freedom. I was so stupid and dumb and impulsive at the time and I should have never done such a thing.
    Who do you admire, and why?
    My male fictional/celebrity crushes include: Cillian Murphy, XKCDhatguy, Thurston Moore, Guy from the Croods, Mouse from the Matrix and Ryoji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The females I am attracted to include Courtney Love, Anna Kendrick, and Grimes. I don't know why I find these people attractive in the first place.
    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    What is the question?
    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I had a somewhat roman catholic upbringing, and I would state that I still kind of believe in it but I'm also somewhat skeptical and open-minded. All my life, even before anything traumatic happened, I have been having recurring nightmares of evil robots and the black void where I will supposedly go to after death. I get messages in dreams telling me that if I do certain things (e.g. smoking cigarettes, smoking pot or even dying my hair or playing video games) I will go to the black void after death and as a result I am terrified of death and worry a lot about my health despite the fact I smoke. I wish I could enjoy life without having to worry about the potential consequences in the afterlife. I would like to believe that when I die I will enter a more pleasant realm, e.g. Apoxia (creepy-looking white/cream robotic world with dark holes and primary colors) or what would be even more desirable is no afterlife in the first place. I am certainly more spiritual than material, more theist than atheist, and more dualistic than monistic and I believe in both science and spirituality.
    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I often score libertarian-left on the political compass and I don't know why. I have barely any interest in politics.
    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    When I was younger I probably fantasized about starting and running a business but now I have no interest in starting and running a business.
    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I know I stated earlier that I am considering working as a sales assistant but tbh I don't think it would be appropriate considering I don't like speaking to people, especially strangers. I want a job that involves working alone and isn't too exhausting or boring.
    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    My favorite field of study is psychology, especially personality psychology, dream psychology, and (to a lesser extent) criminal/forensic psychology. I'm intrigued by the enigmatic nature of the human mind. When I was 13 I went through a phase of solving mathematical problems just for pleasure and now I think I'm going to regress back to that because I still enjoy doing maths for no reason.
    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I am bothered by inefficiency and lateness.
    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I'm too poor to afford to go on vacation.
    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    My mother describes my general childhood (e.g. pre-10 years of age) self as extremely quiet, modest, meek, unassuming, docile, friendly, polite, and very very feminine to the point of having an extreme psychological aversion to males and anything remotely masculine. When I was 10 years of age I started puberty (I am transgender) and became extremely rebellious and angsty all of a sudden. By age 11 I suddenly felt an intense desire to become a male and no longer be female and I still feel that way today.
    What was your high school experience like?
    As a teenager I was extremely rebellious and I went through so many different phases because I was (and to this day I still struggle with my identity) trying to establish my identity. Age 11 had its emo phase, age 12 had its Swedish phase, age 13 had its dark academia phase, age 14 had its kawaii/grunge/weirdcore/drugcore phase, age 15 had its school shooter phase, and age 16/17 had its hippy stoner psychedelic trippy druggy phase. I attempted running away from home a lot and had meltdowns a lot, but became a lot more quieter and calmer and less emotional the older I got. All of my life, during both childhood and adolescence, I've been socially awkward, getting bullied a lot and not having many friends.
    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I already elaborated on the shit that happened to me at age 12.
    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I'm not particularly keen on children. I hate the sound of children crying and screaming. It also angers me how loud and hyperactive and obnoxious children can be. I also really don't want other people to perceive me as childish.
    4w3 5w4 9w8 so/sx ISFP RLUEI EII ELVF melancholic-phlegmatic

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    @Apoxian404Redbull, after reading your above typing post, I get the feeling that you are either IEI or SEI, but I'm leaning more towards IEI.
    I can't point to any particular reason for my guess; rather, it's just a feeling about how you answered all the questions. A gestalt.

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