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Thread: My Type

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  1. #11
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    A turn in the maze
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    I came here at 16T thinking ESTP via Gary Busey in his way of parsing.

    I take phrases and twist them like this, hence my entry ESTP type here a year ago. It is holographic at the end of clip.

    Quotes: Fear is the dark room where the Devil develops his negatives. See:

    And see:

    What are the chances that i'm actually SLE, like him? He is a clear sensing type via interviews and quotes. Nothing ideational and Se dominant in force use.

    What posters here think "Ne" might be strong Ne role. 2 ENTP's on another forum say i'm not Ne but Ni Se. What i show is not extraverted intuition.

    I fail to see me Ne dominant and stringing together and connecting ideas to form new ones.

    My line of reasoning is Busey SLE = me in these same parsing patterns.
    Last edited by Distance; 06-11-2024 at 04:56 AM.
    A counting machine only accounts counts,
    said the count, at the counter, to the counter that was counting for an accounting,
    to counter the count's counter.



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