One common theme i have is that ENTps everywhere think i'm
not their type, male female, GenX, Millennial.
Including the former active one here. I also got a vote for ethical on a post from another one indirectly, me making an argument for the non T type.
2 EII votes here for ILE. That is it on type here - these came with direct communication - no poll made up.
Deep down i get an impression I'm Fe somewhere. IDK why.
Not sure if this Fe or Fi. I once saw a guy as a kid in a box with wheels with no legs in a department store, and he used his hands to roll, and i wondered how embarrassing that must be and what he thinks, and then thought he's prob hardened and thinks in a must need basis, and is callous to the external impression. What kind of hope could be present, and thought it depends on character, and little on circumstance.