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Thread: My Type

  1. #41
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    I came here at 16T thinking ESTP via Gary Busey in his way of parsing.

    I take phrases and twist them like this, hence my entry ESTP type here a year ago. It is holographic at the end of clip.

    Quotes: Fear is the dark room where the Devil develops his negatives. See:

    And see:

    What are the chances that i'm actually SLE, like him? He is a clear sensing type via interviews and quotes. Nothing ideational and Se dominant in force use.

    What posters here think "Ne" might be strong Ne role. 2 ENTP's on another forum say i'm not Ne but Ni Se. What i show is not extraverted intuition.

    I fail to see me Ne dominant and stringing together and connecting ideas to form new ones.

    My line of reasoning is Busey SLE = me in these same parsing patterns.
    Last edited by Distance; 06-11-2024 at 03:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    What are the chances that i'm actually SLE, like him?

    My line of reasoning is Busey SLE = me in these same parsing patterns.
    0% chances for you being SLE in socionics.

    That said, the chances for you to be like Gary Busey could be very high if he is not SLE in socionics (he seems Extroverts and has HD Ne).

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    0% chances for you being SLE in socionics.

    That said, the chances for you to be like Gary Busey could be very high if he is not SLE in socionics (he seems Extroverts and has HD Ne).
    They have him ENTP here in Socionics. Just watch his interviews and you'll see a lot of Se in noticing every detail and reacting to it. Jumping over couches etc. A lot of energy in force usage.

    Static type, so no EIE typing like i've seen in his thread here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Theyhave him ENTP here in Socionics. Just watch his interviews and you'll see a lot of Se in noticing every detail and reacting to it. Jumping over couches etc. A lot of energy in force usage.

    Static type, so no EIE typing like i've seen in his thread here.
    Okay, fair enough.
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Okay, fair enough.


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  6. #46
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    The problem on the forum is lack of same types to put the brake on type selections one chooses. But DEAD ( SLE) is dead set on me being ENFp, and others here too. There is a lot of type variance within one type.

    I've come back to full circle here in my original typing coming here.

    Are my poetic lines here, just a SLE ego in observing the challenges that man has to overcome? Possible, right? Conquering mindset?


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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    The problem on the forum is lack of same types to put the brake on type selections one chooses. But DEAD ( SLE) is dead set on me being ENFp, and others here too. There is a lot of type variance within one type.

    I've come back to full circle here in my original typing coming here.

    Are my poetic lines here, just a SLE ego in observing the challenges that man has to overcome? Possible, right? Conquering mindset?

    You still have a Joker card to play, I think you know what I mean !

    The request

    Mirrors of souls they may
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  8. #48
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    Prickly Fe in link. Not SEE as I've seen that typing before due to his unrestrained behavior.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post

    Prickly Fe in link. Not SEE as I've seen that typing before due to his unrestrained behavior.
    I spend about 1 hour investigating what might be his type watching interviews (including the one you linked). I think he has some mental conditions, ADHD seems pretty obvious but I feel like there is more to it.

    There is a similarity with Boris Johnson and Donald Trump (it's not just the fact that they are blond with a similar Haircut ). Of course that means almost nothing in terms of Type identification.

  10. #50
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    He's here in these picture tiles in above link.

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  11. #51
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    If Si has been trouble , especially in difficult periods of your life, I'll find it difficult to think of SLE as your type, even though Ep temperament is the most obvious thing about you to me

    The article I put in my previous reply was written based on Model A itself ( inert/ contact dichotomy ), that's why I prefer it to Renin's researches

    As for the Enneagram, nothing particularly comes to mind, given that Enneagram is about motives and fears, it's not so easy to capture it , especially in particular cases

    If you have some time, you can check out the nine Ennneagrams descriptions and the 27 Subtypes of Enneagram
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrel View Post
    If Si has been trouble , especially in difficult periods of your life, I'll find it difficult to think of SLE as your type, even though Ep temperament is the most obvious thing about you to me

    The article I put in my previous reply was written based on Model A itself ( inert/ contact dichotomy ), that's why I prefer it to Renin's researches

    As for the Enneagram, nothing particularly comes to mind, given that Enneagram is about motives and fears, it's not so easy to capture it , especially in particular cases

    If you have some time, you can check out the nine Ennneagrams descriptions and the 27 Subtypes of Enneagram
    I skimmed the Enea types and focused on 9 a bit. I'll get back to it when in a reading mood. Thanx.

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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I spend about 1 hour investigating what might be his type watching interviews (including the one you linked). I think he has some mental conditions, ADHD seems pretty obvious but I feel like there is more to it.

    There is a similarity with Boris Johnson and Donald Trump (it's not just the fact that they are blond with a similar Haircut ). Of course that means almost nothing in terms of Type identification.

    2 weeks ago vid.

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  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Jesus Christ ! I haven't seen Dave Powers in years. He has aged and his hair has grayed. Shannon on the other hand has got sexier...

    As you know, ESTP in OP doesn't necessarily translate in socionics SLE or even in Se Lead for that matter.

    OP is... well, it's OP. It's about Tribes, Gatherers, Observers, Angels and demons, feminin, masculin, blast, consume, play etc..

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Jesus Christ ! I haven't seen Dave Powers in years. He has aged and his hair has grayed. Shannon on the other hand has got sexier...

    As you know, ESTP in OP doesn't necessarily translate in socionics SLE or even in Se Lead for that matter.

    OP is... well, it's OP. It's about Tribes, Gatherers, Observers, Angels and demons, feminin, masculin, blast, consume, play etc..

    My post is a follow up on your suspicions of changes in him, and thought i'd share. He was slated as being weird, in vitro, divinely, and now more weird after that, after his almost hereafter, after after, after after, after, almost an after. The point here is his NF side materialized after the trauma, interestingly.

    I suppose as a control, my word play has not manifested from any head trauma. I'm just naturally weird

    I think my late mother used do these too, aphorisms, that is. It is probably a beta thing, exclusively.

    *j/k alert*

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  16. #56
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    Default you identify with anything else? Because Gary Busey is a bit nuts, lol.

  17. #57
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    /disclaimer This might be bullshit. I don't know and don't really care and don't want to talk about it. But constructive criticism welcome, of course.

    Just fyi, but Gary Busey reminds me of JackSepticeye, who I type ESE.

    Gary has a lot of Fe imo and Se. So in my view, he's either SLE or ESE or EIE (I'll explain).

    There's a youtuber - Michael Jones from the defunct Rooster Teeth, whom I think is SLE. In his earlier videos, he had a lot more Fe, but it was kind of low dimensional imo, like it involved a lot of negative emotion, rather than positive. He mellowed out as he got older and it became more apparent that he's probably SLE. Gary Busey seems to have overall positive Fe or at least an attempt at making things positive -> , so I'd say he's Fe leading. His Se however, depending on how you interpret it, I'll say I think is full of negative energy. Is he EIE-Fe?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by pzombieLIT View Post you identify with anything else? Because Gary Busey is a bit nuts, lol.

    Squishy you cracked me up from day 1. Lol. IDK why.

    Me and him are light years apart I think in outward behaviors, or personality. No way would I be an imposition to space like that, or jump over things, or be forceful in presence.. Granted I'm somehat an eccentric, I've realized that my whole life.

    I have a theory that non verbal and verbal sides of us lack synchronicity and produce diagonal behaviours, and think/ behave unorthodox

    But, I think in those ways, like in my link here. With my avatar in gif form. ADD lingo.

    I've always said I could be in advertising or writing slogans, and as a kid I had fantasies of bringing the news to everyone.

    What fictional character am I like? People have called me Superman or Clark Kent, in manner and dispostion.

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  19. #59
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    Enneagram is to heart, as a compass is to ship with 9 points of destination.

    Functions are to hardware as personality is to software.

    This is how I think exclusively. I can only understand something by visual mental models. If I can't see it, no comprende.

    I create these for a grasp, otherwise nada, zilch, nothing.. Color is to feeling, as white is to thinking.

    If a battery is Se, Ne is the voltage.

    IQ and a car are similar. The ability of it in traffic conditions is its potential, or IQ. All cars look the same, but have a different potential, some more some less. Some are destined to drive to college, others to the foundry.

    This is how I understand things in real life. I'm slow, because this takes time. Words just bounce until the analogical frames are produced.

    I know nothing without a comparison to something else.

    I'm visual in cognition.
    Last edited by Distance; 06-13-2024 at 01:58 AM.

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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Enneagran is to heart, as a compass is to ship with 9 points of destination.

    Functions are to hardware as personality is to software.

    This is how I think exclusively. I can only understand something by visual mental models. If I can't see it, no comprende.

    I create these for a grasp, otherwise nada, zilch, nothing.. Color is to feeling, as white is to thinking.

    If a battery is Se, Ne is the voltage.

    IQ and a car are similar. The ability of it in traffic conditions is its potential, or IQ. All cars look the same, but have a different potential, some more some less. Some are destined to drive to college, others to the foundry.

    This is how I understand things in real life. I'm slow, because this takes time. Words just bounce until the analogical frames are produced.

    I know nothing without a comparison to something else.

    I'm visual in cognition.
    This is relevant only in SHS Gulenko's Cognitive Styles :

    Thinking in associative manner is indicative of Dynamic over static types.

    "Dynamics tend towards associative-synthetic thinking" - Dr.G source : .Gulenko Cognitive Styles (Static-Dynamic Dichotomy).
    Being a visual 'thinker" is indicative of Ip types (SEI, IEI, ILI, SLI).

    Take this with a grain of salt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    This is relevant only in SHS Gulenko's Cognitive Styles :

    Thinking in associative manner is indicative of Dynamic over static types.

    Being a visual 'thinker" is indicative of Ip types (SEI, IEI, ILI, SLI).

    Take this with a grain of salt.

    Recently i've noticed something on Dynamic cognition in its groupings: Fe Si Ni Te, exclusively 4 in a group, just simple noticing here, and i extrapolated from it easily that one is immersed in a state that is energy like in moving frames, like Si is embeded in itself in real time experientially, and Te is law of motion of in how something actually works, with facts as the skeleton, etc.

    It is like being immersed in a river in real time, in your boat, and you have to ward off currents to get to your destination, and stay warm if Si, or Te is the best way there, or Fe is the most ethically accepted way there by societies learned value. etc.

    I thought of a user name before for me: Ion X Change meaning eye on exchange or literally both. We are all of it. Ions in exchange with eye's on the exchange.

    I have an innate tendency to see everything from the micro to the macro instantly, in a sort of paradox. We can't be in both states, but we are in both states.

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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post

    Recently i've noticed something on Dynamic cognition in its groupings: Fe Si Ni Te, exclusively 4 in a group, just simple noticing here, and i extrapolated from it easily that one is immersed in a state that is energy like in moving frames, like Si is embeded in itself in real time experientially, and Te is law of motion of in how something actually works, with facts as the skeleton, etc.

    It is like being immersed in a river in real time, in your boat, and you have to ward off currents to get to your destination, and stay warm if Si, or Te is the best way there, or Fe is the most ethically accepted way there by societies learned value. etc.

    I thought of a user name before for me: Ion X Change meaning eye on exchange or literally both. We are all of it. Ions in exchange with eye's on the exchange.

    I have an innate tendency to see everything from the micro to the macro instantly, in a sort of paradox. We can't be in both states, but we are in both states
    Dialectical-Algorithmic Cognition

    The second cognitive form is of particular interest: it is synthetic, negative, and deductive. The working name of this style is Dialectical-Algorithmic. Representatives of this style are Sociotypes EIE, ILI, LSE, SEI (ENFj, INTp, ESTj, ISFp, respectively)

    As Dynamics, these types synthesize associational images. As Evolutionary types, they increase deductive complexity of them. As Negativists, they work well with contradictions and paradoxes.

    Intellectual Sphere

    The essential distinguishing feature of the Dialectical style, is a view of the universe as a unified struggle of opposites. In speech it often uses syntactic constructions "if-then-else", the predictive branches of a developing process. Within limits, the Dialectic strives to find an intermediate point of dynamic equilibrium between contrasting extremes. Dialectical cognition is born from the colliding flow and counterflow of thought, the consciousness and unconsciousness. Thinkers of this style are characterized by an express inclination towards the synthesis of opposites, the removal of contradictions, which they so keenly perceive.

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  23. #63
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    This is making this more wild being a dynamic type! I was hoping in my analogy examples to simplify this as, that my examples would lead to the thought of Ne over Se Ni. Or whichever way it works.

    This has muddied the water even more. I've been watching examples of types on this channel, and i'm finding analogies here like i post here or at least think on my own. It is a pretty good channel overall, i think. I have not been to the ENFp side yet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    This is making this more wild being a dynamic type! I was hoping in my analogy examples to simplify this as, that my examples would lead to the thought of Ne over Se Ni. Or whichever way it works.

    This has muddied the water even more. I've been watching examples of types on this channel, and i'm finding analogies here like i post here or at least think on my own. It is a pretty good channel overall, i think. I have not been to the ENFp side yet.
    The problem is that socionics is not that popular in the western world. MBTI is way more popular. Consequently if you are a typology aficionado and you search for typology related Youtube videos, it is more likely that you'll find more people talking about MBTI types than about socionics TIM. The truth of the matter is that MBTI and socionics types are different but if you keep thinking that they are 1:1 equivalent then you are going to be more and more confused by the contrast between what you see on MBTI oriented video and what you find here as examples of TIMs and at the theoretical level as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    The problem is that socionics is not that popular in the western world. MBTI is way more popular. Consequently if you are a typology aficionado and you search for typology related Youtube videos, it is more likely that you'll find more people talking about MBTI types than about socionics TIM. The truth of the matter is that MBTI and socionics types are different but if you keep thinking that they are 1:1 equivalent then you are going to be more and more confused by the contrast between what you see on MBTI oriented video and what you find here as examples of TIMs and at the theoretical level as well.

    That channel is Socionics, though.

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    I'm easily led astray in things, let's face it. People can present an assertion and believe it is true and i'm taken in by it. They might be wrong. Whatever comes my way i absorb it and have a hard time shaking it off. Someone's mood is contagious to me and i have a hard time in dispelling that spell.

    If i see a pattern like Busey, i am immediately under that spell, not thinking it is a coincidence or some other type can do it. If i remember my EIE mother would charge these off too. Lol.

    Riven here on the forum, ILE poster, had the same problem, and we discussed this together, and you think you are this thing over here. You don't change like a chameleon, volitionally, the change comes from a weak or not a solid sense of self, like Si being weak. I always feel like i'm out of body, like looking at myself from an overhead point of view, not inside this flesh and blood suit.

    If you are not here at X you can be everywhere. If that makes sense.

    When i was 5, and i've said this before on the forum, i had to ask my mother a question of identity, and asking, who am i? I noticed something for the first time, like me seeing myself overhead, and realized i could be a nothing, but i am a something. So i wanted to know who i was. She said, why dear, you are a human being! When we got home i was so excited with a new vocab. word, repeating it to myself over and and over, that i am a "human being."

    I easily mirror other's force or presence in a reprogramming.

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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    This is relevant only in SHS Gulenko's Cognitive Styles
    I have my own critique on cognitive styles. As it is saying, detailed thinking seems to point towards being wholly detailed, however what I notice is that directions seem to be just flipped. My details come from process, additive, there is no way that start with details which I, myself, tend to view as detailed.

    ... end of my DA rant.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I have a theory that non verbal and verbal sides of us lack synchronicity and produce diagonal behaviours, and think/ behave unorthodox
    That's really interesting. I guess I can't know exactly what you mean, but I can see that explaining the leading vs creative functions!

    What fictional character am I like? People have called me Superman or Clark Kent, in manner and dispostion.
    Ohh, which Superman and Clark Kent?

    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I create these for a grasp, otherwise nada, zilch, nothing.. Color is to feeling, as white is to thinking.
    From a psychoanalytic perspective, it seems like you associate negativity to thinking, which probably does relate to thinking as repressed and F as your ego.

    I don't always agree with these people, but this is interesting and it kind of reminds me of your posts?

    I'm guessing she's ESE? Could be wrong, I don't know her obviously, but I guess they see the Fe too.

    From Chapter X
    But nothing disturbs feeling so much as thinking. It is at once intelligible, therefore, that this type should repress thinking as much as possible. This does not mean to say that such a woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may even think a great deal and very ably, but her thinking is never sui generis; it is, in fact, an Epimethean appendage to her feeling.

    I think that's interesting because I've noticed people with a lot of Fe often can appear like Ti types or involve a lot of Ti, but all of their thinking comes from feeling, really. Like Jordan Peterson seems to be high on neuroticism and a lot of his Ti is heavily biased based on how his Fe has taken stuff in. It can be frustrating dealing with them, because they project their negative feelings on to other people.

    We have already seen that the extraverted feeling type, as a rule, represses his thinking, just because thinking is the function most liable to disturb feeling. Similarly, when thinking seeks to arrive at pure results of any kind, its first act is to exclude feeling, since nothing is calculated to harass and falsify thinking so much as feeling-values. Thinking, therefore, in so far as it is an independent function, is repressed in the extraverted feeling type. Its repression, as I observed before, is complete only in so far as its inexorable logic forces it to conclusions that are incompatible with feeling. It is suffered to exist as the servant of feeling, or more accurately its slave. Its backbone is broken; it may not operate on its own account, in accordance with its own laws, Now, since a logic exists producing inexorably right conclusions, this must happen somewhere, although beyond the bounds of consciousness, i.e. in the unconscious. Pre-eminently, therefore, the unconscious content of this type is a particular kind of thinking. It is an infantile, archaic, and negative thinking.

    Jordan Peterson doesn't seem to understand this about himself! And he was (or is) a "professional" psychologist! Imagine that!

    This is how I understand things in real life. I'm slow, because this takes time. Words just bounce until the analogical frames are produced.

    I know nothing without a comparison to something else.

    I'm visual in cognition.
    I'm starting to wonder if this is -> Ni. Not that I'm saying you'd have to be Ni ego, but probably some NF then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post

    Recently i've noticed something on Dynamic cognition in its groupings: Fe Si Ni Te, exclusively 4 in a group, just simple noticing here, and i extrapolated from it easily that one is immersed in a state that is energy like in moving frames, like Si is embeded in itself in real time experientially, and Te is law of motion of in how something actually works, with facts as the skeleton, etc.

    It is like being immersed in a river in real time, in your boat, and you have to ward off currents to get to your destination, and stay warm if Si, or Te is the best way there, or Fe is the most ethically accepted way there by societies learned value. etc.

    I thought of a user name before for me: Ion X Change meaning eye on exchange or literally both. We are all of it. Ions in exchange with eye's on the exchange.

    I have an innate tendency to see everything from the micro to the macro instantly, in a sort of paradox. We can't be in both states, but we are in both states.
    I'm also thinking this is Ni related. It's hard to explain or show people, it's much more personal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I'm easily led astray in things, let's face it. People can present an assertion and believe it is true and i'm taken in by it. They might be wrong. Whatever comes my way i absorb it and have a hard time shaking it off. Someone's mood is contagious to me and i have a hard time in dispelling that spell.
    Okay, I'd be interested to hear what people think about this. I think that's Fe. I mean I can relate! It makes certain people sometimes very hard to be around.

    If i see a pattern like Busey, i am immediately under that spell, not thinking it is a coincidence or some other type can do it. If i remember my EIE mother would charge these off too. Lol.

    Riven here on the forum, ILE poster, had the same problem, and we discussed this together, and you think you are this thing over here. You don't change like a chameleon, volitionally, the change comes from a weak or not a solid sense of self, like Si being weak. I always feel like i'm out of body, like looking at myself from an overhead point of view, not inside this flesh and blood suit.

    If you are not here at X you can be everywhere. If that makes sense.

    When i was 5, and i've said this before on the forum, i had to ask my mother a question of identity, and asking, who am i? I noticed something for the first time, like me seeing myself overhead, and realized i could be a nothing, but i am a something. So i wanted to know who i was. She said, why dear, you are a human being! When we got home i was so excited with a new vocab. word, repeating it to myself over and and over, that i am a "human being."

    I easily mirror other's force or presence in a reprogramming.
    Oh, I think this means you are an extrovert!

    The bolded kind of sounds like Ni as well. But I guess I'm not completely sure. Maybe it's more like introspection, which isn't necessarily related to type? Or is that more like dissociation? It's not exactly clear from a psychoanalytic point. I guess introspection is separate from type. It's becoming aware of yourself and looking at and integrating the conscious/unconscious duality. That's sounds good. I'm going with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pzombieLIT View Post
    That's really interesting. I guess I can't know exactly what you mean, but I can see that explaining the leading vs creative functions!

    Ohh, which Superman and Clark Kent?

    From a psychoanalytic perspective, it seems like you associate negativity to thinking, which probably does relate to thinking as repressed and F as your ego.

    I don't always agree with these people, but this is interesting and it kind of reminds me of your posts?

    I'm guessing she's ESE? Could be wrong, I don't know her obviously, but I guess they see the Fe too.

    From Chapter X
    But nothing disturbs feeling so much as thinking. It is at once intelligible, therefore, that this type should repress thinking as much as possible. This does not mean to say that such a woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may even think a great deal and very ably, but her thinking is never sui generis; it is, in fact, an Epimethean appendage to her feeling.

    I think that's interesting because I've noticed people with a lot of Fe often can appear like Ti types or involve a lot of Ti, but all of their thinking comes from feeling, really. Like Jordan Peterson seems to be high on neuroticism and a lot of his Ti is heavily biased based on how his Fe has taken stuff in. It can be frustrating dealing with them, because they project their negative feelings on to other people.

    We have already seen that the extraverted feeling type, as a rule, represses his thinking, just because thinking is the function most liable to disturb feeling. Similarly, when thinking seeks to arrive at pure results of any kind, its first act is to exclude feeling, since nothing is calculated to harass and falsify thinking so much as feeling-values. Thinking, therefore, in so far as it is an independent function, is repressed in the extraverted feeling type. Its repression, as I observed before, is complete only in so far as its inexorable logic forces it to conclusions that are incompatible with feeling. It is suffered to exist as the servant of feeling, or more accurately its slave. Its backbone is broken; it may not operate on its own account, in accordance with its own laws, Now, since a logic exists producing inexorably right conclusions, this must happen somewhere, although beyond the bounds of consciousness, i.e. in the unconscious. Pre-eminently, therefore, the unconscious content of this type is a particular kind of thinking. It is an infantile, archaic, and negative thinking.

    Jordan Peterson doesn't seem to understand this about himself! And he was (or is) a "professional" psychologist! Imagine that!

    I'm starting to wonder if this is -> Ni. Not that I'm saying you'd have to be Ni ego, but probably some NF then.

    I'm also thinking this is Ni related. It's hard to explain or show people, it's much more personal.

    Okay, I'd be interested to hear what people think about this. I think that's Fe. I mean I can relate! It makes certain people sometimes very hard to be around.

    Oh, I think this means you are an extrovert!

    The bolded kind of sounds like Ni as well. But I guess I'm not completely sure. Maybe it's more like introspection, which isn't necessarily related to type? Or is that more like dissociation? It's not exactly clear from a psychoanalytic point. I guess introspection is separate from type. It's becoming aware of yourself and looking at and integrating the conscious/unconscious duality. That's sounds good. I'm going with that.
    EIE Fe


    Note picture analogies here.

    That is interesting Squishy on associative thinking being bound in F land. I recall Sol said that here on the forum many times beating dead horses with it. In fact i have a thread on it with some interesting papers associated with it, and the author of the article is LII, it is MBTI stuff. If you look me up you might find it a good read.
    Yes, ENTP's on another forum said i use Ni and the Ne i think i have is not Ne at all. I fail to see what it looks like in form, but i've heard it here from an LII so those who have it, know the habit.

    They said this thing i do of reducing concepts down to a singularity is not Ne, like my car illustration and IQ. Ne expands and moves away to other ideas. Not here in my analogies. It is a reduction.

    Re: C. Kent? 2013 will do. Wife and i enjoyed that at the theater. I think the earlier stuff fits too with Reeve.

    Re: OP vid. Great thing there with demon Ti. And yes she is Fe dominant. Not sure on type, but body language looks EIE Fe type.

    Well, thanks for the work and high effort, i feel i don't deserve it.

    Looks solid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Enneagram is to heart, as a compass is to ship with 9 points of destination.

    Functions are to hardware as personality is to software.

    This is how I think exclusively. I can only understand something by visual mental models. If I can't see it, no comprende.

    I create these for a grasp, otherwise nada, zilch, nothing.. Color is to feeling, as white is to thinking.

    If a battery is Se, Ne is the voltage.

    IQ and a car are similar. The ability of it in traffic conditions is its potential, or IQ. All cars look the same, but have a different potential, some more some less. Some are destined to drive to college, others to the foundry.

    This is how I understand things in real life. I'm slow, because this takes time. Words just bounce until the analogical frames are produced.

    I know nothing without a comparison to something else.

    I'm visual in cognition.
    What do you feel when people use metaphors?

    As in a conversation or a book.
    Do you hate it when people use metaphors?
    Such as,
    If the ESFP is the captain of a ship, sensing is the sail, feeling is the compass, and thinking is the maintenance crew.
    My imagination is like Kinder eggs. You don't know what ideas you'll get, but they are all silly and pointless.
    reddit post from:

    This is an interesting post.

    Another twin?

    I just found this a few days ago.

    Notice my line about compass points and the other parts of my metaphor in my salvo, and the structure here in reddit form.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    The good news in knowing you are wrong is you're right

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Well, thanks for the work and high effort, i feel i don't deserve it.

    Looks solid.
    Man, I'm so used to people criticizing everything that people say or trying to find fault, I really didn't expect this. Kind of thought I would get a negative response after posting it.

    Anyway, whenever you do figure out your type (or more definitely how you make sense of yourself), I'm curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pzombieLIT View Post
    Man, I'm so used to people criticizing everything that people say or trying to find fault, I really didn't expect this. Kind of thought I would get a negative response after posting it.

    Anyway, whenever you do figure out your type (or more definitely how you make sense of yourself), I'm curious.
    Ok. Sure. Btw, i missed your edit on my original quote, and yes that is high Fe. Looking at SLE types that is double the power in the everything thing, like EJ push.

    I think the clue is in my processing or reasoning in this format zone that i posted here. I understand patterns in people's expressions and i try to match things up like those Buseyisms and my above reddit twin/double. That post author was deleted, but i'd be curious on the type. That pattern might coalesce together with me, but as the usual turn of the things, it was deleted. Negative negatives, here.

    SLE = Sovereign Local Energy

    LII = Living Inn Inquisitiveness; Lone Interned Islanders

    A little -isms here, for fun

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    The good news in knowing you are wrong is you're right

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    Ok. Sure. Btw, i missed your edit on my original quote, and yes that is high Fe. Looking at SLE types that is double the power in the everything thing, like EJ push.

    I think the clue is in my processing or reasoning in this format zone that i posted here. I understand patterns in people's expressions and i try to match things up like those Buseyisms and my above reddit twin/double. That post author was deleted, but i'd be curious on the type. That pattern might coalesce together with me, but as the usual turn of the things, it was deleted. Negative negatives, here.

    SLE = Sovereign Local Energy

    LII = Living Inn Inquisitiveness; Lone Interned Islanders

    A little -isms here, for fun

    Note Fe, but note the strength presentation compared to the specimen in the salvos.

    Also note Fi PoLR and Si ignore with her, as a side point.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    The good news in knowing you are wrong is you're right

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    Yeah, that's a pretty good video. It's amazing to me when people can still see their type through MBTI, despite its hazy nature. She's very self-aware imo.

    wants to do mascara for the week
    doesn't like grinding
    always seeking excitement
    90% of the time just happy -> living more in the moment?

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Se base is the most confident use of Se, they don’t have compensatory behavior in aggression.
    It's funny because this is my experience as well. I don't usually see aggression, unless they are competing. Or if their Ni projects nefarious intentions or motives on to other people or events, they can get defensive, but it's more a projection and not an area of confidence, but of feeling weak or inadequate to what's happening.

    But the whole Se is aggression thing I don't really see empirically. Se leading types seem like the most laid back extroverts, similar to Ne lead. Te leads usually have a lot more aggression in my experience, followed by Fe lead, lol.

    her INTP - doesn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion -> constructivist?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pzombieLIT View Post
    Yeah, that's a pretty good video. It's amazing to me when people can still see their type through MBTI, despite its hazy nature. She's very self-aware imo.

    wants to do mascara for the week
    doesn't like grinding
    always seeking excitement
    90% of the time just happy -> living more in the moment?

    It's funny because this is my experience as well. I don't usually see aggression, unless they are competing. Or if their Ni projects nefarious intentions or motives on to other people or events, they can get defensive, but it's more a projection and not an area of confidence, but of feeling weak or inadequate to what's happening.

    But the whole Se is aggression thing I don't really see empirically. Se leading types seem like the most laid back extroverts, similar to Ne lead. Te leads usually have a lot more aggression in my experience, followed by Fe lead, lol.

    her INTP - doesn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion -> constructivist?
    I'm going to guess that the Fe part causes a blending and someone will comply for a group consensus, no matter where it lies in strength, maybe faking it for harmony, but i'm guessing again it just means high Ti modeling. It is a carefully constructed house and the cards are placed to where everything is linear or additive in placement and it is the go to in opinion formation. My dad was LSI and and i can vouche for that. He never wanted or consulted anyone's opinion on anything, though he could ask if it seemed headed south so to speak. He wasn't really laying the dragnets down for other models ( opinions) to look at.

    Opinions add, Ti likes to reduce.


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    From: Links in linked thread.

    Visual / spatial cog. as thinking and feeling article.

    Very interesting i think. I always try to find the "what is" of what something actually is. I surmised something like this long ago when i first got into typology and made a model of it, similar to what i did in thread. I've always modeled behavior in some way, as it points to something hidden, and it bothers me to not know what are the mechanisms involved. I always feel there is more than meets the eye to anything, and it is like riding into the leading edge of reality peering into the unknown, the intangible, making the braille to become un-blind to read what is there.

    PDF link is the study and correlation on what actually takes place in types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post

    Note Fe, but note the strength presentation compared to the specimen in the salvos.

    Also note Fi PoLR and Si ignore with her, as a side point.
    F>T, ExE-Fe or Gamma SF, has a narcissistic vibe (not necessarily is, just my quick impression).

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    F>T, ExE-Fe or Gamma SF, has a narcissistic vibe (not necessarily is, just my quick impression).

    Well,you are going to have to make a wrestler out of an EIE ^ ... .

    * start mark alert*

    I resemble Jeff in the next round.

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    Like The Wizard of Oz.

    This is how I always thought about mankind. Like giving gifts for all the ails. It is not an overarching inborn philosophy, but one of plain observational reacting to what is seen.

    To bring everyone together, from altruistic tones from an idealism.

    A little better makes better more is a motto.

    SLE as a type for me? Hardly not!
    Last edited by Distance; 06-27-2024 at 05:05 PM.

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    I've been looking into VI more and it looks like i got the T soulless eyes. Expressionless and no warmth look. Wife used to critique it as the blank look, nobody is home look in my photos. Lol.

    Filatova pictures and me slot into T.

    Passing thoughts on Vi.

    Thoughts anyone?

    There are plenty of pic links of me here in that thread.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

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    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more

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