I just saw the first episode last night...
What type do you think Lister is? I'll save my opinion for now.
I just saw the first episode last night...
What type do you think Lister is? I'll save my opinion for now.
why?Originally Posted by Joy
I dunno.
I'm curious about what people will say without my having suggested a type.
ahhh... well I haven't seen it in a long time and besides it wasn't one of my favorites as far old Brit scifi goes (which flies in the face of what most scifi geeks have to say about that show)
anyways... I haven't anything constructive to say here so I'll just graciously back out of this thread
I'd say ESTp perhaps. Well, Exxp at least.
Rimmer – the actor is INxp I think, but the character is not, so I have no idea. ESFJ perhaps?
Arnold Rimmer
He reminds me of Carlton from Prince of Bal-Air
Kryten – ISFp I think
Kat – ESFp perhaps
I haven't watched the show in a long, long time. One of my all time favorites.
Rimmer seems like a comically unhealthy ISTj or ISFj.
And Lister seems ENTp, to me.
I was thinking ISTj and ESFp... this reminds me of that thing with psych...
ENTj ftwOriginally Posted by snegledmaca
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Has anyone known an ExTp that was so extremely interested in settling down with a family? I haven't known an ENTps well and the ESTps I've known didn't seem to be in much of a hurry to settle down anywhere, yet in the two episodes I've seen, this seems to be Lister's conscious agenda.
Originally Posted by Joy
patrick is really interested, he has plans and all that...althought he knows he isn't anywhere near ready financially, plus you know...i assume he means with me and I'm sure as hell not anywhere near ready...
and i THINK my dad (ESTp) really liked the idea of a family, althought it might have been too early for him...or the wrong woman (I was unexpected )
do they talk about it with their families... or just random people?
Originally Posted by Joy
hmm, families.
do they talk about it comfortably and frequently?
Originally Posted by Joy
quite comfortably, and patrick frequently with me, he actually said he talked about it with his mom yesterday quite a bit.
Perhaps it's not as type related as I thought.
But I still think that Lister is ESFp.
Lister is definitely this guy's identical.
Because I can't believe there's no thread on this.
Dave Lister - SEI
Arnold Rimmer - LSI
Kryten - ESE
Holly - ?
Everyone else is seasons 8 & 9 - ?
I remember liking the show a lot. Gives off a general Alpha air from what I remember of it, that tends to be how British humor goes.
I've been getting a few laughs out of season 10 (I assume that's what's meant by Red Dwarf X, anyhow). My typings:
Lister - SEE 7w6
Rimmer - LSE 1w2
the Cat - ESE 3w2
Kryten - EII? 9w1
Holly - ILI 5w? <--- I wish they'd bring this actor (Norman Lovett) back, I love his deadpan delivery
I never could get into the show too much, but I loved the books.
Moonlight will fall
Winter will end
Harvest will come
Your heart will mend
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers
Red Dwarf: Better Than Life
Huh, I guess it says the books are based on the series? Either way those two are in my top 5 best books I've ever read. I try to read them both once a year but they became too dogeared and fell apart so it's been a couple.
Moonlight will fall
Winter will end
Harvest will come
Your heart will mend
Dave Lister - ENFP Huxley
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Arnold Rimmer - ESFJ Hugo
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The Cat - ESFP Napoleon
Last edited by khcs; 09-17-2020 at 10:03 PM.
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Holly - ESFP Napoleon
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Kryten - INFP Yesenin
Last edited by khcs; 09-17-2020 at 06:44 PM.
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