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Thread: Jung and Astrology

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Jung and Astrology

    We all know Jung based a lot of his work on astrology, especially his typology. The thing is, why should we care about Jung's opinions on astrology? Being introduced to what I consider the silly Human Design system, which I think is so wrong it's dangerously wrong, made me look into what the actual source material for it is. The thing is, the source material of it is, as much as I think this term is overused, a bunch of cultural appropriation. Did you know New Agers never should've tried to correlate chakras and astrology? This is because that's been done literally thousands of years ago during the Vedic period of India. Did you also know I Ching and astrology were also related? Everyone has their stereotypical idea of Chinese astrology having basically nothing to do with stars and planets, but that just seems completely wrong, since the ancient Chinese observed the stars thoroughly, the I Ching system was definitely overlaid onto the physical map of the heavens, and even some of the constellations were considered to be images of celestial dragons. As for a system like Kabbalah's relation to astrology, that, much like the relationship between astrology and chakras having actually been worked out by the Indians themselves, was worked out by the Jews themselves. You really don't need some white guy or gal like Jung, Eleanor Haspel-Porter, or Robert Krackower to tell you how to correlate these things as if no one in the history of the world had ever considered that before. That doesn't mean that maybe there aren't really good practicioners of Vedic astrology or I Ching or whatever who are white and they can teach you, just, the system didn't originate with them, give the people thousands of years ago in mostly-not-white cultures credit for figuring these things out. You can even go correlate the chakras and the sephiroth in astrology yourself in literally a couple minutes by looking at the table of which chakras correlate to which planets, which sephiroth correlate to which planets, and just going with that (as a side-note, I think it's advisable to always go with sidereal astrology, partially just because the Indians prefer it, but that it also makes logical sense when you consider the seasons aren't really supposed to have anything to do with it, it's the radio waves from electrical storms in the Sun and in the Earth's atmosphere that seem to be the more precise correlation, and I don't know what the procession of the equinoxes even has to do with that.)

    So, why does anyone care about socionics, a system which was based on Jung, a guy who didn't actually understand any of the stuff he was using, again? Plus, I heard his psychoanalytic practice was just as crazy as this forum. If you go to a normal astrologer, you're asking questions like who you should marry, and if you're going to a psychological astrologer, you're asking why you have psychological problems that are stopping you from getting married and whether that has anything to do with the snake coiled up in your belly being too unattractive to the opposite sex or the same sex. These two things are not the same.

  2. #2
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    "especially his typology"


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