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Thread: Do EIE's exist here.

  1. #1
    Amoeba's Avatar
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    Default Do EIE's exist here.

    All I see are EIE tumbleweeds.

  2. #2
    no bold villain Domesday Lines's Avatar
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    Are intellectual EIEs uncommon? I'm an EIE 451 sp/sx and struggle to relate to others of my type, with my very high Ni and mix of emotional intensity and rationality. I'm very introverted for an EIE though and don't really know how to have friends or be in groups. If others of my type set are anything like me, they'd be veritable ghosts online too. Too bad. EIE-Ni have great intellectual creative potential. Maybe i'm more of an outlier than I thought.

  3. #3
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domesday Lines View Post
    Are intellectual EIEs uncommon? I'm an EIE 451 sp/sx and struggle to relate to others of my type, with my very high Ni and mix of emotional intensity and rationality. I'm very introverted for an EIE though and don't really know how to have friends or be in groups. If others of my type set are anything like me, they'd be veritable ghosts online too. Too bad. EIE-Ni have great intellectual creative potential. Maybe i'm more of an outlier than I thought.
    I have an EIE professor for what it's worth. She also seems to have trouble connecting to people.

  4. #4
    Amoeba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domesday Lines View Post
    Are intellectual EIEs uncommon? I'm an EIE 451 sp/sx and struggle to relate to others of my type, with my very high Ni and mix of emotional intensity and rationality. I'm very introverted for an EIE though and don't really know how to have friends or be in groups. If others of my type set are anything like me, they'd be veritable ghosts online too. Too bad. EIE-Ni have great intellectual creative potential. Maybe i'm more of an outlier than I thought.
    Interesting i've had some crazy times with EIEs they are pretty wild....I think maryln manson is an EIE Ni they get into these deep states of mind.

  5. #5
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domesday Lines View Post
    Are intellectual EIEs uncommon? I'm an EIE 451 sp/sx and struggle to relate to others of my type, with my very high Ni and mix of emotional intensity and rationality. I'm very introverted for an EIE though and don't really know how to have friends or be in groups. If others of my type set are anything like me, they'd be veritable ghosts online too. Too bad. EIE-Ni have great intellectual creative potential. Maybe i'm more of an outlier than I thought.
    aristocratic Fi ignoring means that they do not really prefer to do peer relations. So uneven footing is their preferred state and manage it well (either above or below).

    The most developed side of your personality is the ability to experience intense emotions. You are the person with a complicated spiritual world, full of contrasts and contradictions. For the sake of true, deep feelings you can sacrifice quite a lot.

    You have an inherent poetic nature that you can express in metaphorical form, often dramatic, sometimes tragic-comic. You may have talent of an orator, who knows how to use speech to ignite many people.
    You can be said to be a visionary, a man of great foresight. You have a good feeling for crises ripening within developing situations and can take measures beforehand to avoid them. You seek to warn others about the possible troubles that threaten them. This is the expression of the humanitarian focus of your personality. You are a rather principled person and do not forgive insults and humiliations. To achieve this, you, weighing all pros and cons, are able to take the most drastic measures. However, in some cases, your principles can be inflexible and your decisiveness can be excessive. Aim to exercise restraint in emergency situations, try to make decisions in a calm state.

    Your main problem - the inability to avoid situations which bring you misery and discomfort. You do not always fit easily into the society and avoid unpleasant contact with uninteresting people. You show lack of confidence and certainly in your tastes, inability to properly track your own well-being.

    The inability to find an inner balance with yourself is characteristic of you. Avoid over-dramatization of the events. Discharge the accumulated emotions in creative self-expression: singing, playing musical instruments, theater, etc.
    Do not seek to make an impression at all costs. From this your interests or health will suffer. Dress according to weather, follow some order in nutrition, favor healthy foods. Try to keep your dress style consistent with the situation.
    Do not be as sensitive to compliments and evaluation of your appearance. Do not immediately assume wrongdoings. Train to work openly and in public to stop painfully perceiving attention to your work. Try to trust people more and avoid thinking that they mean harm to you.

    Another problem areas - a desire to show yourself as an enterprising, active man, but not demonstrating these skills in action. Do not exaggerate the significance of your initiatives. Always ask yourself realistically how likely is it that you will take action and whether these actions will lead to positive results. Overcome your desires to ignore the daily affairs, including maintenance of your home. Articulate your problems more concretely. Do not be pushy and intrusive with respect to others.

    Your interaction with people can be difficult also because of the manifestations of excessive formality. Avoid arrogance, be more democratic and straightforward with people. Do not overdo it with irony and ridicule. Your penchant for sarcasm can hurt people and turn them away from you.
    vs EII
    Your strength lies in a deep understanding of people's values and relationships. You are interested in the motives of actions, personal and soulful qualities of others, their relations, which you can spend a lot of time watching and analyzing. After prolonged study and observation, you come closer to defining a person's character: who she really is and not how she presents herself.

    You aim to create warm and friendly relations with others. Advocate against cruelty and abusive behavior. This reflects your humanistic orientation. For this quality you are valued and respected by others. Your knowledge and experience with people and relations will always help you find your place on any team. Your other advantage that earns you the favor of others: emotional sensitivity, kindness, ability to sympathize, listen, and care for other people. You try to show your attitude in deeds, not just words. Not sparing time and effort, you are ready to help anyone who needs it.

    The ultimate goal of your words and actions is creation of a positive, harmonious atmosphere in which others can develop their talents. You are good at comforting and mediating. You prefer not to focus on the negative actions, faults, flaws and wrongdoings of others. Instead you try to make them think about the moral foundation of their actions, the moral values of their lives, and exert influence on their conscience.

    The main problem that worries you is your lack of resoluteness and assertiveness, inability to make demands of others in direct and willful form. There is a measure of caution and timidity that is inherent to your approach to some extent. You are emotionally sensitive to others and don't want to seem obtrusive.

    You are prudent, undemanding, modest and cooperative. When you have been challenged, you don't always respond right away but prefer to conceal your grievances. You can protect those who are close to you, but don't readily do engage in this. You think that your offender needs to realize her mistakes and repent. If she does not, you avoid having contact with her.

    A recommendation for you: develop your ability to defend yourself, directly express your grievances, do not show mercy towards those who take advantage of you and did not repent, don't allow yourself to be used for anyone's personal gain. Learn to say "no". Empathize less with strangers and pay more attention to people who are close to you.
    Another one of your problems: careful and overly meticulous analysis of any issue, topics, or task down to the last detail, which slows you down and decreases your effectiveness. You may get bogged down by minor details of life and of your work. Then you hardly find time for rest and recreational activities in the company of your friends, which can negatively affect your health. You thoroughly and deeply analyze everything about a topic or issue that concerns you. The results of such an analysis are not always satisfactory, due to which you can feel sad and demotivated. You feel depressed by anything that goes beyond the scope of harmonious personal values and good human relations.
    Don't be misled by your pity, as to not later feel ashamed of your actions and words and reprimand yourself in retrospect. Remember that true justice does not allow for compromises with conscience.
    Accelerate the pace of your productive activities, focus your attention such that it slips by minor details and stops only on the main parts and the essentials. Try to teach yourself speed reading - it will help you learn to see the overall picture of the phenomenon or event. When analyzing a subject or particular field, don't strive to disambiguate and clarify everything. Strive to see the general picture. Knowledge of general norms and rules will relieve you from unnecessary waste of nerves and efforts on aspects that are of little consequence or interest to anyone.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-18-2023 at 02:31 PM.
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  6. #6
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domesday Lines View Post
    Are intellectual EIEs uncommon?
    Gulenko said that EIE ( and ILI ) are of the most intellectual types in society

    Originally Posted by Gulenko
    Two of its representatives EIE and ILI are usually recognized in society as the most intellectual types
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    @Beautiful sky @Alive

    should be not rare on typology sites

  8. #8
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    @Beautiful sky @Alive

    should be not rare on typology sites
    I disagree with the first typing. I have visited here before joining. Poster has as much Fe as iron on a periodic table.
    Ask any Fe people, i bet they vote 2 thumbs down, not 1.

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    I disagree with the first typing.
    "TIM xxxx"

    After geting min typology understanding, which comes after assurance in own type with positive IR checking for >10 well-known people, mb you'll change the opinion.
    There is good start to info for this.

  10. #10
    Burgundy rose's Avatar
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    Me. I’ve been typed EIE both in model G and A.
    also if you’re an LSI, dm me.

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