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Thread: IEE and SLI initial dualization (I hate being in love)

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Really ILI was the type that came to my mind after I started talking to you.
    I have a lot of experience with sensors, and I just feel this lacking of sensing in your communication.
    I don't have strong evidences though and I don't want to battle type you
    But you seem very abstract compared to the SLI I've known

    Yep I am one of those weird cases where my S/N is split 50/50 a lot of times even more so in MBTI and I have a fairly high I.Q. Socionics seems to think I am SLI though due to Quadra values etc. MBTi doesn't give a shit and is geared more towards I.Q while socionics is like "nope you're this type deal with it".

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    Yep I am one of those weird cases where my S/N is split 50/50 a lot of times even more so in MBTI and I have a fairly high I.Q. Socionics seems to think I am SLI though due to Quadra values etc. MBTi doesn't give a shit and is geared more towards I.Q while socionics is like "nope you're this type deal with it".
    What's your IQ range? Mine is also high (over 140), even though I'm not very logical.
    You also remind me a bit of my ILI friend from college. Maybe he was also SLI (who knows)
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    What's your IQ range? Mine is also high (over 140), even though I'm not very logical.
    You also remind me a bit of my ILI friend from college. Maybe he was also SLI (who knows)
    125-130 around. 140 Is god like level are you sure about that number? lol Role functions are strange in that if someone develops their role function really well it's hard to tell what type they are.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    125-130 around. 140 Is god like level are you sure about that number? lol Role functions are strange in that if someone develops their role function really well it's hard to tell what type they are.
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathletics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Midnight Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there"s a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathelics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Miss Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there's a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    You must be neo then you can just download information in your head and learn it in a day, also as you mentioned high I.Q people tend be lonely, I agree 100%. In terms of my Ni it's not a possibility, I definitely have well developed Ni and I tend to go into different mode sets depending on the task at hand. When learning about theoretical topics I get into an Ni state and I notice this because the connections start coming to me easily. This happens when I'm putting together a song for example and imagining how the song would sound like in my head. So yeah ILI is not too unreasonable of a type for me at all.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathletics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Midnight Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there"s a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    Mine isn't that high, I'm about 10 points toward the neanderthal end of the spectrum, but thanks.

    As for the loneliness...yes, but you can never talk about it. All problems that come with high intelligence must be kept private, or else you are automatically deemed an arrogant prick with the ulterior motive of bragging.

    Every curse has its gift side, and every gift has its curse side. Everyone looks up to Einstein now, but truth is, being Einstein probably somewhat sucked.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Mine isn't that high, I'm about 10 points toward the neanderthal end of the spectrum, but thanks.

    As for the loneliness...yes, but you can never talk about it. All problems that come with high intelligence must be kept private, or else you are automatically deemed an arrogant prick with the ulterior motive of bragging.

    Every curse has its gift side, and every gift has its curse side. Everyone looks up to Einstein now, but truth is, being Einstein probably somewhat sucked.
    This is a real issue--the loneliness aspect of it, anyway. It's a bit cringe when he talks about the subatomic particles instead of explaining it in more palatable terms, and when he talks about having sex with her being an act of bestiality. The point is that intelligence is mentally isolating. When you are operating at the level of the highest 1% of the population, that leaves you with LESS THAN 1% of the population who can genuinely connect with the fullest extent of your mind. Why less than? There are different kinds of intelligence, and not all of them will share the same type of intelligence that you have.

    It leaves you with people who are unable to fully get you, don't see or value your insights. There are many examples of geniuses in history who went through this. Einstein was thought to be crazy, his ideas were initially met with rejection. Isaac Newton is another example. There are other geniuses who were treated poorly because of their ideas in history as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    "The things they had in common were things that had to do with aloneness...They were alone in their heads."

    100%. I experience this also, and I've met a few others who were highly intelligent and experience this as well.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-20-2023 at 09:04 PM.

  8. #48
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    I tend to feel like i'm outside of the matrix while most people are inside.
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  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    I tend to feel like i'm outside of the matrix while most people are inside.
    I am capable of seeing it this way. Like, I get it 1,000%. I used to look at it from this perspective, but I chose to change my point of view.

    These days, I see what I have as a responsibility. I see it as something that needs to be used to contribute to society at large. I see myself as someone who is in this world with a mission. If I die with the so-called "gift" of intelligence that I have only benefitting myself, I feel like it will have been wasted. I cope with the mental isolation by converting my intelligence into part of my sense of purpose in life. Nietzsche said well when he said, "He who has a reason to live can bear almost any means of living." Transforming the struggle (which I cannot change) into my purpose instead, is my coping method. I cope by seeing myself in almost a "protective older brother" role to others. I am more capable in many ways, and thus I feel a sense of responsibility to help those who weren't born being as lucky (or unlucky--depends on how you look at it, and depends on what you make of it).

    My point is this: You have control, and a choice, as to how you perceive things; those perceptions have a direct impact upon your subjective sense of well-being. In my case, I have chosen to fight through the opposition involved in making what I have contagious to others. I'm self-aware enough to know already that this drive in me does stem, in part, from my own sense of isolation. By sharing my so-called "gift(s)" with the world, I am also battling my own inner sense of loneliness. ("Yes! They get it!") What works for you might be different than what works for me, but the point is that there is a way to--maybe not eliminate entirely, but at least cope with and manage, the mental sense of isolation. You have to do a little reflection to decide what works for you, maybe, but there are options out there.

    Many of those who are highly intelligent do strive through the social opposition involved in spreading what they have to offer to the rest of the world. I can't help but to wonder if they, too, were subconsciously driven to do this by their inner sense of loneliness that their intellect imposed upon them.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    I am capable of seeing it this way. Like, I get it 1,000%. I used to look at it from this perspective, but I chose to change my point of view.

    These days, I see what I have as a responsibility. I see it as something that needs to be used to contribute to society at large. I see myself as someone who is in this world with a mission. If I die with the so-called "gift" of intelligence that I have only benefitting myself, I feel like it will have been wasted. I cope with the mental isolation by converting my intelligence into part of my sense of purpose in life. Nietzsche said well when he said, "He who has a reason to live can bear almost any means of living." Transforming the struggle (which I cannot change) into my purpose instead, is my coping method. I cope by seeing myself in almost a "protective older brother" role to others. I am more capable in many ways, and thus I feel a sense of responsibility to help those who weren't born being as lucky (or unlucky--depends on how you look at it, and depends on what you make of it).

    My point is this: You have control, and a choice, as to how you perceive things; those perceptions have a direct impact upon your subjective sense of well-being. In my case, I have chosen to fight through the opposition involved in making what I have contagious to others. I'm self-aware enough to know already that this drive in me does stem, in part, from my own sense of isolation. By sharing my so-called "gift(s)" with the world, I am also battling my own inner sense of loneliness. What works for you might be different than what works for me, but the point is that there is a way to--maybe not eliminate entirely, but at least cope with and manage, the mental sense of isolation.

    Many of those who are highly intelligent do strive through the social opposition involved in spreading what they have to offer to the rest of the world. I can't help but to wonder if they, too, were subconsciously driven to do this by their inner sense of loneliness that their intellect imposed upon them.
    yeah I don't see myself as a responsibility to society at all, I already get myself involved in things that I shouldn't be because most people are not ready to have a discussion or they think I'm an idiot for having a differing opinion. I try to use my knowledge to better myself instead of society. I simply can't control my external environment, the way I see things usually balance out when people suffer enough. It's hard because many don't listen to my advice and then I see them suffer when if they listened they could have prevented their own suffering. But then I realize there is only so much I can do to control what's around me.
    "Precision beats power and timing beats speed"

  11. #51
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    I tend to feel like i'm outside of the matrix while most people are inside.
    *Screams* introverted intuition

    I personally consider the matrix the collective psychosis of humans being caught up and engulfed by their own thoughts. Over identification with thoughts and beliefs. When you realize there's a higher level of awareness that goes beyond thinking, life starts to have some meaning and purpose, and the whole idea of isolation or even separation becomes nil.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  12. #52
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    I am capable of seeing it this way. Like, I get it 1,000%. I used to look at it from this perspective, but I chose to change my point of view.

    These days, I see what I have as a responsibility. I see it as something that needs to be used to contribute to society at large. I see myself as someone who is in this world with a mission. If I die with the so-called "gift" of intelligence that I have only benefitting myself, I feel like it will have been wasted. I cope with the mental isolation by converting my intelligence into part of my sense of purpose in life. Nietzsche said well when he said, "He who has a reason to live can bear almost any means of living." Transforming the struggle (which I cannot change) into my purpose instead, is my coping method. I cope by seeing myself in almost a "protective older brother" role to others. I am more capable in many ways, and thus I feel a sense of responsibility to help those who weren't born being as lucky (or unlucky--depends on how you look at it, and depends on what you make of it).

    My point is this: You have control, and a choice, as to how you perceive things; those perceptions have a direct impact upon your subjective sense of well-being. In my case, I have chosen to fight through the opposition involved in making what I have contagious to others. I'm self-aware enough to know already that this drive in me does stem, in part, from my own sense of isolation. By sharing my so-called "gift(s)" with the world, I am also battling my own inner sense of loneliness. ("Yes! They get it!") What works for you might be different than what works for me, but the point is that there is a way to--maybe not eliminate entirely, but at least cope with and manage, the mental sense of isolation. You have to do a little reflection to decide what works for you, maybe, but there are options out there.

    Many of those who are highly intelligent do strive through the social opposition involved in spreading what they have to offer to the rest of the world. I can't help but to wonder if they, too, were subconsciously driven to do this by their inner sense of loneliness that their intellect imposed upon them.
    Internet is a blessing in the sense that we can connect with smart people from all over the world.
    I also have this inner sense of mission, I want to contribute to society on a big scale, but I'm still working on my ability to control my inner world, so I can be ready to influence the outer world, if you know what I mean. It's a challenging quest, but I've made some good progress.
    I've been practicing doing all kinds of services to other people just to see how far I can use learned discipline to render useful service.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  13. #53


    Apologies, I am terrible about editing my messages after I post them. Some of my edits somewhat address what you have said here, though, so please read again to see my edits. I apologize, it's a horrible habit. I need to break this habit and start using advanced mode to see the full sized message all at once instead (that is a lot of the reason I post prematurely, the post box is so small).

    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    yeah I don't see myself as a responsibility to society at all,
    Do you mind if I ask what your age is? It may be relevant. In Erik Erikson's stages of development, he notes that generativity vs. stagnation/self-absorption is a stage people go through during their adulthood. To me, it makes perfect sense. Most adolescents, being young still, don't reflect upon the imminence of their own death. It is more typical for those experiencing adulthood to ponder on this and then think about what exactly they will leave behind in the world once they are gone. It has been observed that this development often takes place in people approaching their 30's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    I already get myself involved in things that I shouldn't be because most people are not ready to have a discussion or they think I'm an idiot for having a differing opinion. I try to use my knowledge to better myself instead of society. I simply can't control my external environment, the way I see things usually balance out when people suffer enough. It's hard because many don't listen to my advice and then I see them suffer when if they listened they could have presented their own suffering. But then I realize there is only so much I can do to control what's around me.
    I personally have both observed, and experienced, that communication is an enormous obstacle for those who have above average intellect. What you said here is one option, but the other option is to analyze, break down, refine, reconstruct, your own communication methods so that what you say begins to get through to others. Getting through to every person is an unrealistic expectation to have, so what you do is basically move on from those you perceive will never receive things even if you work with them and give them some time or patience, and instead focus on those who do. That is how you spread things: you focus on the receptive. That is also the best method for molding your social network into one that is more conducive to your own sense of well-being. Surrounding yourself with those who are more receptive helps to remedy the sense of isolation far more than being surrounded by those who oppose and disregard your ideas. (Well, unless they are just engaging in intellectual debate with you and they are still capable of keeping up with your ideas at least despite opposing them...but that's a different subject of its own, practically.)

    Btw...are these conversations you're having on the internet, or in person? Personally, I have found that when I interact in person, others are far more accepting and receptive, value what I say more, etc.

    I have gone through extremes in isolation for many years, and I have had to confront some depression that resulted from it. I learned that a certain piece of knowledge is key: you have to attain more control over your own self, in order to have more control over the external. You have to battle the victim mindset--which might sound like a harsh way of putting it, since you actually are a victim, in a sense. It's just that you have to choose not to allow yourself to be one despite that. In essence, because you are someone operating at higher levels, you have to overcompensate for other peoples' shortcomings (and they will never even recognize the fact that you are doing it--and yes, it does become exhausting, and you will sometimes need to isolate yourself in order to recover energy when you do it). You have to think extra to overcompensate for their lack of thinking, their mental autopilot, their safe little mental comfort zones.

    In concrete form, what everything I'm mentioning in that last paragraph above looks like:

    • Refining your communication skills.
      - What appeals to that particular individual? Logos? Pathos? Ethos? Target what they value. How can you come from an angle they will respect and listen to?
      - Will that particular person be more responsive if you teach by using questions, as opposed to statements? Should you steer your questions in a way that challenges their own views and then makes them think they are the ones coming up with what your views are? (EDIT: but doing it without making them feel stupid...doing it in a way that is like "exactly, you get it," encouraging them and instead making them feel smart for thinking about it more and catching on.)
      - Can you passively establish trust with some people by saying what you have to say, without pushing it, and then letting it come to pass? I mean, eventually, they will see that you have a pattern of being spot on. This establishes a sense that they are able to trust you, causing them to seek to listen to you more after some time.
      - I think you probably get my point.
    • Thinking "how can I?" rather than "I can't"
      - Just because you try something and it doesn't work, doesn't mean it's impossible for it to work, and it's entirely out of your hands. Often times, it is a matter of breaking down what you yourself are doing, what you could do differently, even though you know the real problem is coming from other people. They make assumptions, or their egos are in the way, or they're stuck in the conventional/traditional, or whatever. It all goes back to overcompensating for their own shortcomings: what approaches can you take to work around their barriers and obstacles?
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-21-2023 at 12:51 AM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    *Screams* introverted intuition

    I personally consider the matrix the collective psychosis of humans being caught up and engulfed by their own thoughts. Over identification with thoughts and beliefs. When you realize there's a higher level of awareness that goes beyond thinking, life starts to have some meaning and purpose, and the whole idea of isolation or even separation becomes nil.
    Are you insinuating that I'm not SLI again? . The matrix is the fake reality most people live in. It's a bubble that shelters people from the truth, I think the bubble exists because people haven't suffered enough. When people suffer reality hits them in the face it also gives way to higher levels of conscious awareness if the collective chooses to accept it. Introverted intuition I think has to do with unexplained patterns of awareness.
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Apologies, I am terrible about editing my messages after I post them. Some of my edits somewhat address what you have said here, though, so please read again to see my edits. I apologize, it's a horrible habit. I need to break this habit and start using advanced mode to see the full sized message all at once instead (that is a lot of the reason I post prematurely, the post box is so small).

    Do you mind if I ask what your age is? It may be relevant. In Erik Erikson's stages of development, he notes that generativity vs. stagnation/self-absorption is a stage people go through during their adulthood. To me, it makes perfect sense. Most adolescents, being young still, don't reflect upon the imminence of their own death. It is more typical for those experiencing adulthood to ponder on this and then think about what exactly they will leave behind in the world once they are gone. It has been observed that this development often takes place in people approaching their 30's.
    Mid to late thirties. That makes sense what you said about adolescents, I think we become more Nhilistic as we become older due to globalization as well. We used to live in tribes in the past and our lives revolved around the tribe. Adolescents still believe they are apart of a tribe so they feel this deep longing of wanting to become part of the group.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    I personally have both observed, and experienced, that communication is an enormous obstacle for those who have above average intellect. What you said here is one option, but the other option is to analyze, break down, refine, reconstruct, your own communication methods so that what you say begins to get through to others. Getting through to every person is an unrealistic expectation to have, so what you do is basically move on from those you perceive will never receive things even if you work with them and give them some time or patience, and instead focus on those who do. That is how you spread things: you focus on the receptive. That is also the best method for molding your social network into one that is more conducive to your own sense of well-being. Surrounding yourself with those who are more receptive helps to remedy the sense of isolation far more than being surrounded by those who oppose and disregard your ideas. (Well, unless they are just engaging in intellectual debate with you and they are still capable of keeping up with your ideas at least despite opposing them...but that's a different subject of its own, practically.)
    Makes sense but at the same time you don't want to be a cult leader and allow yourself to be self absorbed in your own view of reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Btw...are these conversations you're having on the internet, or in person? Personally, I have found that when I interact in person, others are far more accepting and receptive, value what I say more, etc.
    Both online and in person, someone close to me almost died because they didn't listen to my advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post

    I have gone through extremes in isolation for many years, and I have had to confront some depression that resulted from it. I learned that a certain piece of knowledge is key: you have to attain more control over your own self, in order to have more control over the external. You have to battle the victim mindset--which might sound like a harsh way of putting it, since you actually are a victim, in a sense. It's just that you have to choose not to allow yourself to be one despite that. In essence, because you are someone operating at higher levels, you have to overcompensate for other peoples' shortcomings (and they will never even recognize the fact that you are doing it--and yes, it does become exhausting, and you will sometimes need to isolate yourself in order to recover energy when you do it). You have to think extra to overcompensate for their lack of thinking, their mental autopilot, their safe little mental comfort zones.

    In concrete form, what everything I'm mentioning in that last paragraph above looks like:

    • Refining your communication skills.
      - What appeals to that particular individual? Logos? Pathos? Ethos? Target what they value. How can you come from an angle they will respect and listen to?
      - Will that particular person be more responsive if you teach by using questions, as opposed to statements? Should you steer your questions in a way that challenges their own views and then makes them think they are the ones coming up with what your views are?
      - Can you passively establish trust with some people by saying what you have to say, without pushing it, and then letting it come to pass? I mean, eventually, they will see that you have a pattern of being spot on. This establishes a sense that they are able to trust you, causing them to seek to listen to you more after some time.
      - I think you probably get my point.
    • Thinking "how can I?" rather than "I can't"
      - Just because you try something and it doesn't work, doesn't mean it's impossible for it to work, and it's entirely out of your hands. Often times, it is a matter of breaking down what you yourself are doing, what you could do differently, even though you know the real problem is coming from other people. They make assumptions, or their egos are in the way, or they're stuck in the conventional/traditional, or whatever. It all goes back to overcompensating for their own shortcomings: what approaches can you take to work around their barriers and obstacles?
    Honestly I try not to ever see myself as a victim even if I am a victim, I do believe in terms of survivability we live in some of the best times to be alive. I think most people in the west suffer from loneliess more so due to technology and social media, when you leave the west you truly see the types of poverty that exist in the world no one appreciates what they have. I also tend to have a good ability to find like minded people who are open minded so I can't complain about that. But yeah I'm not a fan of being someone else savior fuck that shit covid made me realize how selfish humans are in general it really exposed the ugliness of humanity.
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  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Internet is a blessing in the sense that we can connect with smart people from all over the world.
    I also have this inner sense of mission, I want to contribute to society on a big scale, but I'm still working on my ability to control my inner world, so I can be ready to influence the outer world, if you know what I mean. It's a challenging quest, but I've made some good progress.
    I've been practicing doing all kinds of services to other people just to see how far I can use learned discipline to render useful service.
    The bolded is actually what my title on here ("vincit qui se vincit") addresses. "He who conquers himself, conquers (all)" -- or, conquering the inner self empowers you to conquer things in your external world. It's something I'm getting tattooed on the arm that I used to self-mutilate on when I was a teenager surrounded by abuse and dealing with undiagnosed chemical depression. It's so, so, so vital to know it's necessary to confront the internal to control the external. (To me, the tattoo symbolizes having the capacity to control my experiences and never again experience the abuse, overcome the damages, and all of the things that made me facing my inner world first and foremost. Establishing healthy boundaries, identifying things I need to identify, and so on. "Life doesn't have to be that way, and I can reign over my own life," basically.)

    I'm curious as to what ways you are applying it specifically, what you are learning, what you are confronting/addressing or learning to control. That seemingly simple sentence is applicable to so many different things in so many different ways, and there is a lot of wisdom to be gained from its application in daily life.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    Are you insinuating that I'm not SLI again? . The matrix is the fake reality most people live in. It's a bubble that shelters people from the truth, I think the bubble exists because people haven't suffered enough. When people suffer reality hits them in the face it also gives way to higher levels of conscious awareness if the collective chooses to accept it. Introverted intuition I think has to do with unexplained patterns of awareness.
    I'm not familiar with proper Ni very much, but I have it in me (and it's something I repress a little bit), but as I see it, it's the ability of the mind to perceive "truth" by means that cannot be traced by any logical reasoning. You can't reverse engineer the conclusions, sometimes impossible of being translated into words, that Ni doms arrive at.

    You're probably not Ni dom though, otherwise you'd see what I see the first time I pointed out to you
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    The bolded is actually what my title on here ("vincit qui se vincit") addresses. "He who conquers himself, conquers (all)" -- or, conquering the inner self empowers you to conquer things in your external world. It's something I'm getting tattooed on the arm that I used to self-mutilate on when I was a teenager surrounded by abuse and dealing with undiagnosed chemical depression. It's so, so, so vital to know it's necessary to confront the internal to control the external. (To me, the tattoo symbolizes having the capacity to control my experiences and never again experience the abuse, overcome the damages, and all of the things that made me facing my inner world first and foremost. Establishing healthy boundaries, identifying things I need to identify, and so on. "Life doesn't have to be that way, and I can reign over my own life," basically.)

    I'm curious as to what ways you are applying it specifically, what you are learning, what you are confronting/addressing or learning to control. That seemingly simple sentence is applicable to so many different things in so many different ways, and there is a lot of wisdom to be gained from its application in daily life.
    They way you broke down points etc reminds me of an EIE, very mentor like. You might have a gift for this kind of thing unlike me but the way I see it, it's better to act upon and realize you later you did something stupid than to not act at all. So if you think you can help the world I say do it life is wayyy too short it's almost criminal.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    I'm not familiar with proper Ni very much, but I have it in me (and it's something I repress a little bit), but as I see it, it's the ability of the mind to perceive "truth" by means that cannot be traced by any logical reasoning. You can't reverse engineer the conclusions, sometimes impossible of being translated into words, that Ni doms arrive at.

    You're probably not Ni dom though, otherwise you'd see what I see the first time I pointed out to you
    The truth is very Te you're describing Ni mixed with Te. Te refers to objective reality. Ni is about unexplained patterns it's more similar to Ne than anything except Ne user's tend to be really good at expressing their intuition more. Ni is like an unexplained tangent of ideas that emerge internally. Nope I'm most likely an SLI only reason why i waste my time on these forums is cuz I got layed off.
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  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    This is a real issue--the loneliness aspect of it, anyway. It's a bit cringe when he talks about the subatomic particles instead of explaining it in more palatable terms, and when he talks about having sex with her being an act of bestiality. The point is that intelligence is mentally isolating. When you are operating at the level of the highest 1% of the population, that leaves you with LESS THAN 1% of the population who can genuinely connect with the fullest extent of your mind. Why less than? There are different kinds of intelligence, and not all of them will share the same type of intelligence that you have.

    It leaves you with people who are unable to fully get you, don't see or value your insights. There are many examples of geniuses in history who went through this. Einstein was thought to be crazy, his ideas were initially met with rejection. Isaac Newton is another example. There are other geniuses who were treated poorly because of their ideas in history as well.

    "The things they had in common were things that had to do with aloneness...They were alone in their heads."

    100%. I experience this also, and I've met a few others who were highly intelligent and experience this as well.
    Me doing something im interested in:

    Me excitedly and enthusiastically trying to explain said interests to other people:

    Other people reacting when hearing me talk about said interests:

    How I feel when I see their reaction:

    The point of origin of the mental isolation is not necessarily that no one understands your ideas (which would be a simple matter of communicating them more clearly). It's mostly caused by the fact that people don't recognize the value in them or appreciate them the way you do.

    Connecting with others through common interests is a basic fundamental component within the overall process of forming of human connections. The problem is that highly intelligent people are attracted to that which is novel and complex. That makes it more difficult to connect with others through common interests.

  21. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    They way you broke down points etc reminds me of an EIE, very mentor like. You might have a gift for this kind of thing unlike me
    What I've been trying to point out is that this is merely the product of application. Whether it's a gift I have, I don't doesn't seem that way to me. I think I just applied myself to working on it as a solution to some of my problems. I perceived a problem, looked inside myself to find...what's within my power to change and control? What can I do differently that will provoke different responses than this from other people? I broke it down, analyzed it, etc. Where I saw shortcomings and failures, I worked on improving/refining my skillset.

    This ties into the reason high IQ (which is static) is correlated with high EQ (which is fluid). The IQ form of intelligence is applied to the concepts behind EQ, therefore it is improved. The categories aren't really all that distinctive, they intertwine.

    (I've finalized the conclusion that I am ESI-Se, on a side note.)

    but the way I see it, it's better to act upon and realize you later you did something stupid than to not act at all. So if you think you can help the world I say do it life is wayyy too short it's almost criminal.
    There's a bit of a misunderstanding here. I'm not sure which part of what I said gave the impression that I was talking about using foresight only or something, but I am also very action-oriented in the way you described. A lot of what I'm talking about here refers to learning from the mistakes you made. My personal process entails some self-awareness for noticing when you made the mistake(s), the ability to analyze them, developing personal solution strategies for them, researching online to see if there is useful data that might help you correct your mistakes/shortcomings, and then applying what you've learned in action.

  22. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Me doing something im interested in:

    Me excitedly and enthusiastically trying to explain said interests to other people:

    Other people reacting when hearing me talk about said interests:

    How I feel when I see their reaction:

    The point of origin of the mental isolation is not necessarily that no one understands your ideas (which would be a simple matter of communicating them more clearly). It's mostly caused by the fact that people don't recognize the value in them or appreciate them the way you do.

    Connecting with others through common interests is a basic fundamental component within the overall process of forming of human connections. The problem is that highly intelligent people are attracted to that which is novel and complex. That makes it more difficult to connect with others through common interests.
    For almost a week now, I've been sculpting a commercial building. My design structure, layout, and other visuals, are very methodical and deliberate. It's not designed to just look pretty. I based the visual elements on the retail psychology that is used in the real world, except, I combined it with what I know about consumer behavior in metaverses and then formed my own psychological retail strategies to enhance marketing/improve sales in metaverses instead. I feel enthusiastic about everything I've been learning throughout the process of designing this commercial 3D model building, which makes me want to share all of those thoughts and strategies with someone. When I do share with someone I'm familiar enough with to discuss those concepts, they don't see the value behind it or appreciate it. From their perspective, it's like..."Why so complicated? Just put up some walls, make it look pretty, and be done with it."

    From typing this out, I just now noticed that this might be resolved by extending my social circle to include those who share a greater interest in 3D modeling or retail design. Maybe I just need to get more involved in communities where this is the main topic and form some friendships there.

    Basically, I would be specifically targeting communities with people who are interested in certain subjects, then dividing my interests up among different people. I guess that seems pretty common sense/socializing 101 now that I've thought about it.

    I keep looking for "whole" connections. Those connections in which you can share anything and everything with a few people. Those are the most satisfying, and it's like filling a void/hole within myself when I find them. It just seems like they're not all that realistic--or, if they are, then they're extremely uncommon. I wonder if this stems from some sort of remnant of damage that was inflicted by the "connection" I felt with my narcissistic father, from his love bombing and lies that imitated that kind of "whole" connection.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-23-2023 at 12:37 AM.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    What I've been trying to point out is that this is merely the product of application. Whether it's a gift I have, I don't doesn't seem that way to me. I think I just applied myself to working on it as a solution to some of my problems. I perceived a problem, looked inside myself to find...what's within my power to change and control? What can I do differently that will provoke different responses than this from other people? I broke it down, analyzed it, etc. Where I saw shortcomings and failures, I worked on improving/refining my skillset.

    This ties into the reason high IQ (which is static) is correlated with high EQ (which is fluid). The IQ form of intelligence is applied to the concepts behind EQ, therefore it is improved. The categories aren't really all that distinctive, they intertwine.

    (I've finalized the conclusion that I am ESI-Se, on a side note.)
    EQ is bullshit, EQ is the ability to manipulate others it has nothing to do with real intelligence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    There's a bit of a misunderstanding here. I'm not sure which part of what I said gave the impression that I was talking about using foresight only or something, but I am also very action-oriented in the way you described. A lot of what I'm talking about here refers to learning from the mistakes you made. My personal process entails some self-awareness for noticing when you made the mistake(s), the ability to analyze them, developing personal solution strategies for them, researching online to see if there is useful data that might help you correct your mistakes/shortcomings, and then applying what you've learned in action.
    You mean mistakes you've made? grammar bro.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    What I've been trying to point out is that this is merely the product of application. Whether it's a gift I have, I don't doesn't seem that way to me. I think I just applied myself to working on it as a solution to some of my problems. I perceived a problem, looked inside myself to find...what's within my power to change and control? What can I do differently that will provoke different responses than this from other people? I broke it down, analyzed it, etc. Where I saw shortcomings and failures, I worked on improving/refining my skillset.

    This ties into the reason high IQ (which is static) is correlated with high EQ (which is fluid). The IQ form of intelligence is applied to the concepts behind EQ, therefore it is improved. The categories aren't really all that distinctive, they intertwine.

    (I've finalized the conclusion that I am ESI-Se, on a side note.)
    EQ is bullshit, EQ is the ability to manipulate others it has nothing to do with real intelligence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    There's a bit of a misunderstanding here. I'm not sure which part of what I said gave the impression that I was talking about using foresight only or something, but I am also very action-oriented in the way you described. A lot of what I'm talking about here refers to learning from the mistakes you made. My personal process entails some self-awareness for noticing when you made the mistake(s), the ability to analyze them, developing personal solution strategies for them, researching online to see if there is useful data that might help you correct your mistakes/shortcomings, and then applying what you've learned in action.
    You mean mistakes "I've made" grammar bro. I was merely pointing out that thinking you can save the world is not very practical, especially in our current economic situation. We live in a society where more and more women are selling their bodies online to make ends meat, kids growing up in single parent homes and our education system providing no real value to young adults other than putting them into debt. Good luck save yourself first.
    Last edited by Amoeba; 04-26-2023 at 05:27 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol this entire thread vibes like "fake news"...almost like someone really bored and desperate to prove something created a sock puppet account and is staging a back and forth dialogue with themselves. Weird.
    Random triggered SLEs in the Delta threads bring me immense joy. Something about betas attempting/failing to humiliate people is fun. Mostly because it shows their lack of self awareness and insecurity. The humor mixed with their confusion somehow flailingly points out something true. It's ironic as hell. I laughed good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crink View Post
    Random triggered SLEs in the Delta threads bring me immense joy.
    There problem in the said is that good data to be assured in what is concrete type of a human is not always situation. Same as skills to understand correct types. What people say about own types, as in the example of that @Amoeba, has no basis to be trusted too.

    Mentioning of "joy" as the reaction on someone feeling bad emotions points on higher chance for you to have Fe type than Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There problem in the said is that good data to be assured in what is concrete type of a human is not always situation. Same as skills to understand correct types. What people say about own types, as in the example of that @Amoeba, has no basis to be trusted too.

    Mentioning of "joy" as the reaction on someone feeling bad emotions points on higher chance for you to have Fe type than Fi.
    Ok we're battle typing in the Delta threads now. Didn't know there were gatekeepers here. I have no idea about the other stuff you're talking about. Keep me out of your 16T drama.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    I tend to feel like i'm outside of the matrix while most people are inside.
    Seems like everyone feels that way.
    “You will take pleasure in all that is, though your bodies will break and your souls be forfeit. You will do this, and do this gladly. For I am Slaanesh, most jealous of the Gods, most demanding of lovers, and My thirst for you shall never be stated.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Relianum View Post
    Seems like everyone feels that way.
    Good the more the better.
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  30. #70
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    So I'm seeing this girl once a week to teach her how to play the keyboard. I always wait for her at the bus stop and I take her to my place. I have to admit that I'm starting to get romantically interested, even though I just wanted to be nice when I offered to teach for free. She is very reserved, and says very little, is very logical, and she has not made any physical moves when we were together so I guess she's not the initiating type or maybe just not interested in me that way. Funny thing though is that even though we never flirted nor had any physical contact, every word she says has an effect on me, I just feel the chemicals in my head bubbling up, even though she is "boring" and not creative. I also seem to have the same effect on her, she laughs hard at my jokes, and her eyes brighten up as I look at her. We do have a strong mental compatibility, and her mother said she wants to have a talk with me, and that her daughter (the girl) is loving the keyboard lessons. I never expected to like someone so much merely on an intellectual level. Yesterday she said she's not creative, and she is very direct and doesn't like to talk very much, and that just clicked in my mind that there's a small chance she's actually a very introverted SLI. I'm not sure she's S dominant yet though, because she's never made a physical move, as sensing girls usually do. Also I'm sure she has auxiliary thinking, because even though she's logical, she doesn't put pressure on me on that, and she has glimpses of touch with her feelings that indicate it's tertiary. After about 2 and a half months of seeing each other, we are starting to click, and she seems a lot more open now, and our friendship is getting much better and exciting. Besides all that, I saw a picture of her ex (who died for some reason I didn't ask), he is so similar to me! I guess she somehow " knows" my type and approached me because I'm identical to him That's fun and scary. What catches my attention is that fact that I feel like laughing/smiling whenever I'm talking to her on the street and I have to control myself to seem a little composed. I don't know what she does or how but I just feel an internal joy by being with her that I have never felt before.
    I can't wait to see her again. And I hope she gets over her ex.
    Last edited by BrainlessSquid; 07-23-2023 at 07:27 PM.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    As an IEE female with a crush on an SLI female, I relate to you but in a weirdly opposite way. The thing to know about IEEs (or at least myself) in relationships is that I will never, ever let the other person know I like them. In fact, whether subconsciously or not, I will try to make it seem like there's no way I could ever like them. IEEs may not seem to know what they want, but I find for the most part IEEs know deep down what they want, but need time to explore all options to make sure that's truly what they want.

    My best advice for you is to play the waiting game. Engage in playful banter and typical conversation with your crush. Look out for insinuations and hints that she is into you. For me, this usually manifests in overly asking about my crush's love life, finding games to play as an excuse for physical contact, implying they are similar to my type or asking about their type. However, it's important to keep up this cat and mouse game for awhile, as an IEE is looking to see if you can keep up with them. After awhile of this game, when the moment feels right, then the best thing to do is to just go for it. IEE will seldom make the first move.

    Often, IEE have trouble recognizing the deep emotional impact they have on the people they like. They see emotions and attachments as always changing, and thus think they don't mean anything. An example of this: I thought my SLI crush didn't like me/was growing bored, so I started ignoring her. She cornered me and asked to talk to me and had to explain to me how she's never been so close to anyone or been able to share these things with anyone before, and thus she needs me to not look elsewhere and stay focused on her. Me, being an IEE, immediately grew soft and my anger towards her disappeared. This was a big moment because it hit on both of our insecurities. I think people don't value me, so I leave before I am hurt. SLI secretly craves a deep emotional bond, but refuses to say anything until she feels like the IEE might leave her.

    As for how same gender relationships affect dualization, I think it's not affected too much. However, just know how you flirt and your boundaries with eachother may be different. An example of this. A typical SLI and IEE courtship between females might be more along the lines of pining after eachother as friends, whereas a heterosexual one may be a little faster to show romantic feelings and pine knowing they both like eachother.

    As for the interest thing, as an IEE I'll usually only bring up my interests with someone who I know shares them or someone I am close to that I don't care that they aren't interested. The best way to approach this could either be pretending you are trying to get into kpop or by talking about your own interests until she opens up. A true IEE likes to be submerged in new worlds and won't care that it's something unfamiliar to her.

    Additionally, the touch thing. My SLI does the same thing to me, and we are also in this weird pattern of saying nothing about it after the fact. I actually don't know how to deal with this either. I'm afraid if I point it out then she will stop, so I try to pretend it's casual touching among friends to get over it. Perhaps she does the same?

    It's funny you are both in psychology, as my SLI is in psych as well. Sorry this is so long. Stumbled into this thread somehow and was surprised to see someone in a similar situation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maemae View Post
    The thing to know about IEEs (or at least myself) in relationships is that I will never, ever let the other person know I like them. In fact, whether subconsciously or not, I will try to make it seem like there's no way I could ever like them.
    That's not an IEE thing, that's emotional immaturity. A lack of clear communication and playing games you're describing often makes other people confused, and very likely you'll be misread. As someone who had some (bad) experience with similarly understated ways of communicating and beating around the bush, I can only say don't do it.

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    Thanks for the reply! I don't view it as playing games, mostly because of my situation (being a lesbian in a homophobic community). But I understand your point. I was more like this in high school than I am now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maemae View Post
    As an IEE female with a crush on an SLI female, I relate to you but in a weirdly opposite way. The thing to know about IEEs (or at least myself) in relationships is that I will never, ever let the other person know I like them. In fact, whether subconsciously or not, I will try to make it seem like there's no way I could ever like them. IEEs may not seem to know what they want, but I find for the most part IEEs know deep down what they want, but need time to explore all options to make sure that's truly what they want.

    My best advice for you is to play the waiting game. Engage in playful banter and typical conversation with your crush. Look out for insinuations and hints that she is into you. For me, this usually manifests in overly asking about my crush's love life, finding games to play as an excuse for physical contact, implying they are similar to my type or asking about their type. However, it's important to keep up this cat and mouse game for awhile, as an IEE is looking to see if you can keep up with them. After awhile of this game, when the moment feels right, then the best thing to do is to just go for it. IEE will seldom make the first move.

    Often, IEE have trouble recognizing the deep emotional impact they have on the people they like. They see emotions and attachments as always changing, and thus think they don't mean anything. An example of this: I thought my SLI crush didn't like me/was growing bored, so I started ignoring her. She cornered me and asked to talk to me and had to explain to me how she's never been so close to anyone or been able to share these things with anyone before, and thus she needs me to not look elsewhere and stay focused on her. Me, being an IEE, immediately grew soft and my anger towards her disappeared. This was a big moment because it hit on both of our insecurities. I think people don't value me, so I leave before I am hurt. SLI secretly craves a deep emotional bond, but refuses to say anything until she feels like the IEE might leave her.

    As for how same gender relationships affect dualization, I think it's not affected too much. However, just know how you flirt and your boundaries with eachother may be different. An example of this. A typical SLI and IEE courtship between females might be more along the lines of pining after eachother as friends, whereas a heterosexual one may be a little faster to show romantic feelings and pine knowing they both like eachother.

    As for the interest thing, as an IEE I'll usually only bring up my interests with someone who I know shares them or someone I am close to that I don't care that they aren't interested. The best way to approach this could either be pretending you are trying to get into kpop or by talking about your own interests until she opens up. A true IEE likes to be submerged in new worlds and won't care that it's something unfamiliar to her.

    Additionally, the touch thing. My SLI does the same thing to me, and we are also in this weird pattern of saying nothing about it after the fact. I actually don't know how to deal with this either. I'm afraid if I point it out then she will stop, so I try to pretend it's casual touching among friends to get over it. Perhaps she does the same?

    It's funny you are both in psychology, as my SLI is in psych as well. Sorry this is so long. Stumbled into this thread somehow and was surprised to see someone in a similar situation.
    This was very helpful actually, thanks for answering! It does seem our situations are very similar, and it gives me a lot of comfort in knowing that this is somewhat standard for SLI-IEE dualization. Sadly though, we distanced ourselves from each other after a while, especially after I heavily implied that I had feelings for her. Let's just say she didn't have the emotional maturity to handle dealing with someone falling for her and trying to make it known.

    Still, even though I got into a fling with another person shortly thereafter, I can safely say she's been the last person I've felt genuinely attracted to, in the sense of swooning over. I hope we have another chance at talking again, she's ignored me for an entire year now, but at the same time I don't feel like breaking the silence, because she's the one that made a point of distancing herself from me. I know that's immature and all, but I'm too committed to my pride now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Peppermint Wind Vane View Post
    This was very helpful actually, thanks for answering! It does seem our situations are very similar, and it gives me a lot of comfort in knowing that this is somewhat standard for SLI-IEE dualization. Sadly though, we distanced ourselves from each other after a while, especially after I heavily implied that I had feelings for her. Let's just say she didn't have the emotional maturity to handle dealing with someone falling for her and trying to make it known.

    Still, even though I got into a fling with another person shortly thereafter, I can safely say she's been the last person I've felt genuinely attracted to, in the sense of swooning over. I hope we have another chance at talking again, she's ignored me for an entire year now, but at the same time I don't feel like breaking the silence, because she's the one that made a point of distancing herself from me. I know that's immature and all, but I'm too committed to my pride now.
    Hello there (:

    Yes! Rest assured that this is fairly standard practice in SLI-IEE dual relations. Unfortunately, how your situation ende is the route a lot of SLI-IEE duals end up taking. It can take awhile for IEEs to come into emotional maturity, in my opinion. It's part of the reason we are attracted to SLIs who are more emotionally mature in certain, but not all, situations. I've been trying to work more on becoming emotionally mature this past year.

    Also, wow! Your last sentence "I know that's immature and all, but I'm too committed to my pride now" reminded me SO MUCH of my SLI that I actually, genuinely burst out laughing. I hope things will work out between you two. But, it seems maybe the time is not right for both of you right now.

    Me and SLI are still playing our game, but I'm moving out (we live together) so we can get some better boundaries between us. Fingers crossed. Also, apologies about the late reply.

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    hmm, this is from what i've seen with my friend group with my IEE and SLI-te friend and how they ' dualize ' (?) not sure how dualization looks in this pair but I'm typing what I notice..
    The SLI-te friend seems to admire and especially adore the IEE, they love their big emotional expression , kindness, optimism and creativity. The IEE are always asking weird questions like " what would you do if.." ( so 2L of her ) and the SLI seems to like answering these questions. I on the other hand seems to get stressed by such questions I do not know why, it makes me uneasy actually. The IEE asks alot of questions that really make you think. The IEE also asks for ALOT of advice when it comes to work related things, they seem always stressed when it came to studying and doing good on assignments, they're not so confident in their skill and me and the SLI reassure her constantly on this. I am personally kinda annoyed since the IEE seems to ask a question every 10 seconds but the SLI doesn't seem to mind it at all unless it gets in the way of doing her work.
    The SLI gives her precise step by step ways on helping her and the IEE appreciates it alot, I notice the IEE and I admire this trait of the SLI ( i guess we're admiring her te in this instance ). When the IEE asks me questions on how to do something, I feel like I freeze cause ngl i don't know what i'm really doing either and I know I can't provide the specific ways to help her like the SLI-te friend but I do my best.
    The IEE at first seems to overlook the SLI a little though, not on purpose whereas the SLI silently admires her close yet afar, the SLI likes complimenting the IEE alot to which the IEE is flustered or is like " aww stop it you. "
    I told them about the socionic dual thing ( dont judge me for this smh ) and the SLI seemed to believe it ( because she admires the IEE so much ) though the IEE was like ... " uhhhh idk ..." buttttt when I told the IEE that her close best friend is LSE which makes them activity partners and that activity partners get along decently , she believed in socionics more.
    I connected with the IEE mostly through our fi, she asks me alot of fi related questions and dilemmas and I'm always so happy to answer them and give my 2 cents but the SLI friend is relatively quiet during these. But we can also clash when speaking about fi related problems, the SLI and IEE often see me as pessimistic while they're optimistic. ( in response i say im realistic and don't want my friends getting hurt since I saw a possibility of that, the IEE to me was overly too optimistic off no reason , to me atleast. )
    I also notice xLIs are lowkey clingy to their friends or seem to feel closer to someone then they are (?) not sure, but the SLI would express how she sees me and the IEE as her closest friends pretty quickly ( at the time me and the IEE seemed surprised by this ). The SLI though seems emotionally constipated outwardly , is also quite affectionate to her friends and places a big importance on their close bonds, she expresses her appreciation for me and the IEE alot. I notice this with xLIs even with te subtypes.
    When the SLI tries to coerce how I feel out of me, I don't express it in a animated or passionate way like how the IEE does it ; so I notice the SLI doesn't respond to me the same way she does with the IEE . with me its like the SLI doesnt know what to say especially when i dont give off much outwardly, but she seems to know what to say / comfort when the IEE ' vents ', especially when the IEE is much more open to being vulnerable.
    in our friend group, the SLI is the one ' making the moves ' , she's the one giving out prompts and conversations , asking us how our day is and trying to coerce our emotional states out of us. I am surprised by this and this is what I really like about the SLI. The IEE does exactly this too and tells us how her day went in a very fun way to catch our attention. The SLI and IEE are more similar than I thought as I'm typing this.
    The delta ness of this friend group is so .. peaceful if that makes sense. No gossip, just care for one another. That's the vibe of our friendgroup and I like it alot.
    I think the SLI-te girl likes the IEE girl in my personal opinion, but the SLI-te girl seems to hide it 'very well' , but I'm a fi base so I noticed this instantly ( half joke ). The SLI-te girl literally called the IEE girl perfect, MULTIPLE TIMES LMAOO so that def alerted me to think the SLI likes the IEE.
    I don't think the IEE girl knows about the crush, i think she notices a little bit but thinks its nothing. Plus the IEE girl is in a somewhat relationship with someone else now. ( the same person she asked fi advice about and literally BEGGED me to be hopeful about because I was pessimistic about their connection. i dont know who the person is but i know their actions so i dont like them ).
    If my IEE and SLI-te friend dated I would be happy, they'll make a cute couple and help each other grow so well, I can see it in my head. As friends they already help each other learn and grow. If they did dated , they'll be that cute vegan lesbian couple shopping for a new cat bed in walmart or sumn.

    I'm sorry to hear about with you and the IEE. With anyone in general, it all depends on the person's emotional maturity and their character. I hope you feel better
    One text can go a long way, You never know what can happen. But of course that's all up to you, it's your life your rules

  37. #77
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Evil IEE Failings

    Hi, I know I have been gone from 16T for what seems forever and I am just popped in and this topic looked interesting. I wrote a lot of awful-to-write papers last year I had to write for further professional certification and now that I am free of that I am obsessed with personal goals I had little time for previously. I also love to spend time (that I used to spend online here) listening to the many prophets of our times, and I love making a study of these Words and related scriptures. It makes me very happy.
    I'm Catholic, and years of contemplating your shortcomings is par for the course. These following two early life incidences of personal “evil” are from way back, before I converted to Catholic as an adult. Do you think these are an IEE thing, or are they just due to early insecurities (some early wounding leading to too-much wanting to be liked?)
    The first example of badness/selfishness was in 7th grade. I had a longtime friend (LSI) I had known since I met her Vacation Bible School at my church at 3rd or 4th grade. She lived in the next town (and is still my friend) so I saw her sporadically. I just liked her instantly and we stayed friends, leading to our siblings and parents getting to know each other well over the years. She was always a klutz, which wasn't explained until years later when she learned she had very many blind spots including almost completely everything below mid-eyesight range. Kids at her school were not kind to the klutz. She may have told me but I didn't think about it. She invited me to a skating party with her church youth group. I happened to wear my new favorite clothes my mom had let me pick out for the first time when shopping. Surprising to me was so many kids taking interest in me the newcomer. When I went off the rink a small bunch followed me, and cornered me, wanting to know why I was friends with my friend. I was baffled by the question as well as their intensity and it took me some time to understand it was because they thought she could not have a "normal" friend like me. I was surprised by their evaluations of both of us. Next comes my shame. I was motivated to be liked, and, instead of saying what I later always wished I had said, "Because she's a great girl!", I did not take the high road. No. I said, aiming give an answer they'd like, "Because our Moms are friends." They seemed satisfied with the answer, and left me alone, with my instant shame.
    The next bad thing is from college years, but it stemmed from something a mean girl said the first week of third grade. She had had different previous teachers; I never met her. I started that year in terror, as my 2nd grade teacher had been mean and scary; she used to dump my desk and yell at me to wake me up from daydreaming and “pay attention!” Now this new, strict teacher seemed real mean, too [she wasn’t]. Life was frightening. This little mean girl said to me, mocking, “Who would ever want to marry you?” This sentence is the only one I remember from 3rd grade, and it stung on my mind whenever I remembered it. It was like she made a declaration. Fast forward to sometime in college, after getting less-shy from so much socializing, in contrast to my restricted home life in childhood, I discovered, as young girls do, the delight of being liked by boys. Now suddenly it seemed lots of guys liked me, and I enjoyed the thrill of dating and being liked. I think it gave me a glow, to be enjoy being liked, to be the center of attraction in a young man’ eyes. But it was not so nice for they guy when his genuine affection for the person who seemed to love his attention so much wasn’t returned. Since I found it painful to cause someone pain, I got good at letting them down so very kindly and nicely. It took a long time to realize that it would be better to put thought into not hurting feelings in the first place (but I must have ignored my conscience, and I kept doing what made me so happy – receiving being liked) than to put lots of thought into apologizing so nicely. A very selfish motivation, which took me awhile to realize about myself, as I continued happily getting my “need” met. I think I finally realized I could safely assume I was likeable, and stopped that, and turned instead to a search for deeper meaning in life. Finally, falling in love with God as a second-semester junior distracted me away from the bad habit I had formed.
    Then I hurriedly married the wrong guy shortly after graduation…
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I just want to say, if anyone wants to say anything to me, you have to say it right here. My private messages, my "Like" and other notifications features DO NOT WORK for me, as they did not last time I posted quite some time aqo. [In that interim, some sent me PMs, but they don't show up when I go to read them; I am not allowed to see who wrote or what was said if you PM'd me. I see only a notification of a number who did. I do not expect it to be fixed here so i am not asking. So no PMs for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I just want to say, if anyone wants to say anything to me, you have to say it right here. My private messages, my "Like" and other notifications features DO NOT WORK for me, as they did not last time I posted quite some time aqo. [In that interim, some sent me PMs, but they don't show up when I go to read them; I am not allowed to see who wrote or what was said if you PM'd me. I see only a notification of a number who did. I do not expect it to be fixed here so i am not asking. So no PMs for me.
    Hey Eliza!
    “You will take pleasure in all that is, though your bodies will break and your souls be forfeit. You will do this, and do this gladly. For I am Slaanesh, most jealous of the Gods, most demanding of lovers, and My thirst for you shall never be stated.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    That's not an IEE thing, that's emotional immaturity. A lack of clear communication and playing games you're describing often makes other people confused, and very likely you'll be misread. As someone who had some (bad) experience with similarly understated ways of communicating and beating around the bush, I can only say don't do it.
    Yeah, i'm in no way like that. Maybe because i'm a man, but I've seen IEE females who aren't this bitchy either.

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