Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathelics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Miss Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

You're saying there's a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
You must be neo then you can just download information in your head and learn it in a day, also as you mentioned high I.Q people tend be lonely, I agree 100%. In terms of my Ni it's not a possibility, I definitely have well developed Ni and I tend to go into different mode sets depending on the task at hand. When learning about theoretical topics I get into an Ni state and I notice this because the connections start coming to me easily. This happens when I'm putting together a song for example and imagining how the song would sound like in my head. So yeah ILI is not too unreasonable of a type for me at all.