Say yes and no to parts that are yes and no to you. Explain if you want. You can check more additional info here and include them.


  • no doubts about own interest in another person
  • not prone to hesitation about whether or not to reveal that interest
  • focus is more on own interest than whether or not the other person might reciprocate
  • romantic interaction is more about “toughness” than “tenderness”
  • needs to feel some sense of “superiority” over the partner, but worthwhile only if the partner is seen as able to largely “keep up”
  • this takes the form of power games, which others might regard as cruel or bitchy
  • in the case of female Aggressors with male partners, the above tends to assume the characteristic of a woman expecting total devotion from the partner, rather than her being “bossy”
  • little inclination to externally admit not having been the one to end a relationship, unless if adopting a “who cares” front simultaneously


  • prone to initial doubts about intensity of own interest in another person
  • not always confident about revealing that interest
  • inclined to focus on whether or not the other person might reciprocate the interest
  • inclined to question whether or not the other person’s interest will remain constant with time
  • preference for partners that provoke in the individual a certain sense of awe in terms of power, physical presence, and the like
  • appreciation for the sense of power-play present when interacting with such partners, with acceptance of a slight sense of superiority on the part of the partner, without ever actually “submitting” to them
  • this takes the form of the individual somewhat expecting the partner to be “mean” on occasion
  • in the case of Victim males with female partners, this latter trait assumes a characteristic analogous to a “knight devoted to his princess”
  • inclination to openly admit to a relationship having been ended by the partner rather than by the individual himself


  • Inclination towards smooth, easy flowing, “soft” or suave interaction with elements of playful teasing, rather than “hard” approach and direct physical provocation.
  • Attraction is sparked by aesthetic and mental attributes of the prospective partner, but cools if such attributes are accompanied by an overly “aggressive” sexuality.
  • Caring types are attentive in courtship. In conversation, they are inclined to focus their attention on the statements and needs of their partner, and may ask questions concerning how their partner is doing and how are they feeling.
  • Interest is kept up if their partner is welcoming of their care and attention, and even evokes it, and seeks them out.
  • Prone to assume that partner needs their support and help in everyday daily matters, and in meeting their needs.
  • Neutral as to who ended a relationship. “Power” is not seen as important in such matters, though the ethical matters may still be of importance.


  • Interest is sparked by a partner with positive aesthetic attributes, divorced from active, direct sexuality.
  • Try attracting partner’s interest with fun and interesting conversation and discussion, proposals, humor, ethical and mental exploration, and quirky statements.
  • Try to help their partner see the unexpected, potential, and alternative side of things.
  • Interest is maintained or cools off according to partner’s response to the above behavior.
  • Appreciate partners who are attentive to their needs, which are not necessarily physical. If the partner does not meet their needs, they may not say anything and instead try to endure and last on their own. If their needs are not met by their partner, their satisfaction considerably decreases resulting in temper outbreaks and arguments as they become more demanding.