Socionic Club Quadra | Megedy-Ovcharov test (

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My result:

Fantasist (I - intuition of possibilities) 23

A fantasist is a very inquisitive, internally rebellious person. He fervently defends his intellectual beliefs, but is compliant and withdrawn in practical or material matters. He has a strong associative-figurative perception. Full of ideas and proposals of a not quite practical nature. He is quick to notice the relationships between outwardly different phenomena. He always sees a lot of ideas and proposals. He is quick to notice the relationships between apparently different phenomena. He always sees many options for solving problems and can solve them in rather unexpected ways for others. Quite impulsive, despite his obsession with any new idea, he does not always have the patience to finish what he started and this often interferes with the achievement of life goals. He is disgusted with monotony, routine, patterns and regulations. He is constantly in opposition to the existing order, reluctant to compromise on what is important to him, but may lose interest in the situation if it does not decide quickly and switch to another.

WINNER (F - power sensory) 21

The winner is an energetic, active, practically agile person. Quickly navigates in critical situations. Hardy, able to overcome obstacles without complaining about difficulties. He has a short temper, straightforward and uncompromising character. He knows how to insist on his own. Unyielding and pragmatic, he goes to his goal no matter what. Demanding and picky, internally problematic, often uncooperative. He lacks tact and diplomacy in dealing with others. He is a rather harsh, assertive and intolerant person. He has few friends.

PEACEMAKER (R - Ethics of Relationships) 20

A peacemaker is a tactful person who is not characterized by ambition. Peaceful, sentimental and sensitive. Kind and compliant. He knows how to smooth out misunderstandings and maneuver in relationships. He is well versed in people and easily establishes the necessary distance in communicating with them. He establishes or changes relationships, guided more by the interests of others than by his own. He is quite forgiving of other people's weaknesses and prone to compromises for the sake of maintaining a good relationship, so his kindness is often abused. Suffers from a lack of willpower, perseverance and initiative.

FORECASTER (T - intuition of time) 20

A forecaster is a person with a developed intuition that allows him to penetrate his thoughts into the past or future and anticipate the outcome of certain events. He is characterized by dissatisfaction with real reality and a desire to change it. Therefore, he strives for self-improvement and is never satisfied with what has been achieved. Hence the increased demands on oneself and others. In search of elusive harmony, he is internally contradictory and prone to constant doubts, which is why he often switches his attention and is distracted by new ideas or deeds. He is interested in the phenomena of the surrounding world, trying to understand its patterns and predict the further development of events. Has a tendency to think about the laws of the universe, shows interest in moRalno-philosophical or religious problems, the search for truth and harmony in the surrounding world. This is a rather original person, but due to an amorphous temperament, unpredictability of character and uncertainty in the fulfillment of his obligations, he often causes polar assessments of his personality.

PROFESSIONAL (P - business logic) 18

A professional is a good specialist who constantly improves the level of his business competence. He is hardworking, active and conscientious. You can rely on him for everything. Respects above all the usefulness, expediency, quality, accuracy, order and accuracy in business. Stubborn and consistent. Because of this, he often has to finish someone else's work. Trusts only experience, as well as facts and verified information. He needs a certain distance in communication in order not to fall into emotional dependence on his partner. He is not inclined to compromise, but does not tolerate conflicts, so in extreme cases he can make temporary concessions in affairs or relationships. He has difficulty expressing his feelings, so he may look like a dry or cold person in communication.

ROMANTIC (E - ethics of emotions) 17

A romantic is an affable, but very vulnerable, emotional and internally contradictory person. It is highly dependent in communication with others on one's own likes and dislikes and related experiences, but tries to hide this from others. He can exert a strong influence on others by the strength and depth of manifestation of his feelings. He is able to raise their spirit and mood, to captivate them with an idea, but such behavior is not a well-thought-out tactic for him. A romantic does not seek power, rarely sets himself specific goals of a practical nature. He is often disappointed in the objects of his sympathies, but cannot live without inner ideals. Suffers from frequent mood swings and self-doubt.

EPICUREAN (S - sensory sensations) 15

An epicurean is a realistic, self-confident person. I am determined to receive from life all its joys and pleasures. A gourmet, an aesthete, is not indifferent to the quality of things. He is a non-demonstrative leader. Active and active. He knows how to please people, to drag them along with him. He knows what he wants and always achieves his goal through willpower, perseverance and perseverance. In relationships, he is often stubborn and does not like objections. He tends to arrange everything in a way that is convenient for him. He does not always take into account the interests of others, but can be diplomatic and courteous if necessary. His power is gently manifested. He is well aware of the physical and material needs of others and is able to take care of everyone. He is not self-critical enough and does not like criticism. Do not mind on occasion to emphasize your merits.

LOGICian (L - structural logic) 15

A logician is a person with developed analytical thinking. He appreciates logical arguments. Strives for order in everything, systematization, structuring and categorization. He skillfully plans his affairs, makes plans and schedules. Very patient, conscientious, scrupulous and meticulous in his work. This is a methodical, balanced person, prefers to prepare for everything in advance. He needs a calm, secluded environment for reflection. I tend to analyze everything. He does not trust assumptions that are not supported by numbers and facts. Lives more with reason, is not inclined to succumb to feelings at the expense of considerations of expediency and sound Sense. Quite inflexible in relationships.