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Thread: Sex Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church

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  1. #11
    DogOfDanger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    No, you have just been dead set on saying something is unnatural if it doesn't have a positive survival or reproductive value from an evolutionary perspective.

    Nature is what is, warts and all, even the parts you don't like: that's reality.
    What I've said repeatedly is that certain acts aren't primarily explained as being driven by natural instinct, instinct is something that evolved. Every instinct you have exists to hone you toward successful survival and reproduction. In nature instinct can get blocked and express in deferred ways. When that happens, the explanation for the behavior is the circumstances - the blockage of instinct. There are other reason people do things... everything you do is not in line with your natural instincts, or a full, harmonious expression of them.

    And as I've explained twice, Kahns behavior did not occur in natural circumstances, where he would have been beaten over the head by people with boulders if he had gone and raped all the women in the tribe. Behavior that occurs within a social context is not the correct way to model or think about what is or isn't natural, evolved instinct. To think about our instincts, and to understand them, you should think about a tribe of cavemen living in the wilderness in mesopotamia. Those are the kinds of conditions inwhich we evolved. You also have to think in an idealistic way, because you're thinking on scales of billions of years ultimately. Do you understand? I've mentioned to you the fact that alpha male monkeys get ambushed and torn to pieces when their social approval drops below a certain point. If you spent two seconds trying to think critically about what we're talking about, instead of instantly looking for some hole to poke in FACTS about evolution to justify your life and sexuality, you would have thought of these things. But you don't stop for two seconds to look deeper into criticizing your own comments. Instead you expect me to come up with a full, giant rational to address your stupid comments because you made zero effort in thinking them through, because you are only interested in reconfirming to yourself your dogmatic ideological fixations. And you do this because, again, you are a moron.

    And I'm tired of comments about human biology triggering tantrums from borderline, bipolar deluded nuts holding me accountable for their fucking sexual acts when all I try to do is avoid or smooth over their offended egos, where every fucking word I utter or idea I promote has to conform to somehow stoke these peoples fucking deluded ego about how they justify their sex lives. This has gone too far to the point we now pretend - PRETEND - that changing your fucking sex is an inherent biological need, and force us all to DENY INDISPUTABLE FACTS about biology. Fuck-off.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 09-25-2022 at 03:54 AM.

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