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  1. #121
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    You can tell, huh? So then why couldn't you tell that your IFR statistic was not correct? And why don't you know what the correct IFR is...? If you've read the studies and know the statistics better than I do.
    Why don't you know the frequencies of myocarditis and the causes? Why do you not understand that an 84% increase of a 1 in 200,000 occurrence is not a huge number?
    Why don't you know whether that statistic setup controls between the vaccine population and the general population?
    And why is it that every person I have asked for the data showing the millions of deaths so far can't be bothered to provide it, yet they can provide me with long lists of clickbait news articles (Peters corner) making the claim?
    Hmm... surely they aren't just getting all their information from news articles and repeating it without really looking into it.
    Keep trying.

  2. #122
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    There's really nothing left to debate, ... there's no salvaging this one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    ya, common sense recommends nobody under 100 take the vaxx.

    zzz yeah yeah blah blah blah nobody cares. u tryna intimidate me old man?

    i tried being nice then all of a sudden u busted out ur ruler and tried turning this into a dick measuring contest. like wtf?

    stop pretending like you're smart, trying to steer the convo away from the topic to "you aren't as smart as me, prove it!!!" lol stfu u bum. this routine is so cheezy and overplayed i don't know why you think it works. u may as well wear a whitecoat and sell products on an midnight infomercial wearing ur broken duct taped glasses

    okay steve urkel u need to be slapped across the face with my dirty foot cuz its not registering in ur skull

    I trust the top florida cardiologist conclusions (that twitter censored) that actually did the studies and does this for a living. why dont u email him and tell him hes wrong instead of wasting my time. I'm sure his intentions are evil. O wait u wont bc he is also *much* smarter than you pretending to be some epidemiology expert. my analysis shows that u r nothing more than am armchair critic that smells and eats cheetos. my findings were statistically significant p value 0.05.

    Go suck a full dose of Bill Gates' vacinnated dick. Once his sperm titers run low u can take his boosters up ur ass to get urself back up to levels. I'll be sure to log the lot/expiration date. Be sure to thaw his dick from fridge before sucking and discard after 12 hours.
    I almost feel embarrassed for you reading this, you couldn't crash & burn harder in an argument if you tried.
    It's amusing that you actually went back and merged / deleted 5 of your posts to try & minimize how humiliating this conversation was for you, and then you try & reinitiate the debate. But since you still have no argument... you make a very weak appeal to authority (arbitrarily 'trusting' a lone voice over the entire medical establishment) then start going on about sucking dicks.
    (BTW - who appointed him "the Greatest Cardiologist in Florida" - did he win an award with those words written on it? But you never actually answered the question about the data, did you? Because, you know, you never actually looked at the data, and don't know where it is...)
    Just stop, you're making it worse.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-11-2022 at 02:05 AM.

  4. #124
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    It's an obvious act but I think the real guy is LIE. He reminds me of the faux musculature LIE males usually carry around.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    LIE?? I personally haven't seen an LIE so performative, obscenely attention-seeking and dramatic. It's so obnoxious with him that it makes him seem gay. Even SEE would make more sense but i think Gamma is a bad typing for him nevertheless, he screams Fe. Beta extrovert.
    Pretty poor reasoning. I haven't met an EII who wasn't a Disney girl so therefore you can't be EII if you're not a Disney girl

  6. #126
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    The fact that others can also follow basic reasoning & reach correct conclusions is something we should all find comfort in.
    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    @DogOfDanger ur boyfriend @Alive at least approves
    There are alot of other personal attacks you could be choosing, but gay sex is the one you go back to time & again.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-11-2022 at 02:22 AM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    @DogOfDanger yea ur boyfriend @Alive at least approves

    @Alive, ur lover @DogOfDanger can handle himself. let him put on his big boy pants.

    yet you are here, debating with me bc ur an insecure nutjob, where i get to live in ur head rent free.

    you think getting wrecked by @pregnantman is some badge of honor but its just plain pathetic tbh. go put ur energy in more useful things

    yeah ok, like ur argument is any better. "WHERE IS THE DATA" is ur entire argument. i already answered that (see post #126), and I don't need to answer it again. u instead twist what I said and moved the goal posts. its only been 2 years. the data is slowly coming out. chill.

    btw ur not smarter than the top florida cardiologist who recommended against vaccination and got censored. ur just a nobody loser tbh. which is why u are lashing out against me and ur bf @Alive had to jump in to back you up from humiliation

    ur mom

    who cares? there was a lot of lone voices in science, like greta thunberg

    no u. u lazy stubborn ballsack. i trust the top florida cardiologist's recommendation over @DogOfDanger, some loser nobody from an obscure personality forum

    stop ittttttt!!

    u couldn't even punch ur way out of a paperbag. its good that you have ur bf @Alive to comfort you
    Looks like a circuit has blown.

    Greta Thunberg is not a scientist, she's a mentally ill autistic child. She & AOC have only succeeded in turning the environmental movement into a laughing stock... we don't need these two leading the planets environmental movement.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    but i wasnt arguing with you. i was insulting you.

    nah, i was literally just eating doritos and playing video games last night. but i have more time today.

    again, cheesy and irrelevant. ur a dork trying to peacock like andrew tate here

    this is why u deserve to be insulted (rather than censored) so u stop this nonsense. its clown world garbage

    heres a little more peacocking from you:

    heres one of many examples of u strawmaning. which i notice u do frequently. did i claim that the main mechanism of vaccines was to kill people? i didn't even mention the word "bioweapon" but you went off on ur little rant here:

    how is any sane person supposed to respond to that? u sound like a bizarro version of @Subteigh here. sure, it may make guys like @Alive wet (te-valuing), but i don't have time for that

    another red herring:

    and another:

    u derail hard here. u demonstrate faulty logic here that i'd like to point out. this is like saying "i drank alcohol last night, why am i still alive?"

    anyway, not worth going too into that now. moving on

    There is nothing mind-blowing about the original premise, which you (predictably) tried to derail and twist into this weird strawman argument that you didn't realize (or rather intentionally) bc ur ego was wayyy overblown. Supporting my original argument certainly doesn't require me to psychopathically spit out epidemiology numbers.

    To reiterate my main point:

    Negative vaccine data are severely underreported, censored and not fully transparent. Much of the mainstream "science data" (and its interpretation) is biased toward political and ideological agendas (in the US, particularly). Why do u think companies like the FDA withholding data?? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this.

    Greta and AOC aren't scientists yet they get the spot light while scientists that deny climate change - you never hear their voice. And u expect me to believe the mainstream data is honest?

    I don't need to reinvent the wheel and prove that gravity exists. All the experts have already done the hard work.

    So here you go, more data:

    To summarize so far, the claims above were provided from:

    top florida cardiologist, MIT, UK, CDC, Vaers, FDA/Pfizer (unreleased data, getting sued), insurance companies, and anecdotes around the world.

    Lol. Why am i not surprised. More Te bullshit tactics. Not impressed.

    But okay, Here ya go cupcake, Dr. John Campbell, a scientist, (who youtube is trying to censor) summarizing the data:

    Make a video response and refute the Drs @DogOfDanger, educate everyone why their interpretations of the data and recommendation is wrong

    I'll be waiting but I highly doubt anything. Usually when the opponent didn't even research the other side, its bc they already made up their mind in what they're going to believe. It has nothing to do with not being able to find the information.

    You will most likely:

    --do nothing or
    --do a credibility attack or
    --do some weird Te evasive/derail thing.

    Anyway, carry onward

    Speaking of basic reasoning mistakes, that is actually not my statement, but pasted from the article dummy lol.
    I'm torn between justifying this giant bout of low-IQ verbal diarrhea with a response and just ignoring it, but you did post 4 videos that are well put together. Of course you gave no analysis on them, didn't state their relevancy, or even prove you understood them... you just posted them and went spewing unrelated mental garbage for pages. But they are good videos - put together by a man who is far, far smarter than you, who has done great work throughout the pandemic - so I will respond to that part of what you've said.

    Unfortunately for you, this man never suggests what you are claiming, or even comes close to doing so.
    In your first video, for the excess deaths, he lists 6 or 7 possible causes. COVID-19 vaccination is not on his list. So yes, he triggers your paranoia, but that is all he does.
    The man in your video has spent the last 2 years pouring through all the latest COVID research on a daily basis, he's probably one of the leading experts on the COVID vaccines at this point. Why didn't he list COVID-19 vaccine as a potential cause of excess death?
    Here are some potential reasons:
    a) there are now 37 approved COVID-19 vaccines that are being used in various countries around the world, if you don't believe that figure take a look -
    Ukraine had about half its population receive a Russian vaccine / non mRNA vaccines, but its excess mortality is on par with the rest of Europe.
    One of the countries with the highest rate of excess death, Switzerland, had about 65% of their population receive the Moderna vaccine.
    Meanwhile the place with the highest excess deaths, Spain, used about 70% Pfizer and about 20% Moderna. Pfizer is also the most common vaccine used throughout Europe, yet we are seeing these excess deaths much higher in Spain than the rest of Europe.
    Meanwhile Luxemberg has reported fewer deaths than expected, but their populations also received a mix of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
    b) there are 6-7 other explanations that may account for the excess deaths, all of which he lists off. Including long term effects from COVID itself.
    c) the excess deaths look to be related by cardiovascular issues. The post-viral cardiovascular issue is well known and well studied with other viruses, we have historic evidence of elevated cardiovascular risk extending beyond an immediate acute infection. Studies for COVID in this respect are beginning to be produced, by their nature they focus on the earlier periods of the pandemic and the Alpha / Beta strains. There is clear evidence that there is a subgroup of people who've had a COVID infection from one of these earlier variants that will be experiencing cardiovascular risk for a period afterwards, 6-12 months or possibly longer.
    Omicron was considered a much more harmless variant, it was also much more contagious, and it spread throughout the entire population. Omicron infected much higher numbers of people than other variants. If Omicron can induce the same kinds of long term cardiovascular problems that the other variants can, that would explain these numbers.
    The vaccines are very carefully studied and monitored as they're rolled out. Your doctor has seen / shown on his channel numerous population-wide studies correlating vaccine use and medical events, broken down in many ways, and this data has not shown correlations with long term death & vaccination
    e) All known severe side effects associated with the vaccines are short-term effects. And again, it isn't like the vaccines haven't been studied in prolonged trials. We simply do not have any evidence that the excess deaths are caused by the vaccines. If the vaccines were causing deaths it is unlikely that this effect would not appear in the short or medium term, but would only show up 2 years down the line.
    The man in your video is practicing evidence-based medicine.
    Normally you'd hypothesize that people like this were suppressing information and conspiring against you. The deciding factor for you seems to be whether the researcher confirms or denies your paranoia. What I've been asking you to provide is evidence to support your claims.
    f) from google it looks like there is also evidence that the excess deaths are tracking with ER / ambulance wait times. That makes sense since the severe events causing the excess deaths span a wide range of conditions, but they're all conditions that require immediate attention. People don't realize this but the pandemic was horrible for hospitals both financially and in terms of the number of workers quitting. The data on excess death is being compared with pre-pandemic levels, but tons of workers quit during the pandemic. I see one report indicating average ambulance total response time is now 59 minutes, they aim for about 15 minutes. Cardiac events in particular require quick response to deal with.

    In video #4 he then breaks down some actual data on severe medical events following vaccination. Here is the data, as reported severe medical events per 100,000:

    Pulmonary embolism - 1.01 - (stroke)
    Erythema - 1.04 - (superficial reddening of the skin)
    Pain - 1.1

    Palpitations - 1.11
    Hypoaethesia - 1.13 - (decreased sensitivity to stimulation)
    Local reaction - 1.14
    Pruritis - 1.23 - (itchy / dry skin)
    Myocarditis - 1.3 (heart inflammation)
    Herpes Zoster - 1.42
    Somnolence - 1.56 (sleepiness)
    Diarrhea - 1.59
    Arthralgia - 1.97 (joint stiffness)

    Menstrual disorder - 2.03
    Cough - 2.59
    Asthenia - 2.94 (lack of energy)
    Vomiting - 3.93
    Erythema at vaccination site - 4.48
    Reaction at vaccination site - 4.7
    Arrhythmia - 4.8
    Pain in an extremity - 4.81
    Swelling at injection site - 6.21
    Dyspnoea - 6.22
    Parathesia - 7.23
    Warm sensation - 7.23
    Tachycardia - 8.19
    Rash - 9.53
    Malaise - 10.31
    Lymphadenopathy - 11.52
    Nausea - 11.59

    So we can see that only 2 of these self-reported severe events are potentially life threatening - Myocarditis and stroke, with a combined frequency of about 1 in 50,000.
    This is the same number we've been discussing all along.
    Events that are life threatening tend to be reported.
    Basically your own video refutes your own point, and
    provides clear evidence that these severe life threatening events are very rare.

    So then where is that MIT data that claims the vaccine (one of them) has killed 500,000 people...? Your copy/pasted news article mentioned it, but you didn't post the study itself, and I don't see that on the internet anywhere. Go ahead and provide that data.

    For the rest - you have now quoted my old posts 3 separate times & responded to them in 3 ways, gone back and deleted / rewritten your own responses multiple times, you actually deleted 7 of your posts, then you spent 2 hours constructing this giant wall of text only to just blabber off a bunch of totally irrelevant insults. I really could not care less what some dumb fatass eating doritos in his mother basement, paranoid that his life is going to come to an end, opinion is. ... and
    I also can't spend the repeated long hours responding to your opinions unless you provide real evidence that justifies them, since it takes no effort to make a claim or repost click-bait slogans, but often significant effort to research / refute said idea. Fundamentally it is your responsibility to prove your claim, we don't start from assuming your claims are correct &, if we can't disprove them, continue assuming they're correct. You know, because we're discussing matters of science, and skepticism is at the very heart of science.
    Now, unlike you I have things to do.... adios
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-12-2022 at 03:35 PM.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    da fuq? u on crack or ru just retarded @DogOfDanger???

    lol wut? this is rather vague. i call bullshit. which one? moderna? pfizer? johnson & johnson?

    lol wut? then why do sum vaccines that are delievered into the fat (subq route), where there's no veins, cause myocarditis?

    the smallpox vaccine, for example, is delievered via fat (SubQ), suggesting that the myocarditis seen is most likely an autoimmune phenomenon. the viral antigens resemble the proteins on the myocardium, and the immune system cannot distinguish between the two, triggering an inflammatory response.

    furthermore, there is ample evidence that checking if u hit a vein (aspiration) may not be required for injection into muscle and fat since you have minimal vascularity in those areas.

    when a drug is injected directly into circulation (intraveously), that's when you're most likely to be concerned with systemic side effects, with the fastest onset of action (like shooting heroin in ur veins)

    currently, the COVID vaccines are delievered intramuscularly (IM), and we see most of the myocarditis happen at the 2nd dose + around 3 days after (bc its a delayed immune response).

    I guess their technique must be magically off on the 2nd dose, huh?

    lol. are you sure you know what you're talking about?

    if only the whole medical community was insightful as @DogOfDanger. u should replace dr. fauci and train everyone. i'm sure u'd become a medical hero around the world over night.

    Nice of you to embarrass yourself a little more.

    The medical community is insightful, you just don't realize it because of this effect -
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-13-2022 at 12:03 AM.

  10. #130

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    Pregnantman is just very toxic. reading his posts on different threads just gives me a headache

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    listen mutha fucka, nobody is claiming that the vaccine is dangerous for all people and killin people left and right. nobody is claiming a clear vaccine = death cause and effect causality. tf bro? if it was that easy i'd rather post a clip of bill gates talking about depopulating society with vaccines.

    but continue doing this low ball straw shit if it makes ya feel good.

    there are specific cardiac risks that are unique to the mRNA COVID vaccines rather than COVID virus itself. the evidence is compelling. this has important implications. like if ima young athlete, i shouldn't be forced by libtards to get vaccinated

    but ya obviously haven't read shit besides the CDC "fact check" (read in an arrogant, nasally voice) from google, larping as an epidemiologist on an obscure forum

    @DogOfDanger, ur full of shit if you think just bc u browse pubmed reading rat studies in your boxers eating cereal in ur lair, u r all the sudden ultimate COVID master

    again the surveillance data on long-term safety, effects, adverse effects, on either the virus or vaccine, is not well established. the risk and outcomes is still unclear. the cardiac risks in actuality, is probably a lot higher than what u see on MSNBC

    now lets talk about ur dumb little VAERS, since u te-information hoards love ur little data points and numbers, but can't see anything beyond them

    when people get myocarditis, or any complication for that matter, they have to fill out the stupid VAERS sheet.

    do u know how complicated this form is? do u think the average dumbass who fills this out even know half the medical terminology on these forms and what they even mean? my basement-dwellin neckbeard ass doesn't.

    as a result, sometimes these reports are simply not even done. we actually don't know how often these reports are done/undone.

    a lot of the current VAERS data has old people (> 40) in them. this will skew the data since we see myocarditis mostly is younger people.

    finally, not only are VAERS complicated, but a "confirmed" myocarditis defined by the CDC, is quite complicated in its strict criteria. (getting a biopsy of the heart, cMRI done, EKG, etc). you do think the average poor person has the time and resources to get all this done? yeah ok fuck that shit.
    20 million dead as a result of the vaccine is what you're claiming here -

    Since you deleted so many of your posts I'm not going over our prior conversations again, you keep quoting me & trying to go back to it, but the conversation is gone. Time to move on

    You don't seem familiar with the VAERS data, either - the VAERS data was widely quoted by anti-vax people as being a smoking pistoi, but as you've pointed out, the VAERS data can't be generalized to the population since, during the time it was collected, older people / people with chronic conditions were prioritized for vaccination. So you had anti-vaxers saying "hey look, there's an elevated occurrence of death in the VAERS data", and this required explaining to them what a random sample is. This is what I'm talking about when I'm mentioning the VAERS data, I am not implying that VAERS is high quality data that proves a case.

    As for your point on myocarditis - myocarditis occurs very shortly after injection, there is no evidence of any long-term cardiac problems associated with the vaccine. The widespread occurrence of myocarditis was ruled out during phase 3 trials. In phase 3 trials test subjects are carefully monitored for symptoms, and followup is pursued on all reported, noteworthy symptoms. The test subject is not obligated to pay for the procedures. The COVID vaccines had tens of thousands of people participate in their phase 3 trails, they were conducted by hospitals all around the country. And with a severe symptom like myocarditis it's very unlikely this would not be reported. So no, there is no issue here with lack of diagnosis or poor people unable to afford a diagnosis.

    Carry onward
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-13-2022 at 01:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post

    Unfortunately for you, this man never suggests what you are claiming, or even comes close to doing so.
    In your first video, for the excess deaths, he lists 6 or 7 possible causes. COVID-19 vaccination is not on his list. So yes, he triggers your paranoia, but that is all he does.
    The man in your video has spent the last 2 years pouring through all the latest COVID research on a daily basis, he's probably one of the leading experts on the COVID vaccines at this point. Why didn't he list COVID-19 vaccine as a potential cause of excess death?
    Here are some potential reasons:
    a) there are now 37 approved COVID-19 vaccines that are being used in various countries around the world, if you don't believe that figure take a look -
    Ukraine had about half its population receive a Russian vaccine / non mRNA vaccines, but its excess mortality is on par with the rest of Europe.
    One of the countries with the highest rate of excess death, Switzerland, had about 65% of their population receive the Moderna vaccine.
    Meanwhile the place with the highest excess deaths, Spain, used about 70% Pfizer and about 20% Moderna. Pfizer is also the most common vaccine used throughout Europe, yet we are seeing these excess deaths much higher in Spain than the rest of Europe.
    Meanwhile Luxemberg has reported fewer deaths than expected, but their populations also received a mix of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
    b) there are 6-7 other explanations that may account for the excess deaths, all of which he lists off. Including long term effects from COVID itself.
    c) the excess deaths look to be related by cardiovascular issues. The post-viral cardiovascular issue is well known and well studied with other viruses, we have historic evidence of elevated cardiovascular risk extending beyond an immediate acute infection. Studies for COVID in this respect are beginning to be produced, by their nature they focus on the earlier periods of the pandemic and the Alpha / Beta strains. There is clear evidence that there is a subgroup of people who've had a COVID infection from one of these earlier variants that will be experiencing cardiovascular risk for a period afterwards, 6-12 months or possibly longer.
    Omicron was considered a much more harmless variant, it was also much more contagious, and it spread throughout the entire population. Omicron infected much higher numbers of people than other variants. If Omicron can induce the same kinds of long term cardiovascular problems that the other variants can, that would explain these numbers.
    The vaccines are very carefully studied and monitored as they're rolled out. Your doctor has seen / shown on his channel numerous population-wide studies correlating vaccine use and medical events, broken down in many ways, and this data has not shown correlations with long term death & vaccination
    e) All known severe side effects associated with the vaccines are short-term effects. And again, it isn't like the vaccines haven't been studied in prolonged trials. We simply do not have any evidence that the excess deaths are caused by the vaccines. If the vaccines were causing deaths it is unlikely that this effect would not appear in the short or medium term, but would only show up 2 years down the line.
    The man in your video is practicing evidence-based medicine.
    Normally you'd hypothesize that people like this were suppressing information and conspiring against you. The deciding factor for you seems to be whether the researcher confirms or denies your paranoia. What I've been asking you to provide is evidence to support your claims.
    f) from google it looks like there is also evidence that the excess deaths are tracking with ER / ambulance wait times. That makes sense since the severe events causing the excess deaths span a wide range of conditions, but they're all conditions that require immediate attention. People don't realize this but the pandemic was horrible for hospitals both financially and in terms of the number of workers quitting. The data on excess death is being compared with pre-pandemic levels, but tons of workers quit during the pandemic. I see one report indicating average ambulance total response time is now 59 minutes, they aim for about 15 minutes. Cardiac events in particular require quick response to deal with.

    In video #4 he then breaks down some actual data on severe medical events following vaccination. Here is the data, as reported severe medical events per 100,000:

    Pulmonary embolism - 1.01 - (stroke)
    Erythema - 1.04 - (superficial reddening of the skin)
    Pain - 1.1

    Palpitations - 1.11
    Hypoaethesia - 1.13 - (decreased sensitivity to stimulation)
    Local reaction - 1.14
    Pruritis - 1.23 - (itchy / dry skin)
    Myocarditis - 1.3 (heart inflammation)
    Herpes Zoster - 1.42
    Somnolence - 1.56 (sleepiness)
    Diarrhea - 1.59
    Arthralgia - 1.97 (joint stiffness)

    Menstrual disorder - 2.03
    Cough - 2.59
    Asthenia - 2.94 (lack of energy)
    Vomiting - 3.93
    Erythema at vaccination site - 4.48
    Reaction at vaccination site - 4.7
    Arrhythmia - 4.8
    Pain in an extremity - 4.81
    Swelling at injection site - 6.21
    Dyspnoea - 6.22
    Parathesia - 7.23
    Warm sensation - 7.23
    Tachycardia - 8.19
    Rash - 9.53
    Malaise - 10.31
    Lymphadenopathy - 11.52
    Nausea - 11.59

    So we can see that only 2 of these self-reported severe events are potentially life threatening - Myocarditis and stroke, with a combined frequency of about 1 in 50,000.
    This is the same number we've been discussing all along.
    Events that are life threatening tend to be reported.
    Basically your own video refutes your own point, and
    provides clear evidence that these severe life threatening events are very rare.

    So then where is that MIT data that claims the vaccine (one of them) has killed 500,000 people...? Your copy/pasted news article mentioned it, but you didn't post the study itself, and I don't see that on the internet anywhere. Go ahead and provide that data.
    pathetic. my argument still stands

    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post

    For the rest - you have now quoted my old posts 3 separate times & responded to them in 3 ways, gone back and deleted / rewritten your own responses multiple times, you actually deleted 7 of your posts, then you spent 2 hours constructing this giant wall of text only to just blabber off a bunch of totally irrelevant insults. I really could not care less what some dumb fatass eating doritos in his mother basement, paranoid that his life is going to come to an end, opinion is. ... and
    I also can't spend the repeated long hours responding to your opinions unless you provide real evidence that justifies them, since it takes no effort to make a claim or repost click-bait slogans, but often significant effort to research / refute said idea. Fundamentally it is your responsibility to prove your claim, we don't start from assuming your claims are correct &, if we can't disprove them, continue assuming they're correct. You know, because we're discussing matters of science, and skepticism is at the very heart of science.
    Now, unlike you I have things to do.... adios
    u havent even posted a pic of u wearing a labcoat. WHERE IS YOUR DIPLOMA??? ur not better than the top florida cardiologist.

    Now, unlike you I have things to do.... adios
    by the way u r gesticulating, it looks like u have been defeated
    Last edited by pregnantman; 10-16-2022 at 09:27 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    i haven't looked into the particulars of andrew tate nor do i care, but it was mostly to point out where the world is headed to now, which is a social credit score system (like china) where the government will have more control over individuals, shutting down (canceling) individuals that arent easily able to be brainwashed. we see all the precursors being set in place.

    critical thinking is a lost art, it's mostly now all just following societies accepted ideologies and using dumbed down propaganda to brainwash everyone. repetition is key. water down your message. say it over and over and over until it's accepted without questioning it.
    Pretty much.

    Quote Originally Posted by pregnantman View Post
    delusional COVID hysteria was a perfect example of this.

    The virus is magically no longer a thing because of the media. The media is very powerful in how it can paint something.

    the elites tooled everyone.

    (and it doesn't surprise me how people just blindly accept whatever negative thing the media says about tate. idc its just a cliche response at this point, most people are simply just dumb and easily manipulated)
    So I admittedly don't watch alot of TV. But isn't it possible that maybe COVID is old news by now and it's no longer a good news story that gets eyeballs?

    From my viewpoint, the media is controlled by money. They get more eyeballs if they say certain things. When they stop getting eyeballs, they change their story.

    While I don't believe that COVID was a lie, I'm aware that the media lies, frequently. I'm sure you know of a few examples of CNN lying, trying to spin stories using a collection of carefully chosen clips. From what I've heard more recently, Fox News is also a little guilty of manipulation. The story I heard is that Fox News broadcasted that people are throwing away their solar panels. Does that even sound realistic?

    If I've heard misinformation, then sorry about that. But I think I heard it from a Republican source, though the source wasn't in any way professional.
    Last edited by Clarke; 10-29-2022 at 02:25 PM. Reason: Technicalities.

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    Man, after seeing this -, he's so cringey Si-Polr. This is making art, without soul. TAKE AWAY ALL HIS BUGATTIS NOW. ROMANIAN JAIL FOR LYFE!

  16. #136
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    Yeah he's a So 3 LIE.

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    LIE psychopath. He’s too corny and tryhard to be Se base and gives very wholesome Te-base advice about self improvement and hard work sometimes. He’s kind of like the tony stark of misogyny

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    LIE psychopath. He’s too corny and tryhard to be Se base and gives very wholesome Te-base advice sometimes

    I find it difficult to believe that he’s a real person, and not just a made up character (to assist with some powerful person’s narratives perhaps). Same with “Greta Thunberg” tbh.

    Like how uncomplex, unmultifaceted and tropey can a person get?
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    This is 100% the behavior of a reformed LIE nerd living out his adolescent fantasies in the most ostentatious way possible after getting rich and taking self defense classes

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    This is 100% the behavior of a reformed LIE nerd living out his adolescent fantasies in the most ostentatious way possible after getting rich and taking self defense classes


    This person reminds me of Oli London with just how absurd and “nerdy white kid in transformation” they are. Ni ego confirmed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post

    hunter gatherer/N type cheekbones, autistic/huntergatherer/N type facial structure
    So I'm quoting you because I really like that you use Filatova's VI work--IMO, it's top tier. I'd just like to caution you about a few things based on some of my observations:

    1.) I think Andrew Tate is an SLI-C (accentuated Se, Ne, and Fe).

    I can see some of the similarities with Tate and LIE but there are more "dead ringers" with the SLIs, which IME, tends to be a more accurate indicator of a correct typing. SLI, LIE, SLE, and IEI (oddly enough) were the types most suggested in this thread and all of them are "left spinning" result types with the same -/+ IE charges. IME, types that share these traits (or, conversely, are "right spinning" process types) are more easily confused for each other not only in behavior, but phenotypically as well. Types along the same supervision and benefit rings require more careful parsing.

    2.) Tate is a champion kick-boxer. Kick-boxing, like most martial arts and sports overall, are more successfully undertaken at the elite/professional level by sensors. Of course, intuitive types can also engage in more sensory, body-based activities and hobbies, but competing at a top level in an area where sensors preternaturally dominate is extremely unlikely, nigh impossible. Again, these are sensors who are at the top of their game--it's a bit ludicrous to think that a type with 2D Se could excel at such a level in a sport that requires quick reflexes, high visual spatial awareness, and raw physical strength/power. Theoretically, it goes against everything that distinguishes sensors from intuitive types. Moreover, a few Socionists have pointed to SLI's penchant for fighting/self defense.

    3.) By virtue of Quadra values, Andrew Tate's espousal of traditional roles rooted in hierarchy (Delta is aristocratic) and his conservative leaning politics ever looking towards the past and the way things were veer closer to Delta than the more liberal (democratic), individualistic, "progressive" Gamma Quadra.

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    Hot body but it's too pretty bowed and too high class gay porn like. Real Chad bodies are a lot messier, he should realize that. Yeah it's nice that he doesn't look obese or repulsive but he's still missing the mark. The hot bisexual Chad that just fucked me a few years ago had a hot body but it wasn't so try hard and it was more grounded/"Messy"/realistic, he looks like he's shooting an audition for a gay porn and it's too fancy for me. I love gay porn though but it's too fake and fantasy and put the bow on the doll package you know?

    The ribbon is best left untied. ((btw I still think he's LSI maybe))

  23. #143
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    He kinda looks like Mohammed/Michel Qissi. Tate is like the real life Tong Po.

    Last edited by godslave; 03-13-2023 at 11:04 AM.

  24. #144
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    Beta or gamma extrovert but I've only seen one interview of his so far

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    So I'm quoting you because I really like that you use Filatova's VI work--IMO, it's top tier. I'd just like to caution you about a few things based on some of my observations:

    1.) I think Andrew Tate is an SLI-C (accentuated Se, Ne, and Fe).

    I can see some of the similarities with Tate and LIE but there are more "dead ringers" with the SLIs, which IME, tends to be a more accurate indicator of a correct typing. SLI, LIE, SLE, and IEI (oddly enough) were the types most suggested in this thread and all of them are "left spinning" result types with the same -/+ IE charges. IME, types that share these traits (or, conversely, are "right spinning" process types) are more easily confused for each other not only in behavior, but phenotypically as well. Types along the same supervision and benefit rings require more careful parsing.

    2.) Tate is a champion kick-boxer. Kick-boxing, like most martial arts and sports overall, are more successfully undertaken at the elite/professional level by sensors. Of course, intuitive types can also engage in more sensory, body-based activities and hobbies, but competing at a top level in an area where sensors preternaturally dominate is extremely unlikely, nigh impossible. Again, these are sensors who are at the top of their game--it's a bit ludicrous to think that a type with 2D Se could excel at such a level in a sport that requires quick reflexes, high visual spatial awareness, and raw physical strength/power. Theoretically, it goes against everything that distinguishes sensors from intuitive types. Moreover, a few Socionists have pointed to SLI's penchant for fighting/self defense.

    3.) By virtue of Quadra values, Andrew Tate's espousal of traditional roles rooted in hierarchy (Delta is aristocratic) and his conservative leaning politics ever looking towards the past and the way things were veer closer to Delta than the more liberal (democratic), individualistic, "progressive" Gamma Quadra.
    Man I wish I was still this committed to explaining my sociotyping arguments. I'm like 5 years to late to the party. Nice job on this.

    I don't know Tate that well, but he vibes like McCafee, who I typed LIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Finaplex View Post
    Man I wish I was still this committed to explaining my sociotyping arguments. I'm like 5 years to late to the party. Nice job on this.

    I don't know Tate that well, but he vibes like McCafee, who I typed LIE.
    You mean John McCafee? I agree that he vibes very similarly to Andrew Tate because he is also SLI-C. lol

    BTW, thanks for the kind commentary on some of my posts, I appreciate it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    You mean John McCafee? I agree that he vibes very similarly to Andrew Tate because he is also SLI-C. lol

    BTW, thanks for the kind commentary on some of my posts, I appreciate it!
    I think we can at least say we agree on valued, conscious Te.

    And you are welcome about the commentary, I found it insightful and useful and I'm bored stuck on computers for a few weeks.

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    I think Andrew tate is SEE. He doesn't have strong Te, but he has strong Se (for example, gaining more money through scamming people with his courses). He is very confident in social situations and has strong Fe too (demonstative function), he is influential and talks about anything just to get attention + he is entertaining which helped him in becoming very known even though he is just another fake guru.

  29. #149
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    SLE it's super obvious. His brother is an LSE.
    "Precision beats power and timing beats speed"

  30. #150
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    so3w4 as hell, close to e8, but he is too focused on his image. SLE 3w4

  31. #151
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    EIE or LIE. Not Se base, not retarded enough.

  32. #152
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    Definite LIE, lol. It’s so obvious. His Se is try-hard. Wants to come off as more intimidating than he truly is. Lame.

  33. #153
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    I think Jordan Peterson is LSI tbh. Ive noticed beta types having this kind of teeth, I think it could be from some form of low si care or something more complex, not sure. I've also seen this kind of teeth in a SLE richard ramirez.

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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    I think Jordan Peterson is LSI tbh. Ive noticed beta types having this kind of teeth, I think it could be from some form of low si care or something more complex, not sure. I've also seen this kind of teeth in a SLE richard ramirez.
    Finally, some quality typology.

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    Lmao u agree?!

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    I think Jordan Peterson is LSI tbh. Ive noticed beta types having this kind of teeth, I think it could be from some form of low si care or something more complex, not sure. I've also seen this kind of teeth in a SLE richard ramirez.
    LSIs have 4D Si. I don't know about the teeth theory, but duals can look similar. I think he's EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    Lmao u agree?!
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    Andrew Tate is certainly one of the people to have ever existed.

  39. #159
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    Fe ego, D/C-EIE-Fe>D-IEI-Fe. His Se/Te resembling qualities are just acting.

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    I don't know but the people I have seen have this teeth are usually se vauling in some form, or it could be related to people who engage a lot in substances/drugs. . .. but yeah I could see that for him, but I personally think Andrew Tate is an SLE. I dont care that much to look into his personality but I think him being LIE is pretty off, he is far too attention seeking.
    Last edited by youfloweryourfeast; 01-16-2024 at 05:07 PM.

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