I would like to understand at what functions those traits are related. This influence a lot the way I take information and my perception, so I think they have some sense in terms of functions. What do you think about it?

- incredible memory about dreams. I can remember literally thousand of dreams (even those 15+ years in the past). I can sit and going in "brainstorming mode" and replay a lot of them. I have in general a good "vibe" memory. I can remember for example what my mom said when I was playing a certain level of a videogame when I was little, or where a person said X thing, the exact place and the general conversation (even after tons of years). Or I remember the general vibe of a day, even the audio of the film my parents were watching while I were with my computer. Tons of useless memories stored in my brain.

- every place in real life has his dream counterparts. Every place I dream have a so different vibe respect to the real that I see them as different place and remember them quite well.

- when I see places in real life I instantly search (unconsciously) for a dream I did about that place. I don't connect it first with previous experience I did, but dreams contexts. The first thing I would think watching a common place of my life would be for exemple "In a dream I did when I was 15, on this beach I was escaping from a panther my dad released".

- when I'm visiting new place I'm costantly in a state of deja vu.
I thought my mind tries to create also very standard places for my dreams so I can walk in the real world as if I already know what to expect. A place slightly similiar to one I dreamt is enough to make me connecting them.

- In my dreams I predicted a lot of events, even things which happened at the same time I was dreaming. When I'm awake I think about possible development of relations between people I know and already knowing what will happen, but I think it is just a "good" brainstorming, for which I select better informations first.

I always felt a mystical connection with my dreams. They are always melancholic and nostalgic. I don't want to forget place I dreamt because it is like I saw another world. For me dreaming is living these worlds. Sometimes I feel half of my existence is in these worlds, and this makes me give less importance to the real world affairs. When I was younger I was a lot darker and immersed in this (in fact, all of my friends said I were INFJ in mbti).

At the same time, the other half of my life is lived somewhat empirically. I am imaginative and write stories (and a lot of them comes from my dreams), but with people and things I'm still quite normal. I don't like going dark as I did when I was a young boy. Nor I fear people, because I've a good control over my emotions.

So, could it be my ignoring function that works when I'm sleeping? Like, Ne needs to perceive abstracts everywhere to function well and so my ignoring work at night to provide me of visions/structures of reality like a by-product? I read ID functions complete you and reflects a sort of spiritual self (idk I don't remember it well). If that was true, I feel a sort of INFp persona inside me, but I think it is useless to express it on the outside. I live that melancholy more when I am alone and I'm writing. I love writing about philosophy, using its concepts to write new myths etc., but I turn off when Im with people, preferring a more "chill" attitude (memes and sh1t like that).