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Thread: Does being raised by one's dual affect function development? (IEI child and SLE parent)

  1. #1
    no bold villain Domesday Lines's Avatar
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    Default Does being raised by one's dual affect function development? (IEI child and SLE parent)

    i'm an IEI and i've noticed that my Se and Si is considerably more developed than most other IEIs. i'm fairly sure my father is an SLE, and my mother may be an ESE, and i wonder if that contributed to it. as a child, I was very adventurous and outgoing, partly because my parents were. they instilled into me a love of travel and challenge, and i've done many solo sports(skiing, snowmobiling, scuba diving, rock climbing, skydiving, etc). it seemed at that younger age, i was much more engaged with my Se. according to my mother though, even as a toddler i was very determined and independent, and would pursue things i wanted totally in spite of the pain it caused. i will say that i can bluff force towards others, but if i experience any pushback, i will quickly crumble. expressing force on others is extremely draining but i am capable of it for a short while. i usually do it to enforce boundaries. i have zero interest in being seen as 'powerful' and i am not competitive against others at all.

    unfortunately my parents were completely ignorant of my emotions, and when i became severely mentally ill as a young teen, i was very emotionally neglected and have been ever since. this started a cascade of mistrust in others and a fear of being lazy, weak, and cowardly. i'm 23 and seem to use my Ni and Ti very heavily now, perhaps detrimentally. i also have much better self care and understanding of health than other body-neglecting IEIs.

    i've also noticed that for some reason, i also value efficiency and effectiveness a lot more than other IEIs. i am very perceptive and always work smarter, not harder, and am often the one who thinks, "how can people be such stupid problem solvers? why can't they see the obviously most effective and clever way?" i am extremely conscious of my limited energy and use my wit to conserve it.

    i am obsessively driven and can be forceful or agressive, but this is typically a strategic move to nip something in the bud and save myself a headache later, especially concerning the energy sinks people call relationships lol. i have very strong boundaries and avoid interpersonal responsibility. i'd say my favorite function is actually Si, because above all else, it turns off my overly analytical mind. i may be confusing my Si and Se usage, because to me i seem to use both. it's unclear to me. i am not a daredevil, i like exciting sports because it makes me feel in tune with my body and the environment.

    one more thing-- i've noticed that IEIs can get overstimulated easily. i actually have very severe sensory processing disorders(BPD, fibromyalgia, etc) and i wonder if that is connected. i'm basically incapable of repressing discomfort and must confront it. i have no choice. is that a facet of Se?

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    There's a DCNH theory that states that the realization of a DCNH subtype involves the development of a corresponding function. For the Dominant subtype, realization comes from using the leading function. So, according to the logic of this theory, which I haven't tested, if you're raised by your dual, you're likely to realize your subtype through your ego functions (including leading). Therefore, if you're raised by a dual, you're likely to have enhanced Te, Fe, and Se, provided you become a Dominant subtype of Victor Gulenko's definition. If you become a Creative subtype, realized through the creative function, you're likely to have enhanced Se, Ne, and Fe, according to Victor Gulenko's definition.

    How does this sound?

    Dominant INFP (Lyricist, IEI, Yesenin) subtype in Humanitarian SocionicsLyricist Mocking
    Impulsive in actions. Being offended, defending himself, he goes on to ridicule the enemy. He has a heightened sense of justice.
    He talks about unusual phenomena or impending events that haunt him. Despite the anxiety, he does not lose faith in victory, in a happy outcome.
    He is drawn to risk, not afraid of exacerbations. Without them, he plunges into longing, which he seeks to drown out with some distracting occupation.
    In extreme situations, he surprises others with his fearlessness in front of danger. He can be wasteful, under the influx of emotions can buy unnecessary things.

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    exposure to weak valued functions should have a nurturing and well-rounding effect

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    This above isn't socionics, it's somewhat MBTI + Jung based and went some place else from what I read. It talks of how people either have developped or undevelopped versions of their functions based on the 4 function stacks of MBTI.

    Point is, lots of people take interest in why two people who would be the same type have different challenges regarding the same function stack, some have it worse than others. Why? I think a lot of it is personal.
    I think people either become well rounded by rising up against being taught to be someone they are not or by being encouraged to have trust that what they have is good enough to face the world.
    Of course both sides can make unhealthy individuals, the first by chocking out the actual strenght of a person, the second by making them arrogant.
    There's likely other parameters that could be used to mesure this all.

    What I've written so far is simplified, life's not so neatly split in two and stuff happens that may tip the scales.

  5. #5
    Kaylee moonmoony's Avatar
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    Enneagram does the same too sometimes

  6. #6
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    at this point 80% of beta NFs i know have fibromyalgia or smth similar, and the rest prolly are not aware or just havent said anything.

    also not sure how good ur Se actually is. participating in activities that cause pain or are dangerous is not necessarily Se but maybe help.
    i do believe u can improve ur cognitive functions and if u lived in a way that did that then that happenned.
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  7. #7
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Athleticism is more genetic related probably than type related. Both of my parents sucked at sports/didn't like them- and I don't either, and we all figured it was just genetic. My mom has 4D demo Se and is powerful, I tease her sometimes and call her a lesbian because of it- but she doesn't really utilize it.

    "pursue things I wanted even though it caused pained" No offense but ur not really a special snowflake IEI for doing this like u think tbh- I'm like this too even though I don't know how to catch a football like a real str8 man. I will always pursue my own independence even if it pisses off somebody else & they try to stop me or punish me. 1D but valued Se, I am a very willful person like that and I think it is a trait of IEIs regardless of what stereotypes ppl attribute high dimension Se to.

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