Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
and even lost your temper at End for warning you that disrespecting one's faith is often a very short road to violence (and proceeded to justify this by comparing yourself to 'hysterical narc victims' which, lol.) .
i dont know if u dont see the irony of this. i did it bc thats what he wanted. if me disrespecting his faith justifies him being violent, how the hell him disrespecting mine doesnt justify the same? besides temper and expression are different things, and there are many ways u can lose ur temper, tho ppl like u and other lowlifes are inclined to believe the narrative thats convenient to align with ur bias, instead of broadening ur perspective and awareness.
as i said many times before, i dont care to change closed minded people's minds. thats on them to do. if someone is crying and spiting othres, i am supposed to figure out why. frankly ur intellectual prowess is way lower than mine which makes u confused despite me likely having a lower iq than the majority of ppl in this forum lol.
yeah my writing is jagged, my movements are jagged, my imagination is jagged and what my mental problem is is a complex issue that takes effort. the fact u dont see what i mean in waht i say likely says u havent considered problems deep enough to see the patterns which criticize the conservative logic while building it. typology also has no evidence. it had no evidence prior to VI, and VI is not evident for some people, veganism is eviddently false despite myself before and others now thinking its evidently healthy. do u get what i mean? ur stuck in a low state of mind and that is not my fault once ive explained things multiple times (it is my fault to the point my cognition makes it jagged)
But you're the last guy I'd trust to make that diagnosis.
all this says is ur biased. if im right im right. and im supposedly aristocratic lmao.