Or you can admit I'm right about a rather critical thing @VewyScawwyNawcissist. You have major attachment issues. If I'm a true demon would I be even remotely willing to, say, give you a hug? You are a strident and vehement enemy thus far. You hate me, yet I question why that is as "hatred" is a logical response to an expectation. An expectation that, if given the slightest opportunity, I"ll hurt you as hard and as violently as I can.

I'll admit that is kinda what Gamma's do if pushed to the limit. We collectively suffer from a complex of "Tied-hands" as it were, but that isn't what we truly want. Fuck, get me in a room with the WEF and the likes of Schwab and yeah, you're gonna get a scene straight out of a horror movie. The mistake will come from assuming I enjoyed that. Like our blessed lord the true pain comes from the unrepentant sinner. Yet unlike him I doubt I'd be able to do what he did. He saw. He felt. He experienced the worst of us...

And yet he still loved us and he still forgives us. If you can even begin to comprehend the very depths of what that means than perhaps we can stop being enemies in your mind...